Grymp's Shattered Star Campaign

Game Master Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan

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Male Ifrit Slayer 1 (AC:19 T:13 FF:16 | HP 13/13 | F+4 R+5 W+1| CMB:+4 CMD:17 | Init:+8 | Perc:+4 | Darkvision 60')

Caius will stalk forward, keeping to shadows and out of notice, until he is within sight of the building and his aerial companion. He will then survey the surrounding area, looking for anyone also trying to stay unnoticed (like a lookout) and observing passers by.
Stealth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

M Wyvaran Monk 1 (AC 15 [T:15 FF14) | HP 12/12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 | Darkvision 60' and Low Light

Verilich will get Caius's visual attention and point to his ear and then gesture with 3 or 4 fingers on his hand. and the give the signal that there are no open windows nor doors other than the front door.

barring any counter signals from Caius, Verilich will indicate that benefit of reconnaissance may be complete and to bring the full party to breach the door.

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Caius notices a winged creature not being overly stealthy up on the roof. Other than that, no, he doesn't see anyone.

I moved you both up. V is as close as I can get him, without going over. Place yourself where you want Caius. That door is unlocked, should you want to...

Male Ifrit Slayer 1 (AC:19 T:13 FF:16 | HP 13/13 | F+4 R+5 W+1| CMB:+4 CMD:17 | Init:+8 | Perc:+4 | Darkvision 60')

Caius attempts to utter the relayed info to Ghaernan using his magic voice. There appear to be 34, or 7?, people in the building with only one way in, which appears unbarred. The streets are empty and the way is clear.

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

Ghaernan hears Caius’ message, confused as well about the enumeration, but otherwise passing the word to Khalid and Gundar on ingress and the surroundings. The Bard replies that he and the others will plan to advance in moments, should the numbers in the boarded-up building become clear. He closes with a plan to Message Verilich to better understand the Wyvaran’s reporting…

Casting Message again as he turns his sight toward Verilich…

”Reestablishing our communications, my friend. Caius has given us a sense of our approach, but reports either 34 or 7 beings active within the Pelican. Can you clarify? Other matters to report? We’ll plan to advance, I’d think, if we can better grasp the magnitude of the threat. Thanks!”

M Wyvaran Monk 1 (AC 15 [T:15 FF14) | HP 12/12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 | Darkvision 60' and Low Light

Verilich shakes his head in disbelief. We went over the hand and arm signals before hand. I must give him more training

Verillich whispers back ”there are 3 or 4 humanoids in the building below me. They may be aware something large landed on the roof as there was a squeaky board I landed on. Nothing discernible so I suggest we press in mass if we think time is of the essence. Or wait 10-15 minutes to let any guard down that they may have. What are your thoughts?”

Male Ifrit Slayer 1 (AC:19 T:13 FF:16 | HP 13/13 | F+4 R+5 W+1| CMB:+4 CMD:17 | Init:+8 | Perc:+4 | Darkvision 60')

Hello? Cauis will listen at the wall of the building he is next to. Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

Ghaernan returns to his Message with Caius, clarification from Verilich acquired…

”Caius, Verilich meant to signal that there are 3-4 humanoids in the building below him, not 34 nor 7. He’s concerned that he may have alerted them, due to a roof board squeaking upon his landing, and suggests waiting 15 minutes to ensure their guard is down again. Do you have anything else to report, with your perception of both Verilich and the building?”

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Ok, well, post up the plan, or whatever, and get PCs into position on the map.

Male Dwarf Cleric 1 (HP 12/12 AC:15 T:10 F:15 Saves F:+6 R:+1 W:+7 CMB:+2 CMD:12 Init:+0 Perc: +4)

Gundar will protect the rear so he can help with healing or with his weapon.

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

With the passage of 15 minutes, what do Verilich and Caius hear and/or see from their reconnaissance? Surely everything is not frozen in time for that stretch...

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Things have been somewhat quiet during that 15 minutes. The occasional feet shuffling and sounds of large men moving about inside. No voices.

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

Ghaernan reflects upon the Message-enabled dialog thus far among his companions, then offers to each of the three separate elements - Caius, then Verilich, then Khalid and Gundar - his thoughts on the plan while waiting out the 15 minutes for the situation to further develop, finding it odd and somewhat disturbing that no voices seem to accompany the movements within the derelict building...

"Friends, as I've gathered from the communications among us, we have an opportunity now to disrupt what we understand to be a midnight link-up of the slavers here, from Zograthy's information. Doing so now could enable us to lie in wait for whom or whatever arrives later this evening."

