Iron Gods Roll Call

I've been wanting to do the Iron Gods Adventure Path for a long time, but it's not all that easy to just roll out a campaign that makes significant use of mountains of items and armor and weapons and creatures and hazards that the game doesn't yet have rules for. I'm talking, of course, about lasers and robots and radiation and gravity suits and nuclear resonators and atom guns and neurocams and K-lances and heavy weapon harnesses and robojacks and thoracic nanite chambers and graviton generators and more. What are all those things? I'm afraid you'll all need to wait a few more months to find out.

But what you DON'T have to wait for is the list of Iron Gods Adventure Path titles and authors! Because here they are! Long time readers will note some new names, some familiar names, and at least one old name risen from the murky depths of the past!

  • Part 1: Fires of Creation, by Neil Spicer
  • Part 2: Lords of Rust, by Nicolas Logue
  • Part 3: The Choking Tower, by Ron Lundeen
  • Part 4: Valley of the Brain Collectors, by Mike Shel
  • Part 5: Palace of Fallen Stars, by Tim Hitchcock
  • Part 6: The Divinity Drive, by Crystal Fraiser

Oh. And here's a spaceship. (No... this isn't the Silver Mount. That one's a LOT bigger.)

Illustration by Rodrigo Vega

James Jacobs
Creative Director

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Paizo Employee Creative Director

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

Hang on a minute. Please no v-p's like the one illustrated in the Bestiary. That one I am NOT a fan of. Besides the completely unnecessard dreads, he looks rather like a green skinned human zombie with fungal problems.

Purleeze return to the more vegetable/plant look of the S3 back cover/illo book versions. Or, just get Erol Otus back to do them... Extra points if teh vegegang are wearig hodge podge/tatterdemalion pieces of powered armor with the odd starship helmet or wielding lazor-blastorz as clubs...

[Sits even more upright and fixes tread with interest]
Hang on. What about thornies? I thought they were WotC property. Wassail! Keening! For the love of thornies!!!

Our vegepygmies look like the ones in the Bestiary, so of course they'll look like that. They can't look like the ones from the cover of S3 because that look is owned by Wizards of the Coast, essentially. We've actually tried quite hard to get new looks and/or new colorations for all the monsters that fall into that category.

Thornies are open content, thanks to Tome of Horrors, but we don't often associate thornies with vegepygmies in our books. THere's no thornies in Iron Gods. At least... not yet!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Sebastian wrote:

Can't wait for this to come out!

How big is that spaceship? It looks like it's more X-wing size than Millenium Falcon size.

The central dome area is about 300 feet across.
...huh. I was seeing it as either a giant habitat thing containing a mountain, or a fighter-ship piloted by a hideous blob. 300 feet doesn't match either of those things, unless it's a really HUGE fighter piloted by a really HUGE hideous blob...

It is in fact a habitat thing. It's just a relatively small one. Rather than an entire zoo's worth of habitats, think of it as a single significantly sized exhibit.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Neongelion wrote:
Is there anything you guys can reveal that will have more tie-ins to Iron Gods or adventures set in Numeria? The only things I've heard of is the adventure path itself and a campaign setting book, which as I understand will be more about stuff for the GM rather than player options.

We'll be letting bits and pieces of more previews and revelations about the Iron Gods AP out in the months to come... but not all at once! :-)

Verdant Wheel

Now we only need a campaing trait about the character had been abducted by aliens in the past and now he wants revenge !

4 people marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
Neongelion wrote:
Is there anything you guys can reveal that will have more tie-ins to Iron Gods or adventures set in Numeria? The only things I've heard of is the adventure path itself and a campaign setting book, which as I understand will be more about stuff for the GM rather than player options.
We'll be letting bits and pieces of more previews and revelations about the Iron Gods AP out in the months to come... but not all at once! :-)

Five whole months of sneak previews and revelations? Is this Paizo's ultimate form of torture to rabid fans of Numeria?!?

I didn't want to do this, but I am now going to build a time machine to fast forward to this August. By my calculations I will have finished the device in about five months.

Your days are numbered, Paizo.

Sovereign Court



Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

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James Jacobs wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
GM Elton wrote:
... tell me again, why do you hate psionics?

