GM Ietsuna |
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Audible alarm spells fill the Grand Lodge with shrill chimes, as apprentice Pathfinders hustle through the ground floor locking doors and casting protective spells. Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin rounds the corner in a visibly agitated state, with Paracountess Zarta Dralneen impatiently dogging at his heels. Ambrus, this kind of situation is exactly why I founded the Dark Archive in the first place. Give me and my agents a chance to…
A chance to what, Zarta? Tinker around with unstudied artifacts while Pathfinders’ lives might be at risk? Valsin’s voice booms curtly over the alarms. As if startled by the harsh sound of his voice, Valsin flinches and quickly gains his composure. I’m sorry, Zarta. I understand your point; I just can’t think about it right now while something is happening inside our very walls. If you can marshal a team to put a lid on this debacle, I’m sure the Decemvirate will give you some more rope. Just be careful you don’t wind up hanging yourself with it.
As Valsin stalks down the corridor checking to see if the doors are secured, Zarta turns, a sly smirk spreading across her face. That’s the closest I’ve gotten to a ‘yes’ in months. Of course, now we have to prove that we can handle emergencies like this in a pinch. Come along then. I’ll explain on the way.
Zarta rushes down a flight of spiral stairs, drawing a crooked wand from the folds of her dress. As you may know, the Dark Archive has been gathering, cataloging, and reinforcing magical wards over all manner of dangerous or mysterious items, some of which we store in these underground vaults. Apparently one of the items has activated and malfunctioned. The good news is that our alarm system and lockdown procedure ran swimmingly; the bad news is that now we have a bizarre magical device wreaking havoc in our basement. That is where you come in.
Zarta stops outside a stone door with sickly yellow roots lazily snaking between its edges. This is the vault. All we know is that whatever is inside is animating the other devices stored in here, and spewing plant-like matter throughout the room. The plants aren’t any sort I’ve seen before, so I would recommend caution. I’ve brought a wand that I should be able to use to repel the flora. You all take care of the animated items and disarm whatever’s causing this situation, preferably without damaging it until we can learn more. Understood?

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Triix is hot on Zarta's heels. She is a short elven looking lass, dressed in what looks to be wizard's clothes complete with a hat, decorated with stars, upon her head.
One reason Why I joined the Dark Archive in the first place Zarta. Magic is my thing
Once down at the basement. Yeah .... and I've never seen plants like these either, not even on ... you know where. They sorta look more .... erm .... elderich
Only a few people know that Triix is actually from Castrovel. Zarta is one of them

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"Yes boss!" answers a small kobold bristling with weapons and half a dozen good luck charms. During this morning's seance the Pathfinders recall their small draconic friend invoking his ancient dragon ancestors. To the Pathfinders' surprise, some rather large wyrm spirits showed up...
Everyone gets +2 to any kind of damage rolls for 24 hours (except for spell damage rolls)

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A human woman in dark robes with a deep blue inside moves to catch up with the party, pulling a shield off of her back and doing a last-second check of her equipment. Despite her hurried movements, her half-lidded eyes and abysmal posture would suggest she had just fallen out of bed. She regards her kobold companion with a friendly nod, having quite enjoyed their morning seance. Even more so when eerie spiritual tendrils threatened to entrap one of the dragon spirits before dispersing into nothingness.
"So something we barely understand became active and now we're being sent in to handle whatever it is and whatever it's doing?"
But really, she wouldn't be a Pathfinder if she was sent to deal with the mundane and easily explained.
"...not that I'd like that kind of job anyway." she mumbles out loud to no one in particular.

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Looks that way. Triix cheerfully replied ... or Triixi ... as she was considering adding an extra 'i' to her name to make it sound cooler - especially on stage.
Since all she does is spell damage, she had forgone the morning seance.

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A attractive gnome with flame-red hair struggles to keep up with the group. Her breastplate, embellished with the angelic holy symbol of Sarenrae, is obviously slowing her already slow speed and her short legs pump with effort. When she catches up with the group near the door she clarifies We are going in there. with more of a statement than question. Right. Well best prepare. And with a quick word and gesture she casts a spell. Deathwatch. Her eyes take on an other worldly aspect and she seems to see the group around her in a new light. Can anyone identify these plants? she asks.

