Improvements Are A-Comin'

Monday, November 17, 2014

Illustration by Taylor Fischer

Over the past several months, there have been some growing concerns with Pathfinder Society Organized Play. As we would like to take action to correct the concerns instead of let them grow and fester, we reached out to all 395 Venture-Officers a month ago to receive their feedback on what was wrong with the campaign, what was good about the campaign, and what we could do to improve or correct things to make Pathfinder Society even more awesome. Even though there were some difficult opinions expressed, most were true and it caused us to take a hard look at the organized play program.

After receiving feedback from the Venture-Officers, we formed a team of Paizo employees to work on solutions for the concerns that were expressed. This team included Lisa Stevens and Erik Mona, Mark Seifter and Mark Moreland, John Compton, and me. There were 327 responses from our VOs regarding thoughts and feedback on the current state of PFS. I went through each and every post and listed every one of the concerns expressed on a large white board in our conference room. The meeting took upwards of six hours, and through debate, discussion, and some give and take, we came up with some solutions to most of the concerns that were expressed.

The Venture-Officers are aware of many of the initatives we have set forth to accomplish the goals. There are still other topics we are continuing to discuss on the Venture-Officer message board to make sure they are the best we can make them for the campaign at large. I wanted to write this blog to bring the player base up-to-date on some of the initiatives we have set into motion with the awesome collaboration that took place between the VOs and the Paizo team.


First, let's talk about factions and their roles. After much discussion here at Paizo, specifically on some problems that were brought up in the long discussion with all of the Venture-Officers, we agree that factions currently don't play as important a role as we would like them to. We want factions to have meaning and substance. We think our factions help to set PFS apart from other organized play campaigns. We have strategized a four-pronged plan of attack which we think will help return factions to a more important role in the campaign.

  • The five new factions are receiving a professional makeover for their faction symbols. Grand Lodge and Silver Crusade faction symbols will remain unchanged. If you have suggestions on what they should look like, please start a different thread. The target goal for this to be implemented is by the end of 2014.
  • There will be revised and improved write-ups of each faction for both the PFS landing page at and the Guide to Organized Play. We plan to implement these write-ups by the end of 2014.
  • We will be adding "The Story So Far" type of pages to the PFS landing page at John is assembling a team of writers to help him accomplish this goal for all past seasons. These will be spoiler-lite and help to sum up each season for new and old players alike. The target goal for this is end of February 2015.
  • We will be producing Faction Journal cards, similar to the PAXPort or the quests cards we provide at Gen Con. There will be one Faction Journal card for each of the seven factions.
    • The front of the card will list a series of goals (likely 10) to complete for the current season. These goals will be generic enough that they can be accomplished from playing not just the current season, but past season scenarios as well. For example, the Dark Archive Faction Journal may have one of their 10 goals be to find and recover five named manuals to bring back to the archives in Absalom. These could include the Inward-Facing Circle book from Silent Tide, the dozen black vellum scrolls in Voice in the Void, and any other documents or manuals that are found in sanctioned adventures. Each time you accomplish a goal, the GM will check off or initial a box on that particular goal.
    • The back of the card will include three award thresholds for accomplishing a set number of these goals. For example, if a PC completes three of the 10 goals, they will receive a small favor from their faction or a unique, faction-specific item. If they complete six of the ten goals, they could possibly receive a unique title that provides certain benefits or a better unique faction item. If they complete all 10 of the faction goals, their clout with their faction is sufficent to extend benefits to other PCs at tables where the character is present, while making their presence (and that of their faction) important to every character at the table. As a working example, a Silver Crusade PC who has completed all 10 of her faction's goals on her card might be able to use the her renown to call in a favor and reduce the prestige point cost of any PC's raise dead by 4 so long as she's there to flex her faction's muscles. Although this might not be the reward that appears on the Silver Crusade faction card when we finish this project, it gives a good example of the type of reward we're aiming for.
    • To reward GMs, we are considering adding an 11th optional goal that would be applied to the three different thresholds of rewards. For example, we may list 10 check boxes and for each scenario GMed in the current season, one check box could be completed. Once all ten are filled, one goal toward the a reward threshold would be met, leaving only two more to complete through playing the character.
    • The back of the card will also feature a form of the revised write-up of the faction described in bullet number two above, as well as a summation of season-long goals in descriptive text. This descriptive text will explain why the PC is trying to achieve the 10 goals for the faction and how it will aid the faction in the future—likely in the form of the faction head letters.
    • We realize that we are introducing this half way through the current season so everyone may not be able to complete the card for this season. On day one of Gen Con 2015, no more faction goals may be checked off from the Season 6 card. On the same day, a new Season 7 card will become available that may include a bonus reward depending on if the character completed five or more goals from the previous season. We hope this fresh approach will help to build the excitement in factions for future seasons as we plan to introduce updated faction goal cards every season at Gen Con.
    • These Faction Journal Cards will be provided as a free download on, so anyone can print one off for a new or existing character at any time.
    • Every character may have one card assigned to him. If the PC changes factions any time in the future, he would lose all benefits from the card.
    • The Faction Journal card would not override the primary and secondary success conditions set forth in the scenario. Those are still in place to continue enforcing the importance of being a Pathfinder. The Faction Journal card will allow for more depth by adding greater meaning to the factions.
    • Use of the Faction Journal card is optional. A PC never has to take one, use one, or try to complete one.
    • The Faction Journal cards should be available by the end of January.

