pluvia33 |

Glad to see more Iconic Heroes sets finally listed! But I'm sad that Lem is still nowhere to be seen. Also, no new sets until November, they seem to be on an every-other-month release frequency now, and they're $5 more expensive. I don't really mind too much. I'll still be buying all of the sets and if that's how WizKids needs to release them to keep releasing them, I'm on board. I just hope it doesn't effect sales too much. I also really wish I could have my Lem promo for card game OP sooner. :(

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Glad to see more Iconic Heroes sets finally listed! But I'm sad that Lem is still nowhere to be seen. Also, no new sets until November, they seem to be on an every-other-month release frequency now, and they're $5 more expensive. I don't really mind too much. I'll still be buying all of the sets and if that's how WizKids needs to release them to keep releasing them, I'm on board. I just hope it doesn't effect sales too much. I also really wish I could have my Lem promo for card game OP sooner. :(
All of this.
I was very surprised not to see Lem, I was dismayed at the price hike...but I have loved all the Iconic Heroes sets so far and will certainly be getting them.

Cleanthes |

The riding dog is a great addition, but the stand-out here is clearly the bard. Lovely mini! Let's just hope the face is good.
I know you probably have the next sets planned out 3 deep, but I've been reading through Iron Gods and thinking that a set called something like "Distant Worlds" might be very solid; you could do some more of the Lovecraftian stuff that Paizo seems to have a soft (decaying, unnatural) spot for, and also include some robots/androids, some inhabitants of other planets in Golarion's system, a couple gunslingers, a void dragon, and maybe a Neothelid for the Gargantuan? You'd be able to help round out some more stuff for Reign of Winter along with Iron Gods, and heck, you could even throw in a Leng Spider to check one more Runelords mini off the list. (That list of unsupplied Runelords minis is getting pretty short, really.)
And I just know there are people out there who would get excited about a bad-ass female half-orc wielding a chainsaw.

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I hate to say it, but everything I've learned about the minis business in the last four years tells me that a set like that would sell so poorly it could mean the end of the line in one fell swoop.
I like a lot of the creatures that you've suggested (including the chainsaw one), but I've got to pace out the weird stuff more judiciously than "all at once," or we aren't going to be having these weekend conversations much longer. :)
Neothelids are on the short list for Gargantuans, btw. Probably need a different name for them, however.

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I hate to say it, but everything I've learned about the minis business in the last four years tells me that a set like that would sell so poorly it could mean the end of the line in one fell swoop.
I like a lot of the creatures that you've suggested (including the chainsaw one), but I've got to pace out the weird stuff more judiciously than "all at once," or we aren't going to be having these weekend conversations much longer. :)
Neothelids are on the short list for Gargantuans, btw. Probably need a different name for them, however.
Unfortunately true - it's why I haven't much hope of getting proper minis for Iron Gods. Other than what I can scavenge from my Star Wars Minis. I'd love an Overlord Robot, though. ^_^
I'm actually very impressed by the sheer number of "weird" creatures, especially aliens, that you've gotten in thus far - Elder Things, Yithians, mi-go, the magnificent Dominion Invader...
As for the neothelid, some ideas:
Deep Worm
Chthonian Worm (are Brian Lumley's works public domain?)
Denebrum Worm (Golarion-specific)
Greater Seugathi (bit of a stretch...)
Moldering Emperor (templated version; Pathfinder Adventure Path #18: Descent Into Midnight, page 82)
Having trouble coming up with much other than "something Worm" - "Serpent" seems a bit of a misnomer, and "Titan" or "Master" seems a bit vague. Other suggestions welcome! ^_^

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Kvantum wrote:Still no Feiya and Daji for the Heroes sets?They're having a devil of a time with Feiya's miniatures... it's like some sort of curse.
While I'm glad to see the new Iconics pouring in, I require more Seltyiel. Make it happen, please.
Of particular interest to you, I did at one point contemplate doing a mini of the "Seoni in Valeros's armor" image you use as your avatar. :)

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Kalindlara wrote:Kvantum wrote:Still no Feiya and Daji for the Heroes sets?They're having a devil of a time with Feiya's miniatures... it's like some sort of curse.
While I'm glad to see the new Iconics pouring in, I require more Seltyiel. Make it happen, please.
Of particular interest to you, I did at one point contemplate doing a mini of the "Seoni in Valeros's armor" image you use as your avatar. :)
Where do I send the money? Is there a crowdfunding site I should check?