GM Ietsuna |

Just giving some time for the final two to check in before we move on

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After her spell is cast Shine will turn the cone of the area effect towards the door and the vines creeping under it to try to read the condition of the plants and what might be on the other side of the door.
There is some debate about how Death watch Works. Area of effect is a 30' cone. Does it go through doors? I think it does. Does it tell the caster the number of creatures in it's area? Or does the caster have to see the creature to know it's aura? The spell wording says the caster instantly knows whether each creature within the area is dead, fragile, fighting off death, healthy, undead, or neither alive nor dead (such as a construct). I am good with however you want to call it.

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Suddenly, there is a small chorus of screams from somewhere behind you, increasing in volume until you see some apprentice Pathfinders running down an adjacent hall from...something. Behind them, the candles on the wall begin shifting through various sickly and unnatural colors, and random small objects fly in their direction from behind. As they continue running, their screams receding into the distance as quickly as they came, there is a much softer noise from behind them: A ghoulish cackling, reminiscent of the last leaves of Autumn.
Eventually, the source of the latter becomes visible as it saunters at a far more leisurely pace down the hall: A small, puckish man wearing a trim bodysuit of some exotic material (and some very nice shoes). Large, tin-colored, and slightly almond-shaped eyes stare out with menacing glee from behind a fine cloth mask that, together with the rest of the little man's ensemble, leaves almost no other visible flesh. He has a couple of surprisingly formidable-looking weapons and an assortment of tightly-fastened wands at his side.
He then notices you; the candle-based chaos in the background abruptly ceases, and he halfway-floats down the hall to you.
"Ahh, Zarta! What's the occasion? I wish I could claim credit for all this." To the rest of you, he smartly nods his head and announces, "Candledark is the name I answer to; take care lest I answer it too often." Let's say I that when Kaydinn held his seance, I happened to be...Hiding In the Closet?

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A medium can invite his allies to participate in his seance—shared seance and certain spirit powers affect other participants. A character counts as participating so long as she maintains physical contact with another participating character and willfully opens herself to the spirit; unlike the medium, other participating characters can take other actions during this time. Only creatures with an Intelligence score of at least 3 can participate in a seance.

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Triix raises an eyebrow at the wayang. I don't think this is a prank Candledark, and as much as I like a good prank - this isn't one.

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A tall but physically weak looking Elf follows Zarta. He is wearing a haramaki and a spell component pouch that indicates he is using magic regularily. His pale skin and clear blue eyes are in strong contrast to his jet-black hair. One would not call him handsome... not least because of the unnerving and sometimes even arrogant smile - implying he knows something that you don't...
After receiving Zarta's instructions, the elf answers: "Your wish is my command, Paracountess. I am certain that I will prevail - you know of my knack for magic items."
(This wizard has UMD +8 and is very good at spellcraft checks for being only level 3.)
When the late arrivals finally... well, arrive, he addresses the group: "We still have a few seconds for introductions, yes? I am Kaervek, Master of the Arcane. I have quite a variety of spells in my book, I speak nine languages, know a lot about pretty much anything and also craft very nice Jewellery."
The elf then answers the gnome's question: "Let me have a quick look at these plants. But first..." He draws two wands and uses each on himself, then stows them again. 1 hour Mage Armor and 10 minutes Heightened Awareness (will dismiss HA for +4 to Initiative)
Knowledge: Nature, HA: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 9 + 2 = 31 Nice! :-D That should reveal some information on the plants.
@all: Kaervek is an arrogant elf wizard. Physical stuff is not his strength. He is best at doing classic wizard stuff, e.g. casting 1st and 2nd level spells (charm person, color spray, grease, burning hands, sleep, enhanced acid splash, scorching ray, ...), throwing splintered spears, identifying magic items, sharing his knowledge while wondering why nobody else knows anything (=being an annoying know-it-all), ...
@GM: Kaervek did participate in the seance out of curiosity, though he didn't ask the others for their names. Anyhow, would his Splintered Spear ability - see below - be affected by the seance? I believe so as it's a weapon (just created, but still a thrown weapon) that does damage...
As a standard action, you can create a wooden shortspear appropriate to your size, which hurls itself as a ranged attack against one target within 100 feet (range penalties apply), using your Intelligence modifier as an attack bonus instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifier. The spear deals normal damage according to its size, plus your Intelligence modifier, then breaks into countless splinters; the target takes 1 point of bleed damage each round on its turn. At 6th-level and every 6 levels thereafter, the spear gains a +1 enhancement bonus and the bleed damage increases by +1. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

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Oria gives a tired smile as she nods to the other arrivals. "Everyone's layering up with magic? May as well do the same." Through a slightly clumsy arrangement of her armaments, she puts her shield away long enough to draw a channeling rod that adds extra longevity to her next spell.
Casting an extended barkskin on myself for a +3 natural armor and a 2 hour duration.
Then, makes a fist with her gauntlet, feeling an inner warmth within her palm. "During the seance I sensed a wandering spirit of flame, so I seized it. Its power is mine for the day, so that should make burning the plants away a little bit easier."
Then, she looks to Kaidynn. "Don't worry, it wasn't one of yours. I won't let it take them."

