Friday Publisher Preview: All Hail Lamashtu!

Friday, July 25, 2014

This evening the entire Paizo crew is headed to a local winery for our annual summer party, and everyone at the office right now is either diligently working nose-to-desk to finish that last bit of work before the weekend or goofing off counting down the hours until a bacchanal of all-you-can-drink wine. It's a tough life, folks, I have to tell you.

I'm one of the nose-grinders today, alas, so before I dip my cup into the well of wine and wishes, I'd like to take a few minutes to reveal three more figures from November's The Lost Coast set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy miniatures!

As I've mentioned before in previous Friday Preview blogs, The Lost Coast does not take its inspiration from a specific Adventure Path like many of our previous miniature sets, but rather draws inspiration from the Lost Coast region of Varisia. That's allowed us to sneak in cool figures from campaigns like the Rise of the Runelords as well as some more "generic" creatures that work in any environment, but it's also given us the opportunity to include some figures based off another Varisian story—the Pathfinder Comic Book.

All three of today's previews involve the treacherous Cult of Lamashtu, the Mother of Monsters. Two of them come directly from the comic's first two volumes. The last figure, alas, comes exclusively from the warped mind of our Creative Director, James Jacobs, by way of Mesopotamian mythology.

Up first this week is Etainia, the primary villain of the comic's first arc, Dark Waters Rising. Befitting her role as a priestess of the goddess of monstrous births, Etainia sports a distended belly filled with some hideous unborn creature. She's also got cool gauntlets, a nice fur-lined cloak, and a haughty demeanor. You can also pair her with the Lamashtu Cultists we previewed in our very first Lost Coast reveal to build a truly terrifying adventure against Lamashtu's hideous cult. Etainia is a Medium figure slated at the rare rarity.

Etainia and her cult have many grim allies in the region surrounding Sandpoint, and few are as fearsome as Thelsikar, the evil mystic who serves as the primary antagonist of the Pathfinder comic's second story arc, Of Tooth and Claw. Thelsikar stands ready with a deadly potion or bomb (your choice), very much as he appears on the cover of Pathfinder #11. Interestingly, that story arc takes its inspiration from the adventures contained in the Pathfinder RPG Beginner Box, making Thelsikar an interesting pick-up for GMs looking to add some oomph to that boxed set. Thelsikar is a Medium, rare figure.

Last, but certainly not least, we have the goddess Lamashtu herself! (Or, rather, a manifestation of her form suitable for doing battle with your player characters—or simply terrifying them). We don't actually have official statistics for fighting gods in the Pathfinder RPG, but that should make it even more frightening when you plop this miniature down in front of your players. I'd probably re-skin a high-level demon to look like Lamashtu, and watch as my "heroes" run for the exits. With all the Lamashtu fun already packed into the Lost Coast, I simply couldn't resist inviting the lady herself. I hope you'll forgive me (because I just know her enemy Pazuzu never will!). Lamashtu is a Large, rare creature.

FEIYA UPDATE: While some details remain to be ironed out, I can reveal that WizKids intends to replace any unsuitable Feiya figure with a brand new, higher-quality version through their normal figure redemption service. The replacement figure will be the same sculpt, with an improved paint job. The text on the bottom of the base will be identical. These replacement figures are currently in production, so I can't reveal exactly WHEN they will be ready, but I can publicly confirm that this is the plan, and that the plan is in motion as you read this. We'll reveal more in future updates as I get more information, but I wanted to at least confirm that anyone who wants a replacement figure will (relatively) soon be able to get one through the normal figure replacement channels.

And that's it for this week. I'm off to drink some wiiiiiiiiiiiiine! (For my health!)

See you next week!

