Grymp's Shattered Star Campaign

Game Master Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan

Roll20 Maps

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Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

Donations, my friends? Can we afford this at 3gp apiece? Doubt my results will get any better than that one!

Male Dwarf Cleric 1 (HP 12/12 AC:15 T:10 F:15 Saves F:+6 R:+1 W:+7 CMB:+2 CMD:12 Init:+0 Perc: +4)

Methinks business is bad due more from tha teller than tha business itself! Gundar thinks as he hands over his 3gp to Ghaernan.

M Wyvaran Monk 1 (AC 15 [T:15 FF14) | HP 12/12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 | Darkvision 60' and Low Light

This seems entirely too much gold for street knowledge. I wonder if he is attempting to extort us even at his suggested discount price?

sense motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15 I want to see if he is still nervous about asking for what usually is silver or copper vice gold info

Male Ifrit Slayer 1 (AC:19 T:13 FF:16 | HP 13/13 | F+4 R+5 W+1| CMB:+4 CMD:17 | Init:+8 | Perc:+4 | Darkvision 60')

Caius’ knuckles turn white as he tightens his grip on the hilt of his greatsword, his molten orange eyes burning with barely restrained anger. His voice is a low, dangerous growl. Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
Aye, I’ve got three hard-earned gold to my name, but I’ll be damned if I part with them just to feed this fool's endless hunger! He thinks to swindle us with tales of misfortune? I've no sympathy for a man too lost in his own vices to see reason!
He takes a breath, his grip on the sword loosening slightly but his gaze remaining as intense as ever.

Roll20 Maps Loot

Both Verilich and Caius determine that the man, certainly a greedy fool, was trying to get as much as he could from those better off than he. They can also tell, that he has reached his rock bottom price.

Male Ifrit Slayer 1 (AC:19 T:13 FF:16 | HP 13/13 | F+4 R+5 W+1| CMB:+4 CMD:17 | Init:+8 | Perc:+4 | Darkvision 60')

Promising himself that he’d recoup the gold twice over from this addled wretch, Caius digs into his pouch, retrieving three gold coins. His knuckles brush against the rough, cold metal as he pulls them free. Without a word, he steps forward and drops the coins into Ghaernan’s hand, the clink of gold against gold echoing in the tense silence. Caius’s glower never fades, his molten orange eyes fixed on Zograthy with a burning intensity, a silent vow that this exchange is far from over.

M Wyvaran Monk 1 (AC 15 [T:15 FF14) | HP 12/12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 | Darkvision 60' and Low Light

"While I do think this is overpriced for street information, I suspect this individual will not go lower." Verilich also provides 3 gold coins from a belt pouch.

"As I am honorable to our agreement, let's hope there are no inconsistencies, please."

aid to diplomacy or intimidate whatever is needed: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (19) + 0 = 19

Roll20 Maps Loot

Ok, it looks like you guys are on the road to getting the 15gp together, so I'll push things forward assuming you have done so.

As Zograthy slips the fee into the folds of his garments, he smiles. ”Natalya Vancaskerkin you ask about? Well, she hasn’t been heard from among the Sczarni for some time.” Zograthy adds, ”in fact, many folk along the waterfront, both here in Beacon’s Point and over in Dockway and Underbridge, have been disappearing of late—a few each week, in fact, with many simply vanishing out of their very beds at night. I suspect that Natalya is among those who have disappeared in this manner.” He adds bitterly, ”as long as only poor Varisians and other destitute folk are being targeted, the chances of the city doing anything about the disappearances is nil. It’s no Sczarni plot—indeed, the Sczarni seem quite interested in solving the vanishings themselves, but are not seeking aid in that effort. If anything, it’s harder to contact actual Sczarni leaders these days than it is normally. The leading theory on the street is that the vanished folk are the victims of slavers who then secretly sell them offshore at night to Nidalese ships—but I don’t put much stock in such rumors.” His voice drifts off briefly, before coming back to the topic, ”Natalya you asked about. She was, at least until recently, a member of a Sczarni gang known as the Tower Girls, a group of cat burglars. They are themselves searching for Natalya, and word is that when they find her, she’ll be in deep trouble. I don’t know exactly what is going on with them but I’ve heard them say that Natalya went mad before her disappearance. Now that’s all I know about Natalya.”

