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We're pleased to announce that a new edition of our Critical Hit Deck, updated for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game as well as the 3.5 rules, will be available in March.
A list of the changes from the previous edition is included in the product description, along with images of the seven cards that have had text changes.
The textual revisions are as follows:
- Achilles Tendon: has been changed to "Achilles' Tendon"
- Eye Patch for You: Spot and Search have been replaced by Perception
- 2 for 1: "one" has been added before "adjacent target"
- Missing Digits: "looses" has been corrected to "loses"
- Brow to Chin: Spot and Search have been replaced by Perception
- Missing Ear: Listen has been replaced by Perception
- Hypnotic Link: "suggestion" has been italicized
Outstanding backorders for the previous edition will automatically be converted to this edition.

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We're pleased to announce that a new edition of our Critical Hit Deck, updated for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game as well as the 3.5 rules, will be available in March.
A list of the changes from the previous edition is included in the product description, along with images of the seven cards that have had text changes.
The textual revisions are as follows:
- Achilles Tendon: has been changed to "Achilles' Tendon"
- Eye Patch for You: Spot and Search have been replaced by Perception
- 2 for 1: "one" has been added before "adjacent target"
- Missing Digits: "looses" has been corrected to "loses"
- Brow to Chin: Spot and Search have been replaced by Perception
- Missing Ear: Listen has been replaced by Perception
- Hypnotic Link: "suggestion" has been italicized
Outstanding backorders for the previous edition will automatically be converted to this edition.
sweet. cats knocked a soda onto my deck. We still use it, but they're a bit...stiff.
Any hope for the fumble deck too? And maybe a way to order both at once?

Slime |

Just one question, does "Stabilize" stop a "Bleed" effect?
It's not technically a "cure spell" and doesn't give any h.p. but it replaces "cure minor wounds" that would stop bleed effects and has the same effect as a Healing DC 15 check.
I ruled that stabilize would stop one condition per casting so either you stop the target from bleeding h.p., bleeding attribute damage or dying for each casting not all at once.
I'd like to know how other people handled this.

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Just one question, does "Stabilize" stop a "Bleed" effect?
It's not technically a "cure spell" and doesn't give any h.p. but it replaces "cure minor wounds" that would stop bleed effects and has the same effect as a Healing DC 15 check.
I ruled that stabilize would stop one condition per casting so either you stop the target from bleeding h.p., bleeding attribute damage or dying for each casting not all at once.
I'd like to know how other people handled this.
In the current rules, stabilize does not stop bleeding as it does not cure damage. This is something I will review.
Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Dhampir984 |

We're pleased to announce that a new edition of our Critical Hit Deck, updated for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game as well as the 3.5 rules, will be available in March.
dangit! i just finally got both the critical hit and critical fumble decks...

Jeff Alvarez |

Vic Wertz wrote:We're pleased to announce that a new edition of our Critical Hit Deck, updated for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game as well as the 3.5 rules, will be available in March.dangit! i just finally got both the critical hit and critical fumble decks...
The changes were minor so you should be able to make due with the pre-PFRPG decks. That's one of the nifty things about keeping the PFRPG as backwards compatible as we have. :)

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The changes were minor so you should be able to make due with the pre-PFRPG decks. That's one of the nifty things about keeping the PFRPG as backwards compatible as we have. :)
What are the chances of getting sort of a booster deck with the new PFRPG cards that can be added to pre PFRPG decks ? Not cost effective ?
Hey! There's an idea! Booster decks for the critical hit and critical fumble decks : )

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What are the chances of getting sort of a booster deck with the new PFRPG cards that can be added to pre PFRPG decks ? Not cost effective ?
I don't think very many people would think it's worth paying money for. Note that every card with a significant change is pictured above. (And that's a generous definition of "significant," as it includes something as minor as the addition of an apostrophe and the italicizing of a spell name.)

Slime |

Found something!
From "Secrets of the elves" about the bleed arrow:
... Each round thereafter, the creature bleeds for
1 point of damage until the bleeding is stopped by a DC
10 Heal check or the application of a cure spell or some
other healing magic.
It's not exactly the same mechanics but the "...other healing magic" part could cover Stabilize since it's part of the healing sub-school.

