Age of Ashes (Team Alseta)

Game Master Delta Arena

Running through the fist Pf2e AP! Come forth brave adventurers and answer the call for heroes. Google Drive Folder

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”Yes, we have met the bumblebrashers. They never got in our way.”

”But the cultists did. They drove us out of our realm.”

”We are stronger, you see, but we were outnumbered.”

”The Mwangi expanse? Are those new lands to conquer?”

There are lots of little bits and pieces of steel. Some look like broken or bent arrowheads, some like parts of blades, or rings of a chainmail, or connect studs.


”Are you saying they are different words?”

”Aren’t minions part of ones treasure?”

”That’s what I thought. But what do I know, we only have riches, no minions.”

”But we don’t really know much about them. They came from downstairs.”

”That path is now blocked. The remaining ones are all in the northern right wing.”

”There is not much below, a circular room with some arches.”

”There is also the broken wall”

”Right, right. A broken wall leading to some collapsed rooms.”

”And the closed gate.”

”Right, yes. There is also a closed gate. We don’t know what’s behind it.”


”It was the frogs and the monkeys who disrespected us. They kicked us out”

”They invaded our lair. Took hold of our treasure. They should be executed.”

”Yes, you can do that part for us.”

”Yes, please do. That’s how you please the mitey dragons!


”Well, now that you mention it. We are starving.”

”Yes, we haven’t eaten in ages.”

”As for our names, I’m Pib,” says the green one.

”And I am Zarf,” says the red one. ”Well met, Ardoinel of the clan Oreflame.”

That’s okay, they just won’t be doing any favours for you.

Human Male Thaumaturge 2 | HP 26/28 | AC 19 | Fort +7 ; Ref +5 ; Will +5 | Perc +6 | ◆◇↺

"We can share some more of our rations with you. And, we promise to continue fighting the cultists and to clear the Citadel of their presence. In return, can we spend an hour or two resting in this room and tending to our wounds? A few of us could use some healing."

Grand Archive

M Hafling(-ish) Alchemist (2) HP 26/26, AC 18/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, W +6/ Perception +6/ Initiative +0/ HL: 0/1/ VV: 1/5 / Hero Point 0/3/ IM 0/1
GM Delta Arena wrote:
”The Mwangi expanse? Are those new lands to conquer?”

Netkin freezes guiltily. "Erm, no. I don't think so. This is where the cultists are from, and, er... I don't think it's conquerable, no. Especially not in your state."

There's more clinking as he rummages through the scraps. He shows particular interest in the studs and the chainmail links, which he shoves into his backpack.

Cerrus Falto wrote:
""We can share some more of our rations with you. And, we promise to continue fighting the cultists and to clear the Citadel of their presence. In return, can we spend an hour or two resting in this room and tending to our wounds? A few of us could use some healing."

"Mm? Oh, yes! We can also tend to your wounded, if need be."

Female Tiefling (Looks like a standard elf but short, has horns hidden by a head scarf) | HP 21/22 | AC 19 | Fort +4; Ref +10; Will +7 | Perc +7 | Starknife +8 1d4+4 Sneak Attack 1d6 Rogue 2

Resa is not exactly good at what everything is happening. She was not used to dealing with people, let alone other creatures who are foreign to her. She keeps quiet so she does not insult anyone, but she tries to scout out anything that could cause danger to the group. She does whisper to them " Should we tell them we are going to clear the cultist and perhaps something they could do to help with it? Like a reward?"

Elf Investigator 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +9 | Perception +9 (Low-light vision) | Prepared Spells: Divine Lance, Light | Investigations - Cinderclaws (how unleash Dahak), Slimy thing (what is it) | Conditions: That's Odd | ◆◇↺

Ellaeaanda focuses on the new tidbits of information and tries to glean more from the kobolds. “Where is this broken wall and closed gate of which you speak? And are there any other dangers down here besides the frogs and monkeys?”

