GM Rotation, The COREageous Crew

Game Master Pete H.

Scenario Tracking
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Hello all, as an introduction here (just to start), please post your basic personal experience with pathfinder. How much have you played and gm'd. How much of that is Core. Etc... You can put as much or as little personal stuff as you feel comfortable doing. I'll get us started.

My name is Pete. My name, GM TOP, is short for GM The Original Pete. My best bud's name is Pete and I'm older so...

Anyway, I've been playing pathfinder since about season six. I started Face to Face and have drifted to Play by Post mostly, with rare convention appearances. I have a PFS1 home group but am lucky to meet via zoom twice a month, usually less. We are running an AP at the moment. I still haven't played even half the scenarios and less than that Core. I've done a lot of playing and GMing of Core stuff so am familiar with the limitations/simplifications it puts on the game.

I'm married with two kids. We travel a fair bit, taking short trips to my parents and my wife's parents for visits mostly. My work schedule is consistent, but odd. I work 12 hr night shifts on a 2-2-3 pattern. Two on, two off and so on.

My posting is sorta random. Sometimes I'm too busy at home to post. And sometimes at work I'm slow so I can post. My games don't go super fast, but that also depends on everyone's posting rates too. These games' speed will depend a lot on if most of the group is all posting at similar times. But we can talk about posting rates in discussion.

Anyway, good to be getting to know you all.


Also put what character you are interested in building, if you have an idea. I strongly recommend we have at least some overlap on character types though, since at least one PC will sit out every session so we will need backup(s) in various roles (tank, disabler, healer, etc...).

I am currently working on an Elf Eldritch Knight. Fighter/Wizard frontliner.

Male Dwarf Fighter 1

Hi, I'm Steve, and I'm a tabletop and pbp gamer.

* Everyone in the circle of folding chairs *: Hi Steve.

Oddly enough, one of my best friend's name is also Steve, so there's that. ;) Anyway, I'm happily married with (4) kids, though two are in their 20's and already out of the house. My girls are both in their teens and luckily pretty good kids. Three of them are roleplayers.

My posting is usually in the late afternoon/evenings (EST) unless I have a day off. I work 40 - 60 hours in a UAW plant on an assembly line. We build transmissions for semi-trucks and busses. The transmissions are about the size of a garbage can. Fun.

All that aside, I have played lots of rpg's, all the different variations of D&D, and have GM'd primarily in 3.5. I have a decent amount of experience in Pathfinder, but little in actual CORE. Likewise, I haven't actually played in a PFS yet, so bear with me while I adjust.

Before I forget, thanks for the invite to this game.

I'm considering LOTS of things for this, but my top three ideas are a Human Wizard (Conjuration), Dwarven Cleric of Torag, and a Half-Elven Bard.

...or a Ranger...or a...

You get the idea. LOL

In any event, I'm sincerely looking forward to all this.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map

Hello, hello!

My name is Jamie and I have been gaming in some form or fashion since I could hold an Atari 2600 joystick in my chubby little toddler hands. Don't do that math... Close the calculator app, post haste! =P

I fell in love with RPG's to the tune of "It's dangerous to go alone! Take this." I started playing Tabletop games with teenaged friends with 2nd Edition Advanced D&D. Again, stop. doing. math! XD

I have played a wide variety of systems but Pathfinder Society 1E is my most prolific and successful gaming endeavor. I'm a 3 star GM and have a listing on my profile of scenarios I have played and run, though it might not be up to date. Oddly enough, I haven't played or run much Core. Probably because I invested in most of the Ultimate and Advanced series and damn well wanted to use them. I've been inactive for a few years so I'm not up to date on the Faction stuff, but happy to go along with whatever others are interested in pursuing.

Last few years I got my gaming fix from video games and Tabletop club at my local Community College. They didn't have such a thing when I went to school there! Fortunately, I'm not the only alumni that shows up. We play Legend of the Five Rings in the summer, so I will be less available on Thursdays. ^_^

I'm a mom first and not working outside the home right now, but that could change. My youngest is about to be a Sophomore in HS, both my kiddos are gamers. When my kids got too old to baby, I got dogs. I have a keyboard balanced on one of their butts right now because I cannot sit down without a lap-full.

I can and will play anything, but tend to prefer casters. I haven't played a Druid in some time, so that might be fun for a change of pace. Looking forward to it!

Sovereign Court

My name is, probably unsurprisingly, Luke.

I've been gaming since AD&D in school, and been involved in Pathfinder Society since practically day 1 (I signed-up shortly after the campaign went live).

I'm a 5 star GM, although I haven't played a lot of Pathfinder 1 since the system went into senescence with the release of PF2; I actually went on a gaming hiatus for about 3.5 years, until the end of last year, when I started dipping my toe back in the water (mostly Starfinder, though!).

In my 'free' time, I write fiction (some of it even published!), do cross-stitch, and go cross-country cycling.

I have 4 PCs 'active' for CORE - a Druid, a Cleric, a Sorceror, and a Wizard/Loremaster.

