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1. This article DIDN'T get released on monday as it says, it has been dated back.
2. There have only been five Dungeon Dressings shown, but there are always six different ones in a set.
Please show us the missing one.
3. Please adress the change from Fire Elemental to Water Elemental and back to Fire Elemental again.

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The 4 medium rares all look good, but the Tengu is much cooler than all the others.
The large Cyclops female is much to small for a large miniature.
The 5 Dressings all look good.
The altar & fountain are only needed once.
The portcullis and barred door would be useful more than once.
The fireplace is hopefully the piece which will get the alternative paintjob and be available as a Paizo.com exclusive.
It is the piece that is needed in EVERY Pathfinder adventure multiple times.

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I can now see that there is a non-functioning image icon between the fountain and the portcullis, which doesn´t show up on my mobile.
If i click on it, the missing Knight Statue shows up.
It looks more like a full plate armor propped up on a podium, which is cool. This would also be a nice mini to have more than one of (at least two).
I really wish that the DDs became available outside of the boosters too.
At least some Dungeon Dressings will be available as "Deep Cuts" unpainted minis next year.
There will be:
-Witches Den
-Workbench and tools
-Magic Dias
-Mirror and bird on stand
-Navigators pack
-Wizards room
-Archivist library
-Desk and chair
-Small round tables

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Like most of the figures, esp. the kenku, the elf mystic, and all of the dungeon dressing. I have doors and working portcullis from Dwarven Forge, so I'm unlikely to pick up extras of those singles.
Anyone know the approximate number of figures for Common, Uncommon, and Rare with the Dungeon Dressing factored in? Is it C 4-5, U 2-3, R 1-2?

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What´s pretty cool about the "Dungeon Dressing" pieces: all seem to be of "large" size, except the Knight Statue, which seems to be medium.
-The Portcullis definetly needs to be large to let one or two medium minis "walk" under it. It will probably displace a large creature mini in the booster.
-The Fountain could be medium, but it would make more sense for it to be large with the three tiers.
-The Fireplace certainly looks to be 2 squares broad and two squares high, even with the depth being less than a square.
-The Barred Door piece has to be two squares broad, as the door alone should be one square broad to be appropriately sized for letting a medium creature mini pass.
-The Bloodstained Altar would also make most sense if it was 2 squares long and 1 square broad, so a medium mini can be layed on it.
It will probably not displace a large mini though, as it isn´t that massive.
When these go on sale next wednesday, will they be limited to one per customer?
Which one will get the alternate painting variety treatment?
Personally i hope the fireplace will get a grey stone variant, as it´s the most used dressing piece (havn´t seen a module or AP which didn´t use any), but the easiest repaint would probably be the Knight statue with gold & silver switched.