”Ardoinel Oreflame” | Male Medium Aiuvarin Dwarf Magus 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 16 | F +7 R +3 W +5 | Perc +3 | Default Exploration ( ?????? ) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None

Ardoinel retrieves some rations from his back and breaks them up into two equal portions, offering them to Pib and Zarf with a warm smile.



”You may rest here if you like. We seem to be save in this room.”


”Our state?! Our state?!”

”We are mitey dragons!”


You notice that there is no hoard, and there is only a few pieces of cloth in a corner serving as makeshift beds. The kobolds don’t have much in this room.


”The broken wall and the gate are downstairs, in the bottom floor.”

”Past the collapsed stairway.”

”There is something slimy on the other room over B4, but we don’t know how dangerous it is.”

”We also don’t know what there is in the southern wing Left, that place has a bad aura to it. But we never heard noises coming from it until recently.”


”Thank you, son of the Oreflames”

”Your offering is welcomed”

Both of them dig into the rations and devour them with glee.

Elf Investigator 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +9 | Perception +9 (Low-light vision) | Prepared Spells: Divine Lance, Light | Investigations - Cinderclaws (how unleash Dahak), Slimy thing (what is it) | Conditions: That's Odd | ◆◇↺

“Gracious you are to share your realm,” Ellaeaanda thanks the kobolds. With the area being deemed safe, she settles down for a leisurely hour, tending to the injuries of Cerrus and Netkin while musing over the nature of the slime next door. "How did you choose this citadel for your realm?" she idly inquires of the kobolds.

Medicine (Treat Wounds on Cerrus): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15HP for Cerrus: 2d8 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7

Medicine (Treat Wounds on Netkin): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17HP for Netkin: 2d8 ⇒ (7, 8) = 15

Drop investigation into kobolds. Pursue a Lead on the slimy thing.

Grand Archive

M Hafling(-ish) Alchemist (2) HP 26/26, AC 18/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, W +6/ Perception +6/ Initiative +0/ HL: 0/1/ VV: 1/5 / Hero Point 0/3/ IM 0/1
DM Delta Arena wrote:

"Our state?! Our state?!”

”We are mitey dragons!”

"Well, I can't see any, but I'll take your word for it." Beat. "Oooh - mighty! Erm, yes.. My mistake. Of course."



You begin treating the party, taking your time to clean their wounds and wrap them up.

According to my notes Resa and Ardoinel are the ones in real need of treat wounds. Resa and Ardoinel, please correct me if my notes are wrong.

”Oh, we were looking for nearby caves, something appropriate for dragons like us.”

”We did find a cave, but it was occupied by a barghest, and several filthy spiders.”

”So we kept looking, until we found the abandoned citadel.”

”Well, it was not really abandoned, the Bumblebrashers had already settled here.”

”So we thought, perfect, there are already servants here.”

”They do prepare good meals”


“Yes, rightly so.”

”I bet you have never seen dragons as mitey as we are.”

Grand Archive

M Hafling(-ish) Alchemist (2) HP 26/26, AC 18/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, W +6/ Perception +6/ Initiative +0/ HL: 0/1/ VV: 1/5 / Hero Point 0/3/ IM 0/1

"No, that's for sure," Netkin answers politely.

Treat Wounds (Resa): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
HP: 2d8 ⇒ (2, 2) = 4

Treat Wounds (Ardoinel): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
HP: 2d8 ⇒ (4, 7) = 11

Do the kobolds need some bandaging too?

Elf Investigator 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +9 | Perception +9 (Low-light vision) | Prepared Spells: Divine Lance, Light | Investigations - Cinderclaws (how unleash Dahak), Slimy thing (what is it) | Conditions: That's Odd | ◆◇↺

Sorry for the mixup. The only way I know the health of a PC is from the stat line under their name, or if a PC (e.g. Cerrus) explicitly requests healing.

“What type of noises did you hear from the southern wing? Voices?” Ellaeaanda asks the kobolds as she finishes bandaging her wards. With the wounded tended to, she rises and announces “Decide the safety of this slime we shall.” The elf exits the mitey dragons’ den and listens carefully at the door (B4) to the slimy thing before cautiously opening it.

