GM Bret’s PBP Gameday XIII PFS1 CORE #5-03 The Hellknight’s Feast

Game Master BretI

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Sovereign Court

Male | HP= 57 | AC=24 | CMD=19 | Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +11 | LG Gnome Paladin (4) / Bard (1) / Shadowdancer (2) | Init+2

Grand lodge is impressive as usual, but luckily meeting rooms are not so crowdy.
Smily blond-redish gnome with handsome beard wears green-crystalish armour plate occupies one of low chairs in the room. He grooms husky alike) dog who likely feels a bit warm in here.

The gnome bows shortly and smiles even wider to everyone who enters.

-Bedlam, nice to greet ye.

Liberty's Edge

Male 1/2 orc Rng 6/Ftr 2 | HP 69 | AC 19; Touch 12; FF 18 | F +12; R +7; W +7 | CMB+14; CMD 25 | Speed 30 ft | Init +0 | Perc +11 | Stealth: +4 Ranger 6/Fighter 2

A large half orc with a greataxe and wearing a chain shirt lights a cigar. "Nice to meet you Bedlam. Grog here"

Dark Archive

Bard-8: HP 56/56; GM reroll @+4 1/1;music available 18/20; Spells avail:L1 5/(5+1)L2 1/4;L3 0/2; +1 d20 bonus 1/1; Enduring Scholar (+6) 1/1; Faction pin 1/1; Archivist (+4) 1/1; Wand CLW 30/50; Loremaster 1/1; (free-scr) knock 1/1; CSW 1/1; CLW 1/1;
knowledge take 10s:
add guidance: Arcana 40; Dungeoneering 36; Engineering 37; Geography 39; History 41; Planes 40; Religion 37 ;all others 34
(Heroism active, +2 to saves and atk)AC 20 (FF:19); Fort +6; Ref +8; Will +5 (extra +4 vs sonic & language)(extra +1 when surprised/flat footed (included in FF))(extra +1 vs evil outsiders); resist cold/4; ; Init +1; Perception -2;(+1 cmd vs grapple)

An elderly scholar, maybe a librarian of some type, wanders down the hall and somewhat absentmindedly sits down in the briefing room.

"Now, where is that young rapscallion Ambrus? Apparently someone has preempted the funding that was supposed to be going to my expedition back into Osirion.."

He looks around the room. Takes off his glasses and polishes them, returns them to his nose, and looks around again. "You aren't his secretary.." he states, looking slightly confused.

Sovereign Court

Male | HP= 57 | AC=24 | CMD=19 | Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +11 | LG Gnome Paladin (4) / Bard (1) / Shadowdancer (2) | Init+2

- Bet yer not. I'd greet fella rapscallion as well. Hi. Dats Grog, Bedlam is me, dog is Flawss - not talking typo. Any insights on da mission upcoming?

The gnome wipes out some imaginable dust from his crystal-greenish breastplates shoulder. He stops grooming the dog to look at any window nearby as if awaiting someone.

Even though the gnome moving awkwardly as if hearing some music, you others feel surprising resolve and courage and he is nearby.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Elf Paladin 5 (HP: 49/49 | AC: 19 (20 with haste, 21 against smite target) touch: 13 (15) FF: 16 (18) CMD: 21 (23) | F+7 R+6 W+4 | Init +7 | Percep +0 SM -2) LoH 4/4 | Smite 1/2)

A dark-haired woman, for her build seeming half-elf or human if it weren't her eyes and ears of a full elf comes to meet the group. She's wearing heavy armor, with a white dress over it, clearly chosen to better show the fine, meticulously arranged rainbow-colored decorations. Even her assortment of weapons is placed carefully to please the eye.

With a very formal tone, she greets: "Well met, my esteemed colleagues. I presume we here were all requested to join on this assignment in the spirit and principles of the Pathfinder Society. I am Miriel..." She suddenly stops as she notices Flawss. She runs over to the dog, drops to her knees and her voice changing completely, starts babbling to the dog: "Oh hello there my fuvvy fviend, ave you coming with auntie Miviel to the adventuve? You ave a nice little dog aven't you?" As she talks to the dog, she notices the other pathfinders again, stops talking, gets up and straightens her dress. Back to formal tone, she continues her introduction: "Miriel Magol, servant of Shelyn, I am very pleased to have been offered this opportunity."

When attention turns away from her, she inches up to Bedlam and whispers: "Can I play with your dog, please? Or would it mess up with the training?"

Dark Archive

Bard-8: HP 56/56; GM reroll @+4 1/1;music available 18/20; Spells avail:L1 5/(5+1)L2 1/4;L3 0/2; +1 d20 bonus 1/1; Enduring Scholar (+6) 1/1; Faction pin 1/1; Archivist (+4) 1/1; Wand CLW 30/50; Loremaster 1/1; (free-scr) knock 1/1; CSW 1/1; CLW 1/1;
knowledge take 10s:
add guidance: Arcana 40; Dungeoneering 36; Engineering 37; Geography 39; History 41; Planes 40; Religion 37 ;all others 34
(Heroism active, +2 to saves and atk)AC 20 (FF:19); Fort +6; Ref +8; Will +5 (extra +4 vs sonic & language)(extra +1 when surprised/flat footed (included in FF))(extra +1 vs evil outsiders); resist cold/4; ; Init +1; Perception -2;(+1 cmd vs grapple)

The scholar shivers once at the mention of Shelyn, and peers closely in the direction of Miriel. "You're not one of those Sisters of Shelyn(tm), are you?" he asks suspiciously.

"You do bare a striking resemblance to Ms Appolyanna.." a shudder of horror runs through his ancient frame.

The door to the meeting room opens and Major Colson Maldris gestures for you to come in. He crosses the room to stand next to Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin who stands at the end of a long table. To the other side of him stands Lady Gloriana Morilla.

