The Chronicles of Urliek (Inactive)

Game Master Critzible

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Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

Rayna guides you through the throng. Strangely the streets seemed only partially teeming with activity as you get closer to the old rough looking church.

Closer and closer you get and you see the large pots out front and kids helping several women serving soup and handing out bread. Rayna leads you around the crowd to the back of the small Cathedral to a three-story Bailey that is fenced in.

At the gate an old skinny man in mix matched armor stands, well barely stands. Rayna pauses and taps one of the metal skirt plates. This causes the man to bolt up right and his hand grip the Bec De Corbin.

"Who goes...How?" he looks at you lot and then sees Rayna and laughs. The man with a long nose and bright eyes. However his laughter soon turns to a phelgmy cough and he leans on the polearm.

[b]"Its me Bartholomew, Rayna, I was contracted by these folks to get them here so we can talk to the Sisters about the dissappearances"Rayna says as she looks to the man who then looks down and his visor on the old helmet falls and obscures his bushy brows, yet rest on his long hook nose.

"OH YES, Rayna, yes you and the others are most welcome, please wait in the pews inside" Bart says as he gestures for them to enter.

Once you get into the chapel you note it was once grand, but seem aside form the pews and touch points it was greatly cared for.

A few moments pass and an elderly woman appears clad in a nuns frock."Hello children what can we do for you?"

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3

Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
A man with wavy crown hair and piercing blue eyes steps forward.
"Sister, we are agents of House Vosk. The plight of your neighborhood and the knowledge of the disappearances has forced The Lady of the House to task us to stop the apparent kidnappings. Will you please tell us all you know about them? The disappearances seem to center around your church", Felix hoped he said in a non-accusatory tone. Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13

Is anyone else going to post? I really shouldn't get involved too much in this scene; a charisma of 6 and no ranks in diplomacy is not the golden ticket here. But I will post if no-one else steps up...

M ratfolk fighter 1//summoner 1 | HP 13/13 | AC17 T13 FF15 | F+4 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | init+4 | Per+6* SM+1* | SM 4/4 | spells 1st-2/2 | effects: none || eidolon HP 11/11 | F+3 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Per+4 SM+0 | effects: none || familiar HP 10/10 | F+3 R+5 W+3 | CMB-2 CMD11 | Init+3 | Per+5 SM+2 | effects: message 1m

Nibs and his menagerie are similarly conversationally challenged, unless we are negotiating with literal rats.

Alchemist (Vivisectioninst) / Slayer (Executioner, Sniper) 1 | HP 12/12; AC 17, TAC 13, FFAC 14| F:+3, R:+5, W+0 (+2 vs charms and compulsions)| Init +3; Per +4(+2 in dim or darkness); Darkvision; Extracts: 1st: 2/2

"Information on the disappearances has been scarce at best, unfortunately. Anything you can share with us might prove helpful in putting a stop to them as swiftly as possible."

Diplomacy to aid another: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Female Human Bard(Arcane duelist)/Gunslinger (Firebrand) gestalt 1: HP 11/11 : AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13: Fort: +2 Reflex: + 5 Will: +2 (+4 Fear) : Perception +0, Init +3 : Performance 7/7 : Grit 3/3

"We are hoping to find out what has happened to the children, and who would be behind this." Tenobia adds.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 WTF??

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

" By the Goddess, Are you Mercenaries? has some one answered our prayers and sent you to aid us!" The woman says with a broad smile.

"I am Abbess Audrea, I have been here in the Capitol and with the church for nigh 80 years. A few years we get some slavers. But nothing like this. They have been going after any one and everyone who wanders the streets alone, or in small groups. Usually happens at dusk, night or dawn. " she pauses and takes a seat.

"A very nights ago, one of the sisters here has been taken. Somewhere around the old Gnomes jewelry store. he hasn't done much since he got the shakes a few years back. The constables investigated and they took him away. Which helped stop the flow of kidnappings for a tick." She coughed and pointed for someone to grab her some tea from the tray that appeared.

Perception DC15:
You note a series of small doors for which the one by the tea tray just clicked shut

you note this church has Rat Tunnels. Apparently Ratfolk frequent here enough and maybe even a Ratfolk nun resides here

Once she gets her tea she takes a sip and then continues."However the Constables consider it closed. So if you are here for Vosk, then we greatly appreciate it. What I do know is that they are avoiding Ratfolk and Gnomes. Not sure why?"