Scenario Length

Over time, scenarios have become longer, both in terms of word count dedicated to the adventure (rather than to faction missions, for example) and in terms of run-time. To an extent, it's also tied to the increased number of lengthy role-playing scenes and tougher combats intended to match the six-player assumption (i.e. more PCs means more enemies means more time spent in combat). In most circumstances, the longer scenarios are, the harder they are to schedule and run.

We are taking the following steps to address this issue and bring the expected run time (time from mission briefing to the resolution of the final encounter, not including set-up and paperwork) to four hours:

  • Cut one encounter from Tier 5-9 and Tier 7-11 scenarios. These higher-level scenarios run over most often, and it's mostly a matter of high-level combat taking longer.
  • Revise encounter expectations for Tier 3-7 to minimize long, drawn-out encounters resulting from especially high challenge ratings. If necessary, we will cut an encounter from Tier 3-7 scenarios, but preferably these can still work under approximately the same model.
  • There are no changes expected on this front for Tier 1-5 scenarios, which generally fit the four-hour model without much trouble.
  • You should start seeing these changes implemented in scenarios in December 2014 or January 2015.

Scenario Difficulty

We have heard your feedback that scenarios have become harder to just pick up and run. In part this is due to a large number of scenario-specific subsystems that require the GM—and sometimes the players—to learn a new set of rules during the scenario. In part, it's also a result of the reliance on the Pathfinder Reference Document when providing only short stat blocks for encounters. There's also the matter of the increasingly involved stories that scenarios are telling.

We are taking the following steps to mitigate these issues:

  • Provide an appendix that includes the full Bestiary and NPC Codex pages referenced in the adventure as well as an un-tagged copy of any custom maps that appear in the scenario.
  • Cap the number of required GM resources at four books per scenario (including the Core Rulebook). This should be relatively easy if the Bestiary pages are already included in the back of the adventure, as in most cases approximately half of the books referenced are Bestiaries.
  • Include full stat blocks for creatures modified by the advanced, giant, or young simple templates. The exception to this would be modifications that appear in the "Scaling Encounter XYZ" sidebars. For example, if the adventure says that there should be an advanced otyugh, the full stats for an advanced otyugh will be there and ready to go. If the scaling notes say that a four-person group should instead face a young otyugh, those stats would not appear. This should at least cover the essential modifications and reduce the amount of on-the-fly adjustment that a GM needs to do.
  • Limit the number of rules subsystems in scenarios. Subsystems aren't going away entirely, but we need to avoid relying on subsystems and simply save them for the times that they'll have the greatest impact. Should an especially large subsystem such as mass combat appear in a scenario again for whatever reason, it would be advertised on the product page. Simple point-tracking mechanics that only the GM sees (for example, keeping track of how many clues the PCs uncover) are likely to show up a little less often but are still a useful tool.
  • You should start seeing these changes implemented in scenarios in December 2014 or January 2015.

Season Plotline

Over the past four seasons, the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign has based its season-long plotline on the most recent Adventure Path products. In some ways this has worked well due to the new campaign setting content available to players, GMs, and authors, but nearly as often, this decision has caused problems—either by binding the story of the campaign to that of a different product (and the continuity difficulties that can arise), driving the Society to do things that don't necessarily fit its mandate, or subjecting the community to a long storyline when many participants begin losing interest after the first several months. As the list of scenarios grows longer, the list of metaplots grows as well, providing a barrier to newer players getting involved.

To combat these trends, we are taking the following steps:

  • Stop tying the campaign's story to those of the Adventure Paths. Player responses suggest that the Destiny of the Sands model of using a current Adventure Path as inspiration for a three-part series is about right, and even then it's not mandatory that every Adventure Path receives this treatment.
  • Provide Pathfinder Society its own storyline using its own existing plot threads and creating new ones.
  • Expand the number of stand-alone scenarios that explore a wide variety of locations rather than get tied down in one location with an ongoing story that is tough to follow if one misses a few pieces.
  • Provide a "The Story Thus Far" handout that provides a low-spoiler summary of each season's storyline so that a player can quickly catch up on the critical plot concepts when sitting down to an adventure that deals with ongoing metaplot elements. The working length for each handout is about four paragraphs or 300-400 words. There would be one such document for each season and perhaps one for a few of the most complex ongoing metaplots (Grandmaster Torch, for example).
  • You should start seeing these changes implemented at the beginning of Season 7, though some like "The Story Thus Far" handouts are likely to appear sooner.


From our feedback about the success of the Silverhex Chronicles quest line, we are aware we need more Quests and Quest-like events. Since we already have nine different Beginner Box quests broken up into parts one and two, this was topic was a no brainer.

We have added two Chronicle sheets to the development schedule for the Beginner Box Demos. One will be for the four demos in part one and the other will be for the five demos in part two. These should allow for you to draw more interest from players wanting to try the system out, as well as give you another two sets of quest-style adventures to run, bringing the immediate total of quests to three sets with the inclusion of the Silverhex Chronicles quests. Look for these two Chronicle sheets by the end of 2014.

We have quite a few more changes and additions in the works, and I can't wait to tell you about them. However, some are more ideas than polished action plans, so we need a bit more time to make sure we get the other exciting changes to PFS in order before we release the rest of this information publicly.

