Constellations of Attelan

Game Master Me'mori

A traditional journey to Absalom Station begins on the arrival of Docking Bay 94...

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"Understood, sir." Zemfira says deferentially as she recounts the battle. "A fire fight broke out suddenly in the docking bay after we diembarked from the Excelsior. Kreel was waiting to meet us and while I cannot be certain, it looked to me like he fell to the very first volley of fire, sir. We reached him quickly, but there was nothing we could do." She says sadly, with a shake of her head. "Station security seems to believe he was caught in gang war crossfire but it felt intentional to me. No proof of that yet, but when we found your message exchange... well, I thought it important that you were apprised of the situation, sir."

Male (he/his) Brenneri Solar Disciple Solarian 1 EAC 13 KAC 14 | SP 9/9 HP 11/11 RP 5/5 | F +4 R +3 W +3 | Init +1 Perc +1 Dark Vision | Mode Resistance | Armor active

Sparks stands to the side so he doesn't show up in the call image, but listens intently.

Male Elebrian Solarian 1

Pertinax stands next to Sparks.

M Dirindi Solarian (Espionage Specialist/ Stellar Sage) 1 Stamina Points 6/6, Hit Points 10/10, Resolve Points 5/5 EAC 15, KAC 15, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Init +4, Perception +5, Senses Low light, Blind sight (electricity) 60' Mode Energy II

Dirk Gently checks his breath before joining Zemfira in the debriefing.
Dirk Gently, Holistic Detective, here, sir. As my esteemed colleague has offered our contract, one Mr. Kreek, was gunned down like an armadillo crossing against the light. Two known gangs offered his retirement but we suspect they were bought. We have leads, but we thought it best to further procure your financial investment in the case too.

Dirk Gently winks.

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"Hn." A look of consideration crossed their face, likely judging the likelihood that everything that happened was on the level. "I can support that. Who commissioned the initial investigation?" It seems that Otal is open to facilitating your inquiry with funding, provided that the two of you are on the level. There is a touch of skepticism there, since there is still slim odds that this is a prank and someone they appear to have known for a while is in fact still alive, but that sis mostly wishful thinking.

Male (he/his) Brenneri Solar Disciple Solarian 1 EAC 13 KAC 14 | SP 9/9 HP 11/11 RP 5/5 | F +4 R +3 W +3 | Init +1 Perc +1 Dark Vision | Mode Resistance | Armor active

"Tell him we're Starfinders and the Starfinders authorized our investigation," Sparks whispers, soto voce.

Zemfira cut her eyes at Dirk, rolled them and then resumed her serious demeanor after meeting Sparks' gaze. "Apologies, sir. Dirk employs humor as a coping mechanism. Director Chiskisk engaged us to investigate, but not as official Starfinder business. My concern was if Kreel was specifically targeted, you might be in danger yourself, sir."

Male (he/his) Brenneri Solar Disciple Solarian 1 EAC 13 KAC 14 | SP 9/9 HP 11/11 RP 5/5 | F +4 R +3 W +3 | Init +1 Perc +1 Dark Vision | Mode Resistance | Armor active

Sparks nods at Zemfira's diplomacy so far.

M Dirindi Solarian (Espionage Specialist/ Stellar Sage) 1 Stamina Points 6/6, Hit Points 10/10, Resolve Points 5/5 EAC 15, KAC 15, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Init +4, Perception +5, Senses Low light, Blind sight (electricity) 60' Mode Energy II

Dirk Gently only looks both please and a bit distracted by a loose thread on his coat sleeve....

The Dirindi does nod to Zemfira as she takes point.

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A moment of consideration was given towards the possibility, their focus shifting as a moment was taken to look back at things, before they focused back on the call. "I'm just the mouthpiece for the Collective, for the most part. Their issue was with something Durevor was working on recently, maybe. I don't know what his schedule of affairs was. "

M Dirindi Solarian (Espionage Specialist/ Stellar Sage) 1 Stamina Points 6/6, Hit Points 10/10, Resolve Points 5/5 EAC 15, KAC 15, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Init +4, Perception +5, Senses Low light, Blind sight (electricity) 60' Mode Energy II

Well, we seem to be in need of the information containing our dwarf's recent project. Whatever that was may lead to further clues as to whom may be responsible for this tragedy.