"It still seems, in my mind, that Caius and Verilich should lead the ingress, with their stealth in the final approach as well as their darkvision, if we lose the light inside. If they can hold on their violent execution until our reinforcement element arrives within around 20 feet, that would also enable us to immediately respond to whatever they encounter in the situation that develops...or to hold fast close at-hand until they call for it...all still within the effects of the Message spells, since those boarded-up gaps won't present any effective barrier to the magic."

"What say you, friends?"

Male Dwarf Cleric 1 (HP 12/12 AC:15 T:10 F:15 Saves F:+6 R:+1 W:+7 CMB:+2 CMD:12 Init:+0 Perc: +4)

Gundar gives Ghaernan a thumbs up.

Male Ifrit Slayer 1 (AC:19 T:13 FF:16 | HP 13/13 | F+4 R+5 W+1| CMB:+4 CMD:17 | Init:+8 | Perc:+4 | Darkvision 60')

Cauis closes on the building and stealthily approaches the door. Stealth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
He prepares to block the door open should the opportunity arise. When the group advances to 20 feet away he will try to quietly open the door.

M Wyvaran Monk 1 (AC 15 [T:15 FF14) | HP 12/12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 | Darkvision 60' and Low Light

Seeing the signal to move to the door and unfortunately hearing his companion cross the street, Verilich will move with haste to fly down from the roof, and to proceed into and through the door drawing his Sansetsukon for battle.

stealth...not that it matters: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

perception passive in opening the door: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

init when needed: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

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I have opened the door.

First: Will saves from Caius and Verilich

Caius roll Perception.

Verilich, you can see a body [token] lying on the floor in the next room. You can definitely hear multiple people (humanoids?) moving around in the next room.

I think you both have line of sight to that token beyond.

V, Save your crappy 6.

M Wyvaran Monk 1 (AC 15 [T:15 FF14) | HP 12/12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 | Darkvision 60' and Low Light

will save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Male Ifrit Slayer 1 (AC:19 T:13 FF:16 | HP 13/13 | F+4 R+5 W+1| CMB:+4 CMD:17 | Init:+8 | Perc:+4 | Darkvision 60')

Will Save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

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You’re pretty sure the sounds of men moving in the room ahead aren’t real.

Move yourselves on the map. Let me know what you’re doing. There IS definitely a body on the floor down there. Looks to be human, unconscious, and tied up.

Male Ifrit Slayer 1 (AC:19 T:13 FF:16 | HP 13/13 | F+4 R+5 W+1| CMB:+4 CMD:17 | Init:+8 | Perc:+4 | Darkvision 60')

"Something foul is afoot. To the fore!" Mutters Caius to his companions as he treads into the room.
"Some strange green glow is about..."
Stealth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

M Wyvaran Monk 1 (AC 15 [T:15 FF14) | HP 12/12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 | Darkvision 60' and Low Light

Verilich will point to his ear and then point into the next room indicating that there are people moving about in there. And the. Will want to move stealthily to peer around the corner.

stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

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You two forward guys by the body. Knowledge(local) please. He’s breathing. Human. Tied up. Somewhat worse for wear.

Male Ifrit Slayer 1 (AC:19 T:13 FF:16 | HP 13/13 | F+4 R+5 W+1| CMB:+4 CMD:17 | Init:+8 | Perc:+4 | Darkvision 60')

Do I recognize the bound figure?
Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Male Dwarf Cleric 1 (HP 12/12 AC:15 T:10 F:15 Saves F:+6 R:+1 W:+7 CMB:+2 CMD:12 Init:+0 Perc: +4)

If the body is recognized as a friendly, Gundar will free him and provide some healing...

CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

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Not from way outside the building he won't! Want someone to move you forward?

Male Human Fighter 1(HP 12/12 AC:18 T:12 F:16 Saves F:+4 R:+2 W:-1 CMB:+4 CMD:17 Init:+2 Perc: +0)

Moved the support element up some.

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The two warriors see no one in the far room, except the unconscious body.

From out of the shadows in the corner of the first room, a figure emerges. There is a flash of color, as light splashes across the room, bathing the "leading element" in colors.

I need a DC 15 WIL save from Verilich and Caius, or they fall unconscious, blind, and stunned.

DC 16 Spellcraft:
This is Color Spray

I'll share the picture of your assailant.

Please roll initiative.

