GM Rotation, The COREageous Crew

Game Master Pete H.

Scenario Tracking
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Dark Archive

Male Half-Elf Evoker 1 (HP 7/7) (AC 10/10/10) (CMD 8) (Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +5) (Init +2) (Perception +14)

Cashel breathes a sigh of relief when the Entangle is dispelled!

I wasn't sure how I was going to get through that...

Grand Lodge

Male Human Core Fighter 2 | F5 R2 W1 | I4 P1 | hp 17/20 | AC 17 (+SoF 20) | TSRR:0 FRR:1 | LE | 124312-7

Cashel wasn't the only one. Jack had been watching the grass and wondered why it's behaviour was so ... malevolent.

Silverhex Quest WEBS | The Corageous Confirmation

Being hit with sticky goo, bitten and shot, the Minotaur roars in pain and anger. He swings his broken axe mightily at his foes.

Broken Battleaxe vs Cheeper AC 19, entangled: 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (4) + 7 - 2 = 9
Damage: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (6, 2) + 4 = 12

Broken Battleaxe vs Janira AC 14, entangled: 1d20 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 - 2 = 18
Damage: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (3, 3) + 4 = 10

Being on guard Cheeper easily dodges the powerful strike. But Janira gets hit by the backswing and falls unconscious to the ground, bleeding. "Aaaargh!"

GM Screen:
Tanglefoot bag rounds: 2d4 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7

The Final Exam! Round 3

Terrain: Green Patches are light Undergrowth (Difficult Terrain) | Stream - Moving N to S at 30'/round (DC 15 Swim) Crossing the trunk- Move at half speed (DC 7 Acrobatics) Failure need a DC 13 Reflex (Success fall prone on the log, Failure fall in the water)

➤ Paul (10/10 HP)
➤ Nal (8/8 HP)
➤ Cashel (7/7 HP)
➤ Ryul (15/15 HP)
➤ Jack (17/20 HP) │ Prone
Janira (-2/25 HP) │ Fatigued, Prone, Unconscious, Dying
➤ Paloma (14/14 HP)
➤ Cheeper (12/12 HP)
Minotaur (-15 HP) │ Entangled


Dim Light:
20% Miss Chance in combat unless you have darkvision OR (in this case) low-light vision

Grand Lodge

Male Human Core Fighter 2 | F5 R2 W1 | I4 P1 | hp 17/20 | AC 17 (+SoF 20) | TSRR:0 FRR:1 | LE | 124312-7

Jack gets up, and heads for the minotaur.

Not on MY watch, Janira

Dark Archive

Male Half-Elf Evoker 1 (HP 7/7) (AC 10/10/10) (CMD 8) (Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +5) (Init +2) (Perception +14)


Cashel takes a deep breath, then with a running jump...

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10.

...just *barely* clears the stream.

Teetering on the edge for a moment, he tosses a spell at the Minotaur, enveloping its weapon in bacon fat!

Grease. DC 15 Reflex negates. On a failure, it drops the weapon, which remains greasy...

Silverhex Quest WEBS | The Corageous Confirmation

Minotaur Reflex, entangled: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 5 - 2 = 21 (vs DC 15)

Quite unbelieveable, the Minotaur manages to avoid the greasing of his broken axe. He then swings it at the approaching fighter...

AoO Broken Battleaxe, entangled: 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (6) + 7 - 2 = 11
Damage: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (4, 4) + 4 = 12

...but Jack isn't hit so easily.

The Final Exam! Round 3

Terrain: Green Patches are light Undergrowth (Difficult Terrain) | Stream - Moving N to S at 30'/round (DC 15 Swim) Crossing the trunk- Move at half speed (DC 7 Acrobatics) Failure need a DC 13 Reflex (Success fall prone on the log, Failure fall in the water)

➤ Paul (10/10 HP)
➤ Nal (8/8 HP)
Cashel (7/7 HP)
➤ Ryul (15/15 HP)
Jack (17/20 HP)
Janira (-2/25 HP) │ Fatigued, Prone, Unconscious, Dying
➤ Paloma (14/14 HP)
➤ Cheeper (12/12 HP)
Minotaur (-15 HP) │ Entangled

Silver Crusade

LG Elven Fighter 1 | Mods: None | HP 15 (-0) | AC/Tch/FF 16/13/13 | CMD 15 | F/R/W +4/+3/+0 (Immune vs. Sleep, +2 vs. Enchants) | Speed 30ft | TBD | +2 Star Folio Re-Roll 1/1, Spells NA | Perc: +2 (LL), SM: +0 | Init: +3

With the exclamations of concern for Janira already voiced by his teammates, Ryul focuses on the obstacle in front of him. Darting forward he slows as he carefully steps across the log.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

His elven heritage is probably why he balances so well. Or it was just good luck. Either way he hops off the end and sprints to engage the Minotaur.