Sensing that the call was winding down, Zemfira made the effort to get to the point. "Acreon seems to be the subject of Kreel's most recent project of note. We have gleaned only that there was a dispute. Can you tell us more details about the incident and Kreel's role in the arbitration? How removing him from the equation alters the situation moving forward? It would help us to understand if this is a viable motive, sir."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

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The name of the Acreon prompted a bit of a frown to appear before they sighed. "The current dispute with the Acreon is that Hardscrabble is claiming rights, and that is disputed by the contractor. Durevor was likely looking to step in to mediate, probably. If that would have happened, it definitely would be more difficult to get a ruling in their favor. Assuming the rock has some valuation... That hasn't come in yet. The ship has been silent since arriving, so there is a lot of uncertainty while it sits in quarantine." There is definitely some frustration there.

"A lot of things are still unclear, so unless someone has inside information, killing Durevor is a drastic step."

Elf (Asanan / Forlorn) - Solarian 1 [Graviton]

"With that, we can only defer to the vast experience of ... Dirk Gently. Yet in my own more limited experience, someone ALWAYS has inside information, and it seems unlikely to me that one of the shortest people in a docking bay was somehow felled first "in the crossfire""

Zephyr smiles

"But I do defer to Dirk on this."

M Dirindi Solarian (Espionage Specialist/ Stellar Sage) 1 Stamina Points 6/6, Hit Points 10/10, Resolve Points 5/5 EAC 15, KAC 15, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Init +4, Perception +5, Senses Low light, Blind sight (electricity) 60' Mode Energy II

Dirk Gently smiles warmly at the vid screen. The Holistic Detective straightens his tie.
M well, we do hope you are taking the proper precautions perhaps periodically perform pre-checks and posts-checks of our dear dead dwarf's dirty death. We wish you a Merry Christmas and we will leave you to it.

Dirk waves good-bye before pushing the off communication button.
He's been influenced. He didn't like it when Acreon was mentioned. Probably hit a nerve.

The Detective begins rifling through their notes....

....after reviewing the messages between Kreel and HCBoss, the Espionage Specialist frowns.

He quotes
Kreel: I'll need to get my hands on the original contracts between the company and the miners. There are probably clauses they used to avoid liability, or worse, that tied the crew into illegal working conditions...

Dirk Gently peers about suspiciously.
I am thinking about us perhaps attempting to investigate the Acreon ourselves. I wonder if he found those original contracts?

Male (he/his) Brenneri Solar Disciple Solarian 1 EAC 13 KAC 14 | SP 9/9 HP 11/11 RP 5/5 | F +4 R +3 W +3 | Init +1 Perc +1 Dark Vision | Mode Resistance | Armor active

Investigating a big corporation with lots of security and lawyers will be difficult. I'd say we go see if we can influence one of the gangs to spill the beans on the incident. They'll be easier to find and will have fewer defenses. Then if they were hired, we can perhaps find out by whom and follow that lead.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The idea that a ship has fallen silent since arriving pinged Zemfira's weirdness detector. "How much longer until the quarantine is lifted?" She asked and followed up with "Thank you for taking the time to talk with us, sir."

Once the call was concluded she said, "I don't know about influenced. Probably just worried about more parties vying for the Acreon's cargo. We already saw that news blip that said the Starfinder Society is involved. Something is definitely fishy here though... Doesn't it sound weird to you that the ship is uncommunicative even though it returned to dock? Sounds to me like there must be something dangerous on that ship. But I agree, we should stay informed on it while we follow up with the gangs. Downside Kings and the Level 21 Crew..."

Our prior Info search on the Acreon for memory refresh rate.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
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The expression that follows the question Zemfira poses is something that would likely be followed by a shrug. "A guess cannot even be made right now. The ship is in limbo out there in the Quarantine Zone, and until we can get a response, or access to the logs to determine specifics, there is a dispute on ownership, and it probably won't move until that gets resolved."

Indicating the conclusion of the call, Otal nods and somberly replies. "Thank you for informing me of the tragedy. Durevor was a well-regarded individual in the area of workers' rights."

