Strength of Thousands (PF2 AP) by DM DoctorEvil

Game Master DM DoctorEvil

Spire Dormitory Map

Loot Tracker

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Female (she/her) Seer Elf Bard 1 Female (she/her) Seer Elf Bard 1 HP 20/20 | AC 12 | Perc +6 |F +7 R +11 W +6 | Perc +6 | Rapier +3 1d6 P | Dagger +3 1d4 P/S | Sling +3 1d6 B 50 ft | Spd 30 | Active Conditions: | Exploration Activity: | Hero points: 0 | Arcana +5 Nature +4 Occult +5 Religion +4

Nyandra strides unimpeded by the rain, seeming to delight in it as a smile warms her features. Along the way she repeats the trick from earlier, making the rain dance in fun ways. She makes it shift in geometric patterns, never the same one twice.

She curtsies low and shares the same warm smile with her. "Nyandra Ravenheart. A pleasure to meet you, Esi."

As folks gather under the overhang, she assesses the soaked group as she turns her prestidigitation spell to drying herself off. "Happy to help anyone who wants to dry off quickly!"

Like Iovia, she repeats the curtsey for Chizire. "A pleasure to meet you both! I'm Nyandra Ravenheart. Some wine would be lovely, but first"--she pauses to gesture to the pack she's carrying--"I'd like to set this down. Good wine is to be savored, and given your full attention!"

The bickering between Esi and Chizire puts a big grin on her face. Oh, those two... that's cute! Then, curiosity bubbles up in her mind. "I'm sorry, who's Koride? Another senior student?"

Female NG dwarf fighter 1 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 18, F: +7, R: +6, W: +6 | Perc: +8, darkvision | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: none.

Ntuni walks through the rain, unbothered. It was just plain rain, after all, so she pays no mind to it. No talking to it, no dancing, no nothing. "Thank you, but no magic for me." She replies to Nyandra's offer.

"Ntuni Anzaga, of Clan Tovaz." She says to Esi Djana and repeats the same to Chizire. She passes on the mango, believing Chizire offered just to be polite, so it would be unpolite to accept.

Looking around, she is happy the place is so open, as it reminds her more about her family's nomadic ways. In truth, this whole think wasn't looking so bad.

Nonbinary (they/them) ghoran magus 1 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 (19 with shield raised), F: +8, R: +6, W: +7 | Perc: +5, low-light vision | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none.

Za Minyahil strides after the group, letting the rain fall upon them as they walk, head held high, seeming to exult in the soaking.

"After the dryness of my journey here, and Nex's magical pollution, clean and pure rain is so refreshing," they say.

Upon arriving in the Spire Dormitory, they fold their arms and bow to Esi.

"I am Za Minyahil of Quantium."

They listen to the conversation and when Chizire offers them food and alcohol, they raise their hand and shake their head.

"Thank you, but no thank you. I do not eat the same way you do, water to drink and the life-giving sun are all the sustenance I need."

Both Esi and Chizire remind them of students they encountered back in Nex: the teacher's pets who jumped at every master mage's words for any scrap of attention or praise, and the talented dilettantes coasting by on their gods-given abilities, some entitled some unconcerned with advancement. Which was Chizire?

As you each introduce yourself, and Ikto nabs a slice of mango, Chizire only makes a lazy wave in your general direction. Esi continues the tour of the Spire Dormitory. There is a washroom (A4) at the end of each hallway, and a full bath at the east end (A15). Most of the dorm is taken up with student rooms. A couple are occupied. At room A11, Esi knocks on the door, and a young man answers. His room seems to be filled with glass alchemical equipment, and a dense smoky smell. "Hello, I am Ignaci Cantrells." the young man says politely. His accent is clearly Vidrian in nature. He appears charming and polished, if perhaps a little rehearsed. "I can sell you most alchemical items for a reasonable fee to cover my time and expenses if you need something. Oh, and the dorm has a regular game night which you are welcome to attend."

Near the back door, a small 3' fur-covered creature seems to be leading a fluffy chicken around with a small stick. The chicken seems to be eating something that the small creature points out. When she sees you, the small creature squeaks in horror and tries to hide - poorly -- behind a nearby table. "That is Anchor Root. She lives in room a5."

Feel free to interact with Ignaci or Anchor Root if you like. Map of the Dorm is linked at top margin. Available rooms are marked with A14. Please let me know who occupies which rooms.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba pays close attention to Esi's tour. As Ignaci introduces himself, M'baba replies "I am M'baba. I think we're going to talk about these items often." He also says [b]"I should also attend this game night. I can be a little competitive, but I think I can take it easy."[b]

After Anchor Root is introduced, M'baba doesn't try to interact with her. He imagines she prefers to stay to herself. If they are to talk, he'll let her come to him if she feels comfortable. He moves quickly to get a room for him. He is used to small spaces and likes his privacy, so he takes the northeastern-most room. Taking the small one with the yellow rug.

After leaving his things, he comes back out to explore all the corners of the dorm.

Female Human Cleric 1| HP 18/18| AC: 15/16| Fort: +4; Ref: +5; Will: +9 | Init: +7 | Per +7 | Stealth +5 |DC 17| Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇, XP 230/1000

I will claim the room to the southwest, the one with no carpet.

When the group is introduced to the other students, Iovia has differing reactions to each one.

"I am Iovia. It's nice to hear the accent of home and to know I am not the only Vidrian here. This game night sounds interesting. I may attend some of them." Her smile towards Ignaci is rather warm and he also gets a curtsey.

However, with Anchor Root she follows M'baba's lead to an extent. She introduces herself, and offers a smile, but doesn't get close.

When she chooses a room, she takes a few minutes to put her things away, organize her room, and change into a dry dress, letting the wet one hang up, and returns to join the rest, though she is barefoot now.

Female NG dwarf fighter 1 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 18, F: +7, R: +6, W: +6 | Perc: +8, darkvision | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: none.

Ntuni nods to all being introduced, looking around with curiosity. This whole thing was so new to her that she was shyer than usual.

Her few possessions were still in an inn she had rented until this very day, so she would need to retrieve it later. Nevertheless, when it comes to choosing rooms, Ntuni chooses the one with a nice window and closest to the pond outside, just so she can better deal with all the changes.

I'll claim the southeastern one, with the light blue carpet and closest to the pond.

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Ikto sucks the juices from his small mango slice, and follows Esi.

Hello, I am Ignaci Cantrells." the young man says politely. His accent is clearly Vidrian in nature. He appears charming and polished, if perhaps a little rehearsed. "I can sell you most alchemical items for a reasonable fee to cover my time and expenses if you need something. Oh, and the dorm has a regular game night which you are welcome to attend."

”Thank you, Ignaci. I am Ikto Banashee.” He notices Iovia’s delight to meet a fellow Vidrian and is glad for her.

It is the tiny little gnoll that catches his attention and her chicken. He’s delighted, while his order is of the storms, he likes animals just fine and wonders if the kholo is a druidess? Maybe, maybe not. She’s clearly shy so he does not press but hopes to make a good impression. He switches to speaking kholo, the language of the gnolls to make his introduction.

In kholo:
”Greetings, Anchor Root. Sorry to trouble you. I’m Ikto, and I’m a new student. It’s nice to meet you, and your lovely chicken.”
He says this, careful not to look HUNGRY at the chicken (And he’s really not hungry for it, thank you) but rather admiring. It is a remarkably fluffy bird. His greeting given, he decides, unless she wants to talk (Unlikely as she’s shy) he’ll give her space and heads out to pick a room.

