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Familiar Faces in Remote Places

January brings us two scenarios that build on more recent stories, taking us to the forests of Iobaria and back into the Hao Jin Tapestry.

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Tags: Organized Play Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society Scenarios Tawny Fritz Tom Ventre

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New Pathfinder Society Scenarios, What's In a Name?

March has been a month for announcements, most notably the Pathfinder Second Edition announcement two weeks ago. In case you missed it, also be sure to check out the FAQ for Pathfinder Society in the new edition as well as the follow-up blog from last week, when we provided even more information about the upcoming campaign and how we're soliciting your feedback to help shape the experience. Expect another blog soon, exploring ways we're aiming to handle the playtest and other topics.

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Tags: Organized Play Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society Scenarios Tawny Fritz Teresa Guido

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And So It Begins

It's about time we wrap-up our previews for the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Gen Con 2017 releases. Moving away from the quest pack and special we previewed in our last blog post, today we're going to talk about scenarios #1-01, 1-02, and 1-03!

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Tags: Organized Play Starfinder Society Tawny Fritz Tom Ventre

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Pathfinder Player Companion: Spymaster's Handbook (PFRPG)

Spies Are All Around Me, Spies in Every Country

Spies and information brokers are a fact of life on Golarion, for nearly any large organization. Kingdoms need to know what other kingdoms are plotting, so as to best make their own plans, while at the same time keeping their own secrets hidden. Churches, schools, guilds, and merchants have their own need to control the flow of information leaking out of their inner chambers. Many groups have dedicated espionage branches, such as the Twilight Talons of Andoran, while others combine information gathering and enforcement, as with the Silent Shroud in Nidal. Smaller or less wealthy groups often must depend on independent spymasters, which may be as simple as buying information from the Church of Calistria to as complex as putting together bands of freelancers to acquire specific intelligence.

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Kiri Ostergaard Leonard Pathfinder Player Companion The Red Raven Reiko Tawny Fritz

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