GM ShadowLord's Quest for the Frozen Flame

Game Master The Rising Phoenix

Book Two: Lost Mammoth Valley
Battle Map

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TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

Part 1: Broken Tusk Moon

For nearly six generations, the Broken Tusks have ritually tracked mammoth herds across the expansive western territory of the Mammoth Lords' Realm. Upholding customs that date back to antiquity, they've mastered the skills needed to endure their unforgiving environment and preserve rituals ancient beyond reckoning.

However, times have changed. Summers are shorter, winters are extending, and food sources are dwindling. Despite these challenges, the Broken Tusks cling to their traditions, largely ignoring the shifting world around them. They have temporarily set up camp on the Gornok Plain, once lush and vibrant, for the spring thaw and to partake in the time-honored spring festival, the Night of the Green Moon. The community's wise elders, including the venerable Grandfather Eiwa, put on a courageous front, especially for the younger generation who are coming of age amid lingering demonic conflict.

As spring should herald a season of joy and rebirth, a palpable unease instead permeates the Broken Tusk encampment. The elders are obstinately sticking to their long-standing methods to address the ongoing scarcity of food. However, many among the younger generation argue that venturing into unknown territories may offer the best chance for the tribe's survival. With their leadership mired in indecisiveness, the mantle of hope rests on the shoulders of the Broken Tusks' newest scouting party. They carry the task of rekindling their community's dormant spirit of exploration, and perhaps, steering them into a new epoch of abundance.

"Radiant" | Female human exemplar 6 | HP 98/98| AC 24 | Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +12 | Perc +10 | Focus: 3/3 | Hero Point: 0/3

Despite the uneasiness of the camp, Valda emerges from her tent with a smile on her face. She closes her eyes and breathes deeply of the crisp air, feeling the power of her spark of divinity flowing through her body. Though clad in skimpy hides, the chill doesn't seem to bother her, and the crescent moon marking on her belly glows softly, seeming to enhance her already astonishing beauty.

Hearing movement behind her, Valda opens her eyes and turns to greet her fellow scouts...

NG male half-elf animist 6 HP 31 ( 25)/57 | AC 22 | F +10 R +12 W +14 | Perc +14 | 3: 2/2 S 2: 2/2 S 1: 2/2 S speed 25 ft | focus 1/3| Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

Hakata didn't sleep well last night. The mammoths were stomping and snorting since the sun went down, and there was a strange murmur on the wind.

As he poked the banked fire back to life, the embers muttered to him, Watch out! The spring brings change!

As usual, the voice from the fire was cryptic and not terribly helpful. IT did do a good job of heating his breakfast.

All in all, the dark-haired young herder was bleary eyed as he met up with Valda and the others to start the morning's new venture--a scouting mission.

Male HP 74, AC 23, F +13, R +12, W +10 Half-orc thaumaturge 6

Kadosh looks anxious as he sees Valda emerge from her tent. Had he seen a bird circle the tent three times? Or did it fly off before it completed its third circuit? It feels like something is coming, something of importance, something that could change his life or maybe the whole Following's.

He pulls out his collection of religious symbols, rubbing his fingers over them. Ng, lead us on the right path, he thinks. Sister Cinder, keep us safe and warm.

The half-orc turns his attention back to the material world, checking that his two axes are properly positioned -- blades in the right direction -- and that his various charms and talismans are secure in his pouches.

Female Demontouched Female Kellid God-Caller 6 - HP 86/86| AC 21 | F +12 R +11 W +13 | Perception +13 | Focus 0/2 |Hero Points 2 |

Veshka stomps out of her tent, layers of furs wrapped tightly around her. Her boots don't seem to fit well today, and she's scratching at a fresh bandage on her neck.

"Anything on the wind? Or will we be down in the dirt for spoor today?"

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

Wipa, the lead scout of the Broken Tusk and your current mentor, shuffles down the row of tents, taking roll call and ensuring everyone is prepared for the day's training. Her pregnancy has progressed to a point where she can't engage in combat, but she remains committed to grooming the young scouts for their duties—especially as her maternity leave draws near.

"Good morning, Valda. Hello, Hakata. Your blades look ready for action, Kadosh. Feeling confident, Veshka? Today, we're going on a hunt in preparation for the Night of the Green Moon," she says, nodding at each scout in turn.

Just then, another young scout named Pakano emerges from his tent nearby, sniffs the air twice, and grimaces. He sniffs a few more times before approaching Veshka and covering his nose dramatically. "We'll never be able to catch anything if critters can smell Veshka from a mile away!" he exclaims.