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I found a set list and prices from an online shop (the art sources were added by me, not all are 100% accurate):
1 Pretty Goblin (???) 3,99
2 Ratfolk Artillery (Monster Codex) 2,99
3 Halfling Butcher (Hell´s Vengeance) 1,99
4 Mindfrond (Bestiary) 2,99
5 Purple Fungus (Bestiary) 3,99
6 Werebear (Bestiary 2) 3,99
7 Pitborn Fighter (Blood of Devils) 2,99
8 Juju Zombie (Bestiary 2) 3,99
9 Witchfire (Mummys Mask) 3,99
10 Ulat-Kini Warrior (Strange Aeons) 3,99
11 Ulat-Kini Mystic (Strange Aeons) 3,99
12 Lizardfolk Warrior (Bestiary) 3,99
13 Wood Golem (Bestiary) 3,99
14 Ratfolk Alchemist (Monster Codex) 5,99
15 Derro Artillery (Strange Aeons) 4,99
16 Pugwampi (Bestiary 2) 4,99
17 Urdefhan Warrior (Inner Sea Monster Codex) 7,99
18 Urdefhan Necromancer (Inner Sea Monster Codex) 7,99
19 Ghost Fungus (Bestiary 2) 6,99
20 Blight Druid (Strange Aeons) 5,99
21 Lizardfolk Mireborn (Module) 7,99
22 Gate Hellknight (Pathfinder Society#7-25) 7,99
23 Ghul (Bestiary 3) 7,99
24 Penanggalen (Bestiary 2) 6,99
25 Minotaur Artillery (Inner Sea Monster Codex) 9,99
26 Minotaur Cleric (Inner Sea Monster Codex) 9,99
27 Giant Moray Eel (Bestiary) 5,99
28 Viper Vine (Bestiary 2) 8,99
29 Deep Lurker (Bestiary) 6,99
30 Sea Drake (Bestiary 2) 6,99
31 Ice Devil (Bestiary) 6,99
32 Amphisbaena (Bestiary 2) 5,99
33 Derro Magister (Occult Bestiary) 8,99
34 Talmandor (Taldor Campaign Setting) 8,99
35 Tengu Hero (Inner Sea Monster Codex) 9,99
36 Elf Mystic (Hell´s Vengeance) 13,99
37 Apostate Devil (Bestiary 5) 9,99
38 Diabolical Mystic (Hell´s Vengeance) 9,99
39 Medium Copper Dragon (Bestiary) 14,99
40 Canopy Lurker (Decapus) (Bestiary 2) 8,99
41 Nightmare Dragon (Strange Aeons) 24,99
42 Large Blue Dragon (NPC Codex) 29,99
43 Cyclops Mystic (Inner Sea Monster Codex) 8,99
44 Minotaur Labyrinth Guardian (Inner Sea Monster Codex) 29,99
45 Fire Elemental Lord (Mythic Adventures) na
46 Air Elemental Lord (Mythic Adventures) na
47 Altar (Dressing) 14,99
48 Barred Door (Dressing) 14,99
49 Fireplace (Dressing) 14,99
50 Fountain (Dressing) 10,99
51 Knight Statue (Dressing) 10,99
52 Portcullis (Dressing) 19,99

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Wow, if these end up as price points applied elsewhere too this will be a booster only situation for me...
In my experience, some will offer a lot of them cheaper (like Paizo themselves next wednesday) and some will offer them for even higher prices.
At least wait until wednesday 25th and check out Paizos webstore. ;-)

Steve Geddes |

It seems to me that sites often price things pretty high early on, then drop them as the initial enthusiasm fades and/or they find themselves left with sculpts the store thought would be more popular than they turned out to be.
I’m always amazed at the pricing of dragon figures. They seem eminently substitutable to me and there are so many sculpts around. I often wonder who’s buying them.

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I popped open a case of Maze of Death earlier this week and there are some really impressive pieces. The Large Blue Dragon is maybe my favorite dragon we've done so far. I think people will really like it, even if he is clinging to a big rock!
The set also includes some sweet minotaurs and some really good scenery in general. And those elementals finally begin to complete the "elemental for every size" goal I set for the line several years ago. It's great to finally have that coming true.
One unfortunate thing we noticed when we got the minis in-hand--the Halfling Butcher figure was erroneously placed on a Medium base in this set, and not on the appropriate Small base. We're looking into how that happened and how to prevent it from happening again, but I wanted you guys to hear it from me before opening packs and wondering what was up.
Luckily, Medium and Small figures occupy the same-sized space, so it's more of an aesthetic problem than a game-play problem, but.... ARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH.
Anyway, it's a really nice set and I hope you like it. :)

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-The Fountain could be medium, but it would make more sense for it to be large with the three tiers.
It's closer to Medium than Large.
-The Bloodstained Altar would also make most sense if it was 2 squares long and 1 square broad, so a medium mini can be layed on it.
It will probably not displace a large mini though, as it isn´t that massive.
I agree that this is more of a Medium as well. You can definitely put a Medium figure on top of the altar standing up as normal, though. I just did it a few minutes ago!
Which one will get the alternate painting variety treatment?
Personally i hope the fireplace will get a grey stone variant, as it´s the most used dressing piece (havn´t seen a module or AP which didn´t use any), but the easiest repaint would probably be the Knight statue with gold & silver switched.
I honestly hadn't considered a repaint of this piece to be likely to draw high demand, but maybe I'm wrong? What do you guys think?