As always, we look forward to trying to create the best Organized Play experience we can for all of you. Please read our collected thoughts above and let us know what you think, how we might improve upon the ideas, and what we could change to make them better. Thanks again for being the best fanbase any game company out there has. Without your input, as well as that of the awesome Venture-Officer corp, we certainly could not make PFS the best organized play campaign available anywhere in the world.

Mike Brock
Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

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Tags: Factions Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society Quests Pathfinder Society Scenarios Taylor Fischer
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Scarab Sages

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Scott Romanowski wrote:
I'd like to see PFS staying true to its fantasy theme. IMHO SF and psionics have no place in PFS.

Dorian Hawkmoon stepped into the darkened laboratory, displacing whisps of dust, that swirled in the pinprick beams of light through the shattered door.

There was no movement, except his own feet, no sound but for the blood in his ears, and the feeble death rattle of the Serpent Guards, in the adjacent corridor.

The dais, where once the apparatus from far off Soryandum had stood, was empty, the outline of its base all that hinted of its previous existence.

The shelves were bare of all but empty jars, or the most dried and shrivelled contents, the books, scrolls and listening cylinders were absent, as were their owners, the snake-masked librarians and curators who should have been bustling around this room, or fleeing in terror from the famed 'Saviour of Köln'.

Baron Kalan was also missing, as was his trademark sneering, arrogant tone that should have echoed and reverberated around the chamber, barking orders to his minions, on pain of death...or worse. Much worse.

Hawkmoon lashed at the nearby bench, howling in thwarted frustration, sending stained alembics careering to the floor, to shatter and spill their foul putrescent contents across the garish tiles. Again and again, he struck, imagining the brass flasks and bell jars to be the jewelled serpent mask of Baron Kalan, sundering under his blows and revealing the red ruin of the scientist's sun-starved visage.

"I say, old boy. Mind the merchandise." Hawkmoon ceased his assault, and reeled, to see a Mantis mask poke through the doorframe, quickly followed by the lithe figure of D'Averc, who skipped through the wreckage, wiping blood from his rapier on the tapestry, before leaning, nonchalantly, against a rusted contraption, feigning an effete boredom.
"I took the opportunity to pick up a souvenir; I think it quite suits me." he joked, turning a pirouette. "One can hardly come to Londra, without having something to show for it...ah, I mean, that is to say..."
His voice trailed off, as he saw his friend's pain.

"They are gone, D'Averc. All of them. Kalan. My wife. My friends. Gone."
He sat on the steps of the dais, with his head in his hands, a tear forcing its way down his cheek, mingling with the blood from where the Black Jewel had earlier animated, and gnawed toward his skull.
"This whole journey, wasted. They knew we were coming, and planned against it."

D'Averc kneeled beside him, his former jesting tone replaced by brotherly concern. "There will be another reckoning...I say, what is this?"
He reached down to pick up a scroll, tied with ribbon, that lay on the tiles before the steps. A tiny scroll, easy to miss, in the afterglow of combat. "I believe this is for you, Dorian. Hmmm. If you wish to be alone...?"
He hovered, torn between discretion and curiosity.

Hawkmoon tore the ribbon from the scroll, along with the serpentine seal and the tag addressed 'To Our Rhineland Guest'. The precise, tiny script of Kalan's handwriting was unmistakable, from his previous period of incarceration and brainwashing.

"I am afraid I will not be available to welcome you to our fair capital, my Dear Duke, as matters have arisen, that demand my prescence elsewhere.
It has come to my attention, that the machineries I have spent my life studying, along with my esteemed junior, Lord Taragorm, are unstable, that their very presence threatens the integrity of this world, and to remain with them would destroy everything I hold dear. These apparatus I love are from another time, place, another reality, that cannot possibly co-exist with that of you and your brutish kind.
A signal has been broadcast, instructing all old reckoning technology remaining on this world to self-destruct or cease function. Let a new Dark Age begin, ruled by those more suited to such a limited vision.
I am afraid, that I must away with my toys, and leave Europe to the grunting, musclebound thuggery of slope-browed 'heroes', whose only recourse is to beat each other with sticks, in imitation of the ape.
My genius was never appreciated by this world, but I leave with no regrets, for I go to a place of wonder, imagination, excitement, and fantasy, where men of intellect are free to be all that they can be, to trancend the barriers of flesh, space and time.
Farewell, my dear Duke of Ruins. Enjoy what little time you have left; without the signal from the Black Machine, the jewelled insectoid creature in your skull will of course become uncontrollable, but one cannot make an amulet, without breaking heads!
I have taken the fair Yisselda, to spare her the pain of widowhood, and she will soon forget her loss, as my future bride, once the right combination of drugs have been established.
I am sure you would understand,
Baron Kalan of the Serpent Legion. xxx

He dropped the scroll to the floor, with a sigh. The throbbing in his head had resumed, the scratching of tiny legs on bone.
D'Averc stepped back, his expression clearly implying he had read every word.
"You know, I had a basic education in medicine, as part of my misspent youth. I'd be willing to have a stab at it, if you pardon the expression."

