
Cherry Bomb's page

42 posts. Alias of Critzible.

Full Name

"Cheery Bomb"


Vesk Mechanic 3|SP 24 HP 24 RP |EAC:14 KAC:14 CMD: |

About Cherry Bomb

Silthiska “Cherry Bomb” aka Dorothy
Vesk Mechanic 3rd {Roboticist)
Neutral Medium Humaniod
Init:+1 Senses:
Str 12 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 15 Wis 10 Cha 10
Languages:Vesk, Common, Cyleerin, Infernal
EJ Coverall, Industrial
EAC:+2 KAC:+2 Max Dex:+4 ACPenalty:0
Speed Adj:- Upgrade Slots:2 Bulk:1
EAC 14 (Armor +2 Dex+1 Race+1)
KAC 14 (Armor +2 Dex+1 Race+1)
AC v Maneuvers

SP: 24 HP:24 RP

Fort +5 Reflex +4 Will +1

Doshko +3 2d12+4 P
240 bulk 1 Analog, Unweildy

Survival Knife +3 2d4+4 S
95 bulk L Analog, Operative

Perforator Pistol +3 2d4+3 Sonic 20ft
500 Bleed 1d4 20 charges Usage 2 Bulk L Penetrating

3 Batteries

Tactical Semi-Auto Pistol +3 2d6+3 P 60ft.
260 9 rounds usage 1 bulk L Analog

2 rounds

5 Fragmentation Grenades +3 2d6+3 P(15ft) 20ft
35 Drawn Explode Bulk L

Athletics +5
Computers +10
Engineering +9
Medicine +6
Physical Science +7
Piloting +5
Profession:Maintenace +5
Profession:Robotics +7
Profession:Cook +5
Perception +1

Feats: Advanced Melee Weapons Proficiency, Versatile Proficiency

Everyday clothing: T-Shirt and Cargo Pants
Engineer’s Toolkit
Hacker’s Toolkit
Datapad: Artificial Personality(Toto),Control Complex,Range(100 ft),Self Charging,Hardened,Firewall,Security 4
Industry Back Pack
The Art of War (Book of Damitosh)
Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Physical Book)
Gear Maintenance Kit
Hygeine Kit
Mess Kit

Theme Knowledge:
You’re obsessed with the intricacies of constructs and how automated machines function. You can easily identify what a machine’s function is and have an easier time attempting to access the internal programming of mechanized life-forms. Reduce the DC of Engineering checks to identify creatures and technology by 5. Computers is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from a class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Computers checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Intelligence at character creation.


+1 to Computers and Engineering checks.

Custom Rig:Data jack.
You have created a customized toolkit you can use to hack systems and items. Your custom rig can be configured to take up an upgrade slot on your armor or can be installed as a cybernetic augmentation system in your brain (though it can be combined with a datajack for the same price as installing a datajack normally), your eyes, or an arm. For more information on augmentations, see Chapter 7: Equipment. Alternatively, you can configure it to be a handheld device, meaning that you must retrieve it and hold it to use it effectively. While using this rig, you always count as having the appropriate tool or basic kit for any Computers or Engineering skill check you attempt. Some mechanic tricks (see page 71) and drone mods (see page 77) require the use of a custom rig. In addition, you can use your custom rig as a personal comm unit (see page 218). Finally, if you have a drone, you can use your custom rig to communicate over an encrypted channel with your drone to issue commands to its AI or directly control it at a range of 2,500 feet.

If your custom rig is damaged, destroyed, lost, or stolen, you can kitbash a new one from any engineering kit, hacking kit, or other technological toolkit, reconfiguring the materials into a new custom rig with 1 hour of work. You can have only one custom rig at a time. If you create a new custom rig, your old one functions as a normal toolkit of whatever type you made it from and can no longer be used with your mechanic tricks.

Overload: DC13
As a standard action, you can cause a short in an electronic device, including most ranged energy weapons, melee weapons with the powered special property, or a single armor upgrade. This makes the device nonfunctional for 1 round. Overload doesn’t cause a locked door, safe, or other device to open, but it prevents anyone from opening it for 1 round. You must be adjacent to the device to use this ability. If you have a drone, you can instead use this ability on an electronic device adjacent to your drone. If you have an exocortex with the wireless hack ability, you can instead use this ability on any electronic device within range of your exocortex’s wireless hack. If you use overload on an item or armor upgrade in someone’s possession, the owner can attempt a Reflex saving throw to negate the effect (DC = 10 + half your mechanic level + your Intelligence modifier). Overload doesn’t affect androids, cybernetics, drones, powered armor, robots, or creatures with the technological subtype (all of which have shielding against this sort of attack), or items larger than Medium. Once a device has been successfully overloaded, a residual static charge prevents that device from being overloaded again for 1 minute.

Weapon Specialization:
You gain the Weapon Specialization feat as a bonus feat for each weapon type this class grants you proficiency with.

Mechanic Trick:
Repair Drone.
When you repair your drone in either manner described on page 74, you repair 25% of its maximum Hit Points instead of 10%. You must have a drone to learn this trick.