I'm the one responsible for the bulk of what psionic stuff is in Pathfinder already, as it works out. I pushed to have the intellect devourer and neothelid put into the Bestiary, in large part because of the role psychic magic (AKA psionics) plays in the Darklands. And then there's the psionic elements in "The Dragon's Demand" that I developed.

If you're going to accuse anyone at Paizo of hating psionics... I'm probably the one at the bottom of that list of suspects is all I'm saying! ;-)

"Psionics is BANNED FROM THE CAMPAIGN!!!" :)
Only because you used your superpowers to create a character whose turns took up 65% of every game session, what with your ability to summon monsters capable of summoning monsters as a quickened action with a quickened action.

It's a fair cop, but you say that like it's a bad thing... :)

(and this is why I never tried playing a summoner in James' game; I'd have been lynched for sure)

@James Jacobs: Ok. Understood. At least give some of them mohawks... ;)

Thornies are Open Content thanks to Tome of Horrors!!! Happy dance!

SO all this Iron Gods talk has me thinking of a painting i think by larry Elmore. The painting is a mounted female knight that has gone through a portal and is faced with a futuristic knight in powered attack armor weilding a vibroblade and a glassteel shield.

Anyone know what it's called or can provide a link?


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Shivok wrote:

SO all this Iron Gods talk has me thinking of a painting i think by larry Elmore. The painting is a mounted female knight that has gone through a portal and is faced with a futuristic knight in powered attack armor weilding a vibroblade and a glassteel shield.

Anyone know what it's called or can provide a link?

That would be Gateway, and it is indeed by Elmore.

One of my favorites- though I suppose it's not strictly sci-fantasy, but more straight sci-fi- is the Keith Parkinson painting of a powered armor warrior on some kind of mutant bear-lion thingy in powered barding from the cover of the 3rd edition of Gamma World. It's even got a frickin' laser beam on its head!

Caldwell had some great ones, too- like Hunter and On Arena.

Shadow Lodge

Richard Pett wrote:
Paizo know I'd always, always be delighted to take any part in any AP, even a my little pony one, but they rightly mix things up to keep everything fresh and fruity.

I humbly submit a subscriber request for a Pett installment in the Galt AP!

Graveyard of Guillotines?

Start noodling on those haunts now!

(Now back to spaceships and Numeria!!)

James Jacobs wrote:
Joseph Davis wrote:
Seriously hoping this one is Mythic, cuz you know, it feels appropriate.
A few of the NPCs will probably utilize some Mythic rules, but the AP is for non-mythic PCs.

I am so glad to hear this! I was afraid that everything was going to be mythic from here on out.

Shadow Lodge

I like James Jacobs' take on psionics; mind-affecting spell-likes seem like a sensible way to go about it, especially if they can do no lethal damage or instill status conditions.

Though if players want their characters to be psychic, I always thought a divining-enchanting sorcerer or monk with fancy ki-related stuff could work in a pinch.

Dark Archive

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Cthulhudrew wrote:
on some kind of mutant bear-lion thingy

Mutant bear-lion thingy? Oh come now, check out the fur countershading, it's clearly a dire honey badger!

Shadow Lodge

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There's also the eagerness about potential touching on the nature of divinity in the Pathfinder Campaign Setting, as it was already touched upon in Wrath of the Righteous.

(To Divinity! and beyond!)

James Jacobs wrote:
Neongelion wrote:
Is there anything you guys can reveal that will have more tie-ins to Iron Gods or adventures set in Numeria? The only things I've heard of is the adventure path itself and a campaign setting book, which as I understand will be more about stuff for the GM rather than player options.
We'll be letting bits and pieces of more previews and revelations about the Iron Gods AP out in the months to come... but not all at once! :-)

Is there any chance at all that you could let two weapons slip through to a preview? Something along the lines of an update to King Irovetti's weapons? They're fine as they are, but something in line with Iron Gods would be great!

Dark Archive

Atrocious wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
xavier c wrote:
I am scared technology will replace magic in this AP

Don't be.

It augments magic. Magic still plays a key role in the AP.

Like a supercomputer powered AI with Wizard levels?

