Grymp's Shattered Star Campaign

Game Master Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan

Roll20 Maps

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Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

”Khalid, it’s a good question. My Sleep spell lasts for one minute, at this point, but the effects of Color Spray can be variable, although usually Sleep will outlast it. Nothing we can really do for our companions, except to keep them safe while it wears off, and of course upon their recovery offer them some comradely observations, such as consideration for Caius to change his nickname to “Slumber Blade”, or for Verilich to claim this place as his own “Sleeping Dragon Inn”…

The Bard smiles to his wakeful friends at the thought of the entertainment options ahead of them all, then continues…

”To your question, though, I think we can prove most helpful to our friends, and indeed ourselves at the moment, by binding and gagging this dangerous arcane criminal, and preparing him for some interrogation before turning him over to the city watch and claiming the reward. Gundar, how would you assess the condition of this Plutivarch’s prisoner?”

Male Dwarf Cleric 1 (HP 12/12 AC:15 T:10 F:15 Saves F:+6 R:+1 W:+7 CMB:+2 CMD:12 Init:+0 Perc: +4)

Gundar will look over the prisoner.

Heal Check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

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It appears he was tied up and has been knocked about to keep him unconscious. A bit if healing should bring him around.

Khalid is up, and then we’re on to round 3.

Male Dwarf Cleric 1 (HP 12/12 AC:15 T:10 F:15 Saves F:+6 R:+1 W:+7 CMB:+2 CMD:12 Init:+0 Perc: +4)

I had rolled a CLW before. Did you want to use that or should I roll again?

Roll20 Maps Loot

That roll is fine. I can move you near the captive if you haven’t already.

With the application of healing, the tied up man starts to rouse.

Male Human Fighter 1(HP 12/12 AC:18 T:12 F:16 Saves F:+4 R:+2 W:-1 CMB:+4 CMD:17 Init:+2 Perc: +0)

Based on the bard's guidance, I should give my companions a chance to shake off this strange aversion to pretty colors before I risk waking up the criminal caster by trying to tie him up.

Khalid will ready to attack or more likely trip any conscious adversary that comes within range.

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As we pass Plutivarch's initiative spot in round 3, Caius and Verilich are no longer unconscious. They are still blinded and stunned for... stunned: 1d4 ⇒ 2 more rounds, and then they'll be blind for a round. They should be fully functional then in round 7. We will fast forward to round 6 to when they are just blinded. Feel free to place your PCs where you want, as there has been plenty of time for the three non-immobilized PCs to move about.

During round 4, the tied up man said his name is Andel Gesseran, a member of the Pathfinder Society. I have shared his photo with you on Roll20.

DC 15 Knowledge (Local):
Your knowledge confirms that you at least know that a Pathfinder by the name of Andel Gesseran exists.

It is up to you guys if you believe him and cut him loose. He says he was pursuing rumors of the Nidalese slavers when he came here. He recalls a flash of color, and then nothing more until waking up under Gundar's care.

Ok, it is round 6, at Caius' initiative, he and Verilich are no longer Stunned, or Unconscious. Only blinded. I will gladly accept any alibi actions from the other party members for rounds 4-6.

Round 6

Caius, Khalid, Verilich (and any alibis from earlier rounds?

Initiative Order:

23 - Ghaernan
18 - Gundar
17 - Plutivarch
10 - Caius
9 - Khalid
6 - Verilich

Male Ifrit Slayer 1 (AC:19 T:13 FF:16 | HP 13/13 | F+4 R+5 W+1| CMB:+4 CMD:17 | Init:+8 | Perc:+4 | Darkvision 60')

As Caius slowly drifts back to consciousness, he becomes aware of the heaviness in his limbs, his entire body feeling sluggish as if it had been submerged in deep water. His molten orange eyes flicker open, but instead of the world, he is greeted by oppressive darkness. Panic rises briefly—he’s awake, but blind, and the line between reality and the lingering grip of his dreams is blurred.

In the void, Ghaernan’s voice reaches him, distant and distorted, like an echo in his mind. The words swirl around him, weaving in and out of the fractured remnants of his dream—a battlefield with shifting shadows and a dull, useless sword in his hand. He hears the Bard’s familiar, playful tone, but it mingles with the taunting of the dream-figures, half-real, half-imagined.

“…consideration for Caius to change his nickname to ‘Slumber Blade’… or for Verilich to claim this place as his own ‘Sleeping Dragon Inn…’”

The words bounce around in his mind, surreal and hazy, as though they come from another plane entirely. Caius shifts, instinctively reaching for the hilt of his greatsword, though the weight of the weapon in his hand feels strangely comforting, an anchor to reality. His fingers tighten around the hilt as he tries to push himself upright, but the darkness clings to him stubbornly.