Outside the apartment, the neighborhood settled into the rhythm of early evening on Absalom Station, a mix of industrious activity and the soft murmur of daily life winding down. The corridors beyond the door pulsed faintly with the amber glow of overhead lights, their warmth diffused by patches of flickering holographic advertisements clinging to the walls like neon ivy. Residents moved with purposeful ease, a mix of species whose footsteps echoed unevenly against the durasteel flooring. The scent of spiced noodles and fried meat lingered in the air, carried from food stalls stationed strategically along the main thoroughfare. Occasionally, the muffled hum of a passing utility drone would cut through the relative quiet, its sleek body gliding toward unseen destinations with unwavering efficiency.

From the apartment’s window, angled to reveal a slice of the station’s outer plating, the view was more abstract—a patchwork of distant lights, casting fractured reflections across the reinforced glass. Beyond the faint glow, a hint of the cosmos peeked through, black and infinite, dotted with stars and the muted flash of starship thrusters. The faint, rhythmic thrum of the station’s life support systems blended with the distant sounds of conversation, laughter, and the occasional clatter of goods being loaded or unloaded in the nearby docking bays. Despite its industrial veneer, the neighborhood had its own kind of charm: a lived-in resilience, a balance between the chaos of constant motion and the brief moments of calm stolen between shifts.

"Honestly, I think that sounds like good news that they won't be clearing the quarantine soon. Let's make a point to stay informed though." Zemfira said as she pulled up her comm device and set up notifications for all Acreon updates.

"So... how do we seek out a gang of hardened criminals?" She asks, looking to the others for guidance. Having come from a wealthy upbringing with a stern father with high expectations, she really didn't know where to begin.

Elf (Asanan / Forlorn) - Solarian 1 [Graviton]
Zemfira wrote:

"Honestly, I think that sounds like good news that they won't be clearing the quarantine soon. Let's make a point to stay informed though." Zemfira said as she pulled up her comm device and set up notifications for all Acreon updates.

"So... how do we seek out a gang of hardened criminals?" She asks, looking to the others for guidance. Having come from a wealthy upbringing with a stern father with high expectations, she really didn't know where to begin.

"Turf. Gangs have turf. In fact, that is probably what everyone is pretending the dock shoot out was, a turf war incident. Dirk, you're good at this stuff, can you search for known areas of operation/control for both gangs? Then all we really need to do is go get 'noticed'"

M Dirindi Solarian (Espionage Specialist/ Stellar Sage) 1 Stamina Points 6/6, Hit Points 10/10, Resolve Points 5/5 EAC 15, KAC 15, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Init +4, Perception +5, Senses Low light, Blind sight (electricity) 60' Mode Energy II

...ship is in limbo... out there in the Quarantine Zone... and until can get a response...or access to the logs... to determine specifics...there is a dispute on ownership...

Dirk Gently seems to be fixated on the words coming from the communication device.

At Zephyr's inquiry, the Espionage Specialist fumbles with his cup of lentils.
That was only the one time! It was Freshman year. Nobody really got hurt. Permanently.

Dirk's Three Blue eyes blink.
Oh, you said turf. Gangs do have turf. Let's do a not Google search. Perhaps if I could perhaps peek at the police data. Probably easy to browse. Passwords are usually pet names, birth cities or once there was one dude who had Password as his password.

The Dirindi begins surfing the Net....and, perhaps, the police secured data banks too.
Computers (Int): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

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Zemfira setting up notifications for the Acreon also allows the system to pull up prior information with ease, and depending on the width of the setting, a lot of it can be summarized to the same amount of information— which is to say, very little– being reported and speculated on, all the way up to the present. Most notably that since the arrival and the ambiguity of the claim, procedures have been suspended until clarity can be established so that the owning party can take responsibility.

For Dirk, the search is made easier utilizing their hacking kit, though the ad hoc nature of utilizing the data pad, his comm unit, and the InfoSphere connection and display of the apartment is a bit challenging, it at least is the fun kind of challenging. Within ten minutes, the quirky investigator has a set of conjoined screens running multiple projections of their displays, as well as some sort of aural/tactile system that is uncertain whether it is essential, inconsequential, personal, or recreational. There is certainly information being generated, though perhaps a few of you can follow some of the readouts with any sort of certainty, even if their relevance is dubious. As the search continues, there are only a few certainties that can be confirmed regarding the two gangs.

