Iron Gods Roll Call

I've been wanting to do the Iron Gods Adventure Path for a long time, but it's not all that easy to just roll out a campaign that makes significant use of mountains of items and armor and weapons and creatures and hazards that the game doesn't yet have rules for. I'm talking, of course, about lasers and robots and radiation and gravity suits and nuclear resonators and atom guns and neurocams and K-lances and heavy weapon harnesses and robojacks and thoracic nanite chambers and graviton generators and more. What are all those things? I'm afraid you'll all need to wait a few more months to find out.

But what you DON'T have to wait for is the list of Iron Gods Adventure Path titles and authors! Because here they are! Long time readers will note some new names, some familiar names, and at least one old name risen from the murky depths of the past!

  • Part 1: Fires of Creation, by Neil Spicer
  • Part 2: Lords of Rust, by Nicolas Logue
  • Part 3: The Choking Tower, by Ron Lundeen
  • Part 4: Valley of the Brain Collectors, by Mike Shel
  • Part 5: Palace of Fallen Stars, by Tim Hitchcock
  • Part 6: The Divinity Drive, by Crystal Fraiser

Oh. And here's a spaceship. (No... this isn't the Silver Mount. That one's a LOT bigger.)

Illustration by Rodrigo Vega

James Jacobs
Creative Director

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

TOTALLY looking forward to this.

wait what

I am down for this but this whole post is basically drawing a pretty hard mason/dixon line in terms of probably pissing off a large number of pathfinder fans

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Lamontius wrote:

wait what

I am down for this but this whole post is basically drawing a pretty hard mason/dixon line in terms of probably pissing off a large number of pathfinder fans

How so?

Silver Crusade

I am totally ready for this AP to come out!

As for what Lamontius said...gimme a break. It's one AP. A lot of people want this type of AP to come out. If it does well we might see something like this down the line, but the bread and butter of Pathfinder is Fantasy. Those whining about science fiction in their Fantasy can skip it if it bothers them so much. I did that with Wraith of the Righteous because I don't like demons.

Anyway, can't wait to see actual write ups for the individual sections of the AP to come out. So ready for any and all info I can get!

Dark Archive

Tell me there will be an H.R Giger inspired monster somewhere in this and I will burst a capillary.

I haven't been this excited about an AP since the launch of Pathfinder back in 07.


Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Can't wait for this to come out!

How big is that spaceship? It looks like it's more X-wing size than Millenium Falcon size.


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Now I just have to wait to harvest all the rules for some Fallout Pathfinder fun!

Liberty's Edge

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Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

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psionichamster wrote:


Now I just have to wait to harvest all the rules for some Fallout Pathfinder fun!

Shut up and take my money!!!

Webstore Gninja Minion

12 people marked this as a favorite.

Silence thy babbling and take mine tributes!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Sebastian wrote:

Can't wait for this to come out!

How big is that spaceship? It looks like it's more X-wing size than Millenium Falcon size.

The central dome area is about 300 feet across.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Lamontius wrote:

wait what

I am down for this but this whole post is basically drawing a pretty hard mason/dixon line in terms of probably pissing off a large number of pathfinder fans

Perhaps... but this thread and others have me pretty convinced that there'll be more folks excited about it and eager for it than not.

That all said... that's one of the main reasons we only do 6 part Adventure Paths.... if one comes along that someone doesn't like, they don't have to wait a year for a chance at one they DO like.

I do hope folks who aren't into the mixing of science fiction and fantasy do give Iron Gods a chance though!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Joseph Davis wrote:
Seriously hoping this one is Mythic, cuz you know, it feels appropriate.

A few of the NPCs will probably utilize some Mythic rules, but the AP is for non-mythic PCs.

James Jacobs wrote:
Lamontius wrote:

wait what

I am down for this but this whole post is basically drawing a pretty hard mason/dixon line in terms of probably pissing off a large number of pathfinder fans

I do hope folks who aren't into the mixing of science fiction and fantasy do give Iron Gods a chance though!

They might if your blog post came off as more of a grounded enticement and less as double middle fingers that are shooting laser beams into the sky at flying robot spaceships

baby steps man

9 people marked this as a favorite.

The Divinity Drive?! Aroden's not dead! He's somebody's warp core!!

Silver Crusade

*looks at the list of titles and the ship.*

Oh, uhm . . . has anyone said it yet?


