Burlap 'LongTail' |

Will it crimp anyone's style if I up the damage on small arms and longarms by 1 die (eg 2d4 instead of 1d4)? 1d4 for a laser pistol always seemed a little weak to me; didn't have any problems starting everyone with a 3d4 pistol at level 3 in my last game, but I don't want anyone to feel screwed by this (particularly the technomancer and the solarian).
Obviously, as the gun-slinger in the group, I have no objections. I did think that the 1d4 for a laser pistol was... NOT Han Solo. :P

Djack Nymball |

I'm trying to build a Porche with a VW exterior. So I'm balancing it for high maneuverability, good speed, more power than we need, a bit of tankiness, a great computer system, good scanners, decent weapons, the expansion bays each character needs, and a few comforts we will all enjoy.
Hehe... Love it!

Djack Nymball |

You get what you get... I wouldn't optimize/perfect it.
Leave it as what we ended up with. If/when we level, we can make it now suitable.
Good to have a few things to complain about... good RP fodder.
Or we may commandeer a vessel or take one as loot

James "Joyride" Maxwell |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Might use this alias, or some version of... starting with Operative. Similar concept.
Accidental daredevil.

Burlap 'LongTail' |

Did some reading... It appears that callsign 'Joyride Space Pirate' cannot fire a gun and fly at the same time. Unless I'm reading it wrong, the Pilot only acts in the flying phase and shooting isn't an allowed action.
In the Gunnery phase, I can shoot all of our weapons BUT each shot is at a -4 to Hit. No joy there. So unless we have a second gunner (preferably with a decent DEX and ranks in Piloting) who isn't occupied during a spaceship battle, then I think the most bang for our buck is my notion of linking the guns together so I can fire both (when facing in the same direction) at no penalty, and could even fire them in different directions at the -4 per gun. Lords of Kobol protect us if we are engaged with enough hostiles that I need to be firing in multiple directions!
If you guys agree, then I will need to tinker with the ship a bit and figure out how to save a few BPs to make it happen.
Until then... I'm on to looking at cool designs and doing a floorplan. Cheers!

rando1000 |

Did some reading... It appears that callsign 'Joyride Space Pirate' cannot fire a gun and fly at the same time. Unless I'm reading it wrong, the Pilot only acts in the flying phase and shooting isn't an allowed action.
You are correct. Pilots pilot only. I can add an NPC gunner who hangs out on the ship if you'd like, but I prefer a Player roll for him; maybe the Science Officer or Engineer, since those roles can get a little tedious after a few rounds of combat.

Burlap 'LongTail' |

What do you guys think about a really retro, plain-jane-workhorse, and somewhat sleek look? This hearkens back to the day of original Traveller. Or would you prefer something a bit more clunky or sexy?

Burlap 'LongTail' |

You are correct. Pilots pilot only. I can add an NPC gunner who hangs out on the ship if you'd like, but I prefer a Player roll for him; maybe the Science Officer or Engineer, since those roles can get a little tedious after a few rounds of combat.
Hm... I really don't mind tweaking the ship a bit more, if that's your concern. The more I think about it, the more having some shielding makes sense... and gives the Science Officer another useful task in battle. But if the Sci Officer/Engineer get bored, then having a bot-gunner could be a way to keep them engaged when systems aren't failing or the shields don't need to be re-balanced. I'm good with either choice, really.

James "Joyride" Maxwell |

What do you guys think about a really retro,plain-jane-workhorse, and somewhat sleek look?...
I'm good with it... I was also thinking we were given a "junk" alien vessel that they didn't know how to work.
With our combination of skills, we got it working... and upgrades/BP are essentially alien "unlocks" that allow the ship to "change, grow or develop" into what we desire (requiring materials/resources & time).Doesn't need to be a biologic exactly. Could be mineral in nature. Somehow, our combined vibrational frequency and skills (mechanic, gunner, technomancer, charisma and pilot)... "made contact" with it.
Could write a book, I guess... But, if we have to take on a new vessel... the entity could possibly move to that vessel and possess it.
Just fluff, really. It doesn't communicate or act as an NPC.

Vaëlorin |

It won’t be optimal to start, so do your best, and we fly with it!
I can do some Piloting. Science Officer is an “early in the fight” job, right? Not every turn? Once my Science job is done, I can elf a gun.
Any complaints of if I take the Gremlin pet Hack?

