Out Adventuring, Be Back Soon

Friday, January 22, 2016

Hey, Pathfinder Battles fans! Erik is currently sequestered in meetings and other important Paizo happenings, so I'm stepping in to take the blog wheel this week.

Iconic Heroes Set 5

Earlier this week Tanis gave us a glimpse at a few brand new Adventure Card Game promo cards included in Iconic Heroes Set 5. I think it's about time to put some faces to those names, so let's take a look at the renders for the set. First up we have Kess (the iconic brawler), Oloch (the iconic warpriest), and Zadim (the iconic slayer):

And up next, we have Enora (the iconic arcanist), and Adowyn (the iconic hunter) and her wolf companion Leryn:

Iconic Heroes Set 5 is due to release soon, so keep your eyes out for final photographs of these figures on paizo.com in the next couple weeks!

Rusty Dragon Inn Singles

To give a quick update on the status of the Rusty Dragon Inn Singles: we do still plan to do a restock and some of our more highly sought after figures will be available once again early next week and to give our subscribers a heads up once this happens. Subscribers to Pathfinder Battles and any of our other subscriptions from paizo.com should have received their shipment notification email by now. If you still haven't seen this go through, let our Customer Service team know!

Chris Lambertz
Community & Digital Content Director

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Adowyn Enora Iconic Heroes Kess Miniatures Oloch Pathfinder Battles Rusty Dragon Inn Zadim
Silver Crusade Contributor

Looking forward to this set! ^_^

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Ok, I will admit, this is very stupid, but my first reaction - when did Enora bleach her hair? I know that sounds stupid, but I just always gathered that her hair was a darker blond.

Still, these do look good.

Dark Archive

For photos of the actual minis just visit:


Enora has light blonde hair, i fear. ;-)

These all look fabulous, but I think that Oloch and Adowyn in particular are going to be a very big hit; they both work really well for archetypal characters that in my experience a lot of players want to play.

Liberty's Edge

Glad to see a return to form after the last set. I was really disappointed with set 4, so much so that it managed to break my collect-em-all mentality with these sets. Excited for set 5 though. Will likely be picking it up upon release.

Dark Archive

BMO wrote:
Glad to see a return to form after the last set. I was really disappointed with set 4, so much so that it managed to break my collect-em-all mentality with these sets. Excited for set 5 though. Will likely be picking it up upon release.

Could you rate the set in the minis section?

I´m hearing 2 thirds bad and 1 third good things about this set, but all the face pictures look really bad (with the exception of Kolo - the little guy looks cute).


Wow, this may inspire me to buy my first set. These look great. And the wolf is a super useful mimi for any GM to have.

Dark Archive

BardWannabe wrote:
Wow, this may inspire me to buy my first set. These look great. And the wolf is a super useful mimi for any GM to have.

The Wolf is actually the least cool mini.

It is far too large for a normal wolf and could only be an advanced wolf or really buff animal companion (which it is).
Also it looks hunchbacked.
But the rest of the minis look great!

I think the wolf pose looks great, he's got the fur on his back raised and is baring his teeth, growling and preparing to strike. Yes, he'll make a great animal companion, but I'd use him in just about any wolf encounter.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Looking at wizkids site I think this set looks pretty solid with the biggest issues for me being Adowyn and the wolf. Need to see more pics of the actual minis before I decide but I'm certainly going to get this one.

BMO sorry to hear you didn't like set 4. There HAS to be some huge variation in the set, mine are fantastic, the weakest in my mind being Crowe or Lirianne. Crowe is a little too small, great details, excellent paint, very solid face, just smaller than I expected. Lirianne still seems to suffer from small head syndrome. Overall the detail and paint were great on mine and I've been a long time sonic when it comes to the faces in the PFB line.

I'm also hoping we'll see set 6 soon since it still looks like it's going to ship in Feb as well and I really want to see how they do reiki, Quinn and hayato.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I've got no idea what is going on with Iconics Set #4. Mine was absolutely fantastic.

I feel like one of two things is happening, and maybe both:

1. There is huge difference in quality from one wave of this release to another.

2. Folks are reviewing these pieces based on pictures they see, and not the pieces in-hand.

I suggest anyone on the fence about the Iconics Set #4 to ignore any review from somebody that doesn't have it in-hand. Pictures can look horrible compared to the actual pieces.

Instead, swing over to YouTube and check out one of the videos there that review the set you want to know about. Unfortunately, my favorite reviewer, Adamantine Adam, seems to have gone AWOL. In his reviews, he showed each piece both up close and on the table from a short distance. The latter viewpoint was somewhat similar to how it would look during a gaming session. The former was also great because even though it was close, it would catch the light as he turned the piece.

Anyways, that's a much better source of information than the photos that Erik often puts up. And definitely much better than these one-angle, close-ups I've seen of pieces on other sites.