Well, it had to be said. So, we have spaceships and lasers, tell me again, why do you hate psionics?

Oh, yeah . . . for the badger up there.








2 people marked this as a favorite.
GM Elton wrote:

Two great tastes that taste great together!

Silver Crusade

Randarak wrote:
GM Elton wrote:
Two great tastes that taste great together!

That's what Orson Scott Card said. :)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

17 people marked this as a favorite.
Lamontius wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Lamontius wrote:

wait what

I am down for this but this whole post is basically drawing a pretty hard mason/dixon line in terms of probably pissing off a large number of pathfinder fans

I do hope folks who aren't into the mixing of science fiction and fantasy do give Iron Gods a chance though!

They might if your blog post came off as more of a grounded enticement and less as double middle fingers that are shooting laser beams into the sky at flying robot spaceships

baby steps man

This adventure path isn't about baby steps. It's about us pushing the boundaries after doing over a dozen other adventure paths, some of which have started to take those baby steps ("Rasputin Must Die") already. The time for baby steps is behind us! :-)

Silver Crusade

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Randarak wrote:
GM Elton wrote:
Two great tastes that taste great together!

Ten foot laser pole. :)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

6 people marked this as a favorite.
GM Elton wrote:
... tell me again, why do you hate psionics?

I'm the one responsible for the bulk of what psionic stuff is in Pathfinder already, as it works out. I pushed to have the intellect devourer and neothelid put into the Bestiary, in large part because of the role psychic magic (AKA psionics) plays in the Darklands. And then there's the psionic elements in "The Dragon's Demand" that I developed.

If you're going to accuse anyone at Paizo of hating psionics... I'm probably the one at the bottom of that list of suspects is all I'm saying! ;-)


1 person marked this as a favorite.
thunderspirit wrote:
Mike Mistele wrote:
All kidding aside, Ron is a fabulous writer, and a great guy. Congrats to him, and very much looking forward to seeing this AP!

And this.

Thanks much for the votes of confidence!

I'm ridiculously excited to be crashing onto the adventure path scene with this, and in such august company!

Grand Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Lamontius wrote:
double middle fingers that are shooting laser beams into the sky at flying robot spaceships

This summarizes everything I want to see in Iron Gods.

I also want barbarians with mohawks and laser axes.

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
This adventure path isn't about baby steps. It's about us pushing the boundaries after doing over a dozen other adventure paths, some of which have started to take those baby steps ("Rasputin Must Die") already. The time for baby steps is behind us! :-)

Now we can charge full-tilt into it, like that barbarian charging that giant scorpion murder-bot with the machine-gun mandibles and plasma-lance stinger from the very first piece of art for Numeria.

This is going to be awesome. :D

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

James Jacobs wrote:
GM Elton wrote:
... tell me again, why do you hate psionics?

I'm the one responsible for the bulk of what psionic stuff is in Pathfinder already, as it works out. I pushed to have the intellect devourer and neothelid put into the Bestiary, in large part because of the role psychic magic (AKA psionics) plays in the Darklands. And then there's the psionic elements in "The Dragon's Demand" that I developed.

If you're going to accuse anyone at Paizo of hating psionics... I'm probably the one at the bottom of that list of suspects is all I'm saying! ;-)

"Psionics is BANNED FROM THE CAMPAIGN!!!" :)

Wow... that lineup of writers looks fantastic! The only way I could be more excited for this would be if a seventh book written by Jim Groves was added. And maybe an eighth book written by the tyrant lizard himself.

This is really shaping up to be a "must subscribe" AP for me, it seems like every new thing I hear or see about it is just more awesome than what came before it.

carborundum wrote:

Nick Logue and Mike Shel...

I am so, so looking forward to this!

Yep! REALLY looking forward to it.

Silver Crusade

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Also, regarding middle fingers and drawing battle-lines:

That's not really what it is. It's less a declaration of "too cool for you" and more "oh man, we're really excited about this". Sure some folks may really not like these themes, just as some didn't like the themes behind Jade Regent, Wrath of the Righteous, or Mummy's Mask.

But those APs would only have been hurt if they took the apologetic approach to their themes in order to please those that wouldn't like them anyway. Instead, given what I've read, heard, and seen in actual play, they embraced those themes fully for those that do enjoy them. And they're all the more fulfilling for it.