If I start a new one, barring some particularly juicy prestige classes popping up, I would aim to build a gish - probably a Ranger/Diviner/Eldritch Knight

aka GM Kaervek, male human Buerocrat 1

Hello everyone! :-)

My name is Chris, I am nearly 46 years old and I have been playing PFS1 scenarios since 2018 at my local RPG club.
I have also played several other systems: AD&D, D&D 3.5e, DSA, DSK, D&D 5e, Shadowrun, Call of Cthullu, etc.
I did not make the transition to Pathfinder 2e yet - there are so many PFS1 scenarios that I did not get to play yet...

In my free time I am a musician. (No, that's not my day job - that one is way more like Dilbert's...) As of yet I play the drums or percussion in three bands; each band plays a few concerts per year.

Currently, I have 12 PFS characters, the PC with the most experience is level 8 (who survived Bonekeep 1).

I have GM'ed 5 (five) PFS games at my local RPG club in total (all standard, none pbp), so I am way behind on experience compared to everyone else here. Currently, I am attending GM school to learn the ropes of being a PBP GM.


Two of my PC are CORE, a human ranged fighter and a halfling bard (face/support caster/backup healer), so I want to make a different build for this group - currently considering a human ranger (switch-hitter, maybe with one level of rogue thrown in along the way) or a dwarven cleric (deity and domains tbd)...


I live in Austria, Europe - my timezone is UTC +01:00 during Standard Time from ~Nov-Mar, and UTC +02:00 during Daylight Savings Time from ~Mar-Nov.
Usually, I will not post between 12:00 a.m. and 09:00 a.m. local time - Friday and Saturday nights may be exceptions...


I am really looking forward to playing with you! :-D

Silver Crusade

Human Male | VA | Auckland, New Zealand | UTC+12 | 124312 | PFS1e ES#6 | SFS1e 6-14 | PFS1e 6-04

@Jamie - I'm probably older than you. Ataris weren't a thing when I was a lad.

My name is Keith, I'm an Auckland Venture Agent in New Zealand (UTC+12), Married, one child and retired. 4 star, 4 novas and three glyphs.

I've only got two CORE PCs, a total of 23 active PCs - including 4 at Seeker level. The two Core PCs are a 1st level fighter and a 4th level rogue. May as well play the fighter for now - he has only got 2xp. All of my PFS1e GMing has been in standard mode and, since PFS2e took over, all of it has been on these Forums. Same with Starfinder.

I'm also very interested in astronomy, cosmology and quantum physics, even though my degree is in computer science.

@Luke - what is a gish and are you sure that's Core legal?

I'm also a cat person. Dogs terrify me.

Sovereign Court

Heh. Keith, 'gish' is a descriptive term, not a class ;-) I think it was originally used to refer to Githyanki Fighter/Wizards, but then moved into use as a 'general' term.

It refers to a martial / caster hybrid, who focuses on self-buffing.

Hence, Ranger (since Favoured Enemy - Human is the gift that keeps on giving, and I need martial weapon proficiency) as a 1 level dip, followed by 5 levels of Diviner, to grant buffing spells from the Wizard class, followed by Eldritch Knight ;-)

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map
kaervek78 wrote:
Currently, I am attending GM school to learn the ropes of being a PBP GM.

Where exactly do they offer that class? I observed good GM's and read Doomed Hero's guide, but beyond that I fear I'm self-taught. And like they say, I was most likely a poor teacher and a worse student, lol!

I have a switch-hitter ranger and find the mechanic very effective and enjoyable for PFS.

phaeton_nz wrote:

@Jamie - I'm probably older than you. Ataris weren't a thing when I was a lad.

I'm also a cat person. Dogs terrify me.

Yes, it seems we have quite a few "old hands" here. Pete might well be the young'un of the group. XD

Never fear, my in-game pets tend to be of the feline variety. ^_~

My Druid is looking to be more Frontliner than Divine Caster, if that helps with the winnowing of options.

aka GM Kaervek, male human Buerocrat 1
bluedove wrote:
kaervek78 wrote:
Currently, I am attending GM school to learn the ropes of being a PBP GM.
Where exactly do they offer that class? I observed good GM's and read Doomed Hero's guide, but beyond that I fear I'm self-taught. And like they say, I was most likely a poor teacher and a worse student, lol!

It was announced in Flaxseed Recruiting in November 2023. Before that, I didn't even know about it. (To be fair, I joined the pbp community only in September 2020.)

You can stalk us check it out here.

aka GM Kaervek, male human Buerocrat 1
bluedove wrote:
I have a switch-hitter ranger and find the mechanic very effective and enjoyable for PFS.

One of my PCs is a Standard half-orc switch-hitter ranger (guide archetype), but unfortunately she did not see many games so far. I'm looking forward to playing her again soon - maybe in the next online convention...

