Guide 6.0 and Changes to Pathfinder Society Organized Play

Monday, August 11, 2014

With Gen Con just four days away, we wanted to release the new and improved Pathfinder Society Guide to Organized Play (version 6.0) today so everyone has an opportunity to review it and discuss it before Gen Con. With the help of the Venture-Captains and Venture-Lieutenants, we have added several much-needed changes that we think will improve your experiences in Pathfinder Society play.

Most notably, the following changes will go into effect on August 14 when Season six kicks off at Gen Con:

  • Removed aasimar and tielfing as legal race choices. Added kitsune, nagaji, and wayang as legal choices.
  • The nation-based factions have transitioned to ideal-based factions. These new factions borrow some traits from past factions and introduce several new traits. Those who already have faction traits no longer appearing in the Guide to Organized Play keep those traits, but they are no longer available as options for new characters. If you are currently playing in a online game (PbP, VTT, etc..), you may finish the game with your character in its current faction. After the game is complete, you should immediately transition to one of the newer factions, with the exception of Grand Lodge and Silver Crusade.
  • Updated the faction goals for season six.
  • Added a new section in Chapter Five for special rules pertaining to Season 6, including information about time-worn technology and glitches.
  • Updated the shirts available for free reolls, including the new ones that go on sale at Gen Con.
  • Updated the art throughout to reflect the theme of season six.

There are quite a few more changes from version 5.1 to 6.0 so make sure to brush up on it before the new season starts.

Additionally, we have released the update to Additional Resources, including all of July and August books. That means you are able to get a few days to decide what new class you want to build from the Advanced Class Guide.

Finally, the Quick Start Guide has been updated to reflect the color scheme of season six, as well as a few changes in the text to match what is listed in the Guide.

We look forward to seeing all of the awesome VOs, GMs, and players at Gen Con, and are looking forward to an even more awesome campaign in the upcoming Year of the Sky Key. We sincerely appreciate everyone who provided feedback for the changes to the Guide for working together to make our organized play campaign the best itcan be for the player base, GMs, coordinators, and Venture-Officers. Feel free to pull us aside at Gen Con to chat about any or all of the above changes.

Mike Brock and John Compton
Global Organized Play Coordinator and Developer

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Grand Lodge 4/5

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Rogue Eidolon wrote:
There's actually two more pages in that file. Personally I think the other two are cooler.
Most of the rewards overlap, and come on, who can resist a boon that says Aram Zey won't insult you publically? :)

I know I couldn't!

Tsriel wrote:
It seems enough of a stir was made about it and so it's been banned.

Some people just hate bards. :( HATERS! Etc etc etc...

Scarab Sages 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kigvan wrote:
graywulfe wrote:

So after reading the guide, I can not tell. Given that leaving Factions is being forced, in some cases. Do we still lose Prestige awards we have already purchased? Example: Does my Qadiran Trade Prince lose the Trade Prince Prestige Award when I go to the Exchange? What if I switch to a different faction? I get why we lose this stuff when we change Factions by choice, but this is not a choice, and it would really suck to lose the Prestige I spent on this. Just trying to understand. If someone can point me to a page in the guide, or a quote on the boards, that makes it more clear that would be awesome.

I can honestly say that if I lose Trade Prince and receive nothing in return I will seriously reconsider any Faction specific Prestige purchases in the future, as they would then be only temporary bonuses. This would definitely put a damper on my enthusiasm for the new Factions.

I would also like an answer to this question, I was considering some faction changes and will be playing at Gencon, so I would like some clairification on how these changes will effect current vanities.

My reading of it, since it says you get one free faction change at any time during season 6, is that you'll automatically roll over into whatever your existing faction changes to. You can, at any time during season 6, decide that another faction fits your character better and make the switch.

So, for example, I have an Osirion Investigator. Effective Thursday, he'll be a Scarab Sages Investigator. I can play Destiny of the Sands 3 and receive the Osirion boon. I can play a dozen more scenarios as Scarab Sages, but if I decide 6 months from now I think he fits better in Dark Archive, I can switch for free, as long as I do it before GenCon 2015. I can do that once. If I decide after switching to Dark Archive that I don't like it, I'd have to pay prestige like normal. Essentially, the "switch" from Osirion to Scarab Sages doesn't count as a change, since it's essentially the same faction. The Change would be going to Dark Archives.

