Pathfinder Battles Preview: I Dream of Genies (and Other Stuff)

Friday, September 13, 2013

It's Friday, which means a new raft of previews of the upcoming Legends of Golarion set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic miniatures! But first, an update: The Legends of Golarion set's official release date is now OCTOBER 16. The set will formally release well in time for marathon Halloween game sessions, and just in time for you to give out the coolest Halloween treats on the block!

This week I wanted to show off several figures that have never been seen before, either at Gen Con or anywhere else. All five of these beasties are making their world debut here on the Paizo Blog this evening. Buckle up!

We've already shown you the Djinni and Efreeti figures. This week I want to show off the three remaining genies in the set, starting with the gorgeous Marid.

Here she is in all her towering glory. The Marid, associated with the element of water, is the most powerful of the standard genies in the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, and she's also the largest. This version is derived from the gorgeous Jesper Ejsing illustration in the Bestiary, which originally adorned a cover for our “Arabian Nights” Adventure Path, Legacy of Fire. WizKids did a great job translating her to three dimensions. This Large figure is slated at the rare rarity.

And here we have the Shaitan, the earth-based genie cousin of the Marid. Again we used a Jesper Ejsing illustration as the basis for the figure, which I'm discovering is a good recipe for a gorgeous miniature. The colors on this one compliment each other perfectly, and her expression is great. Again, the Shaitan is a Large, rare figure, though she's not quite so big as her watery companion.

The lowly Jann are formed of all four elements, and must spend a great deal more time on the material plane than their more powerful relatives in the genie family. In fact, Jann look much like normal humans, which in this case means this figure easily doubles as a human enemy or player character. He's got brass knuckles, but also works as an unarmed combatant such as a monk. Like his cousins, the Janni is a rare, but in this case he's much smaller, coming in at size Medium.

This nasty fellow is the Medium Black Dragon, but don't let the size fool you into thinking he doesn't pack a powerful punch. Based on a great Ben Wootten illustration, this guy ably represents the smallest black dragon statted up in the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary. Size wise, he's about the same height as the Young Red Dragon from Rise of the Runelords, which by today's standards would have probably been a Medium. I'll show off the Red Dragon Evolution photos soon (probably next week), and you'll see that we already officially made that change there, with the previously Large Young Red Dragon showing up as a Medium repaint alongside awesome new Large and Huge Red Dragon sculpts. But I am getting ahead of myself. The dastardly Medium Black Dragon is rare, Medium, and extremely awesome.

Speaking of awesome, one of my favorite aspects of the Pathfinder RPG is incorporating monsters from real world mythology. Often this means pulling in creatures from ancient Greece, Egypt, or other Old World sources. Here we have a critter very much from America's side of the pond. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Hodag, menace of Northern Wisconsin. The Hodag got its start in an 1890s hoax, in which a local prankster described the creature to an area newspaper like this: "the head of a frog, the grinning face of a giant elephant, thick short legs set off by huge claws, the back of a dinosaur, and a long tail with spears at the end." I'd say WizKids nailed it. The Hodag appears in Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3. In the Legends of Golarion set, he's a Large, uncommon figure.

And that's it for this week. Look for another big preview next Friday.

Erik Mona

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Legends of Golarion Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

All of them are amazing, but that

5 stars for five figures.

That Marid is simply breathtaking. The Jann looks like an interesting character, I am sure I could find a use for it.

The Black Dragon looks great. Great menacing pose.
As for the Hodag, it looks good. I'm trying to remember the CR, but I think I recall it on the lower end, which is nice. Always good to have some large but low CR foes for your PCs to fight.

Can't wait to see the Red Dragon set.

The Marid and Shaitan are marvelous. I don't see much to distinguish the Jann from a PC, but I'm not familiar with him. Time to hit the books. Still, he'll be welcome in my collection as he's pretty cool looking. The black dragon will go nicely with my premium figure from Heroes and Monsters. And the news about the Red Evolution set has me waiting on the edge of my seat for next weeks preview. But the Hodag takes the cake for me. A new large scaly beasty to confront my unaware gaming group with. I'm glad he's uncommon, I wouldn't mind as many as four of him. Great preview. And just a little over a month away. Thinking of the gargantuan green coming with this set just makes me smile.