Alas, his dawdling costs him, in a sense. Each of the rooms with a window to the outside is quickly claimed. A shame, for he would love to gaze at the open sky… but then he realizes something I wouldn’t be able to wear my true form and be exposed like that. Even curtains might get peeked through. Perhaps this is a blessing. I mean, I can always watch a storm from the common room. But which one? Only three are left… mmmm. Perhaps it doesn’t matter which I get of the three remaining? All relatively large with doors facing to the east to west hallway.

He chooses the one that is more distinctive, the one with the orange gold carpet and olive green bedsheet I wonder if I can change those colors?. He had thought of something at the edges, but if one cannot be at the edge, reversing it and getting something at the ‘center’ of the web...where two halls meet might as well be embraced. Perhaps it is the universe's way of telling him to be more daring?

He’ll take the one immediately next to and north of Iovia’s room, and south across the hall from A13

He goes into that room and closes the door behind him. He isn't carrying much but does change to new clothes and finds a place to put his tools in a position of honor, and a few minutes later he comes out dry and in new clothes

Nonbinary (they/them) ghoran magus 1 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 (19 with shield raised), F: +8, R: +6, W: +7 | Perc: +5, low-light vision | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none.

Za Minyahil bows to Ignacio and Anchor Root as they're introduced in turn. They rustle a bit at Anchor Root's abrupt appearance and disappearance. She sounded like a...small kholo? They didn't realize there where kholo that small.

"I am Za Minyahil of Quantium. It is an honor and a pleasure to meet you all."

They take the dormitory next to the bath, by the one M'baba selected. Unpacking the backpack they'd trekked across the continent with, they thought about how they'd gone further in the course of a month or two than many ghorans do in multiple lifetimes. Their petals shift to what might be a smile. Already they were pushing the boundaries of possibility, and they already had an understanding of magic strong than some of the other initiates. Excitement grew in their chest. They couldn't wait to see the mystical heights they all rose to, like heliotropes towering to the sun!

Ignaci Canterells reacts to Iovia's welcome from a fellow Vidrian with an embarrassed look. "Yes, well, Vidria is filled with factions now, and I suppose we should be glad to be here, and not there." he somehow stammers out before closing the door abruptly.

When Ikto speaks to Anchor Root in what he assumes is her native tongue, she peeks a curious nose out from behind the table. She replies to him, also in Kholo

"Hello, new initiate. Would you like to see my beetle collection?"

Secret Check:

IktoDiplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

The links by character may have a list of more than those referenced, but try not to read too far ahead on the list. Just trying to give a visualization of each of the dorm-mates.

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1
When Ikto speaks to Anchor Root in what he assumes is her native tongue, she peeks a curious nose out from behind the table. She replies to him, also in Kholo "Hello, new initiate. Would you like to see my beetle collection?"

Ikto’s face lit up in delight at this unexpected offer of trust. His own people can be seen as cautious, and to be shown such trust is a great honor, and he says so

”Beetles? I would be honored. I’m interested in insects as well, though still learning. I once saw a rhino beetle, feisty fellow. Yes, I would love to see your Beetles.”
He hopes she likes spiders, seeing as he is Anadi.

Hope I’m not overstepping but as he has Insect Lore I figured he’d have at least a mild genuine interest ;) Also, getting a look at Anchor Root’s picture, she’s adorable, like a little gnoll plushie

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Nonbinary (they/them) ghoran magus 1 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 (19 with shield raised), F: +8, R: +6, W: +7 | Perc: +5, low-light vision | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none.

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a Pathfinder player in possession of a Strength of Thousands PC, must be in adoration of Anchor Root. Protecc this smoll kholo cinnamon roll! :P

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Female (she/her) Seer Elf Bard 1 Female (she/her) Seer Elf Bard 1 HP 20/20 | AC 12 | Perc +6 |F +7 R +11 W +6 | Perc +6 | Rapier +3 1d6 P | Dagger +3 1d4 P/S | Sling +3 1d6 B 50 ft | Spd 30 | Active Conditions: | Exploration Activity: | Hero points: 0 | Arcana +5 Nature +4 Occult +5 Religion +4

Nyandra nods and introduces herself with curtsies as before, giving everyone the same ready, warm smile.

To Ignaci, she inclines her head with a thoughtful expression. "No need of alchemical supplies presently--but I imagine that will change with my studies! The game night sounds lovely, when is that? I had something similar back at bard college and it was very helpful to relax after a long day of classes."

She offers the same gentle smile to Anchor Root, but doesn't approach or otherwise interact. Best to let them get comfortable with this sudden large group of new people than to impose. She doesn't understand the language Ikto and the kholo speak, but isn't too surprised either--playing in big cities she's gotten a lot of exposure to tongues she doesn't recognize. She's still curious, but has learned to be polite and not rude.

She takes the remaining room, one that she finds rather fitting with the pink, blue, and white carpet. Yes, this will do nicely, she thinks, with a private grin no one else can see. She unpacks her things and flops backward on the bed, arms spread. Well, here we go again. Except this time I know who I am!

Anchor Root looks up at Ikto when he expresses interest in her beetle collection with an anxious expression. "They are in my room," she almost whispers, but in Common this time. "You can come see them anytime...if its not too much trouble. I've never seen a rhino beetle, but I'd like to...". She can barely make eye contact during this exchange, and she seems to be very agitated to get this far. Then she puts her chicken back on the ground, and leads it away around the corner, with a last look back, and hand raised in a wary half-wave.

Before you drop off things in your rooms, Esi tells you. "Settle in but meet me back in the Common Room in an hour. I have two other places to show you -- the dining hall and the student supply store. Both will be quiet important during your time at Magaambya. See you then!"

LMK if you have anything else you want to do with that hour before you meet up again.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba thanks Esi again. He has many plans of what to do before regathering, however only one hour to do it. He figures "Every big building have one thing in common. Secrets" He decides to start with his own room, as he'd hate to be surprised in his own room.

He'll do a very detailed search of the room. A take 20, if that's a thing in 2e.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1
DM DoctorEvil wrote:
Anchor Root looks up at Ikto when he expresses interest in her beetle collection with an anxious expression. "They are in my room," she almost whispers, but in Common this time. "You can come see them anytime...if its not too much trouble. I've never seen a rhino beetle, but I'd like to...". She can barely make eye contact during this exchange, and she seems to be very agitated to get this far. Then she puts her chicken back on the ground, and leads it away around the corner, with a last look back, and hand raised in a wary half-wave.

"Later then, no trouble for me, as long as it is no trouble for you. Nice to meet you, Anchor Root." And he gives a genuine wave back. He has time to use, but he thinks he may have exhausted out Anchor Root's energy for interaction so will give her time to recoup.

He will knock on her door later in the evening perhaps.


Before you drop off things in your rooms, Esi tells you. "Settle in but meet me back in the Common Room in an hour. I have two other places to show you -- the dining hall and the student supply store. Both will be quiet important during your time at Magaambya. See you then!"

LMK if you have anything else you want to do with that hour before you meet up again.

He nods to Esi, and goes into the room he selected. Once inside, if there is a lock, he locks it. If there is not, he finds something to bar it. He won't be in too long.

Within Ikto's Bedroom:
Once alone, Ikto takes off his wet clothes, and then takes on the form he was born into. He is a spider, one almost five feet long from front legs to rear legs, with brilliant almost cloud swirls of purple with edges of yellow gold to break it up, upon his short fur.

