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Triix's attempt to communicate with the slug reaches a dead end of sorts. Like attempting to pilot a boat across land, or attempting to climb upwards using only fog as footing. Or however her mind conceptualizes a language barrier.
"That's a hard one to answer, really..." Oria says before trailing off. The thought balances precariously on the tip of her brain before losing its footing and falling into the abyss. Almost as if something gave it a little push.
"Ugh. The details always slip my mind. But I was..." Studying. "Studying." Exploring ruins. "I was out exploring some ruins." The slug squeezes tightly around her arm from the inside of her robes. She ignores it, attempting to grasp at the slippery thoguht. "There were voices, whispers... they..." They promised you. "They promised me something. Was it power....?"
No, it was not. Oria barely had the gumption to make use of power that was given to her, nevermind the ambition to seek it out. One last slippery grasp at the memory yielded a glimpse into her past self's actions.
A glimpse of utter oblivion.
"No." she says to herself as much as anyone, or anything, that may be listening. "My memories may have been part of the deal I made." she says, vaguely enough to not technically be lying to her allies. But certainly not skillfully enough. "We should be looking in the Arcanamirium, right? Let's get ready."

GM Ietsuna |

You move through to the Arcanamirium. It is the oldest and largest magical college in Absalom, as well as perhaps the most prestigious academy of arcane arts in the entire Inner Sea region. The campus is dotted with gothic-style stone structures and imposing marble towers, with apprentice wizards hurrying between buildings on their way to classes.
You enter and are greeted cheerfully by the students who are currently manning, elfing and dwarfing the front desk.
What can we assist you with today? says a bright eyed apprentice mage.
This is a skill challenge to identify and name the objects that you are seeking, one of which (the beacon) you already possess. Please roll me a Bluff, Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), or relevant Profession check, followed by a Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana), or Sense Motive check.

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@GM: Did 10 minutes pass since the start of the first combat? If yes Kaervek will use another charge of his wand of heightened awareness.
Knowledge: Local t, HA: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 9 + 2 = 22
Knowledge: Arcana t, HA: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 11 + 2 = 22

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Triix frowns. I've been studying the writings of Ralzeros the Overwatched. Seems to me you might have fallen into the same sort of deal. Still, you're still a Pathfinder so it can't be that bad. Come on. Let's go nerd out together in the Arcanamirium.
She basically grabs Oria's hand without a 'by your leave' and nearly drags the other girl in the right direction while grinning gleefully to herself.
bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
k arcana: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31

GM Ietsuna |

Yes, we can say 10 minutes have passed
While here you have the oportuninty to gather some further informaton also.

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Oria allows herself to be pullled along, more confused at the prospect of having someone genuinely interested in spending time with her than anything else. "Oh.. okay...?" she utters, though it comes through lips curling into a slight smile.
In case the other skills still need to be rolled
Bluff: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

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Greetings fellow adventurers. She greets the students warmly and using enhanced diplomacy, intentionally promoting them in her greeting.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 11 + 2 = 18
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28

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"We are looking for the location of three devices. The items we seek are called Beacons of Ralzeros."
"Thank you for the information."
The wizard turns to his fellow pathfinders.
"One is in the office of a journeyman wizard Maren Fuln’s office right here on campus and the other is on display in the Blakros Museum."
Knowledge: Arcana t, HA: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 11 + 2 = 29
Kaervek then smugly tells the rest of the party everything he knows about the dark tapestry, which is actually quite a lot.
@party: Yeah, Kaervek can be an annoying Know-it-all... ;-) You may open all the spoilers of the latest Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (history) check.

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Not to be outdone by Kaervek, Triix can also contribute what she knows about the Dark Tapestry and Ralzeros
Not surprised one is in the Blakros though. That used to be Ralzeros's observatory.

GM Ietsuna |

Ok, where are we off to? Maren's office or the museum?

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Pardon my excessive hiatus.
"Well, what about this Master Paucol?" Suggests Candledark, whom you'd lost track of on the way to the Arcanamirium, but now abruptly reemerges from out of a cabinet in the front desk. "His sounds like an exciting brain to pick...!"

GM Ietsuna |

Arriving at Maren's office you find the door locked. After knocking on it you hear a voice from inside.
I have no time to speak to the administrators of the Arcanamirium until much, much later this decade. Now go away please. I am busy.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Kaervek then smugly tells the rest of the party everything he knows about the dark tapestry, which is actually quite a lot.
Oria rolls her eyes upon hearing the first bits of information. "If you wanted to know that, you have someone right here who's felt the touch of the dark tapestry."
Of course, as the information continues to flow, she realizes that such a trickle is closer to a river. Flowing, abundant, and beyond her disappointingly inadequate ability to swim through. By the end, the best she can do is slouch and shrink away. "It's.... still different... to use."
Arriving at Maren's office you find the door locked. After knocking on it you hear a voice from inside.
"I have no time to speak to the administrators of the Arcanamirium until much, much later this decade. Now go away please. I am busy."
"We're seeking knowledge, and we need it to contain some dangerous magical items that have connections to the dark tapestry. Please... can we come in?"

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Please sir, we are on urgent business from the Paracountess herself. We simply must speak to you.
Enhanced Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15
Enhanced Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32

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Candledark finds some old treatise on a nearby shelf, opens it to a random page, and begins reading aloud.
"...'Cometh he to the 9th Plateau of Enlightenment, the Donjonmeiſter learnſ the ſecret of perpetual youth. He no longer feelſ the infirmity of age and cannot be magically aged'...somethingsomethingsomething, dadadadada...'The Donjonmeiſter is ſtolen away by horrible entitieſ when hiſ time is up, and he iſ never ſeen again."
"...How bizarre."