Paizo Employee

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

From a native of Northern Wisconsin, thanks for the Hodag. It's like having a little bit of home in the Bestiary.

And the mini looks awesome!


Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Aww, I wanted to see the new dragons. Oh well, next week then. Thankfully these ones are freaking awesome! The two genies round out the collection nicely and I am so glad they were based on the Ejsing Illustrations (that sounds a little Lovecraftian actually?). Dynamic poses, nice features and good colour palette.
The Jann could see a fair bit of use outside of the intended. Love that it doesn't appear very elemental and can certainly see one of my players using it for a rogue, swashbuckler type.
I like the look of the black, which really only makes me hungry to see the new reds (and curiously how you repaint the Runelords dragon - a different shade of red?).
Now the Hodag, loved it when I saw it Kingmaker (Was it Kingmaker?) and hunted for proxy minis for ages. Now I can have me a real Hodag!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

As a central Wisconsin native I also approve. :)

I still remember Hodag Park in Rhinelander - the statue there looks more like the behemoth from Titan, but I've made the Kingmaker hodag my wandering monster of choice!

Really nice offerings today. I'm happy to have *any* Marid and Shaitan, let alone really nice ones like those. All the others look great too. My only other thought is, October 16?!? That feels incredibly fast on the back of Skull and Shackles. I'm just curious, how many sets are you aiming for each year? What are the indications about what the market will bear? And if it's okay to ask (and maybe it isn't), but how profitable have the existing sets been?

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

We're shooting for 3-4 full sets a year.

Does that include Builder sets and Evolutions, or are those expected to be all full sets? Big difference there for people on a budget.
And thanks for the quick response!

As another WI native, I like the hodag, too. It's a cool myth and fun to see in plastic form.

All five minis look fun and/or usable.

Nice preview!

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Full sets. Likely we will hit three rather than four. Extra sets are extra.

Grand Lodge

The Marid is simply beautiful.

Now the Shaitan has a more impish appearance. Reminds me a little of a tall version of Gozer from Ghostbusters. I like it.

The Jann would make a good PC or NPC, or as a Jann. I could see finding a use.

The Medium Black does have a wicked pose. He will be a welcome addition.

I like the Hodag. I like that it is Large and Uncommon too. It could proxy for any Large lizard-like critter.

Another awesome week of previews.

Did I mention that the Marid is beautiful. :)

All the mini's look fantastic. I was wondering why you guys didn't base the Jann on the artwork in the bestiary? For me it would've made a better mini.

Sovereign Court

That dragon is FABULOUS. Ain't nobody can steal his rhythm.

Grand Lodge

Here's a bit of Hodag History from PBS a few years ago.

There are a lot of great looking minis in this set. I'm looking forward to this one!

Grand Lodge

I have a question. Is there a possibility of getting a medium base for the previously large red dragon figure.. so we can mount it on one of them so when we get the Red Dragon Evolution we can remount the large red dragons to match the size od the one in the evolution?

Basically asking for medium bases being offered as a side packet for purchase? With the pegs to mount the feet onto? :)
Thanks!! :)

... And now we know what the encounter pack after the red dragons will be!
Black dragons!
Are you guys thinking of rebasing the huge black too? I remember people thinking he was too small...

And I'm currently debating whether or not I'm rebasing my large red dragons. It's the pull between messing with a collector item and having a miniature collection with more consistency.. Hmm..

All hail the hodag!

Did me right in Green Blood on Black Rock at PaizoCon. Nicely done, :)

Dark Archive

Absolutely amazing minis! It looks like WizKids is getting better and better, and I'm really excited about this set! :)

Hodag is awesome! I'm a huge fan of animal type/monster encounters, especially large! All too often large figures give an automatic assumption of unbelievable strength. Now I'm not sure of the Hodag's strength, but it does come across as a type of reptile so regardless it will work for me as some sort of large lizard to have fun with. The Marid is gorgeous. The others are fine as well, but nothing I'm drooling over. Have way too many dragons!

Paizo Employee Developer

Curaigh wrote:

All hail the hodag!

Did me right in Green Blood on Black Rock at PaizoCon. Nicely done, :)

It'll be awesome to have an actual hodag mini for next year!

I'm so glad I ordered some bricks from this set. Love the Black Dragon and Marid, could do without the Hodag though.