The photo distortion applies to other hobbies. I collect statues, and recently purchased a Power Girl statue from Sideshow. Despite some quality control issues on previous pieces like Wonder Woman, the pieces in the DC line have usually turned out great. Power Girl looked pretty bad in some of the pictures they put up on their site of the actual piece. After watching close to ten video reviews of the piece, I finally caved and bought one. It turns out that it's one of the most beautiful pieces Sideshow has done within the last year or two. Simple, but spectacular.

Anyways, the point is go ahead and put more stock into video reviews than pictures of the pieces.

The same thing goes for the quality of the Rusty Dragon Inn pieces. I've seen a couple negative reviews, and I just don't get it. In my opinion, the set is the second best one (behind Dungeons Deep) in terms of overall quality. In fact, not one of the faces in my case was truly derpy or anything of that sort. There were maybe three or four pieces (mostly dwarves and humans) where the face was JUST OKAY. But compared to previous Pathfinder Battles sets, there wasn't a bad piece.

I should point out that the quality of the Rusty Dragon set came as a major relief to me. The fact that much of the set is human or dwarf, where we've seen frequent quality control issues in previous sets, had me worried. And then many of the pictures I saw of the actual pieces weren't that flattering, either. Quite frankly, I was rather terrified that the set would turn out a disaster. I'm over the moon that my worry was all for naught.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

If there is enough interest, I'll do a YouTube review of Iconics Set #4, The Rusty Dragon Inn set, or any previous set. Let me know if you folks out there on the fence about these sets think a well done YouTube review would be helpful.

Some of the user reviews I've seen in the past don't do a great job of showing off each piece. Sometimes the pieces get flashed in front of the camera too quick. Other times the pieces are shown on a table together, but without focus on each piece. Still others show off each piece but with a static camera. A still camera is great, but if you don't turn the piece it doesn't catch the light from different angles and the product looks too flat and dark.

So anyways, please let me know if there is interest in a video review.

Dark Archive


I found this video that shows the whole set.
It really looks better than the photos.

Dark Archive


Also the link above is a video of a brick unboxing.

Its not great, so a review by Pigraven would be much appreciated.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Marco's Video Links Linked:

The Rusty Dragon Inn—Whole Set

The Rusty Dragon Inn—Brick unboxing

Liberty's Edge

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ferris.valyn wrote:

Ok, I will admit, this is very stupid, but my first reaction - when did Enora bleach her hair? I know that sounds stupid, but I just always gathered that her hair was a darker blond.

Still, these do look good.

Heh... that was my first reaction as well.

The original Wayne Reynolds picture in the ACG had more brown hair. Some of the others pictures I've seen of her in other things since, though, have blonder hair.

Dark Archive

Set #4 and the Rusty Dragon Inn should be out in EUROPE on february 12th.

D&D Icons Set 4: "Monster Menagerie" has been bumped back to April in North America.

On another note:
Mtgandmore (the biggest german mini site) says that D&D Icons of the Realms Set 5 (untitled yet but could be "Curse of Strahd") will be out in June 2016!!!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Marco Massoudi wrote:

Set #4 and the Rusty Dragon Inn should be out in EUROPE on february 12th.

D&D Icons Set 4: "Monster Menagerie" has been bumped back to April in North America.

On another note:
Mtgandmore (the biggest german mini site) says that D&D Icons of the Realms Set 5 (untitled yet but could be "Curse of Strahd") will be out in June 2016!!!

If Monster Menagerie is truly pushed back to April, it's hard to believe Set 5 will be out as soon as June. My guess is at least a four or five month wait. It might be tentatively scheduled for that right now, but I'll be shocked if it stays that way.

Dark Archive

Pigraven wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:

Set #4 and the Rusty Dragon Inn should be out in EUROPE on february 12th.

D&D Icons Set 4: "Monster Menagerie" has been bumped back to April in North America.

On another note:
Mtgandmore (the biggest german mini site) says that D&D Icons of the Realms Set 5 (untitled yet but could be "Curse of Strahd") will be out in June 2016!!!

If Monster Menagerie is truly pushed back to April, it's hard to believe Set 5 will be out as soon as June. My guess is at least a four or five month wait. It might be tentatively scheduled for that right now, but I'll be shocked if it stays that way.

Check the d&d facebook site, it is an official twitter tweet from wizkids with the april pushback.

Personally i think the june date was from before the pushback from february to april.
But when i figure the pushback is due to the lateness of The Rusty Dragon Inn and Set 5 is supposed to be Curse of Strahd (the new campaign out on march 15th) it could be..

Dark Archive

The "Dancing Girl" - a COMMON mini from the Rusty Dragon Inn set has sold out!
A common.
That really shows how popular this set is.
Great news!

Dark Archive

The 2 horses are propably the next ones to sell out.
They get 5 star ratings, are uncommon (2-3 per case) and are super useful as a medium or small mini can be placed on the base besides them.

Marco Massoudi wrote:

The "Dancing Girl" - a COMMON mini from the Rusty Dragon Inn set has sold out!

A common.
That really shows how popular this set is.
Great news!

Im short one of each of the horses but will probably buy some boxes here and there at local shop during gaming session. Hoping to get the ones I need in those boxes.