Wipa rolls her eyes, gives Pakano a light knock on the head, and says, "Good morning to you too, Pakano. Get ready to go."

She continues down the line to a tent from which no one has yet emerged. Tapping the canvas a few times, she clears her throat loudly and then raises her voice just enough to rouse anyone who might be inside. "Planning on joining us today, Strong Jaw?" she calls out, her tone tinged with authority and a hint of urgency.

"Radiant" | Female human exemplar 6 | HP 98/98| AC 24 | Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +12 | Perc +10 | Focus: 3/3 | Hero Point: 0/3

Valda glares at the haughty Pakano. ”They will not get within a mile of us, Pakano, because they will be able to smell you from two miles away!” she retorts.

Smirking, she turns back to Wipa, giving the head scout a respectful bow. ”We are ready to prove our worth to the following. You need only show us the way.”

NG male half-elf animist 6 HP 31 ( 25)/57 | AC 22 | F +10 R +12 W +14 | Perc +14 | 3: 2/2 S 2: 2/2 S 1: 2/2 S speed 25 ft | focus 1/3| Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

Hakata appears to ignore Pakano, but he whispers to Kadosh:

"Pakano's plan is to scare the prey to death with his ugly mug. As usual."

Male Goblin ◆◇↺ Witch [Beastmaster] 6 Hp 14/54 AC (T) 21 Fort(E) +12, Ref(E) +13, Will(E) +9 Perception(T) +7 Focus Points 3/3 Conditions

The noise coming from the goblin's (and White Rabbit's) tent seem to rival that of the Winter's storms! Clashing sounds of metallic instruments clang and bang from inside the tent.

Voices raised in Kellid seem to be demonstrating the range necessary to break glass.

Then silence.

A bit of what can be perceived as a pouty stomping of small(ish) feet coming toward the tents entrance.

Walking with a bit of a posture of a recently brow-beaten child, the goblin exits the tent. Wearing dark blue robes tightly wrapped around his only slightly less dark blue and furry skin, Strongjaw stomps in the direction of the group.

Following behind the goblin (a bit of a smugness on his white face), the White Rabbit smiles and waves at the gathered crowd.
Top of the morning everyone! Looks like a good day for scout duty!

Strongjaw is seem flipping him the bird.

Female Demontouched Female Kellid God-Caller 6 - HP 86/86| AC 21 | F +12 R +11 W +13 | Perception +13 | Focus 0/2 |Hero Points 2 |

Oh our boss is pregnant-pregnant

At first Veshka leans back slightly from Pakano in surprise, but her anger is quick to ignite. "Whine about the smell one more time if you want, Pakano, but who do you think I should feed your nose to after I cut it off your smirking face? Me? Catamoch? You?"

After a beat, she swallows hard, pushing her wrath down, glaring over her shoulder at Catamoch as he snorts in approval

"Just stay the hells away from me. Better for both of us."

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

With the scouting party assembled, Wipa declares "Come. We must leave now." before turning and setting off to the west.

Grandfather Eiwa’s request was clear: hunt down and bring back a meal worthy of the upcoming Night of the Green Moon. With the expert aid of head scout Wipa, tracking down a suitable beast should be easy.

As Wipa leads the group of scouts out of camp, her eyes scan the horizon, taking in the natural world around her. "Remember, everyone, today's hunt is about more than just bringing home dinner," she says, casting a glance over her shoulder at the group. "It's about the survival of the Following, and the sanctity of the Night of the Green Moon."

Pakano snorts, rolling his eyes. He turns and leans in to Hakata and whispers behind his hand "If we're talking survival, then maybe we should also discuss why the heaviest among us is leading the hunt." He winks at Hakata and sticks his belly out as far as he can, waddling in place and nudging Hakata all the while as he does his best to hide his laughter.

With the atmosphere tense and loaded, Wipa takes the lead, her staff lightly touching the ground with each step. Her pregnancy hasn't slowed her down much, and her eyes scan the horizon with a keen sense of awareness honed through years of experience. She leads the way through the dense forest, guiding her young scouts through the labyrinthine maze of trees, underbrush, and hidden pitfalls that could prove hazardous for the less experienced.

And then there's Pakano, swaggering with a veneer of confidence that does little to mask his deeply ingrained antagonism. He drifts from one scout to another, dishing out quips and digs designed to belittle and rile up his fellow inferior scouts.

To Veshka: "Try not to trip over those furs, eh? We're hunting, not attending a fashion show."

To Strong Jaw: "Nice of you to join us, Goblin. Left any curses in the camp we should know about?"

To Valda: "Glowing again? You're not going to scare the game away with that light show, are you?"

