Pathfinder Battles Preview: Lost & Found

Friday, May 9, 2014

With the Reign of Winter set scheduled for release next month and the last three figures from that set being previewed last Friday, it's time for a very special event here on the Friday preview blog—it's time to reveal the next set!

I'm very pleased to announce that the next set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic gaming figures will be The Lost Coast! The Lost Coast of Varisia stretches from the city of Magnimar to the mighty Fogscar Mountains. It's a wild and desolate country full of lingering fogs, small woodlands and crashing waves. It's also a land of cultists and bandits and monsters of all description. Many an adventuring party has travelled to the Lost Coast seeking fame and riches, never to be heard from again...

The Lost Coast set contains 45 figures, and is scheduled for a November 2014 release. The set is not based on a specific Pathfinder Adventure Path, like Reign of Winter or Wrath of the Righteous. Rather, the creatures in this set take their inspiration from the wealth of Pathfinder products released to date, with a special focus on creatures native to Varisia, home of several of our Adventure Paths and some of our most popular releases across all our product lines.

Expect to see a wide variety of monsters, heroes, and humanoids culled from these sources. We'll fill in some gaps for encounters based on existing Pathfinder Battles figures, and flesh out some entirely new monster types we have not yet produced in the line.

I'm very excited by this set. For the first time in a long time, we were able to build an entire set around simply which creatures and images would look coolest, and which would be useful to the largest number of players. Adventure Path-themed sets are great and lead to some really unique figures that we otherwise would probably not do, but with sets like The Lost Coast, it all comes down to table use and illustration quality, period.

Oh, and the Gargantuan case incentive, the mighty Shemhazian Demon, is face-meltingly awesome. I don't want to spoil things by bragging about it before we show the image (which isn't quite ready yet), but you guys are going to freak out when you see this hideous creature. It's the biggest—and heaviest—Pathfinder Battles figure produced to date. Given that people have been asking for this creature since our second set, Rise of the Runelords, I am happy to finally provide it.

But, as I am wont to do, I'm getting ahead of myself. The Shemhazian will get his place in the spotlight in due time. In the meantime, let's take a look at three of the set's "troop builder" units—the Cult of Lamashtu.

Here we have a Lamashtu Cultist, inspired by the art from the first 12 issues of Dynamite Entertainment's Pathfinder Comics. The cultist is depicted holding a bubbling cup of magical liquid—the mystical waters of Lamashtu so pivotal to that series and to events in the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path. This figure in particular is drawn from art by original Pathfinder comics illustrator Andrew Huerta, so the face in particular is a little more expressive than in several of our other figures. I love it. This guy is definitely unhinged. The Lamashtu Cultist is a Medium, common figure.

A cultist ain't nothing without some muscle to back him up. This set contains two examples of the sort of armed scum that make a cult work. Lamashtu Thug 1 is good for up-close work with a couple of nasty daggers and a domino mask, just as we saw in Pathfinder Comics #7–8. As a Medium common, you can combine this figure with the other minis in today's preview to build a really sweet battle against agents of the cult of Lamashtu. For that matter, this guy easily doubles as a bandit, highwayman, or even a masked player character.

Lamashtu Thug 2, here, is ready to back up his team with his trusty crossbow. His colors match the robes of his companions. There's a bit of wash-out on the photos here that makes the robes look a little less detailed than they do in hand. When all three of these guys stand together they look really imposing and awesome. The Lamashtu Thug 2 is a Medium, common figure.

And that's not all. The set also includes a few other figures that work in concert with the Lamashtu cultists, including leaders and monsters—but we'll get to them in future weeks, as their paint masters have not yet been completed.

As I mentioned, these figures take their inspiration from Dynamite's Pathfinder Comics. We're about to start up a new Pathfinder comic series, Pathfinder: City of Secrets, which brings the iconic characters to the city of Magnimar (on the Lost Coast, naturally). All issues of the new series contain detachable poster maps, and the first one comes out in just a week and a half, on Wednesday May 21st. You can set up an ongoing subscription to the comic to make sure you don't miss a single issue. With a hot new artist, poster maps and Pathfinder RPG encounters in each issue, and a fun urban storyline, I expect the new series to sell well and rapidly. Make sure you don't miss out!

That's it for this week. We'll have much, much more to say on this set and many more figures to preview in the weeks to come!

We'll see you on the Lost Coast!

Erik Mona

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Comics
Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Great news. Love the cultists (can never have enough). I am one of those who have been clamoring for the Shemhazian Demon. Can't wait.

Much as I love the AP-themed sets, I'm very pleased about this one. As both a DM who loves straight-up-the-middle easy-to-use minis and a reseller who moves minis that lots of people want, this sounds like it's going to be a set that works for me in lots of different ways. And let me say in particular how nice it is to get somebody armed w/ a crossbow; there aren't many pre-paint crossbow figures out there. Excited!

