
Vaëlorin's page

33 posts. Alias of Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan (RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16).

About Vaëlorin


Character Name: Vaëlorin
Gender: Male
Homeworld: New Castrovel
Deity: Yaraesa
Alignment: Neutral Good
Languages: Common, Elven, Castrovelian, Draconic

Theme: Spacefarer
Your longing to journey among the stars can’t be sated. You yearn for the adventure of stepping onto a distant world and exploring its secrets.

Race: Elf
Elves are long-lived, graceful beings who possess a deep connection to both nature and the arcane, integrating their ancient mysticism with technological advancements.

Class: Technomancer (Level 3)
Technomancers blend magic and technology into a single discipline, manipulating reality through their understanding of both arcane forces and scientific principles.

Vital Statistics:
- Hit Points: 19
- Stamina Points: 15
- Resolve Points: 6

Ability Scores:
- Strength: 10
- Dexterity: 15
- Constitution: 10
- Intelligence: 20
- Wisdom: 10
- Charisma: 10

Computers: 12
Engineering: 11
Life Science: 11
Medicine: 11
Mysticism: 9
Physical Science: 14
Sleight of Hand: 8
Profession (Philosopher): 15
Profession (Lab Technician): 15

Racial Traits:
Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and receive a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against enchantment spells and effects.
Elven Magic: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus to caster level checks to overcome spell resistance and a +2 bonus to Mysticism checks.
Keen Senses: Elves gain a +2 racial bonus to Perception skill checks.
Low-Light Vision: Elves can see in dim light as if it were normal light.

Spells Known:
Baleful Polymorph: You change a target’s shape to that of a smaller, weaker creature.
Detect Magic: Detect all magic spells, effects, items, and objects in an area.
Grease: Cover a solid surface with a layer of slippery grease.
Holographic Interface: Create a holographic interface to communicate with computers.
Incompetence: Make enemies lose proficiency with a weapon class.
Measure: Learn approximate measurements of objects and creatures.
Omnitool: Transform a small object into useful engineering tools.
Patch Tech: Gain a bonus to Engineering checks related to traps and repairs.
Starwalk: Improve movement in zero gravity.
Transfer Charge: Move energy from one power source to another.

New Castrovel: A Legacy Among the Stars:

When the great exodus from the Diasporum began generations ago, many among the elven and Lashunta-descended populations refused to let their heritage fade into myth. They sought to establish a world that echoed the lost wonders of Castrovel, the homeworld they had only heard of in legend. These pioneers, scholars, and mystics founded New Castrovel—a world of rich jungles, verdant highlands, and sprawling biotechnological cities woven into the very fabric of nature.

Unlike other colonies that prioritized industrial might or military supremacy, New Castrovel became a sanctuary for those who believed in a harmonious balance between science, magic, and the living cosmos. Here, technology was not a mere tool but an extension of the self, guided by the principles of arcane resonance and biotechnological symbiosis. Vast crystalline spires hummed with stored knowledge, while scholars sought to perfect the fusion of spellwork and circuitry.

For centuries, the people of New Castrovel have dreamed of one thing above all else: the rediscovery of their true origin. But now, with the fall of the Diasporum and the rise of the Cyleerin, that dream has become an obsession—one that Vaëlorin intends to fulfill.

Vaëlorin: Seeker of Lost Worlds:

Born into the floating city of Lir’vanna, Vaëlorin grew up surrounded by luminous databanks, arcane laboratories, and philosophical debates on the nature of the cosmos. From an early age, he was captivated by the ancient myths of Castrovel—its sprawling megaflora, its psionic scholars, its boundless evolutionary potential. But myths were not enough. Vaëlorin sought proof.

His path was clear: he enrolled in the prestigious Institute of Arcane Astrometrics, a research academy that sought to map the lost connections between ancient ley lines and stellar currents. There, he was recognized as a prodigy—his mind as keen as his incantations, his calculations as precise as his spellwork. While others saw magic and science as separate disciplines, Vaëlorin treated them as one, speaking of reality as a grand symphony where every equation was a note and every spell a harmony.

Though a respected scholar, Vaëlorin grew restless. Data alone would not reveal the truth—only exploration could. He took the first transport he could find to the refugee fleet, offering his skills in science, mysticism, and technology in exchange for passage. The war against the Cyleerin had all but destroyed New Castrovel’s libraries, but within the fleet’s archives, in the scattered remnants of their ancestors’ knowledge, lay the last chance to rediscover Castrovel.

Now, as Science Officer aboard the fleet’s vessel, Vaëlorin sees every journey as another step toward the ultimate destination. Golarion may be the Council's end goal, but for him, it is merely a waypoint. His true purpose is to stand upon the soil of Castrovel once more and reclaim the lost heritage of his people.

"The cosmos is a song, and we have only heard a single verse. Let us find the next stanza together." – Vaëlorin