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Happy 40th, D&D

With the 40th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons hitting in the past week, it has made me wax nostalgic for the tales of my gaming past. Thinking back to the beginning, to my first D&D game, it is amazing to see what an impact it has made on my life.

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Paizo Publishing's 10th Anniversary Retrospective—Year 10 (2012)

As I sit down to write my last retrospective blog, I find myself in a bit of a quandry. This is about stuff that happened this year, sometimes mere weeks ago. It's not ancient history—it's what I'm living through right now! That makes writing it up as a restrospective a little weird. Instead of providing the perspective of hindsight, I'm hoping that this blog will give you some insight into why we did what we did this year, why we're doing the things we've already announced for next year, and perhaps a little strategic thought about where Paizo will go in the future. Plans could change radically as the future becomes the present, but at least you can see some of what I'm thinking about right now.

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Tags: Auntie Lisa's Story Hour Paizo

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Paizo Publishing's 10th Anniversary Retrospective—Year 9 (2011)

As I mentioned in my previous blog, Paizo found itself in a very interesting position as we came to the end of 2010. Never before in the history of tabletop RPGs was there a market leader that wasn't Dungeons & Dragons. Why is that important? Well, there are certain tasks that the tabletop RPG industry has always relegated to the top dog in the category—and chief amongst those was player acquisition.

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Paizo Publishing's 10th Anniversary Retrospective—Year 8 (2010)

Paizo Publishing's 10th Anniversary Retrospective—Year 8 (2010) Following Up on Our Success Thursday, November 1, 2012 This blog entry is the ninth in a series of blogs commemorating Paizo's 10th anniversary. ... Click here to read the first installment.Before it was even released in August 2009, the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook was already the single best selling product Paizo had ever produced, and October's Bestiary immediately captured the number two slot. The stunning...
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Paizo Publishing's 10th Anniversary Retrospective—Year 7 (2009)

Paizo Publishing's 10th Anniversary Retrospective—Year 7 (2009) Launching Our Own RPG Thursday, September 27, 2012 This blog entry is the eighth in a series of blogs commemorating Paizo's 10th anniversary. ... Click here to read the first installment.One of the things that has plagued Paizo through most of its existence is that every year, we end up throwing a major project or two on top of an already full product release schedule. In 2005, it was the Shackled City hardcover. In 2006,...
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Paizo Publishing's 10th Anniversary Retrospective—Year 6 (2008)

Paizo Publishing's 10th Anniversary Retrospective—Year 6 (2008) Forging Our Own Path Thursday, August 30, 2012 This blog entry is the seventh in a series of blogs commemorating Paizo's 10th anniversary. ... Click here to read the first installment.As the cold and stormy start of 2008 settled on the Paizo offices, there was a palpable sense of tension. We were well past the point where we normally assigned freelance writing for our Gen Con releases. Wizards of the Coast was set to...
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Paizo Publishing's 10th Anniversary Retrospective—Year 5 (2007)

Paizo Publishing's 10th Anniversary Retrospective—Year 5 (2007) The Year Everything Changed Thursday, July 26, 2012 This blog entry is the sixth in a series of blogs commemorating Paizo's 10th anniversary. ... Click here to read the first installment. ... Erik Mona's odd T-shaped map that would eventually become the Inner Sea Region of Golarion.As 2007 dawned, Paizo had a lot of work to do. The final issues of Dragon and Dungeon were coming in August, and we had already started...
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Auntie Lisa’s Story Hour: Gen Con Reminiscences—The Paizo Years

Auntie Lisa’s Story Hour: Gen Con Reminiscences—The Paizo Years Thursday, July 19, 2012With PaizoCon 2012 now in the rear view mirror, my attentions turn toward Gen Con in Indianapolis, August 16–19. I’ve personally gone to every Gen Con since it was held at UW Parkside in Kenosha, Wisconsin, but since this is Paizo’s tenth anniversary year—and Paizo’s tenth Gen Con—I figured I’d limit this blog to stories from the last decade. Gen Con is and always has been our biggest show...
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Dungeons & Dragons: Savage Tide Player's Guide

Paizo Publishing's 10th Anniversary Retrospective—Year 4 (2006)—Battling Headwinds

Paizo Publishing's 10th Anniversary Retrospective—Year 4 (2006) Battling Headwinds Thursday, June 28, 2012 This blog entry is the fifth in a series of blogs commemorating Paizo's 10th anniversary. ... Click here to read the first installment.Paizo was optimistic heading into 2006. The previous year, we had worked very hard to build a business that could not only stand on its own, but also be innovative. We weren't out of the woods yet, but we could at least see the edge of the forest...
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Paizo Publishing's 10th Anniversary Retrospective—Year 3 (2005)—Laying the Foundation

Paizo Publishing's 10th Anniversary Retrospective—Year 3 (2005) Laying the Foundation Thursday, May 31, 2012 This blog entry is the fourth in a series of blogs commemorating Paizo's 10th anniversary. ... Click here to read the first installment.At the start of 2005, the loss of our friends and co-workers who had worked on Undefeated and Amazing Stories still lay heavily on our hearts, but the feeling in the company that we had already hit bottom and there was nowhere left to go but...
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Paizo Publishing’s 10th Anniversary Retrospective—Year 2 (2004)—The Worst of Times

Paizo Publishing’s 10th Anniversary Retrospective—Year 2 (2004) The Worst of Times Thursday, April 26th, 2012 This blog entry is the third in a series of blogs commemorating Paizo's 10th anniversary. ... Click here to read the first installment.As 2004 opened, there was a cloud hanging over Paizo. The reality that Star Wars Insider and the Star Wars Fan Club were going away in a few short months really hit home. Star Wars accounted for more than half of Paizo's revenue, and supporting...
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Paizo Publishing's 10th Anniversary Retrospective—Year 1 (2003)—Fine-Tuning the Magazine Business

Paizo Publishing's 10th Anniversary Retrospective—Year 1 (2003) Fine-Tuning the Magazine Business Thursday, March 29, 2012 This blog entry is the second in a series of blogs commemorating Paizo's 10th anniversary. ... Click here to read the first installment. ... The paizo.com homepage in late 2003 showing off our ability to take subscriptions!As January 2003 rolled in, the rose-colored glasses that accompany any new venture had faded, and it had become obvious to me that relying on the...
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Paizo Publishing's 10th Anniversary Retrospective—Year 0 (2002)—The Thrill of Starting Something New

Paizo Publishing's 10th Anniversary Retrospective—Year 0 (2002) The Thrill of Starting Something New Thursday, February 9, 20122012 marks Paizo’s 10th anniversary. I plan to do monthly blogs for the rest of the year that relive the highlights (and some of the lowlights) from our first ten years of business, and then I’ll take a look into the future as the year comes to a close. There will be side anecdotes and hopefully more than a few embarrassing pictures. And at the end of it all, I hope...
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Tags: Auntie Lisa's Story Hour Paizo