”On your six, Jack. Let’s overwhelm this beast to draw its attention away from Janira.”

Sovereign Court

M Half-elf Rogue/1 HP 10/10 AC17/T 13/FF 14 Fort +1/Ref +5/ Will +1 Init +3 Perc +10|Sense Motive +5

Paul struggles through the undergrowth to the edge of the water and sends another arrow at the minotaur.

Arrow attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Arrow damage: 1d6 ⇒ 1

The Exchange

m LG halfling Monk 1 | HP 9/9 | AC 17 T 17 FF 16 | CMD 16 | F+4 R+6 W+5 [+2 vs fear] | Init +3 | Perc +8

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

No! Nal jumps off the log to the ground, makes a wave with his hands in one of which he clutches the cherished sacred symbol, and pronounces the words of the spell. The ground under the minotaur's feet becomes slippery...

Grease, DC15 Ref or Fall

Silverhex Quest WEBS | The Corageous Confirmation

Minotaur Reflex, entangled: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (19) + 5 - 2 = 22 (vs DC 15)
Janira Stabilize: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (3) + 5 - 2 = 6 (vs DC 10)

o_O For whatever reason the dicebot heavily favors the Minotaur's Reflex save. So many successes, even with the DEX-penalty from being entangled... Seriously, what are the odds? :-O

Paul's arrow hits, but it only grazes the large beast. Nal's spell turns the ground under the Minotaur into a puddle of bacon fat - but again, the monster somehow manages to not slip and fall. Janira's wounds keep bleeding.

The Final Exam! Round 3

Terrain: Green Patches are light Undergrowth (Difficult Terrain) | Stream - Moving N to S at 30'/round (DC 15 Swim) Crossing the trunk- Move at half speed (DC 7 Acrobatics) Failure need a DC 13 Reflex (Success fall prone on the log, Failure fall in the water)

Paul (10/10 HP)
Nal (8/8 HP)
Cashel (7/7 HP)
Ryul (15/15 HP)
Jack (17/20 HP)
Janira (-3/25 HP) │ Fatigued, Prone, Unconscious, Dying
➤ Paloma (14/14 HP)
➤ Cheeper (12/12 HP)
Minotaur (-16 HP) │ Entangled

The Exchange

m LG halfling Monk 1 | HP 9/9 | AC 17 T 17 FF 16 | CMD 16 | F+4 R+6 W+5 [+2 vs fear] | Init +3 | Perc +8
GM Kaervek wrote:

o_O For whatever reason the dicebot heavily favors the Minotaur's Reflex save. So many successes, even with the DEX-penalty from being entangled... Seriously, what are the odds? :-O

When I first played this scenario about 8 years ago here on the forum, the dicebot worked consistently and clearly: all the good rolls for the minotaur, all the bad ones for the party. Bottom line: half of the party was reported dead, the other survived only because they stabilized on their own and the generous mintoaur did not finish off the wounded. I will always remember this game .)

The Concordance

Female Human Core Druid 1 | HP 14/14 | AC:18/T:13/FF:15 | CMD:16 | Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +3 | Init +2 | Perc +5 | Speed 20'

Seeing Janira fall, Paloma broke into a sprint to close the distance as quickly as possible. (Double move)

Cheeper continues to follow her last command, taking a step to the south and slashing at the Minotaur with tooth and claw.
Claw 1, FD, Flank: 1d20 + 7 - 4 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 7 - 4 + 2 = 22 B&S Damage: 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Claw 2, FD, Flank: 1d20 + 7 - 4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 7 - 4 + 2 = 6 B&S Damage: 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Bite, FD, Flank: 1d20 + 7 - 4 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 7 - 4 + 2 = 16B,S,&P Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

The Exchange

m LG halfling Monk 1 | HP 9/9 | AC 17 T 17 FF 16 | CMD 16 | F+4 R+6 W+5 [+2 vs fear] | Init +3 | Perc +8

Sorry, I planned to write the message above in the discussion thread, but something went wrong.

Silverhex Quest WEBS | The Corageous Confirmation

The young cheetah uses its natural weapons quite effectively - Cheeper manages to wound the Minotaur twice.
Even more in pain the large monster lashes out at the nearest pathfinders, starting with the one that hurt it the most.