Think of it less like people going "Here's something you don't like! Nyah!" and more "Here's something we really like, and folks that enjoy stuff like this are going to have a REALLY good time." And given how long many folks have waited for a Numerian adventure, they deserve to be able to have the full course meal. :)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Jason Nelson wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
GM Elton wrote:
... tell me again, why do you hate psionics?

I'm the one responsible for the bulk of what psionic stuff is in Pathfinder already, as it works out. I pushed to have the intellect devourer and neothelid put into the Bestiary, in large part because of the role psychic magic (AKA psionics) plays in the Darklands. And then there's the psionic elements in "The Dragon's Demand" that I developed.

If you're going to accuse anyone at Paizo of hating psionics... I'm probably the one at the bottom of that list of suspects is all I'm saying! ;-)

"Psionics is BANNED FROM THE CAMPAIGN!!!" :)

Only because you used your superpowers to create a character whose turns took up 65% of every game session, what with your ability to summon monsters capable of summoning monsters as a quickened action with a quickened action.

Scarab Sages

This AP sounds epic, I can't wait to see it! And Logue!! YES!!

Silver Crusade

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Gavgoyle wrote:
This AP sounds epic, I can't wait to see it! And Logue!! YES!!

imagines where Nick Logue could go with a Lord Humongous expy


opts to just walk away

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

When do you think the first AP will be posted for prepurchase?

I just hope this AP takes a few pages from the great Gamma World campaigns of old.(my fav SCI-FI game world).

There is a reason the mechanical gearsmen dont go far from the Silver

While at MEGACON this past weekend our table won a free novel: City of the Fallen Sky, read it and it has some nice Numeria tidbits as well.

I primarily use the 2E Forgotten Realms campaign setting when I’m GMing (barring PFS). This means that I was not particularly looking forward to Iron Gods, but probably wouldn’t have cancelled my sub…

… with this line-up: the option to say, “ok, new tactic” and pull out a book titled “Valley of the Brain Eaters” by Mike Shel, when my PCs decide again that their sandbox isn’t big enough and they want an African-coast-sized-sandbox though… muahahahaha...

Ehem, yeah, sold.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

I predict that before Iron Gods has even finished, there shall be no more unbelievers.

+1 to waiting with great anticipation/glee.

Iron Gods plus Mummy's Mask just before it, not to mention the ACG and assorted other good things in the hopper - this will be an expensive year for me!

What was that about silence and money? :)

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Ugh... looks like I'll need to save some cash to restart that subscription...

Thanks a bunch for THAT ;-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

And we're out of Beta, we're releasing on time!


7 people marked this as a favorite.
TimD wrote:

...pull out a book titled “Valley of the Brain Eaters” by Mike Shel...

Ehem, yeah, sold.


That's Valley of the Brain Collectors. Brain eaters is just so gauche, too disgusting and depraved and...


I haven't subscribed to a module series before, but this is going to pull me in.


Shadow Lodge


Already a subscriber, but not going anywhere near cancel with Logue, Shel, Hitchcock and Frasier - who all authored the bulk of my "Top Ten" adventures list.

I'll be interested to see Lundeen on a chapter, he's written some sweet scenarios.

I too am sad at no Pett - him authoring a creepy Expedition to Barrier Peaks redux would've made me stand up and dance the ultimate AP dance.

Shel's has the best title so far. Brain Collectors!!!

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Mike Shel wrote:
TimD wrote:

...pull out a book titled “Valley of the Brain Eaters” by Mike Shel...

Ehem, yeah, sold.


That's Valley of the Brain Collectors. Brain eaters is just so gauche, too disgusting and depraved and...


My apologies, sir.

I would never accuse you of being gauche. Depraved, however... I can only say that I'm not a clinician and therefore legally cannot diagnose :)
My only defense is the epicurean indulgences of the noble collectors which my imagination conjured upon reading the title.


Webstore Gninja Minion

2 people marked this as a favorite.
zergtitan wrote:
When do you think the first AP will be posted for prepurchase?


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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Liz Courts wrote:
zergtitan wrote:
When do you think the first AP will be posted for prepurchase?

Every time Liz posts this message, a part of my soul dies...


Very cool, but it looks like Crystal gets the best slice of the pie imaginable. I adore the name "Divinity Drive;" it really makes one wonder what this adventure will be about!

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

*Boss Mode*

"You have till next Friday Miss Courts!"

*/Boss Mode*

Take your time Liz.

But not too long. ;)

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