He clears his throat, holds out his hand palm up, and stares at you.

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

Ghaernan clears his throat in return, his eyes blatantly drifting to the folds of Zograthy's garments holding the 15 pieces of gold...

"I believe your words, Master Zograthy, were that we were 'calling it 15'. Are you suggesting that you have reneged on our deal, or are you offering us another service?"

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"I have told you all that I know of Natalya, which was our arrangement. But for a small gratuity, I might have another useful tidbit for you."

DC 12 Sense Motive:
He'll let this tidbit go, for the low low price of only 1gp.

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

Sense Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 8

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

Team? Would like to know what's under Grymp's little "Show" box up there, please...:)

Male Ifrit Slayer 1 (AC:19 T:13 FF:16 | HP 13/13 | F+4 R+5 W+1| CMB:+4 CMD:17 | Init:+8 | Perc:+4 | Darkvision 60')

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24 Caius casts a piercing gaze towards the charlatan.
Seems his appetite for gold is only somewhat abated.
Caius tosses another gold into Zograthy's lap.
Out with it!

Roll20 Maps Loot

Again, he tucks away the coin. ”If you are fans of the Nidalese slavers story, there is a rumor that a pickup for one of these slave runs has been scheduled for this very midnight at an old, boarded-up shoreline tavern in Dockway. The tavern was once known as the Puffy Pelican.”

I have revealed the Puffy Pelican on the map.

Roll20 Maps Loot

I think you have several avenues of approach to consider, so chat it out and see what the plan is next.

Male Human Fighter 1(HP 12/12 AC:18 T:12 F:16 Saves F:+4 R:+2 W:-1 CMB:+4 CMD:17 Init:+2 Perc: +0)

Khalid wasted his 3gp along with his companions. Once we finish with this fool, assuming that we aren't going to double cross him for our bribes back, Khalid will suggest we go to the abandoned warehouse and try to contact these Tower Girls. He is not a fan of going after the slavers that everyone thinks is a red herring.

M Wyvaran Monk 1 (AC 15 [T:15 FF14) | HP 12/12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 | Darkvision 60' and Low Light

sense motive on whether the slaver story is real: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

Roll20 Maps Loot

He has not been lying to you.

M Wyvaran Monk 1 (AC 15 [T:15 FF14) | HP 12/12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 | Darkvision 60' and Low Light

”companions. I feel compelled to free people from slavery if it is within our powers to do so. If we investigate the Tower Girls, we must leave time to spoil the evening slave trade.”

Male Human Fighter 1(HP 12/12 AC:18 T:12 F:16 Saves F:+4 R:+2 W:-1 CMB:+4 CMD:17 Init:+2 Perc: +0)

He also said he didn't put much stock in the rumors. We can chat more about it in different company.

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

Ghaernan considers Zograthy’s words, pitying the pathetic addict all the more for his scraping, and walks a distance from him with the company before speaking further…

”This leaves us in a quandary, companions. My thoughts - if the Nidalese slavers are indeed a false rumor, it is still the case that something is still abducting people…one of whom might have been Natalya. Let us not forget, she is among the vanished, and only some of those disappeared have returned, their minds altered in some way. If the Tower Girls are still looking for her themselves, I’m not yet sure that gets us any closer to Natalya. I would therefore conclude that the “slavers”, whatever they are, should be our next target, one I’d think that’s almost certain to “exercise” your talents…”

Male Dwarf Cleric 1 (HP 12/12 AC:15 T:10 F:15 Saves F:+6 R:+1 W:+7 CMB:+2 CMD:12 Init:+0 Perc: +4)

Aye, Even if the slavers are not resonsible for Natalya, abducting people and selling 'em is a nasty business that should be ended.

Male Ifrit Slayer 1 (AC:19 T:13 FF:16 | HP 13/13 | F+4 R+5 W+1| CMB:+4 CMD:17 | Init:+8 | Perc:+4 | Darkvision 60')

And I, too, believe looking for Natalya among these "slaves" is more pressing than meeting the Tower Girls to commiserate about their lost sister and springing the guard's trap at the abandoned warehouse. To the former Puffy Pelican?
And losing coin to that teller will be an easier cactus to chew if we can solve this disappearance business and collect 1000 gold! Caius adds with a wink to Gundar and nod to Verilich. Slyly, he looks towards Khalid and rolls his eyes.

