Prey for Death

Game Master andreww

PC Stats

Infiltration: 1
Awareness: 2
Leverage: 5

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You quickly disintegrate the body and the ash drifts away on the wind. The four doors in the rookery are all locked and do not appear to be trapped.

Let me know what you do.

Goblin Thief Rogue Oracle 14 | HP 172/174, AC 35 (+2), F +22, R +28, W +22 | Fire res 7 | Perc +25, Stealth +27 | Speed 40 ft | Focus 3/3 | Shield HP 120/120

10 minutes later, the healed group had exposed of the evidence and regrouped silently before the doors. Who locks the doors on the top floor? Let's check it out. Skarn points at the first door on the right, approaches and Beginns to work at the lock.

Thievery: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (20) + 25 = 45

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