What a relief to be on eight solid legs again. It is a credit to his practice that he doesn't trip on his face using a mere two. I am far from home, but I must say I like this place more than I thought. It will be hard hiding my whole self, but in time, maybe I can learn who I can trust? He explores the room, poking and proding with one leg there, peeking about. Ikto doesn't expect anything unusual about it, but it is best to know the layout of where you put your webs, so to speak. He may spin some later in fact, but he might need to make it look less obvious.

After about fifteen minutes, he transforms to his human form, redresses, and heads on out into the hall. Now much drier.

Fifteen minutes later, he is out into the main halls again. If he sees anyone he greets them. If not? He wanders a bit, avoiding bedrooms just as he'd like his own respected in turn, but learning of the other areas open to all here.

Female Human Cleric 1| HP 18/18| AC: 15/16| Fort: +4; Ref: +5; Will: +9 | Init: +7 | Per +7 | Stealth +5 |DC 17| Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇, XP 230/1000

Iovia takes some time to make sure her room is neat and presentable. She then heads back to the common room for the rest of the tour with plenty of time to spare.

Nonbinary (they/them) ghoran magus 1 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 (19 with shield raised), F: +8, R: +6, W: +7 | Perc: +5, low-light vision | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none.

Za Minyahil stands in the center of their room and slowly turns in place, taking in the space and feeling the air and the rug beneath their feet.

This space was adequate, for a start. It was not open to the sun, which meant they would need to go outside regularly to get the sunlight they needed...unless they were allowed by the staff to cut a hole in the dormitory roof to create a skylight. They thought about the possibility of bringing in plants from the outside later...they weren't uncomfortable with such bare spaces, they'd been in such throughout Quantium in their previous studies, but if they were going to spend years here, whether in this dormitory specifically or in a private home in Nantambu after graduating, there would need to be much MUCH more greenery to feel like home.

Their meditation on their dorm complete, they leave to rejoin the others for the next segment of Esi's tour.

Female (she/her) Seer Elf Bard 1 Female (she/her) Seer Elf Bard 1 HP 20/20 | AC 12 | Perc +6 |F +7 R +11 W +6 | Perc +6 | Rapier +3 1d6 P | Dagger +3 1d4 P/S | Sling +3 1d6 B 50 ft | Spd 30 | Active Conditions: | Exploration Activity: | Hero points: 0 | Arcana +5 Nature +4 Occult +5 Religion +4

Nyandra takes a few moments to unpack things, loses interest, and decides it'll happen when it happens. She shrugs, looking unsatisfied at her half-unpacked things, before seeking Ignaci to ask about the game night. Following this, she returns to the rest of the group to resume the tour.

Female NG dwarf fighter 1 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 18, F: +7, R: +6, W: +6 | Perc: +8, darkvision | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: none.

One hour would be enough for Ntuni to go back to her previous inn and bring her stuff to the dormitory, so she does that.

She doesn't have much. Her people being nomads, you learn to travel light and only possess what you can reasonably carry with you all the time. She could have brought most of her belongings to the ceremony, but her armor and maul would definitely be out of place. Or at least it felt it would.

Back to the dormitory, she quickly unpacks and then heads for the common room in the nick of time.

After about an hour, the team reassembles in the Common Room where Esi stands holding the silk umbrellas again. "Outside again, I am afraid. You had better get used to the rain, as it pours like this for over half the year here."

She then leads you down a tree-lined sidewalk to another small building, built to the open air. Benches and tables are also arranged outside the rooftop. "This is the Magaambya dining hall where students take their meals. Most sit outside to eat and soak up the sun when the weather allows."

The hall is warmed by an attached kitchen, and has plenty of seating, and is decorated with a number of handsome mosaics either in tile or glass. As you enter, a female human wearing a red scarf in her graying hair appears from the kitchen. "Hallo initiates! It tis my great pleasure t' meet each a' you. We will be seein' a lotta each other over da next few years, mmmhmm. I am Lumusi Yao, dee head cook. You will receive two prepared meals e'ry day. The kitchen is open from sunrise until two hours after sunset each day. An' Lumusi has dis for you too..." She hands you each a translucent glass bead shaped like a banana (or similar fruit). "Put dis on your string 'long wit your other beads. The staff will get t'know your faces, but sometimes students wear udder faces t'dinner, mmhmm. Now, tell Lumusi if you have any dietary or special needs, ok?"

After you tell her what you'd like to know and make goodbyes, Esi tells you, "If you are looking to make a little extra coin, sometimes Lumusi has tasks to do in the kitchen, in the gardens, or in Nantambu proper. Just go talk to her if interested."

Next, Esi takes you a little farther down the walk to another building. This place has no visible windows, and only one iron door on the front. Esi knocks loudly on the door, and short moment later, it is opened by a small yellow-skinned kobold.

"This is the Powderpile," Esi says with a smile. "The student's name for the supply store. It is run by Xhokan who you see here. Let's go in."

Upon entering, you can see the store seems to be stuffed to the rafters with various magical and mundane supplies. Potions, powders(hence the name), scrolls, paper, small magical items, but also backpacks, tinder boxes, lanterns or other adventuring supplies are in abundance. No weapons or armor are visible however.

"This-s-s is-s-s the Magaambya S-s-student s-s-supply s-s-store, not the Powderpile," says the kobold indignantly, his "s" sounding a bit like a snake hiss. He hands each of you small lump of clay. "Take this-s-s and make me a bead unique to you for my collection." He shows you a long draping chain of beads of various shapes and sizes around his neck, and a few more draped in places around the store. "And here is-s-s mine for you." He gives you a tan glass bead shaped like a bulging sack to thread onto your growing collection.

"In addition to having most s-s-supplies-s-s s-s-students-s-s need, we als-s-so are in charge of dis-s-stributing your s-s-stipend. S-s-student-s-s-s recieve 4 gold crowns-s-s each month as-s-s well as-s-s any needed s-s-supplies-s-s-. " He hands each of you a small stack of paper, quills, ink, and other necessities, along with 4gp. S-s-sinc-c-ce you are new initiates-s-s, you also get 40 gold crowns-s-s as-s-s s-s-starting money. It is-s-s in thes-s-se s-s-mall pouches-s-s." Xhokan hands you each a small leather purse filled with clinking coin.

The store has most adventuring and alchemical gear, within reason. Magic items held or worn up to 3rd level. Potions, oils, scrolls and wands up to 5th level. Staves up to 6th level. Xhokan can recommend merchants in Nantambu for things he does not carry.

Esi adds, thankful without the lisp, "He will also buy items if you find or recover any along your studies and projects. The store opens two hours before lunch and closes at sunset."

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Ikto does take an umbrella if one is offered, he likes the rain, but constantly changing clothes to keep them dry and not dripping in the dorm might be a bit much. "Thank you, Esi."

He looks about the dining hall, curiously. He doesn't feel hungry right now, that slice of mango postponing peckish feelings.

The hall is warmed by an attached kitchen, and has plenty of seating, and is decorated with a number of handsome mosaics either in tile or glass. As you enter, a female human wearing a red scarf in her graying hair appears from the kitchen. "Hallo initiates! It tis my great pleasure t' meet each a' you. We will be seein' a lotta each other over da next few years, mmmhmm. I am Lumusi Yao, dee head cook. You will receive two prepared meals e'ry day. The kitchen is open from sunrise until two hours after sunset each day. An' Lumusi has dis for you too..." She hands you each a translucent glass bead shaped like a banana (or similar fruit). "Put dis on your string 'long wit your other beads. The staff will get t'know your faces, but sometimes students wear udder faces t'dinner, mmhmm. Now, tell Lumusi if you have any dietary or special needs, ok?"