To Kadosh: "Rubbing your trinkets for good luck? You'll need more than luck to be of any use."

To Hakata: "Listening to the rocks and trees again, are you? Maybe they'll tell you how to actually be useful for a change."

NG male half-elf animist 6 HP 31 ( 25)/57 | AC 22 | F +10 R +12 W +14 | Perc +14 | 3: 2/2 S 2: 2/2 S 1: 2/2 S speed 25 ft | focus 1/3| Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

Hakata spends the walk trying to convince rocks to trip Pakano or sprain his ankle.

Male Goblin ◆◇↺ Witch [Beastmaster] 6 Hp 14/54 AC (T) 21 Fort(E) +12, Ref(E) +13, Will(E) +9 Perception(T) +7 Focus Points 3/3 Conditions

Strongjaw and the White Rabbit are seen hunched over a parchment
conspiratorially glancing at Pakano, drawing ropes, rocks, a cliff and what looks like a giant carrot....

Female Demontouched Female Kellid God-Caller 6 - HP 86/86| AC 21 | F +12 R +11 W +13 | Perception +13 | Focus 0/2 |Hero Points 2 |

"Yapping till all the game's run away won't help you hide your failings. Everyone already knows you're a useless, wretched slug of a man. If we come back emptyhanded, that's just your slime trail."

"Radiant" | Female human exemplar 6 | HP 98/98| AC 24 | Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +12 | Perc +10 | Focus: 3/3 | Hero Point: 0/3

Valda haughtily ignores Pakano's jibes. She will not let his jealousy deter her from the glory that awaits her! She moves confidently through the forest, eyes alert for signs of their prey.

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

Despite the snide comments, Wipa keeps her eyes forward, focusing on the mission. She doesn't reprimand Pakano; her focus is elsewhere. Finally, she halts, crouching to examine some tracks that lead through a clearing and into a dense thicket. "Moose," she announces, straightening up. "A large one, too. This will provide a feast fitting for the Night of the Green Moon."

With this newfound focus, the group's demeanor shifts subtly. Even Pakano is momentarily silenced by the gravity of the find. The previous banter, however irritating, now seems inconsequential compared to the task at hand.

Wipa’s eyes meet each of theirs in turn, her gaze locking onto them with an intensity that serves as both an instruction and an inspiration."We go in quietly," she instructs. "Pakano, lead with me. Your arrogance may irk us, but I've seen you track. Don't make me regret this. The rest of you, stay low, stay quiet, and keep your weapons ready. Tonight, we feast. Tomorrow, we celebrate. But for now, we hunt."

And with that, Wipa turns, following the moose tracks deeper into the forest. Beyond some thick foliage, the dim morning light outlines a lone bull moose nearly as big as a baby mammoth. The moose casts a wide shadow on the ridge to the north. The sound of trickling water from a stream to the west intermingles with that of the moose idly munching on the tender grass sprouting from the recently thawed tundra. Your hunting party lurks behind thick foliage, planning the right moment to strike. “This is our prey,” Wipa whispers. “We must not startle him. If we do, and he charges us, our only choice is to run.” Her solemn, quiet words are met with a snort from Pakano, a young Kellid hunter whose beautiful face perpetually bears an arrogant sneer. “Let’s just get him,” he growls. Wipa silences the youth with a wave of her hand. “This animal is our superior in strength, size, and speed,” she says calmly. “Before we strike, we must try to press our advantage.”

The party begins the encounter 40 feet from the moose. Wipa suggests you look around the area for ways to press their advantage first. She offers a few suggestions, detailed below. Each character can Stride up to their Speed and attempt a single check before the fight begins. On a failed check, there’s no effect; on a critical failure, the character takes a –2 circumstance penalty to their initiative roll at the beginning of combat.

Block escape routes (DC 12 Nature or Survival): The character places sharp branches on the moose’s likely paths.
Imitate cow moose (DC 13 Deception or Performance): The character makes noises like a cow moose in distress.
Rustle bushes (DC 14 Intimidation or Thievery): The character distracts the moose by throwing a rock.
Entreat the moose (DC 17 Diplomacy): A character with the wild empathy class feature can attempt a Diplomacy check to Make an Impression
on the animal.

"Radiant" | Female human exemplar 6 | HP 98/98| AC 24 | Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +12 | Perc +10 | Focus: 3/3 | Hero Point: 0/3

Valda grins as she unsheathes her Moonlight Blade. The greatsword sparkles with white light as she moves closer to the moose, scattering a few sharp branches to cut off its escape route.