Broken Battleaxe vs Cheeper AC 19, entangled: 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 7 - 2 = 22 Uh-oh...
Damage: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (3, 6) + 4 = 13

Broken Battleaxe vs Jack, entangled: 1d20 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 - 2 = 12
Damage: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (1, 2) + 4 = 7

The blade of the broken axe connects with Cheeper's ribs and sends it to the ground, unconscious and bleeding - Jack on the other hand avoids the backswing quite easily. The Minotaur snorts at the beaten cheetah, then turns his attention at the opponents that are still standing.

The Final Exam! Round 4

Terrain: Green Patches are light Undergrowth (Difficult Terrain) | Stream - Moving N to S at 30'/round (DC 15 Swim) Crossing the trunk- Move at half speed (DC 7 Acrobatics) Failure need a DC 13 Reflex (Success fall prone on the log, Failure fall in the water)

➤ Paul (10/10 HP)
➤ Nal (8/8 HP)
➤ Cashel (7/7 HP)
➤ Ryul (15/15 HP)
➤ Jack (17/20 HP)
Janira (-3/25 HP) │ Fatigued, Prone, Unconscious, Dying
➤ Paloma (14/14 HP)
Cheeper (-1/12 HP) │ Prone, Unconscious, Dying
Minotaur (-23 HP) │ Entangled

Dark Archive

Male Half-Elf Evoker 1 (HP 7/7) (AC 10/10/10) (CMD 8) (Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +5) (Init +2) (Perception +14)

Cashel moves around the combat, trying to get closer to Janira, and targets the minotaur with another spell.

Grease. DC 15 Reflex negates. On a failure, it drops the weapon, which remains greasy...

The Exchange

m LG halfling Monk 1 | HP 9/9 | AC 17 T 17 FF 16 | CMD 16 | F+4 R+6 W+5 [+2 vs fear] | Init +3 | Perc +8

Nal walks forward, quietly continuing to pray for the defeat of the enemy.

Grease. DC 15 Reflex or he falls prone. Brown is a grease zone.

Silver Crusade

LG Elven Fighter 1 | Mods: None | HP 15 (-0) | AC/Tch/FF 16/13/13 | CMD 15 | F/R/W +4/+3/+0 (Immune vs. Sleep, +2 vs. Enchants) | Speed 30ft | TBD | +2 Star Folio Re-Roll 1/1, Spells NA | Perc: +2 (LL), SM: +0 | Init: +3

Definitely waiting to see if those spells have success before acting.

While holding his next action to see if the magic takes effect or not he suggests a tactical move, "Take a step up please Jack, either direction. It'll help me get into flanking easier. You can even ready a strike for when I get there."

Sovereign Court

M Half-elf Rogue/1 HP 10/10 AC17/T 13/FF 14 Fort +1/Ref +5/ Will +1 Init +3 Perc +10|Sense Motive +5

Paul shoots the minotaur again before moving to the near end of the log.

Arrow attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

Silverhex Quest WEBS | The Corageous Confirmation

Minotaur Reflex, entangled: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (15) + 5 - 2 = 18 (vs Cashel's grease DC 15)
Minotaur Reflex, entangled: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (1) + 5 - 2 = 4 (vs Nal's grease DC 15)

Finally, a failed Reflex save!

Paul's arrow goes far. Again, the Minotaur manages to avoid the greasing of his broken axe. Nal's spell adds another layer of bacon fat - and this time, the Minotaur finally slips and falls.

The Final Exam! Round 4 continued

Terrain: Green Patches are light Undergrowth (Difficult Terrain) | Stream - Moving N to S at 30'/round (DC 15 Swim) Crossing the trunk- Move at half speed (DC 7 Acrobatics) Failure need a DC 13 Reflex (Success fall prone on the log, Failure fall in the water)

Paul (10/10 HP)
Nal (8/8 HP)
Cashel (7/7 HP)
➤ Ryul (15/15 HP)
➤ Jack (17/20 HP)
Janira (-3/25 HP) │ Fatigued, Prone, Unconscious, Dying
➤ Paloma (14/14 HP)
Cheeper (-1/12 HP) │ Prone, Unconscious, Dying
Minotaur (-23 HP) │ Entangled, Prone

Grand Lodge

Male Human Core Fighter 2 | F5 R2 W1 | I4 P1 | hp 17/20 | AC 17 (+SoF 20) | TSRR:0 FRR:1 | LE | 124312-7

Jack does what he is told then slams down at the minotaur.

greatsword: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9 damage: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (6, 3) + 4 = 13
((t-shirt reroll 4 stars))
greatsword: 1d20 + 7 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 7 + 4 = 17