Thank you for coming, Pathfinders,” Valsin says, gesturing for everyone to sit, though he remains standing. “As you may have heard, we recently discovered the location of a lost dwarven Sky Citadel. I won't demean your intelligence by stating the significance of this discovery, but suffice it to say the potential rewards for exploring the site are staggering.

He turns to face a map of the Inner Sea on the wall and pokes a location with a loud thump. “Unfortunately, the Sky Citadel is located within what was once Sarkoris—the demon-infested region now known as the Worldwound. After a long debate and careful planning, we began to recruit military aid to push into the demon-haunted land so we could reach the site; however, before we could make any significant gains, Mendev's wardstones—a collection of minor artifacts designed to keep the demons from pouring out of the Worldwound—began to inexplicably fail. In short, there's a hole in the dam and demons are trickling into Mendev in greater numbers.

With Mendev under this new assault, we realize that in order to reach the Sky Citadel, we must aid the Fifth Crusade and help turn back the demons.

Valsin pauses, giving you time to digest the information.

Dark Archive

Bard-8: HP 56/56; GM reroll @+4 1/1;music available 18/20; Spells avail:L1 5/(5+1)L2 1/4;L3 0/2; +1 d20 bonus 1/1; Enduring Scholar (+6) 1/1; Faction pin 1/1; Archivist (+4) 1/1; Wand CLW 30/50; Loremaster 1/1; (free-scr) knock 1/1; CSW 1/1; CLW 1/1;
knowledge take 10s:
add guidance: Arcana 40; Dungeoneering 36; Engineering 37; Geography 39; History 41; Planes 40; Religion 37 ;all others 34
(Heroism active, +2 to saves and atk)AC 20 (FF:19); Fort +6; Ref +8; Will +5 (extra +4 vs sonic & language)(extra +1 when surprised/flat footed (included in FF))(extra +1 vs evil outsiders); resist cold/4; ; Init +1; Perception -2;(+1 cmd vs grapple)

Khellek looks slightly confused. "What I am the first to agree the word is stronger than the blade.." he begins.

"I'm not sure of many that work well against demons. Why am I here?
I'm more than happy to share my knowledge of demons, foul things that they are, with those willing to listen.
" he adds quickly.

"But few students pay sufficient attention."

Scarab Sages

'The Grandidierite Sage' Male Half-Elf Sorceror 9 (HP 74/74) (AC 16/10/16) (CMD 12) (Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +8) (Init +6) (Perception +22)

A tall, thin, and tanned half-elf, his hair bleached white, listens to Valsin's words, one of his claw-like hand clasped around a darkwood staff, the tip of which is lit by a flame that does not consume it.

His most striking feature, however, is the gemstone embedded in his forehead, which gleams in the light.

"Whilst direct Pathfinder assistance in the Crusade would be possible, the Society does not have a standing army; at best, we could be a skirmisher-based strike-force, or be in charge of logistical support."

With a nod to Khellek, he continues:

I feel that we specifically would be of more use in the application of words... to convince the great and the good to back the Crusade, either financially, or with troops of their own."

He then arches an eyebrow.

"I take it that is why we are here? Is there a gala or performance of some kind that you would like us to attend, in order to pump people for support?"

Almost as an afterthought, he adds:

"For those who do not know me, I am Numair Salmalin, the Grandidierite Sage."

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Paladin 5 (HP: 49/49 | AC: 19 (20 with haste, 21 against smite target) touch: 13 (15) FF: 16 (18) CMD: 21 (23) | F+7 R+6 W+4 | Init +7 | Percep +0 SM -2) LoH 4/4 | Smite 1/2)

Miriels eyes light up as she hears the mention of her old friend: "You know Apollyanna? She's wonderful! Kind, righteous, brave, a good singer..." She stops as she realizes Valsin started speaking, and tries to calm herself again, sitting down, carefully arranging her dress.

She listens to Valsin speak, and thinks a moment. "With the threat of the Worldwound, I have expected to eventually face it. In service of Shelyn, I am willing to give my utmost in whatever manner is requested of me", she pledges. Although remaining sophistically sitting still, she tenses at the mention of the Worldwound.

Dark Archive

Male N Gnome Sorcerer 7 Buffs: Mage Armor, Haste. | HP 67/72| AC 20 Incorp T 17 T 13 FF 18| CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +10 R +6 W +6, +2 vs Illusion| INIT +7| PER +16 Low Light SM -1| Speed 40' |Resist Fire 5|
Re-roll 0/1, Dancing Lights 1/1, Ghost Sound 1/1, Prestidigitation 1/1, Speak with Animals 1/1, Claws 9/9, +3 vs Spells 1/1, +2 UMD 1/1| Spells: Sorcerer 1st 5/8 2nd 6/8 3rd 4/5

The red headed gnome beams at Khellek's suggestion.

"A lesson on demons would be appreciated. I have adventured with the old man before that is for sure. As for you two. Well, I know you now. Sylvester Solstar at your service. I specialise in blowing up monsters with magic and taking their loot."

He turns to the Venture Captain.

"I am confident that we will make short work of these demons."

The diminutive man pets his dog as he speaks.

Medium N Animal Riding Dog Total Defence Action | HP 13/13 | AC 13+4 Incorp T 12+4 T 12+4 FF 11| CMB +3 CMD 15 (19 vs Trip)| F +5 R +5 W +1|Init +2| PER +8 Low Light Vision, Scent| Speed 40' Acrobatics +6 (+14 Jumping)|Active Conditions:

Shaggy looks on with interest at the discussion. The powerfully built but friendly hound stands by quietly as the humanoids speak their meaningless words.

