Golarion Day: Subdomains for Everyone!

Thursday, February 17, 2010

The Advanced Player's Guide introduced a new concept for clerics—subdomains. It then went on to list subdomains available for the core 20 deities. Which is fine and good, if you happen to worship one of those deities. But what if you worship Besmara? Or Zura? Or the Lost Prince? Or Ymeri?

This post answers those questions. Listed below are the subdomains available for all of the other deities who are mentioned by name in the upcoming Inner Sea World Guide. Keen-eyed scholars of Golarion lore will note that there are even more deities beyond the ones I'm listing below, but in an attempt to keep this blog post from getting too huge, I'm limiting it to JUST the additional deities we mention in The Inner Sea World Guide. That way this post also serves as a sort of stealth preview for that book! If there's another deity from another book who you JUST HAVE to know the subdomains for, post a request in this blog's messageboard section below and I'll answer them as I get the chance.

Other Deities

Achaekek: Blood, Deception, Devil, Murder, Tactics, Thievery

Apsu: Archon, Construct, Dragon, Exploration, Toil, Trade

Besmara: Deception, Oceans, Protean, Tactics, Thievery, Storms

Dahak: Catastrophe, Deception, Demon, Dragon, Rage, Thievery

Ghlaunder: Catastrophe, Cloud, Demon, Fur, Rage, Wind

Groetus: Catastrophe, Insanity, Loss, Night, Protean, Stars

Gyronna: Demon, Insanity, Nightmare, Rage

Hanspur: Exploration, Murder, Protean, Trade

Kurgess: Agathion, Family, Fate, Home, Resolve, Trade

Milani: Azata, Defense, Freedom, Purity, Restoration, Revolution

Sivanah: Deception, Insanity, Memory, Protean, Thought, Wards

Zyphus: Blood, Catastrophe, Daemon, Decay, Murder, Undead


Baalzebul: Devil, Murder, Undead, Wind

Barbatos: Arcane, Devil, Divine, Trade

Belial: Catastrophe, Devil, Lust, Rage

Dispater: Deception, Devil, Leadership, Thievery

Geryon: Devil, Ferocity, Oceans, Resolve

Mammon: Construct, Devil, Metal, Toil

Mephistopheles: Devil, Language, Memory, Thought

Moloch: Ash, Devil, Smoke, Tactics

Demon Lords

Abraxas: Arcane, Demon, Memory, Thought

Angazhan: Decay, Demon, Fur, Growth

Baphomet: Demon, Ferocity, Fur, Resolve

Cyth-V'sug: Caves, Decay, Demon, Growth

Dagon: Catastrophe, Demon, Oceans, Rage

Deskari: Blood, Catastrophe, Demon, Tactics

Gogunta: Demon, Murder, Undead, Oceans

Kostchtchie: Demon, Ferocity, Ice*, Tactics

Nocticula: Demon, Loss, Lust, Night

Orcus: Demon, Divine, Murder, Undead

Pazuzu: Cloud, Deception, Demon, Wind

Shax: Demon, Leadership, Martyr, Rage

Socothbenoth: Demon, Exploration, Trade Lust

Zura: Blood*, Demon, Murder, Undead

The Eldest

Count Ranalc: Exploration, Loss, Martyr, Night

Green Mother: Caves, Decay, Growth, Lust

Imbrex: Family, Home, Metal, Resolve

Lantern King: Deception, Love, Lust, Thievery

Lost Prince: Ancestors, Insanity, Martyr, Memory

Magdh: Curse, Fate, Thought, Wards

Ng: Exploration, Seasons, Thought, Trade

Ragadahn: Ancestors*, Dragon, Oceans, Saurian

Shyka: Arcane, Catastrophe, Divine, Insanity

Elemental Lords

Ayrzul: Caves, Metal

Hshurha: Clouds, Wind

Kelizandri: Ice, Oceans

Ymeri: Ash, Smoke

Empyreal Lords

Andoletta: Archon, Defense, Memory, Purity

Arshea: Agathion, Freedom, Love, Lust

Korada: Agathion, Purity, Restoration, Resurrection

Ragathiel: Archon, Leadership, Martyr, Rage

Sinashakti: Azata, Exploration, Fate, Trade

Valani: Azata, Growth*, Seasons, Storms


Apollyon: Catastrophe, Daemon, Loss, Night

Charon: Daemon, Ice, Memory, Undead

Szuriel: Blood, Daemon, Ferocity, Tactics

Trelmarixian: Daemon, Decay*, Insanity, Seasons

The Fallen, False, and Forgotten

Aroden: None

Great Old Ones: Dark Tapestry, Insanity, Language, Memory, Nightmare, Stars

Lissala: Devil, Language, Leadership, Memory, Thought, Wards

Peacock Spirit: None

Razmir: None

Ydersius: Demon, Leadership, Martyr, Saurian, Tactics

*Although this subdomain would normally not be available to worshipers of this deity, in this case an exception is made due to the deity's close association with this theme.