Young Boromir |

The bard and the riding dog will be nice additions. All 3 of these are new in the best sense of the word - a new bard - as others have said, new bards are great additions. A riding dog will be fun for NPCs, and possibly PCs.
The ghoul is interesting. Like others I've read on other boards, I'm not used to ghouls with the intelligence to do much more than melee devouring, but these new ghouls may be a fun and surprise twist for those players I play with who enjoy undead encounters the most.

LadyIrithyl |

I love that half-elf bard!
But I'm really concerned about this set given the track record with human figures in previous sets. Melty faces, bad paint applications etc.
Unless it was mentioned somewhere that this set is going to be produced the same way the Iconic Heroes sets are. Does anyone know? Because the Iconic Heroes are amazing.

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper |

I love that half-elf bard!
But I'm really concerned about this set given the track record with human figures in previous sets. Melty faces, bad paint applications etc.
Unless it was mentioned somewhere that this set is going to be produced the same way the Iconic Heroes sets are. Does anyone know? Because the Iconic Heroes are amazing.
These large sets really can't be produced at the same quality as Iconic Heroes sets, as the cost would likely double or triple.
These large sets though, are being produced with great quality given the cost of the sets. Sure there are 1 to 2 minis per set that don't quite meet the average benchmark, but overall I do not see a bad track record.
They have also been able to get the composition of the plastic right, so we don't have a large amount of (or any) broken minis anymore. The scuplts and paint application have stayed pretty consistent throughout all the lines, and if anything have improved. Based on this, I would say that their track record has constantly been improving.
Now, with all that said, does anyone know why we do occasionally get melty-faced minis? Would this be attributed to a flaw in the mold master? I just can't see them intentionally making "melty face" mold masters (or such a defect going un-noticed on the mold master).
The molds themselves should be 100% identical to the mold master, so I can't see it being a problem with the mold so I'm sort of stumped as to how these occur. If it was a problem with the pressure setting on the injection molder, I'm sure we would see other issues on mini.

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

As a big supporter of having more pc/npc choices, this set continues to build my anticipation as being one of the best sets made.
Since Paizo is now just making 2 large sets a year, it would be great if 1 of those sets was always city/pc/npc focused (identical to Rusty Dragon Inn set, where we also get mounts and generic/common monsters), and the other set was more dungeon/wilderness/adventure path themed and would include some of Pathfinder's more unique monsters.

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The mini I most want to see the the Gnoll mutant with a rifle from the Campaign Setting. That is one of my all time favorite illustrations and would make an epic mini. Anyone else with me on this?
The Mana Wastes Mutant?
Yeah i would like that too.We need a "Mana Wastes Campaign Setting" with a good western movie feel too, sadly "Wardens of the Reborn Forge" was not what it could have been.
But as we got 4 different gnolls in the actual set "Dungeons Deep" it will probably take some time.
The 3 (of 4?) Ghouls in this set look good, as do the other creatures.
I hope the human, dwarven and elven minis will be ok (they won´t be as good as the computer renders and don´t have to be), so far the 20 revealed minis make this set look very solid.
I can see a lot more fights in inns in the future.
Eric, any news on the "RUSTY DRAGON INN" flipmat possibility?

Vernon Fults |

I am liking this set more and more. The half-elf bard looks amazing; pair her up with the dwarf drummer and the dancing girl and the RDI has entertainment for the evening.
Though I would have preferred a guard dog, the riding dog is nice and I hope this means we will have a riding horse in the set as well as the draft horses.
Like others, I've never given much thought to ghouls being more than savage undead; these ghoul minis have changed my perception.

