About Zsófia Dobós10 Minute Background:
Step 1 (Write 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile...whatever you need to get an image in your mind. 5 is just a minimum...more elements are encouraged!)
Step 2 (List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.)
Step 3 (List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that center around your character. I will also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect some surprises!)
Step 4 (Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. If you like, you can include an enemy of yours here as well, so I have an instant NPC nemesis to throw at you.)
Step 5 (Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.)
Zsófia grew up in what she always thought was a special school for gifted and talented girls in Restov. Her guardian, Sister Hannah, was a priestess of Shelyn, and she looked after Zsófia and twenty others in her tiny temple, all of them children of minor nobles or wealthy burghers. Zsófia had no idea who her mother was, but she did see her father from time to time as he stopped in to visit her while on his travels. He was a ship captain in the north, and he was always bringing her exquisitely-made presents that he acquired while working his trade. She thought she heard the Sister Hannah say once that her mother was from Taldor, so she always imagines her as a beautiful princess with purple eyes and blond hair.
Perhaps her favorite gift she ever received from her father was an intricately carved wooden sword that was shaped like the dueling swords of the Aldori swordlords. She played with it for her whole childhood, until it almost became an extension of her arm. The temple school had a strong artistic bent, and Zsófia incorporated the sword into everything she did: when she danced she waved it and clacked it against the floor, and when she sang she punctuated her words with it like a conductor's baton. Her father was impressed when next he visited; his eyes glimmered and Zsófia was so proud. When she was sixteen years old, he brought her an actual dueling sword, a true work of art, and cautioned her on the importance of her practicing with it, so that nothing she did while holding was ever an accident. She was growing into the perfect young noblewoman, he said: accomplished at culture and grace, but also agile and sharp, and this sword was all of these things. She must become the sword, and let the sword represent her. With great dedication she devoted herself to this task, anxious to please her father again. Soon Zsófia came of age, and her father asked her what she wanted to do. He had put aside money for her, and she could do whatever she wanted with it. He would buy her a house in the city if she wanted to practice a trade, or she could travel. Timidly, she asked if she could come join his ship's crew and learn to be a sailor, and he frowned. She quickly changed the subject and suggested that she would like to study at the Aldori academy instead, if she was good enough to gain admission. This also surprised him, but he enthusiastically smiled. Zsófia applied immediately to join the school of the great Aldori swordlords, and while she waited to be called she joined a smaller dueling school-- more of a club, really-- to perfect her art. It was run by a rebellious young street bravo named Moldov, who believed that to win a duel one had to employ unorthodox methods, methods that traditional duelists did not like. As the only woman in their dueling circle, Zsófia received a lot of notice, and found she liked embarrassing hotheaded proud young men who underestimated her abilities. And like she did when she was young, she developed her own style of fighting, where she would dance while she fought, and she found that there was a kind of divine magic in her steps, almost like a prayer. Each day she would stop by the academy and ask about the status of her application, but for some reason the porters always put her off. Zsófia was not used to being ignored; she had a loud voice and specifically dressed flamboyantly to gain attention, after all. Yet for more than a year she could not get an audience, and finally she complained to her father in a letter. The next time he visited, he had bought her a title. She was now a baroness of a small estate somewhere in the Stolen Lands, willed to her by a Brevic noble family that had died without issue. If "Zsófia" was unpalatable to the swordlords, "Lady Zsófia" did no better. It seemed the Aldori family did not want to teach her for some reason. Hurt and angry, the new baroness threw herself into her dueling club with renewed vigor, and decided to embrace the term "bravo." She commissioned a specially-tailored dueling costume, with a plumed hat, long cape, and ruffled sleeves. Her reputation spread quickly, especially her hatred for Aldori swordlords, with whom she was especially brutal when dueling, cutting as deeply with her words as her blade. They began to call her "Prima Sophia," like Prima Donna, and joked that she was the queen of the bravos. Eventually she grew bored with the Restov dueling scene, and became curious about her estate. She decided to prepare for an expedition into the Stolen Lands to visit and take possession of her lands, and learned that the king was sponsoring expeditions into the wilderness to combat the bandits. She hired teachers to go over with her some of the skills she would need to travel in the wild, and she purchased equipment she would need to make the journey. Finally she wrote to her father to let him know her plans, so that he could come to say goodbye. When he arrived, he said that he thought she was old enough to hear the truth. He was not just a simple ship's captain, but in fact an infamous