He knows now that Ghaernan’s words are real, though they feel like they’ve come from the edges of a fading dream. "Slumber Blade…" Caius mutters under his breath, the words tasting strange as they pass his lips, almost as though they belong more to the dream than to him.

Still blind, Caius rolls his shoulders, testing his limbs despite the disorienting darkness. He forces a chuckle, his voice rough and low as he speaks to no one in particular, the Bard's teasing still ringing in his ears. "I’ll remember that... the next time you need me awake in the thick of battle, Ghaernan."

Though his sight hasn’t yet returned, Caius’s senses slowly reorient themselves, and he focuses on the floorboards beneath him, the sound of his companions’ voices as they pull further away from the dream. He knows the blindness will pass, but until it does, he’ll rely on the steady presence of his allies—and perhaps give Ghaernan a bit of revenge later.

Cauis, with sword in hand, rises to his feet.

That name, Andel, seems familiar. Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
"There is indeed a Pathfinder by that name! Is this he? I cannot be sure," he says into the darkness.

Turn done

Male Human Fighter 1(HP 12/12 AC:18 T:12 F:16 Saves F:+4 R:+2 W:-1 CMB:+4 CMD:17 Init:+2 Perc: +0)

Well the bard was right about that color sparks spell. It seems to be wearing off in stages, and in under a minute at that. That sleep has to be almost over as well. We better get this caster bound and his spell pouch removed so he can be questioned.

He couldn't be more wrong about the city watch though. What foolishness! He must be infatuated with that woman. What will the guard think? Five unknown ruffians with no Sczarni protection broke into someone's place of business, kidnapped him, interrogated him, ransacked his belongings and then tell the watch? If we are lucky we'll be just put in the stocks for a few days while all hope of succeeding in our mission is lost. More likely we'll be thrown in the dungeon for a month and tortured or sold into slavery ourselves.

Verilich, you awake? I tossed a rope at your feet. Ghaernan put your attacker to sleep, but he should awaken soon. Would you please bind the caster and take his spell pouch before he awakens?

Other than that, Khalid will remain ready to attack the caster if he tries to cast a spell.

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The guys at the top of Round 7 can chime in with actions. Ghaernan and Gundar.

M Wyvaran Monk 1 (AC 15 [T:15 FF14) | HP 12/12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 | Darkvision 60' and Low Light

Verilich similarly comes to but is still blind and stunned. Unable to move but hear the sounds of combat being over, he lets the worry of immediate danger fade from his thoughts.

At the mention of Sleeping Dragon Inn, his memories go back to his many visits to the place and the sarcasm of the bard is left alone. I've never liked casters. And invisible casters apparently on this job. I will enjoy making him pay soon enough.

Once the stun wears off, Verilich feels around for his weapon that left his hand during unconsciousness and finds the familiar grip. Then his sight returns as he stands. Seeing the rope at his feet, he will put away his weapon onto his hip and proceed to tie up the helpless caster (escape DC = 20 + CMB = 26) But he will also maintain a grappled pin on the target in case there is some magical way he may escape. "As requested. And here is his only pouch I could find. I presume it is his spell pouch." Verilich will toss it to the bard who is probably the only one who can confirm.

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I'll take V as tying him up as being his Round 7 action.

Round 7

23 - Ghaernan
18 - Gundar
17 - Plutivarch (Asleep)
17 - Caius and Verilich can see again.
10 - Caius
9 - Khalid
6 - Verilich - (Ties up Plutivarch)

Male Human Fighter 1(HP 12/12 AC:18 T:12 F:16 Saves F:+4 R:+2 W:-1 CMB:+4 CMD:17 Init:+2 Perc: +0)

Round 7 Khalid will remain vigilant (ready).

Male Ifrit Slayer 1 (AC:19 T:13 FF:16 | HP 13/13 | F+4 R+5 W+1| CMB:+4 CMD:17 | Init:+8 | Perc:+4 | Darkvision 60')

As Caius’s vision finally returns, the world comes back into focus in a rush—dim light flickering off the walls of the old dockside building, the sound of his companions moving about, and, most importantly, the bound figure of the spellcaster in the corner.