Downside Kings:
The Downside Kings are a brutal street gang that controls several decks of Absalom Station’s lower levels, or “Downside,” through a combination of intimidation and violence. They are known to engage in a wide variety of illegal activities, from extortion, fraud, robbery, smuggling, and theft, to drug and arms trafficking, kidnapping, murder-for-hire, and trafficking in sentient species.

Level 21 Crew:
The Level 21 Crew are a street gang that claims (unsurprisingly) Level 21 of Absalom Station’s seedy lower decks as its territory. Their known criminal endeavors include theft, fencing stolen goods, gambling, prostitution, racketeering, and smuggling.

Everything else that can be found could be classified (very) loosely as "speculative", as there are no significant actionable sources or records that can confirm anything else about either of the gangs, likely intentionally. Whatever their spheres of influence, acquiring any more information than that cursory overview would require footwork.

Male (he/his) Brenneri Solar Disciple Solarian 1 EAC 13 KAC 14 | SP 9/9 HP 11/11 RP 5/5 | F +4 R +3 W +3 | Init +1 Perc +1 Dark Vision | Mode Resistance | Armor active

"Sounds like the Level 21 Crew might be the best place to start. If they have only one level instead of several, they are probably less well organized."

Zemfira nods her agreement, "Also a little less brutal than the Kings. Or so we can hope." She said as she used her comm unit to map a path to Level 21.

M Dirindi Solarian (Espionage Specialist/ Stellar Sage) 1 Stamina Points 6/6, Hit Points 10/10, Resolve Points 5/5 EAC 15, KAC 15, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Init +4, Perception +5, Senses Low light, Blind sight (electricity) 60' Mode Energy II

Dirk Gently's blue eyes absolutely shine in merriment as the Dirindi expounds upon the exciting opportunity presented by the Downside Kings!

Dirk then expresses a bit of a monotonous tone as he reads aloud the information about the boring Level 21 Crew....

He seems undecided....

Elf (Asanan / Forlorn) - Solarian 1 [Graviton]

Listening to all of what is shared, Zephyr stops to think, and the responds to Zemfira & Sparks: "At the end of the day, based on what we just learned, my instincts say that the Downside Kings are much more likely to have been paid to off our Starfinder. Doesn't mean that Level 21 wasn't involved in the Aceron claim in some way, but it feels like the dock fight was a cover for a hit. Just not sure our information points to L21 being hired for something like that."

Male (he/his) Brenneri Solar Disciple Solarian 1 EAC 13 KAC 14 | SP 9/9 HP 11/11 RP 5/5 | F +4 R +3 W +3 | Init +1 Perc +1 Dark Vision | Mode Resistance | Armor active

"Even if the 'Kings' were the prime weapon against Duravor, the Level 21 gang had to be drawn to that particular location. If we can find out what drew them there, we'll be a step closer to finding out the reason for targeting Duravor. But we can investigate the Kings, if we want to take on the bigger challenge for a potentially bigger reward. Let's just be very careful and stick together if we do."

With her generally genial and gregarious nature, Zemfira endeavored to be diplomatic as they dove deeper into Level 21.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

M Dirindi Solarian (Espionage Specialist/ Stellar Sage) 1 Stamina Points 6/6, Hit Points 10/10, Resolve Points 5/5 EAC 15, KAC 15, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Init +4, Perception +5, Senses Low light, Blind sight (electricity) 60' Mode Energy II

Dirk Gentl is seen roaming seemingly aimlessly about Level 21. The Espionage Specialist begins entering randomly chosen shops. He wonders inside for a bit to get the feel of the ambience before exiting to spin about and re-enter the same shop.

Spending a few minutes standing in line, as it becomes his turn to appease the potential customers behind his favored position, the Holistic Detective smiles and tips his hat before approaching the counter person.
If I were to want to meet with the Gang who would I speak with?

The smiling Dirindi slides a credit at the proprietor.
Diplomacy (Cha) to Gather Information: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15

He slides another....