Sovereign Court

M Half-elf Rogue/1 HP 10/10 AC17/T 13/FF 14 Fort +1/Ref +5/ Will +1 Init +3 Perc +10|Sense Motive +5

Hi, my name is John Woodford, in case that wasn't obvious. I started out as a wargamer when I was in high school (still have one or two boxes of SPI games in the basement), discovered D&D (predating AD&D by less than a year) at the end of my junior year, and that was that. (I think my brother may still have my original white box with supplements, and I still have my blue paste d12. It's not quite spherical yet....) Life kept me from playing a lot through 2nd and 3rd editions, but I discovered PbP on the boards not long after PF1e came out--that's been the bulk of my playing for the past thirteen or fourteen years.

I live in the greater Chicago area with my wife; both of our kids have moved out, though one didn't go far. I'm old enough to retire (and my wife already has), but I'm having too much fun working. Seriously--I do lab safety, environmental compliance, quality assurance, and a few other odd jobs at a US Department of Energy national lab, and on any given day some brilliant person can walk into my office and tell me this amazing thing they want to do, and I get to figure out how they can do it without killing themselves.

Most of my Core playing has been in specials, so I haven't actually played a lot of non-special scenarios in Core. I'm GMing a Core Emerald Spire game, plus a Standard Emerald Spire game, two RotRL campaigns, and a Giantslayer campaign. I have four Core PCs (five, including the new one): a Ftr1/Rog4/Shadowdancer4, a Sor3, a Wiz4, and a Ftr2. I've also got 13 Standard PCs, 4 SFS characters, and 6 PFS2E characters.

Sovereign Court

Scenario 0-05: Mists of Mwangi

Kicking things off, as requested!

The Blakros Museum rises into the night sky, its single black spire severing the full moon in twain. The black iron gates surrounding the exhibition hall grind in protest against the wind. Beyond, the museum’s large oaken doors stand wide open, a silver-gray mist belching forth from the cavernous darkness within. You wonder how you ended up here, standing at the precipice of unknown terrors, and instantly Venture Captain Adril Hestram’s wide looming face is conjured into your minds’ eye. His booming words ring out from memory as clearly as he spoke them only one hour ago:

“The Blakros Museum is cursed. Some darkness has descended upon the place and those who enter are blasted with evil and left raving through its halls, more beast than men. The curator, Nigel Aldain, is an old associate of the Society, though he chose to leave our organization some years back after a disagreement.”

Adril looked sheepish then, as if remembering some distasteful incident from his youth.

“Nigel has long denied the Society access to the Blakros Museum’s considerable collection of relics and scrolls, using his extensive contacts to nab several excellent finds right out from under us... he always had a nose for the hunt. Whatever is past between Nigel and the Society, he needs our help now. Perhaps if we can come to his aid, he may think on rejoining the Pathfinder Society, or at least offering to share his discoveries with us.

Apparently the trouble at Blakros Museum began this morning, shortly after a wayward Pathfinder named Lugizar Trantos returned to Absalom after months spent in the Mwangi Expanse. Supposedly, instead of coming straight to the Lodge to report in, he went to Blakros, sold his finds to Nigel, and then disappeared with a hefty sum of gold. The few who glimpsed Lugizar claimed he was much changed by his time in the Mwangi... gaunt, his eyes yellowed and unfocused, a strange rasping cough that seemed to wrack his now wasted frame. Whatever he brought back with him, we believe it is the cause of the Blakros Museum’s ills. Root it out.

I would suggest that you head to the offices through the western exhibit first to find Nigel as he may have some insight into whatever foul curse vexes the place.

Good luck!"

Yes, this scenario literally has you start outside the 'dungeon entrance'!

Feel free to give me Knowledge(History), and either Knowledge(Local) or Diplomacy checks to recall information.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Core Fighter 2 | F5 R2 W1 | I4 P1 | hp 17/20 | AC 17 (+SoF 20) | TSRR:0 FRR:1 | LE | 124312-7

Jack may be a 'simple country boy' but he's no idiot, he just had no proper schooling. Besides, the Blakros always has interesting stuff on display, but this is the first time he's heard of it being cursed.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Silver Crusade

LG Elven Fighter 1 | Mods: None | HP 15 (-0) | AC/Tch/FF 16/13/13 | CMD 15 | F/R/W +4/+3/+0 (Immune vs. Sleep, +2 vs. Enchants) | Speed 30ft | TBD | +2 Star Folio Re-Roll 1/1, Spells NA | Perc: +2 (LL), SM: +0 | Init: +3

Ryul makes sure to ask the Venture Captain before they leave, "I understand our mission and we will complete it. Protecting the city and anyone in the museum from whatever evil has befallen it is the most important task. But I need to inquire upon your plans for Sir Trantos, do you have agents searching for him? It seems he has need of immediate assistance."

After the answer the comparatively tall elf stands, checks his weapons and gear and heads out into the night with everyone else. As you walk he introduces himself, "I am Ryul Dathana. I am new to the Society, but decently experienced in combat. Or at least trained well enough to know what end of the sword to hold. It is quite important that we move quickly, but it is also wise to gather some information as we go. Let's ask anyone we see about the museum."