Perception +9 to listen/check for traps

Human Male Thaumaturge 2 | HP 26/28 | AC 19 | Fort +7 ; Ref +5 ; Will +5 | Perc +6 | ◆◇↺

26/28 HP now, thanks!

With Ellaeaanda's deft touch with gauze, Cerrus is back in fighting form. "Thank you, Ellaeannda. With a quick rest and your help, I'm feeling ready to proceed. How is everyone else's recovery? It seems like we are welcome enough to fully recover in this room, and relatively safe to do so."



They’ll be fine, they just need more food.


It was the noises of sticks on stones, but different.

”There was a slow even pace to them.”

”Yes, like someone walking”

There are no noises coming from the room B4 but there is bugger-grim slime around the bottom end of the door, as well as a few white ribbon-like pieces of slime. The wooden door is corroding where the slime is.


The kobolds are okay with it, although they might end up eating more of your rations.

Grand Archive

M Hafling(-ish) Alchemist (2) HP 26/26, AC 18/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, W +6/ Perception +6/ Initiative +0/ HL: 0/1/ VV: 1/5 / Hero Point 0/3/ IM 0/1

"I wouldn't say no to a bit of rest!" Netkin settles comfortably on the floor. "I have to make some more reagents for my vials anyway..."

Elf Investigator 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +9 | Perception +9 (Low-light vision) | Prepared Spells: Divine Lance, Light | Investigations - Cinderclaws (how unleash Dahak), Slimy thing (what is it) | Conditions: That's Odd | ◆◇↺

Ellaeaanda peers at the slime from a safe distance, then returns to the kobolds’ room to rest and relax with the others. “What fate have you here?” she idly asks Cerrus in her faraway voice. “Breachill is no stranger to you, but strange you are to them.”

Recall Knowledge about slime. +9 if Int-based, +8 if Wis-based check—this includes her Pursue a Lead bonus.

Whenever everyone else is ready to move on, lead the way and Ellaeaanda will follow.

”Ardoinel Oreflame” | Male Medium Aiuvarin Dwarf Magus 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 16 | F +7 R +3 W +5 | Perc +3 | Default Exploration ( ?????? ) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None

Ardoinel takes a seat as the others tend to him.

"Walking sticks...but not the doll that haunted this room?" he asks.

Female Tiefling (Looks like a standard elf but short, has horns hidden by a head scarf) | HP 21/22 | AC 19 | Fort +4; Ref +10; Will +7 | Perc +7 | Starknife +8 1d4+4 Sneak Attack 1d6 Rogue 2

Resa stays quiet here as well, just listening to her companions talk in comfortable silent rest. She could add nothing really because she knew little of what they spoke of. But she could learn of their lives outside of here.



There slime you see looks like a giant bugger-grim slug secreting white, branching strings that it is able to move around.

Recall Knowledge:
Occultism: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

There is one thing Ellaeaanda knows for sure about the slime: it is a disgusting sight.


”Well, it is difficult to explain.”

”These noises had more of a rattling than the ones from that nasty doll.”

”And there was some clanking along with it.”

”Yes, like the clanking of armour”

”Whatever it is, it is heavier than the doll.”

I assume you are all taking a full rest while you heal everyone to full?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Human Male Thaumaturge 2 | HP 26/28 | AC 19 | Fort +7 ; Ref +5 ; Will +5 | Perc +6 | ◆◇↺

Cerrus thinks on Ellaeaanda's question. "I honestly don't know. You are correct that I am a stranger to most of Breachill, despite my familial connection to the city's founding." He pauses for a long moment, wondering how much to share. "I traveled the Inner Sea far and wide, sometimes with barely enough to subsist - but always enough to collect trinkets and baubles. I take after my grandfather in that way. I found his diary when I returned to town. It seems he had some questions about Breachill that he was never able to answer. I intend to answer them. Hopefully, we learn something in this citadel that shines some light on those questions."