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In the hours that pass, your exploration into Level 21 (and their eponymous Crew) yields an accumulated amount of information, that sheds a fair amount of illumination into the ongoing investigation. While the level itself is not so very different from the others, the sense of community that comes up when conversations shifts into the vicinity of the Crew is more positive than you might have expected. Despite their reputation for criminal activities, praises are more prevalent than pejoratives. Over the course of the night, with a fair amount of friendly words and a few credits, you find yourselves included in an invite to a block party where you learn some significant information.

The eats were pretty good, too.

It seems that an older Ysoki named "Jabaxa" currently leads, and they have been known to hire themselves out to defend marginalized and threatened groups or factions. Zemfira seems to have a knack for finding the right faces and with her personality, learns that the Hardscrabble Collective had just recently hired the Crew for something, since the significant others of a cousin of a friend was still recovering from catching fire from a laser shot.

400xp total awarded.

Male (he/his) Brenneri Solar Disciple Solarian 1 EAC 13 KAC 14 | SP 9/9 HP 11/11 RP 5/5 | F +4 R +3 W +3 | Init +1 Perc +1 Dark Vision | Mode Resistance | Armor active

Sparks tells Jabaxa, "We were at that firefight. A contact we were meeting was shot at the start. Can you tell us more about why this collective hired you? We believe the Downside Kings were the culprits but we don't know why they would attack this dwarf."

M Dirindi Solarian (Espionage Specialist/ Stellar Sage) 1 Stamina Points 6/6, Hit Points 10/10, Resolve Points 5/5 EAC 15, KAC 15, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Init +4, Perception +5, Senses Low light, Blind sight (electricity) 60' Mode Energy II

Dirk Gently is seen having a shots competition with himself. He loses.

Sparks has it!

Male (he/his) Brenneri Solar Disciple Solarian 1 EAC 13 KAC 14 | SP 9/9 HP 11/11 RP 5/5 | F +4 R +3 W +3 | Init +1 Perc +1 Dark Vision | Mode Resistance | Armor active

Ret-con last post:

Sparks asks around and learns that the gang can be contacted via a bodega called "Mama Fats."

"I could eat," Sparks says as he checks the 'sphere for directions to the place and to see if they have fish on the menu.

M Dirindi Solarian (Espionage Specialist/ Stellar Sage) 1 Stamina Points 6/6, Hit Points 10/10, Resolve Points 5/5 EAC 15, KAC 15, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Init +4, Perception +5, Senses Low light, Blind sight (electricity) 60' Mode Energy II

Dirk Gently is seen looking up Bodega.....

The Dirindi looks up after reading a bit.
Fish tacos sound sublime. Let's check it out.

The Espionage Specialist then nudges both Pertinax and Zephyr.

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This late in the night, leaving the block party is a bit of a challenge, as there was no one that did anything but welcome you to the party, and it very much was a good time to be had. The music was good, the food was better, and the drinks were excellent. There were places that you could "donate' credits to the party, and any donations were met with appreciation, but by no means were they required. The higher quality drinks or food that came with the donation was just coincidental, honest! From the conversations that had been had throughout the night, the party was not exclusive to just this level, though the invites were certainly curated through people that were known through one means or another.

Mama Fats was not too far from the party itself, several blocks was not too far to go, and on the way, those of keener eye would be able to see members of the gang here and there setting a fairly wide perimeter. They were not professionals by any means, but they did have the home ground advantage. The bodega was open, though the regular traffic was intermittent at this point. No doubt almost everyone that could was attending the block party if they had not turned in by now. Interestingly enough, the music that was playing at the party was also playing in the shop, with the human female behind the counter able to be seen nodding along with the music while interacting with the holodisplay from her comm. Small speakers broadcast the music out in a small area around the shop.

Male (he/his) Brenneri Solar Disciple Solarian 1 EAC 13 KAC 14 | SP 9/9 HP 11/11 RP 5/5 | F +4 R +3 W +3 | Init +1 Perc +1 Dark Vision | Mode Resistance | Armor active

Sparks enjoys the party, but makes sure he mentions the events and his friends witnessed on entering the station docks. He doesn't indicate that he knows members of the local gang were involved, but he drops Duravor's name to see if anyone reacts.

If no one at the party provides any intel, he drifts down to Mama Fats and repeats the process.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15

Upon hearing mention of the Hardscrabble Collective having some involvement here, Zem suspects a connection to the underlying mystery and makes the effort to help with the namedropping process Sparks is attempting.