Survival: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

NG male half-elf animist 6 HP 31 ( 25)/57 | AC 22 | F +10 R +12 W +14 | Perc +14 | 3: 2/2 S 2: 2/2 S 1: 2/2 S speed 25 ft | focus 1/3| Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

Once everyone is in position, Hakata carefully creates a distraction with a thrown rock.

Thievery: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Male Goblin ◆◇↺ Witch [Beastmaster] 6 Hp 14/54 AC (T) 21 Fort(E) +12, Ref(E) +13, Will(E) +9 Perception(T) +7 Focus Points 3/3 Conditions

Strongjaw and the White Rabbit begin complaining that they are hungry!
Moore! Wees bees in the distresses! Moooo!

Performance DC 13: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 6 + 1 = 19

The White Rabbit joins in!

Female Demontouched Female Kellid God-Caller 6 - HP 86/86| AC 21 | F +12 R +11 W +13 | Perception +13 | Focus 0/2 |Hero Points 2 |

Carefully flexing her throat muscles, Veshka makes a very distressing, but still fairly mooselike sound.

Deception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Male HP 74, AC 23, F +13, R +12, W +10 Half-orc thaumaturge 6

Kadosh looks anxious through the entire process, constantly gazing about for signs that this isn't all going to go terribly wrong. He certainly can hunt, but he prefers finding prey that others can't, and which can't fight back. It's simply safer. But if it's for the good of the Following, and to make sure the Night of the Green Moon goes well, he'll do what he has to.

Making sure his ax is out, he uses the haft to rustle bushes to distract the majestic beast. Three rustles exactly, a powerful number sure to bring the spirits' favor.

Intimidation (trained): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

With everyone in position, Hakata deftly tosses a rock into a thicket, momentarily diverting the moose's attention.

Valda's Moonlight Blade gleams as she approaches the beast, her eyes focused. She lays down a scattering of sharp branches behind the moose, cutting off its main avenue of escape.

Strongjaw and the White Rabbit let out simultaneous theatrical groans from their hidden positions.

Mimicking the sound of a distressed moose, Veshka flexes her throat and emits a moan that captures the animal's curiosity.

Kadosh, his nerves apparent, scans the surroundings warily. Although he prefers less dangerous prey, he's committed to the cause. Grasping the haft of his axe, he gives three calculated rustles to the bushes, invoking the spiritual power of the number.

Satisfied with their work, Wipa flashes a broad smile, pleased with their coordination and skill. Heavily pregnant, she signals the group to advance as she moves to a safe vantage point.

Ignoring her cautionary stance, Pakano bellows, "Finally!" and dashes recklessly toward the moose, spear at the ready. Wipa's shout of "Pakano, NO! You have to—" is drowned out by his battle cry.

Recognizing it's cornered, the moose turns to defend itself just as Pakano lunges at it from behind. Pakano's spear thrusts forward but misses the moose, grazing only air. Before he can recover, the moose counterattacks with a mighty kick of its hind legs, sending Pakano hurtling through the air. He lands with a thud, motionless on the forest floor.

If you didn't stride in your previous setup action, you are 40' from the moose which is currently clumsy 1 and flat-footed to all for 3 rounds. You are all concealed for 2 rounds. Party is up, make Wipa proud!

"Radiant" | Female human exemplar 6 | HP 98/98| AC 24 | Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +12 | Perc +10 | Focus: 3/3 | Hero Point: 0/3

Immanence starts in weapon ikon, granting this ability: Your weapon ikon deals 2 additional spirit damage per weapon damage die to creatures it Strikes.

Valda can’t help but laugh as Pakano flies through the air. ”Idiot! Now, let’s show Wipa how it is done!” she calls to her companions. She rushes forward and attacks twice faster than the eye can track! As blood flies, the glow from the sword travels to the mark of the moon on her belly.

Mirrored Spirit Strike: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 221d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Damage: 2d12 + 12 ⇒ (2, 11) + 12 = 25

Mirrored Spirit Strike [two-actions] (spirit) Make two Strikes with your weapon ikon, each using your current multiple attack penalty. Both Strikes must have the same target. If the Strikes are made with a weapon that doesn’t have the agile trait, the second Strike takes a –2 penalty. If both attacks hit, you combine their damage, which is all dealt as spirit damage. You add any precision damage only once. Combine the damage from both Strikes and apply resistances and weaknesses only once. This counts as two attacks when calculating your multiple attack penalty.

Afterwards, my immanence is ejected from my weapon ikon and into my body ikon. This ability is now active: Your beauty becomes supernaturally enhanced, distracting foes and imposing a –1 circumstance penalty to melee attack rolls against you.