GM Ietsuna |

Kaervek, yes, the séance would impact your spear
Zarta throws the door open.
Sticky, humid air saturates this dome-shaped chamber, and veins of yellow-green tendrils form a web across its stone walls. A thin layer of slimy green pollen coats the hundreds of small curios scattered throughout the room, as well as the sundered crates that once stored them. Bulbous tubes of spiny fungus sprawl across the floor, connected to thick columns that reach up to the ceiling and dangle pods of prickly, putrid fruit. All of these growths are rooted to a glowing glass sphere filled with churning yellow protoplasm, which hovers six feet above the floor. Two bands of coalesced spores encircle the sphere like planetary rings.
Initiative Kaervek: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
Initiative Kaidynn: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
Initiative Oria: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
Initiative Shine: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Initiative Triix: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Initiative Xanac: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
GM 1: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3
Combat Round 1 - Bold may act
Map on sides linked at top of thread. Move in as you see fit. Spaces with vines are heavy undergrowth
. Heavy undergrowth costs 4 squares of movement to move into and provides concealment with a 30% miss chance (instead of the usual 20%). It increases the DC of Acrobatics checks by 5. Heavy undergrowth is easy to hide in, granting a +5 circumstance bonus on Stealth checks. Running and charging are impossible.

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Wow ... Zarta! Have a look at this
She casts Haste on the party, including Zarta if possible. (She gets six targets)
The slides are set to view only and I have a better token for Triix

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Knowledge to id creatures: 1d20 ⇒ 13 add the following, as appropriate: arcana 7, planes 7, religion 6
"Thanks Triix!" quips Kaidynn before taking position amidst the vines and fast-triggering through his bolt clip!
5-ft step 'behind vines' and full-attack
1st attack, +1 Repeating Heavy Crossbow, Haste: 1d20 + 14 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 14 + 1 = 16
magical piercing dmg: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Haste attack, +1 Repeating Heavy Crossbow, Haste: 1d20 + 14 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 14 + 1 = 28
magical piercing dmg: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

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Knowledge to id creatures: 1d20 ⇒ 18 add the following, as appropriate: arcana 11, all others 9
Kaervek tries to recall his knowledge of these creatures. He then hustles into heavy undergrowth and uses his wood school ability to attack the nearest conscious creature.
hasted move into the vines and full-attack
Wooden Shortspear, haste, range penalty: 1d20 + 6 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (7) + 6 + 1 - 2 = 12 vs. flat-footed AC?
Piercing, seance: 1d6 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 5 + 2 = 9
The target takes 1 point of bleed damage each round on its turn.

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Oria takes a long glance around at her allies. Robes, crossbows, armor made entirely out of magic. She knows what has to be done. With a sigh of resignation, the shaman raises her shield and begins marching forward.
Moving forward using Nimble Moves to bypass a vine, then using Total Defense for a +4 dodge bonus to AC. Also willing to roll a knowledge check to see what we're up against, depending on what skill is needed.

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From the doorway Shine warns There are three 'things' in there. They are not exactly alive and they are not undead either. I am picking them up as 'presences'
Using a wand Shine casts Bless on the party.

GM Ietsuna |

Kaidynn fires twice at the Yellow tinted enemy. The first arrow bounces off but the second arrow flies into the swirling cloud and hits, although it seems to not take as much damage as expected.
Kaervek's spear is also deflected by a a flying pieces of debris within the cloud.
Zarta begins to emanate an aura filling you all with courage.
Inspire courage +2 competency to all
Combat Round 1 - Bold may act

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k arcana: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20
Triix fire a volley of Magic Missiles at Yellow
mm: 3d4 + 3 ⇒ (2, 4, 4) + 3 = 13
Aucturn Shard Golems. I've read about them but this is the first time I've encountered them