I'm guessing the "Iron Gods' will be mythic powered spaceship AIs with some kind of divine casting.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Siobharek wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Neongelion wrote:
Is there anything you guys can reveal that will have more tie-ins to Iron Gods or adventures set in Numeria? The only things I've heard of is the adventure path itself and a campaign setting book, which as I understand will be more about stuff for the GM rather than player options.
We'll be letting bits and pieces of more previews and revelations about the Iron Gods AP out in the months to come... but not all at once! :-)
Is there any chance at all that you could let two weapons slip through to a preview? Something along the lines of an update to King Irovetti's weapons? They're fine as they are, but something in line with Iron Gods would be great!

King Irovetti's weapons don't need updates. They work fine as they are and are in line with Iron Gods for the most part already.

We'll probably reveal a bit more about some sample technological items in time, but that's a few months away in and of itself.

Cthulhudrew wrote:
Shivok wrote:

SO all this Iron Gods talk has me thinking of a painting i think by larry Elmore. The painting is a mounted female knight that has gone through a portal and is faced with a futuristic knight in powered attack armor weilding a vibroblade and a glassteel shield.

Anyone know what it's called or can provide a link?

That would be Gateway, and it is indeed by Elmore.

One of my favorites- though I suppose it's not strictly sci-fantasy, but more straight sci-fi- is the Keith Parkinson painting of a powered armor warrior on some kind of mutant bear-lion thingy in powered barding from the cover of the 3rd edition of Gamma World. It's even got a frickin' laser beam on its head!

Caldwell had some great ones, too- like Hunter and On Arena.

page isn't available...

I'm renewing my subscription.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Neongelion wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Neongelion wrote:
Is there anything you guys can reveal that will have more tie-ins to Iron Gods or adventures set in Numeria? The only things I've heard of is the adventure path itself and a campaign setting book, which as I understand will be more about stuff for the GM rather than player options.
We'll be letting bits and pieces of more previews and revelations about the Iron Gods AP out in the months to come... but not all at once! :-)

Five whole months of sneak previews and revelations? Is this Paizo's ultimate form of torture to rabid fans of Numeria?!?

I didn't want to do this, but I am now going to build a time machine to fast forward to this August. By my calculations I will have finished the device in about five months.

Your days are numbered, Paizo.

People of the River is the Player's Companion for this AP. Or at least the only one currently announced.

Liberty's Edge

Judging by the product description and release date, People of the River is the Player's Companion for Iron Gods.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I feel like Thundarr the Barbarian after he found the sunsword - Nostalgia, here I come!

Justin Franklin wrote:
Neongelion wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Neongelion wrote:
Is there anything you guys can reveal that will have more tie-ins to Iron Gods or adventures set in Numeria? The only things I've heard of is the adventure path itself and a campaign setting book, which as I understand will be more about stuff for the GM rather than player options.
We'll be letting bits and pieces of more previews and revelations about the Iron Gods AP out in the months to come... but not all at once! :-)

Five whole months of sneak previews and revelations? Is this Paizo's ultimate form of torture to rabid fans of Numeria?!?

I didn't want to do this, but I am now going to build a time machine to fast forward to this August. By my calculations I will have finished the device in about five months.

Your days are numbered, Paizo.

People of the River is the Player's Companion for this AP. Or at least the only one currently announced.

Hmm. While I'm not concerned or dissapointed, I certainly hope we get more for Iron Gods or Numeria-based adventures in terms of prestige classes and archetypes and all that jazz. 32 pages on a general overview of that area of the world, rather than Numeria specifically, doesn't seem like we'd get a lot of stuff in that regard.

But August is a long ways away, and Paizo has never let me down, so I ain't worried. If the rumors of a "Technology Guide" is anything to go by, at least!


10 people marked this as a favorite.


The news is out!

I must say, I enjoyed contributing to this impressive Path, and for those of you hoping - there is indeed MUCH Mad Maxianess in Lords of Rust.

I'd write more, but I've got dozens of mohawk-sporting bandit lords to cut down with me trusty laser sword.


Dark Archive

Ugh, not sure if I like where this is going, really, mixing sci-fi into fantasy is something I'm trying to avoid. Exept of course my ages long campaign of Faerun-gone-space, or my multiworld campaign mixing everything from high tech to stone age and...

Uh yeah, I may actually want to run this. Maybe ;.)

Liberty's Edge

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Valley of the Brain Collectors sounds like it should include mi-go. I really hope it does now that I mention it.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Joshua Goudreau wrote:
Valley of the Brain Collectors sounds like it should include mi-go. I really hope it does now that I mention it.