Burlap 'LongTail' |

Or a variation on your theme, Joyride. We got handed this old rust-bucket that is a 'retro' design because it is a hundred years out of date. But with our Technomancer and Mechanic who say, "Yeah, I can totally fix that" and 30 gallons of paint, we've managed to update her systems, weapons, engines, etc.
It kinda fits with the fugitive fleet idea. As long as a ship isn't leaking atmosphere, it's good to go.

![]() |

Or a variation on your theme, Joyride. We got handed this old rust-bucket that is a 'retro' design because it is a hundred years out of date. But with our Technomancer and Mechanic who say, "Yeah, I can totally fix that" and 30 gallons of paint, we've managed to update her systems, weapons, engines, etc.
It kinda fits with the fugitive fleet idea. As long as a ship isn't leaking atmosphere, it's good to go.
Yep Duct tape, chicken wire and bubblegummed this baby together

Vaëlorin |

Right! Give the ship his own background. He started out as something amazing and new, has gone through multiple owners, left out in the front yard with the old toasters and laundry machines, and get bolted together to go to space again when the Aleerin attacked, and now she’s ours somehow. Flesh it out, or I can, if someone tosses me ideas.

James "Joyride" Maxwell |

James "Joyride" Maxwell |

12AC? That gets modified by the Pilot’s DEX or something right?
Armor Class (AC): This value is used when determining whether direct-fire weapons (Core Rulebook 303) hit the starship. AC is calculated based on the ship’s size, maneuverability, and physical armor, as well as its pilot’s ranks in the Piloting skill.

Vaëlorin |

And the computer boosts the pilot's piloting skill, so that helps as well.
I think she'd look good in black.
I think he’d look better in three different colors of primer (purchased at bargain basement prices) and bondo, but that’s just me.
Belay my last about being also able to pilot. That won’t be a focus of mine, but I can be a darn good gunner though!

James "Joyride" Maxwell |

I'm not all that familiar with the rules, myself. So any questions help me :)
If I paste a reply, not being a know it all... Just figured "I'd better learn/know that, too."

Vaëlorin |

The Atreides had a battle language, so should you.
Any suggestions on what to use? Any of you low intelligence knuckle draggers want to suggest your native tongue?
Any other languages I should pick up? Is there a science or magic language to have, similar to how Greek, Latin, and French have played that role in western culture?

James "Joyride" Maxwell |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Why I thought of the song Black Betty and the visions of our piloting.

James "Joyride" Maxwell |

Vaëlorin will continue to refer to the ship as “he” regardless of what name, or imagery, is applied to him.
That's cool.

Vaëlorin |

Preliminary stats in my profile. I’ll work on the formatting and get more detail in there regarding what the various abilities do. Like that doesn’t say what Spacefarer gives me.

James "Joyride" Maxwell |

I found this website good for Starfinder character building.
One of my characters, here: https://hephaistos.azurewebsites.net/character/459687471
ps: I put them in plain text and not links, so that you see exactly where you are going to (being taken).
pps: besides Pilot(ing), what are the must have skills for my role?

rando1000 |

Draconic for magic
Verified; the cultures' origins are on Golarion, albeit millennia ago. Draconic would have stood as the most common "Magic" language.
As far as other Languages, There's Elven, obviously. "Common" would be the language of Drakon colony, where the seat of government was (before it got wiped out). Any other PF or SF race languages would be fine, and each of the colonies that don't have one specific race might have their own language as well.

Vaëlorin |

Roger on the language stuff. Obviously I have Elven.
Hephaistos is also where I've used to make Vaëlorin.
I'm not sure how to gracefully export from it though into bbcode.