Female Demontouched Female Kellid God-Caller 6 - HP 86/86| AC 21 | F +12 R +11 W +13 | Perception +13 | Focus 0/2 |Hero Points 2 |

Veshka crackles with rage, lightning stolen from the fallen Storm King lashes out towards the moose, impacting it just as Catamoch finishes his charge!

Electric Arc: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 DC 17 Basic Ref

Male Demonic Sarkorin Boar God 6 - AC 22 | F +13 R +10 W +9 | Perception +9

The boar god strikes with a crack of bone on bone that echoes like the thunder of Veshka's wrath!

Tusky Charge: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Piercing: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Male Goblin ◆◇↺ Witch [Beastmaster] 6 Hp 14/54 AC (T) 21 Fort(E) +12, Ref(E) +13, Will(E) +9 Perception(T) +7 Focus Points 3/3 Conditions

Strongjaw and the White Rabbit watch in unsurpassed glee at the pummeling that Pakano takes from the frightened moose! The White Rabbit is seen paying the goblin some coin.
Yup! That is what I bet! Less than 6 seconds!

The giggling Goblin then begins to speak words of power, causing a deluge of water to Cascade down on the prone idiot.
Rousing Splash
Temp hp: 1d4 ⇒ 3

The Witch then cast Guidance on him just in case.

NG male half-elf animist 6 HP 31 ( 25)/57 | AC 22 | F +10 R +12 W +14 | Perc +14 | 3: 2/2 S 2: 2/2 S 1: 2/2 S speed 25 ft | focus 1/3| Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

Hakata draws on the spirits of battle that are never far from him and unleashes two shots at the moose.

Cast [i]embodiment of battle, strike, strike
shortbow: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 1 = 8 for piercing: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
shortbow: 1d20 + 6 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (14) + 6 + 1 - 5 = 16 for piercing: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Male HP 74, AC 23, F +13, R +12, W +10 Half-orc thaumaturge 6


HP 18/18
AC 17
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +5
Hero points: 1

Kadosh sizes up the moose, sensing its spirit and what might most harm it. He launches his hatchet -- and watches the ax go flying by the moose. He winces at the awful showing, but maybe nobody will notice.

Exploit Vulnerability, Stride (15 feet away), Strike
Lore (esoteric) (trained): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Hatchet: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Reaction to Ring Bell: If the moose makes a Strike, you create a strangely discordant harmony that sinks into your foe's mind and throws its movements off. The target must succeed at a Will save against your class DC or become enfeebled 1 until the end of your next turn (enfeebled 2 on a critical failure).

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

Valda chuckles as Pakano is sent sprawling through the air. Wasting no time, she lunges forward, her sword strikes so swift they're nearly invisible. Blood spatters in the air, and the radiant glow from her Moonlight Blade flows into the crescent moon mark on her abdomen.

Electricity surges through Veshka as she channels her fury into a bolt of lightning. It strikes the moose just as Catamoch completes his charging assault, the combined attacks delivering a devastating blow.

Strongjaw and the White Rabbit can't contain their delight at Pakano's misfortune, their laughter echoing through the trees. Composing himself, the Goblin begins to chant, summoning a cascade of water that rains down on the fallen Pakano, jolting him back to consciousness.

Hakata, ever attuned to the spirits that guide him in battle, nocks an arrow and fires two quick shots at the moose. The first arrow flies wide, but the second finds its mark, piercing the animal and bringing it down to the ground, ending the hunt.

Pakano groans, climbing to his hands and knees. Seeing the fallen moose, he quickly jabs his spear into it and gets it bloody. Pulling the spear out as he climbs to his feet, he says "Guess its a good thing I took it's attention. My plan worked and I made you all look good. You are all welcome to thank me now."

R: 1d20 ⇒ 2

Male Goblin ◆◇↺ Witch [Beastmaster] 6 Hp 14/54 AC (T) 21 Fort(E) +12, Ref(E) +13, Will(E) +9 Perception(T) +7 Focus Points 3/3 Conditions

Both Strongjaw and the White Rabbit look incredulously at the wet behind the ears then at each other.
Say what, now?

NG male half-elf animist 6 HP 31 ( 25)/57 | AC 22 | F +10 R +12 W +14 | Perc +14 | 3: 2/2 S 2: 2/2 S 1: 2/2 S speed 25 ft | focus 1/3| Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

"He said he'd like to carry his trophy back to camp." Hakana looks around for his stray arrow. "Good luck, looks pretty heavy."