"Yeah, it's really such a shame about Kreel. He would have been instrumental in the dispute. And now with the fate of the Acreon uncertain... so many people are going to be left in the lurch..." She shakes her head sadly.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

M Dirindi Solarian (Espionage Specialist/ Stellar Sage) 1 Stamina Points 6/6, Hit Points 10/10, Resolve Points 5/5 EAC 15, KAC 15, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Init +4, Perception +5, Senses Low light, Blind sight (electricity) 60' Mode Energy II

Dirk Gently is seen at the block party with drinks in hands, Three Blue eyes roaming, winking, and one even seems to be upsidedown.

During the course of the night, the Espionage Specialist is seen spontaneously dropping cardboard down in a impromptu Break dancing Battle!

Once the boring time came to continue working the case, Dirk shakes hands, greases pawns, and departs with much fanfare and a bit of tears.

Elf (Asanan / Forlorn) - Solarian 1 [Graviton]
Dirk Gently. wrote:

Dirk Gently is seen at the block party with drinks in hands, Three Blue eyes roaming, winking, and one even seems to be upsidedown.

During the course of the night, the Espionage Specialist is seen spontaneously dropping cardboard down in a impromptu Break dancing Battle!

Once the boring time came to continue working the case, Dirk shakes hands, greases pawns, and departs with much fanfare and a bit of tears.

At the end of the day, well, at the end of any day really, there could be only ONE Dirk Gently. Zeph wouldn't want it any other way.

With a notable lack of anything particularly Elven, Zephyr digs deep into his roots ... and sticks with Lashuntan veggie treats. He knew he needed some protein, but this was good for now.

His mind wondered off; he had a job offer to accept!

M Dirindi Solarian (Espionage Specialist/ Stellar Sage) 1 Stamina Points 6/6, Hit Points 10/10, Resolve Points 5/5 EAC 15, KAC 15, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Init +4, Perception +5, Senses Low light, Blind sight (electricity) 60' Mode Energy II

Dirk Gently casually walks up to the human female behind the counter. The smiling Dirindi bows.
Good evening, ma'am. We were quite enjoying the hospitality of the Block when we were made to believe that we could talk to...

The Espionage Specialist frowns. He reaches into his jacket pocket, retrieves his new Data pad, reads and smiles again. older Ysoki named "Jabaxa.

Dirk places a credit on the counter....
Diplomacy (Cha) : 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12

The smiling Dirindi seems to be fairly dry in his approach....

Male (he/his) Brenneri Solar Disciple Solarian 1 EAC 13 KAC 14 | SP 9/9 HP 11/11 RP 5/5 | F +4 R +3 W +3 | Init +1 Perc +1 Dark Vision | Mode Resistance | Armor active

Sparks follows Dirk's conversation opening with, "We are friends of the Starfinders and have been in touch with the Hardscrabble Collective. It is our understanding the gang tried to help an incident at a docking bay where a contact of the collective was killed. It is also our understanding the Level 21 gang was involved. How can we get in touch with them?"

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As everyone was idly perusing the shop, the clerk at the counter was keeping half an ear on everyone, and looked up when Dirk approached, engaging with a little more charm than a credit chip.

It earned a glance down and then back to the Dirindi, nonplussed.

Sparks garnered a bit of a smile and then a glance at everyone else, looking back between sparks and Dirk. "Y'might have gotten the right info..." she gave a bit of a shrug with one shoulder, the wave of a hand scattering the soft neon constructs of the holographic comm display she had been engaged with into a scattering of quickly fading motes. "...orrr y'might have been played." A flip of her head moved the side-cropped length of her hairstyle out of her eye.

A wink to Zemfira.

"Leave a message and find out."

