Bizarre Love Triangle Isn't Just a New Order Song Anymore

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Ahoy, me hearties! It seems like only yesterday that I wrote a blog for you, but here I am again. In actuality it was three weeks ago, but I have an incredibly bad concept of time that has passed so I had to check. And if you don't believe me, you can check here.

Anyway, we're nearly on to Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Adventure Deck 3: Tempest Rising! We're zipping through these adventures faster than a flying fish on uppers. As usual, I'll be sharing some of my favorite cards and giving you the inside scoop on one of our scenarios. But first, I must apologize. If I seem a little distracted to you, it's because I am. Somehow, a gigantic fly has gotten into my house and is buzzing around me. Every time I get focused, this fly dive bombs me and I flail around trying to bat it out of the air like some sort of drunk cat. And sometimes I drop my laptop. Le sigh. But this is what I go through to get you some insider info on Skull & Shackles. You may be thinking that it would just be better for me to head to a coffee shop down the street but that would be LETTING THAT BUZZY LITTLE JERK WIN. And that, I simply can't stand.

On to a happier place... sharks.

OSS (Obligatory Shark Section)

Dun... dun.

Dun... dun.

Dun dun dundundun. That's right, you scallywags, we've got a great white shark.

It might be easier on everyone if you just gave up now. This won't be getting any easier.

It make look like some blood vapors are escaping his mouth but I think he's been smoking some sort of weird hookah with red smoke. It's definitely not blood. Because the Great White Shark would never hurt you. Unless you encounter him. Which you will because you can't evade him. Wah wah. It's hard to be you, isn't it?

Some Other Totally Rad Stuff

The Great White Shark is as great as his name says, but there are some cards whose names aren't quite so obvious.

Look at him in his stripey pants, Look at him! LOOK AT HIM!

You're in serious denial if you don't admit to loving this Werecrocodile. You best hope the moon isn't out or ol' stripeypants is gonna take a little bit more to defeat. But, seeing as how he's a reptile, he's a little sensitive to the cold, and adding that trait to your check will help you a bit. Unless somebody gets him some mittens and a hat. He'd look pretty great with those though, right?


This scenario also features a new type of card. We call it a Curse but you'll likely give it a different name. Probably a curse word. Aahahaha. But seriously. Don't get stuck with one of these. I'm not going to say more about it because I think it pretty much speaks for itself.

This is not really what you want.

Up until now, Structural damage has sort of been a thing but it's been pretty manageable, right? The days of manageable Structural damage are over. This adventure has a lot of particularly nasty barriers that are all about the Structural damage. Take for instance, the Cannonade.


Yes, dear readers, you read that correctly. The Cannonade is a Veteran barrier and you're not getting away without taking at least 2 Structural damage. That's not all, though! There are several more barriers just as nasty as this one. And a couple are even henchmen so you know you'll get to see them a bunch! Huzzah!

I admit, rubbing your face in those barriers was a little mean. So, here. Take a look at this loot blessing.

Monkey in a scarf alert!!!

There's something funny about those traits... what is it though? Oh right, it's our first blessing without the Divine trait. That's pretty crazy! And you might be able to play a second blessing on the check you use this on! And just look at all those ways to recharge this thing! This blessing should rock your socks. And if you're not wearing socks, put some on so you can have your socks rocked. For reals.

Bizarre Love Triangle

It's a story as old as time. Boy goes to grocery store. Girl goes to grocery store. They do their shopping, almost bumping into each other multiple times, but always just missing until they both reach for the same sea cucumber. Meet cute. Boy and Girl fall in love. Boy and Girl get in a fight. Boy and Girl take a break. Boy meets Gal. Boy and Girl upgrade break to break up. Boy gets house. Boy and Gal are happy. Boy ditches Gal to pursue other interests. Girl hates Boy. Gal loves Boy. Boy is busy pursuing other interests.

I know, I know. Right now you're thinking, "You silly goose in the rigging, that doesn't really seem bizarre at all." You know what? You're right. Aside from the fact that Boy, Girl, and Gal are all water nagas and "pursuing other interests" actually means "killing any people that cross his path," that story is not bizarre in any way.

Sorry, Shonda Rimes, this crazy drama is already taken.

So. Let's get down to business. What actually happens in this scenario? Well, if you'll note on the scenario card, there aren't real henchmen in this scenario. We just have you shuffle some random monsters (even more chances for Stripeypants to be encountered!) so closing locations will be a bit more challenging than normal. Plus, you have to get these three crazy kids in the same place so they can sort out their issues. That's right, this scenario is an intervention.

