MagnusIlluminus's page

9 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.


I completely agree with you on MapTools. I've been using it for years and years, with very few problems.

As a note, there is already a very good set of campaign macros for D&D3.5/Pathfinder 1.0. While not quite perfect, it covers just about everything that MapTools can cover. It can be found at: 94

I'm mentioning that mostly because I use and like it, and partly so you don't have to "re-invent the wheel" if you don't want to.

Add in the "Bag of Tricks" to add even more neat features. I'll let you find that one on your own, but it shouldn't be difficult.

The sixth Dungeon Dressing is there. Kind of. The thumbnail is showing as a missing image, but if you right-click on it and open in new tab, you can see it.

Edit: Ah, you already noticed that.

Other two are decent. As to the "Emperor" mini, well, I've always wanted a mini of Bargle the Infamous. (If you don't know who that is, google it.)

While the Gargantuan minis are nice, that is a good idea. Have a pair of theme-appropriate Huge minis instead of a single Gargantuan as the case incentive. That could work well.

As much as I am (very slightly) disappointed that there will be no Cthonic goodies in this set, the stereotypical fantasy bar has traditionally had at least one deeply cloaked figure of dubious race and disposition that tends to be either a quest-giver or quest-target (and very rarely, just an innocent background figure) that I'm hoping for at least one such figure in this set. Such a figure could also easily be used as a cultist for a Cthonic (or other form of) cult, and thus wound have many uses.

Personally, I'm very happy with gaining more NPC types, even non-combat ones. These will see lots of use, as many dungeons have slave pens with NPCs gathered on raids to be sold as slaves ... or worse, waiting to be rescued.

I have yet to hear or see anything about the case incentive aside from what is in these comments. I'll have to go and look for the thread that talks about it. Unless someone feels like being helpful and linking me to it... hint hint. ;)

Looks good, well posed. As others have stated above, I hope it's reasonably well balanced.

As to suggestions for a Dungeon themed Gargantuan figure:

An advanced Gelatinous Cube. Sure, there is the 'Large' version from the DDM line from years ago, but having one that could engulf (nearly) any other figure from any line would rock. Sure, it's basically a transparent box, but that would keep production costs down. Somewhat niche though. (Set name, number, and symbol could be painted or molded directly onto the inside of the top to avoid needing a base.)

A Mu Spore. Also a Plant and a high level threat.

A Lurker Below/Trapper in the form of a 20 ft (4 inch) square section of floor, possibly with (detachable) treasure chest in the center. Could be combined with the Cube above for a double-Gargantuan pack.

Perhaps a 20ft square room. It could have one or two moveable / removable wall sections to simulate doors or secret doors.

Possibly a small, one story building with detachable base and opening door(s).

For that matter, how about a rowboat that can hold three or four figures? Many dungeons have rivers / streams that have to be traversed. Would also cross well with the Skull & Shackles set.

Sounds to me like it could be a good idea to have a new sub-line of the miniatures. It would be like the 'Encounters' line, but each package would contain variations on one specific Iconic. Once the Iconics have been gone through, it could cover generic PC types. Each package would contain figures for that Iconic with the following variations:

Primary Melee Weapon (or spell-casting)
Primary Ranged Weapon (or spell-casting)
Invisible (clear plastic, 'stealth' pose optional)
Sleeping / Dead
Reversed Gender

Doing this could, but would not have to, entirely remove the Iconics from the normal miniatures line, thus leaving space for other figures. Doing this would also not eat up a slot in a normal set for one of these niche figures. Admittedly, any such thing as this would probably be expensive (say, 40 to 50 dollars US per package), and would be a fairly niche product, but they would sell. I'd buy them anyway.

It could also be a good idea to have an entire package focused on the same Iconic, but as a different ethnicity. It would give people more choices.

A minor correction to the OP. There is a Medium Silver Dragon in the Underdark set of DDM.

