Death's Heretic
Illustration by Kekai Kotaki

Pathfinder Fiction News and Podcast!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's always a good day when we get to announce the next Pathfinder Tales novel, but today is especially important for me, as today I get to announce the November release of Death's Heretic, the new Pathfinder Tales novel by—well, me!

Death's Heretic is the story of Salim Ghadafar, a desert warrior forced against his will to work as an agent of Pharasma. When a powerful merchant in Thuvia is assassinated on the eve of receiving the sun orchid elixir, an elixir capable of reversing aging, few people are surprised—after all, immortality is a risky business. Yet when the merchant's soul goes missing from Pharasma's Boneyard and a mysterious note offers to ransom the man's spirit back to his family in exchange for the elixir, it's time for the church of the death goddess to step in and find out who would dare steal from the Lady of Graves herself. With his unique skill set, Salim should be perfectly suited to the mission. There's only one problem: The investigation is being financed by the murdered aristocrat's daughter. And she wants to go with him.

Master of Devils
Illustration by Lucas Graciano

Along with his uninvited passenger, Salim must unravel a web of intrigue that will lead them far from the blistering sands of Thuvia on a grand tour of the Outer Planes, where devils and angels rub shoulders with fey lords and mechanical men, and nothing is as it seems...

This book has been a long time in coming, and I'm obviously pretty excited to finally be able to talk about it. Yet rather than ramble on the blog (there'll be time for that closer to the release date), I'd like to direct you over to the brand new, all-Pathfinder-Tales episode of the Atomic Array podcast! In addition to talking with me about Death's Heretic and the line as a whole, Ed and Rone also interview Pathfinder Tales authors Dave Gross, Robin D. Laws, and Howard Andrew Jones. It's nearly two-hours of hard-hitting fiction questions and anecdotes regarding Pathfinder Tales, so check it out, and feel free to ask your own questions in the comments thread below!

Last but not least, we've also unveiled the final cover art for Master of Devils and Death's Heretic, painted by Lucas Graciano and Kekai Kotaki, respectively. That's all from the Pathfinder Tales front for now, but stay tuned next week for the beginning of an all-new story from Robin D. Laws as part of our free weekly web fiction!

James Sutter
Fiction Editor

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Community Dave Gross Death's Heretic Howard Andrew Jones James L. Sutter Kekai Kotaki Lucas Graciano Master of Devils Pathfinder Tales Robin D. Laws

Robin D. Law's Livejournal entry where he says, "Ed Healy and Rone Barton, of the Atomic Array Podcast, are d!cks."

Now I assure you, he meant it in the nicest possible way.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Off to download!!

Liberty's Edge

Congrats James!!

AA+PF?! *Goes to listen*

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Cool! I can't wait to listen to this on the drive to NC tomorrow night.

This gets the doppelroner seal of approval.


Kruelaid wrote:


The box on the side of every package of AA clearly states that listening may cause eardrum rupture, gut bust, or inverted nipples smelling of cardamom and curdled milk. We can't be held responsible for any resulting damages from use.

See your physician before subscribing.

Nice! Lots of Pathfindery goodness for my ear holes!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

As always, a top notch show filled with Pure Awesome!

Listened to it on Monday, and then again on Wednesday.

Oh and did I mention it was PURE AWESOME!!!

The Exchange

Kruelaid wrote:


hahaha Suffer!!!

The Exchange

Time to download!!

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Great Podcast, Guys! After listening to this, I've added the subscription to your podcast onto my iTunes list! :D

Thanks for coaxing all that great info out of the authors! And thanks to James, Dave, Robin and Howard for sharing their awesome insights!

Thanks for listening, guys. :)

Paris Crenshaw wrote:

Great Podcast, Guys! After listening to this, I've added the subscription to your podcast onto my iTunes list! :D

Thanks for coaxing all that great info out of the authors! And thanks to James, Dave, Robin and Howard for sharing their awesome insights!

I tried to co-ax them but they didn't allow for the insertion of any cables. Pity, that.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

The Jade wrote:

Thanks for listening, guys. :)

Paris Crenshaw wrote:

Great Podcast, Guys! After listening to this, I've added the subscription to your podcast onto my iTunes list! :D

Thanks for coaxing all that great info out of the authors! And thanks to James, Dave, Robin and Howard for sharing their awesome insights!

I tried to co-ax them but they didn't allow for the insertion of any cables. Pity, that.

