We're thrilled to announce the newest addition to the Pathfinder development team: Linda Zayas-Palmer! Linda blew us away with the development, design and editing chops she demonstrated on our blind test for the position. She also chose a nosoi psychopomp for her avatar, proving we chose well.
I'll let her introduce herself in her own words:
Hi, everybody! My name is Linda Zayas-Palmer, and I'm the new assistant developer at Paizo. I'm so excited!
I've always enjoyed RPGs and reading fantasy novels. In 2008, when Mark Seifter asked me if I would be interested in joining his 3.5 game, I jumped at the chance to join my first campaign. Since then, I've played and GMed 3.5, FATE, Mutants and Masterminds, and, of course, primarily Pathfinder. After an Adventure Path and a half, the pile of supplemental stories and subsystems I'd been building finally grew large enough that I decided to write for people other than my gaming group, and started freelancing.
In addition to my home games, I've been quite active in Pathfinder Society. I was Venture Lieutenant of Boston, along with Mark, and I recently earned my 5th GM star. If you haven't already checked out your local Lodge, even if you think home games are more your style, give it a shot! PFS has a lot to offer.
Other than tabletop roleplaying games, I enjoy a variety of board and video games, as well as linguistics, math, singing, and teaching.
Linda Zayas-Palmer
Assistant Developer
Please help us welcome her to the Paizo crew!
F. Wesley Schneider