Ryul has a simple black explorer's outfit and cloak. His silver hair falls loosely down around pointed ears, framing a pale face that shows eyes that match the color of his metallic hair. A long elven curve blade is strapped to his back and a small dagger to his side.

Common Knowledge History Capped at DC 10: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Diplomacy to Gather Information: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15

The Concordance

Female Human Core Druid 1 | HP 14/14 | AC:18/T:13/FF:15 | CMD:16 | Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +3 | Init +2 | Perc +5 | Speed 20'

A tall, leanly muscled woman with amber skin and long dark hair walks beside you. She is dressed in a light linen shirt with leather breeches and vest as well as armor made of tough animal hide. Stalking at her heels is a young cheetah, panting with agitation. Her long fingers drift down to caress the cat between the ears occasionally in a reassuring manner.

She had not said much since the meeting with the Venture Captain, where she had been all business. "How many are likely to have been inside the building when the fell darkness descended? If folk have been driven mad, might we have need to restrain them for their own safety? I have little beyond rope for such use. Perhaps the Society in their benevolent generosity may provide for this need?"
*Holds out Trick or Treat sack in hopes of goodies.*

Her face was pensive as she considered what she might have heard or studied in the past.
Knowledge History Untrained: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Knowledge Local Untrained: 1d20 ⇒ 3
Knowing nothing concerning the subject at hand, she considered instead what she might recall about the Mwangi Expanse and it's flora and fauna.
Knowledge Geography: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Ryul Dathana wrote:
As you walk he introduces himself, "I am Ryul Dathana. I am new to the Society, but decently experienced in combat. Or at least trained well enough to know what end of the sword to hold. It is quite important that we move quickly, but it is also wise to gather some information as we go. Let's ask anyone we see about the museum."

She smiles placidly and nods in greeting, "Well met, I am Paloma Redclaw of the Shriikirri-Quah." She said in reply, her Shoanti accented speech more pronounced as she voiced the name of her clan. "Much you say holds true for us as well." She said as she touched the hilt of the scimitar at her belt.

At the elf's suggestion, she grinned and reached into her pouch and pulled a few chunks of dried meat. The cheetah immediately perked up her ears and began to frisk in anticipation. "Good idea. Come Cheeper, we work the crowd." She tossed the meaty treats into the air and the cat bounded and leaped with surprising speed and agility to catch them. Before long, they had accumulated a small group of onlookers, mostly young children and their caregivers. Paloma guided the children to pet Cheeper's silky fur and spoke kindly to the adults about her interest in the Museum and what it displays.

Diplomacy(Gather Information): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

Grand Lodge

Male Human Core Fighter 2 | F5 R2 W1 | I4 P1 | hp 17/20 | AC 17 (+SoF 20) | TSRR:0 FRR:1 | LE | 124312-7

Jack also reaches out to pat the cheetah. Being from a farm, he loves animals. He wears scale mail, carries a greatsword, shortsword and dagger as well as having a pewter mug dangling from his belt.

Howdy. Pleasure to meet you all. I'm Jack.

Sovereign Court

M Half-elf Rogue/1 HP 10/10 AC17/T 13/FF 14 Fort +1/Ref +5/ Will +1 Init +3 Perc +10|Sense Motive +5

A somewhat short and stocky (for a half-elf) man in studded leather armor joins the group. "I hope I'm not too late--no, you're all still outside. Right. I'm Paul Montrose, semicompetent duelist, recon specialist, and, ah, what was the phrase? Expert treasure finder." He looks up at the entrance to the famed museum. "So that's our goal, is it? I suppose we'd better get rolling."

Grand Lodge

Human Bard 1 | NG | HP: 10/10| AC: 16 (13 Tch, 13 Fl ) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +1 / R: +3 / W: +1 | Init: +5 | Perc: +5 | Stealth: + 7 | Brd Perform: 8/10 rnds| # 1854-4

Sauntering up and arriving when Paul does, Fhaldon refrains from attempting to pet the cheetah, however, raising his eyebrow when Jack does so.

When it's clear that the armored man didn't lose any fingers, the dark-haired bard shrugs and grins.

"Aye, we should get moving." Fhaldon motions to Paul, "Nice place. 'Wonder who does their decorating? Fhaldon chuckles, glancing about and taking each of the other Pathfinders, one by one.

I'm Fhaldon Hawke, by the way. Pleased to meet you all..."

Knowledge: History: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Grand Lodge

#06-10 The Wounded Wisp (Core) Female CG Dwarf Cleric 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 14 T 10 FF 14 | CMB +0, CMD 11 | F +4, R +0, W +7 (+2 vs. Poison/Spells/SLAs, +2 vs. charm/comp.) | Init +0 | Heal +5, Perc +6 darkv. 60' (Stonecunning: +2 extra), SM: +5 | Speed 30ft | Lucky Number: ?