I can hear you scoffing through the internet, "So what if we have to burn through all the cards in a location deck and there are three villains? We're rockstars at this game!" Scoff no more, dear readers. Did you catch the part on the scenario about how if the villain can't escape to an open location you shuffle it into a random location and open it? I mean, obviously there's a strategy on how to do that properly but that's up to you to figure out. There's also the part where if all three villains aren't in the same location deck, you haven't defeated the matter how good your roll was. Toodle-loo blessings deck! It was nice knowing you!

We’ve sort of been ignoring our three villains thus far and if there’s one thing I know about water nagas, it’s that they hate to be ignored. Let’s start with Boy, or as you will come to know him, Munarei. Munarei is probably smarter than you. He’s gonna deal you some Mental damage before you even act and after that you’ll have to try and outsmart him. I don’t know about you but I would rather punch Munarei rather than try to make an Intelligence or Knowledge 10 check. But wait, there’s more! If your check isn't at least a 7, the top card of your deck, you know, the one you’re just itching to draw, well, that gets buried. Oof. Maybe Girl and Gal will be nicer.

Girl, AKA Sarlis, is a little peeved with Munarei. The good news is, this means she’s sort of willing to accept your help to get back her lair. All it takes is a Charisma or Diplomacy 10 check! I mean, she’s still going to deal you some damage before you act (Force damage, to be accurate) and if you fail by 3 or more you’re going to be burying that tasty top card of your deck. Hell hath no fury like a water naga scorned.

And last, but not least, there’s Selissa, who we’ve called Gal up until now. She’s still completely enamored with Munarei for some reason. And you trying to fight her and herd her over to the same location as the others is only distracting her from mooning over Munarei. So yeah, she’s a little mad at you too. She’ll be slapping you with some Poison damage, and of course, the top card of your deck is still quite vulnerable. But, after a Wisdom or Survival 10 check, you’ll be sitting pretty (but not as pretty as Munarei!).

So, we've now given you a murdery, monster-filled soap opera to play through. At the end you'll get a card feat, though. And we all know how deliciousssss card featsss are. Umm, sorry. Been spending a little too much time trying to think like a water naga. At any rate, I think you've got a pretty decent look at what's heading your way in Adventure 3 and I only dropped my laptop twice! As always, thanks for reading and here's hoping to a mutiny-free month for you!

Gaby Weidling
Adventure Card Game Developer

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Skull & Shackles

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Loot blessing!!

Pathfinder ACG Developer

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Just for you, Hawkmoon!

So they have grocery stores and houses for water nagas?

Learn something new everyday.


This blessing is a creative step in the right direction, IMO.

That scenario looks pretty crazy. The strategy isn't coming right to mind... gonna have to have it all in front of me I think.

Here's a strategy hint for this scenario: attempting to close a location is generally optional.

Well this all looks fabulous -- thanks for the preview and the wonderful descriptions! I do have one question -- why is Jalhazar's Wheel cursed and why don't I really want it? It looks like a neat loot card to me...

Anyway, thanks again, and good luck on the fly-dodging!

Oh wait, yeah... I got it.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I think Gaby wanted to link another card there instead of the wheel...

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

Uh-huh. Working on it. (Pretty funny caption for a wrong card, though.)

Pathfinder ACG Developer

Well, the caption isn't wrong...that's not what you want if you're trying to look at the Curse. :P We're putting the right picture in there. Derp.

Pathfinder ACG Developer

Consider yourselves Cursed.

Pathfinder ACG Designer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gaby Weidling wrote:
Consider yourselves Cursed.

We like to give early readers a bonus glimpse. Yup.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Evil :)

Fortunately the villain text is different than the article:

* the article is ambiguous and could be read as needing to defeat by an extra 3 to avoid burying a card (instead of just punishing the worst failures)
* the article suggests that evading would cause you to bury a card

Pathfinder ACG Developer

Evading doesn't give you the opportunity to make a check, so you won't bury a card.

As for the first point, if the check to defeat is listed as Intelligence or Knowledge 10 (like on Munarei) and you roll a 10, 11, or 12, Munarei is defeated. However, you did not beat that by 3 or more so you will bury the top card of your deck. If you roll a 13 or higher, congrats, you have defeated Munarei and have avoided burying the top card of your deck.

Does Jirelle get a monkey friend and we just haven't seen it yet??

Loot blessing!!

The curse card also has a large wheel on it.