"Thank you, kind lady," He takes the red bead and adds it to his others. The notion other students might mimic other students just to get seconds did not occur to him I suppose in a school of magic, Anadi tricks do not stand out so much.

Ikto ponders and risks adding, "I am a big fan of soups, but I don't want to be any trouble."

After you tell her what you'd like to know and make goodbyes, Esi tells you, "If you are looking to make a little extra coin, sometimes Lumusi has tasks to do in the kitchen, in the gardens, or in Nantambu proper. Just go talk to her if interested."

Esi, Ikto decides, is a very useful mammal indeed, and he nods. He may do just that.

Then they get to the Powderpile.


"This-s-s is-s-s the Magaambya S-s-student s-s-supply s-s-store, not the Powderpile," says the kobold indignantly, his "s" sounding a bit like a snake hiss. He hands each of you small lump of clay. "Take this-s-s and make me a bead unique to you for my collection." He shows you a long draping chain of beads of various shapes and sizes around his neck, and a few more draped in places around the store. "And here is-s-s mine for you." He gives you a tan glass bead shaped like a bulging sack to thread onto your growing collection.

Ikto bobs his head to the kobold with respect and takes the tan glass bead and adds it. The clay, he is curious about. "How soon do you need this unique bead for your collection done?" SO many thoughts race through. A spider pattern might be easy but he fears he will give away too much.

"In addition to having most s-s-supplies-s-s s-s-students-s-s need, we als-s-so are in charge of dis-s-stributing your s-s-stipend. S-s-student-s-s-s receive 4 gold crowns-s-s each month as-s-s well as-s-s any needed s-s-supplies-s-s-. " He hands each of you a small stack of paper, quills, ink, and other necessities, along with 4gp. S-s-sinc-c-ce you are new initiates-s-s, you also get 40 gold crowns-s-s as-s-s s-s-starting money. It is-s-s in thes-s-se s-s-mall pouches-s-s." Xhokan hands you each a small leather purse filled with clinking coin.

Ikto's JAW nearly drops open, "40 Gold Crowns? That is... very kind of the school." It is more money than he has ever held in his life at one time to be sure. His people are not materialistic by nature, but still.. WOW

He is not sure what to say, then asks, "Do you have any dyes in here? For clothing or textiles?"

Sorry, I had this written right after last post but apparently never sent it.

Esi continues. "As part of the conditions of your acceptance into the Magaambya, you are expected to perform your Perquisite -- a period of public service to the school and those living near it. That period starts tomorrow. Initiates have been asked to arrive at the school five days prior to classes beginning. Over the next 5 days, the senior students will give you tasks and on the 6th day, introduce you to the Magaambya instructors. The tasks for the Perquisite, upon my recommendation, will focus on teaching newcomers skills and magic important to each of the 5 branches of the school: Rain-Scribes, Tempest-Sun Mages, Cascade Bearers, Emerald Boughs, and Unzunjati. Your tasks will begin tomorrow one hour after sunrise. Meet me in front of the dormitory at that time. Until then, you are on your own." She gives the same small hand-clasped bow, and leaves you alone in the rain by the Powderpile.

You have a half day's worth of downtime to do as you like, before sleep and morning comes next. If you don't have any downtime activity, just let me know you are ready to move on.

Female Human Cleric 1| HP 18/18| AC: 15/16| Fort: +4; Ref: +5; Will: +9 | Init: +7 | Per +7 | Stealth +5 |DC 17| Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇, XP 230/1000

Is it 40 gp or is it 4 gp? You said 4 gp in the text but had Xhokan say 40 gold crowns. So, I am asking for clarification.

Iovia takes the umbrella this time, but she also doesn't seem to mind walking barefoot across the campus. It seems she is trying to keep her fresh dress dry more than anything else.

"I do not have any special dietary needs. Thank you for asking." she says to Lumusi.

At the Magambya Student Supply Store, she takes her stipend, as well as her school supplies, and does her best to keep everything dry. She smiles at the idea of crafting a unique bead with the clay provided.

"I like the idea of crafting a unique bead to represent myself."

After taking her supplies back to her room, Iovia will head into the town, to explore for a couple hours, and get a feel for Nantambu, before resting for the rest of the day.

I'm good to move on.

Female NG dwarf fighter 1 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 18, F: +7, R: +6, W: +6 | Perc: +8, darkvision | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: none.
Iovia wrote:

Is it 40 gp or is it 4 gp? You said 4 gp in the text but had Xhokan say 40 gold crowns. So, I am asking for clarification.

The kobold does explain we get 4gp each month and then proceeds to give us 4gp. Then he also says that since we are new initiates, we also get 40gp as starting money and then proceeds to give us 40gp as well. So, total of 44gp.

Ntuni remains in the back, mostly listening to everyone, nodding, waving and saying her name when required. "My belly doesn't do well with milk or cheese." She informs Lumusi. 'Doesn't do well' was an understatement, but the details were a bit too much to share now. She pockets the new bead, since she wasn't in the mood of unbraiding her hair to add it to the other one.

With Xhokan, she is a bit suspicious about the amount of gold they were getting. There was no free lunch, her grandmother was always saying, but then Esi explains about their obligations, so it made more sense.

She takes her third bead and is already questioning her initial idea of having a long braid with them. The clay, she works in the shape of a tree trunk with long roots. No leaves, though. Did it represent her? In some way. Her own roots are important, as well as the contact with the ground. "Here, Xhokan." Done and done.

Crafting: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18


After Esi leaves them, Ntuni returns to the kitchen to look for Lumusi. "Esi mentioned you might need help. I'm free for the rest of the day."

Ready to go as well!

Female (she/her) Seer Elf Bard 1 Female (she/her) Seer Elf Bard 1 HP 20/20 | AC 12 | Perc +6 |F +7 R +11 W +6 | Perc +6 | Rapier +3 1d6 P | Dagger +3 1d4 P/S | Sling +3 1d6 B 50 ft | Spd 30 | Active Conditions: | Exploration Activity: | Hero points: 0 | Arcana +5 Nature +4 Occult +5 Religion +4

Nyandra is again not bothered by the rain, and in fact savors it. She stares into the sky, smiling, rather taken with the weather and not bothered by getting soaked again. When they head inside, she again prestidigitates the moisture away to not make a mess. She takes in all the introductions, curtseying and giving everyone her name as well. She repeats everyone's name several times in her mind so she doesn't forget them.

She attaches the beads to her hair as she did previously, rather liking the chance to embrace all the colors.

In the kitchen, she can't help but examine all the different tools and implements. The mention of dietary needs brings her attention back to the conversation around her.

"Oh, yes, I'm a bit weird there... sauces and cheeses and textures like that really bother me. Having them separately is fine, but together it just doesn't work for me. I'm so sorry to be a bother!"

Then, as Esi mentions doing tasks for Lumusi, she adds "Oh, I'd be happy to make my own food so it isn't a bother!"

Meeting Xhokan reaches the point of sensory overwhelm for the poor elf. She's quiet, still introducing herself and smiling. When given the clay and the pouch of coins, she just stares for a moment. "Wow! Thank you! This is so generous, I just... wow. Thank you."