Oh... hmm. Art. Yeah. Ummm... since this blog post is something of a preview of The Inner Sea World Guide, and since she was once a demigod herself (although not anymore; she lost that status when she died and got turned into a lich), here's Arazni, the Harlot Queen of Geb!

Illustration by Carolina Eade

James Jacobs
Creative Director

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James Jacobs wrote:
Dark_Mistress wrote:
Set wrote:

So what's the base Domain for the Whips subdomain? Law? Strength? :)

Pleasure of course :)
Which means that the other subdomain of Pleasure is probably Foot Massages.

Just massage in general ought to do well I think. Then you can pick which type is your particular specialty.

James Jacobs wrote:
So... obviously, folks want every single deity's subdomains. And eventually I'll get around to them. But when you post giant lists... that just scares me off, frankly. Especially when you post some here and there that I've already listed...

Sure, we'll want the whole set of subdomains at some point. I don't think anyone expected to get them from you all at once, it just seemed like it wouldn't be a bad thing to gather into one place all those that were left.

At which, I failed, because I somehow managed not to notice that PFWiki Scribe had already listed most of the ones I did, and had done it in far less space. Mea maxima culpa. (Imagine at this point an embarrassed smiley pulling a bag over his head.)

(FWIW as far as I can tell the only one either of us listed that you'd already covered is Alseta. But we've already seen what my Perception rolls are like sometimes.)

James Jacobs wrote:
Dark_Mistress wrote:
Set wrote:

So what's the base Domain for the Whips subdomain? Law? Strength? :)

Pleasure of course :)
Which means that the other subdomain of Pleasure is probably Foot Massages.

I thought Foot Massages was a subdomain of Massages, along with Thai Massages and Physical Therapy.

Scarab Sages

James Jacobs wrote:
Alseta: Arcane, Defense, Home, Inevitable

For what it’s worth, this was the one I came here for. So even though it was part of a list originally, it was specifically sought-after. Thanks! :D

Liberty's Edge

Gorbacz wrote:
graywulfe wrote:
Nerdrage Ooze wrote:

The illustration of Arazni is a blatant cheesecake objectification of women. Myself, as a single 30-year old male am fully confident that dignity of ladies worldwide has been violated to the point that NAMBLA (North American Modest Breast Liberation Association) must be notified ASAP.

(That was with Sarcasm Mode On, in case anybody wonders).

I am wondering if you know what NAMBLA actually is. I have this unfortunate knowledge due to an episode of Law and Order.


I do. My post was a spin on a recurring joke on John Stewart show, who likes to call any acronym-able organization (ACLU, NRA, UN) "also known as NAMBLA".

Fair enough. I am not very up on pop-culture references, so I missed it. Frankly I see that acronym and my vision goes red. So my apologies for a potential overreaction.


The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

I'm curious about some of the more obscure deities. Do humanoid cults worship Apsu and Tiamat? The Eldest? The Empyreal Lords (collectively or individually)?

Dark Archive

Chris Mortika wrote:
I'm curious about some of the more obscure deities. Do humanoid cults worship Apsu and Tiamat? The Eldest? The Empyreal Lords (collectively or individually)?

That is a good question. Plenty of humanoids worship demon lords, so I would expect that the empyreals, archdevils and daemons also have followings. (Although the daemon-worshippers would be even more nihilistic and mad than the Groetus / Old Cults / Rovagug worshippers, IMO.)

With Apsu, Ydersius, etc. I wouldn't mind seeing humanoid worshippers of at least one diety that grants Scalykind as a domain. Seems a waste to write up rules for a domain that players can't use.

Official domains for Khepri, Apep and Wadjet (from the Osirion Companion) could be neat as well.

Wadjet's write up touches on Healing, Knowledge, Protection and Water, but it seems likely that at least one of her areas of concern will have to be jettisoned for an alignment domain, despite her not being particularly focused towards an alignment (since dieties that have alignments are automatically dieties *of* that alignment, even if they don't do more than tilt gently in that direction...).

Apep focuses on Animal, Darkness, Destruction, Scalykind and / or Water, and will likely lose one or two for the mandated Chaos and Evil.

Khepri suggests Protection, Strength and Trickery.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Hyrum Savage wrote:

Mark's going to kill me but since he's out of town until Tuesday....

Yes, this blog post is legal for PFS. You must bring a printout though to any game where a character uses one of the subdomains.


Bear in mind that the deity you worship must herself be legal for PFS play.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Chris Mortika wrote:
I'm curious about some of the more obscure deities. Do humanoid cults worship Apsu and Tiamat? The Eldest? The Empyreal Lords (collectively or individually)?

It'd be Apsu and Dahak, first of all.

But yeah... pretty much all sorts of creatures worship these more obscure deities. Most humanoids do not possess entire pantheons of deities of their own, in fact—their "pantheons" instead consist of a mix of the various deities from the core 20 and all of the less common ones.