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

There's at least one other crossbow figure coming in this set! :)

And it's a match for a "troop type" that already has some figures in Pathfinder Battles!

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

A Shemhazian case incentive! Sqweeee!!!! I can not express the joy and elation I am feeling right now. My only issue being the long wait to November :(

As for the others. I love the idea of another pseudo-generic set, like I've said before Legends had some of the best sculpts and variety of minis of any of the sets. If we could go back and remove the production issues that would have to be a crown jewel in the line. This set will hopefully be just as good. It's certainly off to a positive start.

Kudos on the cohesion and variety between the cultists and it means I should easily fill my cult needs at the common rarity, although I'm imagining I may well be overflowing with cup holders (like many a modern car really) depending on how the distribution works with the smaller number of sculpts in each set.

As for the match, please let it be another watchman, armed with a crossbow!

Now I just hope we get a red mantis assassin, or better yet TWO, a male and a female. Or better yet perhaps a...Oh hell my wish list is just too long, besides I'm getting me a Shemhazian, all is right(?) in the world.

Anychance it might be the city watch type guys from heroes and battles?

edit: hah, me and cat-thulhu are on the same page!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


This is awesome news! And it is very exciting to hear that the case incentive is a shemhazian demon! I have also been one of the many asking for/suggesting this one. Kudos!

YES! I've finally made the switch to Pathfinder with a new group, and our campaign is set in Sandpoint on the Lost Coast. If this set takes its cue's from the comics and fills in the gaps from Rise of the Runelords, I will be very very very happy, and today's preview, with unified themed minis that I could have done with last night, is already a good start!
I got lucky with most of my Legends of Golorian haul and didn't have my particular bad paint jobs; I even got a really well put together and painted knight of ozem! I love these mixed sets as they have much more use in the long run, so thanks erik!
My only problem so far is the date... November means with usual slippage and the poor delivery to the uk that LoG and WotR sets had, we're looking at Jan or maybe even Feb 2015.

So far I'm liking the theme and selection. Although I do find uses for many of the AP themed sets my game is a home-brew game and I would much rather have generic
minis instead of specifics (like the npc's). But I'm sure like with all the other sets imma love em when in hand. Thanks a lot.

More cultist types, and some armed with crossbows. That is a great start. And a hint of a watch crossbowman as well? I'm quite happy with that. Especially since the cultist are commons.

The cultists look neat and i will sure find them all useful.
I am very excited to hear that the Shemhazian will get his own "miniature". Can't wait to see how he looks in plastic!

Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

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I finally get a Shemhazian! I am so excited I think my head is going to BANG!

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I promise there is not a crossbow-wielding city watchMAN in this set.

I am very sorry.

Ahhhhh, I see what you're doing there. So it's like a Watch GOBLIN or something! Still, very cool. ;-)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Cleanthes wrote:
Ahhhhh, I see what you're doing there. So it's like a Watch GOBLIN or something! Still, very cool. ;-)

Or, you, know, a watchWOMAN. Women are humans, too!

Little underwhelmed with getting three similar looking humanoid figures for the reveal of a new set, but then again, the Shemhazian demon has me squealing with glee!

Scarab Sages

I like seeing figures with linked uniforms. Much easier to build mobs of cultists that way, and if the 'heraldry' is not too blatantly Lamashtan, they serve as bandits, criminal gangs, or any encounter where you have a large number of combatants per side, and don't want them getting mixed up with the PCs' allies, henchmen, or town watch.

Grand Lodge

Nice choice. The Lost Coast has become such an iconic locale, that filling gaps in this area is both very welcome and needed.

Though Skull & Shackles is the next Adventure Path I plan to run, Shattered Star will likely be the one after that.

Any plans to update Curse of the Crimson Throne to Pathfinder à la Rise of the Runelord Anniversary edition?

Thanks again for creating matched sets. These Lamashtu cultist will be welcome additions.

Cultists!! A Shemazian Demon! No AP Tie-In!! Throw in a couple of Gnolls to go with the Lamashtu cultists (or even better a Large Lamashtu Rare) and I'll be happy as all get out. So excited to see that the cultists and thugs are based on Huerta's art.

Gorbacz wrote:
Cleanthes wrote:
Ahhhhh, I see what you're doing there. So it's like a Watch GOBLIN or something! Still, very cool. ;-)
Or, you, know, a watchWOMAN. Women are humans, too!

Yeah, I know, I was trying to be intentionally dense. I was afraid that might not come across, and apparently I was right to worry. Oh well, c'est la vie.

Yay, I was going to ask if there might be a female with a crossbow in the set and now I know! Thanks!

could also be a Watch Dwarf (Cherie or Carrot)
or Watch Troll (Detritus)
am I getting my worlds mixed up here?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Erik Mona wrote:

I promise there is not a crossbow-wielding city watchMAN in this set.

I am very sorry.

City watch gelatinous cube! Half life 3 confirmed!

Awesome! I hope we get some Sczarni figures, or at least the always versatile Varisian thug.