The sharp chime of the bodega’s doorbell announced the entry of a Kasatha, their tall, four-armed frame ducking slightly under the threshold. Dressed in a mix of utilitarian spacer gear and a colorful, patterned sash tied around their waist— a nod to familial heritage– the Kasatha moved with an easy familiarity through the narrow aisles. Their deep-set, dark eyes scanned the shelves with practiced efficiency before they reached for a brightly colored bag of crispy sunfruit chips, the package crinkling as one hand held it while another retrieved a chilled can of sweet agave nectar from a cooler. At the counter, they exchanged pleasantries with the shopkeeper, both slipping effortlessly between Common and a lilting, melodic dialect some might recognize as Lashuntan. The transaction ended with a grateful nod, the Kasatha tucking their purchases into a well-worn satchel slung across one shoulder before stepping back out onto the bustling street, where the warm glow of the neighborhood’s vibrant murals contrasted with the cool hum of passing drones.
Question: Who has their motes visible?

The Lost Voice wrote:

As everyone was idly perusing the shop, the clerk at the counter was keeping half an ear on everyone, and looked up when Dirk approached, engaging with a little more charm than a credit chip.

It earned a glance down and then back to the Dirindi, nonplussed.

Sparks garnered a bit of a smile and then a glance at everyone else, looking back between sparks and Dirk. "Y'might have gotten the right info..." she gave a bit of a shrug with one shoulder, the wave of a hand scattering the soft neon constructs of the holographic comm display she had been engaged with into a scattering of quickly fading motes. "...orrr y'might have been played." A flip of her head moved the side-cropped length of her hairstyle out of her eye.

A wink to Zemfira.

"Leave a message and find out."

The sharp chime of the bodega’s doorbell announced the entry of a Kasatha, their tall, four-armed frame ducking slightly under the threshold. Dressed in a mix of utilitarian spacer gear and a colorful, patterned sash tied around their waist— a nod to familial heritage– the Kasatha moved with an easy familiarity through the narrow aisles. Their deep-set, dark eyes scanned the shelves with practiced efficiency before they reached for a brightly colored bag of crispy sunfruit chips, the package crinkling as one hand held it while another retrieved a chilled can of sweet agave nectar from a cooler. At the counter, they exchanged pleasantries with the shopkeeper, both slipping effortlessly between Common and a lilting, melodic dialect some might recognize as Lashuntan. The transaction ended with a grateful nod, the Kasatha tucking their purchases into a well-worn satchel slung across one shoulder before stepping back out onto the bustling street, where the warm glow of the neighborhood’s vibrant murals contrasted with the cool hum of passing drones.
Question: Who has their motes visible?

Given that Zephyr's probably looks like an oddly large Aoen Stone, he keeps it circling near his head more frequently than some solarians. But it also doesn't look like a small star either. (neutron star maybe)

M Dirindi Solarian (Espionage Specialist/ Stellar Sage) 1 Stamina Points 6/6, Hit Points 10/10, Resolve Points 5/5 EAC 15, KAC 15, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Init +4, Perception +5, Senses Low light, Blind sight (electricity) 60' Mode Energy II

Dirk Gently stands silently still during the entire exchange. The Dirindi wearing a bright grin, as lightning dances about his neck and head....

Male (he/his) Brenneri Solar Disciple Solarian 1 EAC 13 KAC 14 | SP 9/9 HP 11/11 RP 5/5 | F +4 R +3 W +3 | Init +1 Perc +1 Dark Vision | Mode Resistance | Armor active

Sparks dutifully taps out a message and sends it where the bartender says it should go. He says much the same as he did to the bartender, identifying an affiliation with the Starfinders and having been in contact with Hardscrabble Collective, wanting to see if the gang knows anything about the shootout at the docking bay. He leaves his comm link address for the response.

MAPS • SF Map •

The address is @Fatzchats, which seems appropriate for this. Depending on the security of their internal system, it was at least something relatively nondescript. It was likely that finding where to drop the message was the hardest part, as all of you did invest a fair amount of time, effort, and some credits in reaching this point. All of you have been getting a once-over from the clerk, not that they seemed uncommonly capable, or anything like that.

With confirmation of the message being sent, the rest of the night is yours, with the time approaching the late night. The block party seemed to still be going, though there had been some mention of it trickling elsewhere after a while, and the rest of the station is available to those of you that want to take a tour. Several public tours are available for you to play at any given time, as well as highlights of hot spots no matter the floor.

Elf (Asanan / Forlorn) - Solarian 1 [Graviton]
The Lost Voice wrote:

Notification to Zephyr's Comm:

Subject: Join Ilyrian Ecotech – Unite Your Heritage with the Future of Biotech!