Ummm...eew. ;)

Paris Crenshaw wrote:
The Jade wrote:
I tried to co-ax them but they didn't allow for the insertion of any cables. Pity, that.
Ummm...eew. ;)

You will be assimilated.

Clockwork Gnome Publishing

Kruelaid wrote:


It is the Atomic Array and not the Soft, Fluffy Pillow Array. ;)

Allen Taliesin wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:


It is the Atomic Array and not the Soft, Fluffy Pillow Array. ;)


Great job on the show, Rone & Ed: fun intro, solid interviews! Everyone should drop what they doing, listen to the show, and then at some point in the show SUBSCRIBE! I've read them all and they all get the Mairkurion Seal of Approval. The newest one is another proverbial page-turner: Robin Laws is to be congratulated.

And that Dave Gross guy...yeah, he's on fire.

Dark Archive

Uh I may end up causing some offence with this post so I apologize in advance but I would much rather have the Golarion day blog than something that seems more in place with the Wednesday blog. It seems odd that they went to the trouble of setting out this schedule and then cutting the Thursday article seemingly every other week. I bring it up since the Golarion day blog is the one I look forward to the most every week.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

First time listener to the Atomic Array! Wow, terrific episode. It was fascinating listening to each author describe the background of their stories and I especially found Robin Laws describing his mapping technique for Worldwound Gambit interesting. Also, thanks to James Sutter for describing the process of developing the Tales line of fiction. Now I can't wait for Death's Heretic to come out.

I will definitely be listening to future podcasts all while catching up on what I've missed.

In the future, may we hear more beyond the blog interviews like this?

Looks like I was late to the party...

Sovereign Court

The Liane Merciel spoiler made me happy. Didn't recognise the other guy though.

Oops, looking at Liane's website it seems like less of a spoiler:

Laine's website wrote:
2/24/11: Liane has signed a one-book deal with Paizo Publishing. The book, Nightglass, will take place in the Pathfinder Campaign Setting.

GeraintElberion wrote:

The Liane Merciel spoiler made me happy. Didn't recognise the other guy though.

Oops, looking at Liane's website it seems like less of a spoiler:

Laine's website wrote:
2/24/11: Liane has signed a one-book deal with Paizo Publishing. The book, Nightglass, will take place in the Pathfinder Campaign Setting.

Next time we vow to spoil everything!

Liberty's Edge

I've been meaning to order the rest of the Pathfinder novels, and I think this podcast put me over the other side of the fence. Thanks, guys.

Liberty's Edge

Anymore books from Elaine Cunningham?


Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Nice work, Atomic Arrayers!


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Qstor wrote:

Anymore books from Elaine Cunningham?


Hi, Mike.

There are no plans at present for another novel. Every now and then I think about pitching a book about Channa Ti, but Channa was created to carry a novella-length story, and I'm not sure she'd be the best choice for a novel's protagonist. I like Channa--a lot--but if there's one thing I've learned over the years, it's the importance of paying attention to intangibles. If you're ambivalent about a story, it's probably not your story to write.

Maybe I just haven't come up with the right story idea for Channa, or the right sidekick character to balance her serious demeanor and dark sense of humor.

If I have a great idea, either for a Channa Ti story or another character/story idea that would fit the setting, I'll run it past the folks at Paizo.

As for the podcast, I didn't join in because I'm sort of technophobic. I hate cameras and the idea of doing audio or video interviews gives me a case of the twitching heebie-jeebies. Given the way promotion is going, this is something I need to address. I'm working on it. Sort of.

I'm between Adventure Paths and available for sidekick duties if it helps. Um... just don't tell Ezren, he thinks I'm off getting him a new spellbook.

Thanks, everyone. :)

Elaine Cunningham wrote:
As for the podcast, I didn't join in because I'm sort of technophobic. I hate cameras and the idea of doing audio or video interviews gives me a case of the twitching heebie-jeebies. Given the way promotion is going, this is something I need to address. I'm working on it. Sort of.

Well when you're ready, please consider coming on Atomic Array. We'll take good care of you and put you at ease. I promise.

Lem the Halfling wrote:
I'm between Adventure Paths and available for sidekick duties if it helps. Um... just don't tell Ezren, he thinks I'm off getting him a new spellbook.

The Sidekicks Union's demands have been out of control lately. Full dental? Who gets full dental?!

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