She fumbles a bit absentmindedly with the clay while staring at nothing in particular. Her eyes focus after a minute or two. She takes the supplies and makes a sarcastically amused face as she stuffs yet more things in her pack.

She focuses on the clay again, more idly playing with it than shaping it. "I'll have something for you soon. Today's been so much for me and I need time to unpack and relax before I can create. But I promise I'll get you something!"

She takes the rest of the day to actually unpack after collapsing on her bed for an hour or two. All the socialization and new people was quite too much for her. Everyone's lovely, of course, but all at once was too much. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have that piece of clay to fiddle with.... She picks it up again and starts poking it this way and that, still unsure what to do.

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Esi's explanation makes sense to Ikto. His own people have similar philosophies about helping the community. It cheers him greatly to hear this school has a similar set of beliefs. And yes, it explains the generous stipend as well. He returns the gesture of her farewell.
A thought DOES occur to him, and he fiddles with the clay he was given by Xhokan. Working it just so.
Clay isn't his strongpoint for crafting but here's a roll 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
By the time it is done, he hopes it looks like a laughing storm cloud.
"I have a bauble ready for you, Xhokan, I hope it suffices." He hands it over. He wonders for a moment if somehow this allows the wizards of this school to track them, or spy on them? But... hopefully if so it is only for emergencies.
As for his free time?
Ikto goes outdoors into the rain, and looks about. He is hunting for a beetle, something that won't eat other beetles but still has color, unusual looks, or at least personality. Also nothing that would be dangerous to the small Gnoll.

Rolls that might work to help
Insect Lore: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Nature: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
Survival: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Then, returning drenched, he takes a moment to dry off or at least drip less, then goes to visit Anchor Root's room and knock on the door.

If he has succeded in getting a beetle:
"Anchor Root? It is I, Ikto. You said I could see your collection of beetles? If now is not a bad time? I brought you one as a greeting gift you may wish to add to it."

If he failed to find a beetle:
"Anchor Root? It is I, Ikto. You said I could see your collection of Beetles? I'm terribly sorry, I tried to find you another as a greeting gift, but I failed."

Nonbinary (they/them) ghoran magus 1 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 (19 with shield raised), F: +8, R: +6, W: +7 | Perc: +5, low-light vision | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none.
DM DoctorEvil wrote:

After about an hour, the team reassembles in the Common Room where Esi stands holding the silk umbrellas again. "Outside again, I am afraid. You had better get used to the rain, as it pours like this for over half the year here."

She then leads you down a tree-lined sidewalk to another small building, built to the open air. Benches and tables are also arranged outside the rooftop. "This is the Magaambya dining hall where students take their meals. Most sit outside to eat and soak up the sun when the weather allows."

Za Minyahil politely declines the umbrella, preferring once again to let the rain wash over them.

"It never rains like this in Quantium," they comment. "Too much magical pollution from the war and from mages and alchemists concerned more with the immediate than the future. I'll probably spend time out here too...I need the sunlight for food."


The hall is warmed by an attached kitchen, and has plenty of seating, and is decorated with a number of handsome mosaics either in tile or glass. As you enter, a female human wearing a red scarf in her graying hair appears from the kitchen. "Hallo initiates! It tis my great pleasure t' meet each a' you. We will be seein' a lotta each other over da next few years, mmmhmm. I am Lumusi Yao, dee head cook. You will receive two prepared meals e'ry day. The kitchen is open from sunrise until two hours after sunset each day. An' Lumusi has dis for you too..." She hands you each a translucent glass bead shaped like a banana (or similar fruit). "Put dis on your string 'long wit your other beads. The staff will get t'know your faces, but sometimes students wear udder faces t'dinner, mmhmm. Now, tell Lumusi if you have any dietary or special needs, ok?"

After you tell her what you'd like to know and make goodbyes, Esi tells you, "If you are looking to make a little extra coin, sometimes Lumusi has tasks to do in the kitchen, in the gardens, or in Nantambu proper. Just go talk to her if interested."

Upon meeting Lumusi, Za Minyahil accepts the bead and adds it to their string, and rustle with a sheepish expression.

"I...have a very specific need, Madame Yao. I do not eat the way humans or other peoples do. I'm a plant, and need sunlight for my sustenance. My kin back in Nex have developed a means of bottling sunlight, meant for survival in darkened places, but it is expensive, and as I am perhaps the first ghoran to ever visit these lands, I doubt such alchemical extravagances would be available here."

They also note the presence of gardens that Esi mentions. That would probably become their favored haunt in the near future.

I'm not gonna have to shell out 40 SP a day to survive the perpetually overcast rainy season, am I? :P

DM DoctorEvil wrote:

Next, Esi takes you a little farther down the walk to another building. This place has no visible windows, and only one iron door on the front. Esi knocks loudly on the door, and short moment later, it is opened by a small yellow-skinned kobold.

"This is the Powderpile," Esi says with a smile. "The student's name for the supply store. It is run by Xhokan who you see here. Let's go in."

Upon entering, you can see the store seems to be stuffed to the rafters with various magical and mundane supplies. Potions, powders(hence the name), scrolls, paper, small magical items, but also backpacks, tinder boxes, lanterns or other adventuring supplies are in abundance. No weapons or armor are visible however.

"This-s-s is-s-s the Magaambya S-s-student s-s-supply s-s-store, not the Powderpile," says the kobold indignantly, his "s" sounding a bit like a snake hiss. He hands each of you small lump of clay. "Take this-s-s and make me a bead unique to you for my collection." He shows you a long draping chain of beads of various shapes and sizes around his neck, and a few more draped in places around the store. "And here is-s-s mine for you." He gives you a tan glass bead shaped like a bulging sack to thread onto your growing collection.

"In addition to having most s-s-supplies-s-s s-s-students-s-s need, we als-s-so are in charge of dis-s-stributing your s-s-stipend. S-s-student-s-s-s recieve 4 gold crowns-s-s each month as-s-s well as-s-s any needed s-s-supplies-s-s-. " He hands each of you a small stack of paper, quills, ink, and other necessities, along with 4gp. S-s-sinc-c-ce you are new initiates-s-s, you also get 40 gold crowns-s-s as-s-s s-s-starting money. It is-s-s in thes-s-se s-s-mall pouches-s-s." Xhokan hands you each a small leather purse filled with clinking coin.

The store has most adventuring and alchemical gear, within reason. Magic items held or worn up to 3rd level. Potions, oils, scrolls and wands up to 5th level. Staves up to 6th level. Xhokan can recommend merchants in Nantambu for things he does not carry.

Esi adds, thankful without the lisp, "He will also buy items if you find or recover any along your studies and projects. The store opens two hours before lunch and closes at sunset."

Za Minyahil listens patiently to the introduction of Xhokan and offers a polite nod. They gratefully accept the kobold's bead and add it to the necklace, before taking the clay and turning it over in their hands. It's almost too easy to decide what to shape it into, a blooming flower illuminated by the sun.

They stash the stipend and gear into their backpack and bow to Xhokan.

"Your generosity is greatly appreciated, Master Xhokan. My own fortunes were greatly depleted crossing the continent to reach the Magaambya, and this greatly softens that burden."

DM DoctorEvil wrote:

Sorry, I had this written right after last post but apparently never sent it.