Dear Zephyr Starr,

As an individual of proud elven heritage, you carry within you the legacy of a people who have always understood the balance between nature and progress. At Ilyrian Ecotech, we share that deep connection to the natural world, and we have built our company on the principles of harmony, innovation, and sustainability – values that have long been the hallmark of elven culture on Castrovel.

We are honored to extend to you an invitation to become a Product Representative for Ilyrian Ecotech, a role that will allow you to not only represent our cutting-edge biotech products but also to further the mission of uniting technology with the natural world. Our products are crafted with respect for the environment and designed to enhance life through organic advancements, genetic enhancements, and sustainable innovations – all inspired by the rich ecosystems of Castrovel.

As a Product Representative, you will:

Showcase our advanced biotech solutions that harness the wisdom of nature and the elegance of elven craftsmanship.
Represent the latest innovations in organic enhancements, from genetic therapies to eco-friendly technologies that align with elven ideals of preservation and growth.
Promote our commitment to sustainability, helping clients and communities embrace technologies that work in harmony with the environment.

Be a key voice at interplanetary expos and conferences, where you will help shape the future of biotechnology across the galaxy.
In recognition of your unique perspective and connection to the natural world, you will gain exclusive access to our newest products and prototypes, including bio-enhancements designed specifically with elven physiology in mind. You’ll also benefit from generous commissions, travel opportunities, and access to Ilyrian Ecotech’s prestigious network of researchers, scientists, and innovators.

Your role as an Ilyrian Ecotech representative will not only advance our mission but will also empower you to uphold the traditions of your elven heritage while shaping the future of biotechnology.

We would be thrilled to discuss the details of this partnership with you further and welcome you into the Ilyrian Ecotech family.

May your path be ever in balance with the world around you.

In harmony,
Faelar Elanaris
Director of Heritage Relations
Ilyrian Ecotech
"Nature’s Wisdom, Technology’s Future"

Zeph is ready ... for a tour. He would love a tour. Truly, he would love to buy some time, because he knows he needs to accept his job offer, but he's young and absolutely no one ever prepares you for this part. Everyone talks about getting here, no one talks about arriving.

Zeph knows that when he accepts this offer, he is taking massive steps to get closer to Castrovel. It's what he has dreamed of his whole life. But it isn't a dream all this right now. He's going to pic up his actual comm, and write an actual message, to an actual person (with a VERY elven name) ... and then he will actually need to do what is expected of him.

Walking around looking magically menacing was a far sight easier than this. He needed to take a tour. He needed a few hours that were just his, just Absolom, just basic; no Starfinding, no conspiracy, no murders. Just a tour and maybe a glance at the stars outside the Station. He could start adulting RIGHT after that.

M Dirindi Solarian (Espionage Specialist/ Stellar Sage) 1 Stamina Points 6/6, Hit Points 10/10, Resolve Points 5/5 EAC 15, KAC 15, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Init +4, Perception +5, Senses Low light, Blind sight (electricity) 60' Mode Energy II

Smiling face at the clerk, Dirk Gently waves farewell to her as the team departs to await a response.
Anyone else feel like taking a tour of some kind? We have time to spare.

The Espionage Specialist takes out his datapad and he begins searching for available tours at this time of night in the area....

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Male (he/his) Brenneri Solar Disciple Solarian 1 EAC 13 KAC 14 | SP 9/9 HP 11/11 RP 5/5 | F +4 R +3 W +3 | Init +1 Perc +1 Dark Vision | Mode Resistance | Armor active

Sparks foregoes the tour option in favor of some personal exploration. He heads for a region of the station called Congregation, near the Eye, location of many religious establishments and temples. There he finds his way to the temple to Sarenrae and spends some time in prayer and medication, asking for guidance and protection.

After that, he works his way over to the Cosmonastery of the Empty Orbit, home of a famous solarian training center.

If he has time after that, he will travel to a district called the Puddles. There he looks for interesting opportunities to swim in interesting environments and then to find some good fish-based streetfood vendors.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Given the long day and the late hour, Zem returns to the Hotel to try and enjoy the luxurious quarters since their remaining stay would be up soon.

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