Caius shakes off the last remnants of the disorienting blindness and rises to his feet, his muscles tense and ready. With a quick, assessing glance, he notes the situation: the spellcaster, a robed figure with a crooked, pointy hat, is now firmly in their grasp, but the danger isn’t over. Spellcasters can be unpredictable, and a single moment of distraction could unleash another deadly incantation.

Without a word, Caius moves into position, his heavy boots quietly thudding against the floor as he ascends the creaky wooden stairs that lead to the platform above the restrained figure. From here, he has a clear view of both the captive and his companions below. His greatsword is already drawn. He steps onto the platform, the elevated vantage giving him a commanding position over the scene.

He grips the sword tightly, not to strike—but to control. With a deliberate motion, he shifts the blade to hold it flat, prepared to deliver a non-lethal blow to the caster’s head if the captive so much as twitches with the intent to cast. Caius’s eyes, now burning bright and clear, are locked on the caster, his gaze intense and unwavering.

"Try anything," Caius growls quietly to the bound figure below, his voice low but full of warning, "and I’ll make sure you’re knocked out before you even finish the first syllable."

He glances briefly at Verilich, then at the rest of the group, gauging their readiness. He knows the next step will be interrogation—finding out who this caster is, what he wants, and whether he poses further threat. Caius remains in position, steady as stone, fully prepared to act should their captive attempt another spell or make any sudden move.

Male Dwarf Cleric 1 (HP 12/12 AC:15 T:10 F:15 Saves F:+6 R:+1 W:+7 CMB:+2 CMD:12 Init:+0 Perc: +4)

While Gundar is not opposed to violence, his position as a priest of Torag would forbid any violence to the captive spellcaster. His companions might have different ideas of interrogation though. So instead of taking part in the interrogation, Gudar uses the blinded Casius somewhat identification of the pathfinder to free him of his bonds. Ye thinkin' of stoppin' this all by yerself? he asks Andel somewhat incredulously.

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

Ghaernan smiles with some relief at his assessment of the spell's effects, once his companions come around.

”Welcome back, Caius and Verilich. I’ve reflected upon some amusing word play that will doubtlessly provide merriment to all of us someday, when I can find the time to put it to the tale, but the lack of any real harm done to you is in truth what allows for any amusement. I’m quite pleased my spell proved effective, and that you’re back in action to keep further threats as far from me as possible.”

The Bard’s grin fades, his demeanor becomes more serious as he considers the former captive claiming the name of a known Pathfinder…

”Well-met, Andel. You’re welcome, should you indeed be him. Let’s hear more of your tale, before we settle in with you as civilized company.”

Ghaernan finally turns his attention to the captured criminal, swiftly assessing the caster’s restraints before actually approaching him…

”Some fine bindings, Verilich. Please search this criminal, if you would, while he’s helpless in your grapple. Plutivarch, is it? As in, from the wanted poster at the Arvensoar? In your case, I’d advise you to settle in for a different experience with us entirely; we’re far past ‘civilized’, with your unprovoked assault upon my companions. Anything to say before we begin?”

Any rolls you’d like from us, GM? V could do a Perception to fully search him, Ghaernan could do either a Bluff or Intimidate, I’d think, with some clear help from Caius and possibly Verilich on the latter.

Roll20 Maps Loot

We can drop out of initiative now.

Having been untied, Andel casts about with his eyes before spotting his gear piled in a corner. He looks to Gundar, ”by your leave, good Sir Dwarf. I can prove my bonafides, if you will let me.” Finding no objection in Gundar’s eyes, he moves to his pack and pulls out a wayfinder. ”Now, many of these are carried by the enemies of the Society, to be sure, but this one is special to me, having been given me by Sheila Heidmarch.” He flips the device over and shows an inscription that reads, “Presented to Pathfinder Andel Gesseran by Venture Captain Sheila Heidmarch on the occasion of his publication in the Chronicles on the topic of Thassilonian Art and Architecture.”

DC 15 Sense Motive:
He seems quite genuine.


Plutivarch is a thin man with a weak chin and a ratty, self-inflicted haircut. He wears once-fine noble’s clothing (probably stolen you assume) and carries a finely made but wickedly curved dagger. He spits, ”bahh, Pathfinders, your type makes me puke. Do your worst, you’ll not get a word out of old Plutivarch.”

DC 15 Sense Motive:
Plutivarch is trying to act tougher than he is. He is scared to be in your custody.

An intimidate roll, wouldn’t be out of order here.

I need to know who is searching him and collecting his things. I’ll be wanting this info in the future, any time you search bodies, chests, etc.

DC 15 Spellcraft or Knowledge (Arcana):
It occurs to you that taking his “spell component pouch” might have been a waste, if he happens to be a Sorcerer, as they rarely need material components.