The Concordance

Female Human Core Druid 1 | HP 14/14 | AC:18/T:13/FF:15 | CMD:16 | Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +3 | Init +2 | Perc +5 | Speed 20'

Paloma makes a sound like a choked sob as she watches Cheeper fall to the Minotaur's axe. She pushes her way through the undergrowth and then darts past Paul to cross the log bridge as quickly as she can. Double Move

Acrobatics: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (17) - 1 = 16

Silver Crusade

LG Elven Fighter 1 | Mods: None | HP 15 (-0) | AC/Tch/FF 16/13/13 | CMD 15 | F/R/W +4/+3/+0 (Immune vs. Sleep, +2 vs. Enchants) | Speed 30ft | TBD | +2 Star Folio Re-Roll 1/1, Spells NA | Perc: +2 (LL), SM: +0 | Init: +3

Ryul tries to use the fall to his advantage, quickly darting into flanking position.

Acrobatics to avoid AoO: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

And assuming he survives, spins and brings his blade into a quick slash across the evil foe’s face.

MW ECB + Flank: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 5 + 2 = 20 for Slashing: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

Silverhex Quest WEBS | The Corageous Confirmation

Jack's miss chance (1-20): 1d100 ⇒ 96

AoO Broken Battleaxe vs Ryul, entangled, prone: 1d20 + 7 - 2 - 4 ⇒ (12) + 7 - 2 - 4 = 13
Damage: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (4, 3) + 4 = 11

Jack brings down his sword on the prone Minotaur, and the monster howls in pain. Ryul moves fast to get into a flanking position, but is not fast enough - the monster sees an opportunity to attack and swings its axe at his feet. Luckily for the elf, the Minotaur is still flat on the ground and therefore unable to fully control the swing - the axe fails to connect and the fighter answers with a precise slash across the evil foe’s face. The Minotaur howls once more, then loses his grip on the axe and falls unconscious.

Janira Stabilize: 1d20 + 1 - 3 ⇒ (1) + 1 - 3 = -1
Cheeper Stabilize: 1d20 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 - 1 = 20
Minotaur Stabilize: 1d20 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (10) + 2 - 1 = 11

Janira's wounds keep bleeding strongly, but both Cheeper's and the Minotaur's rates of bloodloss decrease quickly to one or two drops per sevond... and then stop completely.

Combat over! But I'll keep us in rounds until everyone is stable.

The Final Exam! Round 5

Janira (-4/25 HP) │ Fatigued, Prone, Unconscious, Dying
Cheeper (-1/12 HP) │ Prone, Unconscious, Stable
Minotaur (-1/45 HP) │ Entangled, Prone, Unconscious, Stable

The Concordance

Female Human Core Druid 1 | HP 14/14 | AC:18/T:13/FF:15 | CMD:16 | Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +3 | Init +2 | Perc +5 | Speed 20'

Paloma rushes to Janira's side, pulling out the first wand she can put her hands on.

Wand of CLW (Janira): 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Wand of CLW (Janira): 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Then she turns to check Cheeper, relieved to see she has stopped bleeding and still draws breath.

Wand of CLW (Cheeper): 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 (Can I use my reroll on CLW rolls?) XD
Wand of CLW (Cheeper): 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Wand of CLW (Cheeper): 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

Finally she decides Janira looks like she could do with one more.
Wand of CLW (Janira): 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

"There we go, have to warm them up, apparently." She laughs as she helps the halfling to her feet.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Core Fighter 2 | F5 R2 W1 | I4 P1 | hp 17/20 | AC 17 (+SoF 20) | TSRR:0 FRR:1 | LE | 124312-7

Are they okay Paloma? Jack asks as he keeps his sword pressed against the minotaur's skin. And ... do we finish this ... creature off?

Silverhex Quest WEBS | The Corageous Confirmation

As Janira rises and takes a quick glance at the unconscious Minotaur she says "Thank you for saving my life. I am in your debt." She stands and brushes some of the dirt from her clothes and sees that they are stained with blood. "I will be sure to put in glowing recommendations for your heroism here today! What you do with the defeated Minotaur is decision you should make as you defeated it. But remember that it's a mortal danger to everyone living here or traveling through."

Janira pauses for a moment, then asks:

"So... what were you able to find out about the caves?"