Want Red Evolution too!

In_digo wrote:

... And now we know what the encounter pack after the red dragons will be!

Black dragons!
Are you guys thinking of rebasing the huge black too? I remember people thinking he was too small...

And I'm currently debating whether or not I'm rebasing my large red dragons. It's the pull between messing with a collector item and having a miniature collection with more consistency.. Hmm..

Wait, what am I missing? I don't recall seeing any announcement other than the red dragon pack.

I'd actually be bummed if the next pack after Reds is Black dragons since we'll already have both small and huge models. I'd rather see new stuff than a set that is 66% models we already have, even if they're new sculpts.

I would think they are not rebasing the huge black as it's almost exactly the same size as the huge white dragon from the latest evolution pack.

Everthefool wrote:
In_digo wrote:

... And now we know what the encounter pack after the red dragons will be!

Black dragons!
Are you guys thinking of rebasing the huge black too? I remember people thinking he was too small...

And I'm currently debating whether or not I'm rebasing my large red dragons. It's the pull between messing with a collector item and having a miniature collection with more consistency.. Hmm..

Wait, what am I missing? I don't recall seeing any announcement other than the red dragon pack.

I'd actually be bummed if the next pack after Reds is Black dragons since we'll already have both small and huge models. I'd rather see new stuff than a set that is 66% models we already have, even if they're new sculpts.

I would think they are not rebasing the huge black as it's almost exactly the same size as the huge white dragon from the latest evolution pack.

Nope, nothing missed! With the addition of a Medium Black dragon, it's hard not to assume that will be the next encounter pack, or at least one in the very near future.

I'd assume they probably wouldn't be rebasing the huge, but it had the same complaints as the medium red dragon, so I wasn't sure. Either way I'm happy.

In_digo wrote:

Nope, nothing missed! With the addition of a Medium Black dragon, it's hard not to assume that will be the next encounter pack, or at least one in the very near future.

I'd assume they probably wouldn't be rebasing the huge, but it had the same complaints as the medium red dragon, so I wasn't sure. Either way I'm happy.

Fingers crossed it isn't (just my opinion, of course, others feel free to hope for a black dragon evolution). I'd rather the next, and future, evolutions be mostly or 100% new product rather than just new versions or rebases of existing models.

If I already have a huge and small black dragon from Paizo, having other suitable minis from D&D mini packs for a large black dragon, means a lot of folks may not want to buy the BD Evolution. I say something new and wondrous like goodly dragons, or a Sand/Shadow/Cave/or other dragon set, or Linnorms! Oh, mighty Linnorm evolution (whichever is the two-headed Linnorm!!), who'll give me a +1?

Heck, even though it's not my cup-o-tea, what about an Imperial Dragon evolution? Or the Linnorm, or, ooooh, a Primal Dragon (Brine, Cloud, Crystal?) evolution?

Another (bright?) idea for a (less expensive?) evolution, how about Giant evolutions for the more common giant types with:

A child/adolescent giant.
A female adult giant.
A new male adult giant chief or champion (rather than a repaint).

That'd be awesome combined with the existing giant models from prior PFB sets.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

At this point in the game Encounter Packs are the _only_ viable outlet for Huge figures, so almost everything you're going to see in the immediate future along these lines will include at least one Huge. Therefore, most of the standard giants are out, since they are Large, and three Large figures is not cool enough to warrant an Encounter Pack. I could just put those in a set, and plan to do so (though I have no child giant plans, alas). I won't stop making giants until we have at least a male, female, leader, and spellcaster or other unique figure from each of these types.

Erik Mona wrote:

At this point in the game Encounter Packs are the _only_ viable outlet for Huge figures, so almost everything you're going to see in the immediate future along these lines will include at least one Huge. Therefore, most of the standard giants are out, since they are Large, and three Large figures is not cool enough to warrant an Encounter Pack. I could just put those in a set, and plan to do so (though I have no child giant plans, alas). I won't stop making giants until we have at least a male, female, leader, and spellcaster or other unique figure from each of these types.

Wow, thanks for the direct response, Erik. The child/adolescent was more of a "flavor" concept, just leapt to mind while I was thinking about set options. Really glad to hear female and other alternate models are on tap for future releases. (Not ignoring the fact that we got THREE Stone Giant models already, love the variety! Thanks for keeping it coming.)