Sovereign Court

Male | HP= 57 | AC=24 | CMD=19 | Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +11 | LG Gnome Paladin (4) / Bard (1) / Shadowdancer (2) | Init+2

Flawss waves couple times with his tail after short confusion by a sudden Miriels approach. Not waiting for Bedlams agreement the dog licks (another) paladin enthusiastically and smells with gentle curiosity. Saddle bags and attached cold iron lance makes him a bit dangerous despite Flawss prefers to be cutie pie.

Bedlam bows shortly and waves to new arriving fellows and smiles even wider, likely being okay with someone else playing with full of energy dog. Though by his own decision not approaching another dog to avoid friends jealous.

When 3 superiors arrive and start briefing Bedlam makes a serious face. It is better not to smile around harsh and strict Ambrus who minds business...

- I'd participate in a gala concert, or a small crusade... in any subsequence. I have heard of Sky Citadel, we should secure a connection path! What is our main goal, captain Valsin?

Bedlam stares for a while at the sage forehead gemstone but suddenly sropped remembering about manners.

Likely only Sylvester may realise first signs of bleaching in Bedlams slightly silver blond hair colours. Or is it something else?

Lady Morilla says “It is good that you mention the use of words. Give Ambrus just a moment and he will explain how your task can make good use of a well placed word or even lesson.

Valsin nods and continues the briefing.

Since the nations of the Inner Sea are not reacting expediently to the danger presented by the newly invigorated Worldwound, a small cadre of concerned Pathfinders— including Trade Prince Aakir al'Hakam, Paracountess Zarta Dralneen, the Sapphire Sage Amenopheus, Lady Gloriana Morilla, and Major Colson Maldris—have united to leverage their influence. With my support, they plan to petition the Grand Council of Absalom and persuade them to issue an executive order to send soldiers to Mendev immediately.

To increase our chances for success, we called in a favor from the Blakros family, who remain grateful to the Society for recently saving the marriage of Michellia Blakros and the Hellknight Damien Kastner. The newlyweds have organized a dinner party with an impressive guest list to be held at Fiddlemourn Manor. Lady Morilla and Major Maldris will attend, and they plan to use the feast as an opportunity to convince some of Absalom's elite to support the upcoming motion.

We need you to mingle with several important guests and befriend them so that they are more disposed to throw their support behind the Fifth Crusade. These special guests include Senator Augustyn Naran of Andoran, Lady Vaelia Wintermark of Taldor, Lady Dyrianna of House Avenstar, Scion Lord Kerkis of House Damaq, Lord Rothos of House Vastille, Lady Darchana of House Madinani, and Dremdhet Salhar, the Grand Ambassador of Osirion.

The guest list is on Slide 3

The feast is tomorrow evening.

Though the Blakroses are handling security, we want you to attend in your full adventuring regalia to help solidify your role as representatives of the Pathfinder Society and lend credibility to any claims you make regarding your knowledge of the Worldwound and the worldwide threat it signifies. We also expect you to provide additional security if it's needed.

Valsin levels his solemn gaze on everyone at the table.

Remember, this is a social gathering. It's crucial that we make a good impression on the guests, win their support, and improve the Society's standing with them. Without their support, our motion to the Grand Council is doomed to failure.

Sovereign Court

Male | HP= 57 | AC=24 | CMD=19 | Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +11 | LG Gnome Paladin (4) / Bard (1) / Shadowdancer (2) | Init+2

- I will support, cover and be a hand and a shadow of lady Morilla. Blakros family has efficient network and connection with overland artifacts though their security systems are far from perfect. We'll make sure to take care of guests impressions and become their shield, if necessary. Do you aware of a proper dress code or of particular festivities to occure? I suppose this impressive group of people may expect proper performance! What is know about host location?

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Paladin 5 (HP: 49/49 | AC: 19 (20 with haste, 21 against smite target) touch: 13 (15) FF: 16 (18) CMD: 21 (23) | F+7 R+6 W+4 | Init +7 | Percep +0 SM -2) LoH 4/4 | Smite 1/2)

Miriel relaxes a bit, but seems still quite uneasy. "That is quite a relief, and yet again, not. Persuading the elite to join our efforts at the Worldwound is of lesser personal risk, but in actuality failure could be far more disastrous than just losing your own life. Not getting the support of much needed troops weakens the campaign greatly, far beyond the loss of one warrior, however powerful."

She looks around the table. "As I regretted earlier, I don't have personal knowledge of the Worldwound. If you can support me with the academic background for discussions, I will concentrate on representation, and of course security if that unfortunate requirement comes up during the festivities".

In reply to Bedlam Lady Morilla says “Since your secondary mission is to back up the Blakros security forces, you are expected to wear your armor and weapons. Just make sure they're clean and presentable.

Ambrus says “Fiddlemourn Manor is located in the Petal District, and is owned by Michellia's maternal cousin Oved Blakros. Oved is currently at his villa in Cassomir — where he spends most of the year overseeing various Blakros business interests — and offered to let Michellia and Damien host the feast at his home while he is away.

The manor originally served as a musical conservatory but closed just over a century ago after the conservatory's founder died of old age. The manor remained abandoned until 26 years ago, when Oved bought and renovated it.

The event is tomorrow, and we have arranged it so you should have time tomorrow for a tour of the property before the guests arrive.

Scarab Sages

'The Grandidierite Sage' Male Half-Elf Sorceror 9 (HP 74/74) (AC 16/10/16) (CMD 12) (Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +8) (Init +6) (Perception +22)

Numair nods sagely.

"Wonderful. Having time to scope the lay of the land is always preferred, in case there any... complications."