Male Dwarf Cleric 1 (HP 12/12 AC:15 T:10 F:15 Saves F:+6 R:+1 W:+7 CMB:+2 CMD:12 Init:+0 Perc: +4)

Gundar smiles broadly. Aye! One can buy a lot of ale with that money! It is only then that Gundar realizes he still hasn't had any ale before Shelia's shindig. He aims to correct that problem shortly.

Male Human Fighter 1(HP 12/12 AC:18 T:12 F:16 Saves F:+4 R:+2 W:-1 CMB:+4 CMD:17 Init:+2 Perc: +0)

Late night work then. Perhaps we should go someplace for some food after we take a quick peek at the site. Then we can make a plan and fortify ourselves before the festivities. Perhaps that fruity place the bard keeps carrying on about.

Roll20 Maps Loot

The group soon finds The Sleeping Dragon Inn, so determined by the snoozing dragon on the sign over the door. From the outside it appears a bit ramshackle and rundown, but the raucous laughter from inside tells you that there is liquid courage to be had here, and probably some fine food.

You move inside and are greeted by a pleasant halfling lass. "Welcome to the Sleeping Dragon Inn. I am Durell, co-proprietor, along with my husband, Alric, although if I know him, he's probably out back swapping lies with some of his buddies. What can I get you fine folk?"

If someone has a map of a cozy little tavern, I'd be glad to add it to the campaign. And maybe someone (Dave?) could AI up a nice sign?

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

”I don’t think the Triodea, or “fruity place” as Khalid references it, is the kind of venue to best plan and fortify; far too much actual entertainment and brilliant distraction. I do like the idea of some reconnaissance near the supposed “slaver” run pickup site, the former Puffy Pelican, following our visit to this fine establishment for planning and fortification. Any last gear preparations deemed necessary? My own performance may have to wait, this night; a pity, but Kasadei will appreciate the call of duty all the more, I’d expect.”

The Bard clearly regrets the lost performance opportunity, but smiles briefly at the thought of the attractive guardswoman pursuit…

M Wyvaran Monk 1 (AC 15 [T:15 FF14) | HP 12/12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 | Darkvision 60' and Low Light

Verilich seems to know the place very well and greets the owner. "Hail Ms. Durell, it is I, Verilich, come once again to visit your fine establishment. Might my usual room be available? Oh and I will have a bottle of red wine for myself and my companions...Put it on my tab."

Verilich will also wave and say pleasantries to several of the regulars and find a table in the far corner away from the entrance and distant enough from eavesdroppers.

"Aye Ghaernan, we should conduct reconnaissance. I can provide such duties, if that is what the party asks. Do you propose all of us or just 1 or 2 of us to scout the site?"

Male Dwarf Cleric 1 (HP 12/12 AC:15 T:10 F:15 Saves F:+6 R:+1 W:+7 CMB:+2 CMD:12 Init:+0 Perc: +4)

Gundar nods at Verilich, Thanks for ye offer of wine but if it all the same ta ye me friend, I'll take a stout ale. He says the last part in the halfling's direction.

At the table with his companions he tastes the ale. While not as good as Dwarven ale, it will pass. He eagerly finishes the tankard and lets out a contented belch.

Roll20 Maps Loot

Durell smiles at the sight of a regular patron. ”Alas,” she says, ”we are all out of the fried rats you like so much. The catchers are all too afraid of the Nidalese to be going out at night and keeping the supply up. I’ll get you the wine though. I’ve not got a dwarven ale for your friend though. I’ll see what I can provide.”

She returns in a bit with the wine, glasses, some bar snacks, and a dark ale that almost seems thick enough to stand on its own. ”Will you all be needing anything else this evening?”

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

Ghaernan inhales sharply and involuntarily reaches for his throat at the mention of the fried rats Verilich likes so much. He recovers quickly, though, and offers a warm smile to the kind innkeeper…

”Good evening, Durell; I’m Ghaernan. A distinct pleasure to visit your fine establishment and make your acquaintance, particularly one whom understands the “appetites” of my friend Verilich. In addition to the wine, may I have some hot tea and a jar of honey, if possible? My thanks, Madam; a…pity…about the rats, Verilich. Ahem.”