Cerrus moves to the center of the room and speaks to the group. "After Ellaeaanda's healing, I am ready to continue. Does anyone else need healing? Or, is anyone in need of recovery beyond what gauze and bandages can provide?"

Elf Investigator 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +9 | Perception +9 (Low-light vision) | Prepared Spells: Divine Lance, Light | Investigations - Cinderclaws (how unleash Dahak), Slimy thing (what is it) | Conditions: That's Odd | ◆◇↺

“What questions concerned your grandfather?” Ellaeaanda asks Cerrus. “What insight would a hellknight bastion reveal about Breachill?” The elf avoids the disgusting slime for now and instead tries the last door, the one that leads southwest from the room containing the doll and dead boggards.

Head into B3. Perception +9 if needed

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Human Male Thaumaturge 2 | HP 26/28 | AC 19 | Fort +7 ; Ref +5 ; Will +5 | Perc +6 | ◆◇↺

"My grandfather's diary indicates that he believed that the town's founding didn't go as the townspeople have been led to believe. With how beloved Mr. Breachton is by the villagers, I imagine my grandfather kept his thought quiet. He either never shared this with me while he was still alive, or I was too young to remember."

Cerrus looks around his current surroundings and laughs slightly. "You are correct to doubt that we'll find a connection here in the citadel. But, maybe we'll find something."


Much like the northern hall the other B3, this gallery is filled with damaged oil paintings depicting different encounters from the orders’ history. There are paintings of the order facing the hordes of Tal-Baphon, paintings depicting a battle against hobgoblin generals, and a painting portraying a dryad queen leading an army of fey.

I am still unsure how much time you are taking to recover. Are you taking 1 hour for another round of healing? A full rest? Are you just taking a few minutes to refocus?

Elf Investigator 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +9 | Perception +9 (Low-light vision) | Prepared Spells: Divine Lance, Light | Investigations - Cinderclaws (how unleash Dahak), Slimy thing (what is it) | Conditions: That's Odd | ◆◇↺

“What tale is told of the founding father?” Ellaeaanda inquires softly. “Newly arrived am I to this area.” Her gaze slowly passes over the various paintings as she enters the room, then shifts towards the eastern door (from B3 to B4).

Perception +9: Any slime or danger on this door?
Time-wise, I'd say we rested for as long as it takes for Netkin to make reagents for all his vials. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the alchemist class so I'm not sure how long that would be.


The door has the same green slime corroding it from the bottom. The slime-slug clearly has no issues moving around closed doors. And a little trail of the white strings indicates that it might have moved further out into the rest of the dungeon at some point. Or it might be the trail it left in coming in.

It takes a full rest, as it is part of the daily preparations. I will make a post on the discussion regarding that and the heals.

”Ardoinel Oreflame” | Male Medium Aiuvarin Dwarf Magus 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 16 | F +7 R +3 W +5 | Perc +3 | Default Exploration ( ?????? ) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None
Ellaeaanda wrote:

“What tale is told of the founding father?” Ellaeaanda inquires softly. “Newly arrived am I to this area.” Her gaze slowly passes over the various paintings as she enters the room, then shifts towards the eastern door (from B3 to B4).

Perception +9: Any slime or danger on this door?
Time-wise, I'd say we rested for as long as it takes for Netkin to make reagents for all his vials. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the alchemist class so I'm not sure how long that would be.

Ardoinel nods.

"I'd like to know more as well...virtually all I know of Breachill I learned in dreams...ones more focused on its possible future destruction than how it is now or how it was in the past."

Grand Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Hafling(-ish) Alchemist (2) HP 26/26, AC 18/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, W +6/ Perception +6/ Initiative +0/ HL: 0/1/ VV: 1/5 / Hero Point 0/3/ IM 0/1

Netkin, in the midst of mixing his reagents, visibly shifts nervously when Cerrus details his grandfather's findings. "Oh. Well, that's funny, because..." He pauses suddenly, as if afraid to go on, before adding in a rushed, somewhat lower voice: "I don't think Breachton was all that the inhabitants thought him to be, either. They made him to be a heroic figure," he explains to Ellaeaanda. "A powerful wizard, who saved a hundred, amnesiac people from starvation and using his considerable fortune to house them in a city he built. But... The stories never tell why these humans lost their memories in the first place, o-or even why such a prominent spellcaster would be, I don't know, strolling by at that precise moment and decide to invest thousands of crowns into helping them out for no reason?!"