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Let's say I that when Kaydinn held his seance, I happened to be...Hiding In the Closet?
A character counts as participating so long as she maintains physical contact with another participating character and willfully opens herself to the spirit;
Alrighty then - we'll say when I noticed what you were up to, I reached out and grabbed your tail from behind (or maybe I didn't notice, simply pulled your tail out of principle, and then just kinda got spirit-shocked with my skeleton briefly visible and all that jazz because it's funnier that way!)!
Quick flashback:
Before entering, Candledark reaches to the clutch of wands at his sides and selects one constructed from the skeleton of a lamprey coated in reddish-black lacquer and inlaid with eldritch script in white gold, with a huge steel-blue pearl perfectly set in its ribcage.
"I've never tried this one before...!" He muses as he briefly holds it up to his face like a mask....
wand of false life: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
That taken care of, he takes a moment more to concentrate, and suddenly his appearance becomes even more strange and warped - this must have been how he looked when he was chasing those apprentices around!
Candledark creeps carefully forward, and considers his next move....
Stealth: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (15) + 16 = 31
Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23 Defenses against magic/psychic powers? Also, is there any chance they might be dealt with peacefully?

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Immunities and resistances, please. Triix and Kaidynn should each get one piece of information, too.
"Yes, they are indeed Aucturn Shard Golems."

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@GM Ietsuna: Weaknesses and Special Attacks please (assuming Kaervek got Resistances and Immunities)

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Looks like I misremembered the Knowledge rules... *sigh* After I checked the rules again, I see that Kaervek actually knows three (and not two) pieces of information, so please Resistances, Immunities and AC. Triix and Kaidynn know two (and not only one) pieces of information.

GM Ietsuna |

Immunities = Magic, Constructs are immune to death effects, disease, mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), necromancy effects, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless). Constructs are not subject to nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain. Constructs are not at risk of death from massive damage.
Resistances = None
Weaknesses = None
Special Attacks = Evisceration (Ex) An Aucturn shard golem performs swift but mindless surgical operations on creatures it damages. A creature that takes swarm damage from a discorporated Aucturn shard golem must succeed at a DC 14 Fortitude save or take 1d2 points of ability damage from the invasive lacerations. This damage applies to whichever ability score is currently the highest. The save DC is Dexterity-based and includes a +2 racial bonus. Creatures struck by an Aucturn shard golem’s slam attack take 1 point of ability damage per slam if they fail their saves.
AC = 19, Touch 9, FF 19
The three golems move towards the group.
Combat Round 2 - Bold may act
Yellow -4

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As the information of her foes' capabilities is spelled out to her, the shaman's mind races with the likely consequences of her decisions. She can already feel her organs turning into soup. A foot shifts back, bumping into a root, reminding her how deep she's in this.
She steels herself and reaches out towards her foe, hand coated in inky blackness and glittering motes of starlight.
Touch of the Void (Su) vs Yellow's Touch AC, fighting defensively: 1d20 + 6 - 4 ⇒ (4) + 6 - 4 = 6 cold damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

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Shine targets Blue and Red with a Burst of Radiance. Experience Sarenrae's brilliance!
Reflex save DC 16 or be blind for 1d4 ⇒ 2 rounds. If they make the save they are dazzled. And if they are evil they can have 5d4 ⇒ (2, 4, 1, 4, 4) = 15 damage even if they make their saves.
She then steps up next to Zarta.

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"Thanks Zarta and Shine!" says Kaidynn while continuing his volley!
full-attack on Red, switching to Blue if Red falls
1st attack, +1 Repeating Heavy Crossbow, Haste, Bless, IC: 1d20 + 14 + 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 14 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 32
magical piercing dmg, IC: 1d8 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 6 + 2 = 13
Haste attack, +1 Repeating Heavy Crossbow, Haste, Bless, IC: 1d20 + 14 + 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 14 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 33
magical piercing dmg, IC: 1d8 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 6 + 2 = 15

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@all:As the golems are immune to magic, every spell that has "Spell resistance: yes" in its description will automatically fail to affect them. Therefore, e.g. Magic Missile and Burst of Radiance will not do anything at all.
Kaervek shouts: "Stop wasting spells, they are immune to magic! Only a few certain spells and magical abilities that indirectly deal damage will effect them. Let me demonstrate..." He casts a quick cantrip (acid splash, creating a small orb of acid that flings itself at the yellow golem.
Acid Splash, alchemically enhanced, Haste, Bless, IC, shooting into melee: 1d20 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 + 1 + 1 + 2 - 4 = 22 (vs. touch AC)
Acid: 1d3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