Dreaming Warforged |

Found something!
From "Secrets of the elves" about the bleed arrow:
... Each round thereafter, the creature bleeds for
1 point of damage until the bleeding is stopped by a DC
10 Heal check or the application of a cure spell or some
other healing magic.It's not exactly the same mechanics but the "...other healing magic" part could cover Stabilize since it's part of the healing sub-school.
There goes another elven secret...
Does Slime has a grudge against elves (I remember his comments about their ears...)?

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I don't think very many people would think it's worth paying money for. Note that every card with a significant change is pictured above.
Also when I said booster decks I meant brand spanking new cards to add to the originals; maybe 6 to 10 new cards for each new Adventure Path thematically linked to said AP.
Yeah sounds like bad and wonkey trading card game already.
: )

Dhampir984 |

The changes were minor so you should be able to make due with the pre-PFRPG decks. That's one of the nifty things about keeping the PFRPG as backwards compatible as we have. :)
i know, its just like having a director's cut DVD, then like a month or so later, they come out with an ultimate director's edition with more cool stuff.
you've got the cool stuff already; but now there's a just *slightly* cooler version out there.

Vak |

can't wait.
can't wait.
can't wait.
can't wait.
Okay silly question: I have the older deck on backorder.. Does that mean I need to cancel this and pre-order this one, or does my old backorder work too?
About stabilize, when a player used it to stop bleeding from a rogue's bleeding attack, I let it happen. I considered it too much of a waste of a standard action not to, and it seemed reasonable to me.

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I have these cards, I won't buy it. Though I will say this if you haven't bought them already. They are the coolest thing I have ever seen. Buy them! Buy them now! I wish I could buy them again, but having the latest updated version would be totally cool. Can't you guys sell update packs??? Throw away these three cards and replace them with these ones.... I would buy them in a second.

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I have these cards, I won't buy it. Though I will say this if you haven't bought them already. They are the coolest thing I have ever seen. Buy them! Buy them now! I wish I could buy them again, but having the latest updated version would be totally cool. Can't you guys sell update packs??? Throw away these three cards and replace them with these ones.... I would buy them in a second.
As I said a few posts above:
I don't think very many people would think it's worth paying money for. Note that every card with a significant change is pictured above. (And that's a generous definition of "significant," as it includes something as minor as the addition of an apostrophe and the italicizing of a spell name.)

My Little Metroid |

We've been using the deck for a while and liking it very much thank you, and I'm thinking of getting my own deck (the player who has the deck often forgets to bring it in).
The only problem I have is that we're not sure what to do with critical hits when causing nonlethal damage (which is a problem for me as my character refuses to really hurt people unless absolutely necessary). Blunt crits seem often the better fit but a bunch of them are too destructive anyway.
I'm guessing the deck won't be revised any time soon to add an extra category, so I'd like to know what other people have done faced with the same issue.
Thanks in advance for your help.

Franz Lunzer |

A bad GM would say that a character refusing to really hurt people would not score a critical hit.
An evil GM would apply the drawn card and say: "You now really feel sorry for breaking his knee-cap."
I would probably allow to simply roll double nonleathal damage, without using the deck for that character.

concerro |

Coridan wrote:Any hope for the fumble deck too? And maybe a way to order both at once?We do plan to reprint the Fumble Deck, hopefully before August. ( Jason tells me the Fumble Deck needs even fewer changes than this one.)
No plans for a bundle at this time... but it might be worth considering!
I had a new deck, and the old deck. I lost them both. I want to order the newer deck. How do I make sure I am getting the new deck since the cards on the site are the old cards?

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Vic Wertz wrote:I had a new deck, and the old deck. I lost them both. I want to order the newer deck. How do I make sure I am getting the new deck since the cards on the site are the old cards?Coridan wrote:Any hope for the fumble deck too? And maybe a way to order both at once?We do plan to reprint the Fumble Deck, hopefully before August. ( Jason tells me the Fumble Deck needs even fewer changes than this one.)
No plans for a bundle at this time... but it might be worth considering!
We are totally out of the old cards, so there is no way you can get an old deck! So order away!

concerro |

concerro wrote:Vic Wertz wrote:I had a new deck, and the old deck. I lost them both. I want to order the newer deck. How do I make sure I am getting the new deck since the cards on the site are the old cards?Coridan wrote:Any hope for the fumble deck too? And maybe a way to order both at once?We do plan to reprint the Fumble Deck, hopefully before August. ( Jason tells me the Fumble Deck needs even fewer changes than this one.)
No plans for a bundle at this time... but it might be worth considering!
We are totally out of the old cards, so there is no way you can get an old deck! So order away!
I never had a CEO of any company respond to me before. I wish more companies could be this personable. Thanks for the info. :)
PS:No response needed, just felt the need to put that out there.