Otherwise, I think everything follows the normal rules for changing factions, which means you would lose all of your faction specific vanities, but retain faction specific traits after the switch. You would also lose access to purchase any new vanities or traits (using additional traits) from your old faction. If that's not the case, I hope some clarification is issued. But it also makes sense, since the old factions still exist under new names (as opposed to Lantern Lodge and Shadow Lodge which went away completely).

Since The Exchange retains access to Qadiran and Sczarni vanities, if you want to stay a Trade Prince, stay in The Exchange. You won't lose anything by doing so.

I still don't know where this leaves people with the Risen Guard vanity. Fortunately my Investigator had not had cause to purchase that one yet (he's 90% GM credit anyway).

Here is the relevant section from the guide, bolding mine.

PFSGtOP 6.0 wrote:

Changing Your Faction

With the change of most factions from nation-based to ideal-based at the start of Season 6, every character is allowed one free faction change anytime during Season 6. After the one free faction change, if at any point you become disillusioned with your faction, you can change to a different one. The longer you have spent in service to a faction, the higher the relative cost to change to one that hasn’t seen firsthand your ability to forward their goals. Changing your faction costs a number of Prestige Points equal to 3 times your character level, but does not alter your Fame score. (Prestige Points and Fame are fully explained in Chapter 5). You retain your faction traits, if any, but lose any faction-specific Prestige Awards you have accumulated during your time with your old faction; generic Prestige Awards from Table 5–4 and Vanities (Pathfinder Society Field Guide 60) are unaffected.

Grand Lodge 3/5

I've noticed a typo on p.8 :

Oracle: Oracles with the Nature spirit receive animal growth as a bonus spell at 10th level instead of awaken.

Shaman: Shamans with the Nature mystery receive animal growth as a bonus spell at 10th level instead of awaken.

(oracle should have the mystery, shaman the spirit)

Michael Brock wrote:
Neongelion wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
Removed a post. Paizo doesn't hate fun. We keep things out that don't fit PFS play. Luckily, you can enjoy that option in a home game.
If I may ask in a less belligerent way, then: was the Nanite bloodline barred because of its mechanical aspects or because of its theme?
Mostly because of its theme.

Shot through the heart, and you're to blaaaame...


5/5 5/55/55/5

I know you keep trade prince because Exchange members qualify for Qadirian vanities.

Scarab Sages 2/5 *

Generally I like everything I see except the Faction Logos.

Bad Bad

C'mon...all that cool art in the books. Even the season 6 front page is good.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I'm trying to be supportive, but I too am a bit disappointed in the new logos.

Cascade wrote:

Generally I like everything I see except the Faction Logos.

Bad Bad

C'mon...all that cool art in the books. Even the season 6 front page is good.

Actually that reminds me, the guide has all that cool artwork, and the color scheme and circuitry theme were all there, and we got implications that PFS character can get their hands on tech items...but the Nanite bloodline goes against this theme?

Ahhh, fiddlesticks, all right I'll stop whinin' about it. But by god am I disappointed.

Although speaking of the new logos, I dunno, I don't really mind them that much. Not better than the prior logos but I don't really think they're worse either.

Scarab Sages 4/5

BigNorseWolf wrote:
I know you keep trade prince because Exchange members qualify for Qadirian vanities.

You keep it if you stay in The Exchange. I think there's still some question of whether or not you keep it if you elect to use your free faction change to go to a different faction. My reading of the guide is no, you don't keep it if you change, though I don't know if that was what was intended.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

I'm pretty sure John Compton mentioned that you get to keep any Vanities from your prior Faction. It's the "faction-specific Prestige Awards" clause that is confusing.

The Exchange 2/5

Joe M. wrote:
(Not to stay off-topic, but I should note that my post above is *not* intended to express concern about feeling unrewarded for GMing. I enjoy running games and would do it without any additional reward beyond GM credit. My concern is just that having easier access to replay for GMs would help handle the sorts of situations that come up when seating tables, the sort of thing I described above.)

Are you aware that you are able to replay a scenario (for no credit, but without requiring a star) if and only if adding the person replaying to the table makes it a legal table? See p20 of v6.0 the guide.