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Welcome back to the previews Erik.
Halfling on a medium base is no big deal. Annoying for you guys possibly but as you say small and medium take up the same space on the battle map.
Don’t know about the fireplace but I’ll be hunting down the door in numbers if it’s sized right. One thing you can always count on finding in a game is a door. Om that note can you give any indication of the doors dimensions?
Erik or Mike a quick query about the future sets(s). Are we likely to see a set containing huge minis like the icons of the realms are doing? There are sooooo many unique, or uniquely styled pathfinder Huges (?) I’d love to see in plastic - see the mobogo for instance.

Anguish |
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I honestly hadn't considered a repaint of this piece to be likely to draw high demand, but maybe I'm wrong? What do you guys think?
Personally, nope.
Walls/doors/gates/fireplaces aren't something I have call for in anything short of massive quantities. I'm either building a room out of dungeon dressing, or I'm not. (Hint: I'm not.)
On the other hand, items within a room are very useful. Everything from barrels to candelabras to altars have all be very welcome to me.
In this set, the only item I'd want in bulk would be the suit of armor. It's a common map occurrence that players will encounter hallways with alcoves, which are always filled with statues or suits of armor, which always animate as monsters or traps. So really, a dozen* or or is a decent number to own for these.
*Disclosure: I already have over a dozen identical generic soldier guys that fill this in, from some other previous miniatures purchase. But that's me.

Yolande d'Bar |
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Also, Erik, I know you get asked for Huges all the time, but the two most egregious omissions there, IMO, are a huge aboleth and a huge behir. There's never been a properly sized aboleth, and only one behir back in the D&D days (now so ridiculously overpriced as to be unaffordable).
A case incentive of huge aboleth and huge behir would be very exciting.

DropBearHunter |

We can also go back to older sets and reclaim repaints of popular pieces, so if there's a piece of repainted terrain you'd like to see, please share it here and we can look into making it happen.
I was going to suggest the sarcophargus as a stone version, but the originals are still around.
Any chance you'll lift the "one per customer" limit now that the set is older?Same question for the Candelabra and who doesn't want more than one Cage?

James the Third |
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The only existing terrain piece I find myself actively needing more of is bar stools. Chairs in general, really.
As far as future sets go, I'm holding out hope for a proper wilderness set—more basic animals, plant creatures, and non-creature plants. My group desperately needs a camel, and I've personally been longing for an Ent that hasn't lost all its leaves.
I'm also in the market for a flying sword mini, an animated rug/flying carpet, or any other animated objects. The mimic and matching treasure chest from Dungeons Deep are still among my favorite pieces to date, and I'd like to see more fightable objects, or even traps.

Rotolord |

One thing I would love to see made in PPM is spell effects. I would surely buy a flying sword or modular Wall of Something.
Not all spells would fit but we only had a shot at it with the (not very popular) Rope Trick, I am sure that field has potential.
Only, don't make them too tiny...that flying sword can be enveloped in flames or energy, but if it is a super tiny thing it's like not having it on the board at all...

DropBearHunter |

One thing I would love to see made in PPM is spell effects. I would surely buy a flying sword or modular Wall of Something..
eh, if I ever play a character that can cast "walls of something" I'll print out pictures of something and build them myself. I'd buy a pdf with spell effects to get cool art though.
Even a map pack of swarms would be cool, so the swarm could be placed under the other miniatures.The rope trick has the disadvantage that it's usually the players that are inside, so why bother placing a mini on the table? How often are players inside it attacked from the outside?

Lorian |

Yes the set is very nice!
I had one minotaur cleric missing it's hand, but I posted in CS forum and they were wonderful and are sending a replacement :)
The only one I'm a little disappointed in is the Witchfire, it doesn't really hold up to the digital render.
But I didn't really expect it to be faithful to that. It was definitely attempted, and it's not terrible, it's just a really hard effect to pull off. It'll definitely be a decent model on table top anyhow, just don't hold it too close ;)

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The rope trick has the disadvantage that it's usually the players that are inside, so why bother placing a mini on the table? How often are players inside it attacked from the outside?
We've found the rope trick mini to be very useful in dungeons to indicate where we entered the current level from the one above, esp. on levels where there are multiple entry points.