Lokie |

These cards are super fun! My group has enjoyed making crits even more since I've started using this deck for my games. I make somewhat of a production out of it by shuffling the cards and then fanning them out for the player to draw from.
One of these days I hope to play in a game where the DM uses these. I've got an idea for a fighter dual-wielding kukri. Slice and dice!

ChrisRevocateur |

Slime wrote:Just one question, does "Stabilize" stop a "Bleed" effect?
It's not technically a "cure spell" and doesn't give any h.p. but it replaces "cure minor wounds" that would stop bleed effects and has the same effect as a Healing DC 15 check.
I ruled that stabilize would stop one condition per casting so either you stop the target from bleeding h.p., bleeding attribute damage or dying for each casting not all at once.
I'd like to know how other people handled this.
In the current rules, stabilize does not stop bleeding as it does not cure damage. This is something I will review.
Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing
I just looked and noticed you didn't change stabilize to stop bleeding.
Personally I would see that as exactly the point of stabilize, to stop someone from bleeding or their condition getting any worse.
I guess I can just houserule stabilize to read "Stops any continuous hit point loss (such as that from the Bleed or Dying conditions) that is not caused by a particular energy type," (so that it can't stop things like Acid Arrow)
P.S. I almost wrote "Melf's" there......
EDIT: To clarify and reword.....

ChrisRevocateur |

Oh, I also wanted to say that this is the greatest way I've ever seen for dealing with critical hits! Crit tables really just slowed down play, and the people that authored them often tried to get too detailed with them, adding bonuses or giving penalties on size and/or weapon type, etc.
D&D is a game using an abstract hit point system, it follows that the critical hit system should have some abstraction as well.
I can't wait to use these in my game.

ChrisRevocateur |

Now I may be completely blind or dense here, but when the card references dbl/normal/triple dmg is that standard weapon dmg, or critical damage?
When it references normal damage, it means the normal weapon damage. You replace the double damage with the actual critical multiplier of the weapon (or draw more then one card, adding the resulting damage multipliers up), and when it says triple, it really means adding one to the weapon's crit multiplier (unless you do the multiple card method).

Dorahk |

GameMastery Cards: Conditions & Afflictions
It would be a great idea to have a deck card as a GM to give to our players indicating the normal conditions, diseases and it's effects (3.5/PFRPG) and curses.
Some conditions to be consider are "New size: Large" and indicating the new considerations in modificators, weight x 8, Size x 2... like that
Thanks Paizo guys

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I picked up this deck last night -- it's great.
However, how does it work with spell casting? Does it only work with spells that act like ranged attacks?
From the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook: "A spell that requires an attack roll can score a critical hit. A spell attack that requires no attack roll cannot score a critical hit."

deinol |

If a creature gets hit for 1d4 dex damage it is a minor penalty for the 1-5 rounds it has left before the players kill it.
In my game last night our centaur barbarian got a critical hit against a pit fiend. The extra effect was a 1d6 loss to dexterity. We rolled a 6, which dropped the fiend's AC by 3. The next round the only hits from the barbarian that connected would have missed without that AC penalty. It was a great fight, and even at their level (14) they still love drawing from this deck.

deinol |

Two questions:
1) when a card calls for a save, what is the DC of the saving throw?
2) When you lose characteristics due to a crippling injury, how do you recover the points, just with cure wounds spells?
1) The DC is the confirm roll on the critical.
2) Usually the restoration spells are used to recover ability score damage.

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Reviewer widdershins asks:
What's the point of this product in a deck of cards format? All the information's in text with no illustrations so it may as well have been a randomly rolled table.
From a mechanical standpoint, one advantage cards offer is that you can set each card aside as you use it, so that you won't draw it again until you've been thorough the whole deck. (You get added variety without having to deal with rerolling.)
Similarly, you can easily customize your deck by removing any effects you don't like, without then having to either make up new ones or reroll when you hit those numbers.
Mainly, though, drawing cards for the effect is fun.

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whats the deal with firearms (things that do 2 types of damage at once?)
My house rule is if the damage type is listed as "X or Y", the player has to choose one before the effect is revealed. If the damage type is "X and Y", the player gets to read both effects before choosing one.