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Second on the Rusty Dragon flip map. I also would like to see some more "animal companion" type figures. Dog, cat, some lizards, platypus, you know, the basics.
A small dog and a tiny cat would be great for the inn/village themed set.
And i´m also pro for the rest of the animal companions that have not been made so far (half of them appeared since Reign of Winter).I imagine the next set after "TRDI" to be a more traditional one with the missing black dragon as the case incentive but the set after that one could be another one with an unusual collectors piece (if this one sells good enough).
What would you like to see as a case incentive?
A ship deck, a temple altar, a tower, a bridge, a throne room, a bed chamber, a mausoleum?
What is even possible?
I for one would love to see building sets from Pathfinder.

Cleanthes |

Also, in case any interested parties weren't aware that Reaper Minis is presently doing their third Bones Kickstarter, full of unpainted minis goodness, LOOK HERE!!!

Berk the Black |

I could go for a ship deck, but that would probably be too big even for a case incentive. Maybe other furniture as well, sparingly. Bookcases are always needed. Any of desks, tables, sacrificial tables, torture racks, beds would also be welcome. I'd even go for mimics of some of these things to go with our chest imitating friend!

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Erik Mona wrote:Of particular interest to you, I did at one point contemplate doing a mini of the "Seoni in Valeros's armor" image you use as your avatar. :)Oh my, what stopped you. That would be a fun miniature to own. I would love to see that show up at some point.
I was just coming back to say this again.
Seriously, please make it happen. ^_^

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Erik Mona wrote:Of particular interest to you, I did at one point contemplate doing a mini of the "Seoni in Valeros's armor" image you use as your avatar. :)Oh my, what stopped you. That would be a fun miniature to own. I would love to see that show up at some point.
I might still do it.

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4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Looking forward to the next set, and generally very happy with the current one. Two requests, one of which you've surely heard from me before.
1. More contrast on the paint design, please! Figures that are mostly dark colors lose so much detail. I can't count how many otherwise good figures pre-painted black & brown have been a huge disappointment until I peered closely and saw that the figure itself was pretty good; there was just no way to see that.
When in doubt, default to much lighter shades. The paint should enhance rather than obscure the sculpture.
Also, just more color in general. There are too many black, gray, and brown figures that would really pop with a brighter color scheme.
2. I would love to see a couple or three large statues of Golarion's major gods in each future set, preferably not simply painted stone gray but in interesting variations (maybe a jade, maybe a painted statue, maybe one in mosaic tiles, and so on), but all of a similar size so we could construct things like the Sandpoint Cathedral, with the uniform size of the statues working to advantage.
Most of these figures would still be useful to non-Golarion players, since the gods make for pretty great general (if not generic) statue subjects.

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Looking forward to the next set, and generally very happy with the current one. Two requests, one of which you've surely heard from me before.
1. More contrast on the paint design, please! Figures that are mostly dark colors lose so much detail. I can't count how many otherwise good figures pre-painted black & brown have been a huge disappointment until I peered closely and saw that the figure itself was pretty good; there was just no way to see that.
When in doubt, default to much lighter shades. The paint should enhance rather than obscure the sculpture.
Also, just more color in general. There are too many black, gray, and brown figures that would really pop with a brighter color scheme.
2. I would love to see a couple or three large statues of Golarion's major gods in each future set, preferably not simply painted stone gray but in interesting variations (maybe a jade, maybe a painted statue, maybe one in mosaic tiles, and so on), but all of a similar size so we could construct things like the Sandpoint Cathedral, with the uniform size of the statues working to advantage.
Most of these figures would still be useful to non-Golarion players, since the gods make for pretty great general (if not generic) statue subjects.
The Idea is incredible! I wanted to use the large Lamashtu mini in a temple but the good/neutral gods as statues/golems/avatars are actually even better.
Nothing better than to use the cathedral flip-mat and a few statues to bring the different gods to the mind of the players.And also i want Varian and Radovan as minis!
Please make it happen Eric.