Esi continues. "As part of the conditions of your acceptance into the Magaambya, you are expected to perform your Perquisite -- a period of public service to the school and those living near it. That period starts tomorrow. Initiates have been asked to arrive at the school five days prior to classes beginning. Over the next 5 days, the senior students will give you tasks and on the 6th day, introduce you to the Magaambya instructors. The tasks for the Perquisite, upon my recommendation, will focus on teaching newcomers skills and magic important to each of the 5 branches of the school: Rain-Scribes, Tempest-Sun Mages, Cascade Bearers, Emerald Boughs, and Unzunjati. Your tasks will begin tomorrow one hour after sunrise. Meet me in front of the dormitory at that time. Until then, you are on your own." She gives the same small hand-clasped bow, and leaves you alone in the rain by the Powderpile.

You have a half day's worth of downtime to do as you like, before sleep and morning comes next. If you don't have any downtime activity, just let me know you are ready to move on.

"Interesting...very interesting. I had expected to pay my way in with tribute, as many master mages in Nex demand of their would-be apprentices. I am grateful that that is not necessary, after that offering was ruined in the journey here. It is reminiscent of the mandatory period of military service many magi in Ecanus undergo, but in a more peaceful manner befitting the Magaambya's teachings."

They bow back to Esi and, still soaking in the rain, make their way back to the dining hall with Ntuni.

"Esi had mentioned there were gardens one could help with?" they ask.

Trying to respond to a few threads before opening the next scene. LMK if I forgot something important to you. Will get more up after dinner.

Iovia invites Ikto to town to spend some of her new found money on raw materials for clothing. She finds enough to spend 10gp on without any trouble, and is a bit wistful she doesn't have more to spend now, instead wisely saving some for whatever comes next. She still ponders on the bead she should make for Xhokan.

Ntuni fashions the trunk and roots of a tree from the clay and presents it back to the kobold master, who salutes her with the clasped-hand low bow. When she presents to Lumusi looking for work, the master cook hands her a paring knife and points her at a large vat of potatoes and sets her to work peeling. Nothing too exciting for a day-one initiate....

Nyandra shares her food preference, and offers to make it herself. Lumusi responds in a firm voice, "No no child, Lumusi will make da food, you will be so busy 'fore you know it, what with magic an's studies and such. Lumusi will make it just right for you, baby." She gives the bard a warm smile. Nyandra goes back to her quiet room, and fumbles with the ball of clay, undecided on what to make.

Xhokan tells all the initiates, "Generos-s-sity has-s-s-s nothing to do with it. This-s-s is-s-s not my money to give away. You earn it through your s-s-scholars-s-ship with the s-s-school. It is-s-s your money, I jus-s-st dis-s-s-ens-s-se it."

The kobold master also accepts Ikto's bead with the same bow, though he seems unsure of what its representing. After, he goes out into the heavy rain and roots around for beetles or other crawling things. A little knowledge of where to look pays off, and he soon has one roly-poly looking beetle in hand. Anchor Root answers her door anxiously, a worried look on her furry face. But when she sees the offering, she smiles a shy smile. Thank you. I have others like this but it will be welcome in my family. It is very nice of you to bring it to me. I can't recall receiving a gift like this from anyone else.".

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1
Iovia invites Ikto to town to spend some of her new found money on raw materials for clothing. She finds enough to spend 10gp on without any trouble, and is a bit wistful she doesn't have more to spend now, instead wisely saving some for whatever comes next. She still ponders on the bead she should make for Xhokan.

"most kind of you, thank you." And (When they go) he does look for dye, and perhaps some materials himself. He tries hard not to gawk at the numbers and diversity of Nantambu.


Anchor Root answers her door anxiously, a worried look on her furry face. But when she sees the offering, she smiles a shy smile. Thank you. I have others like this but it will be welcome in my family. It is very nice of you to bring it to me. I can't recall receiving a gift like this from anyone else.".

"I'm glad you like it, Anchor Root. I confess, I'm more nervous about meeting people here than I let on, so your kindness in showing me something special to you helped make me feel accepted by the school. Thank you for that."

Lumusi Yao is a bit taken aback by the ghoran and their special dietary needs. "By my stars, Lumusi doan know if she have e'er seen one like you 'fore. Plants eat from t' soil, doan dey? Den, Lumusi will make for very sure you have a place t'eat even if its outside in de sunshine."

Later when Za Minyahil inquires about the garden, Lumusi takes a moment to show the little green patch she grows in a small fenced area behind the dining hall. "You jus' tend dese plants an' keep dem growing good an' Lumusi'll find you somet'ing for it later." She leaves you to your own recognizance amongst the vegetables and spices growing there.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

Should we keep track of the beads we have?

M'baba follows silently as the others interact with the friendly people in the school. He cannot help but feel a bit uneasy, as if all was too friendly and pleasant. He keeps looking over his shoulder, expecting something awful to happen. He adds the beads to his growing collection.

He finds it odd that Xhokan asks him to make him a bead. "Could this be a mind-control type of magical reagent?", he thinks. However, seeing the others comply, he gives in and starts to think of something unique he could do. "To be unique is to be oneself", he remembers old man Jarr, telling him in his hometown. He starts squeezing and pulling the piece of clay.

Craft: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

In the end, it is a slightly curved but long cylinder. He hands it to the kobold and says "Here, not pretty, but functional. I imagine everyone should try to do something intricate, and didn't go for something simple. Should be unique." He waits for him to react to it.

Afterwards, he tells Xhokan, "If you need help with anything, I can be very crafty and resourceful. Also, I sort of dream of having my own shop of goods and services one day. Maybe I can learn one thing or two from the Magaambya Student supply store."

After the tour is over, he asks Esi "Say, you seem knowledgeable. Do you have anything you need help with? If you're not busy, I don't want my tour to end now." He only realizes he sounded a bit flirty after the words came out of his mouth, but tried staying serious.

Female Human Cleric 1| HP 18/18| AC: 15/16| Fort: +4; Ref: +5; Will: +9 | Init: +7 | Per +7 | Stealth +5 |DC 17| Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇, XP 230/1000

Iovia's bead, when she makes it after her shopping trip, resembles the head of a lioness.

I'm going to update my profile with my beads, and with an NPC directory, since we're sure to meet a few, and I think keeping a record will be wise.

Female NG dwarf fighter 1 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 18, F: +7, R: +6, W: +6 | Perc: +8, darkvision | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: none.

Ntuni has no problem peeling the potatoes. She hums a bit to herself and works with some practice.

Ready to move on!

Nonbinary (they/them) ghoran magus 1 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 (19 with shield raised), F: +8, R: +6, W: +7 | Perc: +5, low-light vision | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none.
DM DoctorEvil wrote:
Lumusi Yao is a bit taken aback by the ghoran and their special dietary needs. "By my stars, Lumusi doan know if she have e'er seen one like you 'fore. Plants eat from t' soil, doan dey? Den, Lumusi will make for very sure you have a place t'eat even if its outside in de sunshine."

Za Minyahil gives an awkward shrug.

"To a certain extent? I do not need to root myself or anything."

Later when Za Minyahil inquires about the garden, Lumusi takes a moment to show the little green patch she grows in a small fenced area behind the dining hall. "You jus' tend dese plants an' keep dem growing good an' Lumusi'll find you somet'ing for it later." She leaves you to your own recognizance amongst the vegetables and spices growing there.

Za Minyahil begins inspecting the plants in the garden, looking to see what needs immediate attention.

Nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

M'baba approaches Xhokan about working in the Powderpile, but the storehouse master rebuffs him mildly, "Don't need any as-s-sitanc-c-c-e but thanks-s-s for as-s-sking."

Similarly, Esi shakes her head. "Sorry, I have a ton of things to do to get ready for your Perquisite and the upcoming term. Perhaps i can show you around more later?" M'baba is left to wonder if this also a bit of flirting or simple polite discussion.

Za Minyahil spends the time before nightfall tending the garden. They find it well organized and properly kept up, but there is always a random weed to be pulled, a leaf to be pruned, or irrigation to be kept up. Nothing notable from the work, just a form of meditation and relaxation.

Will move on to the next day and the beginning of the Perquisite tasks next post.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba smiles politely to Xhokan and later Esi, wondering... He has no problems to solve, nothing to do. He feels a bit empty and excited. He decides to take a bath and change into fresh clothes. As it turns out, he is very tired from the traveling and his first school activities. He dozes off in the bath.

He wakes up with the water already cold. After drying himself and putting on clean clothes, he goes to his room and arranges it so it is easy to get anything he might need at short notice.

In the morning, after breakfast and an hour after sunrise, you all assemble in the common room of the Spire Dormitory where Esi and a well-muscled, clean-shaven dwarven man await you.

"Ah the green shoots blossom in the rain," says the dwarven man with a smile. He gives a friendly wave. "I am Haibram Thodja of the Mbeke Dwarves. It was meant to be me and Anchor Root meeting you, but I guess not," he chides shooting a sideways glance at Esi.

"I swapped with Anchor Root," Esi replies, brushing the points aside before addressing the new students. "Over the next five days, you'll be helping with each of the school's five branches (that was my idea...). Haibram and Anchor Root seek to join the Rain-Scribes. It's the branch that explores the world and helps other travelers make their way through uncertain territory. That means Rain-Scribes have to work well with both nature and people.

Haibram continues, "We can really use your help. The Kafesi Market won' deal with anyone they know is part of the Magaambya. Since you're new, you should be able to get in without a problem. You'll be looking, er...for chickens."

"Did you know there's such a thing as endangered chickens? Of course, any chicken that comes too close to me is endangered," Haibram says with a grin. "A farmer outside of Nantambu, Bisola, said her family used to keep Ojofiri chickens. Said they could hatch anything, even a dragon egg! I don't know about that, but she wants to raise Ojofiri again, so we are going to get her some. Ojofiri eggs aren't very hardy, and the birds aren't good layers, so they mostly got put in soup, and now there's hardly any left. Well, we caught wind that someone in Kafesi has a few chicks. Go and bring some back."

The pair describes Ojofiri chickens as small fowl with white faces, dark blue feathers, and lavender combs; chicks should have dark blue feathers and a white underbelly. They ask the initiates to bring back at least 4 chicks, hopefully ensuring there is a least one male and one female chicken, but the more the better.

They also tell you the Kafesi market is a wandering bazaar that clashed with the Magaambya in the past. It's merchants are shrewd bargainers and some are downright unscrupulous. They suggest you investigate sellers and their goods carefully before making a purchase. Esi hands you a small pouch with 20 gold crowns and encourages you to hurry -- the Ojofiri might sell out.

Any questions for the two upperclassmen before you set out?

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba wakes up in a good mood, which he often does. He wakes up early and stretches his muscles a bit before cleaning his teeth with a special paste he makes. He gets out ready for any weather, but looks outside to see whether he needs to be already wearing his doubly folded cloak to stop the rain, or if it can stay in his backpack, neatly folded.

He says a short "Good morning" to all his fellow initiates and eats little for breakfast. He has not known abundance in his life, so he is used to eating little. During breakfast, he decides to ask a little about the others, to know them better "Say Ikto, do you mind killing my curiosity? How is a storm druid different from other druids?"


As Esi and the dwarf appears, M'baba lets out a smile at her without realizing it. He quickly recomposes himself and listens to the task at hand. He is definitely not the best at haggling, but he's not the worst either.

He sees the others are still taking in the task, so he speaks what's in his mind "Assuming we're great at getting those birds, I assume they will need some sort of cage to bring them in. Do you provide some? I can create a few that are easier to carry when they're still empty." Of course, he has already thought of a self-folding cage that should be able to carry up to 4 chicks.

Female Human Cleric 1| HP 18/18| AC: 15/16| Fort: +4; Ref: +5; Will: +9 | Init: +7 | Per +7 | Stealth +5 |DC 17| Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇, XP 230/1000

Iovia sleeps well, and in the morning, she does her morning prayers, gets dressed, and heads out for breakfast. She is wearing a dress, and she leaves her pack and the weapon she rarely uses anyway, as well as most of her stipend, in her room, keeping just a few coins on her.

She greets everyone at breakfast and gets herself a plate with small servings of a few items to sample differing cuisines.

Hearing the assignment, she removes her bracelet and unwinds the beads from it. "If this Market has an adversarial relationship with the Magaambya, it would be best to assume they know of our traditions. The beads could give us away and compromise our mission.". She tucks her beads into her money pouch before putting her bracelet back on.

She looks to M'baba. "Often merchants who sell chickens will provide cages as well. However, not all do, and it would be a good idea for us to bring our own. That was an excellent suggestion. We might also want to look at other items, to not give the impression that we are focused on the chickens. If the merchants come to the conclusion that all we want is the chicks, the price could go up."

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba replies to Iovia "I think that's a great suggestion. Your idea made me think of something more... hmm, not devious, but ingenious." He recalls having read in his youth some stories about slave traders and a man who sought to free his love. He came up with a stratagem that involved tricking the slavers into releasing the man's object of desire for a very low price.

This is an easy reference to get, let me know who gets it!

M'baba continues "What if we come looking for another item, something very exotic and expensive. We offer a very high price for it. After lengthy negotiations, we ask to add the chickens as a sort of extra sweetener, maybe something comical to paint the buyer, as someone who is so awfully rich that they'd buy rare chicks as guest entertainment, or something just as whimsical. We pay for the chickens and, when they're safely stored away, we find an irredeemable defect on the original expensive item and back out of the sale." He looks at the others inquisitively.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

M'baba wakes up in a good mood, which he often does. He wakes up early and stretches his muscles a bit before cleaning his teeth with a special paste he makes. He gets out ready for any weather, but looks outside to see whether he needs to be already wearing his doubly folded cloak to stop the rain, or if it can stay in his backpack, neatly folded.

He says a short "Good morning" to all his fellow initiates and eats little for breakfast. He has not known abundance in his life, so he is used to eating little. During breakfast, he decides to ask a little about the others, to know them better "Say Ikto, do you mind killing my curiosity? How is a storm druid different from other druids?"

Ikto enjoys breakfast and a tall glass of juice. He's not so good at rushing through a meal and is glad the school isn't pressing them to. At M'Baba's question, he says "Oh! Well, there are more experienced druids than I who could answer with greater wisdom, but to keep it as simple as I can? All druids hear nature's call... but certain aspects call to certain druids more clearly. Some druids have a strong connection to beasts, understanding them, and being understood by them even better than people. They form a druidic order based around that. Others revere nature's bounty of flora, like a gardener but also a warden for the wilds. The Order of the Leaf you might call them, and there are the Untamed, shifters who often seem more comfortable in the form of beasts, or at least spurn civilizaiton's rule over them. There are others... but I have gone on long enough," Ikto realizes his simple answer is getting rather long, but then, this IS as simple as it gets for it speaks of nature itself, and sacred ties, no small subject, "I am a druid of the Storm. How nature calls to me is through the power of the tempest. The beauty, and fury, and yes, joy of them pull to my heart. I would not see the sky darkened by filth or poisoned. Storm Dancers such as myself may often seem mad to some," He makes a swirling motion to the side of his own head and smiles, "But we try to placate the worst of the storms when we can, and help others ride them out as well. Of course we're individuals. You will find some druids of any stripe less community minded."