Roll20 Maps Loot

”Hot tea and local honey it is sir. I’ll have those right out.”

True to her word, a young horc wench brings them out for you.

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

Ghaernan nods in thanks to the young horc lass with the arrival of the tea and honey, and likewise to Verilich for the red wine. He then takes a long, appraising look around the common room assessing the atmosphere and patrons before returning his gaze to the company assembled around the table, and leans in directly to the planning, with fortification in hand…

”What say you on the reconnaissance, friends? Verilich offered to do so alone, but I think it better to all set out to within close proximity, and then if Verilich goes the final distance, he’s still within easy range of rapid reinforcement…perhaps no further than 110’, specifically, if that proves viable…”

In looking about, G is wondering about a couple specific matters: 1) the relative security and privacy of the company at present, and 2) the opportunity to perform here, if it seems like an appropriate venue, as the evening draws on. Thanks.

Roll20 Maps Loot

If the goal is earning money, I doubt there is enough time to do an evening of work, but you can show off, for sure.

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

Hmmm; showing off, perhaps, but with a definite point. Any chance that at its height the crowd will reach or exceed 50? Thanks.

Roll20 Maps Loot

I don't think this place brings in 50 these days. But if they start having high quality entertainment on Toildays and Oathdays...

Male Human Fighter 1(HP 12/12 AC:18 T:12 F:16 Saves F:+4 R:+2 W:-1 CMB:+4 CMD:17 Init:+2 Perc: +0)

This wine is my favorite type. On someone else's tab! Khalid says taking a mug of wine to the table.

Once there he lowers his voice to discuss more important matters, It's hard to sneak with light in the dark, or in chain mail. Frankly at any time in my experience. I will need to practice more in the future. Lighting a torch also can prove difficult with flint and steel. I suppose I can try and go out to buy a lantern, but it is getting late for that. Any ideas? I heard those pathfinder wayfinder thingies can shine a light at will.

My type of negotiation has usually involved knocking people down a few times until I get my way. Then again, it's not often sucessful.

Male Ifrit Slayer 1 (AC:19 T:13 FF:16 | HP 13/13 | F+4 R+5 W+1| CMB:+4 CMD:17 | Init:+8 | Perc:+4 | Darkvision 60')

Caius approaches The Sleeping Dragon Inn with his usual purposeful stride, the heavy thud of his boots muffled slightly by the uneven cobblestones beneath his feet. The warm glow of lantern light spilling from the windows contrasts sharply with the cold night air outside. As he reaches the door, he pauses for a moment, glancing up at the sign—a snoozing dragon, comfortably curled up as if guarding the place in its slumber. A small, almost imperceptible smirk tugs at the corner of Caius's mouth before he pushes the door open.

The door creaks on its hinges as Caius steps inside, the warmth and noise of the inn enveloping him immediately. His towering figure, clad in a battle-worn breastplate adorned with subtle flame motifs, commands attention as he enters. Caius’s molten orange eyes, glowing faintly in the dim light, scan the room with a sharp, assessing gaze.

He spots his companions in the far corner, Verilich already settled in and exchanging words with Ms. Durell. With a nod of recognition, Caius makes his way across the room, his heavy boots thudding against the wooden floor.

As he nears the table, Caius allows himself a moment of relaxation, the hard edge of his demeanor softening slightly. He pulls out a chair with one strong hand, the wood scraping lightly against the floor, and settles into it with a quiet grunt.

"Evening," Caius says, his voice a deep rumble as he acknowledges the group. His gaze briefly flicks to the bottle of red wine on the table, then to the tankard of dark ale in front of the Gundar. "I see we’ve already started," he adds, a hint of dry humor in his tone.

Caius’s hand rests on the hilt of his greatsword, a habitual gesture that speaks to his readiness for anything. He leans back slightly in his chair, still alert, but allowing himself to take in the relative comfort of the inn. Though his expression remains stern, there’s a sense of ease in his posture—this is a place where he can let his guard down, if only a little.

"I will certainly provide ready aid for our scouting this night. I've some skill at keeping to shadows when it suits."