A Shemhazian as the Gargantuan is just awesome, I've been hoping you guys would do one up and I am sure it will be amazing!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Actually, it is a Korvosan Order of the Nail Hellknight dual-crossbow wielding Watch Otyugh. Sorry to ruin the surprise. You should see it in hand, it looks even better than the picture.

Pictures and/or actual figure may not actually exist in this space-time continuum.

Reckless wrote:

Actually, it is a Korvosan Order of the Nail Hellknight dual-crossbow wielding Watch Otyugh. Sorry to ruin the surprise. You should see it in hand, it looks even better than the picture.

** spoiler omitted **

Wow, I never knew that I wanted one of these, but now that you mention it..... :-)

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I can't see a mini of Lamashtu being made, she is after all a goddess. Now one of her chosen minions perhaps, maybe even her herald. I would also hazard a guess at gnolls in this one given the Lamashtu bent.

I'm just hoping we will get 2 gnolls; one, preferably 2 red mantis assassins and the female giant I think Erik hinted at a while back. Although I'd like a few female giants a 45 mini set really restricts what can besqueezed into the set.

As for the crossbow wielding member of the watch, maybe it's the Shemhazian! Bam, crossbow wielding watchSHEMHAZIAN! Might not be though.

In the meantime I really hope we are going to get some other smaller releases, another evolutions pack (Black would be cool, but I'd accept green or blue, honest I would), perhaps another huge twin pack even. I am excited to see the D&D line coming since it means more variety but I think I may have reached saturation point when it comes to mind flayers, beholders and two weapon fighting drow. I really think more huge minis, that are NOT dragons is the way to go. On that note, can you tell us ERIk how sales of the RoW huge pack gone? Are Wizkids happy? DO sales warrant a second go?

Gnolls aren't exactly native to the Varisian Coast, though. I'd be a bit surprised to see them here. Same with the Red Mantis. (To be clear, I have no objection to gnoll and/or Red Mantis minis; they just don't seem to fit the Varisian theme.)

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Yeah I know their not native to Varisia, but the coat is quite a large area. The gnolls are really just a wish, I'm curious as to how mean they can made a paizo gnoll look. I have a few plasti-gnolls but they don't capture that essential cruelty I think a gnoll should have. I put them is as a guess because of the throw away line "set also includes a few other figures that work in concert with the Lamashtu cultists, including leaders and monsters". Gnolls are after all her favoured children.

The red mantis get around. They seem to appear everywhere, plus I really wants one.

In reality what excites me the most with this set is the fact that there is such a huge variety of things that could be in this set, it is incredibly difficult to guess at what will be in the set and leaves me really excited to see what turns up.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a harrower. I also bet we'll see Balthazar as an iconic, and maybe Damiel. You know, a gypsy wagon (I think they're called a vardo, or something like that?) would be extremely cool, but I think it's unlikely.

Silver Crusade

Erik Mona wrote:

I promise there is not a crossbow-wielding city watchMAN in this set.

I am very sorry.

Cool, but is there a crossbow-wielding city watchWOMAN in this set?

what a way to start a preview! :)

oh man. looks great. :)

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Cleanthes wrote:
Reckless wrote:

Actually, it is a Korvosan Order of the Nail Hellknight dual-crossbow wielding Watch Otyugh. Sorry to ruin the surprise. You should see it in hand, it looks even better than the picture.

** spoiler omitted **

Wow, I never knew that I wanted one of these, but now that you mention it..... :-)

[batman voice] "I've cleaned up the sewers. Now its time to clean up the streets!"[/batman voice]

Edenwaith wrote:

Cool, but is there a crossbow-wielding city watchWOMAN in this set?

I'm hoping they'll be using the artwork of the city watch captain in Magnimar, City of Monuments (pg. 54). That would be really awesome.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Personally, I'm hoping we get another Runelord or two. Alaznist is probably most likely, as the border of her and Karzoug's domains ran right along the Lost Coast, but I'm personally pulling for Xanderghul.

Grand Lodge

I'm going to indulge in an internet tradition, and over-analyze Erik's blog post so I can randomly speculate...

Erik The Boss wrote:
We'll fill in some gaps for encounters based on existing Pathfinder Battles figures...

As I recall, there was some regret about releasing the Shattered Star set concurrent with the AP. And one problem mentioned was that certain key "figures" were missing. So I wonder if we might see that AP rounded out a bit.

And hopefully a few thrown in for Crimson Throne and Second Darkness, the Varisia-based AP's without sets... and maybe even Jade Regent.

So I'm going to echo the earlier wishes for Red Mantis Assassins and Varisians, and add a wish for some Shoanti.

Though that may exceed the human quota.

shemhazian? awesome

I'm guessing the 2nd crossbow wielding figure will be a Grey Maiden.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Nice idea. I could use one of them, and in numbers. But then I'd be happy with a watch-woman too.

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