The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Osirion

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Since the Age of Destiny, the people of Osirion have worshiped their own local gods, in addition to those deities venerated throughout the Inner Sea region. The popularity of these Ancient Osirian gods has waxed and waned over the centuries, but they remain a part of the history of Osirion’s land and people, and with the restoration of native Osirian rule, interest in these ancient divinities has been rekindled.

Full details on the 20 major gods of the Ancient Osirian pantheon appear in Pathfinder Adventure Path #80: Empty Graves, but for those who might want to play a follower or worshiper of one of these deities in the Mummy’s Mask campaign, here’s a preview of the gods, their areas of concern, domains, and favored weapons. Plus, enjoy a sneak peek at three of the gods appearing in the article!

Deities of Ancient Osirion

DeityALAreas of ConcernDomainsFavored Weapon
AnubisLNBurial, the dead, funeral rites, mummification, tombsDeath, Earth, Law, Protection, ReposeFlail
ApepCEChaos, darkness, destruction, snakesChaos, Darkness, Destruction, Evil, ScalykindDagger
BastetCNCats, pleasure, secretsAnimal, Chaos, Charm, Protection, TrickeryCat’s claws (tekko-kagi)
BesNGHouseholds, luck, marriage, protectionCommunity, Earth, Good, Luck, ProtectionHunga munga
HathorCGDance, joy, love, music, the skyAir, Chaos, Charm, Good, TravelShort sword
HorusLNRulership, the sky, the sunAir, Animal, Law, Nobility, SunKhopesh
IsisNGFertility, magic, motherhood, rebirthCharm, Community, Good, Healing, MagicQuarterstaff
KhepriNGFreedom, the rising sun, workArtifice, Good, Liberation, Sun, TrickerySling
MaatLNJustice, law, order, truthKnowledge, Law, Protection, Void, WeatherStarknife
NeithNGHunting, war, weavingAnimal, Artifice, Good, War, WaterShortbow
NephthysCNMourning, night, protection of the deadChaos, Charm, Community, Darkness, ProtectionLight mace
OsirisLGAfterlife, fertility, rebirth, resurrectionGood, Healing, Law, Plant, ReposeFlail
PtahNArchitecture, craftsmanship, creation, metalworkingArtifice, Earth, Fire, Knowledge, TravelQuarterstaff
RaLNCreation, rulership, the sunFire, Glory, Law, Nobility, SunSpear
SekhmetCNFire, healing, vengeance, warChaos, Destruction, Fire, Healing, WarBattleaxe
SelketCGEmbalming, healing, scorpionsChaos, Good, Healing, Protection, ReposeScorpion whip
SetNEDarkness, deserts, murder, stormsDarkness, Death, Evil, Madness, WeatherSpear
SobekCNCrocodiles, fertility, military prowess, riversChaos, Scalykind, Strength, War, WaterFalchion
ThothLNMagic, the moon, wisdom, writingDarkness, Knowledge, Law, Magic, RuneSickle
WadjetLGGood serpents, the River Sphinx, wisdomGood, Law, Protection, Travel, WaterLight mace

Illustrations by Ekaterina Burmak and Johan Grenier

Rob McCreary
Senior Developer

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Liberty's Edge

I would hope they dont. I dont mind settings borrowing ideas from 'reality', but if it goes too far then for me the setting looses that sparkle and I lose interest.

I would bet there is probably some overlap between the Vudrani and Hindu pantheons, while they're not exactly the same. The Lands of the Linnorm Kings have already been covered, though, which is kind of a shame since this article got me thinking about how I'd do the Norse pantheon in Pathfinder... I think I might actually do a lot of them as demigods, really.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

TritonOne wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
Simplicity. If you are going to have a land that is basically pseudoEgypt, why not use actual Egyptian gods? There already is precedence for Earth existing in the setting, and by using real mythological figures you get to use a cast of characters already familiar to many players. The fact they come from real world mythology also means there are tons of books and websites for material to learn more about them for incorporation into your game.
So that begs the question why create a fictional Vudrani pantheon, for example, rather than just appropriate the Hindu pantheon? Why create Irori when you could use Vishnu? Why not copy the Norse pantheon for the worship of the Ulfen people?

Also, as a self-ascended monastic figure, Irori is a better analogue for Budda than Vishnu.

TritonOne wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
Simplicity. If you are going to have a land that is basically pseudoEgypt, why not use actual Egyptian gods? There already is precedence for Earth existing in the setting, and by using real mythological figures you get to use a cast of characters already familiar to many players. The fact they come from real world mythology also means there are tons of books and websites for material to learn more about them for incorporation into your game.
So that begs the question why create a fictional Vudrani pantheon, for example, rather than just appropriate the Hindu pantheon? Why create Irori when you could use Vishnu? Why not copy the Norse pantheon for the worship of the Ulfen people?