Female Demontouched Female Kellid God-Caller 6 - HP 86/86| AC 21 | F +12 R +11 W +13 | Perception +13 | Focus 0/2 |Hero Points 2 |

Catamoch immediately moves to the moose's guts, but before it can make a mess of their kill Veshka whistles. She slices a quick shallow cut across the outside of her forearm and squeezes out a little bit of blood to tempt the demon.

"You did well Catamoch, but your reward is here."

Male Demonic Sarkorin Boar God 6 - AC 22 | F +13 R +10 W +9 | Perception +9

Catamoch eyes Pakano for a moment, trying to decide if he houses the blood Veshka would prefer to sacrifice, then trots over to his Caller. His tongue is longer than a mortal boar's, raspy like a cat's. The blood is soon gone.

"Radiant" | Female human exemplar 6 | HP 98/98| AC 24 | Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +12 | Perc +10 | Focus: 3/3 | Hero Point: 0/3

Valda lets out a hearty laugh. "Oh, Pakano! I don't need your help! I always look good!" She laughs again, tossing her hair and striking a triumphant pose. The laurel of flowers on her head gleams.

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

Once the moose collapses, its final breath escaping in a forlorn sigh, Wipa, despite her heavily pregnant state, steps forward to take command of the next crucial phase: the butchering.

"Gather around," she calls out, her voice authoritative yet tinged with gratitude for the life that has been sacrificed for their survival. "This is as important as the hunt itself. We cannot waste any part of this animal; it would be disrespectful to its spirit and impractical for our needs."

Wipa assigns each scout a specific task. Valda, with her Moonlight Blade still glowing softly, is given the responsibility of making the first incision to remove the hide. "Be careful; a clean cut ensures that the hide will serve us well in the days to come," Wipa advises.

Pakano, still nursing his bruised ego and body after being kicked by the moose, is put in charge of removing the antlers. "The antlers are valuable; they can be used for tools, weapons, or as a ceremonial piece," Wipa says, eyeing him sternly to emphasize the seriousness of the task.

Veshka and Catamoch work together to remove the organs, carefully setting aside those that can be consumed or used in rituals. "The heart, liver, and kidneys are rich in nutrients," Wipa instructs, "and some organs have medicinal properties. We honor the moose by utilizing every part."

Strongjaw and the White Rabbit are teamed up to handle the less glamorous task of collecting the blood. With an assortment of bowls and jars, they work diligently, giggling occasionally. "The blood can be used in cooking, and also as a base for certain dyes and paints," Wipa reminds them.

Hakata, his quiet demeanor belying a deep respect for the animal and the spirits that guided them, takes on the intricate task of segmenting the skeleton. Wipa guides him in identifying which bones can be used for what purpose, whether it's crafting weapons, making tools, or for ceremonial use. "The bones are a source of nutrition and can also be ground into a powder for various uses," Wipa says.

Kadosh, visibly relieved that the hunt went smoothly, helps in carving out the meat, his ax making quick work of the muscle and tissue. "This meat could feed us for weeks," says Wipa. "It's crucial we preserve it properly for the Night of the Green Moon celebration and the days that follow."

The butchering takes several grueling hours, each scout absorbed in their assigned task. By the end, they are tired but also filled with a sense of accomplishment and reverence for the cycle of life and death that sustains them.

It's nearly noon by the time they've wrapped the meat, bones, hide, and organs in bundles for transport. "Well done, everyone," Wipa praises, a warm smile spreading across her face as she looks over the fruits of their labor. "Now, let's head back to camp."

And with that, the scouts hoist their bundles onto their shoulders, and make their way back to their camp, united in the shared success of their hunt, except for Pakano, who continues to reimagine his part in the hunt with each passing hour.

For spending time with Wipa learning how to butcher the moose, all characters gain All of the Animal skill feat for free.

NG male half-elf animist 6 HP 31 ( 25)/57 | AC 22 | F +10 R +12 W +14 | Perc +14 | 3: 2/2 S 2: 2/2 S 1: 2/2 S speed 25 ft | focus 1/3| Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

Oh, neat!

Hakata is happy with his task. There's no hint of angry animal spirits about, with the respectful way the carcass is being handled.

"Radiant" | Female human exemplar 6 | HP 98/98| AC 24 | Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +12 | Perc +10 | Focus: 3/3 | Hero Point: 0/3

Valda takes Wipa's lessons to heart. She carefully cuts the moose's hide free, then watches as the other scouts perform their tasks. When the time comes to return to camp, she easily hoists her bundle and carries it seemingly effortlessly.