Init: 1d20 ⇒ 17

Male Human Fighter 1(HP 12/12 AC:18 T:12 F:16 Saves F:+4 R:+2 W:-1 CMB:+4 CMD:17 Init:+2 Perc: +0)

Init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

M Wyvaran Monk 1 (AC 15 [T:15 FF14) | HP 12/12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 | Darkvision 60' and Low Light

will save Color spray DC15: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Male Ifrit Slayer 1 (AC:19 T:13 FF:16 | HP 13/13 | F+4 R+5 W+1| CMB:+4 CMD:17 | Init:+8 | Perc:+4 | Darkvision 60')

Will Save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Initiative: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Caius falls unconscious, blind, and stunned

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CS: 2d4 ⇒ (1, 2) = 3

Cauis and Verilich are out for 3 rounds.

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DC 13 Knowledge (local):
You recognize your assailant from some wanted posters at The Arvensoar as Plutivarch Dremis. A wanted man, with a 100gp bounty on him.

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')
Khalid Vasari wrote:
Moved the support element up some.

Ugh, would definitely not have tactically moved Ghaernan up like this; unlike the other two in this support element group, the Bard is WAY more "squishy" - a trade-off for multiple talents he contributes.

GM, do we need to accept this movement? If so, we need to set future SOPs in place regarding accepted tactics, if someone has to bot, which we didn't have to in this instance. Far less important outside of combat scenarios, but critical once we're down to the grid. Thanks, all.

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

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Place yourself G. And let’s figure out SOPs. We’re early in the campaign, so we want to get things right.

Male Human Fighter 1(HP 12/12 AC:18 T:12 F:16 Saves F:+4 R:+2 W:-1 CMB:+4 CMD:17 Init:+2 Perc: +0)

Gundar said he'd protect the rear, so Ghaernan is in the most protected spot possible. Without the benefit of hindsight, I don't see how we could've been in a better position. I'll trip anyone long before it can get into melee range of Ghaernan. It's better to be close to be afforded this protection.

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

Thanks, GM. Moving immediately after this response. Apologies - noticed I was out of range of the Knowledge(Local) check, but realize you also asked for initiative...

"A Color Spray spell, friends - an arcane caster! Close with him to stop his casting, or stay more than 15 feet distant!"

Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')
Khalid Vasari wrote:
Gundar said he'd protect the rear, so Ghaernan is in the most protected spot possible. Without the benefit of hindsight, I don't see how we could've been in a better position. I'll trip anyone long before it can get into melee range of Ghaernan. It's better to be close to be afforded this protection.

I understand that perspective, and would share it with you if there were a 360-degree threat. Reacting to Gundar's comment also makes sense. HOWEVER...You're also the one who defined "the rear" for him, by moving Gundar up so close. Ghaernan's issue with the bunching tactic, in this instance is that no known threat whatsoever exists from the way we came, where we've just spent considerable time. This is why SOPs are indeed needed. "The most protected spot possible" is out of melee range entirely, in this instance. Again, I'd agree with you if a 360-degree threat existed.

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

Per GM's SEPCOR clarification that Ghaernan can make a Knowledge(Local) check on the caster, but not the captive...

Knowledge(Local): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

"I recognize that caster from the wanted posters at The Arvensoar - it's Plutivarch Dremis, with a 100gp bounty on his head!"

Male Human Fighter 1(HP 12/12 AC:18 T:12 F:16 Saves F:+4 R:+2 W:-1 CMB:+4 CMD:17 Init:+2 Perc: +0)
Ghaernan Barova wrote:
Khalid Vasari wrote:
Gundar said he'd protect the rear, so Ghaernan is in the most protected spot possible. Without the benefit of hindsight, I don't see how we could've been in a better position. I'll trip anyone long before it can get into melee range of Ghaernan. It's better to be close to be afforded this protection.
I understand that perspective, and would share it with you if there were a 360-degree threat. Reacting to Gundar's comment also makes sense. HOWEVER...You're also the one who defined "the rear" for him, by moving Gundar up so close. Ghaernan's issue with the bunching tactic, in this instance is that no known threat whatsoever exists from the way we came, where we've just spent considerable time. This is why SOPs are indeed needed. "The most protected spot possible" is out of melee range entirely, in this instance. Again, I'd agree with you if a 360-degree threat existed.

This perspective benefits from hindsight. We had no more intel that there was a stealther lurking inside the building than one from without. The more likely trap would be one from outside when they had 15 minutes to prepare. I don't feel it's reasonable to be in the perfect position for where the threat popped up when we were simply in the transition state from outside the building to investigating the body. How would you draw this up as part of standard SOP without that foresight knowledge so we can do better next time?