The 'if and only if' is my current understanding based on Mike's posts to the board - the wording in the guide is a little muddy regarding whether more than one person can replay, or if a person can replay to take a table from 3 players plus pregen to 4 players, or indeed if someone can replay if the only other option is them going home without a game.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Angry Wiggles wrote:

I'm assuming that Triaxians, Lashunta and Kasatha from People of the Stars are also not legal for play, and that it's not just Androids. They are not called out as legal, but only the Android is explicitly called out as not legal. The standard language used in the additional resources is that if something is not listed, than it is not legal, but calling out the Androids and leaving the rest unmentioned feels confusing, especially when the Android would be banned by omission if there was no text included on the races in this book. I feel like this would be better off stated as either "None of the races in this book are legal for play" or clearly specifying if any of them are legal.

Perhaps I'm reading too far into it, but I feel like there's a point to be made here.

Remember when that the goblin race was made leagal for exactly ONE person, as a charity auction boon?

I see paizo as wanting to make an android chracter THAT rare.

Shadow Lodge

Paz wrote:
SCPRedMage wrote:
But if it requires attending a convention to acquire, then you've gone from having the appearance of ignoring non-convention going GMs to actively taking rewards away from them,
How can you take something away that wasn't owned in the first place?

When GM star replay was first announced, it was stated that they would refresh annually at GenCon. When that refresh was removed from the final version of Guide 5.0, we were told they wanted to see how the first year went before committing to the annual refresh.

The belief that the refresh would be automatic was so widespread that there have even been multiple people on the forums stating that their VOs were telling them to plan on the refresh happening. I, myself, used my first GM star replay before I had even realized the refresh had been removed from the Guide, on a scenario I didn't particularly care for (the first OR second time), that I certainly wouldn't have, had I known then what I know now.

So they "took it away" from non-convention going GMs by telling them that this was a general GM reward, then changing it into a mostly con GM reward.

Shadow Lodge

Deane Beman wrote:
I will agree with you that the GMs in the trenches who are running regular games in their communities are the lifeblood of this campaign; but just because I don't have the same toys as everybody else doesn't mean I'm not having fun in the playground.

Don't get me wrong, here; just because I'm expressing dissatisfaction with an aspect of the campaign doesn't mean I don't enjoy the campaign. For every one thing that I dislike, there are dozens I enjoy. I'm nowhere near "OMFG RAGEQUIT!!!!!111one" territory; this is disappointment, nothing more.

The GM chronicles from scenarios are definitely a nice benefit, but they're a kind of double-edged sword, so to speak; while they can certainly help get a character past early levels, where they might not do what you want the character to do yet (like a healing paladin, who doesn't get Lay on Hands until level two), every GM chronicle you apply to them is one fewer opportunity to actually play that character. I echo the disappointment that we still can't treat GM chronicles like we do pregen chronicles, because applying higher tier chronicles to level one characters at reduced GP allows us to take advantage of the best part of the chronicles: getting characters past points that aren't fun to play. (Of course, I also wish they'd remove the "level one" restriction on that; applying a tier 7-11 chronicle to a level five character with the GP reduced to 500 is hardly going to give 'em an advantage, and if the player wants to do it, what's the harm?)

The GM Star chronicle I'm completely indifferent to; I only get to apply it to ONE character, and even then the benefits are minor. Without being able to apply it to ALL of my characters, or have it grant benefits that can actually DEFINE a character, I find it less than exciting, because a minor benefit that I occasionally get to use on a character I occasionally get to play (and will eventually NOT be able to play any more) means that it isn't going to matter the vast majority of the time; in fact, I'll probably forget I even have it.

As to the "appreciate what I have instead of lamenting what I don't", I find that it's a bit different when I'm told I'm going to get something, have that quickly change to very probably going to get it, then months later told sorry, only if you can afford to go to a convention.

Again, if this boon is distributed outside of conventions, I'm all for it, but restricting it to conventions only places a barrier to entry that would greatly disappoint me.

Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

I'm unclear on the 'recharge' thing too (especially since my life is in flux right now).

So is it a 'con' boon as in it will show up if i'm still in Columbus and GM next year, or is it going to be a PaizoCon/GenCon only thing, like some of the race boons.

If it's the former i'm fine (even if it means I'll have to find cons in Florida) if it's the later... I'm put out.


