Visions of the Pact Worlds

Friday, March 16, 2018

Starfinder Pact Worlds is almost here, so we thought it might be fun to show off some of the cool art you'll encounter as you delve deeper into the cultures and politics of the Pact Worlds. To find out more about these exciting locations and interesting personalities, check out Starfinder Pact Worlds, available this month!

Illustration by Leon Tukker

Illustrations by Roberto Pitturru and Ben Wootten

Illustrations by Mark Molnar and Oh Wang Jing

Robert G. McCreary
Creative Director, Starfinder

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Tags: Leon Tukker Mark Molnar Oh Wang Jing Roberto Pitturru Starfinder

3 people marked this as a favorite.

That first cityscape wide shot. Wow. Apostae is looking a lot slicker than I would have thought.

Can't wait! Looks great!

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Starfinder Superscriber

Needs to ship faster! ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am super-pumped to get all the juicy lore out of this book. And the art looks fantastic, especially the Apostae landscape!

Looks fantastic! now..if mine wold just ship id be a happy Goblin.

Yeah, Goblins should get shipped the book first, darn it!

We are your company mascot after all. :)

Looks good!

However, I think that the "Verces adventurer" and the "Security" pictures are swapped.

Paizo Employee Franchise Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Bellona wrote:

Looks good!

However, I think that the "Verces adventurer" and the "Security" pictures are swapped.


Grand Lodge

Cool nice.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Apostae is Gorgeous!

That first pic looks amazing!

But then I looked closer... Are those people at the bottom? Aren't they too big for those buildings?

It looks like they're significantly in the foreground and there are buildings next to them for scale. It looks right to me.

The Rot Grub wrote:

That first pic looks amazing!

But then I looked closer... Are those people at the bottom? Aren't they too big for those buildings?

I think they are about right for the closest single-story buildings. Those buildings seem to have some shorter objects in front of them that can be confusing at first glance.

UnArcaneElection wrote:
The Rot Grub wrote:

That first pic looks amazing!

But then I looked closer... Are those people at the bottom? Aren't they too big for those buildings?

I think they are about right for the closest single-story buildings. Those buildings seem to have some shorter objects in front of them that can be confusing at first glance.


They’re the right size for the stalls, then there’s the gap and the larger buildings on the other side. It’s probanly further away than it looks.

Dark Archive

is the big purple dino on the cover stated somewhere?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Mine all mine...don't touch wrote:
is the big purple dino on the cover stated somewhere?

i think it may be the one from the 2nd dead suns module

Dark Archive

jimthegray wrote:
Mine all mine...don't touch wrote:
is the big purple dino on the cover stated somewhere?
i think it may be the one from the 2nd dead suns module

That make sense. Thank you.

Shadow Lodge

I hope I can get prints of Verces Adventurer and The Drift at some point.

Funny! The Arcanium Sage really looks like a Michtim; but I presume it's an Ysoki, isn't it?

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

woot got my pdf ....but wow it a huge file size.
anyone know why?

jimthegray wrote:

woot got my pdf ....but wow it a huge file size.

anyone know why?

The CRB has 142 megs... how big is this one?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The Ragi wrote:
jimthegray wrote:

woot got my pdf ....but wow it a huge file size.

anyone know why?
The CRB has 142 megs... how big is this one?

229 i am assuming its the art

Scarab Sages Starfinder Design Lead

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mine all mine...don't touch wrote:
is the big purple dino on the cover stated somewhere?

Not yet, but we do have plans for it.

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Mine all mine...don't touch wrote:
is the big purple dino on the cover stated somewhere?
Not yet, but we do have plans for it.

PC racial traits?

Having received my PDF i have to say this is hands down by far my favorite Starfinder book to date. The wealth of info and useful character options makes it a must have period. Great stuff! I have high hopes for the armory book and what comes next.

jimthegray wrote:
The Ragi wrote:
jimthegray wrote:

woot got my pdf ....but wow it a huge file size.

anyone know why?
The CRB has 142 megs... how big is this one?
229 i am assuming its the art

I think they gave us a print quality (or near enough) PDF rather than a compressed one. The CRB is double the book length and has at least as much art but is a good 90mb less.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Wish I worked on it. It would be cool to work on a paizo product like this.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

loving the book , really love the SRO's there what i feel androids should have been in the 1st place

jimthegray wrote:

loving the book , really love the SRO's there what i feel androids should have been in the 1st place

Love the book as well, best one to date. That said I appreciate that they are unique and distinctly different. Androids are not Robots nor are Robots Androids. I figured it would be a tough distinction to create in a player race but I feel like they handled it beautifully. I think it would have been a disservice to Androids, given their history in the lore, to have included them in a catch all Android / Robot race.

SORs are a very cool concept however I feel like they are currently the most OP race yet created. Still I really like the possibility provided by the race. I just felt like the heaped on way to many advantages / immunities and what they provided as supposed disadvantages are really not that disadvantageous at all. Still a great race though.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vexies wrote:
jimthegray wrote:

loving the book , really love the SRO's there what i feel androids should have been in the 1st place

Love the book as well, best one to date. That said I appreciate that they are unique and distinctly different. Androids are not Robots nor are Robots Androids. I figured it would be a tough distinction to create in a player race but I feel like they handled it beautifully. I think it would have been a disservice to Androids, given their history in the lore, to have included them in a catch all Android / Robot race.

SORs are a very cool concept however I feel like they are currently the most OP race yet created. Still I really like the possibility provided by the race. I just felt like the heaped on way to many advantages / immunities and what they provided as supposed disadvantages are really not that disadvantageous at all. Still a great race though.

So you are saying we should welcome our new robot overlords?

I do find it amusing that SROs are better at handling emotions and inter-personnel relations than androids. Just more proof of robot superiority over all things. And all of the concepts they open up; chappie, R2, 0-0-0, K2-S0, Robbie, Tom Servo!

Marvin from Hitchhiker's Guide.

"Don't talk to me about life!"


1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Rot Grub wrote:

That first pic looks amazing!

But then I looked closer... Are those people at the bottom? Aren't they too big for those buildings?

They could be giants... ;-)

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