Silver Crusade

LG Elven Fighter 1 | Mods: None | HP 15 (-0) | AC/Tch/FF 16/13/13 | CMD 15 | F/R/W +4/+3/+0 (Immune vs. Sleep, +2 vs. Enchants) | Speed 30ft | TBD | +2 Star Folio Re-Roll 1/1, Spells NA | Perc: +2 (LL), SM: +0 | Init: +3

Ryul holds his sword up, wiping the blood off it with practiced precision. He thinks a moment and replies, ”Its actions declare its evil intent. Attacking us with bloodlust and no quarter given. It is more beast than being, at this point. I say send it to the afterlife. The world will be a better place. And a quick kill is more mercy than leaving it for wolves to devour.”

The Exchange

m LG halfling Monk 1 | HP 9/9 | AC 17 T 17 FF 16 | CMD 16 | F+4 R+6 W+5 [+2 vs fear] | Init +3 | Perc +8

I support this idea. I'll sing for his repose and let's do it mercifully. Nal stands over the minotaur and folds his hands in a prayer gesture.

The Concordance

Female Human Core Druid 1 | HP 14/14 | AC:18/T:13/FF:15 | CMD:16 | Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +3 | Init +2 | Perc +5 | Speed 20'

Paloma's lip curls in revulsion looking at the fallen Minotaur. "Beasts live in harmony with Nature. They are neither good nor evil. They kill to eat, they fight to survive. That thing is monstrous." She denounces, cleaning the blood from Cheeper's fur. She nods to Jack, knowing he was the best suited for the task.

Sovereign Court

M Half-elf Rogue/1 HP 10/10 AC17/T 13/FF 14 Fort +1/Ref +5/ Will +1 Init +3 Perc +10|Sense Motive +5

Paul strides up after picking his way across the slippery log. "I agree. Do it quickly."

Grand Lodge

Male Human Core Fighter 2 | F5 R2 W1 | I4 P1 | hp 17/20 | AC 17 (+SoF 20) | TSRR:0 FRR:1 | LE | 124312-7

Jack finishes the minotaur off, doing so quickly. {{Do I need to roll anything?))

Sovereign Court

M Half-elf Rogue/1 HP 10/10 AC17/T 13/FF 14 Fort +1/Ref +5/ Will +1 Init +3 Perc +10|Sense Motive +5

Jack's minimum damage on a coup de grace is 16 HP (auto hit, auto crit). Standard minotaur has CON 15, so no roll's dead, Jack.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Core Fighter 2 | F5 R2 W1 | I4 P1 | hp 17/20 | AC 17 (+SoF 20) | TSRR:0 FRR:1 | LE | 124312-7

Jack says a short prayer to Cayden Calean for the minotaur's soul as he does the deed.

So .. yeah .. seems the gillmen are doing some sort of devotions in there to Aroden. There's a model city of Absalom in there as well as some murals.

Silver Crusade

LG Elven Fighter 1 | Mods: None | HP 15 (-0) | AC/Tch/FF 16/13/13 | CMD 15 | F/R/W +4/+3/+0 (Immune vs. Sleep, +2 vs. Enchants) | Speed 30ft | TBD | +2 Star Folio Re-Roll 1/1, Spells NA | Perc: +2 (LL), SM: +0 | Init: +3

Ryul raises an eyebrow at Jack’s prayer, ”I doubt the minotaur will care much for a prayer to Cayden, but Cayden might get a kick out of it so have at it.”

He turns to Janira, ”Jack is close but not entirely correct about the caves. There is a significant shrine to Aroden in there. And a gillman is worshipping in the area, but he indicated it was not to Aroden. We found paintings which we sketched. And a very detailed miniature city sculpture of Absalom. We also encountered a necromancer who had been preying upon the gillmen, but he had passed on. We dispatched his minions and then heard you fighting.”

Sovereign Court

M Half-elf Rogue/1 HP 10/10 AC17/T 13/FF 14 Fort +1/Ref +5/ Will +1 Init +3 Perc +10|Sense Motive +5

"You know...the usual. Or so I'm given to understand from speaking with more-experienced Pathfinders." Paul consults his notes and adds, "There's a pool in there that's sacred to the gillmen. We found a magical cloak that had belonged to one of them...maybe the pattern will tell you something."

Grand Lodge

Male Human Core Fighter 2 | F5 R2 W1 | I4 P1 | hp 17/20 | AC 17 (+SoF 20) | TSRR:0 FRR:1 | LE | 124312-7

Jack looks shyly at Paloma. Sooooooo ... um ... when we get back to Absalom ... erm ... would you like to join me for a drink ... or two?

The Concordance

Female Human Core Druid 1 | HP 14/14 | AC:18/T:13/FF:15 | CMD:16 | Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +3 | Init +2 | Perc +5 | Speed 20'

Paloma nods along with the others and their descriptions of the cave. "The model city really is quite something, Janira. I detected magical auras present, but I was not able to determine what they were." She adds in.