Male Dwarf Cleric 1 (HP 12/12 AC:15 T:10 F:15 Saves F:+6 R:+1 W:+7 CMB:+2 CMD:12 Init:+0 Perc: +4)

Sense Motive DC15: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Gundar doesn't know if Andel is sincere or not, but seeing how his group just bested those that bested him, Gundar thinks there is no harm in letting him get his stuff.

Ye Know Shelia? Nice lass, but she seems to run a dry household! Gundar says, still sore about not getting any ale while being 'recruited'.

But ye didn't answer me question. Ye thought about doin' this all by yer lonesome?

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”My apologies Master Dwarf,” Andel begins, ”I was simply trying to gather information. Field reporting, if you will. I certainly didn’t intend to get caught by the Nidalese myself, to be sure.”

Plutivarch cackles at Andel’s explanation.

Male Ifrit Slayer 1 (AC:19 T:13 FF:16 | HP 13/13 | F+4 R+5 W+1| CMB:+4 CMD:17 | Init:+8 | Perc:+4 | Darkvision 60')

Caius scrutinizes Plutivarch, weighing his words and mannerisms. Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

Caius's grip tightened on the hilt of his greatsword as he studied Plutivarch’s every movement—the darting eyes, the tension in his shoulders, the slight tremor in his voice. Fear, thick and heavy, clung to the man like a second skin. Plutivarch might have played the role of a fearless villain, but Caius could smell the fear beneath it all. His instincts told him that this was a man trying too hard to hold onto a lie, to hold back what he truly knew.

Stepping forward just enough to cast a long shadow over Plutivarch, Caius let the weight of his presence sink in. His voice was low, almost a growl, as he spoke, each word deliberate and steady.

"You're afraid, Plutivarch. I can see it in your eyes. You talk a big game, but we both know you're shaking inside." He lowered the flat of his blade, tapping it lightly against the floor just close enough for the sound to reverberate in the confined space. "You may think you can outlast us, but fear has a way of making men talk."

Caius is posturing to assist the impending intimidation by Ghaernan or another Intimidate: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (13) - 1 = 12

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

Ghaernan will keep to that which he’s skilled, for the present…

Intimidate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16, hopefully with a circumstance bonus from Caius’ roleplaying!

Knowledge(Arcana): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

The Bard will normally have no initial part in searching for and collecting until determined as safe, unless it’s clearly something that requires his expertise…

Male Dwarf Cleric 1 (HP 12/12 AC:15 T:10 F:15 Saves F:+6 R:+1 W:+7 CMB:+2 CMD:12 Init:+0 Perc: +4)

Next time, bring a friend! Gundar offers helpfully. Who were ye gathering information fer? Shelia? Or somebody else?

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

Thanks Caius; that’s 18 to Intimidate total, then!

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Plutivarch’s resistance crumbles from the combination of the physical and verbal threats to his wellbeing.

”Gahhh, alright. Plutivarch will tell all. Not that fools such as you will understand it.” He cackles to himself again. ”There ain’t no Nidalese. Plutivarch made that story up, and paid off a bunch of snitches and mouthbreathers to speak the word around the city. Plutivarch figured that with all of the disappearances, that he would make a few more go away, and who would be the wiser?” He gestures towards Andel, ”silly Pathfinders like him are always out looking for a story, or a trinket, or a book. If he caught even a few, Plutivarch figured on selling them over to the Aspis Consortium for some well earned coin. Pathfinders and Aspis hates each other, right? Alas, tonight was the first night any even came out to Plutivarch’s little capture party, but it could have been lucrative, to be sure.”


Responding to Gundar, Andel responds, ”a true Pathfinder seeks knowledge for its own sake. Nobody sent me out here. I was doing an independent investigation.”

Male Ifrit Slayer 1 (AC:19 T:13 FF:16 | HP 13/13 | F+4 R+5 W+1| CMB:+4 CMD:17 | Init:+8 | Perc:+4 | Darkvision 60')

How does this jive with the tip we got (from Zograthy) about a handover taking place at midnight tonight? Is Zograthy an accomplice or unwitting publicist? How did Andel learn of this place?

Roll20 Maps Loot

Continued grilling of Plutivarch reveals the following answers to Caius' questions...

The rumor of a midnight handover is one of the many rumors spread by Plutivarch's paid lackeys. It jives.

Plutivarch suspects that Zograthy simply heard the rumors, like many others have, and thus relayed them faithfully to you. Unwitting publicist.