Ehrmagherd. Just realised. Neh-thalggu. [Faints]

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'm hoping I can get some use out of my Necron minis for this AP.

Edit; Also, this author list is killer. Logue and Shel have become two of my favorite adventure writers.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Jam412 wrote:

I'm hoping I can get some use out of my Necron minis for this AP.

Edit; Also, this author list is killer. Logue and Shel have become two of my favorite adventure writers.

I still have a spare copy of tomb of the Iron Medusa (one of the things the roommate didn't steal) for a friend, because he loves Mud Sorcerer's Tomb so much

Joshua Goudreau wrote:
Valley of the Brain Collectors sounds like it should include mi-go. I really hope it does now that I mention it.

Fungi are too lo-tech for Numeria. :D

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Cthulhudrew wrote:
Joshua Goudreau wrote:
Valley of the Brain Collectors sounds like it should include mi-go. I really hope it does now that I mention it.
Fungi are too lo-tech for Numeria. :D

Actually... you've got that kinda reversed. If anything, they're too HIGH TECH for Numeria!

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Totally Iron Gods trailer. 96.5% more wub wub in this AP.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Gorbacz wrote:
Totally Iron Gods trailer. 96.5% more wub wub in this AP.

I just got over my addiction, why you make me fall off the wagon?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Part 1: Fires of Creation, by Neil Spicer
Part 2: Lords of Rust, by Nicolas Logue
Part 3: The Choking Tower, by Ron Lundeen
Part 4: Valley of the Brain Collectors, by Mike Shel
Part 5: Palace of Fallen Stars, by Tim Hitchcock
Part 6: The Divinity Drive, by Crystal Fraiser

My guesses from back in August:
Part 1: THE RAPTORING - Dubstep Mecha Cave Raptors Attack
Part 2: GOLARION.COM - Alain Discovers
Part 3: A FISTFUL OF AWESOME - Valeros builds a Railgun
Part 6: PIERCE THE HEAVENS - The group finds the whole adventure was an elaborate VR construct run by an old man in a white suit who tells them "ergo vis a vis concordantly" before resetting Numeria

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Will AM BARBARIAN be able to upgrade his Lance so that when it pierces the sky, it activates a wormhole function allowing him to travel to other planets/galaxies/victims?

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Lances are so yesterday. Today it's half of a scissor.

James Jacobs wrote:
Cthulhudrew wrote:
Fungi are too lo-tech for Numeria. :D
Actually... you've got that kinda reversed. If anything, they're too HIGH TECH for Numeria!

Oh, I know. I was just funning on the fact that they're lowly fungi, rather than them being Mi-Go (with all their fancy, weird technologies). :D

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Gorbacz wrote:
Lances are so yesterday. Today it's half of a scissor.

imagines Merisiel and Seoni wearing Senketsu and Junketsu

faints from blood loss

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Who needs lances when you can get cybernetic implants :D

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I can't help it, Valley of the Brain Collectors sounds like a Russ Meyer movie that took a left turn somewhere to me.

Anyway, I'm intrigued.

Zaister wrote:
I can't help it, Valley of the Brain Collectors sounds like a Russ Meyer movie that took a left turn somewhere to me.

Neh-Thalggu with unusually large brain sacs wearing stilettos and using whips? O.o

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Yes, something like that...


I'd buy an extra copy of the module just to see that artwork.

Those... Those names...


In all seriousness, I am buying this and all supplemental books and will spring them on my unsuspecting players XD

Conan the Barbarian meets Mad Max meets 2001: A Space Odyssey meets pure distilled awesome is what I'm getting from this lineup.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Which AP volume will have stats for DEMONDOGS!?

Will there be a feat that grants a bonus to barbarians who constantly shout "DEMONDOGS!"?

How fabulous will the sunsword be?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Sebastian wrote:

Which AP volume will have stats for DEMONDOGS!?

Will there be a feat that grants a bonus to barbarians who constantly shout "DEMONDOGS!"?

How fabulous will the sunsword be?

And what about the LORDS OF LIGHT?!

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

You lost me there. What are you going on about?

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Zaister wrote:
You lost me there. What are you going on about?


Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Ah, that again. I guess that was never on German TV. And if it was, I probably wouldn't have watched it. I've given up on animation a long, long time ago.

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