Female Human Bard(Arcane duelist)/Gunslinger (Firebrand) gestalt 1: HP 11/11 : AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13: Fort: +2 Reflex: + 5 Will: +2 (+4 Fear) : Perception +0, Init +3 : Performance 7/7 : Grit 3/3

Tenobia's gaze shifts around the room, noting little details as the Abess speaks. "We are happy to help." she says quietly.

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 18

M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13

perception: 1d20 + 1 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 + 3 + 1 = 14
1 ranks +3 trained +1 wis

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
"Interesting", Felix comments, absorbing the information. "What can you tell us about the missing sister?" Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

"Sister Agatha was a special case. She was a lady of the evening you see. Blessed though with arcane talents and a beautiful voice allowed her to buy her way free and come to the Goddesses care. here she began to learn our ways. In fact she was teaching the others how to brew potions for us to sell. But one night she didn't return form her nightly walk in hopes to bring others to the Abbey"The Abbess says looking down sorrowful.

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3

Felix's features fell. "Damn. Oh! Sorry Sister. I pray we can find Sister Agatha. Along with the other missing."

Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
The investigative bard looked to the others if they had any questions.

M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13

Ok, I am a bit confused about what Sister Agatha's arcane practice was/is? Brew potions suggests an alchemist. A beautiful voice suggests a bard (maybe)?

"House Vosk's interest was not actually attracted by Sister Agatha's dissappearance. Rather, what has caught the House's interest is missing children. I think we all suspect that the two might be connected. But to focus on our commission: how many children have disappeared from your orphanage? Have you observed any pattern to those kidnapped?

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

"Not that I know of. Just no Ratfolk or gnomes. they seem to avoid them. They aren't afraid of attacking able bodied folk." she says looking at the others. She looks up for a second in thought.

" I do know that from an attempted kidnapping, Is that the mercenaries are dangerous,but not willing to risk there lives thus letting our visiting sister Mistress Olga the Hammer"

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3

Felix paces as he thinks aloud.

"Hmm. Perhaps Nibs could investigate the ratfolk portals, possibly question his people for what they know about the kidnappings."

"Beyond that, I'm out of saner ideas, other than walk the streets hoping to be assaulted by the kidnappers."

The bard looks to the others for input.

Alchemist (Vivisectioninst) / Slayer (Executioner, Sniper) 1 | HP 12/12; AC 17, TAC 13, FFAC 14| F:+3, R:+5, W+0 (+2 vs charms and compulsions)| Init +3; Per +4(+2 in dim or darkness); Darkvision; Extracts: 1st: 2/2

Elara noda to Felix. "I agree, there seems to be too little to go on for us to plan anything different. At the very least, I guess we can search around the gnome's jewelry store, see if we find some kind of clue. Although that too seems unlikely, if she's been gone for a while"

Turning back to the Abbess, she continues "Was sister Agatha your most recent disappearance? Or were there others since then?"

M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13
Critzible wrote:


" I do know that from an attempted kidnapping, Is that the mercenaries are dangerous,but not willing to risk there lives thus letting our visiting sister Mistress Olga the Hammer"

Ok, I am not sure that I am understanding what the Abbess is saying here; I think she's saying that a visiting sister, Mistress Olga the Hammer, fought off an attempted kidnapping? If so, she might have some insight...

"Would it be possible to interview Mistress Olga about her experience?"

M ratfolk fighter 1//summoner 1 | HP 13/13 | AC17 T13 FF15 | F+4 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | init+4 | Per+6* SM+1* | SM 4/4 | spells 1st-2/2 | effects: none || eidolon HP 11/11 | F+3 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Per+4 SM+0 | effects: none || familiar HP 10/10 | F+3 R+5 W+3 | CMB-2 CMD11 | Init+3 | Per+5 SM+2 | effects: message 1m

Nibs frowns, perhaps unwilling to speak directly in front of the abbess. He casts a spell and whispers to the group in turn. "Maybe," he murmurs through his message spell. "If they aren't touching gnomes or ratfolk, that might imply that gnomes or ratfolk are responsible. I can speak to some of my contacts, but I doubt they'd tell me anything. Someone more, uh, personable might better convince them to talk."

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3

Felix outwardly nods at the Nibs. Casting message at the ratfolk, the bard seeking clarification. "If you wish it, I shall join you in your travels below, Nibs."

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