Jack Hurricane wrote:
Jack looks shyly at Paloma. Sooooooo ... um ... when we get back to Absalom ... erm ... would you like to join me for a drink ... or two?

"Of course, don't we always?" She answers with a smile. "We still have a few days travel to get back first though. Is your family coming for your Confirmation?"

Survival on the way back?:
Survival to hunt/gather: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24 (Can feed herself and 6 other people, so all party members can avoid marking off rations.
Survival to hunt/gather: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22 (Can feed herself and 5 other people, so all party members can avoid marking off rations.

Silverhex Quest WEBS | The Corageous Confirmation

Janira leads the expedition back to Absalom without further incident. Paloma's/Cheeper's foraging turns out quite well so nobody needs to use rations. The group then returns to the master of Scrolls, Kreighton Shaine who inquires excitedly about the findings of the adventurers. He compliments everyone on their notes. "Be careful with trying to remember everything. I have a hard enough time remembering what I had for breakfast!"

"Since you are now the foremost authorities on the cave system you explored, the honor is yours to name it."

Kreighton then proceeds to give his compliments, something he will make sure is noted, much to the halfling's delight.

Three days later, you are officially confirmed as society field agents. Each of you is awarded a personalised wayfinder.
Actualy, you do not really get a free wayfinder... unless you haven't received the boon Confirmed Field Agent (see chronicle) with any of your CORE(?) characters. You can acquire one for 1 PP, though - or buy it for 250 gold.

"Remember: this is not only the symbol of the society, but also a reminder of the three principal duties: Explore, Report, Cooperate!"

Grand Lodge

Male Human Core Fighter 2 | F5 R2 W1 | I4 P1 | hp 17/20 | AC 17 (+SoF 20) | TSRR:0 FRR:1 | LE | 124312-7

If there are no other urgent demands on their time, sure

The Concordance

Female Human Core Druid 1 | HP 14/14 | AC:18/T:13/FF:15 | CMD:16 | Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +3 | Init +2 | Perc +5 | Speed 20'

"Well, hopefully they will be free to come and see you confirmed. Mine are definitely coming and planning to take me back home with them based on their last letter. I think they were hoping I wouldn't go through with it and just come back to the tribe." Paloma clucks her tongue and shrugs. "No such luck, though. I will need to spend some time... resolving matters before I take up my career as a full Pathfinder." She shares, seeming somewhat awkward about the news.

When they are given the opportunity to name the cave system, she suggests, "What about Little Absalom, for the model city?"

Knowledge(Geography): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

Silver Crusade

LG Elven Fighter 1 | Mods: None | HP 15 (-0) | AC/Tch/FF 16/13/13 | CMD 15 | F/R/W +4/+3/+0 (Immune vs. Sleep, +2 vs. Enchants) | Speed 30ft | TBD | +2 Star Folio Re-Roll 1/1, Spells NA | Perc: +2 (LL), SM: +0 | Init: +3

The elf accepts praise for the successful mission and simply comments, ”It was excellent teamwork the whole way through. I would be happy to keep working with any of you in the future.”

Ryul makes his suggestion regarding the name, ”As the cave is currently a holy site to the Gilman tribe that visits regularly, I wouldn’t feel comfortable naming it. Maybe the next time we have contact with the tribe we could ask what they call the place.”

Sovereign Court

M Half-elf Rogue/1 HP 10/10 AC17/T 13/FF 14 Fort +1/Ref +5/ Will +1 Init +3 Perc +10|Sense Motive +5

Paul nods. "Excellent suggestion. It truly is theirs now, with the withdrawal of Aroden from the world."

Paul will spend a PP on the personalized wayfinder.

The Concordance

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Human Core Druid 1 | HP 14/14 | AC:18/T:13/FF:15 | CMD:16 | Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +3 | Init +2 | Perc +5 | Speed 20'

Paloma passed the wands she had borrowed back to their owners. Assuming we spread out the charges, 2 off each.

She enjoyed her time celebrating their mission success and beamed with pride at her Confirmation ceremony. A group of Shoanti, clearly her relatives look on with somber but dignified expressions, save for a young girl who grins and chatters excitedly at Paloma in their native tongue. The elders waste no time in gathering up their belongings and Paloma bids her companions farewell.