Michael Brock wrote:
So the bonus to rerolls, as well as the only way to currently replay one to five favorite scenarios above first level is useless? So noted.

Sorry, I was in a bit of a hurry before work and my post was a bit more negative than I intended it to be. When I said non-resetting stars were useless, I meant to me. There are hundreds of scenarios that I have not played, and hundreds more as yet unwritten - so using an irreplaceable star replay is such a huge risk that I'll likely never do it.

I must admit I was not considering T-shirt re-rolls because I don't currently have any. I'd like one, but last I checked everything was out of stock (of course, we now know why...). Plus transatlantic shipping doesn't help!

David Bowles wrote:
It's not useless. I'd run without any perks, myself.

Well, so would I, since I effectively am!


Sovereign Court 5/5

I have to echo the sentiment that if this is a Con-only thing, I'll be VERY disappointed. I GM on average at least once a week for Pathfinder Society in addition to working 40+ hours a week and volunteering my time, and I simply don't have the time to get to one of the "big" cons.

Again, if such a valuable boon is handed out only to con go-ers, to me, carries a heavy overtone of Paizo saying convention play is more important than non-convention play ... and dare I say it, that they care more about money than the people doing the hardest non-paid work; the day-in and day-out GMs.

That's not to say I won't enjoy Pathfinder Society, still, but with a shiny new competitor coming online, they might want to think about how they're rewarding their GM corps.

LazarX wrote:
Angry Wiggles wrote:

I'm assuming that Triaxians, Lashunta and Kasatha from People of the Stars are also not legal for play, and that it's not just Androids. They are not called out as legal, but only the Android is explicitly called out as not legal. The standard language used in the additional resources is that if something is not listed, than it is not legal, but calling out the Androids and leaving the rest unmentioned feels confusing, especially when the Android would be banned by omission if there was no text included on the races in this book. I feel like this would be better off stated as either "None of the races in this book are legal for play" or clearly specifying if any of them are legal.

Perhaps I'm reading too far into it, but I feel like there's a point to be made here.

Remember when that the goblin race was made leagal for exactly ONE person, as a charity auction boon?

I see paizo as wanting to make an android chracter THAT rare.

That...would suck. Big time.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

I too would like to get some clarification on the faction change questions - if you are, say, Andoran, do you default to Liberty's edge now, and then get another free change later, or do you have to decide right away where to land since Andoran is no longer a legal faction as of this weekend?

Also, I sincerely hope that the number of people complaining is compared with the total number of people who are normally active on the forums (a very large silent majority) before making any changes to the new guide. Overall, I am quite pleased with almost everything in it, myself.

Dark Archive

kinevon wrote:
richard develyn wrote:

If someone wanted to run modules from the previous season which allowed aasimars and tieflings, how could they find out what was allowed then?

Is there an archive for these guides?

Better still, is there somewhere a master guide which separates the restrictions for PFS from the restrictions for PFS for any particular season?


Ummm. Scenarios follow the rules in force at the time the scenario is run, not when it was created. The only exception to that is for Season 0 scenarios, which have instructions for when and how you can update the monsters from 3.5 to PF versions.

As long as the Aasimar or Tiefling PC has at least one XP from before AUgust 14th, they are legal to run as an Aasimar or Tiefling, based on what they were at the time that final pre-GenCOn 2014 XP was earned.

Then I don't understand why things come and go from being legal.

I had always imagined that the PFS restrictions weren't season related. We actually use the PFS restrictions for our non-PFS campaign as a way of imposing a sanity check, or a power-check, on Pathfinder characters.

I don't understand why it should be illegal in a week's time to create an Aasimar or Tiefling for some of the last season's scenarios, but it's ok now.

But then maybe I just don't understand PFS.


Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mike Bramnik wrote:
I too would like to get some clarification on the faction change questions - if you are, say, Andoran, do you default to Liberty's edge now, and then get another free change later, or do you have to decide right away where to land since Andoran is no longer a legal faction as of this weekend?

My interpretation would be that these are not new factions, just the same factions with new names, so the free faction change wouldn't be required just to continue playing.

Basically, you "ride over" to the "new" faction, then can change your faction for free, if you want.

Also, people have expressed confusion over the part that mentions losing "any faction-specific Prestige Awards"; this does not apply to the "free" change, as it is part of the cost of the NON-free change.