"Why bother yourself?" Dorian groaned. "Who would want to live in a world without knowledge, without learning, without science?
All the advances of previous generations, dust and ash?
To see the world reduced to chest-beating displays of rutting aggression? Idiot kingdoms, under idiot kings, dragged this way and that by the whims of charlatan priests and wizards? What kind of a world is that? Who could bear to live in such a stagnant, backward cesspool? No imagination, no ambition, no dreams, that there could be a better way?"

D'Averc put his hand on his friend's shoulder, and spoke firmly, more seriously than Dorian had ever heard him speak before. "Listen to me. We remember. And people like us. We must remember for those who cannot. We must put the case for science, over superstition. Over mumbo-jumbo, fakery, and witchcraft. We must build hospitals, and universities, drive out the shamans, rattling their bones and burning dung. We must be there, to tell the children that in our day, ornithopters filled the skies from Dover to the Dniepr, that the towers of Castle Brass stood tall and shielded us against the invader, that our soldiers rode on giant flamingoes wielding flamelances against the tides of Fear and Ignorance!"
And though they call us mad, we must continue to tell the children, and their children's children, for it only takes one spark, in one mind, to begin the rebuilding of the world. The seed that bears the fruit of Inspiration! And a new dawn, a renaissance will sweep the dull world!"
This? This will pass. Every year, we will make the case for Science. And Science! WILL. PREVAIL!"

Dorian got to his feet, with a grin. "You know, if you keep that up, people will begin to think you're not as stupid as you appear to be."

"That is a small price to pay...FOR SCIENCE!" He laughed, and gesticulated wildly at the ceiling.
"Now, come. My monologueing will have drawn every legion from here to the Orkneys, and we have things to see. People to do!"
Though our ride is probably nose-deep in the Thames, we are still the most handsome swordsmen who ever drew breath. Or at least I am. Let them try to stop us! Huzzah!"

And with that, the Duke of Köln and his poet companion rose from the steps, and began their leave.
They met little resistance, to their surprise, and were soon in the courtyard of the palace, hailing a sedan chair, and giving directions to the docks, past the smoking wreckage of military vehicles, their beast-masked occupants bleeding and still.
And behind them, in a regal chamber a mile long, a shrivelled husk choked on the now-motionless and clouded fluid in its Throne-Globe, and a thousand Mantis Warriors knelt in sorrow, taking their own lives in formal penance for their failure to protect their monarch.

And a flamingo soared, in the now-uncontested sky.

4/5 *

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Ah, the Eternal Champions. Well done, Snorter! :-D

Grand Lodge 2/5

No mention of the replay mechanic mentioned in Mike's post a couple weeks ago?

Dark Archive 4/5

TOZ wrote:
Wild speculation is always entertaining. :)

PCs will be limited to 4 sources for all their component parts - excluding race and those from boons. Existing PCs with more than 4 sources wont be able to add any more.

Grand Lodge 2/5

ZomB wrote:
TOZ wrote:
Wild speculation is always entertaining. :)
PCs will be limited to 4 sources for all their component parts - excluding race and those from boons. Existing PCs with more than 4 sources wont be able to add any more.

Crap, I just made a Verminous Hunter.. ACG for class, UM for companion, APG for for ranger-skirmisher tricks, CRB for animal companion table--and those are the four books for just my class features.

.. I guess that means I can't pick any combat feats from UC T_T. I know this is just a huge joke, but it's not even slightly funny.


That'd be a start, because it would deal with the problem of a single PC having tons of overpowered options from eighteen books, but it still doesn't address the issue of a PC with a single superpowered option, like Slumber Hex.

Plus, I imagine it would stomp on the fallen bodies of character types which really need Additional Resources to be relevant, like the non-archer Monk (Qinggong Monk, Style feats, etc.) or the Rogue (Shadow Strike, Gang Up, various archetypes, Agile weapons for Dex builds, etc.).

So something like that really wouldn't solve the problem. Instead, it would just lead to a lot of perfectly-fine classes and choice combinations falling off the map, and the power players funneling their choices towards a short list of a few superpowered combinations within the limitations. We'd still have best-in-class builds, and the class sizes would shrink. Heck, I imagine that this sort of "choose X" approach could actually make the problem worse!

Either you ban the Summoner entirely or you don't. Or you have a method to guarantee that a player who doesn't want to play with Gunslingers will not have to sit with a Gunslinger. That's pretty much the sort of approach that is needed here.

There is really no way around flagging problematic options and restricting those specific options. If the restrictions are across all resources, that can be bad.


Dark Archive 4/5

I don't expect a single fix to solve all the problems, though it would be nice to be wrong on that.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Limiting resources just adds another level of min maxing complexity to the game, and wouldbe more likely to make people drop a flavorful option than a mechanical one.


Jiggy wrote:

I'm going to speculate that they're working on some kind of "table-ban" option where a GM can decide not to allow X at their tables, whether because of the perceived power level or because of discomfort with unfamiliarity with it.

But that's just my uninformed speculation, because I find speculation to be fun in and of itself. :D

Noting that this is all just speculation,

There's no way Organized Play could conceivably survive with such an option. If the ban is based on GM discretion and what is overpowered then you're going to have the inmates running the asylum. Long before we to gunslingers and Slumber Hex, we'd have to start with Druids and Animal Companions.

To echo David Bowles, I've seen Druids and their AC's trivialize far more combat than any other class combined (especially since I see very few raging barbarians other than my own). I'm a player in low tier module atm and the Druid with 7 CHA, and some lizard archetype has a spinosaur and is shredding the melee combat. And that with no little or no buffs.