Plutivarch admits to making liberal use of the spell ghost sound to make Andel, and it seems your group, to think that there were a number of men stomping around inside the Pelican. It was this that Caius saved against.

There are several empty potion bottles on the ground where Plutivarch had been lying in wait.

Andel had been gathering information (with his not great Diplomacy skills), and he had managed to discern that the Puffy Pelican was involved. He came by earlier during the day to scope the place out (standard Pathfinder practice it seems). He heard what he thought was the Nidalese inside the Pelican, but when he poked his nose inside, he was hit with color spray, and the rest is history.

I view Andel as a bit of a hapless Pathfinder who will do anything to "get the story," not realizing the foolishness of his actions and the danger he is in while doing so. He appears to be guileless in his answering of your questions. Plutivarch, by contrast, is plenty "guileful," but is currently in "stay alive" mode, having had his plans wrecked.

The pouch that Verilich removed from Plutivarch has gold coins and an amethyst inside. It is NOT a spell component pouch.

Let me know who is doing the searching and looting of Plutivarch.

Male Human Fighter 1(HP 12/12 AC:18 T:12 F:16 Saves F:+4 R:+2 W:-1 CMB:+4 CMD:17 Init:+2 Perc: +0)

Khalid will search around the building, leaving the interrogation and search of the captive to others. Perhaps this will help save me from the dungeon if the others indeed try to turn Plutivarch over to the watch.

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 12

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Khalid finds only what one would expect in an abandoned and run down dockside pub: empty kegs, stacked chairs, unwashed glasses and linens.

M Wyvaran Monk 1 (AC 15 [T:15 FF14) | HP 12/12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 | Darkvision 60' and Low Light

Seeing that the captive hasn't attempted an escape, Verilich will complete the pat down and search his body.

perception if needed: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

Male Dwarf Cleric 1 (HP 12/12 AC:15 T:10 F:15 Saves F:+6 R:+1 W:+7 CMB:+2 CMD:12 Init:+0 Perc: +4)
Andel wrote:
a true Pathfinder seeks knowledge for its own sake. Nobody sent me out here. I was doing an independent investigation.

Yeah? An how that worked out fer ye?

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

Ghaernan's demeanor with the former captive becomes markedly more congenial, with the revelations from his gear and his own story marking him as a Pathfinder, and one moreover recognized by his Venture Captain..

"Andel, it's clear from your Wayfinder that you've had some meaningful contributions to the Pathfinder Society, which I certainly value as a Pathfinder myself. This 'situation' from which we've rescued you, however, perhaps demonstrates the value of independent investigations, even seeking knowledge for its own sake, in the company of like-minded companions. Through our intervention, as an example, you've not only learned that the rumors of Nidalese slavers were false, but also avoided a potentially worse fate than slavery at the hands of the Aspis Consortium."

"Tell us more, then, of the extent of knowledge you're seeking, 'for its own sake' or otherwise. Our Venture Captain also has this very company on a mission, seeking knowledge and more, that led us to this meeting that clearly changed the path of your fate..."

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

Do I need a Diplomacy check with Andel? I'd think he'd be more than grateful at his rescue, but I'm not (yet, at least) sensing that. Is he 'off' in the head in some way? Idiot savant-type? Just checking! :-)

Roll20 Maps Loot

You find: 5 full potion bottles (2+2+1, assuming the colors of the bottles/liquids mean something), the MW dagger mentioned earlier, and 6 darts.

Andel is a bit taken aback by Gundar's question, "so far, so good I'd say! I certainly got my story! Don't you think?"

At Ghaernan's announcement, Andel perks up, "Ahhh, I knew it! See, Pathfinders helping Pathfinders! It happens all the time. Sometimes, that's the point of a mission, sometimes it is simply happy circumstance. Errr, which one was it this time? Were you sent to find the slavers, or did I just get lucky as you were on a different mission? I've had run-ins with those Aspis guys before. I doubt they'd have done anything quite so brazen as open kidnappings of a Pathfinder, especially if this fellow didn't have an arrangement with them. They might even have viewed his plan as entrapment!"

Andel continues to share, "you know getting published means I can finally become an official Chronicler! Can you imagine that? Me!? Andel Gesseran of Kintargo, a Pathfinder Chronicler!"

Did I miss any questions?