A dwarven woman with black hair and tanned skin, wearing a scale mail and holding a very long spear, approaches the group. On her left cheek you can see a small birthmark in the shape of a butterfly - the same as the wooden symbol around her neck.

"Lady Luck's blessing, fellow pathfinders. I am Cortina, Cortina Hagen - humble cleric of Desna. Nice to meet you!"

She bows.

Diplomacy: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (2) - 2 = 0

Sovereign Court

Now that everyone has checked in...

The party compares notes, and realises that they know the following:

Much of the Mwangi’s darkest interior worships a demon lord named Angazhan, who is described in the Book of the Damned as a thing of primordial darkness, a foul-breathed demon who grunts prophecies of blood to apes and madmen. The jungle is his beating heart. The Gorilla King’s dread city was founded hundreds of years past by cultists who bowed to Angazhan.

It is said they captured the souls of monkeys in the wood-grains of strange idols called Tik Taan. The monkeys’ tormented spirits became the slaves and playthings of Angazhan, who murdered their playful whims and replaced them with a deep-seated hate and wild madness. These Tik Taan are rumored to shred the sanity of anyone who spends too long in their presence. The cultists who created the Tik Taan were hunted by a brave tribe of the Mwangi called the Jambala Jaeg. The Jambala Jaeg created ritual knives, crafted out of bone handles and obsidian blades, to slay the demons inside the Tik Taan. Legends speak of the deadly mists of the Tik Taan, ill humors that invade men’s hearts by seeping into their mouths. Anyone wearing a scarf or other protection against the airborne menace is immune to its effects.

Lugizar Trantos spent the better part of a year in the Mwangi Expanse. At first he wrote letters to his brother and wife, but after a few months these stopped coming and most gave him up for dead. His letters spoke of a lucrative find at one point, three idols of dark wood carved in the shape of bearded monkeys...

The doors of the museum beckon. Do you dare to enter?

The Concordance

Female Human Core Druid 1 | HP 14/14 | AC:18/T:13/FF:15 | CMD:16 | Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +3 | Init +2 | Perc +5 | Speed 20'

After greeting the newcomers and sharing what she'd recalled about the Mwangi Expanse, Paloma shook her head sadly. "It is shameful, enslaving noble beasts and twisting their gentle nature to these evil ends. I pray we can retore balance to this place and free all who suffer from their torment." She intoned solemnly.

"I have a way with beasts, not just Cheeper. If we encounter any, I may be able to bring out their peaceful nature. At least, I would like to try."

She removed the scarf that came with her outfit from her pack and wound it around her face so that it covered her nose and mouth. "We must take what precautions we may." She sighed, hoping that Cheeper would be unaffected as she could not do the same for the cat.

She moved toward the doors, trying to discern if there was a threat immediately over the threshold. Cheeper sniffed beside her.

Paloma Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Cheeper Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Grand Lodge

Male Human Core Fighter 2 | F5 R2 W1 | I4 P1 | hp 17/20 | AC 17 (+SoF 20) | TSRR:0 FRR:1 | LE | 124312-7

Yeah ... lets do that Jack agrees. I'd rather not have to kill any animals I don't need to.

Desna huh? She's nice

He steps forward to take any attacks that come the party's way.

Silver Crusade

LG Elven Fighter 1 | Mods: None | HP 15 (-0) | AC/Tch/FF 16/13/13 | CMD 15 | F/R/W +4/+3/+0 (Immune vs. Sleep, +2 vs. Enchants) | Speed 30ft | TBD | +2 Star Folio Re-Roll 1/1, Spells NA | Perc: +2 (LL), SM: +0 | Init: +3

Ryul wraps a scarf over his mouth as well. Then nods at Jack and pulls open the door for the group, other hand ready to grab a weapon if necessary.

Sovereign Court

Stepping through the front door...

An unnatural cold permeates this chamber and the tendrils of silver-gray mist flowing out the front archway into the courtyard beyond seem to effortlessly pierce the flesh and gently caress the bone in a cold embrace. The grand entranceway’s vaulted ceiling is supported by six great pillars of hewn black stone. Braziers mounted on the pillars cast white radiance from balls of continual light. The light glimmers eerily in the silvery haze that fills the atrium, giving the impression of something alien watching from the glowing fog.

A long corridor exits the atrium, with three doors calving off from it - to the west is a gallery labelled as 'West Exhibit Hall', to the east is a gallery labelled 'East Exhibit Hall', and to the north is a gallery labelled as 'Grand Exhibit Hall' - from beyond that door, you can faintly hear loud hooting and hollering, as if a cacophony of simian voices were screeching over one another.

What would you like to do?

Silver Crusade

LG Elven Fighter 1 | Mods: None | HP 15 (-0) | AC/Tch/FF 16/13/13 | CMD 15 | F/R/W +4/+3/+0 (Immune vs. Sleep, +2 vs. Enchants) | Speed 30ft | TBD | +2 Star Folio Re-Roll 1/1, Spells NA | Perc: +2 (LL), SM: +0 | Init: +3

Ryul nods to Jack and whispers, ”Let’s check it out. Go together, watch for anything.”