Sure, that's anecdotal, but the point is there's way too much discretion required to allow table-bans based on something that can't be proven and defies the necessary rigorous examination. I just can't see letting GMs with who knows how much experience and no accreditation "ban" classes from their table. As someone posted, this undermines the very ethos of fairness and consistency in organized play.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I don't know about the summoner. They are powerful, but I've only ever seen two in play in my entire time in PFS. The same could be said of the gunslinger.

The Summoner is easy, make whatever option that's coming in Pathfinder Unchained to be the full legal version.

Limiting resources is a separate pain. I have yet to see a full character audit in my time in PFS. When GMing I have asked to see people's characters mainly because I'm looking for something specific.

I'm curious, people are mentioning replay but I didn't see anything in the statement that stuck out. What's going on?

The Exchange 1/5

trollbill wrote:
Chernobyl wrote:
I played LG for the last 4 years of the campaign, and most of the games we played were at cons or game stores. Two-rounders can easily be scheduled at cons (many are running 3 round modules all day long now anyway) and when we scheduled them at game stores at night, we would simply schedule it for two sessions, one week following the other, or some other arrangement. You just don't play the character in something else until you finish the two-rounder. worked for years, no reason it can't continue to do so.
Just because it worked for you doesn't mean it works for everyone else. If I gave my players the choice of either you must play in two consecutive play days or you can't play, a lot would simply not play because they can't guarantee they could make both nights. Many simply don't know more than a few days in advance if they will be able to make it to a particular game day.

I understand that also. But for those who it doesn't work for can organize longer games on weekends, or try to catch it at a convention. I imaging that's how they are playing the sanctioned mods (effectively 3 rounders) now anyway.

They need to go into a two rounder with that understanding. Find a schedule that works for two different dates, or play it at once at a con or weekend. there's nothing wrong with a little planning.

5/5 5/55/5

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N N 959 wrote:


On the front cover. This way GMs can know to avoid this scenario if they aren't prepped.

A GM should never not be prepped with the very rare exception they stepped in with no time. Saying this would send a message it's OK not to prep.

Unprepared scenario playing always sucks, either the GM misses most of the details and makes crap loads of mistakes leading them to be unable to run as written or they read everything as they go and the pacing slows to a slow miserable crawl leading to excessive player boredom.


roysier wrote:
N N 959 wrote:


On the front cover. This way GMs can know to avoid this scenario if they aren't prepped.

. Saying this would send a message it's OK not to prep.

No, it really wouldn't.

Sovereign Court 2/5

roysier wrote:

A GM should never not be prepped with the very rare exception they stepped in with no time. Saying this would send a message it's OK not to prep.

Unprepared scenario playing always sucks, either the GM misses most of the details and makes crap loads of mistakes leading them to be unable to run as written or they read everything as they go and the pacing slows to a slow miserable crawl leading to excessive player boredom.

I know a lot of people who are actually pretty good at running scenarios cold. And sorry, but regardless of whether you think it's a bad idea, people are still going to continue doing it (like in the scenario you described). There's no campaign wide rule against doing it. A warning for extra complex scenarios wouldn't really do any harm.

But it sounds like it might be a moot point because the complexity is going to be reduced a bit.

3/5 5/5

Fromper wrote:

Good stuff, for the most part, but I'll make one suggestion.

I don't like the idea of a two sided faction "card". The fact that everything in Society play can be printed single sided on standard sized paper makes the paperwork easy and straightforward. Please keep it that way.

A reasonable solution to that would be to have the card be effectively 4 1/4 x 11, so you can print a single sided sheet... and simply fold it in half. Instant 2-sided 'card'. Those that want to get fancy with it can print it two sided on proper cardstock and cut it down the center instead.

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Jiggy wrote:

Between the cryptic comments about addressing perceived power creep and the other cryptic comments about addressing the topic of GMs feeling like there are more rules than they can keep up with; I'm going to speculate that they're working on some kind of "table-ban" option where a GM can decide not to allow X at their tables, whether because of the perceived power level or because of discomfort with unfamiliarity with it.

But that's just my uninformed speculation, because I find speculation to be fun in and of itself. :D

In the spirit of wild speculation:

Not a chance they do that. It'd be a rule based on one person's judgment, which will vary wildly depending on the table and venue.

To go along with your Magic: The Gathering comparisons, they either ban stuff or they don't. If something is deemed "too powerful" it gets the ax. Sometimes various other pieces that helped the thing get "too powerful" will get the ax, as well (think back to the days of the Ravager deck, and when they banned anything that was even remotely associated with it).

So, if PFS wants to start doing this same thing, I suggest we speculate more broadly. Perhaps books get a six-month "wait period" before being allowed (thus giving them the chance to find the busted parts and excise them). Perhaps they designate various people within regions to utilize those new books so they can find out WHAT is busted before punting various pieces. Those players, of course, get to test drive the new toys before everyone else, but the catch is that they will have to give those toys up at the end of the six month period.

Hell, they could even create a WotC-style "Future Future" PFS in which those players are the ONLY players, and they specifically use the new toys in an effort to bust them before everything gets released to the general public.

Or, perhaps they do something completely different. They set up the Silverhex Chronicles as an environment where you can only play the pre-gen characters. Maybe they plan to set up environments where you can only play fighters, or only play wizards.