Tin Man(Drone):
Medium Combat Drone
S-14 D-12 C-* I-6 W-10 Ch-6
BaB:+3 F:+3 R:+2 W:+1
AC: EAC:15 KAC:19 DR:1/
Mods: Reductive Plating, Long Arm Proficiency, 2 Weapons Mounts, Manipulator Arms, Hardened Chassis

Feats: Weapon Specialization, Skill Focus(Engineering)

Rackarack Pulse Rifle +4 Dmg: 2d6 Sound 60ft. 20 charges 2 1
Credits:205 Nuisance

Auto-Turret Rifle +4 Dmg:2d6 piercing 60 ft. 10 rounds 1 2
Credits 755 Analog Automatic

Limited AI:
Each round on your turn, after you have acted, your drone can take either a move action or a standard action to attack (your drone doesn’t make a separate initiative roll). You must be able to issue simple commands to your drone, but you don’t have to spend actions to issue these commands. To receive these commands, your drone must be able to see or hear you or be within range of your custom rig. If you become unconscious or otherwise unresponsive, or if your drone is ever out of range, your drone cannot take any actions until you are again able to command it or it is once more within range.

Master Control:
As a move action, you can directly control your drone. This allows the drone to take both a move action and any standard action this turn (one from your control, and one from its limited AI). If you also take a swift action, your drone can take a swift action as well, or it can combine its actions into a full action. Your drone must be able to see or hear you, or be within range of your custom rig, for you to directly control your drone.

Skill Unit: Engineering
Choose one of the following skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Computers, Engineering, Perception, or Stealth. This is a class skill for your drone, and it gains a number of ranks in the chosen skill equal to your class level. Your drone can use this skill when not under your direct control. You can change your drone’s skill unit whenever you rebuild your drone from scratch. Additionally, whenever you are directly controlling your drone, it can use any of your skill ranks if you wish, assuming it has the appropriate tools to do so (a drone without manipulator arms cannot use Engineering to disable a device, for example).
Expert AI (Ex) - 7th Level

Born to the clutch of Hissthticia “Blood Fury” a decorated Vesk Mercenary of over 100 battles. She was a devoted child of Damoritosh, she was well regarded through the other clans as well as in the system fighting for various corporations and wars. When the Mechalus came she went into battle and her whereabouts are unknown.

Bloody Fury’s clutch though would live on. Eight children were born of her flesh. Five daughters and three sons. One of which is Silthiska. Silthiska has coral and red tones to her flesh under and around the scales and a long dexterous tail, as well as a petite frame. Despite this her mothers militaristic parenting style Silthiska fell short her families expectation.

This turn of event wasn’t the end despite her lack of fighting prowess her mental prowess far exceeded others of her clutch and even other clutches. This propelled her into being able to memorize a variety schematics, complex computer programs and even memorize the Art of War Damotoishes bible. Silthiska then became a maintenance worker for the many different Vesk ships, when her siblings learned more combat based professions.

During this time she learned to cook and the various systems on a ship, in fortresses, houses and more. While doing so she tinkered with the maintenance droids, as well as her units
weapons and armor. It was this time her Skittermander fellow support officer, Athlix introduced her to an old Golarion Book called the Wonderful Wizard of Oz. A tale of an Andoran farm girl named Dorothy who got swept away in a storm and fell into a part of the Fey Wild Called OZ and fought an evil Witch as well as see an ingenious inventor named the Wizard. From there she began to collect all the works.

She began to craft robotic friends the Scarecrow, Tin Man, Cowardly Lion, her favorite AI Toto, and Munchkins. Alongside this she found her love of cherries and while tinkering with grenades cherry preserves got into her design which when they were used created vibrant red explosions with cherry scent. This earned her the Vesk Battle Moniker of “Cherry Bomb”. So she began to incorporate it into her various rigs.

This didn’t last long when she transferred to larger freighter vessel right before the mechulas came. Cherry Bombs Freighter was one of the first to face the forces and found herself with only the Tin Man, Toto and her bug out gear. After that she was transferred to one of the world ships before she found herself a junker engineer in the depths. This though forced her to finally be recruited by a sibling to meet some people who will need a Engineer who is not afraid of combat. So Cherry went and is now there waiting.

Appearance: Sitlthiska stands at almost 7 feet in height but is thin of frame. She though has a long noble tail instead of the bulky one her fellows have. She over all is slender which reflects in her scales as they are also thin and delicate. Though a vibrant shade of green her skinn beneath is a cherry and coral in color. Many rise to the surface showing some brighter reds around her spine, brow, lips and digits. The Coral is seen on palms and feet.
As for her personal gear she wears jumpsuit or just a t- shirt and cargo pants. She dons a red head scarf and often a neckerchief. She is accompanied by a Drone that resembles the Tin Golem in the Wonderful Wizard of Oz. She also has a special Red Datapad dubbed “Toto” who is her friend and work confidante.

Personality: Cherry bomb is often seen tinkering on Tin man, or with a variety of devices. However she has a strange regime of practicing with her Doshko, reading the Bible of her people in prayer as well as cleaning and maintaining her tools. When not doing that she also will cook noting it is just as complex as a computer subroutine or even as complex as a star ships Drift Engine.