I figured it was reasonable we would move together considering your last post. Anyone else can come with too, or wait to see if we explode.

Stealth: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

Sovereign Court

Nothing happens to Jack as he slowly moves forward into the room...

There really are no hostiles in this room, I swear!

Silver Crusade

LG Elven Fighter 1 | Mods: None | HP 15 (-0) | AC/Tch/FF 16/13/13 | CMD 15 | F/R/W +4/+3/+0 (Immune vs. Sleep, +2 vs. Enchants) | Speed 30ft | TBD | +2 Star Folio Re-Roll 1/1, Spells NA | Perc: +2 (LL), SM: +0 | Init: +3

Ahah! Jack is ok, but Ryul explodes! :D

With zero issues of course as expected, the elf keeps moving up to the first set of doors. He points at the left door, then the right. Which way?

Grand Lodge

Male Human Core Fighter 2 | F5 R2 W1 | I4 P1 | hp 17/20 | AC 17 (+SoF 20) | TSRR:0 FRR:1 | LE | 124312-7

Shouldn't se go find the guy who runs this place? He might know something.

Still ... He extracts a copper piece from his pocket. Heads left, tails right

H1) T(2): 1d2 ⇒ 2

Right it is.

The Concordance

Female Human Core Druid 1 | HP 14/14 | AC:18/T:13/FF:15 | CMD:16 | Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +3 | Init +2 | Perc +5 | Speed 20'
Luke_Parry wrote:
“I would suggest that you head to the offices through the western exhibit first to find Nigel as he may have some insight into whatever foul curse vexes the place.”

Remembering the Venture Captain's words, Paloma nodded to Jack's words and motioned to the Western Exhibit Hall. She made a poor attempt at slipping quietly behind the fighters. Cheeper, however, padded on silent paws without even trying. "Show off." She whispered quietly to the cat.

Stealth: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (9) - 2 = 7

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Which I believe is the door on our Left.
Don't forget your masks/scarves, my lovelies, or we'll likely be fighting you like a bad case of Tha 'Rona before long. XD

Grand Lodge

#06-10 The Wounded Wisp (Core) Female CG Dwarf Cleric 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 14 T 10 FF 14 | CMB +0, CMD 11 | F +4, R +0, W +7 (+2 vs. Poison/Spells/SLAs, +2 vs. charm/comp.) | Init +0 | Heal +5, Perc +6 darkv. 60' (Stonecunning: +2 extra), SM: +5 | Speed 30ft | Lucky Number: ?

Cortina grabs her scarf from her backpack and uses it to cover her nose and mouth.

When approaching the double doors the cleric raises a hand.

"Shall we let my Lady Luck decide?"

She casts guidance on herself, then closes her eyes for a few seconds...

Desna's lucky door: 1d2 ⇒ 2 (1=left, 2=right)

"I have a good feeling about the right door."

Of course, Desna is always right. ;-)

EDIT: Ninja'd twice! I should refresh my browser before sending the post... *facepalm*

Silver Crusade

LG Elven Fighter 1 | Mods: None | HP 15 (-0) | AC/Tch/FF 16/13/13 | CMD 15 | F/R/W +4/+3/+0 (Immune vs. Sleep, +2 vs. Enchants) | Speed 30ft | TBD | +2 Star Folio Re-Roll 1/1, Spells NA | Perc: +2 (LL), SM: +0 | Init: +3

Ryul thinks a moment as the others are about to leave it to chance, ”Jack, you are right. Not about the direction. But about finding the owner. Does anyone remember where he is supposed to be located?”

The Concordance

Female Human Core Druid 1 | HP 14/14 | AC:18/T:13/FF:15 | CMD:16 | Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +3 | Init +2 | Perc +5 | Speed 20'

Paloma makes an exaggerated eyeroll as the discussion continues in the hall and her subtle motioning has gone unnoticed. "So much for quiet, eh, Cheeper?" She says, sotto voce, as she moves past the silver haired elf and gently opens the door to the Western Exhibit Hall. Listening and watching carefully for signs of a threat inside.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Fortune favors the bold! Just ask Desna. ^_~

Grand Lodge

Male Human Core Fighter 2 | F5 R2 W1 | I4 P1 | hp 17/20 | AC 17 (+SoF 20) | TSRR:0 FRR:1 | LE | 124312-7

Oooh ... didn't the Venture Captain say .. go through the Western Exhibits to find Nigel's office? Which way is west?

Anyone got a Wayfinder?

Sovereign Court

M Half-elf Rogue/1 HP 10/10 AC17/T 13/FF 14 Fort +1/Ref +5/ Will +1 Init +3 Perc +10|Sense Motive +5

Paul also wraps a cloth over his face. "No wayfinder here, but if I remember the street layout the doors are on the south side of the building."

Sovereign Court

Hey, if you *want* to open two doors at once, you can ;-) This scenario is a straight-up dungeon crawl, although depending upon the path you take, you can have as many as five, or as few as one, combat.