"My family's been there for three generations, you see. In halflings years, that's quite a lot. Grandma came to this place back when Breachhill was still a bunch of tents surrounding a building site, if I recall correctly. And..." His voice drops even more significantly, and he leans in conspiratorially. "I think she might have known Lamond herself, back in the days."

He straightens. "Not that she ever wanted to tell me about it," he admits regretfully. "Cerrus, may I... See your diary? Actually, wait a bit, hands busy!" He carefully fills up the last of his vials with what appears to be a corrosive liquid, taking great care not to let a single drop spill. He then screws it tightly shut.

Daily Preparations: 3 Minor Elixirs of Life, 2 Alchemist's Fires, 2 Acid Vials

Female Tiefling (Looks like a standard elf but short, has horns hidden by a head scarf) | HP 21/22 | AC 19 | Fort +4; Ref +10; Will +7 | Perc +7 | Starknife +8 1d4+4 Sneak Attack 1d6 Rogue 2

Resa having little idea about the area, and hearing all these things offer a small comment. "Maybe he was just a good person? You know, you didn't have to take me with you, but you did. Maybe he was walking along and saw someone needing help, and helped. I..
I...I think we need more people like that. I may not be a good person like that, but we need people like that."

”Ardoinel Oreflame” | Male Medium Aiuvarin Dwarf Magus 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 16 | F +7 R +3 W +5 | Perc +3 | Default Exploration ( ?????? ) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None

Ardoinel blinks in surprise at Netkin's version of the story.

"How long ago was the town founded, Netkin?"

At Resa's self-deprication, he scoffs a bit, though it's with a smile.

"Resa, you're easily the most compassionate member of this group. Give yourself some credit!" he says warmly.


You take a full meal, tinker with some chemicals, and get elven medical treatment. But, even though your bodies are feeling more rested, your minds feel uneasy as more question surface.

The town was founded 204 years ago, in 4520AR.

Grand Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.
M Hafling(-ish) Alchemist (2) HP 26/26, AC 18/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, W +6/ Perception +6/ Initiative +0/ HL: 0/1/ VV: 1/5 / Hero Point 0/3/ IM 0/1

Netkin counts on his fingers. "Oh, you're right! I forgot - well, it's a bit... I told the story badly, didn't I?" he sighs. "All that running around, and... Let me begin again."

"Grandma was never the most... Well, she's not the most talkative person about her family, really. Things also get... Fuzzy, at times, I think. She's got a good memory, but..." He shakes his head softly. "She was already very, very old when I was born."

"I've had a really tough time trying to get some answers about... My mom, you know," he pauses, choking up on emotion. "She was like a daughter to her, I think. I never could learn anything my granddad. I'm not even sure he lived there - in Breachhill, I mean. In the records, it's only my grandma, and presumably her parents. And then my mom, a bit, when she gave birth, and um... When she died. And then me. And nothing in between." He swallows. "And Grandma won't talk to me."

"I'm sure that she exaggerates a bit when she says the town was barely standing when she arrived - although, presumably, it has changed quite a lot since then! But from I could gather, she's been here a really long time. Really. Longer than anyone else, maybe, I think. I think the town was younger than I was when she was born in it. And she didn't see Lammond with her own eyes, but... Maybe her parents did. Or they at least knew the early settlers - the hundred humans that he rescued."

"And I don't know what they saw, and it's sooo frustrating at times, but - come on! The guy did all of that, built a town, and lived there for what, a year, and then, what, disappeared all of a sudden, and everyone is still talking about him and not finding a little bit weird?"

"I know that altruism is a wonderful thing, but this is just... shady!"


Good thing that no townsfolk are hearing this blasphemy against the founder!