Erik Mona

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: The Lost Coast Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

I've loved this set so far, but I'd have to say that this is the reveal I've been least excited about. Of the three, I like the priestess the most; the distended belly is very creepy, and I can imagine using her in other contexts as any sort of creepy priestess giving ready to give birth to something Man Was Not Meant to Know. But the alchemist isn't quite working for me; he looks a bit cartoonish to my eye, and from the picture he looks stuck a bit between human and halfling. Maybe he'll look better in hand.
As for Lamashtu, I'm sure she'll have some big fans, but for me it's the sort of mini that will most likely never see the table, both because it'd have to be such a high-level encounter and because she's just not my cup of tea. But I don't begrudge other people some minis they'll love!

I can see the Lamashtu figure finding use as a Lamashtu statue coming to life (I'd probably put the mini down every time the group comes across a statue, animated or not)

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Lamashtu looks creepier as a mini!

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May the Mother bless us all with her gifts.

Dude, Lamashtu!?! That's awesome. Now I have a figure to serve as a statue in all the temples of lamashtu:) aaaaand its gonna he awesome to kill the party off with her at the conclusion of an AP lol

Etania: Ewww. But getting that same response out of my players is perfect! Especially with an army of cultists at her control, to really mess up their day.
Lamashtu: This one may be a little harder to work in to an adventure, but is something I'd be happy to have available if and when I really need it.

One of my favorite previews for this set. Can't have enough cultists and demons, and having the Mother of Monsters herself as a miniature is amazing. Kudos!

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

A huge thumbs up from me, super creepy cultist, useful cultist alchemist or assassin and an awesome rendition of Lamashtu. Not 100% sure what I'll use Lamashtu for but since it looks so good I'm sure I will find a place for her. At rare I should get 1 of each which is enough Etanias and Lamashtus for my table, sadly I think I could use more of Thelsikar, but picking him up on the secondary should be easy enough I suppose, or perhaps that second case? Interestingly enough after this preview that means around 1/3rd of the set is NPC/PC types. At that ratio it really leaves me hoping they have come to grips with faces (although the latest D&D minis don't really give me much hope on that front) otherwise I can see another great set getting lambasted.

Sadly the Feiya solution doesn't look like a go for me. The idea of an added cost to ship a defective mini to get a replacement leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I've never used the replacement feature simply because the extra $10-12 in shipping just isn't not worth it. That said it will probably work for those in the US and it's nice to see wizkids do something special to replace what was a dog of a mini.

OK. That settles it. CAN'T. RESIST. MUST. HAVE.


I know I'll never use the mini in any actual combat (except one the players are destined to lose), but that aside, Lamashtu looks absolutely amazing. I mean, I don't often get creeped out by minis, but dang, good job, belly and all! The supporting cast is also quite impressice- for those of us not in the know, whatsup with Etania's stomach?
I can easily see using Lamashtu as a set-piece in Rise of the Runelords, or a couple other uses.... Now if I can just get you guys to do one for Urgathoa, or better yet, a Daughter of Urgathoa.
Okay, getting more excited about this set....

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

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Cat-thulhu: I haven't yet revealed ALL of the different ways of getting a better Feiya. I ask you to hang tight for a bit longer, as I think once the whole story is out there you'll be pretty satisfied.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Erik Mona wrote:
Cat-thulhu: I haven't yet revealed ALL of the different ways of getting a better Feiya. I ask you to hang tight for a bit longer, as I think once the whole story is out there you'll be pretty satisfied.

Thanks Erik, I'm in the same boat as Cat-thulhu. Paying extra to get a correct version of a mini seems not right. I look forward to what else you will reveal.

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Erik Mona wrote:
Cat-thulhu: I haven't yet revealed ALL of the different ways of getting a better Feiya. I ask you to hang tight for a bit longer, as I think once the whole story is out there you'll be pretty satisfied.

Ok, I really hope there is more to it, Erik.

With how many times I've heard "you will be really pleased what WizKids has in store", to be told we will be able to replace her through WizKids normal replacement process is quite disappointing.

Like Cat-thulhu, I am no fan of how WizKids has handled replacements.

I still await the info that will 'really make me pleased'.

Why was nothing done with the crappy job on king irroveti? Was soo disappointed to get a figure from kingmaker , my favorite adventure path,only to get a figure with a melted looking face and crappy paint job. And that was ordered as a single so someone had to look at that and think it ok to ship to a customer. From what I have heard most of the irroveti minis were subpar, so why send them out?