Probably because Hinduism is still a major religion for a good chunk of the world's population. It's the same reason we haven't got stats for Jesus yet.

And who's to say that the old Ulfen gods are not Norse? Maybe if we get an Ulfen heavy AP we will get an article detailing all the Norse Gods?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I wonder about the proteans, were Keket and Naunet a part of Osirion mythology

Sovereign Court

I'm crazy-excited about this. However, I find the blatant lack of Mafdet in this list sorely disappointing.

Sovereign Court

My apologies for the double-post.

Sissyl wrote:
No... like the rigidity of Egyptian life, the pantheon was set there to help the people. Set, once the god handling the outside world, turned evil after a big invasion attempt, as I understand it.

Set was actually just a god of change. Chaos is just the force of change. Where there is change, that is chaos. Destruction is the beginning of the cycle of life, etc. Set actually works toward maintaining the balance of Ma'at and upon sunrise, slays the demon A-pep. (That's why the sunrise has red, it was supposed to be the serpent's blood)

Set's seen as "the bad guy" because no one likes it when someone MAKES change or causes chaos or destruction. It's like "Yeah, I know I need a new car, but this one will still work for now." Set be all "Oh hell no, I think it's time to give you a REASON to get a new one. /smash" That and he totally murdered Osiris. No one likes a murderer.
Reminds me of a cute little comic I saw about this... This one, and the couple after.

The Block Knight wrote:

Yeah, like Sissyl said, there just aren't a lot of evil entities in the various incarnations of the Egyptian pantheon. Even Set, in some interpretations, isn't necessarily evil, it's pretty much just Apep (and some smaller weaker entities that would probably "just" be Demigods in Pathfinder). The Egyptian gods existed in their culture mostly to teach and oversee orderly conduct, the ancient Egyptians didn't have as much in the way of sweeping drama plays involving light vs. dark, good vs. evil, and that sort of thing.

I think Block Knight's got it pretty right here. Just wanted to add that A-pep wasn't a god, though. Was seen as a demon "of sorts". It is un-creation, the exact opposite of Ma'at. It doesn't destroy, it negates. And it was FAR from a god.

One thing to keep in mind is that Egyptian Religion is not just its mythology, We tend to focus on the mythologies of different cultures, wheather they be greek, egyptian or what not. But while important to religion, it is not the end of it.

Also the egyptian religion is still practiced today, Kemeticism as it is called.

This article however is of great use to me for my version of Osirion. They are not the deities of just 'ancient' Osirion, but modern Osirion. The current Ruby Prince is encouraging a massive cultural revival, and that also includes the old gods of Osirion are now being promoted once again.

Liberty's Edge

Set's rise and fall was tied to what happened to Egypt. Set was seen as a God of 'Foreigners' of outside influences ( in addition to his role as God of Desert/Storms/other). As these foreigners had negative impacts on Egypt , then so did Set become 'bad'. Invading Egypt militarily cast Set in a very bad light.

Its true of any religon though.


Yggdra wrote:
I'm crazy-excited about this. However, I find the blatant lack of Mafdet in this list sorely disappointing.

I'd say it's because of the Maftets, but they've certainly split hairs with spellings before.

Sovereign Court

The Golux wrote:
Yggdra wrote:
I'm crazy-excited about this. However, I find the blatant lack of Mafdet in this list sorely disappointing.
I'd say it's because of the Maftets, but they've certainly split hairs with spellings before.

Oh, poo. I guess you have a point, there. I can totally see a Mafdet cleric, though, slaying enemies of the king (or whomever liege lord they serve), cutting out their heart and sending it back to them. Travel, Law, Nobility type domains. /sigh Oh well. :)

(I wonder about the Advanced Classes like the Skald and the Swashbuckler. Gives me some hope they'll change some words there in the finalization..)

It is interesting to note that there is no gods of Artifice and Healing, but there is one of Destruction and Healing.

I think this is aweful, just a personal opinion.

James T Boyd wrote:
I think this is aweful, just a personal opinion.


Shain Edge wrote:
It is interesting to note that there is no gods of Artifice and Healing, but there is one of Destruction and Healing.

You would think that the creator god types would have domains of both Artifice and Healing, such as Khnum, the third aspect of Ra.

Gods that have multiple aspects, should they have Domains that are a compilation of all their aspects, or would you think that a Cleric may worship a particular aspect of a god?

Liberty's Edge

Question: For non Human races (like Pahmet) Dwarves would it cause issues if one was to worship a Dwarven version of Anubis over the similar god for the Dwarves?

I have a Dwarf Oracle of Bone who is quite twisted and has lived deep beneath the earth. I want his powers to come from the old gods and Anubis seems like a good fit. He is somewhat of an outcast because he lives so far under the desert and isnt really aware of who is actually powering him.

I love the art!

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