M Wyvaran Monk 1 (AC 15 [T:15 FF14) | HP 12/12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 | Darkvision 60' and Low Light

Verilich will not want to interrupt the bard since he is in the throws of dialogue but will set on the floor..and quite out of reach of the tied up victim 5 potion bottles. He will group them as a pair, a pair, and a single, then place a shiny and sharp dagger, with 6 darts next to them. Then return to his monitoring or intimidating stance over the prisoner.

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

Ghaernan smiles and listens along as Andel deflects the question, and nods in the affirmative regarding this company's differing mission from the Venture Captain, without offering further details. The Bard then returns to the matter at-hand with his companions, and approaches the groupings of equipment gathered from Plutivarch.

Studying the items briefly as he kneels over them, Ghaernan begins the arcane words and weaving of a Detect Magic spell to discern the presence of any enchantments among the objects. Concurrently, he uses his Spellcraft capabilities in identifying the properties of any items that detect as magic during his assessment...

I'll give five spellcraft checks following this, aligned with Verilich's five groupings above...

Spellcraft to ID Magic Item Properties Using Detect Magic: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

Spellcraft to ID Magic Item Properties Using Detect Magic: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Spellcraft to ID Magic Item Properties Using Detect Magic: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Spellcraft to ID Magic Item Properties Using Detect Magic: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Spellcraft to ID Magic Item Properties Using Detect Magic: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Roll20 Maps Loot

Andel observes Verilich's and Ghaernan's actions nodding, "ahh, yes, the time honored ritual." He pulls out some paper and his quill recording the actions and the results for posterity.

The first two are potions of cure light wounds, the second pair are potions of invisibility, the single is a potion of cure moderate wounds, and the two where you rolled crappy turn out to be non-magical anyways.

Shortly after Ghaernan completes his casting the light at the far end of the room goes out. For most of you this is only a minor inconvenience, but for Khalid, he can only see the moonlight out the tavern door. Andel curses and announces, "Wait one, I have this." As you all watch, and Khalid awaits, a reddish light emerges from within Andel's pack as he pulls out an everburning torch. "I found this handy thing a year ago in a Thassilonian tomb. Can you imagine how old it must be, and it still works?!"

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

Ghaernan inclines his head in appreciation for the fiery light while his magic unfolds after the completion of his spell, thinking much the same as Andel, but with regard to the condition of the ancient ring and silver dagger found within the Thassilonian paradox box. He then turns to his companions with his findings and thoughts on them…

”Friends, we’ve five true magic potions recovered from this Plutivarch for our troubles. Two among them grant invisibility, while three are curatives, with one of the three moderately more potent than the other two. I’d recommend the two invisibility potions for me and Gundar, given the need for one or both of us to support you in some instances while not being seen and thus vulnerable; me in particular, candidly. I’d recommend the three healing potions be spread among Caius, Khalid, and Verilich, with that more potent one to the combatant among you three most likely to take damage at greatest distance from our Cleric. Thoughts, friends? I’ll divide them out as such, if agreed.”

Male Ifrit Slayer 1 (AC:19 T:13 FF:16 | HP 13/13 | F+4 R+5 W+1| CMB:+4 CMD:17 | Init:+8 | Perc:+4 | Darkvision 60')

"Your allocation suits me, Ghaernan. So this one's most potent power is his ability to acquire bottled might... How does he come by these in such ready quantity, do you suppose?"

Male Human Fighter 1(HP 12/12 AC:18 T:12 F:16 Saves F:+4 R:+2 W:-1 CMB:+4 CMD:17 Init:+2 Perc: +0)

I as well. Thank you for deciphering their purposes so quickly. Since I have reach, I'll take one of the less potent ones at your suggestion.

Khalid will pocket one of the potions of presumedly cure light wounds.

M Wyvaran Monk 1 (AC 15 [T:15 FF14) | HP 12/12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 | Darkvision 60' and Low Light

Verilich will politely show that he seems to already have a curative potion, but seeing the bard insist, he will tuck the second potion into his backpack...carefully ensuring it will not break inside.

Male Dwarf Cleric 1 (HP 12/12 AC:15 T:10 F:15 Saves F:+6 R:+1 W:+7 CMB:+2 CMD:12 Init:+0 Perc: +4)

When Andel drones on and on about the Pathfinders and becoming some sort of chronicler, Gundar just rolls his eyes. This is too much to listen to sober! he thinks.

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

”I was contemplating that question myself, Caius; Plutivarch held a small treasure in bottled might, as you say. Perhaps this has something to do with the 100 gold pieces bounty upon his capture from the city watch?”