Erik Mona wrote:

... I won't stop making giants until we have at least a male, female, leader, and spellcaster or other unique figure from each of these types.

This is splendid news, indeed!

While giants may not make the evolution/encouter packs, maybe we might get to the point when a Builder set could be made of large sized giants with 6 repaints and 6 new sculpts.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Erik Mona wrote:

At this point in the game Encounter Packs are the _only_ viable outlet for Huge figures, so almost everything you're going to see in the immediate future along these lines will include at least one Huge. Therefore, most of the standard giants are out, since they are Large, and three Large figures is not cool enough to warrant an Encounter Pack. I could just put those in a set, and plan to do so (though I have no child giant plans, alas). I won't stop making giants until we have at least a male, female, leader, and spellcaster or other unique figure from each of these types.

Could you not put three huge giants into an encounter pack - cloud, storm, taiga for example? Not sure how well it would do, know I'd buy a couple.

Similarly I'm really hoping for a non-dragon version - perhaps vermin? med, large, huge centipede? Spider? Scorpion? Maggot even? Of course that may only appeal to me.

What happened to the previews here? Its been like a month. No more?

There's been previews every week Jimi.

If you click the paizo blog button and the top and scroll through them, check the friday posts.

Thanx! I was looking in the wrong spot. All I found was a compilation up until beginning of September but I see them now:)

jimibones83 wrote:
Thanx! I was looking in the wrong spot. All I found was a compilation up until beginning of September but I see them now:)

My pleasure ^^

You can also visit Pathfinder Minis to keep reasonably up to date on the minis as well.

Thanx Nor:)

No blog update this week? :(

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
douglasiv wrote:
No blog update this week? :(

Nope, but something has probably come up unexpectedly. Maybe he is helping with the October subscription snafu or some other problem.

This will be interesting with the whole set being released this next week, as we currently don't know the whole set.

Paizo Employee CEO

Feros wrote:
douglasiv wrote:
No blog update this week? :(
Nope, but something has probably come up unexpectedly. Maybe he is helping with the October subscription snafu or some other problem.

Erik went to New York Comicon and then has a short vacation in NY. His blog is an unfortunate casualty of this trip.


Paizo Employee CEO

Illius wrote:
This will be interesting with the whole set being released this next week, as we currently don't know the whole set.

You mean in this age of instant information, there might actually be some drama when opening your cases? Horrors!!!!



Lisa Stevens wrote:

You mean in this age of instant information, there might actually be some drama when opening your cases? Horrors!!!!


I know you're being funny, Lisa. There's even a smiley. Thing to is that in this age of Paizo's customer communications and service being outstanding, excellent, and otherwise exquisite, it might just possibly be that said customers like to know what they're buying before they buy it. Craziness!!!!


Lisa Stevens wrote:
Illius wrote:
This will be interesting with the whole set being released this next week, as we currently don't know the whole set.

You mean in this age of instant information, there might actually be some drama when opening your cases? Horrors!!!!



I'm sure I'm in a minority, but I prefer not knowing (yet lack the discipline to not look). So this month, I'm golden. Thanks! :)

I don't intend this as a complaint, so please don't take it that way.

I'm not super worried about missing a preview here or there. But would it not make sense to have these made a couple weeks early so they can be pushed on fridays? That way if Erik is out of town, on vacation etc he doesn't feel like he has to post it himself? Not that he did this time, but he's done it before.

Again, less worried about missing them and more worried about him being able to focus on his fun ^_^

Lorian wrote:
I don't intend this as a complaint, so please don't take it that way.

I'll complain a little then. 50+ refreshes on Friday, all for nothing. (Just joking... about the complaining part).

The Friday blog posts have become a regular part of my life now, especially since I keep some time available in the evening for updating the Mini Gallery. I almost feel slightly saddened when there is no post :) On the plus side, Erik is getting some much needed time away from the office and I look forward to his refreshed return and his future posts to sustain my plasticrack addition.

Yeah, I was disappointed too, but I understand why he was gone, so I was trying not to be cruddy about it XD

I don't mind the lack of a new preview. All I ask for is that at some point nice pictures of the remaining figures get sent to Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper so the mini gallery can have a complete set. ;-)

In any case, I hope you have a great time Erik.

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