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@GM and Oria: It looks like Oria didn't take bless, haste and IC into account for her touch attack roll. Because of this, the result of her roll should be 10 and therefore would hit the golem. And as it is a Supernatural Ability (see quote below), it is not subject to spell resistance. (Link)
As a standard action, the shaman is able to perform a melee touch attack that deals 1d6 points of cold damage + 1 point for every 2 shaman levels she has. At 10th level, any creature the shaman strikes with this touch or with a melee weapon must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or be fatigued for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 the shaman’s level. This has no effect on creatures that are already fatigued. The shaman can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. (Link)

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Kaervek shouts: "Stop wasting spells, they are immune to magic! Only a few certain spells and magical abilities that indirectly deal damage will effect them. Let me demonstrate..." He casts a quick cantrip (acid splash, creating a small orb of acid that flings itself at the yellow golem.
I believe that constructs are NOT immune to all magic and the statement from our GM specifies exactly what magics they are immune to.

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You are right, not all constructs are immune to all magic. But this specific type of golem is - I just checked. The other immunities in our GM's statement refer to the immunities in the general construct traits. Unfortunately, because how it is written, it could be interpreted either way, so I understand why you believe(d) that.
Maybe a semicolon - or a line break - instead of a comma after "Immunities = Magic" would have made that clearer. But I don't intend to be a smart-a** - such things happen all the time. :-)
Maybe our GM will let you change your action because of the miscommunication. At an in-person-table this would have been easily clarified and therefore fewer spells wasted.

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So did Triix's magic missiles work, or not?

GM Ietsuna |

The magic missiles were ineffective. The enemies are immune to anything that has spell resistance. Please retcon your actions from this round if you like.
Kaidynn thumps two arrows into Red. They knock some junk around but are not entirely effective.
Oria reaches into to swirl that is Yellow and ice crackles around their hand.
Kaervek's acid sizzles and burns some of the swirling parts of Yellow.
Combat Round 2 -
Red - 14
Yellow -16

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Retcon: All my damaging spells allow spell resistance so instead of casting Burst of Radiance Shine will cast Protection from Evil 10' Radius and move forward to help protect the entire party.

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Kaidynn fires his last bolt on the red golem and draws his rapier.
ranged attack on Red, drop the crossbow as a free action, drawing rapier as a move action
+1 Repeating Heavy Crossbow, Haste, Bless, IC: 1d20 + 14 + 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 14 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 36
magical piercing dmg, IC: 1d8 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 6 + 2 = 13

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Round 1 action:
Candledark gives his crossbow - actually quite an imposing piece for one of his stature - a try.
darkwood heavy crossbow, haste, bless, Courage, Seance VS Yellow Peril: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18
piercing damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Round 2 action:
He attempts to duck back out of sight as he turns to the tedious task of reloading the thing....

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Oria once again takes an appraisal of the battlefield. It would seem that her backup is mostly a firing line of mages against a fairly lopsided match up. And the piece of spiked steel wrapped around her knuckle certainly isn't up to the task.
Her mind flares with two ideas. Each one sillier than the last. She could retreat behind her allies, allow them to be evicerated while she safely conjures, or...
"Nooo..." she protests to no one in particular, and yet the foolish notion takes root regardless. She takes a brisk leap backwards over a vine and begins channeling magic, hoping that the sillier of the two ideas is worth it.
Taking a 5 foot step back with Nimble Moves and casting summon monster II as a full round action.

GM Ietsuna |

Kaidynn's arrow strikes a swirling part of the construct.
Xanac fires and strikes as the construct is unready.
Zarta zaps the fungus around her killing it off
Yellow and Blue compact into walking humanoid shape.
Combat Round 3 - Bold may act
Red - 21
Yellow -22

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Kaervek moves a bit to the left and uses his wood school ability Splintered Spear (Su) to attack the now compact creature. (yellow)
Wooden Shortspear, Haste, Bless, IC: 1d20 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 6 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 21
Piercing Damage, IC, seance: 1d6 + 5 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 5 + 2 + 2 = 14
The target takes 1 point of bleed damage each round on its turn (if applicable).

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Kaidynn steps into the heavy undergrowth and hides!
stealth, heavy undergrowth: 1d20 + 18 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 18 + 5 = 37
Readying action to attack the first golem within 5 feet