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danielc wrote:Erik Mona wrote:Of particular interest to you, I did at one point contemplate doing a mini of the "Seoni in Valeros's armor" image you use as your avatar. :)Oh my, what stopped you. That would be a fun miniature to own. I would love to see that show up at some point.I might still do it.
please please please continues

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Dave Gross wrote:The Idea is incredible! I wanted to use the large Lamashtu mini in a temple but the good/neutral gods as statues/golems/avatars are actually even better.2. I would love to see a couple or three large statues of Golarion's major gods in each future set, preferably not simply painted stone gray but in interesting variations (maybe a jade, maybe a painted statue, maybe one in mosaic tiles, and so on), but all of a similar size so we could construct things like the Sandpoint Cathedral, with the uniform size of the statues working to advantage.
It's because I was putting away the Lamashtu mini after running Thistletop for the second time that I thought, "I want all the gods about this size. As statues."
I have a couple extra Karzoug figures which I'm likely to strip and repaint as statues. It would be nice (but maybe not practical) to have statue versions of famous figures who'd likely have statues as chase minis or convention specials, but really it's not too hard to strip and repaint, especially as stone.

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Not to be nitpicky... but is there a reason the bard is backwards? A violin is almost always held in the left hand, and the bow held in the right. I'm hoping that the preview image just got flipped somewhere along the line, because this looks like a great figure, but it looks really weird to me to have the violin be on the wrong side.
Aside from that, though, looks great! I will look forward to getting lots of nice PC minis from this set :-)

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Not to be nitpicky... but is there a reason the bard is backwards? A violin is almost always held in the left hand, and the bow held in the right. I'm hoping that the preview image just got flipped somewhere along the line, because this looks like a great figure, but it looks really weird to me to have the violin be on the wrong side.
Aside from that, though, looks great! I will look forward to getting lots of nice PC minis from this set :-)
It matches up with the original art, which has the same thing going on.
Either the artist didn't know that, or it got flipped around in templating for the NPC Codex.

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danielc wrote:Erik Mona wrote:Of particular interest to you, I did at one point contemplate doing a mini of the "Seoni in Valeros's armor" image you use as your avatar. :)Oh my, what stopped you. That would be a fun miniature to own. I would love to see that show up at some point.I might still do it.
Yes, I am still on about this. ^_^
If you do*, can you keep the whiter tone of the hair? I prefer it to the light blonde she usually has.
Thank you!

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I couldn't find an Ask Erik Mona thread however I saw upthread that a similar question was asked and wanted to follow up. I was wondering if we will every see any of the art from Iron Gods seen in Miniature form?
Even excusing some of the more tech-heavy miniatures there is an absolutely Amazing art of a Half-Elf Cleric of Brigh in Book 2 that is to die for and I'd love to own.
I understand that it wouldn't be the most popular set and while I begrudgingly accept that the Tech + Fantasy stuff isn't the most popular I think that these Iron Gods adventure paths contain some of the best NPC art I've ever seen, it'd be to nice to see some of them brought to life as a miniature.

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Erik Mona wrote:danielc wrote:Erik Mona wrote:Of particular interest to you, I did at one point contemplate doing a mini of the "Seoni in Valeros's armor" image you use as your avatar. :)Oh my, what stopped you. That would be a fun miniature to own. I would love to see that show up at some point.I might still do it.
Yes, I am still on about this. ^_^
If you do*, can you keep the whiter tone of the hair? I prefer it to the light blonde she usually has.
Thank you!
Hahaha, that would be amazing! :-)
Out of curiosity, which book is that art originally from?

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Kalindlara wrote:Erik Mona wrote:danielc wrote:Erik Mona wrote:Of particular interest to you, I did at one point contemplate doing a mini of the "Seoni in Valeros's armor" image you use as your avatar. :)Oh my, what stopped you. That would be a fun miniature to own. I would love to see that show up at some point.I might still do it.
Yes, I am still on about this. ^_^
If you do*, can you keep the whiter tone of the hair? I prefer it to the light blonde she usually has.
Thank you!
Hahaha, that would be amazing! :-)
Out of curiosity, which book is that art originally from?
Artifacts and Legends, page 6.