Give Us Your Pets!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Greetings, Pathfinders!

Rabbits hate change. My fiancé and I recently relocated, and Aslan is making his displeasure known by savaging hoodies and leaping upon his unsuspecting parents' faces at inopportune moments. These sudden rages, combined with his shameless pursuit of his expansionist interests, lead me to believe he is a chaotic neutral barbarian bunny.

Does this ever happen to you? Do you wonder if Spot made Intelligence his dump stat, but forgive him because of his excellent Charisma bonus? Do you suspect that Fluffy is evil-aligned, but find yourself helpless in the face of her gaze attack and fuzzy ears?

Wonder no longer! We will select one of your pets to be transformed into full-fledged Pathfinder monster, to be posted here on the blog for all to enjoy. Just email with a link to a picture of your pet and your pet's name, alignment, and a fun fact about them.

No pets will be harmed in the making of this blog post. I look forward to meeting your fluffy, scaly, and feathered companions!

Cassidy Werner
Editorial Intern

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Webstore Gninja Minion

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Well, I guess I'll start this rodeo. :D

Domino, CN (E?) female housecat
Fun fact: Steal breath (at will), double racial bonus to Stealth.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Oh FSM... I probably shouldn't post this, it probably isn't safe for work...

but here goes...

The Romanticore:
I have this cat, she is lithe, long haired, agile, and skittish, in fact so skittish when something spooks her she sublimates into a cat like vapor not to be seen again for hours. Yet sometimes she isn't shy, sometimes she is down right friendly, and she leaps upon you purring, purring like a madman. This isn't so much a problem, except the when. You see the Romanticore only comes out after my partner and I know one another, biblically speaking. Like a clarion call the Romanticore sublimates out of the ethereal plane, purring and cuddling and sticking her god forsaken bushy tail in your face. I imagine much like the unicorn from the last unicorn, only one of purity (or in this case depravity of mind) could see her true horn, except in the Romanticore's case the horn is a giant rubber dildo.

My understanding is the Romanticore is a sacred animal to the faithful of Calistra...

Sorry folks, you probably won't be unable unsee that...

Silver Crusade Assistant Software Developer

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Louis, CN (E?) male housecat
Fun fact: Drool Attack (at will), save versus fortitude or be sickened for a round.

Callie(Professor Calamity Mythos), NG female Welsh Pembroke Corgi
Fun fact: She recently tore her ACL and is doing an impressive rendition of a lame oracle.

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Cider, CG female 3 year-old, 30-pound lab/something mix.
Fun fact: Doesn't really like cider. Prefers beer. When wrestling with her brother, Guinness, she has an Aura of Rage (Su), as seen in these pictures -> 1, 2, 3, 4.

Sovereign Court Contributor

Two Cats: Nuit and Nyx. Sisters.

Nyx is a white and black furball (with a Holstein-like appearance) and is very friendly, even with kids, and laid back. Aside from her ruthless hunting of local gophers, she's probably CG.

Nuit is a tuxedo cat. Aside from her dapper appearance, she's also somewhat skittish and neurotic. She is scared of strangers, small dogs, thunderstorms, and loud noises. But she can open doors and hold conversations in Cat. She speaks in whole sentences. She's CN.

Paizo Employee Developer

Fredo, NG 11-year-old American short hair cat.

Webstore Gninja Minion

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Mark Moreland wrote:
Fredo, NG 11-year-old American short hair cat.

Lies! You have no cat Mark, only a phantom that eats cat food.

Silver Crusade Assistant Software Developer

Liz Courts wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
Fredo, NG 11-year-old American short hair cat.
Lies! You have no cat Mark, only a phantom that eats cat food.

It's true! We're on to you.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

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Do "things I found growing in my fridge" count as pets?

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Bean: Neutral Good clockwork hedgehog. Bean is a friendly, curious hedgehog who has creeping paralysis in his rear legs. We've rigged up a wheelchair-like cart for him to scoot around in. He loves his time in it.

Here's a video of Bean in his cart - and a picture of him sitting in my arms.

Editorial Intern

RainyDayNinja wrote:
Do "things I found growing in my fridge" count as pets?

Do you provide them with food and love?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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Amiri. Instead of a monster, could you make her into an iconic PC? Maybe a barbarian.