Male Dwarf Cleric 1 (HP 12/12 AC:15 T:10 F:15 Saves F:+6 R:+1 W:+7 CMB:+2 CMD:12 Init:+0 Perc: +4)

Init: 1d20 ⇒ 18

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Initiative Order

23 - Ghaernan
18 - Gundar
17 - Plutivarch
10 - Caius
9 - Khalid
6 - Verilich

Ghaernan and Gundar are up!

Male Dwarf Cleric 1 (HP 12/12 AC:15 T:10 F:15 Saves F:+6 R:+1 W:+7 CMB:+2 CMD:12 Init:+0 Perc: +4)

Gundar will move to where he can see the man in the other room and launch an acid dart at him.

Attack: 1d20 ⇒ 5
Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

At last...

From the protected alcove just inside the derelict front door, Ghaernan reacts rapidly to the wanted criminal's attack upon his companions. Arcane whispers, lost to meaning and memory once-uttered, flow through the swift patterns of glittering sand forming and shifting around one outstretched hand. With a final decisive gesture, the sands arc across the distance to the enemy caster, shimmering and barely visible in the strange light, to concentrate and burst in the far-right corner of the room, enveloping the target...

Sleep, DC 15 Will Save, targeted in the far corner so that ONLY the enemy caster is targeted in the 10' burst. Thanks!

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')
Khalid Vasari wrote:
Ghaernan Barova wrote:
Khalid Vasari wrote:
Gundar said he'd protect the rear, so Ghaernan is in the most protected spot possible. Without the benefit of hindsight, I don't see how we could've been in a better position. I'll trip anyone long before it can get into melee range of Ghaernan. It's better to be close to be afforded this protection.
I understand that perspective, and would share it with you if there were a 360-degree threat. Reacting to Gundar's comment also makes sense. HOWEVER...You're also the one who defined "the rear" for him, by moving Gundar up so close. Ghaernan's issue with the bunching tactic, in this instance is that no known threat whatsoever exists from the way we came, where we've just spent considerable time. This is why SOPs are indeed needed. "The most protected spot possible" is out of melee range entirely, in this instance. Again, I'd agree with you if a 360-degree threat existed.
This perspective benefits from hindsight. We had no more intel that there was a stealther lurking inside the building than one from without. The more likely trap would be one from outside when they had 15 minutes to prepare. I don't feel it's reasonable to be in the perfect position for where the threat popped up when we were simply in the transition state from outside the building to investigating the body. How would you draw this up as part of standard SOP without that foresight knowledge so we can do better next time?

Multiple things to address, the last and important one first:

BL SOP suggestion: don't move folks unless they're clearly good with it, and have asked for it - or you're the GM. Easiest and simplest way to handle it. Same way we do it in other PBPs as a standard courtesy.

On the intro sentences above: nope, wholly disagree this time. No hindsight involved - we WERE the recon collecting the intel, which determined the inside was occupied and dangerous and the outside - where we waited for 15 min plus the slow approach - was deserted. Hard for a trap to more likely be outside when - well, WE'RE the ones standing outside, with no known threat except the one...inside. Personal extended observation - that's as good as intel gets.

On the simply in transition state - your comments make sense, but are actually about your character's thoughts on the matter, not a collective decision that we made. As previously noted, normally not a big deal, but in a dangerous tactical situation, best to defer to the SOP.

Hope that's helpful. Not really a "better" to do, other than sticking to making moves for the specific characters that we control. The PBP that a few of us have played in for 4-5 years is a good reference, if you want the link. For those 16th level characters in that game, specific location can mean life or death, for us or the enemies, due to where they are. And for those in that long-running game...GM! - you already KNEW from specific past experience what I would say on this matter, squishy character this time or not...;-) Or you could simply address this by just giving us selective control again, GM...just saying :-) Goodnight, all!

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Plutivarch WIL: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Your assailant takes a deep breath and crumbles to the ground in fitful rest.

With Caius and Verilich currently out of the fight, what will the rest of you do?

Male Human Fighter 1(HP 12/12 AC:18 T:12 F:16 Saves F:+4 R:+2 W:-1 CMB:+4 CMD:17 Init:+2 Perc: +0)

Ghaernan, which one of these spells wears off first? Colorspray or sleep? Is there something we should do to help our companions?

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Ok, it looks like Khalid moved forward. Khalid can throw down a Standard Action if he wants. Caius and Verilich are "resting," so...

Round 2

Ghaernan and Gundar are up.

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