Dimensional Dervish and Thrown Weapons

Rules Questions

Assuming your high enough level to make use of the Dimensional Dervish feat line, and your using a weapon able to be thrown, can you catch said thrown weapon in the same round you toss it?

What rolls would be required to do so, if any?

If yes, can you continue to throw, and catch the weapon as needed, until you run out of movement or no long need to Dimension Door?

This question is inspired by Final Fantasy XV, Kingsglaive movie, and the members of the Kingsglaive.

Liberty's Edge

There are no rules for abilities specifically intended to do this.

That said, you could probably make something work with Ricochet Toss or Snatch Arrows.

Technically no. Dimensional Dervish alone wont let you do this. If you pick up Ricochet Toss though, it should work.

Invest in a Blinkback Belt. The weapon will teleport back to your belt instantly after the attack is resolved.

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