"Nice to meet you, Haibram," Ikto says. He's had very little interaction with the MBeke dwarves so this is a good chance to learn.
Meeting Haibram is of great interest to Ikto, though he is sad to see Anchor Root will not be joining them today. What he hears of the Rain Scribes is intriguing. He knows he must eventually take up a branch of study, and so listens carefully to what is said about this one.
It's the branch that explores the world and helps other travelers make their way through uncertain territory. That means Rain-Scribes have to work well with both nature and people.

Nature, I hope I work well with... people? I could use some work, but still.. it sounds like Rain-Scribes are not so different from the tasks I had at home.

Then he hears it is about chickens It's a little different. He corrects his previous thought.
Haibram continues, "We can really use your help. The Kafesi Market won' deal with anyone they know is part of the Magaambya. Since you're new, you should be able to get in without a problem. You'll be looking, er...for chickens."

Iovia's suggestion to hide their beads is a smart one, and he does so, "A good suggestion," He nods at this. Hearing that the Kafesi market is unscrupulous has him worried. He does not think himself easily tricked but he the merchants of the Anadi, at least the ones back home, are ethical, though they can bargain hard.

He sees the others are still taking in the task, so he speaks what's in his mind "Assuming we're great at getting those birds, I assume they will need some sort of cage to bring them in. Do you provide some? I can create a few that are easier to carry when they're still empty." Of course, he has already thought of a self-folding cage that should be able to carry up to 4 chicks.

Ikto nods at this, and looking at the rain beyond, adds "We might want something to cover the cage to keep the rain off them too."

M'baba continues "What if we come looking for another item, something very exotic and expensive. We offer a very high price for it. After lengthy negotiations, we ask to add the chickens as a sort of extra sweetener, maybe something comical to paint the buyer, as someone who is so awfully rich that they'd buy rare chicks as guest entertainment, or something just as whimsical. We pay for the chickens and, when they're safely stored away, we find an irredeemable defect on the original expensive item and back out of the sale." He looks at the others inquisitively.

"It is a cunning idea though if which ever Vendor only sells chicks we will have to .. um just haggle. Something I'm not great at myself." He admits "We also risk angering one into raising the the price if they find this deceptive." He adds, least he offend, "I am not saying it should not be tried, just that we know the risk."

Female NG dwarf fighter 1 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 18, F: +7, R: +6, W: +6 | Perc: +8, darkvision | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: none.

Ntuni smiles and waves at Haibram. It was strikingly clear to her he was a Mbe'ke instead of a Taralu. Despite their common ancestry, they had little contact. She could say he was handsome, but it was hard to get past the lack of a proper beard and the muted hair color.

She takes the gold pouch and fastens it alongside her own, and then goes back to her room in order to take her armor and her maul. Both her mail and maul are made of stone, the links of the mail kept together with strings of various colors. "Don't expect for us to get into trouble, but if we do..." She shrugs, apparently ready to leave.

When the others start to make plans, she shakes her head. "I understood we are short on time. I believe we should try the most direct and easy solution... we look for the chickens, and buy it. That simple." She looks at M'baba. "If we find tricks on their part, we can think of some of our own."

Female (she/her) Seer Elf Bard 1 Female (she/her) Seer Elf Bard 1 HP 20/20 | AC 12 | Perc +6 |F +7 R +11 W +6 | Perc +6 | Rapier +3 1d6 P | Dagger +3 1d4 P/S | Sling +3 1d6 B 50 ft | Spd 30 | Active Conditions: | Exploration Activity: | Hero points: 0 | Arcana +5 Nature +4 Occult +5 Religion +4

Nyandra greets the day feeling refreshed. She has a glass of water in her room, and reaches for something no longer there. Huh. That's right. It's been six months. It went so quickly! Smiling, she heads down to get some food, wearing a turquoise dress with orange tights. She heartily breaks her fast, sampling all the items available that fit within her admittedly narrow tastes. Picky though she may be, she nonetheless is grateful for the food available, and to all outward appearances seems to thoroughly enjoy everything she tries. She mostly keeps quiet during her meal, though tries to say hello to everyone she met yesterday. She has trouble with names--there were so many--but she recognizes faces without any trouble.

Her belly full, she feels ready to face the day. Later, with Esi and Haibrim, she listens quietly with her hands folded in front of her, palms upward. She presses her thumbs and index fingers together seemingly absentmindedly. When the conversation comes to the need for subterfuge, she frowns a bit and takes the beads from her hair. The flowers remain, though are in a slightly different position than yesterday, suggesting she takes them out every night.

She asks a question when Esi and Haibram give her a moment. "What's the source of the trouble between the Kafesi market and the Magaambya? Wanting of scruples or no, surely it makes sense to patch things up? Clearly we have need of things they have, and it'd benefit both parties."

She listens to her fellow students plotting. Everyone raises such wonderful points, she begins to feel intimidated by their ready ability to make such great insights, but stops herself. Stop it. They have different life experience than you so they know different things. Probably none of them knows their way around a stage or a library or an art museum like you do. She closes her eyes and shakes her head, as if shaking off the negativity like a wet dog would the ever-present rains.

"You all present such great ideas! M'baba's is a clever plan, certainly! I do worry about whether the merchant will accept our haggling, and whether they will let us refuse the large item and just take the chickens. If we can't persuade them, we may be forced to buy the expensive item--which we may not be able to afford, which may mean we aren't able to buy the chicks. That's my only concern. I think. I'm sure I'll think of more on the way."

She nods at Ntuni, appreciating the dwarf's directness. "I agree that heading out now would be logical. We can finalize the details of our plan along the way."

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba notes the comments on his idea and says "Well, we don't have to go with this plan, but my idea was to make the chicks transaction before the negotiations with the more expensive item is done. Only back out after. Although, it could be risky, yes."

Esi sighs when asked about the dispute between the Kafesi and the Magaambya. "It's a long story and isn't important right now. Time is of the essence as I am sure you understand."

While you don't know the particulars of the beginnings of the bad blood between the Kafesi and the school, you have heard the rumblings of it during your time in Nantambu. Perhaps you can find out more along the way?

"If there are no more questions," says Haibram sagely, "then best of luck to you, and bring the chickens home to roost!" He laughs at this last part, and nods approvingly when first Iovia, and then others remove their bead strings.

The two upperclassmen depart back towards their respective rooms leaving you to your own devices.

Secret Checks:

Nyandra Society: 1d20 ⇒ 14

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba also removes his bead string and chooses to wait for others to act first. He likes to react.

Female Human Cleric 1| HP 18/18| AC: 15/16| Fort: +4; Ref: +5; Will: +9 | Init: +7 | Per +7 | Stealth +5 |DC 17| Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇, XP 230/1000

"Well, let's go." Iovia will start cheerfully walking to the market.

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

"Indeed..." Ikto, with gear ready, heads along to the market with Iovia. He brings an umbrella not for himself but for the chicks, and a small blanket.

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