Ninja Division to Make Starfinder Miniatures!

Friday, March 31, 2017

As many of you may have heard over the last week or so, Ninja Division has partnered with Paizo to make prepainted miniatures for the Starfinder Roleplaying Game! While we are still in the early days, we're extremely excited, and wanted to give you a sneak peak of the sculpting process. These images are by no means final. All final miniatures from Ninja Division will be pre-painted. All ship bases will be hexagonal for use in space combat.

So, with no further ado, Lets start with the images of the Starfinder Iconics! These will all be sold in a single, or two sets, based on costs, price to be determined.

Here are some ships of Pact World and Eoxian design!

Keep your eyes open for more details on Starfinder Roleplaying Game and licensed product! Enjoy!

Michael Kenway
Director of Licensing

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Starfinder Superscriber

Very cool!

You have my attention.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I like the fact that you can pick what you want. Im concerned that feature will drive up the base price to a point where complete sets are not feasable.

Dark Archive

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Can we get some indication of size on the ships? Are those one inch bases?

How many miniatures will be in the set?

Dark Archive

I will buy all initial Starfinder minis, even though i really hope they don't use these ugly bases for the iconics/creatures.

Michal, ETA for these is august earliest i assume?

Even though i like the fact that you show us better quality pictures of the Starfinder renders (they have all been on the net before in lesser resolution), i'm mainly here for the Pathfinder Battles minis preview and that itch unfortunately hasn't been scratched by this nice Starfinder preview. ;-)

Considering that 20 individual miniatures from "Crown of Fangs" plus most of the incentive pieces are unrevealed and that the set will release on a wednesday in may in North America, there are between four and eight weekly previews left before release...

The exact release date will most likely be announced next week by Wizkids. ;-)

Scarab Sages

I've been away for months and months.
I've logged on to ask if these models will be available unpainted, or of the paint they come in can be stripped easily without losing detail.

Why would you opt for pre-painted?! Surely it's more expensive, and I'd imagine more players would want unpainted models.

Shadow Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Looking good. I'll reserve final judgement when I see a painted example. At 1-2 per pack I expect they'll be a little more pricey than what were used to here for prepaints but it's so good to see minis planned for the line.

Love that Yosokai (is that the correct name for the ratfolk?) The Envoy has a realm anime feel, primarily the face so I can see some folk not liking the "cartoony" nature , personally I like her.

How about monst...err aliens and villains? Most people are going to want enemies for their players to fight on the tabletop of deep space.

How many miniatures are we likely to see released in the first wave?

The ships really excite me, again need to see the painted versions. I do have to ask why Eoxian in the first set? Are they playing a significant role in the first AP? IS this just a very tiny sampling of what being released?

Does this mean no Crown of Fangs this week? While I'm a fan of prepaints and new releases with CoF so close I'm itching to see what remains in the set, especially the dressing and incentive piece(s)

Oh nice. The detail on that rat is sick.

:( No Vesk Iconic mini. Sadness.

Paizo Employee Pathfinder Society Lead Developer

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Leo_Negri wrote:
:( No Vesk Iconic mini. Sadness.

Perhaps there are more minis to come, and these are but the first ones previewed.

Liberty's Edge

Plastic or resin?

Oh so this is what my hard earned creds are buying me: more pointless military hardware that's going to defend the mega corps and the inner rim while us colonials have to fend fer ourselves. Look at the size of that Pact World Naval Ship, why it makes me sick!

I don't suppose there's a metal version if someone wants all that delicious detail..

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

What's this? You mean I can buy these pre-painted beauties without having to resort to gambling my money on mystery boxes?

Grand Lodge

Oh! They're beautiful!


Looks like the Bone Sages of Eox finally got tired of pondering the Universe's mysteries on their dead world and decided to conquer it instead. Those look like some very nasty and powerful skeletal starships.

Fair warning, I'm going to buy all of these.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Pre-painted plus non-random makes me notably more interested in these than the standard Pathfinder minis.

Lord Gadigan wrote:
Pre-painted plus non-random makes me notably more interested in these than the standard Pathfinder minis.

Uh, agreed. The only good thing about random minis is that they can help you build an army of similar monsters quickly, the bad thing is literally everything else.

I have no special knowledge, but my reading of the blog was that the iconics will come in non-blind sets. I didn't take that as meaning that all miniature releases will be non-random. I figured it was kind of like the iconic heroes sets vs the standard cases.

Non-random is nicer in one way, but the big problem is the pricing. Nobody's found a way to economically produce a wide variety of figures - you can have any two of Non-Random, Cheap or Wide variety. Managing to tick all three of those boxes has eluded the manufacturers so far.

Hopefully, ninja studios have found some clever insight allowing them to achieve all three, but it seems to me more likely that there'll either be random sets as well as non-random or that it's going to take years to flesh out our Starfinder collections.