Community & Digital Content Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey folks, here's an update on singles that we've just sent to subscribers:


As a subscriber to Pathfinder Battles, we wanted to give you notice that we are about to restock singles for our latest miniatures set Rusty Dragon Inn.

Because of the overwhelming popularity of this set, we've set a limit the dungeon dressing figures (the Barrel, Bed, Cart, Crate, Large Cart, and Table) to one figure per customer. Please note that our own stock of these figures is limited, so act quickly if there's a specific single you've been after.

The restock of figures will go live at noon Pacific time on Wednesday, January 27. You can find all of the Rusty Dragon Inn singles here.

If you've been waiting to fill our your set of Rusty Dragon Inn miniatures, don't delay! Sales of single miniatures from this set will end at midnight Pacific time on Sunday, January 31.

We've also recently posted a promotional repaint of the Bed, and repainted Feiya and King Irovetti miniatures that are freely available on paizo.com and will be available past January 31.

Thank you for your continued support as a Pathfinder Battles subscriber!

Dark Archive

The "Merchant" mini has sold out!

With now 34% of the singles gone, it's good that Paizo will restock them TODAY.

Not good is that people have ONLY 4 AND A HALF DAYS TIME BEFORE ALL SINGLE MINIATURES (from this set) ARE UNAVAILABLE!!!

So it's order now or be left out.

I am glad that i get my case on february 12th.

Dark Archive

would you consider making 1 or 2 of the 7 humanoid races from next month's
"Darklands Revisited" the focus group creature in the next set?
Those are:

Munavries (propably too new)

My pick would be vegepygmies because they are small, are in almost every AP, are a common low level enemy and have never been made in PPM.

Also either Drow as the Pathfinder darkelves differ from the D&D ones or Urdefhan as they have a great iconic look with blue translucent skin with a skeleton underneath.


The good news is that I got two of the minis I really wanted with the new singles sale. The bad news is that I think I crashed the store!

knightnday wrote:
[...] I think I crashed the store!

I'm sure plenty other people helped.

Chris Lambertz wrote:

Hey folks, here's an update on singles that we've just sent to subscribers:


As a subscriber to Pathfinder Battles, we wanted to give you notice that we are about to restock singles for our latest miniatures set Rusty Dragon Inn.

Because of the overwhelming popularity of this set, we've set a limit the dungeon dressing figures (the Barrel, Bed, Cart, Crate, Large Cart, and Table) to one figure per customer. Please note that our own stock of these figures is limited, so act quickly if there's a specific single you've been after.

The restock of figures will go live at noon Pacific time on Wednesday, January 27. You can find all of the Rusty Dragon Inn singles here.

If you've been waiting to fill our your set of Rusty Dragon Inn miniatures, don't delay! Sales of single miniatures from this set will end at midnight Pacific time on Sunday, January 31.

We've also recently posted a promotional repaint of the Bed, and repainted Feiya and King Irovetti miniatures that are freely available on paizo.com and will be available past January 31.

Thank you for your continued support as a Pathfinder Battles subscriber!

Thanks for the update. If not for having to work when these went on sale, I'd have snagged a table. Not sure I want extras of the other items right now. A great set. The case I ordered is really well stocked with enough of each fig - nice selections on the rarities.

Rats, I missed it. No Quivering Cube for me.

Dark Archive

Im super-excited for this set.
I hope we get some mini news tonight,
don't care if it's for Set 6 or the next set, for Huges, Boxed Sets or something else.

On another note:

The next PPM set from wizkids (D&D Icons of the Realms 4: "Monster Menagerie" will be out in april instead of february to compensate for the delay with The Rusty Dragon Inn.

D&D set 5 WAS scheduled for june 2016 but will now most likely be moved to a later date.

That means we should propably get the next Pathfinder Battles set in summer.

Eric, do you have some info about this?


Young Boromir wrote:
Thanks for the update. If not for having to work when these went on sale, I'd have snagged a table.

Same for me. As expected, the tables are 1 of the items in highest demand. I remain hopeful that we may see some tables in the future as promo items, given this great demand.

Also as mentioned previously in a thread, some 5x5 square tables would also be in great demand (likely even more-so that the round ones. With the 5x5 squares, you can make a table of any size you need.

Reaper has 5x5 square tables in their Bones line. Even if you can't paint, anyone can paint a table solid brown.

Oh, man! I saw the Quivering Cube was available (4:51pm East) but went to check on one more item and in that time it was removed from my cart and is now sold out again. I give up :(

Scarab Sages

There had been 8 unavailable all day, and there was a brief period of when only 4 showed as unavailable (goblin on vulture, bartender, small and large carts IIRC), and then back to the current 8 again. Not sure if there was a temporary influx of supply or just a short term glitch that had the cube show as available for that brief amount of time.

Scarab Sages

FattyLumpkin wrote:
Oh, man! I saw the Quivering Cube was available (4:51pm East) but went to check on one more item and in that time it was removed from my cart and is now sold out again. I give up :(

CoolStuff has some Rusty Dragon Inn singles, including the cube and some of the dungeon dressing as well.

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