Basically, if you look at how the free faction changes were handled at the start of season five, when the Shadow/Lantern Lodges were closed, characters were allowed to keep all of their faction vanities; the same would apply here.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Neongelion wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Angry Wiggles wrote:

I'm assuming that Triaxians, Lashunta and Kasatha from People of the Stars are also not legal for play, and that it's not just Androids. They are not called out as legal, but only the Android is explicitly called out as not legal. The standard language used in the additional resources is that if something is not listed, than it is not legal, but calling out the Androids and leaving the rest unmentioned feels confusing, especially when the Android would be banned by omission if there was no text included on the races in this book. I feel like this would be better off stated as either "None of the races in this book are legal for play" or clearly specifying if any of them are legal.

Perhaps I'm reading too far into it, but I feel like there's a point to be made here.

Remember when that the goblin race was made leagal for exactly ONE person, as a charity auction boon?

I see paizo as wanting to make an android chracter THAT rare.

That...would suck. Big time.

Think of the big picture. We saw what happened with Asimars and Tieflings. Do you really want the Trekkies filling Society play with bad Data knockoffs, even though the race clearly is modeled more after Bishop and Rayna?

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
LazarX wrote:
Think of the big picture. We saw what happened with Asimars and Tieflings. Do you really want the Trekkies filling Society play with bad Data knockoffs, even though the race clearly is modeled more after Bishop and Rayna?

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

richard develyn wrote:

Then I don't understand why things come and go from being legal.

I had always imagined that the PFS restrictions weren't season related. We actually use the PFS restrictions for our non-PFS campaign as a way of imposing a sanity check, or a power-check, on Pathfinder characters.

I don't understand why it should be illegal in a week's time to create an Aasimar or Tiefling for some of the last season's scenarios, but it's ok now.

But then maybe I just don't understand PFS.


I think maybe you are just not understanding exactly what is happening.

Aasimar and Tiefling characters were not initially available at all. They were opened via special boons, then later made always available. That is where we are now.

As of the start of the season on Thursday, Aasimar and Tieflings go back to being only available by boon *for creation of new characters*. Existing characters that have been played at least once prior to Thursday will be allowed to continue with no changes or restrictions. The only change is that no *new* characters of those races will be allowed without a boon.

It has nothing to do with what season's scenarios you are running. A lot of people are quickly making new characters to run before Thursday to "lock in" the special races, but again it has to do with the current date, not the scenario being run.

Does that help?

LazarX wrote:
Neongelion wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Angry Wiggles wrote:

I'm assuming that Triaxians, Lashunta and Kasatha from People of the Stars are also not legal for play, and that it's not just Androids. They are not called out as legal, but only the Android is explicitly called out as not legal. The standard language used in the additional resources is that if something is not listed, than it is not legal, but calling out the Androids and leaving the rest unmentioned feels confusing, especially when the Android would be banned by omission if there was no text included on the races in this book. I feel like this would be better off stated as either "None of the races in this book are legal for play" or clearly specifying if any of them are legal.

Perhaps I'm reading too far into it, but I feel like there's a point to be made here.

Remember when that the goblin race was made leagal for exactly ONE person, as a charity auction boon?

I see paizo as wanting to make an android chracter THAT rare.

That...would suck. Big time.
Think of the big picture. We saw what happened with Asimars and Tieflings. Do you really want the Trekkies filling Society play with bad Data knockoffs, even though the race clearly is modeled more after Bishop and Rayna?

No I really don't. I don't want them to allow androids to be a playable race, but the possibility of them being more common than "a single boon sheet on the entire planet" would be nice. Because you know what? That one guy/girl who gets the android boon could very well play that character as "Data experience these strange things called...emooootionnnnsss?"


Dracovaard wrote:
Tsriel wrote:
It seems enough of a stir was made about it and so it's been banned.
Some people just hate bards. :( HATERS! Etc etc etc...

I'm not one, it's honestly one of my classes I truly enjoy. If you ask me, alot of bard hate stems from people just not knowing how to build them. It's a fair stance, since the player themselves have to be both resourceful and knowledgeable as much as the character they're trying to build. (...Shots fired?) That usually comes from delving into alot of different books and doing some mock builds to see what works and what doesn't.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
LazarX wrote:
Think of the big picture. We saw what happened with Asimars and Tieflings. Do you really want the Trekkies filling Society play with bad Data knockoffs, even though the race clearly is modeled more after Bishop and Rayna?