Heading into the West Exhibit Hall...

The mists here congeal into a thick and silvery fog that cools the lungs. Arranged throughout this large hall are exhibits on the funerary traditions of several civilizations, along with preserved corpses arrayed in grim stillness. A giant warrior looms from the haze, his arms crossed at his chest, his helm solemn and still. Beyond lie sarcophagi of varied designs, and a few glass cases wherein withered dead are held upright by rods and string; grim exhibits of long-dead citizens whose fallen empires were erased an age past.

A placard above this hall reads “The Honored Dead” in blood-red calligraphy.

Before anyone asks... you are *not* immediately attacked by something upon opening the door ;-)

The Concordance

Female Human Core Druid 1 | HP 14/14 | AC:18/T:13/FF:15 | CMD:16 | Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +3 | Init +2 | Perc +5 | Speed 20'

Paloma blinks in surprise as she gazes through the doorway. "They display... remains? Why?" She asked quietly to no one in particular. Cultural traditions were one thing, but garb and armor could be displayed on stands or sculpted figures. This struck her as vaguely sacrilegious and she wondered if the descendants of these people had agreed to such... exhibition.

Glad that her scarf hid her expression of distaste. She pulled a sling bullet from her belt and cast Light upon it, speaking the cantrip softly. She tossed it toward the center of the room. She moved slowly inside, the cheetah close on her heels. She observed the animal closely, looking for signs that she scented something dangerous nearby.

Without wind, Cheeper should be able to smell any opponents within 30'. Map is still covered so I didn't move our tokens, but intend to move 20' into the room, staying close to the wall.

Sovereign Court

M Half-elf Rogue/1 HP 10/10 AC17/T 13/FF 14 Fort +1/Ref +5/ Will +1 Init +3 Perc +10|Sense Motive +5

Rapier in hand, Paul cautiously enters the room.

Silver Crusade

LG Elven Fighter 1 | Mods: None | HP 15 (-0) | AC/Tch/FF 16/13/13 | CMD 15 | F/R/W +4/+3/+0 (Immune vs. Sleep, +2 vs. Enchants) | Speed 30ft | TBD | +2 Star Folio Re-Roll 1/1, Spells NA | Perc: +2 (LL), SM: +0 | Init: +3

Ryul keeps his options open, slipping in with no weapon drawn yet.

He would move about 20 ft into the room, staying close to the other wall Paloma doesn't cover. The South Wall maybe?

He also grimaces at the display, replying quietly, "The dead should not be displayed like this. It attracts too much necromantic energy."

Sovereign Court

Nothing happens, although the eerie mist continues to swirl and curl, thrown into eddies by your movements...

The Concordance

Female Human Core Druid 1 | HP 14/14 | AC:18/T:13/FF:15 | CMD:16 | Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +3 | Init +2 | Perc +5 | Speed 20'

"I see another door, there." Paloma says softly and points at the door in question. "Perhaps those are offices." She suggests as she moves further into the room, retrieving her lit bullet on her way. Cheeper padding quietly in her wake.

"Don't breathe the mist." She reminds with a pointed look and an arched eyebrow at Jack the only one not wearing a scarf over his face as yet, besides Cheeper, that is.

Do we humans need the extra light in here? If so she will keep rolling the bullet ahead of her and stopping to pick it up as she proceeds along the wall to the next door.

Silver Crusade

LG Elven Fighter 1 | Mods: None | HP 15 (-0) | AC/Tch/FF 16/13/13 | CMD 15 | F/R/W +4/+3/+0 (Immune vs. Sleep, +2 vs. Enchants) | Speed 30ft | TBD | +2 Star Folio Re-Roll 1/1, Spells NA | Perc: +2 (LL), SM: +0 | Init: +3

Ryul moves up to peek around the corner.

Perc: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

Grand Lodge

Male Human Core Fighter 2 | F5 R2 W1 | I4 P1 | hp 17/20 | AC 17 (+SoF 20) | TSRR:0 FRR:1 | LE | 124312-7

Jack is actually in the process of putting a wet cloth over his nose and mouth. He's used to early morning mists, but .. this doesn't seem natural.

He also keeps up with Ryul.

Sovereign Court

M Half-elf Rogue/1 HP 10/10 AC17/T 13/FF 14 Fort +1/Ref +5/ Will +1 Init +3 Perc +10|Sense Motive +5

Paul takes a wider approach to the door, watching for attackers.

Sovereign Court

Now that people have actually moved into the room enough...

The mist coils around the exhibits, and all of you hear a faint, but persistent drum beat...

Four of the 'exhibits' shake off the weight of ages, and reanimate - a bandage-wrapped Osiriani mummy, a hulking skeletal barbarian, wielding a mammoth-tusk greatclub, a skeletal Qadiran, wielding the silver scimitar that he was buried with, and a withered corpse clad in bronze half-plate, wielding a chipped longsword.