Steve Geddes wrote:
you can have any two of Non-Random, Cheap or Wide variety. Managing to tick all three of those boxes has eluded the manufacturers so far.

we'll have to wait for RYCB 3D printing. Is only a matter of time.

Probably. I suspect any solution will be technological, not any economic/business insight.

Steve Geddes wrote:
Probably. I suspect any solution will be technological, not any economic/business insight.

An option might be to put up the digital renders pre production and let the customers pre order singles, rather than cases.

Then you set the rarity based on those numbers, rather than taking a guess based on experience.
Those who pe-ordered get their singles in the numbers they want, everyone else the blind package as usual.
I don't know what the time is between between rendering and shipping, the attention span of the common D&D player might get in the way.
Plus a nightmare of logistics, but that is what microchips are for.

I think it always boils down to the fact that we all need a dozen orcs, a few ogres and one lich. Producing to demand means liches need to be twenty dollars each (or single colour paint jobs). So producing liches is uneconomic and we all end up with loads of different orcs but none of the rarer creatures.

The blind case model essentially means those of us who buy cases subsidise those rare sculpts, paying a few cents extra for every orc (and giving up on some variety there) but meaning those obscure things can get produced.

My hope (barring technological breakthrough) is that ninja studios do the same as wizkids - visible boosters for the basics and blind cases to allow the production of a wide range of cheap sculpts. I don't know how they usually run their business though.

DropBearHunter wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
Probably. I suspect any solution will be technological, not any economic/business insight.

An option might be to put up the digital renders pre production and let the customers pre order singles, rather than cases.

Then you set the rarity based on those numbers, rather than taking a guess based on experience.
Those who pe-ordered get their singles in the numbers they want, everyone else the blind package as usual.
I don't know what the time is between between rendering and shipping, the attention span of the common D&D player might get in the way.
Plus a nightmare of logistics, but that is what microchips are for.

The time between the end of a Bones Kickstarter and the actual delivery should give you a baseline for what your are envisioning, then add the time needed for painting.

Sovereign Court

Mine all mine...don't touch wrote:
Can we get some indication of size on the ships? Are those one inch bases?

There are a few videos online of gameplay from a video interview during one of the recent game conventions. They have the ships on the table during the game.

Dark Archive

Hikusenba wrote:
Mine all mine...don't touch wrote:
Can we get some indication of size on the ships? Are those one inch bases?
There are a few videos online of gameplay from a video interview during one of the recent game conventions. They have the ships on the table during the game.

Not entirely sure which video you mean, but i was inder the impression that early testing was using scavenged parts from other games. It you have a video showing these pieces could you provide a link? Thank you.

Paizo Employee

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The detail on these is really impressive! I hope the paint job matches up. C'mon Ninja Division, I believe in you.

I was so hoping there'd be Starfinder minis. Will definitely be following the process with this line with much anticipation. Pre-painted and non-random? I know it's not everybody's way to purchase minis, but that is exactly the way I like to get mine, so you have me sold already!

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Would be way cooler when not pre-painted.
Looks like good quality so far though!

DropBearHunter wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
you can have any two of Non-Random, Cheap or Wide variety. Managing to tick all three of those boxes has eluded the manufacturers so far.
we'll have to wait for RYCB 3D printing. Is only a matter of time.

I'm looking forward to the day when we can customize our own cases. :)

Mine all mine...don't touch wrote:
Hikusenba wrote:
Mine all mine...don't touch wrote:
Can we get some indication of size on the ships? Are those one inch bases?
There are a few videos online of gameplay from a video interview during one of the recent game conventions. They have the ships on the table during the game.
Not entirely sure which video you mean, but i was inder the impression that early testing was using scavenged parts from other games. It you have a video showing these pieces could you provide a link? Thank you.

Early testing indeed used scavenged parts, but the game is long since finished and off to the printers, the most recent play test video was from just two weeks ago and used the paper pawns. For the life of me I can't find the link but there was a YouTube video from the vegas playtest

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Of course, now I am interested in Starfinder's aerospace architecture (such vital things as deck plans, the visual look of the ships of different races, etc.)

Dark Archive

FYI - The ninjadivision link is broken!

Grand Lodge


Where are the subscriptions for anything related to Starfinder?!?!?!

Sovereign Court

DropBearHunter wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
you can have any two of Non-Random, Cheap or Wide variety. Managing to tick all three of those boxes has eluded the manufacturers so far.
we'll have to wait for RYCB 3D printing. Is only a matter of time.

Royal Yacht Club Belgique?

GeraintElberion wrote:
DropBearHunter wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
you can have any two of Non-Random, Cheap or Wide variety. Managing to tick all three of those boxes has eluded the manufacturers so far.
we'll have to wait for RYCB 3D printing. Is only a matter of time.
Royal Yacht Club Belgique?

red, yellow, cyan, and black on white carrier material?

ok, googling on the computer (instead of posting from the phone) it's CYMK

actually already exists for figures, using colored glue on a white powder but is very slow.