Dark Archive

Bard-8: HP 56/56; GM reroll @+4 1/1;music available 18/20; Spells avail:L1 5/(5+1)L2 1/4;L3 0/2; +1 d20 bonus 1/1; Enduring Scholar (+6) 1/1; Faction pin 1/1; Archivist (+4) 1/1; Wand CLW 30/50; Loremaster 1/1; (free-scr) knock 1/1; CSW 1/1; CLW 1/1;
knowledge take 10s:
add guidance: Arcana 40; Dungeoneering 36; Engineering 37; Geography 39; History 41; Planes 40; Religion 37 ;all others 34
(Heroism active, +2 to saves and atk)AC 20 (FF:19); Fort +6; Ref +8; Will +5 (extra +4 vs sonic & language)(extra +1 when surprised/flat footed (included in FF))(extra +1 vs evil outsiders); resist cold/4; ; Init +1; Perception -2;(+1 cmd vs grapple)

Khellek nods. "Ah, a field trip." a look of concern then crosses his face and he turns to face Miriel. "Which means, best behavior. No stuff your face with the hors d'oeuvre!" he admonishers her. "I have seen Ms Appolyanna at work on a buffet table. I couldn't eat for a week. And you really don't want to know what was smeared all over her (late!) history essay.."

Turning to Lady Morilla he confirms. "So, you would like me to take Bessie with me? I'm not sure if she really fits into a formal party.."

As he says this, he pats the crossbow that hangs at his belt.
"Killed a bear with one shot once." he claims.

Sovereign Court

Male | HP= 57 | AC=24 | CMD=19 | Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +11 | LG Gnome Paladin (4) / Bard (1) / Shadowdancer (2) | Init+2

Bedlam seems offended by Gloriana's words about properly cleaned armour and again checked if his fancy breastplat shines and if Flawss properly groomed.
- I do not see security specialist among us but we'll try best of performance to charm and protect event guests. Despite there are Blakros among. Anything knowledge what happened to the manor while it was abandoned?

Gnome glances at Khellek with a silant question why he even mentioned killing a bear probably realised who he might watch over.

Conservatory means good sound spreading inside and a place for proper performance. Great!

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Paladin 5 (HP: 49/49 | AC: 19 (20 with haste, 21 against smite target) touch: 13 (15) FF: 16 (18) CMD: 21 (23) | F+7 R+6 W+4 | Init +7 | Percep +0 SM -2) LoH 4/4 | Smite 1/2)

"That is most convenient, to be able to prepare ourselves, and get cleaned and dressed up properly" Miriel says, although it is not clear what part of her speckless outfit she would clean.

On Khellek's comment, she is shocked and snaps back: "What kind of philistine do you think I am? Cooking and dining is an art, I would never ruin it by messing around! She pulls herself back, tenses, concentrates, and continues more calmly, but still a sting at her voice: "Whatever are the practices of other devoted worshippers, I bring Shelyn's philosophies to the dinner table. The care and skill in culinary arts should be appreciated, by enjoying both the presentation as well as the taste."

She cannot help but give another quip about the weapons: "I prefer to leave bears to live in peace, and use Ainulindale for defeating evil".

Ambrus says “You are all experienced agents. I expect you know how to handle yourselves in battle. The Blakroses assure us that they have security under control, though, and that the Pathfinder Society attendees probably won't be required to engage in any combat.

Ideally handle any problems without disturbing the guests.

Any questions?

Sovereign Court

Male | HP= 57 | AC=24 | CMD=19 | Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +11 | LG Gnome Paladin (4) / Bard (1) / Shadowdancer (2) | Init+2

Bedlam looks at lady Morilla with some expectations, but if nothing from her follows - decides not to ask questions. Unless...
- Supporting the question about animals in the event hall. I suppose these are not appropriate? And I hope Muhlia Al Jakri has not been invited? It is also good to know if any bad habits of evil aurish guests might be expected. Also will any musicians or artists participate?

While his small friend talking Flawss walks closer to Ambrus, sits just nearby gazing upwards with expectations.

Dark Archive

Bard-8: HP 56/56; GM reroll @+4 1/1;music available 18/20; Spells avail:L1 5/(5+1)L2 1/4;L3 0/2; +1 d20 bonus 1/1; Enduring Scholar (+6) 1/1; Faction pin 1/1; Archivist (+4) 1/1; Wand CLW 30/50; Loremaster 1/1; (free-scr) knock 1/1; CSW 1/1; CLW 1/1;
knowledge take 10s:
add guidance: Arcana 40; Dungeoneering 36; Engineering 37; Geography 39; History 41; Planes 40; Religion 37 ;all others 34
(Heroism active, +2 to saves and atk)AC 20 (FF:19); Fort +6; Ref +8; Will +5 (extra +4 vs sonic & language)(extra +1 when surprised/flat footed (included in FF))(extra +1 vs evil outsiders); resist cold/4; ; Init +1; Perception -2;(+1 cmd vs grapple)

The elderly man draws himself up to his full height. "Let me assure you Ms Magol, that a bear in close proximity with obvious intentions of making a meal out of you... is for all practical purposes. Evil."

He does however concede Miriel's other point. "I do confess that other worshippers of the Eternal Maiden have been more...circumspect.. in their eating habits. Ms Appolyanna does however manage to.. leave an impression."

He turns to Ambru. "Handle the situation with delicacy and words, rather than fire and steel. At least I understand why I was included in this expedition. I don't suppose any of the other guests are scholars?"

Dark Archive

Male N Gnome Sorcerer 7 Buffs: Mage Armor, Haste. | HP 67/72| AC 20 Incorp T 17 T 13 FF 18| CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +10 R +6 W +6, +2 vs Illusion| INIT +7| PER +16 Low Light SM -1| Speed 40' |Resist Fire 5|
Re-roll 0/1, Dancing Lights 1/1, Ghost Sound 1/1, Prestidigitation 1/1, Speak with Animals 1/1, Claws 9/9, +3 vs Spells 1/1, +2 UMD 1/1| Spells: Sorcerer 1st 5/8 2nd 6/8 3rd 4/5

Sylvester shrugs. He is expecting trouble before, after or even during the party if his past experience in the society is any indication of what is to come.

