Erioch Ourevest

James "Joyride" Maxwell's page

330 posts. Alias of Hassan Ahmed.

Full Name

James "Joyride" Maxwell




Mech (Data Jockey) 7/ Operative 1 | SP 62/62 HP 52/52 RP 7/7 | EAC 20 KAC 20 CMAC 28 | F +8 R +9 W +3


Common, Lashunta, Kasatha, Kelish, Shirren, Terran, Vesk & Ysoki

Strength 12
Dexterity 20
Constitution 14
Intelligence 21
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10

About James "Joyride" Maxwell

Mechanic 7/Operative 1
Data Jockey
BAB +5
Init +6

Str 12, Dex 16/20*, Con 14, Int 19/21*, Wis 10, Cha 10

Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier x 7
Skill Ranks per Level: 8 + Intelligence modifier x 1

2 11 Acrobatics
8 13 Athletics
8 19 Computers, bypass +2
3 12 Culture*
8 20 Engineering, bypass +2, theme +1
3 4 Intimidate
5 11 Linguistics
3 12 Medicine
8 12 Perception
8 17 Physical Science
8 17 Piloting
3 11 Profession (gamer)
8 16 Profession (hacker)
2 11 Stealth

Human - weapon focus (small arms)
Character 1 - master crafter (engineering)
Mechanic 1 - drone, bypass +1, custom rig, theme knowledge (tinker)
Mechanic 2 - fast retrieval (data jockey, skill: culture)
Character 3 - amplified glitch
Mechanic 3 - overload, weapon specialization
Mechanic 4 - mechanic trick (hack directory)
Character 5 - technomantic dabbler (mend, telepathic message - polymorph)
Mechanic 5 - bypass +2, speed hacker (lvl 6 exploit - instead of remote hack)
Mechanic 6 - system guru (data jockey), durable crafting (tinker)
Character 7 - sky jockey
Mechanic 7 - expert rig, miracle worker 1/day
Operative 1 - operative’s edge +1, specialization (hacker), trick attack +1d4

Personal Upgrades: crystals - INT +2, DEX +4 - 1400/6500
Weapon: handcannon, bravado (called fusion), shirren-eye rifle (advanced) - 790/120/9350/360
Armor: ysoki refractor suit (khefak) - easy access kit, leapers - 4,210/500/125/205

* ring out resistance mk1

Chassis: Stealth
Level: 8th
HP: 80
BAB: +6
AC: EAC 20, KAC 22 (10/12 base +7 drone, +3 dex)
Saves F 2/R 7/W 2
Str 12, Dex 16, Con —, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 6

Movement: 40 & 20 Climb

Drone 1: basic mods, limited AI, master control, skill unit (perception)
Initial Mods: climbing claws, reactive camouflage, weapon mount (semi-auto pistol, tactical - blasting fusion)
Feats: jet dash, longarm proficiency, heavy weapon proficiency
Mods: camera, manipulator arms, weapon mount (2nd), enhanced senses
Skills: Perception +13
Drone 7: expert AI

Weapon: NIL grenade launcher, merc - smoke (4), frag (8), stickybomb (2), riot (2) - 280/160/280/260/370