Male Goblin ◆◇↺ Witch [Beastmaster] 6 Hp 14/54 AC (T) 21 Fort(E) +12, Ref(E) +13, Will(E) +9 Perception(T) +7 Focus Points 3/3 Conditions

Strongjaw and the White Rabbit are seen eating the left overs.
Sums goods eatings!

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

The morning after the moose hunt is crisp and cool. The Broken Tusk camp bustles with activity as followers separate into discrete groups. Some start small fires to prepare food, including stewed moose if the scouts brought back meat yesterday. Others depart to collect spring herbs, hunt small game, or forage root vegetables nearby. Nearly everyone chatters excitedly about the upcoming Green Moon ceremony. While everyone else goes about their business, Grandfather Eiwa and Letsua approach you. The elders ask the scouts to perform a series of tasks to help prepare for the Night of the Green Moon.

Grandfather Eiwa is the first to speak, his voice like gravel tumbling down a tall hill. "Young ones. Wipa says good things about your scout training. Said you might make good Mammoth Lords someday, ha! Let us hope so." He smiles broadly, and his weathered face crinkles like parched earth. “The Green Moon rises three nights from tonight, and its light will mark you as true Broken Tusks. But there are still many things that must be done if we’re to be ready for the ceremony.”

“Three things, exactly,” trills Letsua. He steps forward, even taller than Eiwa. “First, the ritual site at Rockloom must be scouted, cleared, and secured before the Green Moon ceremony. Second, we need you to carry fragile ceremonial vessels and fill them with water from the Gornok River. Third, there are some tapirs nearby which we seek to add to our herd; capturing them would go a long way toward your training.”

After being instructed on your tasks, your group asks the elders some questions about them:

"What’s Rockloom?" a scout asks. “It is an ancient place of animal spirits,” Eiwa explains patiently. “We have observed the Green Moon from Rockloom for many generations, since before the Breaking of Tusks—since before we were who we are. Go there, and you will understand why we call it Rockloom.”

"Why are we adding the tapirs to our herd? Pakano complains. Letsua explains, “The tapirs will alert our mammoths to potential predators at watering holes. At the sight of water, tapirs rush ahead, whereas mammoths lumber toward it slowly. If something in the water attacks the tapirs, then we can redirect the mammoths before they panic or, worse, stampede.” He speaks soberly and matter-of-factly, adding, “Tapirs are plentiful. Mammoths are not. Broken Tusks are not. To ensure the survival of our following, we must protect the mammoths. The tapirs’ sacrifice is a noble one, and we are grateful to them.”

"What if we fail to complete our tasks?" someone says. “You won’t,” Eiwa assures the party. “My ancestors still whisper in my ears, and they have promised me you are capable. This is why I chose you, specifically, to do these things.”

"Can anyone help us complete these tasks?" Someone else asks again. “Wipa is too far along with child to accompany you,” says Letsua, “but others will assist you. We have asked Pakano to help carry water from the Gornok River. Imek, our talented young herder, will help you with the tapirs. As for Rockloom, it is an important place—we think it is best you see it by yourselves.”

NG male half-elf animist 6 HP 31 ( 25)/57 | AC 22 | F +10 R +12 W +14 | Perc +14 | 3: 2/2 S 2: 2/2 S 1: 2/2 S speed 25 ft | focus 1/3| Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

Hakata nods quietly at the instructions. He'd be happy to complete any of the tasks.

"Radiant" | Female human exemplar 6 | HP 98/98| AC 24 | Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +12 | Perc +10 | Focus: 3/3 | Hero Point: 0/3

Valda grins at the praise from the elders. Once the three tasks are outline, she thumps her hand against her chest. "We will complete these tasks, grandfathers. You can count on us!"

She looks at her fellow scouts. "Where should we begin?"

Male HP 74, AC 23, F +13, R +12, W +10 Half-orc thaumaturge 6

Kadosh nods seriously. While gathering tapirs is not something he's done before, the cermonial nature of the other tasks appeals to him. But that needs attention and concentration. He glances around to make sure there are no signs indicating otherwise, and then speaks

"We should collect the tapirs first. Otherwise we may be distracted by thinking about them during the ceremonial tasks," he suggests.

NG male half-elf animist 6 HP 31 ( 25)/57 | AC 22 | F +10 R +12 W +14 | Perc +14 | 3: 2/2 S 2: 2/2 S 1: 2/2 S speed 25 ft | focus 1/3| Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

Hakata grins at the suggestion. "It's good to think of the herd. People forget that it's such an important part of the following."