Erik Mona wrote:
Cat-thulhu: I haven't yet revealed ALL of the different ways of getting a better Feiya. I ask you to hang tight for a bit longer, as I think once the whole story is out there you'll be pretty satisfied.

You might be able to answer this question: will she be available for outright purchase as a single? From Paizo?

I didn't get this particular case but I picked up a bunch of singles and would have got her except a} she was pulled from stock before I ordered and b} she had a bad rap.

So I don't actually have a bad one to send in, and I never got the opportunity to get one, shy of a multi-hundred-dollar purchase.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Alephtau wrote:
Why was nothing done with the crappy job on king irroveti? Was soo disappointed to get a figure from kingmaker , my favorite adventure path,only to get a figure with a melted looking face and crappy paint job. And that was ordered as a single so someone had to look at that and think it ok to ship to a customer. From what I have heard most of the irroveti minis were subpar, so why send them out?

Ha ha ha! Hang tight, man! You will not be disappointed.

Erik, really burning the midnight oil. :)

And I am happy to hear this, as it sounds like resolutions for other pretty bad minis will be looked at as well.

Now I am truly intrigued to see the full announcement on what will be done.

I am really happy to hear that Paizo has pursued this figure replacement plan with WizKids.

I have to say WizKids' quality control has always had issues on many of their miniature lines. I guess it is has been a trade off for often having so many paint steps required for their miniatures. I greatly appreciate that Paizo is constantly striving to keep the quality these miniatures as reasonable as possible.

It was so sad to see the quality level of the Wizards of the Coast miniatures dip over time, and I never got the feeling that there was someone "fighting for us" to get the best possible miniatures. Given both WotC's lack of miniature quality control combined with WizKid's variable quality control, I almost fear the future of their new joint venture.

Thank you Erik and Paizo for caring, for listening to us, and for wanting to put out the best possible line of miniature products you can.

Etainia looks scary. I'm still missing a pregnant woman miniature, though this one is not actually what I had in mind for that ^_^ That being said, I think she makes a wonderful villainess, and that pregnancy is great foreshadowing, so she can actually be used multiple times. Love that!

Thelsikar is great, this is a miniature which can serve as an evil or just strange alchemist, but also as a grenadier, which opens up a slew of new options. He fits with the other cultists from the earlier post, which I appreciate a lot as well! Wouldn't have minded if he were uncommon, but this will do nicely regardless ^_^

Lamashtu is certainly a strange looking demoness, with a lot of character. Her distended belly, fire and ice weapons and skull bikini give her a very memorable and unique look. I agree with notes by others that she is a one-use or few-use monster unless you happen to be running something specifically regarding Lamashtu, but for a rare I do not mind that.

Regarding the trade in, I am very glad about how this is being handled - this gives me a lot of confidence for future purchases. The WizKids miniatures I have personally gotten all have acceptable or in some cases good faces, especially on the rares, so I am still confused as to how poor Feiya got so disfigured. I am happy it is being fixed. Yay!

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I want to preface my comments by saying that I do not tend to purchase miniature sets and if I was to purchase your miniatures, it would likely be in the form of singles whether then the boosters.

To me, the addition of Lamashtu as a miniature is a bit disappointing. Not because I wouldn't want a miniature of Lamashtu mind you, but because I really would of liked an Iomedae miniature in the WotR set. As a miniature, Iomedae would been much more useable then Lamashtu. She could double as a female knight of some sort and those who are running WotR know there could of atleast been a couple of scenes where a miniature of the Inheritor could of been appropriate on the table.

With Lamashtu, that's a bit more difficult. Most campaigns aren't likely going to include the goddess herself and that relegates the use of this miniature in most potential campaigns as some sort of avatar or statue come alive type business. Otherwise, this particular monster lands pretty squarely in the hand-statted out miniature for a very specific campaign that most GMs aren't going to run.