Wild speculation should be wild. (-;

Grand Lodge 1/5

For me PFS has become stale for me on a personal level. I don't feel a connection to it.

Part of it I havent kept all my chronicle sheets and so I've lost track of where I am at - the work could be done but I lack the motivation.

The lack of motivation came from the faction changes. The loss of the Shadow Lodge and Lantern lodge was a bit of a blow to me as I had a character I committed to the journey and then... it just went away. I moved him to Taldor - only to find that the nation states just went away, also disconnecting me to a few Chellish characters and some other character concepts (I figured that if they were attached to the various states via faction they should have good ties - thats just me. Had I made mercenary types who sold their services to the states then it would have been easier.

In any case I am heartened to see Paizo working to make the overall experience better and I look forward to possibly getting back into it.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Speculating wildly :D

Maybe they were inspired by the cardgame and you can soon only play pregens....only modified by different books you own, just like expansion cards, but on a controlled because prebuild scale.
I imagine that would even out a lot of things and we would hear very different complaints soon hehehe.

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

Oh yea? I hear that they're plannin' a big scavenger hunt, Mike and John-o they are, yessir.

Right now they're burying special chronicle sheets all over the place with the help of their venture officers, and players who find the right ones will be able to play their own characters while everyone else goes to pregens from now on.

I also hear that you get access to one thing from one book for every post you make on the forums, so if you're not active, y'er gonna miss out!
yes, I'm 110% joking, just poking some harmless fun at all of the wild speculation going on :P

The Exchange 5/5

Drogon wrote:
Jiggy wrote:

Between the cryptic comments about addressing perceived power creep and the other cryptic comments about addressing the topic of GMs feeling like there are more rules than they can keep up with; I'm going to speculate that they're working on some kind of "table-ban" option where a GM can decide not to allow X at their tables, whether because of the perceived power level or because of discomfort with unfamiliarity with it.

But that's just my uninformed speculation, because I find speculation to be fun in and of itself. :D

In the spirit of wild speculation:

Not a chance they do that. It'd be a rule based on one person's judgment, which will vary wildly depending on the table and venue.

To go along with your Magic: The Gathering comparisons, they either ban stuff or they don't. If something is deemed "too powerful" it gets the ax. Sometimes various other pieces that helped the thing get "too powerful" will get the ax, as well (think back to the days of the Ravager deck, and when they banned anything that was even remotely associated with it).

So, if PFS wants to start doing this same thing, I suggest we speculate more broadly. Perhaps books get a six-month "wait period" before being allowed (thus giving them the chance to find the busted parts and excise them). Perhaps they designate various people within regions to utilize those new books so they can find out WHAT is busted before punting various pieces. Those players, of course, get to test drive the new toys before everyone else, but the catch is that they will have to give those toys up at the end of the six month period.

Hell, they could even create a WotC-style "Future Future" PFS in which those players are the ONLY players, and they specifically use the new toys in an effort to bust them before everything gets released to the general public.

Or, perhaps they do something completely different. They set up the Silverhex Chronicles as an environment where you can only play the pre-gen characters. Maybe they plan...

after everyone sits at the table - you pass your PC two players to the left and run something totally different.... - just in the spirit of "will speculation. ;)

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Yes, dance for my amusement, puppets!

Liberty's Edge 2/5

TOZ wrote:
Wild speculation is always entertaining. :)

To clear up forum confusion and promote a more clear and concise information venue, all aliases and alternate character names will be retired. All forum posters will be locked in to a single identity for their account...

Grand Lodge 3/5

roysier wrote:
N N 959 wrote:


On the front cover. This way GMs can know to avoid this scenario if they aren't prepped.

A GM should never not be prepped with the very rare exception they stepped in with no time. Saying this would send a message it's OK not to prep.

Unprepared scenario playing always sucks, either the GM misses most of the details and makes crap loads of mistakes leading them to be unable to run as written or they read everything as they go and the pacing slows to a slow miserable crawl leading to excessive player boredom.

I was in a game that the GM was cold and a bit tactic heavy in the beginning. Yet, being the cool players that we were, we instead chatted amongst each other in character while he was readying himself and prepping the encounters. I was playing out of teir, so my character was teaching the new pathfinder barbarian how to fight a bit smarter and how to get weapons earlier on that would suit his fighting style better. (In my character's opinion of course)

Liberty's Edge 4/5

John Compton wrote:
Nefreet wrote:

Love the blog. Most of it sings to me. I noticed changes that some prominent posters have wanted for some time, and that makes me happy.

But (there's always a "but"), the change I was most hoping to read about was nowhere to be found.

Are there plans to release a new retirement arc?

I believe this is the latest any of us have said about another level 12+ arc.

I'd be very interested in seeing another 12+ arc.


Mattastrophic wrote:

That'd be a start, because it would deal with the problem of a single PC having tons of overpowered options from eighteen books, but it still doesn't address the issue of a PC with a single superpowered option, like Slumber Hex.

Plus, I imagine it would stomp on the fallen bodies of character types which really need Additional Resources to be relevant, like the non-archer Monk (Qinggong Monk, Style feats, etc.) or the Rogue (Shadow Strike, Gang Up, various archetypes, Agile weapons for Dex builds, etc.).

