Female Human Shaman 6
N Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +1;
Senses darkvision 60 ft; Perception +5
AC 21, touch 12, flat-footed 20 (+1 Dex, +1 deflection, +2 shield)
hp 45 (6d8+12)
Fort +5,
Ref +4,
Will +12
Speed 30 ft.
Melee spiked gauntlet +6 (1d4+1), touch of the void +6 (1d6+3 cold)
Special Attacks touch of the void
Shaman Spells Prepared(CL 6th; concentration +11):
3 (3/day)
(b)contact entity II, dispel magic, fly, summon nature's ally III
2 (4/day)
barkskin, barkskin, (b)contact entity I, hold person, resist energy
1 (5/day)
burning hands, (b)entropic shield, frostbite, heightened awareness, monkey fish, obscuring mist
0 (at will)
arcane mark, detect magic, mending, stabilize
Str 12,
Dex 12,
Con 14,
Int 12,
Wis 21,
Cha 8
Base Atk +4;
CMB +5;
CMD 17
Feats Augment Summons, Extra Hex (Pierce the Veil), Heighten Spell, Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Traits Fast Talker, Scholar of Ruin
Skills Bluff +9, Craft (Alchemy) +5, Diplomacy +3, Fly +8, Handle Animal +3, Heal +8, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +11, Knowledge (Nature) +5, Knowledge (Planes) +10, Knowledge (Religion) +5, Linguistics +3, Profession (Cook) +8, Profession (Merchant) +8, Spellcraft +10
Languages Aklo, Common, Polyglot, Undercommon
Combat Gearpotion of monkey fish, scroll of lesser restoration (5 charges), wand of cure light wounds (15 charges)
Other Gear cloak of resistance +1, headband of inspired wisdom +2, lesser rod of metamagic: extend, mithral breast plate +1, mithral heavy shield, pearl of power (1st)
Special Abilities
Favored Class Bonus Oria's flavored class is Shaman. She adds cleric spells to her Shaman spell list, so long as they're below her highest possible spell level. Spells added: Summon Monster 1, Shield of Faith, Summon Monster 2, Make Whole.
Shaman Spirit Oria has a connection to the Dark Tapestry. While she may never fully grasp the consequences of this corruption, she gains several benefits
as seen here as well as the ability to cast Shaman spells.
Spirit Magic Oria can spontaneously cast a limited number of spells per day beyond those she prepared ahead of time. She has one spell slot per day of each shaman spell level she can cast, not including orisons. She can choose these spells from the list of spells granted by her spirit (or her wandering spirit, see below) at the time she casts them.
Spirit Animal Oria's conduit to the Dark Tapestry is a mutated banana slug she calls Xya'Lorash. Its stats are detailed below.
Hex: Pierce the Veil Oria gains Darkvision 60 ft. from her spirit.
Hex: Alien Summons Oria has the ability to summon void-corrupted versions of natural and supernatural creatures. Details are in the link above.
Wandering Spirit Oria has the ability to steal the powers of another spirit, subjugating it to her will. She gains the spirit's spirit ability as well as the ability to prepare its spirit spells. She must make this selection each day while preparing her spells.
Wandering Hex When selecting her wandering spirit, she may also gain one of that's spirit's hexes for the duration.