Sovereign Court Contributor

Jeff Erwin wrote:

Two Cats: Nuit and Nyx. Sisters.

Nyx is a white and black furball (with a Holstein-like appearance) and is very friendly, even with kids, and laid back. Aside from her ruthless hunting of local gophers, she's probably CG.

Nuit is a tuxedo cat. Aside from her dapper appearance, she's also somewhat skittish and neurotic. She is scared of strangers, small dogs, thunderstorms, and loud noises. But she can open doors and hold conversations in Cat. She speaks in whole sentences. She's CN.

Emailed pic of Nyx keeping my sick daughter company. (Nuit is hiding somewhere)

Fun Fact: Part Ragdoll. Goes limp when you pick her up. Also has a potent fuzz cloud attack when petted.

Felix the Sleepy Cat CR 3
CG Tiny magical beast
Alluring Gaze (Ex) Felix has always been more appealing than the average feline and with the limited boost to intelligence granted by the departed wizard that once called him familiar the canny cat achieves a level of benign attraction unheard of on the mortal plane. Any creature under the effects of Felix's Drowsiness Miasma are compelled to pet and adore him until he either falls asleep or becomes bored.
Drowsiness Miasma (Su) Cats are often cited as having a calming effect on those around them, and Felix exemplifies that with his latent magical abilities. Any creature within 15 feet must make a Will Save (DC 15) or suffer a -5 to any saves inflicted by Felix until they leave the area of effect.
Impossible Adorability (Su) Felix's lustrous, humorous coat and wisened expression are a greater defense than the strongest shield. Any creature that attempts to take a hostile action against the cat (be it an attack, spell or special ability) must make a Will save (DC 15) to do so; on a failed save they cannot endanger the feline in any way and in fact are compelled to approach him amicably.

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Olach the Passionate
This frog wanted to eat me, but would be sweet and musical for my wife. He even had a special song he would only sing to her.

She lost part of her shell when she was attacked by a dog. She is a fighter though, and has been seen trying to pick fights with cats and dogs through the glass of her terrarium.

Piggy, aka Blessing
The sweetest dog ever. He doesn't bark and is constantly trying to be by my side. If he isn't sleeping, he is out with me exploring the world.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Cassidy Werner wrote:
RainyDayNinja wrote:
Do "things I found growing in my fridge" count as pets?
Do you provide them with food and love?

Well, they're feeding on something

Editorial Intern

RainyDayNinja wrote:
Cassidy Werner wrote:
RainyDayNinja wrote:
Do "things I found growing in my fridge" count as pets?
Do you provide them with food and love?
Well, they're feeding on something

That's fair. Submit pictures and names and they'll be added to the hat. :D

Hexadecimal, LG, howls like someone's died when no one pays attention to him for a few hours

Belphegor, CE, Hex's arch-nemesis and the worst hunter you've ever seen

Dark Archive

Vic Wertz wrote:
Amiri. Instead of a monster, could you make her into an iconic PC? Maybe a barbarian.

Ha! However, that cat is obviously a rogue and not a barbarian, because it looks like she has stolen your hard-earned silver pieces, Vic! :)

Aslan the Destroyer strikes again! Tremble before his fluffy might.

Anywho! I would post something for my cat but all he ever does is lay around all day. Unless profound apathy is a power there's not much to write about him. >.<

Webstore Gninja Minion

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Asgetrion wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Amiri. Instead of a monster, could you make her into an iconic PC? Maybe a barbarian.

Ha! However, that cat is obviously a rogue and not a barbarian, because it looks like she has stolen your hard-earned silver pieces, Vic! :)

Barbarians can steal, though they're far more likely to use Intimidate rather than Sleight of Hand. :D

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Arikiel wrote:

Aslan the Destroyer strikes again! Tremble before his fluffy might.

Anywho! I would post something for my cat but all he ever does is lay around all day. Unless profound apathy is a power there's not much to write about him. >.<

I hear Krune is looking for a familiar.

There are so many adorable critters on this thread. I'll add some of my own.

Harry: CN black and white domestic shorthair
Fun Fact: He'll pat and howl at my wife's face early in the morning for food, but he leaves me alone.

Lilly LG lab-mix
Fun Fact She can pull me 18+mph while I'm on roller blades.