James Jacobs wrote:
Filby Pott wrote:
Can the philosophies from the Campaign Setting book (Diabolism, Green Faith, Prophecies of Kalistrade, Whispering Way) access subdomains?

As clerics? No. Not unless your GM lets clerics gain spells from philosophies. Which in Golarion, they can't without house rules. (Clerics in Golarion must have deities.) As such, we won't be listing domains for philosophies (and thus, no official subdomains).

As other classes who gain subdomain access? Sure, although again, this will require some GM house ruling here and there.

Subdomains are pretty much all for clerics.

Do you think that the Green Faith or any of the other philosophies would work as oracle mysteries?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Blazej wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Filby Pott wrote:
Can the philosophies from the Campaign Setting book (Diabolism, Green Faith, Prophecies of Kalistrade, Whispering Way) access subdomains?

As clerics? No. Not unless your GM lets clerics gain spells from philosophies. Which in Golarion, they can't without house rules. (Clerics in Golarion must have deities.) As such, we won't be listing domains for philosophies (and thus, no official subdomains).

As other classes who gain subdomain access? Sure, although again, this will require some GM house ruling here and there.

Subdomains are pretty much all for clerics.

Do you think that the Green Faith or any of the other philosophies would work as oracle mysteries?

That's kinda what the oracle was built for, in fact! :-)

So, yeah!

So... was Arazni a powerful mortal or a demigod? In Classic Horrors Revisited, under the mummy chapter, it's stated that she took (and passed) the Test of the Starstone, which would make her a god. Yet that's the only reference I've ever seen to Arazni doing this. It's typically stated that Norgorber, Iomedae, and Caiden were the only Starstone gods.

I suspect all will be made clear when the World Guide is released.

Dark Archive

Generic Villain wrote:

So... was Arazni a powerful mortal or a demigod? In Classic Horrors Revisited, under the mummy chapter, it's stated that she took (and passed) the Test of the Starstone, which would make her a god. Yet that's the only reference I've ever seen to Arazni doing this. It's typically stated that Norgorber, Iomedae, and Caiden were the only Starstone gods.

I'd read somewhere that the four bridges leading to the Starstone Cathedral were indicative of the four individuals who had passed the Test (and I've seen Arazni referred to in multiple places as a god or demigod), but one of them collapsed around the death of Aroden, slightly muddying that perception, since Arazni had been dead for quite some time when Aroden bit it, and if the bridge was 'her' bridge, it probably should have collapsed long before Aroden's death.

My priest of Razmir uses this inconsistency to pooh-pooh the theories of anyone who uses 'there are only four bridges!' logic to try and discount his assertions that Razmir also passed the Test. :)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Generic Villain wrote:

So... was Arazni a powerful mortal or a demigod? In Classic Horrors Revisited, under the mummy chapter, it's stated that she took (and passed) the Test of the Starstone, which would make her a god. Yet that's the only reference I've ever seen to Arazni doing this. It's typically stated that Norgorber, Iomedae, and Caiden were the only Starstone gods.

I suspect all will be made clear when the World Guide is released.

First off... she should never have been mentioned in the mummy chapter in the first place, unfortunately. There's some weird continuity issues there that we should have cleared up, and the World Guide DOES make it clearer how and what she was.

But basically: When she was alive, she was the Herald of Aroden, a human who was ascended to be, essentially, a powerful outsider, by a god. From there, she went on to gain more power, and ended up in the CR 23–24 range or therabouts—the same range as nascent demon lords and infernal dukes. She could grant spells—she was essentially a minor demigod (Greyhawk called these "hero gods").

Then she got killed. She stopped being a god then.

THEN she got turned into a lich. She "woke up," but did not regain her divinity, since that had been granted by Aroden and he had since retracted that and was preparing to make Iomedae the "replacement."

Arazni never took the test of the Starstone. She probably WOULD have, had she survived the crusade against Tar-Baphon. She never got the chance, though.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Very cool bit of lore on Arazni, thanks James.

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:

But basically: When she was alive, she was the Herald of Aroden, a human who was ascended to be, essentially, a powerful outsider, by a god. From there, she went on to gain more power, and ended up in the CR 23–24 range or therabouts—the same range as nascent demon lords and infernal dukes. She could grant spells—she was essentially a minor demigod (Greyhawk called these "hero gods").

Then she got killed. She stopped being a god then.

THEN she got turned into a lich. She "woke up," but did not regain her divinity, since that had been granted by Aroden and he had since retracted that and was preparing to make Iomedae the "replacement."

Arazni never took the test of the Starstone. She probably WOULD have, had she survived the crusade against Tar-Baphon. She never got the chance, though.

Very cool. Thanks James!

And the 'fourth bridge' mystery remains unsolved, leaving wiggle room to postulate the existence of an unknown Starstone Test-passer (who, obviously, isn't Razmir, but he certainly reserves the right to lie about and obfuscate that point...), or to completely discredit the 'briges equate to gods' theory.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
Arazni never took the test of the Starstone. She probably WOULD have, had she survived the crusade against Tar-Baphon. She never got the chance, though.