I have two Cases from different sources. Case 1 (Bricks A,B,C,D) had no tape on boosters, and matched rarity distribution of Very Rare being in back row, 4th from left (I didn't note locations, but I remember this much). Case 2 (Bricks E,F,G,H) had tape on boosters, though one booster had two pieces on top and both were cut. Bricks E and H had same rarity distribution as Case 1, but F and G were entirely random (as to location within the Brick of each rarity) with G having two boosters facing inward. That last bit may not be important, but I noticed it anyway.

A few minis were floating loose, but no bends / breaks except for the third Seelah missing her left lower arm and shield. It also seemed to me that the painting was slightly different between the two cases. It was strongest with the Spectre, but even then only slightly different. Sorry, don't have the ability to take/post photo at this time.

Both Cases contained full sets.

Brick A:
1 Goblin Warrior (Red)
2 Goblin Hero (Red)
7 Skeleton
8 Watch Guard
9 Watch Officer
11 Zombie
12 Giant Spider
13 Wolf
14 Venomous Snake
16 Human Rogue
17 Human Ranger
19 Half-Elf Cleric
22 Gnome Fighter
23 Dire Rat
26 Spectre
27 Seelah, Human Paladin
29 Medusa
31 Ogre
32 Troll
37 Frost Giant (two pieces of tape holding bag of weapons)
40 Vampire

21 minis, no duplication

Brick B:
3 Goblin Warrior (Blue)
4 Goblin Hero (Blue)
5 Orc Brute
7 Skeleton
9 Watch Officer
11 Zombie
12 Giant Spider
13 Wolf
14 Venomous Snake
15 Mummy
18 Elf Wizard
19 Half-Elf Cleric
21 Human Druid
26 Spectre
28 Werewolf
29 Medusa
32 Troll
33 Ettin
36 Giant Caveweaver Spider
38 Succubus

20 minis, no duplication

Brick C:
1 Goblin Warrior (Red)
2 Goblin Hero (Red)
5 Orc Brute
6 Orc Warrior
7 Skeleton
8 Watch Guard
10 Lizardfolk Champion
11 Zombie
15 Mummy
18 Elf Wizard
20 Dwarf Fighter
21 Human Druid
22 Gnome Fighter
23 Dire Rat
24 Gargoyle
26 Spectre
27 Seelah, Human Paladin
32 Troll
33 Ettin
35 Manticore
39 Lich

21 minis, no duplication

Brick D:
1 Goblin Warrior (Red)
2 Goblin Hero (Red)
3 Goblin Warrior (Blue)
4 Goblin Hero (Blue)
5 Orc Brute
7 Skeleton
10 Lizardfolk Champion
11 Zombie
12 Giant Spider
14 Venomous Snake
16 Human Rogue
18 Elf Wizard
19 Half-Elf Cleric
20 Dwarf Fighter
25 Half-Orc Barbarian
28 Werewolf
29 Medusa
30 Minotaur
31 Ogre
34 Chimera
40 Vampire

21 minis, no duplication

Case 1 stats:
Full set, 83 minis
Common 1 to 4
1 Goblin Warrior (Red) 3
2 Goblin Hero (Red) 3
3 Goblin Warrior (Blue) 2
4 Goblin Hero (Blue) 2
5 Orc Brute 3
6 Orc Warrior 1
7 Skeleton 4
8 Watch Guard 2
9 Watch Officer 2
10 Lizardfolk Champion 2
11 Zombie 4
12 Giant Spider 3
13 Wolf 2
Uncommon 1 to 3
14 Venomous Snake 3
15 Mummy 2
16 Human Rogue 2
17 Human Ranger 1
18 Elf Wizard 3
19 Half-Elf Cleric 3
20 Dwarf Fighter 2
21 Human Druid 2
22 Gnome Fighter 2
23 Dire Rat 2
Rare 1 to 3
24 Gargoyle 1
25 Half-Orc Barbarian 1
26 Spectre 3
27 Seelah, Human Paladin 2
28 Werewolf 2
29 Medusa 3
30 Minotaur 1
31 Ogre 2
32 Troll 3
33 Ettin 2
34 Chimera 1
35 Manticore 1
36 Giant Caveweaver Spider 1
37 Frost Giant 1
38 Succubus 1
39 Lich 1
40 Vampire 2