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

Ghaernan leans back in his chair, enjoying the wine as the honeyed tea cools, reflecting on Khalid’s practical observations regarding his constraints and considering Caius’ surprising acknowledgment of some stealth skills, before speaking again on the matter…

”Companions, your words of self-assessment, to my mind, effectively establish the foundation for a viable plan of approach to our scouting mission. With Verilich and Caius as the forward, stealth-focused advance, the remainder of us can serve from a short distance as a quick reaction element, if you will, ready to reinforce either as needed. If not, we can simply await your return. I can maintain communication with either of you, as well, with the Message spell as noted, so long as no more than a foot of stone or three feet of wood comes between us. Khalid, my friend I see no simple answer to your stealth and night vision constraints. The first should not prove an issue so long as you remain with me and Gundar in reserve, but the latter is likely best addressed with a torch, for now, that you can drop in a place it won’t start a fire and then fight within its radius, with a hooded lantern to consider as a longer-term solution.”

Please do let me know when G perceives the crowd is as large as it’s going to get. While 50 or more patrons serves a greater purpose, he nonetheless has the sense that the legend should begin here, at the Sleeping Dragon Inn…

Roll20 Maps Loot

Patronage should peak around 9PM. You can move to then if you wish, or stretch things out.

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

If the others have nothing further to add to G’s thoughts about our approach, I’m fine with advancing the hour to the nine bells…

As the last echoes of the nine bells fade over Magnimar and the patronage of the Sleeping Dragon Inn reaches its height of the evening, Ghaernan smiles and rises from his chair, then strides with deliberate gravitas to the most likely central space remaining among those gathered, while casting Prestidigitation with subtle arcane words and gestures.

”Time it is for a tale this night, friends,” the Bard speaks, leveraging his prodigious skills to project his voice and imbue it with resonance as the lingering effects of his spell cause a number of candles to arise from their settings, and move slowly towards Ghaernan as they begin to circle around him.

”The tale this night, in honor of the proprietors of this house, shall be that of MALIFICAR AND THE HANDS OF DOOM, the story of the halfling Fife and his brother Darvin, in their epic adventures and triumph against the vile Malificar the Necromancer! Listen, then, to the tale as it is known to me…”

Ghaernan launches into his performance, then, using the many (a pounds-worth) floating candles circling about him to accentuate the telling, enhancing the metallic copper sheen of his flowing hair and iridescence of his eyes in the firelight, along with the copper hues of the greatcloak moving around him through his movements with a seeming life of its own, each aspect intended to inexorably draw the audience into the enthralling tale….

Ghaernan takes 10 on his performances, both Acting and Dancing, resulting in a 20 (Great Performance) on each! :-)

Roll20 Maps Loot

The crowd seems rather surprised to hear such quality entertainment at The Sleeping Dragon. The place does not usually provide such. As the patrons cheer the tale, they call for more drink in honor of the heroes and fallen of the tale.

Ms. Durell comes to your table, ”Well, well, that got them to drinking. I thank you good sir, and please, this round for you lot is on the house. The coffers will be flowing once we tamp down those thirsty throats, and that was your doing. What did you say your name was good Sir Talespinner?”

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

The Bard inclines his head deeply with Durell’s thanks…

”Madam, your kind words and generosity are truly appreciated,” he replies with warm sincerity, ”my name is Ghaernan Barova, an aspiring Master of The Word and The Way, with admittedly a great distance yet to travel upon that journey. Thank you for the opportunity to share my Art with you and the gracious patrons of the Sleeping Dragon Inn; I shall look forward to a hopeful return!”

Roll20 Maps Loot

”Bring more of those stories back next time, and if you make the patrons thirsty again, your tab will continue to be on the house. Perhaps tales of parched Osirion?” She carries away some of the dirties to the kitchen.

Let me know when/how you’d like to proceed.

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

”It shall be done, Madam Durell; I shall look forward all the more to my return to your fine establishment.”

Ghaernan turns to his companions, looking for their own last thoughts on the evening reconnaissance…

Male Ifrit Slayer 1 (AC:19 T:13 FF:16 | HP 13/13 | F+4 R+5 W+1| CMB:+4 CMD:17 | Init:+8 | Perc:+4 | Darkvision 60')

"Shall we journey forth?" Cauis understands that he will approach the Puffy Pelican unseen while keeping Verilich in sight as much as possible. Together we are to reconnoiter the building and any comings and goings.