Would it not make for an interesting story if I got the idea to take the test now?

Arazni, Harlot Queen of Geb wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Arazni never took the test of the Starstone. She probably WOULD have, had she survived the crusade against Tar-Baphon. She never got the chance, though.
Would it not make for an interesting story if I got the idea to take the test now?

Assuming your "husband" lets you off the leash.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Aroden wrote:
Arazni, Harlot Queen of Geb wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Arazni never took the test of the Starstone. She probably WOULD have, had she survived the crusade against Tar-Baphon. She never got the chance, though.
Would it not make for an interesting story if I got the idea to take the test now?
Assuming your "husband" lets you off the leash.

It would be even more "interesting" if he makes her take the test. Geb with a true goddess in the palm of his hand? Frightening prospect for any and all living beings on Golarion.


Kvantum wrote:
Aroden wrote:
Arazni, Harlot Queen of Geb wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Arazni never took the test of the Starstone. She probably WOULD have, had she survived the crusade against Tar-Baphon. She never got the chance, though.
Would it not make for an interesting story if I got the idea to take the test now?
Assuming your "husband" lets you off the leash.
It would be even more "interesting" if he makes her take the test. Geb with a true goddess in the palm of his hand? Frightening prospect for any and all living beings on Golarion.

What I'm more wondering is if "Harlot Queen" is just a defamatory name given by her enemies, based on the way she dresses mixed with general misogyny, or if Geb actually has her turn tricks and give him a share of the take, which would of course make him the Pimp King.

Kvantum wrote:
It would be even more "interesting" if he makes her take the test. Geb with a true goddess in the palm of his hand? Frightening prospect for any and all living beings on Golarion.

Unless things have changed, Arazni is really the one who rules Geb. Geb himself still exists, but that's about it - he doesn't bother with day-to-day rulership of his namesake country. Geb is really just waiting for proof that his enemy Nex is dead, so he can finally RIP.


Generic Villain wrote:
Kvantum wrote:
It would be even more "interesting" if he makes her take the test. Geb with a true goddess in the palm of his hand? Frightening prospect for any and all living beings on Golarion.
Unless things have changed, Arazni is really the one who rules Geb. Geb himself still exists, but that's about it - he doesn't bother with day-to-day rulership of his namesake country. Geb is really just waiting for proof that his enemy Nex is dead, so he can finally RIP.

Given that Arazni is proof that you can jump start an unwilling demigoddess into a lich, even proof that Nex has kicked the bucket is hardly going to be reassuring to Geb.

It's like hearing reports of deaths from the Marvel universe.

Dark Archive

Yeah, I got the impression that Geb is so wrapped up in his own obsession that he's pretty much irrelevant to the current political heirarchy of the nation that bears his name.

In my head, Arazni herself seems likely to be *ridiculously* insane, being pretty much Iomedae in life, and now reduced to rotting corpse-queen of a realm of anthropophagic monsters. Only the illusion of courtly existence, carefully spun around her, with genteel monsters paying her homage, keeps some fragment of her former self playing along, blissfully ignoring what she knows all-too-well, that the smiles conceal fangs, the goblets hold blood, not wine, and the 'nobles' of her 'court' are all ravening beasts.

She pretends not to see the horror all around her, and, sometimes, for just a shining moment, she even fools herself and is the lovely and ageless queen of a shining city filled with noble knights, wise scholars and devoted commoners.

The aristocracy knows that when she stops coquettishly feigning a girlish giggle behind her fan to the latest scandalous rumor or clever innuendo, and stares at her own withered hand with a look of confusion and concern that it's time to drop the witty repartee and beat a hasty retreat...


Set wrote:

Yeah, I got the impression that Geb is so wrapped up in his own obsession that he's pretty much irrelevant to the current political heirarchy of the nation that bears his name.

In my head, Arazni herself seems likely to be *ridiculously* insane, being pretty much Iomedae in life, and now reduced to rotting corpse-queen of a realm of anthropophagic monsters. Only the illusion of courtly existence, carefully spun around her, with genteel monsters paying her homage, keeps some fragment of her former self playing along, blissfully ignoring what she knows all-too-well, that the smiles conceal fangs, the goblets hold blood, not wine, and the 'nobles' of her 'court' are all ravening beasts.

She pretends not to see the horror all around her, and, sometimes, for just a shining moment, she even fools herself and is the lovely and ageless queen of a shining city filled with noble knights, wise scholars and devoted commoners.

The aristocracy knows that when she stops coquettishly feigning a girlish giggle behind her fan to the latest scandalous rumor or clever innuendo, and stares at her own withered hand with a look of confusion and concern that it's time to drop the witty repartee and beat a hasty retreat...