"Keep yourselves in one piece, eh? Don't make Cortina work too hard to patch you up." She advises, as she and Cheeper hurry away to catch up with her family.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map

[BD's PFS1(CORE)] Gameday XIII: #6-10: The Wounded Wisp

You have been stationed at the Grand Lodge in Absalom, awaiting assignment for a mission of utmost importance. Things finally seemed in motion when Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng sent out a summons for available agents. Specialized in the history of Absalom, Dreng is known for putting off-duty agents to work on sundry tasks when he finds them resting within the city’s limits.

Coming to the meeting place — an odd choice of venue, as it is a street corner far from the Grand Lodge — a lone beggar garbed in baggy robes approaches. The only figure visible in the constant drizzle, the beggar sticks out his hands for currency. “Have you any coin to spare, fine folk?”

The question hangs in the air for only a scant moment before the figure pulls back his hood to reveal the wizened face of Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng. He gives a crooked smile, soaked head to toe from his unprotected time in the rain. His clothes smell faintly of cabbage. “Sorry about that,” he says with a wink. “I always like to play a little joke on agents when I stumble across them during my jaunts into town. Now, why did I summon you fine folk here again…?” Dreng shakes his head from side to side, as though trying to knock water out of his ears, despite the constant downpour.

“Ah yes, the Wounded Wisp! I’m undercover now and can’t stray far from the site I’m watching, but I need someone to retrieve a package for me from that fine establishment. It’s among Absalom’s most storied taverns, you see, and one that holds a special place of privilege in the Society’s lore as the place where the organization began. Well, I could drone on and on about it, but standing out in the rain is doing none of us any favors.” As if anticipating agreement, the bedraggled venture-captain produces a small slip of folded paper from one of his many stitched pockets. Dreng quickly shows a glimpse of the page’s contents: a map detailing the location of the Wounded Wisp bar.

“The bartender is a woman by the name of Heryn Gale, a fine lady who came to own the Wisp after the passing of her father from — oh, bah, it’s really getting too cold for me to give a proper history lesson! If you could just go to the Wisp, and tell Heryn you’re there to pick up my parcel, it would be most appreciated. I’ll be around here for several more hours at least.”

Knowledge(History or Local) DC 10+ (Can be untrained):
The Wounded Wisp was a bar once frequented by the original members of the Pathfinder Society before the Society was even formed. Inside the Wisp, acquaintances would share stories about their adventurous exploits with one another.

Knowledge(History or Local) DC 15+ (Trained only):
Many volumes of the Pathfinder Chronicles came together under the Wisp’s roof. Famous Pathfinders like Eando Kline and the Seeker Osprey often stopped by for a drink while they relaxed in Absalom between assignments. Though not officially affiliated with the Society, the bar maintains good relations with Pathfinders, offering discounts and prompt service. The owners have always kept themselves and the Wisp afloat through the generosity of Society agents who spend coin at the establishment.

Knowledge(History or Local) DC 20+ (Trained only):
Selmius Foster was one of the founding members of the Pathfinder Society, known to have frequented the Wisp often and occasionally taken up residence in a spare room between his travels. His celebrated exploits first appeared in Volume 1 of the Pathfinder Chronicles.

Knowledge(History or Local) DC 25+ (Trained only):
Following the death of Selmius Foster on the island of Bhopan, his assistant Adolphus made several donations to maintain one of his mentor’s favorite sites. The exact arrangement between Adolphus and the owners of the Wisp was never disclosed, but it is said that some of this gold came from the same fortune that Adolphus used to found the Pathfinder lodge in Quantium.

Feel free to ask any questions of VC Dreng at this time.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Core Fighter 2 | F5 R2 W1 | I4 P1 | hp 17/20 | AC 17 (+SoF 20) | TSRR:0 FRR:1 | LE | 124312-7

Jack had managed to endure some embarrassment at the Confirmation ceremony - especially from his mother as she fussed over him as well as making assumptions about his relationship with Paloma "we're just friends - honest"

He had just been about to give the beggar a coin when Dreng admitted to the joke.

k local: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13 (trained)

So ... how big a package is it sir?

Dark Archive

Male Half-Elf Evoker 1 (HP 7/7) (AC 10/10/10) (CMD 8) (Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +5) (Init +2) (Perception +14)

Knowledge(History): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17.

"Seems simple enough..."

Cashel, familiar with some of the more outlandish tales about Dreng, remains somewhat wary of this supposedly 'simple' job.

Sovereign Court

M Half-elf Rogue/1 HP 10/10 AC17/T 13/FF 14 Fort +1/Ref +5/ Will +1 Init +3 Perc +10|Sense Motive +5

Untrained Knowledge (Local) check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Paul is clueless regarding low dives, regardless of how important they are in Society history.