Weasley NG tuxedo domestic shorthair
Fun Fact He was named Batman at the shelter and he is sweet on Lilly.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

I was really excited for my latest Paizo shipment. Imagine my disappointment when I opened a box and instead of Paizo goodies, I got this cat- Bimmer (Chaotic Stupid male longhaired gray cat). I contacted Customer Service but they refused to take him back.

Fun Fact: Bimmer isn't very smart; he prefers the comfort of boxes and other weird and uncomfortable places versus his cat bed.

Paizo Employee Developer

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Heather and I named a squirrel that comes to our patio, if that counts. We fed her pecans when we first moved here and now she's our squirrel buddy. We call her Kitty.

Now I know why my neighbors look at us weird.

Dark Archive

MikeMyler wrote:

Felix the Sleepy Cat CR 3

XP 800
CG Tiny magical beast
Alluring Gaze (Ex) Felix has always been more appealing than the average feline and with the limited boost to intelligence granted by the departed wizard that once called him familiar the canny cat achieves a level of benign attraction unheard of on the mortal plane. Any creature under the effects of Felix's Drowsiness Miasma are compelled to pet and adore him until he either falls asleep or becomes bored.
Drowsiness Miasma (Su) Cats are often cited as having a calming effect on those around them, and Felix exemplifies that with his latent magical abilities. Any creature within 15 feet must make a Will Save (DC 15) or suffer a -5 to any saves inflicted by Felix until they leave the area of effect.
Impossible Adorability (Su) Felix's lustrous, humorous coat and wisened expression are a greater defense than the strongest shield. Any creature that attempts to take a hostile action against the cat (be it an attack, spell or special ability) must make a Will save (DC 15) to do so; on a failed save they cannot endanger the feline in any way and in fact are compelled to approach him amicably.


RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4

2 people marked this as a favorite.
John Benbo wrote:

I was really excited for my latest Paizo shipment. Imagine my disappointment when I opened a box and instead of Paizo goodies, I got this cat- Bimmer (Chaotic Stupid male longhaired gray cat). I contacted Customer Service but they refused to take him back.

Fun Fact: Bimmer isn't very smart; he prefers the comfort of boxes and other weird and uncomfortable places versus his cat bed.

'Instead of Role Playing Game Materials, package contained bobcat. Would not buy again.'

For those who might miss the reference.

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Ah I want to play alone...though it is hard taking picture without opposable no picture.

But I offer my pet John, human, alignment...probably CG.

Special abilities:

Manipulate Doors: He can open a door...and close doors.

Create Food and Water: He can create food and water in my dishes.

Lap: Generate a comfortable and safe place for cats to sleep.

Chew Toy/Scatching Post: Takes it with little complaint.

Weakness: Very vulnerable to a cat's purring.

Hey!!! I think it is time for Floyd to go outside.

I feel like this blog post is biased against those who are pet-challenged. :(

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

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Cthulhudrew wrote:
I feel like this blog post is biased against those who are pet-challenged. :(

How to find a pet fast:

1. Go outside.
2. Find animal.
3. Catch animal.
4. Go to hospital for shots.
5. Take animal for shots.
6. Pray your new pet doesn't kill you.

Camilla 4 years old F german daschund LE sorcerer (she is a real tyrant)

Special ability: She can cast Mirror Images

A little explanation is due; the images are actually Camilla's daughters, Penny and Wendy

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MIKI (RIP), black & white CG quasi-Siamese Barbarian/Rogue
She brought home mice, little birds and lizards and freed them on the floor. Once she brought a snake. Once she brought a days-dead pigeon. Where did she find it, I don't know. One of her preys lived months under our washing machine eating her remnants at night, without us knowing it.
She managed to get lost everywhere. Once she survived for three weeks on a garage sill without food, while we were searching for her desperately.
Her purr was the loudest that I ever heard. And she was able to purr and lick your hand lovingly one minute, and trying to snap your wrist like a mouse's neck with a bite the next.
When she was 5, she came home one day with an eye less.
She was able to find her way around walls, hanging protective nets, and cages to go where she would. She could jump off a three-meters high window if that meant getting out of the home when she was bored.
When she died at 10 by kidney failure, the veterinarian said that not either a St. Bernard would have held on so long.
I still miss her.