I'm pretty sure it's just to prevent me from making V.I.C.I. from Small Wonder.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Florida—Melbourne

Jeffrey Fox wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Think of the big picture. We saw what happened with Asimars and Tieflings. Do you really want the Trekkies filling Society play with bad Data knockoffs, even though the race clearly is modeled more after Bishop and Rayna?
I'm pretty sure it's just to prevent me from making V.I.C.I. from Small Wonder.

And here I thought it was just to prevent people from saying, "I'll be back," (or is that "Awl be bock?") and "Hasta la vista, baby," all the time.

Shadow Lodge

trollbill wrote:
"Awl be bock?"

"Owl be Brock"? Are you saying Mike Brock is secretly an owl?

You, sir, need to stop spreading such fowl rumors.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Florida—Melbourne

SCPRedMage wrote:
trollbill wrote:
"Awl be bock?"

"Owl be Brock"? Are you saying Mike Brock is secretly an owl?

You, sir, need to stop spreading such fowl rumors.

No reason to get your feathers all ruffled.

Ah, well, blessed are the cheese makers.

Dark Archive

Tony Lindman wrote:
richard develyn wrote:

Then I don't understand why things come and go from being legal.

I had always imagined that the PFS restrictions weren't season related. We actually use the PFS restrictions for our non-PFS campaign as a way of imposing a sanity check, or a power-check, on Pathfinder characters.

I don't understand why it should be illegal in a week's time to create an Aasimar or Tiefling for some of the last season's scenarios, but it's ok now.

But then maybe I just don't understand PFS.


I think maybe you are just not understanding exactly what is happening.

Aasimar and Tiefling characters were not initially available at all. They were opened via special boons, then later made always available. That is where we are now.

As of the start of the season on Thursday, Aasimar and Tieflings go back to being only available by boon *for creation of new characters*. Existing characters that have been played at least once prior to Thursday will be allowed to continue with no changes or restrictions. The only change is that no *new* characters of those races will be allowed without a boon.

It has nothing to do with what season's scenarios you are running. A lot of people are quickly making new characters to run before Thursday to "lock in" the special races, but again it has to do with the current date, not the scenario being run.

Does that help?

It does, thank you - I do understand it better. As you say, people are getting around it by creating their aasimar and tiefling characters now, but I guess the reason for making this change must be as a way to throttle back particular races.


Grand Lodge

I'm a bit surprised Pain Taster was made legal, given its text's explicit mention of torture and connection to the drow.

4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Minnesota—Minneapolis

Jeffrey Fox wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Think of the big picture. We saw what happened with Asimars and Tieflings. Do you really want the Trekkies filling Society play with bad Data knockoffs, even though the race clearly is modeled more after Bishop and Rayna?
I'm pretty sure it's just to prevent me from making V.I.C.I. from Small Wonder.

I thought it was to delay the entry of Twiki from Buck Rogers. Be totally worth it though if the group also included Wilma Deering (Erin Gray).

Sovereign Court


Dark Archives = book with mysterious smoke/magic
The Exchange = sack and set of scales
Grand Lodge = Glyph of the Open Road
Liberty's Edge = sword cutting across shackle
Scarab Sages = scarab beetle holding a gem
Silver Crusade = shining ankh
Sovereign Court = rising phoenix

Pretty ropey: the exchange would be better with just a set of scales, dark archive would benefit from just being mysterious smoke, possibly a bit more curly and defined. Scarab sages should have been either a diamond or a beetle, not both... I have no solution to liberty's edge: perhaps a symbol of hope or freedom (a soaring bird? a sunrise?).

A single strong image, not two...

Scarab Sages 4/5

Andrei Buters wrote:
I actively dislike the new Faction logos. They aren't really up to the standard that's been set in the past. It would be great if a dedicated graphic designer could redesign these. Right now they're not cutting the mustard. Heck, I'd do it myself for free if I thought it'd get somewhere. Without getting into details, I think they could all go back to the drawing board.

I tried to give some advice above on improving them but the more I look at them the more I agree with you. I really dislike them and think someone with more graphic design expertise than myself needs to go back to the drawing board on all of them.