Silver Crusade

LG Elven Fighter 1 | Mods: None | HP 15 (-0) | AC/Tch/FF 16/13/13 | CMD 15 | F/R/W +4/+3/+0 (Immune vs. Sleep, +2 vs. Enchants) | Speed 30ft | TBD | +2 Star Folio Re-Roll 1/1, Spells NA | Perc: +2 (LL), SM: +0 | Init: +3

Ryul is also reaching for his coin purse when Dreng reveals the ruse. He puts it away with a frown, ”Homelessness is no joke.”

He listens to the briefing and then asks, ”A simple package retrieval seems unnecessary to involve an entire pathfinder group, even as inexperienced as we may be. What aren’t you telling us?”

Grand Lodge

#06-10 The Wounded Wisp (Core) Female CG Dwarf Cleric 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 14 T 10 FF 14 | CMB +0, CMD 11 | F +4, R +0, W +7 (+2 vs. Poison/Spells/SLAs, +2 vs. charm/comp.) | Init +0 | Heal +5, Perc +6 darkv. 60' (Stonecunning: +2 extra), SM: +5 | Speed 30ft | Lucky Number: ?

"Thanks, Paloma. Now that I have my own wand it should go a lot smoother than on our first mission. Take care and come back soon!"


No trained knowledges yet, but Cortina can do something else... ;-)

Cortina also listens to the briefing. When Ryul voices his suspicions she looks for signs if VC Dreng might be pranking the pathfinders.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map
Jack Hurricane wrote:
So ... how big a package is it sir?

Dreng strokes his beard momentarily in consideration. "Bigger than a pillbox, smaller than a breadbox." He offers before chuckling, "Don't fret, my boy, it's no great mystery. Despite my current attire, I’m still a man of taste. The parcel is actually a special vintage of wine from the cellar of the Wounded Wisp. I’ve been sampling their finer wines in descending order of bottling. I dare not disappear from my current role in this district, but I also would appreciate some comfort items. The weather has proven a good deal colder than I had hoped and I find myself craving the inner warmth of libation. Perhaps the Lucky Drunk will smile on me an I can be done here all the sooner for it. And after all, I doubt anyone would judge a supposed beggar for sipping from a bottle of wine. Especially in this downpour.”

Ryul Dathana wrote:
Ryul is also reaching for his coin purse when Dreng reveals the ruse. He puts it away with a frown, ”Homelessness is no joke.”

"Indeed, it's not. There are many lessons to learn from the condition, however. Expect the Unexpected is one. Sometimes you need more than magic to remain unseen is another. This disguise serves a useful purpose and lets me pry secrets from loose lips better than any magical enchantment. Right now, I’m following up on a group operating out of this district that I believe to be associated with the Onyx Alliance… it’s a bit of a long story, but suffice it to say, this disguise is quite important to my investigation.”

Ryul Dathana wrote:
He listens to the briefing and then asks, ”A simple package retrieval seems unnecessary to involve an entire pathfinder group, even as inexperienced as we may be. What aren’t you telling us?”

The Venture-Captain raises one bushy eyebrow at the elf's tone. "Oh ho! It seems my reputation precedes me. Fresh off your Confirmation and already looking to pick and choose your assignments. Well, I'm afraid that's a privilege afforded to more senior agents. You may yet be asked to fetch items and carry messages before you enjoy such perks."

He glances about casually to be sure he is not being observed before he continues. "But since you seem to suspect me of ulterior motives, I will confess. I tend to oversee new Pathfinders and usher them towards an aspect of our organization that is often overlooked, Society. The Wounded Wisp is one of the most important establishments in the history of the Society. From those old walls, the first Pathfinders met to discuss their adventures across Golarion over their tankards and goblets. Back then they weren’t even called Pathfinders! Nowadays the bar is almost an official Pathfinder saloon, where agents of all varieties go to meet and share tales. It's a place to see and be seen. You may even find a few familiar faces and make some new friends.” He shares, offering a good natured smile as he pulls the hood of his cloak back up.

A distant figure turns a corner heading toward you and Dreng's voice sounds older and more strained as he pantomimes receiving a coin and bowing his gratitude as he retreats back into the shadows of the alleyways. "Bless you, kind young friends."

Cortina senses nothing amiss about the errand or the confession, VC Dreng seems genuine in his ambition to guide new Pathfinders to make connections among their fellows. He does seem interested in seeing how freshman agents handle themselves as well as the aforementioned bottle of wine.

The Venture-Captain's illustrious portrait has been added to the Campaign Slideshow. We'll head to the Wounded Wisp next, Nal is still free to make the skill checks to reveal the spoilers.

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