"Well I am sure that between all of us we can sweet talk some noble people to contribute to the cause."

"As for fire and steel that certainly is the Pathfinder way is it not? Why knock a good thing?"

Lady Morilla looks at Flawss and says “If it is just your mount, I would expect security to ask you to keep it in the stables. If it is your divine mount then they should stay beside you.

You could speak to the person in charge of security if it is a problem.

It looks like Flawss is a normal riding dog as opposed to a divine bonded mount.
If it is a divine bonded mount, being as you are Sovereign Court she would likely know that and have stated directly that she expects you can keep it at your side.

In either case, she would not object to someone convincing security that it should stay with you. She is a big believer in using words to resolve issues.

Ambrus says “As of the most recent guest list we have, Muhlia Al Jakri is not expected to attend.

Turning to Khellek, Ambrus says “Lady Darchana is the Archdean of the Arcanamirium. I can’t think of anyone else with a scholarly background.

Have you any more questions?

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Paladin 5 (HP: 49/49 | AC: 19 (20 with haste, 21 against smite target) touch: 13 (15) FF: 16 (18) CMD: 21 (23) | F+7 R+6 W+4 | Init +7 | Percep +0 SM -2) LoH 4/4 | Smite 1/2)

"Still, I would consider it being an unfortunate event, not something to boast about. A careless attitude toward killing might encourage others to actively seek such experiences, which I consider undesirable. Some creatures, like demons and undead, are unredeemable, but for the majority of other ones, the best action is most often the nonviolent one, as Shelyn teaches", Miriel offers her religious thoughts, now calmed enough for conversational tone.

"I suppose with basic courtesy we should be able to achieve our goals. Are you aware of any subjects that are to be avoided? Delicate political issues or personal quarrels?" she asks lady Morilla.

Dark Archive

Bard-8: HP 56/56; GM reroll @+4 1/1;music available 18/20; Spells avail:L1 5/(5+1)L2 1/4;L3 0/2; +1 d20 bonus 1/1; Enduring Scholar (+6) 1/1; Faction pin 1/1; Archivist (+4) 1/1; Wand CLW 30/50; Loremaster 1/1; (free-scr) knock 1/1; CSW 1/1; CLW 1/1;
knowledge take 10s:
add guidance: Arcana 40; Dungeoneering 36; Engineering 37; Geography 39; History 41; Planes 40; Religion 37 ;all others 34
(Heroism active, +2 to saves and atk)AC 20 (FF:19); Fort +6; Ref +8; Will +5 (extra +4 vs sonic & language)(extra +1 when surprised/flat footed (included in FF))(extra +1 vs evil outsiders); resist cold/4; ; Init +1; Perception -2;(+1 cmd vs grapple)

"I" states the scholar. "just wish the bear had also shared the non-violent teaching of Shelyn. As that was not the case... Bessie took action."

He does in agreement as Miriel asks an insightful question. "Oh good thinking."

Lady Morilla says “I know that Grand Ambassador Salhar has recently expressed some distaste for me. So far such things have not been said in my presence so I only have second hand accounts of what was said. I would avoid bringing Lady Vaelia and Scion Lord Kerkis within earshot of each other. They seldom agree on anything.

With that, Ambrus says “I think that concludes this briefing. Please be at the estate no later than 6pm tomorrow so there is time for the tour. The event starts at 7pm.

You are all given directions to the estate.

You have the rest of the day and most of tomorrow to do any last minute purchases or other preparation. Please let me know when you are ready.

Liberty's Edge

Male 1/2 orc Rng 6/Ftr 2 | HP 69 | AC 19; Touch 12; FF 18 | F +12; R +7; W +7 | CMB+14; CMD 25 | Speed 30 ft | Init +0 | Perc +11 | Stealth: +4 Ranger 6/Fighter 2

"Khellek good to see you again." Grog looks at the others and puffs on his cigar. "I'll try and behave. Hellknights and I don't tend to get along but I'll keep my trap shut.

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Paladin 5 (HP: 49/49 | AC: 19 (20 with haste, 21 against smite target) touch: 13 (15) FF: 16 (18) CMD: 21 (23) | F+7 R+6 W+4 | Init +7 | Percep +0 SM -2) LoH 4/4 | Smite 1/2)

"I am certain that your experience would impress some of the people present at the feast. We will deduce whose expertise matches best with conversations and adjust accordingly", Miriel advices Grog.

In the evening, she takes a carefully packed set of fine clothes, with matching jewelry from her pack, and goes meticulously through them to check for any dirt or damage.

Next day, she wears her finer clothes, and plans to spend at the local temple of Shelyn, meditating and studying the teachings.

Dark Archive

Bard-8: HP 56/56; GM reroll @+4 1/1;music available 18/20; Spells avail:L1 5/(5+1)L2 1/4;L3 0/2; +1 d20 bonus 1/1; Enduring Scholar (+6) 1/1; Faction pin 1/1; Archivist (+4) 1/1; Wand CLW 30/50; Loremaster 1/1; (free-scr) knock 1/1; CSW 1/1; CLW 1/1;
knowledge take 10s:
add guidance: Arcana 40; Dungeoneering 36; Engineering 37; Geography 39; History 41; Planes 40; Religion 37 ;all others 34
(Heroism active, +2 to saves and atk)AC 20 (FF:19); Fort +6; Ref +8; Will +5 (extra +4 vs sonic & language)(extra +1 when surprised/flat footed (included in FF))(extra +1 vs evil outsiders); resist cold/4; ; Init +1; Perception -2;(+1 cmd vs grapple)

Khellek squints at Grog. "Ahh, Master Grog? I seem to recall you as a particular foe of invaders from the lower planes. I can see why you are on this expedition!" notes Khellek.