The card in the image says:

Munarei wrote:
If you fail a check to defeat Munarei by three or more, bury the top card of your deck.

That pretty clearly would mean a roll of 7 or lower, not 12 or lower.

Pathfinder ACG Developer

I guess we were wrong. It's extra punishment if you fail by 3 or more. We wrote those cards months ago. Double derp.

Pathfinder ACG Developer

Coming soon to a blog near you: Correctness!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I've got to say, I really missed this blog last week. I'm so glad it is back. Great job Gaby.

Pathfinder ACG Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That made my day, Hawkmoon!

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Awesome writing once again, I was smiling pretty much the whole time (except for when I read about that +5 on the BotG thing)!

Sovereign Court

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Loot Blessing?

Loot Blessing.

That's awesome, and the card power itself is really good. Someone in our party (hopefully me!) is taking that, and it will be around till the end of the path. I really can't see other blessings being so good that, in a 4 player group, noone would hold one slot for that one.

Wait... it doesn't start with "Blessing of"? Nope, forget it, set it on fire!

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks, Gary!!

Scarab Sages

I'm already planing out our strategy for the bizarre love triangle with some friends. Can't wait Thanks for another great blog Gaby! Also, you fly has relocated and is now being hunted by my cat. Ginger the cat says "Mow" which translates to "Your welcome strange no claw being".

Pathfinder ACG Developer

Oh good! My cat was not interested in helping out. "Will that buzzy thing pet my tummy? No? Do not want." Good luck with strategy planning!

I'm sure I just be missing something, but surely there's always an open location for the villain to escape to when it's undefeated because there will always at least be the location it was encountered at?

The_Napier wrote:
I'm sure I just be missing something, but surely there's always an open location for the villain to escape to when it's undefeated because there will always at least be the location it was encountered at?

That's exactly what I am thinking as well. With the villain always able to escape to the same location you just encountered it at, it seems like its going to turn into another crap-shoot like Toll of the Bell, where you are hoping against hope that somehow all the villains get shuffled into the right spot with no real way to control it.

The way I see it is, for example, you can scout to your hearts content and, even if you get 2 of the villains to one location and then find the location of the third, when you encounter the third you obviously make sure all others are temp closed or closed (leaving only the one with the other 2 villains open). Then you defeat the third, which means hes undefeated and has a chance to get shuffled right back into the same location, losing a blessing from the stack in the process.

Gaby Weidling wrote:
That made my day, Hawkmoon!

Well, I'm glad I could contribute to your joy. I really do look forward to reading these every Tuesday. So you bring me some joy on a weekly basis (excluding holidays). So thanks.

PACG was always awesome, and the interaction with Mike and Chad and Vic was always great, but having you and Tanis (and Brain Campbell, though you've got to get him posting more) participating on the forums means there is so much more interaction. I know you were all involved with PACG even before the blogs and the forum posts, but it is so great to just have so much more being created and shared. I think it was about this time last year that I started playing. And now look at where this game is. It is hard to believe it has only been year. Thanks for being a big part of that.

Now if you'll excuse me, that Hat and Mittens Werecrocodile is now covered under Paizo's community use policy. I need to get some card stock and warm up the printer...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

+1 for New Order references. Way to go Gary!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

I don't have the rules right in front of me, but can you temp close the location you meet the villain at? I want to say no but I'm not sure. Usually it wouldn't matter. It's not really a strategy that had occurred to me before.

It's less of a crapshoot than Toll of the Bell simply because you can get things down to a 50/50 shot of the villain running to the right spot, unlike Pilk who can have 1/10 or 1/15 odds of going to the bottom.

Just wanted to confirm that the street date for this product is still November 19th? So about a month from now?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber


You are a funny writer. What a great sense of humor. You scare me, make me laugh, and intrigue me all at once. Keep up the fantastic blogs!

Raynair wrote:
The_Napier wrote:
I'm sure I just be missing something, but surely there's always an open location for the villain to escape to when it's undefeated because there will always at least be the location it was encountered at?

That's exactly what I am thinking as well. With the villain always able to escape to the same location you just encountered it at, it seems like its going to turn into another crap-shoot like Toll of the Bell, where you are hoping against hope that somehow all the villains get shuffled into the right spot with no real way to control it.

That's a really interesting point. Which also opens the question, when would the below line of rules on the scenario card ever matter?

Scenario wrote:
If the villain cannot escape to an open location, shuffle the villain into a random location, opening it.