Excellent characterization. She probably has some line about how her husband "rescued" her, and she does not want to dwell upon (but will acknowledge) her period of "madness" (actually sanity) where she railed against him for bringing her back unwillingly to this mockery of her former self.

What's interesting is that, as a former paladin, if addressed as "gracious queen" or "kind lady," she probably does act exactly as that, at least within the constraints of her husband's laws. Admittedly this likely includes turning those she favors into undead, possibly as a delightful surprise, but it's likely also mixed with a great deal of actual kindness and graciousness.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kevin Andrew Murphy wrote:
Set wrote:

Yeah, I got the impression that Geb is so wrapped up in his own obsession that he's pretty much irrelevant to the current political heirarchy of the nation that bears his name.

In my head, Arazni herself seems likely to be *ridiculously* insane, being pretty much Iomedae in life, and now reduced to rotting corpse-queen of a realm of anthropophagic monsters. Only the illusion of courtly existence, carefully spun around her, with genteel monsters paying her homage, keeps some fragment of her former self playing along, blissfully ignoring what she knows all-too-well, that the smiles conceal fangs, the goblets hold blood, not wine, and the 'nobles' of her 'court' are all ravening beasts.

She pretends not to see the horror all around her, and, sometimes, for just a shining moment, she even fools herself and is the lovely and ageless queen of a shining city filled with noble knights, wise scholars and devoted commoners.

The aristocracy knows that when she stops coquettishly feigning a girlish giggle behind her fan to the latest scandalous rumor or clever innuendo, and stares at her own withered hand with a look of confusion and concern that it's time to drop the witty repartee and beat a hasty retreat...


Excellent characterization. She probably has some line about how her husband "rescued" her, and she does not want to dwell upon (but will acknowledge) her period of "madness" (actually sanity) where she railed against him for bringing her back unwillingly to this mockery of her former self.

What's interesting is that, as a former paladin, if addressed as "gracious queen" or "kind lady," she probably does act exactly as that, at least within the constraints of her husband's laws. Admittedly this likely includes turning those she favors into undead, possibly as a delightful surprise, but it's likely also mixed with a great deal of actual kindness and graciousness.

Arazni is more of a former cleric than she is a former paladin.

EDIT: Actually, she's a wizard. Neither cleric NOR paladin.

Scarab Sages

Set wrote:
Some cool flavor text.

Thanks for that. Very nice.

Scarab Sages

Set wrote:

I learned a new word today. I like it. 8^)

Dark Archive

Arazyr wrote:
Set wrote:
I learned a new word today. I like it. 8^)

My pleasure. I just knee-jerk against using cannibalistic when the man-eating critters involved aren't human. I remember seeing it used to describe an evil society of ape-people in some adventure and thinking, 'So, they're cannibals. They eat other ape-people. Why should I care? I'm not an ape-people...' :)

This may seem strange but if one wanted to worship Thais as a deity, what domains would he or she be able to choose from?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Berselius wrote:
This may seem strange but if one wanted to worship Thais as a deity, what domains would he or she be able to choose from?

None. She can't grant spells.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Berselius wrote:
This may seem strange but if one wanted to worship Thais as a deity, what domains would he or she be able to choose from?
None. She can't grant spells.

But I do! So feel free to worship me, I have the cool domains. Come on you know you want to. Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
But I do! So feel free to worship me, I have the cool domains. Come on you know you want to. Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

And has a cool tag line, how many of those other *scoffs* gods can say that! And if you are nice to the Dark_Mistress, she may make Paizo put out product faster :P


None. She can't grant spells.

I was sort of implying a situation where in a custom campaign version of Goloron Thais was a minor goddess instead of a mere herald (though still a servant of Cayden though).

But I do! So feel free to worship me, I have the cool domains. Come on you know you want to. Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

It planeshifts back to the Abyss or else it gets the smites evil again.

If I could sneak in one more request for subdomain identification: how about subdomains for Angradd (dwarven god)?

I've got a player in a PBP game with Angradd as their chosen diety for their PC cleric. (Apologies if this was answered - I searched the preceeding posts but did not see it.)

Much appreciated!

Dark Archive

My opinion, which James is invited to scoff at;

Godclaw Subdomains - Defense, Devil, Honor, Inevitable, Resolve, Tactics

"Campaign Setting wrote:

Godclaw (Abadar, Asmodeus, Iomedae, Irori, Torag)
Domains for a Cleric of the Godclaw - Glory, Law, Protection, Strength, War

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Pact Stone GM wrote:

If I could sneak in one more request for subdomain identification: how about subdomains for Angradd (dwarven god)?

I've got a player in a PBP game with Angradd as their chosen diety for their PC cleric. (Apologies if this was answered - I searched the preceeding posts but did not see it.)

Much appreciated!

Angradd subdomains: Archon, Ash, Smoke, Tactics

Set wrote:

Very cool. Thanks James!

And the 'fourth bridge' mystery remains unsolved, leaving wiggle room to postulate the existence of an unknown Starstone Test-passer (who, obviously, isn't Razmir, but he certainly reserves the right to lie about and obfuscate that point...), or to completely discredit the 'briges equate to gods' theory.