Human Male Thaumaturge 2 | HP 26/28 | AC 19 | Fort +7 ; Ref +5 ; Will +5 | Perc +6 | ◆◇↺

"Netkin's tale matches what I learned in my grandfather's writings. Mostly just some doubt that a powerful wizard would help the town out of the goodness of his heart - with zero explanation for the memory loss across the whole town. No evidence of wrongdoing. No theories to validate."

"I wasn't here when he died and this diary is the only thing I found among his things that was worth keeping. So, I feel I owe it to him to find an answer. Or, find evidence that his hunch was wrong."

Daily Preparations: 2x Potency Crystals via Talisman Esoterica; Affix one of them to his longsword


"uuuuh, shiny crystals."

"May we have them for the hoard?"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Tiefling (Looks like a standard elf but short, has horns hidden by a head scarf) | HP 21/22 | AC 19 | Fort +4; Ref +10; Will +7 | Perc +7 | Starknife +8 1d4+4 Sneak Attack 1d6 Rogue 2

" I know little of people being nice for the sake of being nice, but it seems... I mean we don't know there is anything strange about it. If creating a town to some powerful wizard is really easy, then maybe it didn't take much work in the first place. I say we be.. openminded about everything. And think of it like that bear we did not remove yet. It needs to be gone, but how do we remove it safely?" Resa blushes a bit as others said she may be a good person, but she felt a darker call inside her sometimes that she struggled with. She just was never brave enough to act on it.

Grand Archive

M Hafling(-ish) Alchemist (2) HP 26/26, AC 18/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, W +6/ Perception +6/ Initiative +0/ HL: 0/1/ VV: 1/5 / Hero Point 0/3/ IM 0/1

"The memory loss is what intrigues me the most," Netkin nods. "It sounds like it could be a type of spell, and, well... Who would want to erase the memories of a hundred random people at the same time, right? It doesn't make any sense..."

GM Delta Arena wrote:

"uuuuh, shiny crystals."

"May we have them for the hoard?"

Netkin blinks at them. "Um... No? We really need these ones. Sorry. I'm sure you'll be able to find even more beautiful ones outside of this room!" He adds encouragingly.

Elf Investigator 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +9 | Perception +9 (Low-light vision) | Prepared Spells: Divine Lance, Light | Investigations - Cinderclaws (how unleash Dahak), Slimy thing (what is it) | Conditions: That's Odd | ◆◇↺

“Not random,” Ellaeaanda interjects in a soft, floaty voice. “Bound by space and time, they were … not so far from the aiudara we seek. Perhaps a thread connected to the absence of memory?” She nods slowly at the halfling. “By its very nature, amnesia is the greatest mystery. Unravel that thread, and motive shall follow.” She looks questioningly at Netkin. “Were any elves among the first of Breachill? Humans and halflings forget like flies, but trees and elves remember.”

When Cerrus produces and introduces a conversation about crystals, the elf turns to Ardoinel. “Have you Yuelral’s tools?” she asks, displaying her own softly glowing fluorite crystal. “Adhere to my bow should be its fate.”

If someone has a Repair Kit, I’d like to Affix a Talisman (aka Potency Crystal) to her longbow.



”That is a hungry creature.”

”Yes, very dangerous.”

”All it wants is to eat whatever it has in front.”

”It will follow food anywhere.”


”Oww, but they are so shiny.”

”Oh, bring us those shinier things if you find them.”


Breachill lore:
It was a group of almost exclusively humans. There were no elves or dwarves in spite of its proximity to the Five Kings Mountains.

If Ardoinel doesn’t, I would assume Cerrus has a kit since he affixed his talisman.