"Radiant" | Female human exemplar 6 | HP 98/98| AC 24 | Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +12 | Perc +10 | Focus: 3/3 | Hero Point: 0/3

”Alright. Let us tame those tapirs!” Valda declares, pointing boldly to the horizon! ”Imek will guide us.”

Female Demontouched Female Kellid God-Caller 6 - HP 86/86| AC 21 | F +12 R +11 W +13 | Perception +13 | Focus 0/2 |Hero Points 2 |

Veshka nods curtly. "As long as it keeps us away from Pakano for a time."

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

As the scouts gather on the edge of the Broken Tusk encampment, Imek approaches with a spring in her step. She's small and slight, but her eyes burn with a ferocity that belies her stature. "Ready to find some tapirs?" she asks, brimming with enthusiasm.

Once the party sets off, Imek's excitement is palpable. As the young herder leads the way through the forest, she doesn't waste a moment before diving into detailed narratives about the tribe's mammoth herd.

"Well to start, there is Big Tusk," she starts, "our alpha male. He's a bit gruff but really just a big softie once you get to know him. Oh, and there's Shara! She’s very playful—always likes to chase the snowflakes during the first snow of the year."

Her voice is relentless, an unbroken stream of anecdotes, facts, and observations. For Imek, each animal is an individual with a distinct personality, and she seems to remember every single interaction she's ever had with them.

"And then there's Grizzle, the old matriarch," she continues, as the scouts trudge along, their feet crunching through the underbrush. "She’s been through twenty winters! She's seen things that would make your skin crawl, but she's wise and protects the younger ones. Oh! Speaking of young ones, did you know that mammoths are incredibly attentive parents?"

Imek seems entirely unaware that her exhaustive monologue might be wearing on her companions. Yet, between the tangles of her endless chatter, there are nuggets of true wisdom: how to approach a nervous animal, the signs that an animal is ready to charge, or how certain plants can be used to treat common ailments in the herd.

Finally, the forest opens up to reveal a small grove, home to a group of tapirs grazing peacefully. Imek lowers her voice but not her enthusiasm. "They should just be through there. Now remember, tapirs are naturally curious but can be skittish. You'll need to approach carefully. The best way is to make sure they can see you and smell you before you get too close. No sudden movements. And it’s always good to bring some fruit as an offering; they love berries."

Buried within Imek’s endless stories are nuggets of actual wisdom. A character who makes a genuine effort to listen can attempt a DC 15 Will save. On a success, the character gleans the complex moral lessons of the young herder’s tales; with a sudden burst of realization, the character immediately learns the Tame Animal skill feat as a free bonus feat without needing to take it as a skill feat. On a failed save, however, the character only becomes fatigued by the effort to keep up with the enthusiastic child’s ceaseless ramblings. Characters who fail (or don’t attempt) to grasp Imek’s stories can still choose the Tame Animal feat, but they must wait until the next time they gain a skill feat to select it, and they must choose it as their skill feat for that level, as usual.

Having imparted all the knowledge she can during the time allowed, she heads back to camp to continue her preparation and leave you to the task at hand.

"Radiant" | Female human exemplar 6 | HP 98/98| AC 24 | Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +12 | Perc +10 | Focus: 3/3 | Hero Point: 0/3

Will: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

Valda listens attentively, gleaning the lessons from Imek’s stories. She will tame these tapirs! And more animals after that. Her menagerie will add to her legend!

Male HP 74, AC 23, F +13, R +12, W +10 Half-orc thaumaturge 6

Will (expert): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12 Going to Hero Point that
Will (expert): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Kadosh finds himself distracted at first, his mind drifting to the upcoming ceremonies they'll have to perform properly so they don't bring doom upon the following. But he snaps back to attention quickly, knowing that there could be something important in the young herder's words. Does a mammoth trumpet in the distance to emphasize one of his points? Does a butterfly wing past on its way south, bringing Desna's favor with it?

Female Demontouched Female Kellid God-Caller 6 - HP 86/86| AC 21 | F +12 R +11 W +13 | Perception +13 | Focus 0/2 |Hero Points 2 |

Will: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Heroic Will: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

Veshka grits her teeth through Imek's incessant chatter, but the pulse of grim amusement from Catamoch pushes her to focus harder.

"Are there berries near here?"

NG male half-elf animist 6 HP 31 ( 25)/57 | AC 22 | F +10 R +12 W +14 | Perc +14 | 3: 2/2 S 2: 2/2 S 1: 2/2 S speed 25 ft | focus 1/3| Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

Hakata is pretty used to Imek's enthusiasm; usually, it's a nice compliment to his stoic nature. He listens to her chatter.

Will: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
Hero Point (Will): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

Whomp, whomp.

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