'Fourth Bridge' mystery? I guess it depends how you count. Iomadae, Caylen, Norgrober, and Aroden . He went from being an immortal azlanti to being a god somehow. It seems very likely as part of retrieving the Starstone from the depths, he took the test...

Thank you!!!

Angradd subdomains: Archon, Ash, Smoke, Tactics

Liberty's Edge

Did Urazra get subdomains yet? I can't find them anywhere.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Gallard Stormeye wrote:
Did Urazra get subdomains yet? I can't find them anywhere.

Urazra Subdomains: Blood, Demon, Ferocity, Fur, Resolve, Tactics

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
Gallard Stormeye wrote:
Did Urazra get subdomains yet? I can't find them anywhere.
Urazra Subdomains: Blood, Demon, Ferocity, Fur, Resolve, Tactics

Ask and you shall receive apparently. Thanks for the swift response.

Dark Archive

"Campaign Setting wrote:

Godclaw (Abadar, Asmodeus, Iomedae, Irori, Torag)

Domains for a Cleric of the Godclaw - Glory, Law, Protection, Strength, War

So I just got the Inner Sea World Guide, and the Hellknights section on the Godclaw no longer lists the Domains available to their clerics.

Is the Godclaw no longer viable as a source for Clerics?

Perhaps they'll have some sorts of Oracles of Law or Order?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Set wrote:
"Campaign Setting wrote:

Godclaw (Abadar, Asmodeus, Iomedae, Irori, Torag)

Domains for a Cleric of the Godclaw - Glory, Law, Protection, Strength, War

So I just got the Inner Sea World Guide, and the Hellknights section on the Godclaw no longer lists the Domains available to their clerics.

Is the Godclaw no longer viable as a source for Clerics?

Perhaps they'll have some sorts of Oracles of Law or Order?

Godclaw clerics pick a deity; probably Asmodeus or one of the other arch devils or infernal dukes... or MAYBE one of the other lawful deities. The "Godclaw" itself isn't a deity, and thus cannot cast spells.

More to the point, divine casters who are part of the Godclaw are likely oracles.

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:

Godclaw clerics pick a deity; probably Asmodeus or one of the other arch devils or infernal dukes... or MAYBE one of the other lawful deities. The "Godclaw" itself isn't a deity, and thus cannot cast spells.

More to the point, divine casters who are part of the Godclaw are likely oracles.

Good to know. I was still going by the Campaign Setting rules when I offered up those Sub-Domain options for the Godclaw.

Random Oracle of Justice;


Oracle of Order / Justice

Class Skills: Handle Animal, Intimidate, Knowledge (local), Survival

Bonus Spells: command (3rd), calm emotion (5th), magic circle of protection from chaos (7th), order’s wrath (9th), mark of justice (11th), geas/quest (13th), dictum (15th), shield of law (17th), imprisonment (19th)

Authoritative Rebuke – If someone can understand your language, you can add your Oracle level to Intimidate checks against them and the effects last a number of extra rounds equal to your Charisma modifier.

Law’s Bludgeon – Holy Sword variant usable against chaotic creatures 3 rounds / day + Cha mod usable as a swift action in one or multiple uses.

Bring ‘Em Back Alive – free Exotic Weapon Proficiency in one of; Net, Bola, Shoanti Bola, Lasso or Mancatcher *or* Improved Unarmed Strike or Improved Grapple, *and* can use any bludgeoning weapon to inflict nonlethal damage without suffering a penalty to the attack rolls, so long as you are proficient with that weapon. You can take this Revelation more than once, gaining new proficiencies, but no increased ability to inflict nonlethal damage with other types of weaponry.

Moment of Clarity – as calm emotions on self as an immediate action, 3 + Cha mod rounds per day, usable in one or many uses. While effects such as confusion, fear, morale bonuses, etc. are suppressed, as per the spell, you remain able to take violent action.

Chains of the Master – you can designate one or more animals that you have trained yourself as bonded servants of the law. These animals will respond to your commands as if they were a druid or ranger’s animal companions, gaining a single bonus Trick, and the Link (p 52) and Devotion (p 53) special qualities, but gaining no other benefits or traits of being an animal companion. You can have a number of Hit Dice worth of animals designated as bonded servants equal to your Oracle level or your Charisma modifier, whichever is higher. If a bonded servant is slain or dismissed, you must hand-train any replacement(s), a process which may take several weeks. If the animal has been previously trained by another, you must still go through the entire training time, to forge the proper bond between yourself and your servant.

Vigilant – you add your Charisma modifier in addition to your Wisdom modifier for Sense Motive checks, Perception checks, Survival checks to track, and Diplomacy checks to gather information (adding the modifier twice, in the latter case), and Perception is a class skill for you.