Female Tiefling (Looks like a standard elf but short, has horns hidden by a head scarf) | HP 21/22 | AC 19 | Fort +4; Ref +10; Will +7 | Perc +7 | Starknife +8 1d4+4 Sneak Attack 1d6 Rogue 2

"So then we can help lure it out with food like we thought, and ensure it to peacefully wander away. I prefer that to harming the poor beast. We have killed enough things so far this day."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Elf Investigator 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +9 | Perception +9 (Low-light vision) | Prepared Spells: Divine Lance, Light | Investigations - Cinderclaws (how unleash Dahak), Slimy thing (what is it) | Conditions: That's Odd | ◆◇↺

Ellaeaanda nods in agreement with Resa while borrowing Cerrus’s tools to affix a crystal to her longbow. “A trail of food to freedom outside. Rations have I to spare. Shall we construct this path to liberty?”

To be clear, I’m suggesting creating a thin trail of food from B7 to B1, then west through the tunnel to the surface outside for the bear in B8. Since Ellaeaanda is the fastest, she could open the bear’s door, then run to B6 and close the door there.

Grand Archive

M Hafling(-ish) Alchemist (2) HP 26/26, AC 18/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, W +6/ Perception +6/ Initiative +0/ HL: 0/1/ VV: 1/5 / Hero Point 0/3/ IM 0/1

"Do you want me to make a repellent?" Netkin seems almost excited to.

Female Tiefling (Looks like a standard elf but short, has horns hidden by a head scarf) | HP 21/22 | AC 19 | Fort +4; Ref +10; Will +7 | Perc +7 | Starknife +8 1d4+4 Sneak Attack 1d6 Rogue 2

" The repellent may be useful if it tries to chance us, maybe after the door is opened, we use it so it doesn't follow us through the doors, just the easier meal out? Maybe even somehow figure out a way to close everything behind the bear as well, let him wander outside away."

Elf Investigator 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +9 | Perception +9 (Low-light vision) | Prepared Spells: Divine Lance, Light | Investigations - Cinderclaws (how unleash Dahak), Slimy thing (what is it) | Conditions: That's Odd | ◆◇↺

Ellaeaanda nods at Netkin’s suggestion, agreeing with Resa’s assessment. “Repel the bear away from the path it should follow.”

Grand Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Hafling(-ish) Alchemist (2) HP 26/26, AC 18/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, W +6/ Perception +6/ Initiative +0/ HL: 0/1/ VV: 1/5 / Hero Point 0/3/ IM 0/1

"Will do! I only need juuuust a couple of minutes... I've already given this some thought during the night!"

Invent! (Bear Repellent, Minor): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

Netkin goes to sit in a corner with his vials. You can hear him muttering to himself as he tinkers with Gods-know-what. It looks complicated. There are bubbles. At some point, he makes himself cough. A few seconds later, a cork plugs the vial with a 'pop', and the halfling returns with an apologetic smile.

"Sodium hypochlorite. Not very hard to do if you happen to have salt, and water, and - well, electricity, I guess. Not much harm to our noses, but to a bear..." He shivers. "Oooh, boy. He won't like that."

"There's only a bit. We don't want to turn him aggressive anyways."

It's technically 3 gps - I don't remember if we've collected some money already, and if we can use it?

Human Male Thaumaturge 2 | HP 26/28 | AC 19 | Fort +7 ; Ref +5 ; Will +5 | Perc +6 | ◆◇↺

"Sounds like a reasonable plan to me. I will wait in that room B6 to help Ellaeaanda close the door. Maybe everyone room should wait in the nearby room B9 and come running if there is trouble."

Elf Investigator 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +9 | Perception +9 (Low-light vision) | Prepared Spells: Divine Lance, Light | Investigations - Cinderclaws (how unleash Dahak), Slimy thing (what is it) | Conditions: That's Odd | ◆◇↺

“Gifted you are,” Ellaeaanda compliments the halfling, then nods in agreement with Cerrus. With the bear repellant ready, the elf sets to work, laying out a bit of her rations every twenty feet or so, leading from the door imprisoning the bear (B7), to the main corridor (B1), to the tunnel leading up to the surface, and for a hundred feet beyond. She suggests that Netkin place a bit of repellent in strategic places—a splash near the eastern end of the main corridor (B1), and dabs in all of the branching corridors, save the one the bear must pass through, to herd the creature in the right direction. Whatever repellent is left over she splashes over herself.