"No need to 'keep your trap shut', unless we are under test conditions, of course. I seem to recall you took my introductory class on the history of demon binding and their uses in ancient society a couple of years ago. It may be that knowledge will prove useful if you see something that my older eyes miss."

Sovereign Court

Male | HP= 57 | AC=24 | CMD=19 | Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +11 | LG Gnome Paladin (4) / Bard (1) / Shadowdancer (2) | Init+2

Bedlam cleans his shoes so those look really black and decides to wear light blue robe to cover green-ish noqual armour. Surely he cleans everything and checks if gray colours of his hair covered in tress.

Probably he'd come to estate even earlier to watch what's happening around and who might move nearby to supply something or just casually spying...

Dark Archive

Bard-8: HP 56/56; GM reroll @+4 1/1;music available 18/20; Spells avail:L1 5/(5+1)L2 1/4;L3 0/2; +1 d20 bonus 1/1; Enduring Scholar (+6) 1/1; Faction pin 1/1; Archivist (+4) 1/1; Wand CLW 30/50; Loremaster 1/1; (free-scr) knock 1/1; CSW 1/1; CLW 1/1;
knowledge take 10s:
add guidance: Arcana 40; Dungeoneering 36; Engineering 37; Geography 39; History 41; Planes 40; Religion 37 ;all others 34
(Heroism active, +2 to saves and atk)AC 20 (FF:19); Fort +6; Ref +8; Will +5 (extra +4 vs sonic & language)(extra +1 when surprised/flat footed (included in FF))(extra +1 vs evil outsiders); resist cold/4; ; Init +1; Perception -2;(+1 cmd vs grapple)

Khellek nods with approval at Bedlam.

"Rest assured my students, that I will ensure you look your best, right before we enter. No student of mine will bring disrespect upon our ancient halls of knowledge through a small tear in their coat, or mud on their shoes."

Meaning he will use prestidigitation and/or mending as required to tidy everyone up before we make an entry.

As it has been over 24 hours, I assume everyone is ready to move on.

The grounds of Fiddlemourn Manor are surrounded by a 12-foot-high fieldstone wall. Within the wall, the grounds consist of a neatly trimmed lawn of green grass punctuated by broad-leafed, shady trees, numerous tropical plants, and immaculately tended flower beds divided by 10-foot-tall flowering tapestry hedges. A winding cobblestone path connects the manor to the stables and the garden.

Fiddlemourn Manor's exterior walls are of mortared gray bricks.

When you arrive at the stables, there are seven human stable hands caring for the animals. They will offer to care for any of your mounts but do not argue if someone keeps their animal.

They direct you to the main hall to meet with Damien and Michellia Blakros.

You do see guards patrolling the grounds and at the entrance, but seeing Khellek’s wayfinder they do not question you.

Inside the great hall you meet Damien and Michellia Blakros, Major Maldris, and Lady Morilla. Lady Morilla provides formal introductions and then Damien offers to summon the captain of his guards to give a tour of the manor and grounds.

The captain is a gnome named Tespren. He does not wear any armor and carries only a crossbow and a sai for weaponry. He is friendly and polite, but single-minded and dedicated when it comes to his job. He takes his position very seriously and has served as a loyal retainer of the Blakros family for nearly 20 years.

During the tour he introduces you to each of the guards and servants.

The interior walls are covered with smooth, white lime plaster with a 4-foot-high light maple wainscoting. Ceilings are 12 feet high, and windows are securely shuttered and latched. Doors are of heavy oak and carved with images of galloping horses. None of the manor's doors are currently locked. All of the fireplaces on the ground floor are lit and are well tended by the Blakros servants throughout the evening.

Stable: The stable currently houses the mounts belonging to the Blakroses and the dinner guests (four camels, an axe beak, and two riding horses). Seven stable hands remain here, caring for the animals and doing their best to keep the aggressive axe beak from antagonizing the other mounts.

Kennel: The kennel is a roofed, open-walled structure surrounded by a 5-foot-high wooden fence. It is home to five wolf hounds owned by Oved Blakros. The hounds are well-trained show dogs, and though they look menacing, they are quite friendly with strangers.

Great Hall: This massive entry hall is well lit and sparsely furnished. The fireplace on the east wall is large enough for an adult human to stand inside. Mounted on the wall above the fireplace is the stuffed head of a large-sized draconic creature with shiny blue-green scales (a sea drake). Four house guards are posted here throughout the evening.

Salon: Several comfortable chairs and sofas sit in this well-lit room, a place for guests to relax, enjoy music, and conversation. A string quartet from the esteemed White Grotto bardic college has set up in the northwest corner.

Study: This room contains a large desk, three leather chairs, and cabinets containing various curios and minor art objects.

Dining Hall: This spacious room is heated by a large fireplace and lit by two massive crystal chandeliers. The walls are decorated with painted murals of horses galloping through vast green plains. The largest feature in the room is a huge, U-shaped oaken table, and the feast takes place here.

Kitchen: The kitchen features two large fireplaces, a wide oaken table, and numerous wall mounted counters and cabinets. A staff of six human cooks are constantly hounded by foul-mouthed Domeros Prinitar, a renowned master chef brought in from Oppara for the event. Prinitar scowls menacingly when anyone except his staff enters his kitchen.

As you leave the kitchen Tespren briefly apologizes for the human master chef’s behavior. “He is a said to be a magnificent chef, but I find his etiquette lacking.

Pantry: The pantry is well stocked and located adjacent to the busy kitchen.

Storage Closet: This room contains tools, linens, barrels of water, and other mundane items.

Shrine: The dusty, somewhat neglected shrine features marble statues of the gods Abadar, Calistria, Desna, and Shelyn. A small brass brazier burns fragrant incense here throughout the evening to help mask any smells coming from the privy.