Halt Lawbreaker – Once per day as a standard action, you can use a limited version of hold person that only prevents a target from leaving his current square, but otherwise allows him to continue fighting or acting unimpeded. The range, saving throw and other mechanics are as hold person. At 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 20th level, you gain another daily use of this ability.

My Word is My Bond – whenever you are subject to a mind-affecting effect that would cause you to violate your ethical principles, you are allowed another immediate saving throw with a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier or half your Oracle level, whichever is higher, to break free.

Final Revelation: You gain DR 5/chaos and can call upon the benefits of a shield of law spell as an immediate action for rounds / day equal to your Oracle level + your charisma modifier, in one or multiple uses. Your natural attacks or any weapon you wield is treated as lawfully-aligned and 3 + Cha mod times per day you can give a weapon that you are wielding (or your natural attacks) the Bane (chaotic outsider) property for 1 round as a swift action. Any spell that you cast with the Law descriptor is cast as if your caster level was increased by your charisma modifier.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Do Janiform deities like Shimye-Magalla function like the Godclaw? That is, just pick one of the composite deities?

Set wrote:

Yeah, I got the impression that Geb is so wrapped up in his own obsession that he's pretty much irrelevant to the current political heirarchy of the nation that bears his name.

In my head, Arazni herself seems likely to be *ridiculously* insane, being pretty much Iomedae in life, and now reduced to rotting corpse-queen of a realm of anthropophagic monsters. Only the illusion of courtly existence, carefully spun around her, with genteel monsters paying her homage, keeps some fragment of her former self playing along, blissfully ignoring what she knows all-too-well, that the smiles conceal fangs, the goblets hold blood, not wine, and the 'nobles' of her 'court' are all ravening beasts.

She pretends not to see the horror all around her, and, sometimes, for just a shining moment, she even fools herself and is the lovely and ageless queen of a shining city filled with noble knights, wise scholars and devoted commoners.

The aristocracy knows that when she stops coquettishly feigning a girlish giggle behind her fan to the latest scandalous rumor or clever innuendo, and stares at her own withered hand with a look of confusion and concern that it's time to drop the witty repartee and beat a hasty retreat...

This is canon in my Golarion now. I love this take on Arazni.

Sovereign Court

Although not a religion in the sense as being supported by an active deity, is the faction 'The Harbingers' a viable option for clerical support?
If so, are there potential associated domains? How about being legal for PFS play?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Theocrat wrote:

Although not a religion in the sense as being supported by an active deity, is the faction 'The Harbingers' a viable option for clerical support?

If so, are there potential associated domains? How about being legal for PFS play?

Nope. The Harbingers are a philosophical sect. If there are clerics in that group, those clerics worship deities or demigods. Probably fringe gods of madness like Groetus. More likely they have more oracles in their group than clerics.

The group itself doesn't grant domains at all, any more than the prophecies of Kalistrade do, or any more than the local card club at the tavern does.

They're not a good choice for PFS play, in any event, since they're better suited to be bad guys or, at the best, antagonists.

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
Theocrat wrote:

Although not a religion in the sense as being supported by an active deity, is the faction 'The Harbingers' a viable option for clerical support?

If so, are there potential associated domains? How about being legal for PFS play?
Nope. The Harbingers are a philosophical sect. If there are clerics in that group, those clerics worship deities or demigods. Probably fringe gods of madness like Groetus. More likely they have more oracles in their group than clerics.

In the case of the Harbingers, Oracles of Destiny, Fate or Prophecy seem like they'd be more suitable. The cult itself isn't centered around madness, so much as restoring prophecy.

Not that Oracles of Madness don't also sound interesting...

Looks like there's lots of room for new Oracle Mysteries to fill in these new gaps, where Clerics are no longer suitable.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Set wrote:

Looks like there's lots of room for new Oracle Mysteries to fill in these new gaps, where Clerics are no longer suitable.

Clerics were never suitable for this type of role anyway. Which is why we created the oracle.

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
Set wrote:
Looks like there's lots of room for new Oracle Mysteries to fill in these new gaps, where Clerics are no longer suitable.
Clerics were never suitable for this type of role anyway. Which is why we created the oracle.

Random Oracle of Omens, for the Harbingers divine needs;