Ghaernan ensures the potions are distributed among his companions as discussed, then gathers and secures the remainder with the contents of the paradox box as their collected treasure, and rises from the kneeling to look down upon the bound Plutivarch, reflect, and consider next actions…

”With the night still relatively young, friends, I propose we use the rest of the evening to dispose of this wanted criminal across the city at The Arvensoar, and claim the bounty on him. Of course, I should think this will only enhance our standing with the authorities, all the better should that include the lovely Officer Kasadei. The ‘Nidalese slavers’ were never truly a threat, so nothing should be happening here when midnight comes. By then we can be resting and rising early to seek out this ‘Fenster the Blight’ and the Tower Girls as a last hopeful link to Natalya’s fate.”

Voting with this suggestion to head for The Arvensoar before Plutivarch has any chance to escape us, then to our lodgings to rest until early morning and resume the search for Natalya...

Male Human Fighter 1(HP 12/12 AC:18 T:12 F:16 Saves F:+4 R:+2 W:-1 CMB:+4 CMD:17 Init:+2 Perc: +0)

Khalid will check the bonds on Plutivarch and add a gag. He then easily picks Plutivarch up and throws him over his shoulder. "If to the city watch we must go to collect this bounty, then let's get it over with. They won't be getting any more sober or reasonable as the night goes on."

Roll20 Maps Loot

Ghaernan and Khalid makes two, so off we go.

Setting out at just past five bells in the first watch, as the Magnimarian sailors would reckon it, the group passes back out of Dockway and into Lowcleft before arriving at the Arvensoar as the sixth bell tolls.

Your arrival at the Arvensoar goes unnoticed for a few minutes as the Watch isn't quite as well staffed just now as it was during the day, or as it will be during the Midwatch, when most of the drunkards get hauled in as the taverns close.

As you try and get noticed, finally a young member of the watch gives you a look and recognizes your prisoner. "Oy, you've brought in Plutivarch Dremis. Leftenant Kasadei is going to want to hear this story. Can you wait while I rouse her? It's not her watch just now, but she'd flay me if I didn't wake her for this. Errr, you won't tell her I said that will you?" He waits just long enough to hear your response, and he bolts into the structure.

It takes roughly 15 minutes before a clearly tired, but immaculately dressed, Kasadei emerges followed by the guard who had gone to wake her. She looks your party over, and a smile crosses her mouth as she spots Plutivarch being held firmly by Khalid. "Well, you caught him did you? Excellent." She leans her head and states, "There's a small bit of paperwork to handle to get you your reward, but first, let's hear your story. How did you happen upon this guttersnipe?"

Before you can say anything, Plutivarch starts chattering, "I want to press charges, these thugs have assaulted me and stolen my..." A loud thump can be heard as Kasadei's fist lashes out and strikes Plutivarch's chest. The man's face goes blank as he struggles to breath.

Kasadei turns to Ghaernan, "my apologies Graynon, you were saying?"

Andel stands quietly to the side, carefully observing the proceedings and taking notes.

Male Ifrit Slayer 1 (AC:19 T:13 FF:16 | HP 13/13 | F+4 R+5 W+1| CMB:+4 CMD:17 | Init:+8 | Perc:+4 | Darkvision 60')

Caius steps in close to Ghaernan, his voice low and tinged with a playful smirk as he watches Lt. Kasadei handle the situation with brutal efficiency.

"I’m not sure the Lieutenant is quite your type, Ghaernan," Caius murmurs, his tone teasing but quiet enough to not draw too much attention (but just enough). "She’s got a rather... spirited way about her. I’d be worried for your well-being if you ever found yourself on her bad side—or even her good side, for that matter."

Male Dwarf Cleric 1 (HP 12/12 AC:15 T:10 F:15 Saves F:+6 R:+1 W:+7 CMB:+2 CMD:12 Init:+0 Perc: +4)

Gundar will stand by as the more friendlier types conduct the business at hand while he wonders what Andel is writing so much for.

Male Musetouched Aasimar of Varisian Human Lineage Bard 1 (AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | HP: 9/9 | F+1, R+5, W+2 | CMB+1, CMD: 14 | Init+5 | Perc+4 | Darkvision 60')

Ghaernan smiles appreciatively at both Kasadei’s brutal efficiency and Caius’ most excellent insight, to the point that he easily overlooks her attempt at pronouncing his difficult name of fused Varisian and Azatan origins.