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

”Excellent timing I think, Caius, while the inn patronage is boisterous and we can slip out far easier. We’re of the same mindset in the approach to the derelict Puffy Pelican; if you don’t mind, I’d like to initiate the Message spell with you in this instance, as I think you’ll likely be the first of our stalkers to lose the connection with me, simply due to the number of ground structures. If or when that happens, I can hopefully look to the skies nearby and find Verilich, with whom I can reinitiate the connection.”

Roll20 Maps Loot

Having enjoyed the hospitality of the Sleeping Dragon Inn for the evening, the party pays up with the proprietress and leaves the cozy feel of the hearth-warmed hall to head out into the cool night air of Magnimar. A slight breeze brings a salt tinged ocean smell to your nostrils. Unusual for this deep into the Capital District, and so far from the wharfs that it is, perhaps, a harbinger of your evening plans.

A brisk walk across Magnimar under a cloudy sky brings you to the Naos District. Known for new money and haughty attitudes, it is clear that those barely scraping by, like yourselves, are not welcome here after dark, and probably not at the heights of noon either. You soon find yourselves into the Dockway District, the heart of Magnimar's maritime activities.

As you approach the shoreline, people are fewer and further between. There's not so much of a nightlife down here, and most dockwork is done during the day. The perfect time and place for illicit activities you conclude.

Stopping just over 100' short of the Puffy Pelican, your advance party moves forward.

Caius and Verilich can easily discern that a light emanates out of the front of the boarded up derelict establishment. The door itself no longer being in good repair, the light shines through the slats and around door itself.

Ok, I have placed you all on the Puffy Pelican map. Caius and Verilich, what's the plan? Move yourselves forward and tell me what you're doing.

M Wyvaran Monk 1 (AC 15 [T:15 FF14) | HP 12/12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 | Darkvision 60' and Low Light

so it may be difficult for me to put myself where I want to be because I am going to be on the roof top. so i won't move my token. I will just describe my tactic

Verilich speaks to Caius, "Friend, I will go high and you can stay low. I will stay within 60' and line of sight to you so that we can both see each other in case there is trouble. " Verilich then also goes over basic hand and arm signals for conveying what one has seen to include numbers, threats, unknown, withdraw, or reposition to press in.

Then he will take to the sky hoping to find a roof top to stealthful-ly land and peer into open doors, open windows, and get the general exterior scan of entrances and exits.

stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

Roll20 Maps Loot

All of the windows are solidly boarded up. Shutters, with boards over them. A few of the roof boards creak as you land. As an aside, this is a single level place, so no upper floor to enter.

Wait! No, you definitely hear a group of humanoids (3-4?) moving about inside the place.


GM1: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14
GM2: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

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Current Characters

Caius Emberborne

Male Ifrit Slayer 1 (AC:19 T:13 FF:16 | HP 13/13 | F+4 R+5 W+1| CMB:+4 CMD:17 | Init:+8 | Perc:+4 | Darkvision 60')

played by MadMarine (108 posts)
Ghaernan Barova

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

played by Valdamar's Master (120 posts)

Roll20 Maps Loot

played by Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan (3,330 posts)
Gundar Ironbeard

Male Dwarf Cleric 1 (HP 12/12 AC:15 T:10 F:15 Saves F:+6 R:+1 W:+7 CMB:+2 CMD:12 Init:+0 Perc: +4)

played by Briccone (685 posts)
Hobgoblin Commander
Khalid Vasari

Male Human Fighter 1(HP 12/12 AC:18 T:12 F:16 Saves F:+4 R:+2 W:-1 CMB:+4 CMD:17 Init:+2 Perc: +0)

played by Oid (81 posts)
Red Dragon

M Wyvaran Monk 1 (AC 15 [T:15 FF14) | HP 12/12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 | Darkvision 60' and Low Light

played by Galdrock (78 posts)

Previous Characters

Silver Crusade MadMarine

Male Ifrit Slayer 1
(1 post)


(10 posts)

Silver Crusade Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan

Male Human Gamer 4/Engineer (Safety) 8
(2,610 posts)
Bounty Hunter
Ziranu Barova

Male Varisian Human Ranger (Urban Ranger) 16 (AC: 33 [T: 20, FF: 26] | HP: 148/148 | F+18*, R+23*, W+15* | Init: +9* | Perc: +23*)

played by Valdamar's Master (747 posts)