GM Rotation, The COREageous Crew

Game Master Pete H.

Scenario Tracking
Maps and Slides

Hello all, welcome to my recruitment thread for a GM Rotation Group running Pathfinder Version 1 Society Games.

I want to thank you for clicking the link, it means you have at least the tiniest bit of interest. What exactly might you be interested in? Joining up for a long haul, that's what!

I want to propose that a group of GM's, myself included, rotate through a selection of scenarios for the purpose of fun, roleplay, character development and whatever* else it is we get out of this game. We will go as long as we can go, level wise.



You need not be a current GM to apply. HOWEVER, you must be willing to begin GM'ing for the group. You wouldn't have to go first. You could ask a ton of questions and get a ton of help. But if you want to make this your first time GM'ing (PbP or ever), it would be a good opportunity.

I would strongly prefer this to be a Core Group. Several reasons. Most importantly is simply the availability of scenarios to be played. A lot of people have only played or GM'd a few scenarios in Core, so that means a lot fewer replays needed. Secondly, if we have some new GM's, Core simplifies some of the rules overload a GM faces in these kind of games. Core also has some really cool Prestige Classes that almost never get played. It might be really fun to explore a few of those in the group. We may not decide to go Core, but I recommend keeping an open mind.


Now, all that basic boring stuff out of the way. Here is the cool stuff that I want to pursue with this opportunity. Faction Focus! I would like our group to pick two or three factions for the PCs and try to only play scenarios that focus on those factions. Combine that with Faction Journal Card pursuit and we could get some pretty cool boons racked up and explore a bit more into pathfinder society stuff.

So, how do you apply? Simply reply here. Easy peasy. Say anything. If you are willing to put the effort into typing a reply and clicking 'submit post' then you are submitting your willingness to play and gm. If you say 'I'm interested but...' I am assuming you are submitting your application. If you say 'I don't want to play' I am assuming you are submitting your application. If you say 'butter toast waffles' I may question if you are having a stroke, but still will assume you are submitting an application.

I won't prioritize anyone and this is not FCFS. The game also won't start unless we have four of us. It may never start. I will be sad, but then get over it. The max is seven (six players and one gm each session). If there are more than seven we will do a lottery. I will roll 1d100 for every application in order and the lowest numbers will be out. One week for everyone to get applications in. Once the group is complete we will hash out details and figure out characters over in discussion.

TLDR: Wanna join a Core PFS1 GM Rotation focusing on a couple factions, submit a reply.

Silver Crusade

I've got two Core characters, one at first and the other at fourth so I guess I'll be GMing low tier stuff to apply to those PCs. The fourth level rogue is Liberty's Edge and is currently in a game. The 1st level fighter is ... huh ... also Liberty's Edge.

Sovereign Court

I have CORE PCs of levels 3, 7, 8, and 9.

However, if the intention was to start from 1, I can always make another PC.

Yeah, the intent was to start at 1. Easier that way. But not 100% required. Plenty of time for discussion on the myriad of logistics once a group is formed.

Happy to have some interest!

'butter toast waffles' :-P ^_^

I am currently in GM school, so I'm just learning the ropes of GMing for pbp.
However, I am only interested in PFS 1e (discovered it way too late) and therefore would like to play it some more - there are so many scenarios I have not played yet...

I strongly prefer CORE (because of the exact reasons you mentioned) and I would make a new CORE character.

Thank you for this opportunity! :-D

PS: I missed out on your dwarf campaign because of real life stuff, so I really hope I get lucky with the d100 rolls... *prays to Desna in dwarven*

Hello, I'm applying!

Rotation set ups are great to prevent GM burnout. Full disclosure, I've experienced that before and had to withdraw from games in the past. I've been inactive for quite a while due to a death in the family and moving but PFS 1E is my wheelhouse. I have a fair number of scenarios gathering digital dust and am ready to wade in again.

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Super happy to have four applicants already!

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Applying as well, if there's still room.

A suggestion? Maybe everyone rolls up a 1st level character for this?

Also, I should note that I have little to no experience playing PFS. I did roll a character up once, but never got to do much with him.

I do have experience with GM'ing and with PF1 as a whole, though.

Grand Lodge

I've never GM'ed before but want to learn.

Grand Lodge

gupdoo3 wrote:
I've never GM'ed before but want to learn.

Sorry, I just now noticed that this was a thread about 1E. I don't think I'm familiar enough with 1E to feel comfortable GMing it (haven't played it in 5+ years) so I think I'll have to retract my offer, sorry!

Looks like we are back to five applications with that withdrawal. I will keep the recruitment open through this weekend to make sure everyone who is interested gets a chance to think it over.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm interested, as long as we won't start for another week or so.

Question: How are you planning to handle "GM" characters while they're taking their turn running things? Sitting on the bench til the next adventure, or being bot'ed or npc'd?

(Just to keep conversation going here while we wait)

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

In the other round-robin I'm in, the GM applies their credit for running to their usual character. That way they keep pace with the rest of the party.

I agree with John regarding chronicles. And usually a brief appearance before and/or after the mission for continuity’s sake works best.

Works for me. :)

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I will be interested to hear more about how you guys generate your chronicles. I used to produce beautiful chronicles. But now I seem to have forgotten (or the process has changed?!) how to rip a quality map from a pdf... >_<

I will also be starting from scratch with a new character. I only had one core character and he only earned one chronicle... in 2016. I haven't the slightest clue where it is... XD

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Alright, I'm gonna call it here. We have six applicants and six spots and no more interest since Thursday.

The group is.... (drum roll)... (I said, DRUM ROLL).


(and also)

Ispen Ironblood
John Woodford

That's the group then.

Head to Gameplay to post what is requested there and head to discussion so we can work out some details. Let's have some fun!.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hey folks! If you ever need a replacement, keep me in mind. Interested in the game, ready to GM and so on. I would like to play as a straight and simple cleric without dips in other classes - at least, so far this is the plan.

Have a nice games .)

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