Privy: This room holds a porcelain toilet, a wall-mounted wash basin filled with rose-scented water, and a rack of hand towels. A small brass oil lamp on the ceiling provides plenty of light.

Smoking Room: This room is used by Oved and his special guests to smoke and relax. A cabinet holds a rack of scrimshaw, clay, and ivory pipes, pouches of mundane and exotic pipeweed, and a box of expensive cigars from Ilizmagorti.

Garden: A cobblestone path winds through the gardens and opens into a well-trimmed lawn bordered by shady trees to the east and west, a flowering hedge to the north, and a tall stone wall to the south. A wooden gazebo sits near the back of the open area.

Down the stairs from the room between the dining room and the kitchen.

Wine Cellar: Wooden racks line the walls and alcoves of the wine cellar holding hundreds of bottles of wine from across the Inner Sea, including several vintages worth over 100 gp a piece. A fieldstone-rimmed well stands in the western alcove. The well is covered by a heavy oaken lid and is locked. A wooden bucket attached to a 60-foot length of silk rope sits atop the well's lid. The well shaft is 4 feet in diameter and descends 40 feet before it taps into a freshwater aquifer.

Second floor, up the stairs in the great hall.

Trophy Hall and Gallery: This large open area has a polished hardwood floor. The walls contain the manor's best paintings and trophy heads, including Blakros family portraits dating back centuries.

Drawing Room: This room contains a billiards table, a rack of pool cues, a couch, several chairs, and a fireplace. Long, white dust cloths cover all of the furniture.

Guest Bedroom: This room contains a fireplace, a bed, and a dresser. Long, white dust cloths cover all of the furniture.

Serving Maids' Quarters: Three double-bunks occupy this room, along with six small wicker chests containing the maids' clothing and personal effects.

Library: This library has comfortable chairs surrounded by shelves of books.

Master Bedroom: Everything in this luxuriously furnished room is covered in long white dust cloths.

Private Bathroom: Similar to the privy downstairs, this room also contains a vanity table and mirror and a large porcelain bathtub.

If there are no delays, the tour takes about 30 minutes.

The guests are expected to arrive at 7pm. The guests will be announced and then escorted to the dining hall where drinks and light appetizers will be provided.

Dark Archive

Male N Gnome Sorcerer 7 Buffs: Mage Armor, Haste. | HP 67/72| AC 20 Incorp T 17 T 13 FF 18| CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +10 R +6 W +6, +2 vs Illusion| INIT +7| PER +16 Low Light SM -1| Speed 40' |Resist Fire 5|
Re-roll 0/1, Dancing Lights 1/1, Ghost Sound 1/1, Prestidigitation 1/1, Speak with Animals 1/1, Claws 9/9, +3 vs Spells 1/1, +2 UMD 1/1| Spells: Sorcerer 1st 5/8 2nd 6/8 3rd 4/5

Sylvester rides around with Shaggy. He finds a quiet and private moment to put up Mage Armor on himself shortly before the reception begins.

The gnome looks spanking clean and the colors of his robe and cap have been brightened magically with a before bed casting of Prestidigitation.

Medium N Animal Riding Dog Total Defence Action | HP 13/13 | AC 13+4 Incorp T 12+4 T 12+4 FF 11| CMB +3 CMD 15 (19 vs Trip)| F +5 R +5 W +1|Init +2| PER +8 Low Light Vision, Scent| Speed 40' Acrobatics +6 (+14 Jumping)|Active Conditions:

Shaggy stands well groomed and clean. The muscular and attractive dog carries Sylvester around with ease.

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Paladin 5 (HP: 49/49 | AC: 19 (20 with haste, 21 against smite target) touch: 13 (15) FF: 16 (18) CMD: 21 (23) | F+7 R+6 W+4 | Init +7 | Percep +0 SM -2) LoH 4/4 | Smite 1/2)

Miriel follows the tour, but often gets distracted and has to run and catch the team. She admirers the mounts, plays a bit with the dogs, exchanges a few words with the bards, cleans dust from the statue of Shelyn and says a quick prayer in front of it, examines the plants in the garden, and finally gets stuck at analyzing the paintings and portraits.

"This is such a marvelous residence, the amount of impressive art and possibilities for such a diversity of activities", she says in awe.

Dark Archive

Bard-8: HP 56/56; GM reroll @+4 1/1;music available 18/20; Spells avail:L1 5/(5+1)L2 1/4;L3 0/2; +1 d20 bonus 1/1; Enduring Scholar (+6) 1/1; Faction pin 1/1; Archivist (+4) 1/1; Wand CLW 30/50; Loremaster 1/1; (free-scr) knock 1/1; CSW 1/1; CLW 1/1;
knowledge take 10s:
add guidance: Arcana 40; Dungeoneering 36; Engineering 37; Geography 39; History 41; Planes 40; Religion 37 ;all others 34
(Heroism active, +2 to saves and atk)AC 20 (FF:19); Fort +6; Ref +8; Will +5 (extra +4 vs sonic & language)(extra +1 when surprised/flat footed (included in FF))(extra +1 vs evil outsiders); resist cold/4; ; Init +1; Perception -2;(+1 cmd vs grapple)

Khellek admires the architecture, trying to work out what is original and what is more modern additions. However his real attention is on the library. After the tour he drifts around "Just making sure there are no problems..." and ahh.. 'secures' the library. Most importantly a well stuffed seat near a good light.


As it gets close to the time for guests to arrive, Lady Morilla and Major Maldris ask all of you to gather in the dining hall.

Influence rules used in this scenario:

Each of the influence checks takes about ten to fifteen minutes.

You may choose one NPC and attempt a skill check. Please provide a description of your character’s side of the interaction. There are things that can give a bonus or penalty to the check because of the NPC’s personality.

You can either attempt to discover more about the NPC or directly influence them.

