Gen Con Crunch breakfast! Liz made delicious pancakes!

Happy editors and developers working on some exciting products due out this summer.
The last six weeks have been quite a slog for the development and editorial pits here at Paizo. We worked day and night, and most weekends, getting over two dozen products scheduled for Gen Con ready to go. To celebrate, many of us are going to kick back and actually take a whole weekend to unwind—maybe soak up the Seattle sun while it's out (yeah, we get sun sometimes!), go catch Iron Man 3, or even just sleep in while we can.
On behalf of the editing staff, I'm pretty stoked to say that we're proud of the work we've done. We're not just happy that the slog is over; we're happy that we knocked this year's product schedule out of the park!
What did we survive, you ask?
We have a host of Pathfinder Player Companions just waiting to jump into your hands: Kobolds of Golarion, Quests & Campaigns, Dragonslayer's Handbook, Pathfinder Society Primer, Faiths & Philosophies, and Demon Hunter's Handbook. There's something in this hot group of titles for everyone, no matter what you're playing in your Pathfinder campaign.
But hey, we can't be adventurers if we don't have places to go adventuring! For that, we've worked hard on these Pathfinder Campaign Setting books: Castles of the Inner Sea, Dragons Unleashed, The Worldwound, and Demons Revisited.
You like adventures? You're going to see a double-sized module in Pathfinder Modules: The Dragon's Demand. Of course, we've got the exciting end to the Reign of Winter Adventure Path in Pathfinder Adventure Path #71: Rasputin Must Die! and Pathfinder Adventure Path #72: The Witch Queen's Revenge. And we kick off the next Adventure Path: Wrath of the Righteous with Pathfinder Adventure Path #73: The Worldwound Incursion.
Sometimes we don't get to game, and for those times, it's nice to curl up to a good book. Check out Pathfinder Tales: The Wizard's Mask by that wizard of fantasy, Ed Greenwood.
We also shipped off a number of accessories to enhance your experience at the table, including Map Packs (Forest Trails and Evil Ruins), Flip-Mats (Arcane Dungeons and Thieves' Guild), and four Pathfinder Card sets: (Animal Allies Face Cards, Dragon's Demand Campaign Cards, and Iconic Equipment and Wrath of the Righteous Item Cards.
Last, but certainly not least, are two massive beasts we were happy to slay and present to you: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords Base Set—plus the PFACG Character Add-On Deck—and Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Mythic Adventures. Plus, for all you art lovers out there, there's Visions of WAR: The Art of Wayne Reynolds.
In case any of you out there are wondering, here're the names of the Gen Con heroes who've worked 50+ hour weeks to put more awesome into your gaming lives:
Judy Bauer, Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Christopher Carey, John Compton, Adam Daigle, Crystal Frasier, James Jacobs, Ryan Macklin, Rob McCreary, Mark Moreland, Erik Mona, Jessica Price, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sonja Morris, Sean K Reynolds, Sarah E. Robinson, F. Wesley Schneider, James L. Sutter, Patrick Renie, and Andrew Vallas, along with our interns Jay Loomis and Cassidy Werner.
We hope you enjoy the books and accessories! If you'll be at Gen Con, come by and say hi!
Ryan Macklin