On the subject of statting up gods. I have been on record for stating that I would love a Deific Adventures book though I am not one of the most prolific voices on these boards. But I realize that Paizo is unlikely to create such a book for sometime, if ever. But should that possibility ever come to pass, I feel that by having this miniature, you would hedged-in the potential statblock for Lamashtu. I say this because if you give her any other base size category then Large (mind you, I think either Large or Huge would be a good size for her) then you are effectively saying, if accidentally, "Yeah we know you have this miniature for Lamashtu but you probably won't be able to use her according to our statblock". I feel this would of been much less of a problem for Iomedae who has a lot more useablility outside of her own potential statblock and who in most descriptions of her keep her at medium even after ascension (plus there is the art in the Inner Sea Gods book which has her fighting side-by-side with some of her knights).

Anyway, those are my comments - minor though they may be. Have a nice day.

P.S. This is not an attempt at bringing in a discussion on whether Gods should be statted or not. That's for another thread at another time.

P.P.S. If you never do god stats, would you atleast consider Aspect or Avatar stats?

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Eric wrote: I'm off to drink some wiiiiiiiiiiiiine!

Does that make tonight's lucky spice paprika?


Erik, I'd like to reiterate my appreciation for your open communication with us. Not only has it been informative, but it has been entertaining as well. And, having an avenue for feedback is awesome. Thank you for listening. I recommend Paizo to all my friends. But, using the minis you have produced in my games speaks louder than anything I say.

I know most of the posters above have a much greater understanding of Golarion, and a much larger minis collection than I will ever have, but I for one say thanks for making these minis.

I came to Pathfinder through the comics, so actually having the opportunity to use my limited GM skills (read "none") to craft a little adventure around the comic stories has been my dream since the beginning.

Maybe when the party reaches the final bosses, they'll be there to do battle in pre-painted miniature form...with Lamashtu looking on from the side :)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
fuzzydice82 wrote:

I know most of the posters above have a much greater understanding of Golarion, and a much larger minis collection than I will ever have, but I for one say thanks for making these minis.

I came to Pathfinder through the comics, so actually having the opportunity to use my limited GM skills (read "none") to craft a little adventure around the comic stories has been my dream since the beginning.

Maybe when the party reaches the final bosses, they'll be there to do battle in pre-painted miniature form...with Lamashtu looking on from the side :)

Glad you came in from the comics, I've gone the other way from Pathfinder back into comics, and I feel like a kid again when I show up at the comic book store and my bin is full of comics.

If you are enjoying the comics, and using them as the baseline for your group, consider picking up Rise of the Runelords, it is the AP that the comics are based on, and is very approachable as a first time GM.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Glad to hear the comics are bringing folks in, as I work my tail off on those, too! :)

Dark Archive

Oh... Oh gods yes. Please come to me, your unholiness! While I am not worthy, I am willing! I and my horde of demon-children prostrate ourselves for your pleasure! <3

I am buying the Lamashtu mini the HOUR it comes out. Phew... Oh... By the (evil) gods... Oh thank you. :D

I can't wait to bust the Lamashtu mini out when one of my characters grows to Large size. Most of my characters are aspects of her in various ways, and would be greatly behooved by her appearance... furthering others' understanding of just how terrible they are. >:)

So now we have - Cult leader Etainia, cult alchemist Thelsikar, A goblin mutant, Lamashtan Cultists, 2 different bully boys for the cult, and Lamashtu herself. Please tell me that there will be one or two of her favored children in this set. Tell me we are going to get some Gnolls.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

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All things will come to you… in time.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Erik Mona wrote:

All things will come to you… in time.

Someone's been eating fortune cookies again...

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:

All things will come to you… in time.

Someone's been eating fortune cookies again...

No, that would be "all things will come to you… in bed."

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

Reggie wrote:

Eric wrote: I'm off to drink some wiiiiiiiiiiiiine!

Does that make tonight's lucky spice paprika?

It's the happiest spice in the world!

Oh, and Reggie, isn't that a beautiful car?

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