Dieties Aroden, Desna, Irori, Pharasma, the Harbingers
Class Skills: Bluff, Knowledge (arcana), Perception, Perform
Bonus Spells: true strike (3rd), augury (5th), bestow curse (7th), divination (9th), slay living (11th), geas/quest (13th), resurrection (15th), earthquake (17th), miracle (19th)
Revelations: An oracle with the omens mystery can choose from any of the following revelations.
* A Glimpse Beyond (Su): You add your Charisma bonus to any initiative roll, and, once per day per four oracle levels you possess (minimum 1), as a free action, you can treat any foe below you on the initiative count as flat-footed against your own attacks for 1 round.
* Defensive Roll (Su): As per the rogue talent, but using a Will saving throw instead of a Reflex saving throw. A 20th level oracle can use defensive roll twice per day (but only once against any given attack).
* Deny Fate (Su) Once per day, as an immediate action, you can forgo a normal saving throw versus a magical effect and instead attempt a Will saving throw at the same DC. If you make this saving throw, the effect is ‘denied’ and you suffer no effect. If the effect affected multiple targets, and you succeed in denying the effects of the magical effect, the effects are treated as if they were [shadow] magic for all targets, and the effect has only 20% (one fifth) effect if it is the equivalent of a 3rd level or lower spell, 60% (three-fifths) effect if it is the equivalent of a 4th through 6th level spell, or full effect if the effect is the equivalent of a 7th level or higher spell. If you fail this special Will save, you suffer the normal effects of the spell, and all others who may have been affected must make their normal saving throws. At 10th level, you gain a second use of this ability, and at 20th level, you gain a third daily use.
* Entwined Destinies (Su): As a standard action, you can generate a link between yourself and one other target within 30 ft. that acts somewhat like a reversed shield other effect. Against that one target, you receive an insight bonus to AC and saving throws equal to your Charisma modifier, and if that target damages you, half of the damage is instead applied to the target. This effect lasts a number of rounds equal to your oracle level plus your Charisma modifier, although you can end it at any time as an immediate action. The target is allowed a saving throw (Will DC 10 + half-oracle level + your Cha modifier) to negate the effect when you attempt to establish the link, but does not gain additional saving throws to break it in subsequent rounds. Once the link is established, the target does not have to remain within 30 ft. for the effect to be maintained. You can invoke this effect as many times per day as you wish, so long as you have rounds of effect remaining, but once someone successfully saves versus the effect, they cannot be affected again for 24 hours.
* False Guidance (Su): As a standard action, you can afflict a single target within 30 ft. with the effects of confusion, causing them to perceive false realities, and act accordingly. The effect lasts a number of rounds equal to your oracle level, and the target is allowed a saving throw (Will DC 10 + half your oracle level + your Charisma modifier). You can use this ability once per day for every six oracle levels you possess (minimum 1), and you cannot affected any one target more than once in a 24 hour period.
* Greater Guidance (Su): As a standard action, you can grant a single target within 30 ft. an insight bonus to all attacks rolls, saving throws and skill checks equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to half your oracle level (minimum 1). You can invoke this effect on yourself as a move-equivalent action.
* Plans Within Plans (Su) Once per day, as a standard action, you can grant all of your allies within thirty feet the option of rerolling a single d20 roll in the next round, and choose to use whichever result they prefer for their roll. At 8th level, you gain a second use of this ability, and at 16th level, a third daily use.
* Reject the False Reality (Su): You gain a bonus to Will saves vs. illusion effects equal to your Charisma modifier, and a similar bonus to any saving throws provoked by [shadow] effects, such as shadow conjuration or shadow evocation. You also gain an insight bonus to AC equal to your Charisma modifier versus creatures emulated via [shadow] spell effects, such as a fiendish wolf created by shadow conjuration. A number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier, you can attempt to dispel an illusion effect as if you had cast dispel magic at your caster level.
* There, Not There(Su): A number of times per day equal to half your oracle level (at least once), as an immediate action, you can change your location to replicate the effects of Evasion, taking no damage from an effect that would normally inflict half damage on a successful Reflex saving throw, so long as you succeed on that saving throw. (You declare the use of this ability after the results of the saving throw are known.) If you already have Evasion from another source, you can activate a use of this ability to be treated as if you possessed Improved Evasion. In any event, in addition to reducing damage, you also are automatically moved to the closest available space that is clear of the damaging effect, and can move a maximum distance equal to your fastest movement rate. This movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity or count against other movement for the turn, and occurs instantaneously. If this movement is not possible, or is insufficient to remove you from the damaging effect, this ability fails.
* Twisting the Skein (Su): As a standard action, you can manipulate the destiny of a target within 30 ft. forcing them to roll twice on any attack rolls, saving throws or skill checks for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier, and take the result that you choose. On an ally, you can select the best possible result, and on a foe, the least advantageous, as you wish, but you cannot affect yourself with this ability. You must remain aware and conscious of the targets actions and circumstances, but maintaining the effect (and selecting the results) requires no action or effort on your part. The target does not need to remain within 30 ft. for you to continue ‘pulling the strings’ of his destiny. You can use this ability once per day, gaining a second daily use at 10th level, and a third at 20th level.
Final Revelation: Upon reaching 20th level, your type changes to outsider (native), you no longer suffer negative levels from raise dead or resurrection and you gain SR equal to your oracle level plus your Charisma modifier. You cast any divination spell as if your caster level was increased by your Charisma modifier, and for the purposes of augury and divination, your caster level is equal to your oracle level plus your Charisma modifier, with no maximum accuracy cap. A number of times per day equal to your Charisma score, you can quicken one divination spell you know, so long as the modified level of the spell does not exceed 9th level.

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