Burlap 'LongTail' |

Here is Black Betty Mk II…
She isn’t as good at avoiding target lock but she has decent shields - enough to shrug off the first attack from a fair number of weapons. Shield rebalancing will let her go longer before our hull gets dinged and systems start failing. I dropped her to a duonode computer so we get +2’s to two rolls per round. In run-of-the-mill situations I think that will be fine theoretically. And while I couldn’t give her bigger guns, I upgraded her Coilgun with Adamantine. So, if she hits unshielded hull, she gets a bonus +4 Damage. That means, on average she’ll do only a point less damage than a Chain Cannon – but she can do it at any range, not just short.
Black Betty (Tier 3)
Medium Explorer
Speed 10, Maneuverability Good (turn 1) ; Drift 1
AC 12, TL 10
HP 55 ; DT: n/a ; CT 11
Shields Light 50 (forward 13, port 12, starboard 12, aft 13)
Attack (Forward): Light Particle Beam (3d6 DAM, 10 hexes)
Attack (Turret): Adamantine Coilgun (4d4 DAM, 20 hexes, +4 DAM on shieldless quadrants)
Power Core: Arcus Ultra (150 PC)
Drift Engine: Signal Basic
Systems: basic long-range sensors, Mk 2 Armor, Mk 2 duonode computer (tier 1), crew quarters (good)
Expansion Bays: science lab (general), tech workshop, guest quarters (good), cargo hold
Modifiers: +2 Computers, +1 Piloting, +2 to any two checks per round
Build Points: 95 of 95
Power Core Units: Max 150
Power Core Spend: 110 (essentials only)
Power Core Spend: 131 (everything on)
Crew of 5: Captain, Engineer, Gunner, Pilot, Science Officer

Burlap 'LongTail' |

I'm almost finished with a quick and dirty floorplan. I'll add it to the google doc when it's done. I'll build a prettier version in another app when I have a chance... assuming you guys don't hate the layout.
pps: besides Pilot(ing), what are the must have skills for my role?
It looks like most of your class skills are good to haves. If you spent a couple of points in stealth so I have a scouting buddy, that would be great. Otherwise, I'd say sprinkle your points around.

Burlap 'LongTail' |

She can. 'Good' crew quarters are dormitory-esque, so I assumed bunk beds in 3 of 4 crew cabins... so 6 crewmen with the Captain getting a private room. And we have a guest room on the lower deck.

Vaëlorin |

Once you're all comfortable with your backstories, you might give some thought as to how you encountered each other, how you came into possession of the Betty, and in what order.
If I can convince you guys each to post your backgrounds, and I'll take a swing at putting together a story as to how we all got together. If anyone has suggestions, I can figure that in.
Here is mine:
Born into the floating city of Lir’vanna, Vaëlorin grew up surrounded by luminous databanks, arcane laboratories, and philosophical debates on the nature of the cosmos. From an early age, he was captivated by the ancient myths of Castrovel—its sprawling megaflora, its psionic scholars, its boundless evolutionary potential. But myths were not enough. Vaëlorin sought proof.
His path was clear: he enrolled in the prestigious Institute of Arcane Astrometrics, a research academy that sought to map the lost connections between ancient ley lines and stellar currents. There, he was recognized as a prodigy—his mind as keen as his incantations, his calculations as precise as his spellwork. While others saw magic and science as separate disciplines, Vaëlorin treated them as one, speaking of reality as a grand symphony where every equation was a note and every spell a harmony.
Though a respected scholar, Vaëlorin grew restless. Data alone would not reveal the truth—only exploration could. He took the first transport he could find to the refugee fleet, offering his skills in science, mysticism, and technology in exchange for passage. The war against the Cyleerin had all but destroyed New Castrovel’s libraries, but within the fleet’s archives, in the scattered remnants of their ancestors’ knowledge, lay the last chance to rediscover Castrovel.
Now, as Science Officer aboard the fleet’s vessel, Vaëlorin sees every journey as another step toward the ultimate destination. Golarion may be the Council's end goal, but for him, it is merely a waypoint. His true purpose is to stand upon the soil of Castrovel once more and reclaim the lost heritage of his people.
"The cosmos is a song, and we have only heard a single verse. Let us find the next stanza together." – Vaëlorin

rando1000 |

If I can convince you guys each to post your backgrounds, and I'll take a swing at putting together a story as to how we all got together. If anyone has suggestions, I can figure that in.
Here's a short narrative of the end of the colonies to assist in your efforts. Timeline was about six months ago.

Clarissa Hunt NPC |

I'm gonna laugh if Clarissa has a phobia to rats. XD
Maybe not a phobia, per se, but maybe she did let out an "Eek!" the first time she saw you (being the first Ysoki she'd seen).