Archie the Yorkie
N yorkshire terrier (2 years old)

This Tiny animal stares at you with large, heart-melting eyes. You can't help but hand feed him your beloved steak at the sight of his gaze.

Aura of Adorableness (Su): Archie exudes a constant aura that amplifies his natural adorableness, making it impossible for mere humans to resist his desires. Any humanoid within 30 feet of Archie must succeed on a Will saving throw or become fascinated for as long as Archie finds your presence useful. A creature that succeeds on its saving throw is immune to this aura for 1d4 rounds.

Master of Disguise (Ex): Archie is a master of disguise and is able to don various apparel in order to increase his adorableness. While donning such a disguise, increase the saving throw DC to resist Archie's aura of adorableness by +2. This bonus improves to +4 if the outfit is appropriate for a specific situation, such as wearing a bat costume during Halloween, a bunny costume during Easter, or a Chippendale costume during a teenage girl's prom.


She's actually my dad's and at thier house but:

Shelly 20 year old (55 pound) N Desert tortoise
AC in the 30s

Move speed 5 feet
Burrow speed 10 feet

+5 CMB to trip while flanking (she just gets behind you and you trip on her).

can be used as a mount for small creatures (but who wants a mount that slow)

Dark Archive

Bunny Swarm (aka. Chara, Vixen and Cinder)

Special Ability: Stampede. Upon hearing the trigger of anything plastic rustling that could potentially hold a rabbit treat, the bunny swarm will immediately begin racing around their current space at top speed gaining a free Trip attack at anyone that attempts to move through that space.

I love bunny swarm!

Dark Archive

Liz Courts wrote:
Asgetrion wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Amiri. Instead of a monster, could you make her into an iconic PC? Maybe a barbarian.

Ha! However, that cat is obviously a rogue and not a barbarian, because it looks like she has stolen your hard-earned silver pieces, Vic! :)

Barbarians can steal, though they're far more likely to use Intimidate rather than Sleight of Hand. :D

Yeah, that cat has obviously maxed-out her ranks in Sleight of Paw... :)

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Holiday, LN hound/GSD mix.

Fun fact: Has vicious foot-stomping attack she uses on people who enter the house.

Grand Lodge

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Ozzy: LG Male Australian Shepherd. Fun fact: Thinks he is the size of a chihuahua and climbs onto everyone he can to lick them endlessly.

Scarab Sages

Meet Chaos and Minion, Black Kittens of Doom!

Chaos is CN, sleek, inquisitive, and will wait until you just left to jump over/onto things he knows he shouldn't. He also demands attention by leaping into your lap, climbing up your chest and sometimes strangling you. He has a very high dex, but lower con, as he throws up more than Minion. Chaos is very good at jumping. He has verbal command "come" as a spell-like ability, which he uses on flying insects and moving red dots. Chaos sometimes hides and ambushes passers-by with a claw swipe.

Minion is N, slightly fluffy, and forever a follower. He is usually grumpy, and refuses to be held. He gets what he wants, even if he has to lay on his back, belly up, until you finally notice him. Minion has a higher str than Chaos, but much lower dex. He is good at climbing. Minion is good at tripping and bites.

Both kittens have a sympathetic meow area emanation.
Chaos and Minion are currently Masters of Majuba and Deidre

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

This is Max, our loveable ball of fur-covered aloofness. His special abilities include Hide In Plain Box (Ex) and Locate Human (Su).

We also have Lily, but her principal special ability is pretty much Fraidy Cat, cos she runs from practically everyone.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Liz Courts wrote:
Asgetrion wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Amiri. Instead of a monster, could you make her into an iconic PC? Maybe a barbarian.

Ha! However, that cat is obviously a rogue and not a barbarian, because it looks like she has stolen your hard-earned silver pieces, Vic! :)

Barbarians can steal, though they're far more likely to use Intimidate rather than Sleight of Hand. :D

To be honest, she's really more of a ninja than anything else.

Project Manager

Lucy -- CG female Maine Coon mix

Molly -- LG female domestic shorthair mix

Loki -- LG female Australian cattle dog mix

Webstore Gninja Minion

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vic Wertz wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Asgetrion wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Amiri. Instead of a monster, could you make her into an iconic PC? Maybe a barbarian.

