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![]() Power Attack: If I am using a two-handed weapon with one hand (such as a lance while mounted), do still I get the +50% damage for using a two-handed weapon?
—Pathfinder Design Team, 05/24/13 Weapons, Two-Handed in One Hand: When a feat or other special ability says to treat a weapon that is normally wielded in two hands as a one handed weapon, does it get treated as one or two handed weapon for the purposes of how to apply the Strength modifier or the Power Attack feat?
—Pathfinder Design Team, 07/19/13 So if I'm wielding a two handed weapon one handed, which of these do I follow? ![]()
![]() If a monk takes a Tekko-Kagi (assuming it has EWP), and uses it as a buckler, do they use their monk armor, fast movement, and flurry of blows? Relavent rules text: "A tekko-kagi can be used as an offensive weapon, defensively like a buckler, or to disarm an opponent's weapon." "When wearing armor, USING A SHIELD (emphasis mine), or carrying a medium or heavy load, a monk loses his AC bonus, as well as his fast movement and flurry of blows abilities." ![]()
![]() Celestial servant gives the celestial template, and ALSO makes it count as a magical beast. Take one of your skill increases for the AC, increase it's intelligence, and it gains a language known, and shouldn't require tricks (it's a sentient magical being that you can talk to...). The feat says you CAN still use handle animal on it, not that you HAVE TO. Since you can talk to it, and it can understand you, and is inherently loyal to you, couldn't you just say "hey kitty, lower your SR a second"? ![]()
![]() Hexadecimal, LG, howls like someone's died when no one pays attention to him for a few hours Belphegor, CE, Hex's arch-nemesis and the worst hunter you've ever seen ![]()
![]() DrDeth wrote:
I made a Kuthite cleric with 7 CON, explained it as a weakened body from all the self torture. Not going to say it worked out great (~25 hp at lvl 5...), but was a lot of fun. Had a goblin gunslinger with 7 WIS - no grit points for me, but a high WIS just didn't mesh with his compulsive nature. Kobold Paladin of Apsu, fought melee... -4 STR racial hurt, but the concept was worth it. You pick the character you want to play, and build it to fit your vision. Usually that means you build them to be effective. Side note: dumping CON is a lot harder to roleplay out. CON is very, VERY much a mechanical benefit. If I have low INT, I talk broken English and do stupid things. If I have low WIS, I'm gullible and have low self control. If I have low CHA, I'm either shy or rude, but people don't like me. Other than dying a lot, how the heck do you roleplay low CON? ![]()
![]() Just a curiosity thing from surfing the forums: Why is it that everyone on the forums loves making paladins fall for anything, but any GM that dares to target a wizard's spellbook is treated like a dirtbag? Looking at the CRB, the paladin's Code of Conduct and the wizard's Spellbook look quite similar - if you're gonna treat one as fluff, shouldn't they both be? And if it's a balance thing, aren't wizards one of the most powerful classes in the game? Note that this isn't a complaint about either class, I don't really care which is more fun or more powerful, it's just a question about the mentality of forum posters. ![]()
![]() PRD wrote:
PRD wrote:
If a Drunken Brute barbarian drinks while raging along with his mount, does it cost rage? Does "maintain rage without spending a round of rage" count for all rage expenditures for the round, or does it reduce it by one? If the later, could the barbarian drink twice to lower it entirely? ![]()
![]() Tarantula wrote:
Not even if you train it for "Riding" or "Combat Training" using Handle Animal? CRB Page 98 wrote:
No language in there about only working on specific animals... ![]()
![]() I'm trying to make a false paladin character, built more around entertaining rollplaying than optimization. Ideally, all of my party members (and the players controlling them) would think I was a paladin, and most NPCs would assume I was a paladin just from site. Was thinking of playing an Aasimar cavalier with the Celestial Servent feat and the Halo alternate racial trait. I figure a half angel with a halo in shiny armor riding around on an angel horse would probably cause a good first impression. Probably name him Benedictus Sanctus or something ridiculously over the top like that. Does Smite Evil have any visual effects? If I just shouted "I smite you in the name of Iomadae" and then used my cavalier challenge on them, would the uninitiated be able to tell the difference? Similarly, if I waved my hands around and chanted gibberish, could I pretend to Detect Evil and just say whatever I wanted for the result, or is there some way people would "feel" that there was no actual magic? For gear, do the gods get mad if you carry/pretend to use a holy symbol of a god you don't worship? And could I spend the 50 gold to make my armor count as a "Masterwork tool", preferably multiple times, to give me a +2 to Bluff and Disguise to pretend to be a paladin? Flavor wise, I was picturing getting really fancy, shiny armor, probably having some holy symbols carved into it or something. Any other ideas for how to make people assume "oh, yeah, that's a paladin, i know how that works" without actually being Lawful, or Good, or a paladin at all? ![]()
![]() Tatooed Sage Sorcerer, STR 7 (-2 racial) = 5
Varisian Tatoo evocation (+1 CL)
*or whatever burny spell you prefer Gear Suggestions (82,000 gp WBL):
Yes, this will have weaknesses, but you wanted as burny as possible
![]() p. 158 of CRB, if you miss with a touch spell, you can hold the charge. Is the charge held in a specific body part (say your left hand), or throughout your entire body? Could you try to discharge the spell through your hand, and then through a bite attack, and then through your other hand? Can you discharge the spell if someone hits you with a natural attack? If it is a helpful spell, like Cure Light Wounds, can you discharge it on yourself, and if so, what kind of action is it? ![]()
![]() Knight Magenta wrote: Keep in mind, that to deliver a spell the familiar has to take a standard action to deliver the touch. Can a familiar hold a charge? p. 185 of the CRB: If you don't discharge the spell in the round when you cast the spell, you can hold the charge indefinately... If you touch anyone while holding the charge, even unintentionally, the spell discharges" - being thrown at someone would count as touching them unintentionally... ![]()
![]() Note that I'm not trying to bend any rules with this, I just think it would be a funny idea, and am curious how it would work: At third level, your familiar can deliver touch spells. If I cast a touch spell, designate my familiar as the toucher, and then throw it at whatever I want touched, does that count as a ranged touch attack? I don't think armor or shields would apply, since the familiar only has to touch them, it doesn't need to actually hurt them. Yes, I realize this would most likely hurt my familiar, and could ultimately lead to an alignment shift. On a similar note, if I cast a spell that allows multiple touches (such as Protection from Chaos, Communal), could I touch through my familiar, toss it to the person next in initiative, have my familiar touch them, then on their turn, they toss it to the next guy in line? If it works, what kind of action is it to catch something? I would call it: Operation Squirrel Ball |