An undefeated villain always has a place to escape to, its own location that it just was found in. And if you defeat the villain, you immediately win, so it doesn't matter if all the locations are closed or not.

Edge of Dreams wrote:
Raynair wrote:
The_Napier wrote:
I'm sure I just be missing something, but surely there's always an open location for the villain to escape to when it's undefeated because there will always at least be the location it was encountered at?

That's exactly what I am thinking as well. With the villain always able to escape to the same location you just encountered it at, it seems like its going to turn into another crap-shoot like Toll of the Bell, where you are hoping against hope that somehow all the villains get shuffled into the right spot with no real way to control it.

That's a really interesting point. Which also opens the question, when would the below line of rules on the scenario card ever matter?

Scenario wrote:
If the villain cannot escape to an open location, shuffle the villain into a random location, opening it.
An undefeated villain always has a place to escape to, its own location that it just was found in. And if you defeat the villain, you immediately win, so it doesn't matter if all the locations are closed or not.

That's a good point, Edge of Dreams, I had forgotten about that line of text on the Scenario card. Since none of the villains are EVER defeated unless all 3 are together, then they will ALWAYS have 1 open location and that line of text will never come into play.

Unless there is some unwritten rule about being able to temp close the location you encountered a villain, which I have NEVER heard of before...

Either it is there just in case some weird corner case comes up or it is intended to work like this:

Hypothetical Bizarre Love Triangle wrote:
When you would defeat a villain, examine the location deck. If the other two villains are not in the deck, the villain is undefeated, but the location is temporarily closed. If the villain can not escape to an open location, shuffle the villain into a random location, opening it.

You encounter Guy.

You temp close all open locations.
You defeat villain Guy.
You examine Guy's location. Girl and Gal aren't there.
Guy is undefeated, but his location is temporarily closed.
You shuffle guy into a random location and open it.

It might be best for someone to start a new thread about it.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

Either it is there just in case some weird corner case comes up or it is intended to work like this:

Hypothetical Bizarre Love Triangle wrote:
When you would defeat a villain, examine the location deck. If the other two villains are not in the deck, the villain is undefeated, but the location is temporarily closed. If the villain can not escape to an open location, shuffle the villain into a random location, opening it.

You encounter Guy.

You temp close all open locations.
You defeat villain Guy.
You examine Guy's location. Girl and Gal aren't there.
Guy is undefeated, but his location is temporarily closed.
You shuffle guy into a random location and open it.

It might be best for someone to start a new thread about it.

pretty sure that's not how villains work, especially as the scenario says the rule triggers if one 'would defeat' the villain

glad to know I'm not imagining it though. thanks guys. the unnecessariness of that line was exactly my point

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Time is going to be tight on this scenario. There is really no way to permanently close any location without emptying it. I can see a strategy involving selective temp closing but I think it will be tricky. I also think my usual plan of "close the easiest locations first" is backwards for this one.

But once you get all three in the same location you're basically done - you don't have to actually prevent them from running, just defeat them when together.

Werecrocodile is disgusting, disgusting! It should not exist, should not. I can see encountering that again again in a deck, I'll lose sleep over it.

Sovereign Court

Sicjake wrote:
Werecrocodile is disgusting, disgusting! It should not exist, should not. I can see encountering that again again in a deck, I'll lose sleep over it.

Holy crap, I hadn't even read that one. That's just nasty!

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

I am sad that the Werecrocodile does not wear socks, and is thus not capable of having his socks rocked. I expect Gaby will rectify that using MS Paint soon.

Just imagine. You are at the location where if you defeat a monster you get to go again (I don't have my box on me so I can't look up the name of the location). You go looking for trouble and you find - Werecrocodile! Your blessing card is a gods and you throw everything you can at him to kill him. He is defeated, and feeling your victory, you go exploring - only to find Owlbeartross!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mike Selinker wrote:
I am sad that the Werecrocodile does not wear socks, and is thus not capable of having his socks rocked. I expect Gaby will rectify that using MS Paint soon.

He should have a watch as well.

So he ticks.


Hawkmoon269 wrote:


It might be best for someone to start a new thread about it.

Will do

Playing through Bizarre Love Triangle now while listening to the song, and I wonder exactly how the nagas are supposed to get down on their knees and pray. Is a polymorph involved?

Adventure Card Game Designer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Richard Bowers wrote:
Playing through Bizarre Love Triangle now while listening to the song, and I wonder exactly how the nagas are supposed to get down on their knees and pray. Is a polymorph involved?

They're waiting for that final moment / To grow the legs they need today.

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