When everyone is ready, she releases the bear and quickly runs away to where (B6) Cerrus can help shut the door behind her.

”Ardoinel Oreflame” | Male Medium Aiuvarin Dwarf Magus 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 16 | F +7 R +3 W +5 | Perc +3 | Default Exploration ( ?????? ) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None
Alseta GM Delta Arena wrote:

”Oww, but they are so shiny.”

”Oh, bring us those shinier things if you find them.”

"That pile in the other room is your hoard, is it not?" Ardoinel asks. "I left some gold there for you, when it appeared you were not home."

He shakes his head sadly at Ellaeeanda's request.

"I unfortunately am currently between tools...I learned and practiced using my father's and had yet to purchase my own."

When they discuss the plan, he nods gravely.

"Be ready in case it gets too impatient and decides we're an easier meal than the trail we're leaving for it," he warns. He takes up position with Cerrus, sword and shield drawn, just in case.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

”Our thanks, son of Oreflame.”

”The mitey dragons will not forget your kindness.”

”Yes, our hoard must continue to grow.”

You each get 110xp for your diplomacy with the kobolds.

Netkin scribbles on his formula book for a while, scratching things out and writing new things. He looks for alternatives he either has with him, Cerrus is carrying or are available in the citadel. Of course, having access to his vials makes everything much easier. And there is no lack of abhorrent smells he can mix into them. Then, it’s just a matter of mixing the vial.

You do collectively have the money, I don’t know how much each of you wants to (retroactively) spend to cover for the invention cost.

Netkin, I have added the formula to your formula book. I have also counted one use of your versatile vials for you to make the repellent that Ellaeaanda uses. I think invent just creates the formula, not the item itself.

Once Ellaeaanda lays down the train of food, and everyone is in position, it is time to take down the barrier. The roaring and scratching can be heard from the other side of the barricade. Ellaeaanda pulls one of the logs holding the barricade, and the structure comes crashing down.

It takes no time before the door bursts open and a massive grizzly bear pounces out of the room.

It turns its head towards Ellaeaanda as she runs to the door. It begins to move towards her, before the smell of the repellant reaches it. It exhales as it turns and lowers its head.

Cerrus and Ardoinel close the door behind the seer.

The bear paces around for a moment, its nose saturated by the smell of the repellant, before it catches the scent of food. It leans lower towards the floor and starts tracking the trail. One by one it eats the morsels, slowly moving from one to the other. It leaves the room, then the thin hall, then the main hall. It follows the trail all the way through the secret entrance and out into the wilderness.

You each get 60 xp from the bear.

You each get a hero point as well for how well thought out the plan was.

Grand Archive

M Hafling(-ish) Alchemist (2) HP 26/26, AC 18/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, W +6/ Perception +6/ Initiative +0/ HL: 0/1/ VV: 1/5 / Hero Point 0/3/ IM 0/1

"It worked?!" Netkin beams at his teammates. "Well done, everyone! Didn't know the repellent would work so well... mmmh... must keep the formula for later..."

"Should we have a look into the room, now that it's empty?" He peeks inside. The bear made quite a mess. Definitely not an animal for indoor environments, he thinks absent-mindedly. Probably why it was never kept as a pet. Well, that and the appetite, of course.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

”Ardoinel Oreflame” | Male Medium Aiuvarin Dwarf Magus 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 16 | F +7 R +3 W +5 | Perc +3 | Default Exploration ( ?????? ) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None

Ardoinel releases a breath he didn't realize he was holding as he and Cerrus shut the door behind Ellaeaanda.

"May that noble beast enjoy a long life feasting on berries, grubs and salmon," he says reverently. Then he turns to the group. "Good work, everyone! Resa for coming up with the plan, Netkin for brewing the repellent and Ellaeeanda for artfully setting the whole thing in motion once it was set up."

Then he nods at Netkin, joining in looking about the bear's former prison.

"Yes, even among the bear's frustrated destruction, we might find something we can use."

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

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