”Leftenant Kasadei, a pleasure to see you again; no apologies necessary, I appreciated your priorities in that last moment, and truthfully, I had yet to name this criminal a ‘guttersnipe’, which was well-targeted. Your immaculate appearance astonishes me, candidly; you would seem inspection-ready, to the point I would question your requirement for sleep. Impressive…”

”To your question, we happened upon Plutivarch – hmmm, I rather do prefer guttersnipe – while pursuing the possibility that Natalya was abducted, after receiving further intelligence regarding a ‘Nidalese slaver’ link up this very night in a derelict dock-side tavern. In our reconnaissance of this locale once darkness had fallen, we found a place already active with the lights and sounds of several humanoids. Perceiving the risk too great to further delay, we acted at once. Two of my intrepid companions entered as our vanguard, and this criminal ambushed them with a debilitating spell cast from invisibility, rendering them immediately unconscious. I and two others were fortunate enough to stand outside the range of that spell, and fortune favored my rapid response with sleep magic of my own. When the guttersnipe gasping before you awoke, he was unharmed but appropriately bound and grappled, ready for his journey to The Arvensoar, where his presence was clearly already sought, and of course for his fateful encounter with your fist.”

”Two other matters merit mention. The first is that he had already ambushed and kidnapped this man whom we freed and is now accompanying us, a Pathfinder in his own right by the name of Andel Gesseran. The second is that Plutivarch admitted to us that he was in fact the source of the widely-planted rumors of Nidalese slavers, in an attempt to draw Pathfinder agents to him for capture - all of the lights and sounds of their presence were just effective illusions. This does not yet, of course, reveal either the fate of Natalya nor the true source of the vanishings, which may still be linked, but at least one mystery – and the evil plans of one guttersnipe – end with his capture. At your service, Leftenant…”

Ghaernan ends his tale with an incline of his head and a sincere interest in her response…

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25, plus any other hopeful modifiers from the 'intimacy' and personal revelations of our first encounter...

If needed, I'll also take 10 on the appropriate Performance, giving Ghaernan as before a 'Great' category offering here in the otherwise dismal halls of the a taste for what she might witness at the Triodea in evenings to come...;-)

Roll20 Maps Loot

Kasadei shakes her head in disgust. "We certainly knew that it wasn't slavers," she glances at Plutivarch before proceeding, "well, for reasons I mentioned previously. I haven't much else I can say on the matter, in front of the likes of him." She raises an imperious pair of fingers, and two members of the guard come up. She points at Plutivarch, "take that man into custody. I will be along presently to fill out the paperwork."

Once the failed kidnapper is hauled away, she turns back to you, "as I was saying. Since most of the missing have returned, we knew it couldn't have been slavers. For that... guttersnipe to be behind the rumors of slavers is surprising. Anyways, I am glad you caught him, and that you are safe. Even better that you rescued this fellow in the process." She gestures towards Andel. "Now, let's see about that reward."

She leads you inside, and to a desk, where a rather rotund clerk is seated. "Have them fill out bounty forms for Plutivarch Dremis, and pay them out. We have him in custody." She turns back to the party, "there's no need to recount your whole tale on these forms, just a simple note about where you caught him and such. Is there anything more I can do for you then?"

You can talk more, or just fill the forms and get paid. Or start a brawl?

Male Human Fighter 1(HP 12/12 AC:18 T:12 F:16 Saves F:+4 R:+2 W:-1 CMB:+4 CMD:17 Init:+2 Perc: +0)

A brawl would be fun, but aside from the untold riches the lockbox must hold to be able to pay the bounty so easily, probably not worth it. It would be nice to see how my new companions do in a fight against a real foe.

Khalid will wait to get his portion of the bounty, if they actually even pay up and don't come up with some excuse, and then prepare to hightail it out of there.

Hmmm a tail could be quite useful too.

Male Ifrit Slayer 1 (AC:19 T:13 FF:16 | HP 13/13 | F+4 R+5 W+1| CMB:+4 CMD:17 | Init:+8 | Perc:+4 | Darkvision 60')

Caius steps up to the desk, eyeing the rotund clerk with a casual glance before picking up the pen. As he begins to fill out the form, his hand moves quickly, the task familiar and almost mundane after all the excitement of capturing Plutivarch. His molten orange eyes skim over the paperwork, and after a moment, he lets out a quiet chuckle.

"Well, would you look at that," Caius says with a smirk, his voice carrying just enough to be heard by the others. "This form’s no different from the ones I’ve filled out for far smaller bounties. Figured a bigger payout would come with more hoops to jump through."

He shakes his head in mock disbelief, the pen scratching across the paper as he quickly finishes the form. "I suppose bureaucracy's the same no matter how big the catch," he adds, glancing at his companions with an amused shrug.

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