"They aren't really up to the standard that's been set in the past" was a great way to put how I felt about them too.

Silver Crusade 1/5

Personally I like most of the icons.
The Scarab Sages suffer from an unfortunate color scheme, The Exchange looks a bit uninspired, but still...Dark Archive is pretty cool and while Sovereign Court is not the most original of icons, neither were the Qadira, Taldor or Andoran icon. It serves it cause.

The Liberty's Edge icon on the other hand...hurts my eyes. MAYBE this only happens because of the colors, but...I like the motif. I don't like the image.


glass wrote:
I must admit I was not considering T-shirt re-rolls because I don't currently have any. I'd like one, but last I checked everything was out of stock (of course, we now know why...). Plus transatlantic shipping doesn't help!

...but I do really like the Year of the Sky Key t-shirt. Looks like it might be time to bite the bullet with that shipping, and get those re-rolls.

5/5 5/55/55/5

I wish they'd open the bags up for rerolls. I can't wear the shirts except maybe as a hat, and paying 10 bucks for a folio i know i won't use just feels dirty.

1/5 Venture-Captain, Germany–Hannover

BigNorseWolf wrote:

I wish they'd open the bags up for rerolls. I can't wear the shirts except maybe as a hat,...

How come?

5/5 5/55/55/5

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Benjamin Falk wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

I wish they'd open the bags up for rerolls. I can't wear the shirts except maybe as a hat,...

How come?

I am not small norse wolf.


I know people that buy the folios because they are the cheapest rerolls.

But yes, I agree the bag should allow them too. They have up to a 5xl shirt by the way.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Finlanderboy wrote:
They have up to a 5xl shirt by the way.

I am not small norse wolf

(most t shirt manufacturers seem to think all you need to do is add length for a bigger size: its not true. You need to put more space in the shoulders and more depth up top too.)


Yes, I understand. I have large thighs and need to get a huge waist on my pants.

Some shirt makers are different, when I get shirts for my step dad, I know I need to avoid some vendors. I am not sure about where Paizo gets their shirts through, but I could see them being like you said.

Well, obviously the first thing I notice is the awesome Sci-Fi theme. I'm super excited about this and I love the special rules/foreshadowing on Numerian time-worn technology. As always, the artwork is imagination fuel. I can honestly say I am now looking forward to the 6th season more than any other before.

As for the factions, I like the theme-based. Allows for more creativity with characters. With nation-based, people were always having to pigeon-hole their characters into supporting the nation, even when it didn't really make sense. It also makes it a lot more apparent from the name alone what a faction stands for.

To go against the tide, I find the faction symbols to be great. Very art deco/mid-century modern. Clean lines, flat colors. Should be easy to scale down. They are a different style than the rest of the Pathfinder art, which might be why people are finding them jarring and/or ugly.

Ok, back to making space gun noises. Pew pew pew pew, BOOM.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Florida—Melbourne

17 people marked this as a favorite.

Good thing I started up a Barbarian. Now I can rage against the machine.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Rogue Eidolon wrote:
There's actually two more pages in that file. Personally I think the other two are cooler.

Most of the rewards overlap, and come on, who can resist a boon that says Aram Zey won't insult you publically? :)

Locally, we are looking for a boon that says at worst, we can mock him publicly, at best we want one whwere we can benounce him and have the Ten autorise his forceful removal for incompetance.

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
steve coling wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

Most of the rewards overlap, and come on, who can resist a boon that says Aram Zey won't insult you publically? :)

Locally, we are looking for a boon that says at worst, we can mock him publicly, at best we want one whwere we can benounce him and have the Ten autorise his forceful removal for incompetance.

After 5-20, I'd have to agree.

Grand Lodge

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Benjamin Falk wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

I wish they'd open the bags up for rerolls. I can't wear the shirts except maybe as a hat,...

How come?
I am not small norse wolf.

They make great capes!

Sovereign Court 5/5

blackbloodtroll wrote:
They make great capes!

I've never actually required that the players wear them for the re-roll, just present them. When I play PFS, I'm often coming right from work where I'm required to be in shirt and tie, and I just keep the shirt with my gaming stuff in my car. I haven't had a GM yet who's given me grief for not physically wearing the shirt, and if they did I'd put it on over what I was currently wearing, make my re-roll, and then take it right off.

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