Discovery: Make a Discovery check. The skills used are listed for each NPC. On a success everyone gets a +4 competence bonus to influence that NPC and the group will discover other skills that can be used to influence that NPC. This does not change their attitude towards the group.

Influence: Make a check using any of Bluff check (to pretend to be friendly), a Diplomacy check (to be genuine), or a skill check specific to the NPC revealed by a discovery check or guessed at by the interactions. The better you do, the more influence you gain. The amount of successes needed varies by NPC.

Influence checks are the only way to make the NPC favorably disposed towards you. Once the group has enough influence points with an NPC, I will let the group know.

The DC of a check may differ based on NPC and what skill is used.

Slides 9-15 has a list of each NPC, description, and skills that can be used for Discovery. Influence may be done with Diplomacy, Bluff, or a skill (found through discovery) that is specific to the NPC.

You may make two checks to attempt to influence any of the NPCs other than Senator Naran.

Who arrives first?: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Lord Rothos is the first to arrive. He has no one accompaning him. Soon after that most of the other guests arrive with the exception of Senator Naran. Each guest along with any companions are announced as they arrive,

Sovereign Court

Male | HP= 57 | AC=24 | CMD=19 | Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +11 | LG Gnome Paladin (4) / Bard (1) / Shadowdancer (2) | Init+2

Bedlam inspects the halls with others being impressed and continuously stopping Flawss from moving too fast. Although he is distracted frequently and sometimes spend time near art together with Miriel.

TThough the gnome does not want to upset Tespren and suddenly joins the party folloing protocol.

Scarab Sages

'The Grandidierite Sage' Male Half-Elf Sorceror 9 (HP 74/74) (AC 16/10/16) (CMD 12) (Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +8) (Init +6) (Perception +22)

Numair immediately approaches the Grand Ambassador.

"Greetings, Grand Ambassador Dremdhet Salhar. I am Numair Salmalin, the Grandidierite Sage. It does my heart good to see that the Homeland is being represented at this gathering. Given Osirion's long history of dealing with extraplanar threats, I am sure that any assistance that they could provide would be invaluable when it comes to helping out with the knotty problem of the failing wardstones."

Diplomacy(Influence): 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (19) + 22 = 41.

The ambassador is favorably impressed by Numair’s introduction and knowledge of Osirion. He talks with him a bit about the bureaucratic hurdles such involvement would involve.

By the time Numair is done speaking with the man, he is sure that Salhar will speak in favor of helping the efforts.

Dremdhet Salhar - Friendly

Numair may make another check.

Scarab Sages

'The Grandidierite Sage' Male Half-Elf Sorceror 9 (HP 74/74) (AC 16/10/16) (CMD 12) (Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +8) (Init +6) (Perception +22)

After finishing-up his conversation with the Grand Ambassador, Numair moves on to Lady Darchana.

"Greetings, Archdean. I am Numair Salmalin, the Grandidierite Sage. I won't insult your intelligence with false pleasantries, but it is truth without a doubt that you wield influence both political, and scholarly. Mendev has need of both the soldiers of Absalom, and the cunning of the Arcanamirium. After all, if the demons break free from their confines, what is to stop them from spilling over into the Inner Sea Region as a whole, potentially even as far as Absalom? Many of them can teleport, and a single succubus working from behind the scenes can wreak havoc with Charm Monster, or a Shadow Demon with Magic Jar. Arcane support will be vital for the war effort, in order to prevent a greater tragedy."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (9) + 22 = 31.

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Paladin 5 (HP: 49/49 | AC: 19 (20 with haste, 21 against smite target) touch: 13 (15) FF: 16 (18) CMD: 21 (23) | F+7 R+6 W+4 | Init +7 | Percep +0 SM -2) LoH 4/4 | Smite 1/2)

Miriel is still enchanted by the dedication the artists have had with the paintings.

Maybe if Khellek investigates with the otherworldly knowledge bonuses and then Miriel can use her actions trying to influence? Delaying a bit.

Dark Archive

Bard-8: HP 56/56; GM reroll @+4 1/1;music available 18/20; Spells avail:L1 5/(5+1)L2 1/4;L3 0/2; +1 d20 bonus 1/1; Enduring Scholar (+6) 1/1; Faction pin 1/1; Archivist (+4) 1/1; Wand CLW 30/50; Loremaster 1/1; (free-scr) knock 1/1; CSW 1/1; CLW 1/1;
knowledge take 10s:
add guidance: Arcana 40; Dungeoneering 36; Engineering 37; Geography 39; History 41; Planes 40; Religion 37 ;all others 34
(Heroism active, +2 to saves and atk)AC 20 (FF:19); Fort +6; Ref +8; Will +5 (extra +4 vs sonic & language)(extra +1 when surprised/flat footed (included in FF))(extra +1 vs evil outsiders); resist cold/4; ; Init +1; Perception -2;(+1 cmd vs grapple)

Khellek is also curious about Lady Darchana.

"Good evening Lady Darchana" he says, offering a polite Varisian bow.

"I am Khellek, a historian. You may have read some of my works? I have certainly read a number of yours. Your treatise on the elemental planes and evocation magic 'From Water to Cold, tunnels between realities' I think sheds some very interesting light on the battle of Killik-Tura when the Jhiska and ancient Osirian empires were feuding..."

know planes T10: 10 + 30 = 40

Sovereign Court

Male | HP= 57 | AC=24 | CMD=19 | Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +11 | LG Gnome Paladin (4) / Bard (1) / Shadowdancer (2) | Init+2

As Dremdhet Salhar arrives Bedlam opens with a courtesy remebering how things usually go and done in Osirion.
He wants to show kmanners and firstly impress the large men (Salhar) as other pathfinders are around.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15

Later, when tall Lord Rothos arrives Bedlam shortly discuss how he feels and what issuaes or boredom faces after transition from military life to a more peaceful
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

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