So something like that really wouldn't solve the problem. Instead, it would just lead to a lot of perfectly-fine classes and choice combinations falling off the map, and the power players funneling their choices towards a short list of a few superpowered combinations within the limitations. We'd still have best-in-class builds, and the class sizes would shrink. Heck, I imagine that this sort of "choose X" approach could actually make the problem worse!

Either you ban the Summoner entirely or you don't. Or you have a method to guarantee that a player who doesn't want to play with Gunslingers will not have to sit with a Gunslinger. That's pretty much the sort of approach that is needed here.

There is really no way around flagging problematic options and restricting those specific options. If the restrictions are across all resources, that can be bad.


There already is a system in place to help minimize that situation; requiring the player to own all books/pdfs for the source to be used.

Plus I don't necessarily feel that is a good fix. Say you want to use a class from the ACG (we'll say hunter), now to use your teamwork feats that's another book (2), you make a core race (Core Rulebook) (3), and you want an to use some of the new animal tricks from the Animal Archive (4). Oh look... you've now used four books and cannot select anything from any other source... That's just silly.

Grand Lodge 2/5

Soluzar wrote:
I'm curious, people are mentioning replay but I didn't see anything in the statement that stuck out. What's going on?

Mike mentioned replay in his post a couple weeks ago. There's nothing posted about it here (obviously). I, too, want to know what's going on as it was previously mentioned but mysteriously not-mentioned in this post.

Liberty's Edge

Just wanted to chime in with a big two thumbs up for not tying PFS Scenarios to the current Adventure Path. My group seriously began missing the days of exploring the world in new locals.

Dark Archive 4/5

Faelyn wrote:

There already is a system in place to help minimize that situation; requiring the player to own all books/pdfs for the source to be used.

Plus I don't necessarily feel that is a good fix. Say you want to use a class from the ACG (we'll say hunter), now to use your teamwork feats that's another book (2), you make a core race (Core Rulebook) (3), and you want an to use some of the new animal tricks from the Animal Archive (4). Oh look... you've now used four books and cannot select anything from any other source... That's just silly.

I wouldn't get too hung up on the number that I plucked from the 4 books per scenario blog item. I imagine if it turns out to be something along these lines it will be core assumption plus N other sources.

Hmm, another wild speculation is that it costs a prestige point to buy any feature outside the core source requirement. ;-)

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

ZomB wrote:
Hmm, another wild speculation is that it costs a prestige point to buy any feature outside the core source requirement. ;-)

Now there's an interesting idea. Gets weird with 1st-level PCs, but maybe the requirement only kicks in at 2nd level?

Other wild speculation: You can take options from X number of sources, plus 1 source per GM star you have.


I hope they do not go along the lines of restrictions that require a character audit and extensive GM knowledge to enforce. The last thing I want to do is figure out how many source books six different characters are using before I start a scenario.

And if the problem is power creep, such approaches do nothing to actually identify overpowered characters. I've no doubt competent players can make overpowered characters using Core +1.

4/5 ** Venture-Captain, Pennsylvania—Pittsburgh

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Season 7 set entirely in Galt. That's what I want to see.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

There's not enough wild speculation! Here's mine:

Beginner's Box Bash + PFS = BBBPFS

There. All the extra 'stuff' is trimmed off. PFS stays the same with the 1000+ options. BBBPFS could have conversion rules for converting PFS Scenarios to BBB style (remember the conversion rules from 3.5 to Pathfinder?). This could apply for Seasons 0, 1, 2, whatever. Now newbie GMs and Players can just start with an established minimalist rule set, and they can advance to join with the big kids later if they so choose. The big kids get to keep their ever-expanding 'stuff', and the new kids get to have their PFS without the extra 'stuff'.

And then the faction system can change AGAIN.

1/5 **

Perry Snow wrote:

There's not enough wild speculation! Here's mine:

Beginner's Box Bash + PFS = BBBPFS

There. All the extra 'stuff' is trimmed off. PFS stays the same with the 1000+ options. BBBPFS could have conversion rules for converting PFS Scenarios to BBB style (remember the conversion rules from 3.5 to Pathfinder?). This could apply for Seasons 0, 1, 2, whatever. Now newbie GMs and Players can just start with an established minimalist rule set, and they can advance to join with the big kids later if they so choose. The big kids get to keep their ever-expanding 'stuff', and the new kids get to have their PFS without the extra 'stuff'.

And then the faction system can change AGAIN.

I like it! Though surely factions would be left out entirely?

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Martinsville

John Compton wrote:
thaX wrote:

Some questions

I like the direction this is going. Hopefully, we won't see another King of the Storval Stairs.
I suppose the #4-04 reference could refer to several things, but, um...sure?

The scenario in question is a basic TPK churner. Safe to say, this one has more than any other scenario with maybe the exception of The Many Fortunes of Grand Master Torch.

I am hoping that we temper down some of the impossible situations that we have seen in some 3rd season and a lot of 4th. I believe this has been worked on in 5th season and this season has one ups like the tempered Save vs. Die spells, but my hope is that these changes will make for a more even challenge without having it be boring.