Yes, A Kasatha miniature. No longer will I use an elf druid for my Kasatha magus.

Grand Lodge

Any news yet on what month these will release? I hope still in Q3!

Dark Archive

Varun Creed wrote:
Any news yet on what month these will release? I hope still in Q3!

Vic mentioned somewhere that a september release date is planned.

I don't know enough about Ninja Division to say if that is realistic or not.

Dark Archive

As Ninja Division doesn´t seem to be big on previews, i wanted to ask if we could maybe get a preview in august (or whenever you get some renders/prototypes yourself)?

I´d love to pre-order some minis, but it´s probably going to be a very close call to get these in september.

If i am honest, i am more than a little sceptic that the september release window will work out.

Dark Archive

Miniaturemarket has pictures of the first four sets up:

Iconic Heroes Set 1:

-Human Envoy
-Android Operative
-"Insectoid" Mystic
-"medium starship" (can't read the text)

Suggested Retail Price is $39.99, but miniaturemarket offers it for $10 less if you preorder.

They are expected to ship between october & december.

Dark Archive

Iconic Heroes Set 2:

-Obozaya - Vesk Soldier
-Althunus - Kasatha Solarion
-Raun - Lashunta Technomancer
-Quig - Ysoki Mechanic
-Scout - Quig's Drone

$39.99 srp/ $29.99 preorder

3 medium & 2 small minis.

Dark Archive

Pact World Fleet Set 1:

-Atech Immortal
-Kevolani Venture
-Mindworld Winchester (names are hard to see & could be different)

3 medium bases with 1 small, 1 medium & 1 large ship suspended on clear poles.

SRP $35.99 / $26.99 preorder

Dark Archive

Corpse Fleet Set 1:

-Thaumatech Omensearcher
-Blackwind Sepulcher
-Death's Head Necrocruizer
(again, names are hard to read)

3 medium bases with 1 small, 1 medium & 1 large ship mini on it (clear poles again)

SRP $35.99 /preorder $26.99

Dark Archive

Some thoughts:

While the pre-painted minis all look VERY good, the suggested retail price is way too high.
With lots of cheap Star Wars minis out there, i expect sales to be low.

The ships use the same bases as the Pathfinder Battles & D&D minis, unfortunately the "Iconic Heroes" don't.
They have the "slightly curved at the rim" bases, that a lot of unpainted minis use.

The release date is uncertain and october seems optimistic, i expect november if we're lucky.

Still, good to see progress.

Marco Massoudi wrote:
While the pre-painted minis all look VERY good, the suggested retail price is way too high.

A consequence of non-random. Quality or value have to give if you avoid random sets with their differing rarities.

Depending on subscription options I'll get at least two of each, I think - at least at first.

I was excited by the idea of Starfinder mini. While the scult look great, the paint and price cooled that excitement down.

The Corpse Fleet Set : White ship with a bit of red. I think they are trying to give us a feel of bones and blood, but I find them rather dull. I feel more could have been done.

Pact Worlds Fleet Set : These are a bit better, but again, the 2 color scheme is dissapointing.

At 9$ a ship, with the preorder discount (12$ without), I was hoping for a bit more.

As for the Iconic, I see more color there, but hard to see the details on the picture. They are 6$ with the preorder discount (8$ without) They are on the costly side, but you get exactly what you want. Good for players, maybe not so much for collectors and GMs. I'll have to reserve judgement on how they handle the critters. The one thing however for me is that about the paint is that I would ahave prefered a darker tone.

Dark Archive

Steve Geddes wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
While the pre-painted minis all look VERY good, the suggested retail price is way too high.

A consequence of non-random. Quality or value have to give if you avoid random sets with their differing rarities.

Depending on subscription options I'll get at least two of each, I think - at least at first.

If i compare these STARFINDER sets to the PATHFINDER "Iconic Heroes" sets, Wizkids seems like the better company to handle these things.

Not only are the Pathfinder sets cheaper, they also have more minis in them.

Of course, i will have to wait until i have the actual miniatures in hand to judge the quality of them, but paying $36 for one small, one medium & one large spaceship seems ridiculess.

I will get the four initial sets, but i doubt many others (besides you, Steve & some other hardcore collectors) will. ;-)

I can see the "Iconic Heroes" sets selling a bit better, but $10 for one medium miniature (set 1) or $8 per mini (for 3 medium and two small minis in set 2) seems very much compared to the price of $30-$35 for 6-7 minis in the Pathfinder Iconic Heroes sets.

Let's not forget that the Pathfinder Iconics have years of backstory.

The Starfinder Iconics are brandnew and don't have that level of popularity.

I hate to be a spoilsport, but i am very sure these are the only non-random miniature sets we'll see for Starfinder if prices stay that high.

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