Brick E:
1 Goblin Warrior (Red)
2 Goblin Hero (Red)
3 Goblin Warrior (Blue)
4 Goblin Hero (Blue)
5 Orc Brute
7 Skeleton
9 Watch Officer
10 Lizardfolk Champion
13 Wolf
14 Venomous Snake
17 Human Ranger
20 Dwarf Fighter
21 Human Druid
22 Gnome Fighter
23 Dire Rat
24 Gargoyle
26 Spectre
29 Medusa
31 Ogre
33 Ettin
37 Frost Giant (one piece of tape holding bag of weapons)
40 Vampire

22 minis, no duplication

Brick F:
3 Goblin Warrior (Blue)
4 Goblin Hero (Blue)
6 Orc Warrior x2
7 Skeleton
8 Watch Guard
9 Watch Officer
13 Wolf
15 Mummy
16 Human Rogue
17 Human Ranger
18 Elf Wizard
20 Dwarf Fighter x2
21 Human Druid
25 Half-Orc Barbarian
30 Minotaur
32 Troll
36 Giant Caveweaver Spider
38 Succubus

20 minis, 2 duplicates

Brick G:
5 Orc Brute
6 Orc Warrior
8 Watch Guard
10 Lizardfolk Champion
11 Zombie
12 Giant Spider
13 Wolf
16 Human Rogue
17 Human Ranger
19 Half-Elf Cleric
20 Dwarf Fighter
22 Gnome Fighter
23 Dire Rat
26 Spectre
28 Werewolf
29 Medusa
30 Minotaur
33 Ettin
35 Manticore
39 Lich

20 minis, no duplication

Brick H:
1 Goblin Warrior (Red)
2 Goblin Hero (Red)
6 Orc Warrior
7 Skeleton
8 Watch Guard
9 Watch Officer
11 Zombie
13 Wolf
14 Venomous Snake
15 Mummy
16 Human Rogue
21 Human Druid
22 Gnome Fighter
23 Dire Rat
24 Gargoyle
27 Seelah, Human Paladin
28 Werewolf
31 Ogre
33 Ettin
34 Chimera
40 Vampire

21 minis, no duplication

Case 2 stats:
Full set, 83 minis
Common 1 to 4
1 Goblin Warrior (Red) 2
2 Goblin Hero (Red) 2
3 Goblin Warrior (Blue) 2
4 Goblin Hero (Blue) 2
5 Orc Brute 2
6 Orc Warrior 4
7 Skeleton 3
8 Watch Guard 3
9 Watch Officer 3
10 Lizardfolk Champion 2
11 Zombie 2
12 Giant Spider 1
13 Wolf 4
Uncommon 1 to 4
14 Venomous Snake 2
15 Mummy 2
16 Human Rogue 3
17 Human Ranger 3
18 Elf Wizard 1
19 Half-Elf Cleric 1
20 Dwarf Fighter 4
21 Human Druid 3
22 Gnome Fighter 3
23 Dire Rat 3
Rare 1 to 3
24 Gargoyle 2
25 Half-Orc Barbarian 1
26 Spectre 2
27 Seelah, Human Paladin 1
28 Werewolf 2
29 Medusa 2
30 Minotaur 2
31 Ogre 2
32 Troll 1
33 Ettin 3
34 Chimera 1
35 Manticore 1
36 Giant Caveweaver Spider 1
37 Frost Giant 1
38 Succubus 1
39 Lich 1
40 Vampire 2

Between the two cases, the minis averaged out reasonably. I noticed that three of the four Bricks with a Werewolf also had a Wolf, but one did not (D).