Ha! However, that cat is obviously a rogue and not a barbarian, because it looks like she has stolen your hard-earned silver pieces, Vic! :)

Barbarians can steal, though they're far more likely to use Intimidate rather than Sleight of Hand. :D
To be honest, she's really more of a ninja than anything else.

I'm trying to figure out what Domino has more class levels in: monk or ninja.

Dark Archive

Vic Wertz wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Asgetrion wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Amiri. Instead of a monster, could you make her into an iconic PC? Maybe a barbarian.

Ha! However, that cat is obviously a rogue and not a barbarian, because it looks like she has stolen your hard-earned silver pieces, Vic! :)

Barbarians can steal, though they're far more likely to use Intimidate rather than Sleight of Hand. :D
To be honest, she's really more of a ninja than anything else.

Heh, I'm probably going to lose all my forum credibility as a fiendish dwarf by saying this, but Amiri is really cute! (and she reminds me a lot of my own cat, who passed away five years ago)

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Kleine Scheiße (an extremely small and clever (possibly conniving) American short-haired tabby with green eyes) and Irving (son of KS and the dumbest, most graceless cat to have lived) were both enormously affectionate. RIP.

KS's special abilities

Flirt with Humans (Su): The cat reaches up with both paws and wraps her body around human's neck while rubbing her face against her human's cheek. This sophomoric effect lulls her human into providing the requested rubs.

Chirp at Pigeons (Ex): The miniscule hunting cat will chirp at birds twice its size trying desperately to convince them to let her closer so that she can pounce on one, regardless of the fact the average urban pigeon is twice her size and would beat her to a bloody pulp.

Irving's special abilities

Unlucky (Su): If his head can fit in it, he'll be just able to squeeze his paw in as well, but will be unable to withdraw either of them. This resulted in him becoming trapped by a plastic handle to a bag, not once but twice. In an effort to escape, he ran, causing the bag to expand with air. In a panic both times, he fled three-legged towards the stairs and tumbled down the staircase. The bag promptly popped off his head as he skittered to a stop. The cat was unharmed both times but shaken for an hour afterward.

Graceless (Ex): While his mother deftly navigated the side of the tub, Irving was fascinated with the bubbles and fell in (over and over and over). He landed badly on chairs and on the couch, falling to the floor, only to glare at the furniture and then to lick his paws as if to say he meant to do that.

New Feat (requires two cats)

Shrimp Dance Feat (2 cats only)
At the first whiff of shrimp boiling, the cats run to cooking area and proceed to stand on hind legs while locking paws on each other's shoulders. They dance in a circle while mewling the staccato shrimp song plaintively. Human is immediately persuaded to offer shrimp. Once shrimp is offered, dancing promptly ceases. Failure to offer shrimp in an expeditious manner results in glare and the occasional ankle-bite.

New Spell

Lure of the Can-Opener
Enchantment (Charm) [Mind-affecting, Sonic]
Level: Any class 0
Component: M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Long (400 feet + 40 feet per caster level)
Targets: Any number of cats
Duration: 1 hour or less
Saving Throw: Non-cat food related item negates
Spell Resistance: No

The turn of the can-opener, regardless of how faint, can attract a cat. No cat can resist the sound, as it is surely an indication that either wet food or tuna will imminently be served. Once the food has been artfully arranged in food bowl and cat has been sated, purring and rubbing against human lasts until spell ends. If unwelcome food is offered, such as canned fruit salad, cat sniffs and walks away thoroughly disgusted.

Material Component: Can-opener and can of anything


Ranger: CG male Half-Corgi/Half-Collie
Incredible leaping ability and a nose with the accuracy of a well-aimed archer... for sniffing and for jabbing his family in the face equally.

Hunter: CN male Mutt of unknown pedigree
Possesses the uncanny ability to find the exit point of any fence known to man, but only while not being observed.

Brutus (left) and Bridgette (right): Boxers, NG male and LN female respectively
Brutus: FLURRY OF PAWS and tongues at-will (though it's a language us poor humans haven't mastered yet)
Bridgette: Has a contortionist capability most cats would envy

Dark Archive

SPAZ 6 year old cat

Ranger. Favored enemy (animals)

Oops. Here's a picture of KS (sorry no picture of Irving is available but he closely resembled her other than he was stockier and his nose was black) 718703.109059.1018375843&type=1&theater

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