Paloma: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20.
Ryul: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23.
Jack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8.
Paul: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14.
Cortina: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5.
Osirion Scarab Seer: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19.
Proto-Kellid War Chief: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20.
Qadiran Warlord of Old: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15.
Bronze Legionnaire: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (8) + 0 = 8.

The Awakened Dead, Round 1:


Proto-Kellid War Chief
Osirion Scarab Seer
Qadiran Warlord of Old
Bronze Legionnaire

Ryul and Paloma are up.

Since I am aware that I am in a different timezone to the rest of you, I am happy for others to post actions, which I will tweak as needed when your *actual* action comes up.

Silver Crusade

LG Elven Fighter 1 | Mods: None | HP 15 (-0) | AC/Tch/FF 16/13/13 | CMD 15 | F/R/W +4/+3/+0 (Immune vs. Sleep, +2 vs. Enchants) | Speed 30ft | TBD | +2 Star Folio Re-Roll 1/1, Spells NA | Perc: +2 (LL), SM: +0 | Init: +3

Ryul studies the creatures, hoping to learn anything he can.

Common Knowledge?: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

My guess is construct or undead, neither knowledge which he has. But with that result… shoot.

Sovereign Court

Unsurprisingly, Ryul has no idea what they are.

Silver Crusade

LG Elven Fighter 1 | Mods: None | HP 15 (-0) | AC/Tch/FF 16/13/13 | CMD 15 | F/R/W +4/+3/+0 (Immune vs. Sleep, +2 vs. Enchants) | Speed 30ft | TBD | +2 Star Folio Re-Roll 1/1, Spells NA | Perc: +2 (LL), SM: +0 | Init: +3

"No surprise here, the undead have risen to do terrible things. We must stop them."

He strides forward, drawing his long thin elven curve blade and slashes at his ghastly foe.

ECB vs FF?: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12 for Slashing: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

The Concordance

Female Human Core Druid 1 | HP 14/14 | AC:18/T:13/FF:15 | CMD:16 | Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +3 | Init +2 | Perc +5 | Speed 20'

Paloma draws her quarterstaff and steps closer to the wall. She looks to the cheetah beside her and makes a signal with her hand toward the revealed foe.
Handle Animal: 1d20 + 5 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 5 + 4 = 15

Then she bashes the thing with her weapon.
Quarterstaff attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23 B Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Confirm?: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Forgot to ask if GM wants to run Cheeper or not... Assuming she goes on my initiative, in case he doesn't:

The cat explodes into action, lashing out with claw and tooth, shaking savagely to try and bring the prey down.
Claw 1: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26 B&S Damage: 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Claw 2: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13 B&S Damage: 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Bite: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16 B,S,&P Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 Trip if Bite hits?: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

AC is 17 without shield.

Grand Lodge

Human Bard 1 | NG | HP: 10/10| AC: 16 (13 Tch, 13 Fl ) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +1 / R: +3 / W: +1 | Init: +5 | Perc: +5 | Stealth: + 7 | Brd Perform: 8/10 rnds| # 1854-4

Earlier: Not having an actual scarf of his own, Fhandon instead draws out a bandana and folds it quickly into a triangular pattern and ties hit to cover his nose and mouth.


"Oh, crap." Fhaldon says bluntly, blinking at the horrifying figures as they shamble away from their stands. Shaking his head, he draws his shortbow and moves forward a bit, positioning himself for a good shot and starting to hum and projects musical sounds from his throat before starting into a commonly known dwarvish-themed tavern song called, "The Long Brawl"...
Bardic Performance: Inspire Courage (Su): A 1st level bard can use his performance to inspire courage in his allies (including himself), bolstering them against fear and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be able to perceive the bard’s performance. An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.

HUGE apologies on the delay. Shouldn't be a concern from here on out. Just fit me into the initiative wherever you deem best.

Grand Lodge

#06-10 The Wounded Wisp (Core) Female CG Dwarf Cleric 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 14 T 10 FF 14 | CMB +0, CMD 11 | F +4, R +0, W +7 (+2 vs. Poison/Spells/SLAs, +2 vs. charm/comp.) | Init +0 | Heal +5, Perc +6 darkv. 60' (Stonecunning: +2 extra), SM: +5 | Speed 30ft | Lucky Number: ?

Sorry, I swear I thought that I had posted! Even moved my token into the room.


The dwarven cleric casts a cantrip (guidance) on herself again, then enters the room, wielding her longspear in both hands.

"Interesting display..."

no Knowledge(religion) yet



Cortina moves further into the room, positioning herself more centered in regard to the enemies. (see map)

"Десна, ты мне нужна!"

"Desna, I need you!"

Her birthmark begins to glow and silver light washes over friend and foe in a 30 feet radius.

Channel positive energy(to harm undead): 1d6 ⇒ 5 Will DC 8 for half)

Possible AoO (reach weapon):

Longspear, cold iron, IC: 1d20 + 0 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 0 + 1 = 8
piercing, cold iron, IC: 1d8 + 0 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 0 + 1 = 4

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