Scarab Sages

bugleyman wrote:
Perry Snow wrote:

There's not enough wild speculation! Here's mine:

Beginner's Box Bash + PFS = BBBPFS

There. All the extra 'stuff' is trimmed off. PFS stays the same with the 1000+ options. BBBPFS could have conversion rules for converting PFS Scenarios to BBB style (remember the conversion rules from 3.5 to Pathfinder?). This could apply for Seasons 0, 1, 2, whatever. Now newbie GMs and Players can just start with an established minimalist rule set, and they can advance to join with the big kids later if they so choose. The big kids get to keep their ever-expanding 'stuff', and the new kids get to have their PFS without the extra 'stuff'.

And then the faction system can change AGAIN.

I like it! Though surely factions would be left out entirely?

Sigh! There you go again... treating me seriously.

Grand Lodge 2/5

claudekennilol wrote:

Crap, I just made a Verminous Hunter.. ACG for class, UM for companion, APG for for ranger-skirmisher tricks, CRB for animal companion table--and those are the four books for just my class features.

.. I guess that means I can't pick any combat feats from UC T_T. I know this is just a huge joke, but it's not even slightly funny.

Faelyn wrote:

There already is a system in place to help minimize that situation; requiring the player to own all books/pdfs for the source to be used.

Plus I don't necessarily feel that is a good fix. Say you want to use a class from the ACG (we'll say hunter), now to use your teamwork feats that's another book (2), you make a core race (Core Rulebook) (3), and you want an to use some of the new animal tricks from the Animal Archive (4). Oh look... you've now used four books and cannot select anything from any other source... That's just silly.

I pointed out the four books needed just for the class features. But you're right, being unable to use Animal Archive would be much worse than not being able to use UC for feats.

1/5 **

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Perry Snow wrote:
Sigh! There you go again... treating me seriously.

Nah, I knew you weren't truly serious, and that Paizo has no desire to split the player base with multiple rules systems. Although I'd seriously play such a thing.

Scarab Sages

bugleyman wrote:
Perry Snow wrote:
Sigh! There you go again... treating me seriously.

Nah, I knew you weren't truly serious, and that Paizo has no desire to split the player base with multiple rules systems. Although I'd seriously play such a thing.


5/5 5/55/5

Maybe, if there is going to be more play content available soon, there can be 2 types of organized play; basic and advanced. Basic only the hard cover books are allowed. Advanced, everything currently allowed and new releases are in play, in this way new players to Organized play won't be so intimidated by all the rule variations, exceptions, etc.

1/5 **

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I hereby petition for a campaign in which all PCs are goblins. :)

Scarab Sages

bugleyman wrote:
I hereby petition for a campaign in which all PCs are goblins. :)

Once again, the kobolds don't get their due. When will their day come?

4/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hear hear! Kobold race boons please!

4/5 *

2 people marked this as a favorite.

And of course, an Aspis campaign run in parallel, with the GenCon Special being all-out PvP warfare.

Sovereign Court 4/5

It'd be a serious improvement if they'd let me update all the Season 0 scenarios to Pathfinder RPG.

*basks in egotistical pride*

Grand Lodge 4/5

That's already in the works Deussu.

Silver Crusade 1/5

How about some bad guys that are not dweebs and are actually scary to fight. The snakes are push overs. Make aspis on par with pc's use a 20 point build for them.

Do not restrict material! The whole point of PFS is a. Sales tool for pathfinder products.

Place better items on chronicle sheets. Npc's should get the same wbl as pc's.

As to scenarios please limit things like chases army things to a few scenarios per season.
I really do not like the mecanic for chases as a player or gm.

Scenario stories for seasons 5+6 have been vey good keep it up. I am looking forward to finding tech items in season 6 James did a very good job designing tech items and I look forward to seeing them implemented in the game. To those who don't like tech give it a chance, JAmes designed it to work like most magic items.

Grand Lodge 4/5

I've seen plenty of scary bad guys, especially if your characters are not min-maxed to take on APL+4 CRed encounters.

We already restrict material, globally. That's what the Additional Resources is for, after all.

If you read the blog post, you will see we are already planning on limiting subsystems in scenarios.


thaX wrote:
John Compton wrote:
thaX wrote:

Some questions

I like the direction this is going. Hopefully, we won't see another King of the Storval Stairs.
I suppose the #4-04 reference could refer to several things, but, um...sure?

The scenario in question is a basic TPK churner. Safe to say, this one has more than any other scenario with maybe the exception of The Many Fortunes of Grand Master Torch...

Kill the PC's, and make a stew, great scenario!!!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Steven Schopmeyer wrote:

That's already in the works Deussu.

I wasn't aware that they'd hired Deussu to do that :P


Mattastrophic wrote:
Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
Demoyn wrote:
The power creep is definitely the biggest problem I've noticed with society play.
I think you'll enjoy our solution once we finish hammering out the creases.
*spit-take* Powercreep is being addressed? Say whaaat?

This is worrying. Everything in the blog post sounds pretty good, but it seems like buying into power creep and trying to "fix" it is likely to make Pathfinder's balance issues worse, not better.

Illeist wrote:
GM Lamplighter wrote:
Can we at least wait until they exist before we start looking for loopholes to min-max benefit from them?
Actually, I was asking to see if the new faction card system was even viable for those of us who have already played and GM'd the majority of the scenarios referenced on the cards.

Didn't they specifically say that they wouldn't reference specific scenarios?

EDIT: Yes, yes it does:

blog post wrote:
These goals will be generic enough that they can be accomplished from playing not just the current season, but past season scenarios as well.


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