pirate. And that wasn't all, he was also the final descendant of the noble line that claimed title to all of the Stolen Lands, not just a small estate within them as he had said before. Because of her father's illegal activities, his good friend King Surtova had been forced to place a bounty on his head and could not acknowledge his title-- but certainly his daughter Zsófia Dobós would be able to claim the kingdom in her own name. With documents proving her lineage, Zsófia made her way to New Stetven and an audience with the king. She charmed the herald into announcing her to the court as "Prima Zsófia Dobós," and to her great delight it was clear from the whispers and raised voices that the Swordlords in attendance knew who she was. The king proposed that he could affirm her ancestral claim to lands in the River Kingdoms, but that since large parts of the territory were now under the authority of an independent duchy called Greenwatch, she would have to make her overtures to them. Prima Dobós agreed. It was whispered in the court that King Surtova was pleased to be able to send a representative to the new kingdom who did not owe her allegiance to the Swordlords, and that they had an understanding that would help assuage the king's doubts that Greenwatch was only an ally to Rostland, not Brevoy as a whole. Armed with her royal blessing, Zsófia has arranged to join a company of soldiers and foreign mercenaries hired by Greenwatch to investigate the threat of a massing army near Tazlford. Once her service is completed, her plan is to arrive in Elkwatch and offer her assistance to the Greenwatch High Council. Once she has proven herself capable and trustworthy she intends to then breach the matter of her title and holdings. If, while she is helping the council, she can get a sense of the layout and culture of the new kingdom and especially her barony (the Narlmarches, as it is apparently called) and its seat at Candlemere, so much the better. The more she knows about these lands she intends to make-- at least in part-- her own, the stronger her claim upon them will be. Description:
Zsófia looks to be in her late twenties, still young for a human, with blonde hair dyed red and blue sticking out below her wide-brimmed plumed hat. She wears a luxurious blue cape, weighted at the base, over exquisitely-made leather armor and boots, both laced with blue ribbons. At her hip is a finely-crafted Aldori dueling sword with an oversized hilt. She has a rich, high and cultured voice, and wears pleasant-smelling rose perfume. She looks fit and perfectly at ease in her surroundings, buzzing with wiry and gleeful prowess. Personality:
Zsófia is ambitious, curious, flamboyant, and rebelliously proud. She is generally kind and merciful, though she does find it fun to embarrass people who underestimate or oppose her. She believes the Stolen Lands are hers by birthright, and she will show everyone that disagrees that she is worthy. She is usually high-spirited and optimistic, and not very sneaky. She often sings while she travels and also while she fights. Because of her upbringing she is surprisingly pious, and she honors Shelyn with prayers before meals and before bed. She loves jokes and witty humor, and especially loves mocking her enemies. Angelic Vessel Template (from wish):
“Angelic Vessel” is an acquired template that can be added to any living non-evil creature that does not have the outsider or undead type. Additionally, the creature must agree of their own free will to the angelic possession of its body (hereafter referred to as the base creature). The creature retains all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Challenge Rating: CR +1 (Dapsara) Alignment: Any non-evil. Type: A dapsaran angelic vessel gains the good subtype. Armor Class: An angelic vessel gains a deflection bonus to its AC equal to its Charisma bonus (minimum +0). Defensive Abilities: An angelic vessel gains a +4 sacred bonus on saves vs. poison and petrification; acid and cold resistance 20, DR 5/evil; and a spell resistance equal to 11 + the base creature's total HD. Weaknesses: An angelic vessel gains the following weakness. Spell Vulnerability (Ex)
Attacks: An angelic vessel has the weapon proficiencies of both the base creature and the angel (angels are usually proficient with all simple and martial weapons). Special Attacks: An angelic vessel gains the following special attacks. Dying Burst (Su)
Sacred Attacks (Su)
Sacred Smite (Su)
Spell-like Abilities: A dapsaran angelic vessel gains detect evil as a spell-like ability usable at will. Additionally, an angelic vessel gains further spell-like abilities, depending on the kind of angel inhabiting it. The creature uses its total Hit Dice or caster level, whichever is higher, as the caster level for its spell-like abilities. Save DCs are based on the vessel's Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma, whichever is highest. Dapsaran angelic vessels receive remove fear, usable 3/day, and gallant inspiration, usable 1/day. Abilities: An angelic vessel gains the mental ability scores (Int, Wis, and Cha) of the inhabiting angel if it is greater than the base creature's scores. Skills: An angelic vessel does not gain additional skill points from the application of this template but does possess all racial skill bonuses of both the base creature and the angel. Additionally, the vessel gains the number of ranks the angel has in its Craft and Knowledge skills as a competence bonus to those same skills. Any Knowledge or Craft skills that are class skills for the angel are also class skills for the vessel and can be used untrained by the vessel. Feats: An angelic vessel gains all of the angel's non-combat feats (including weapon and armor proficiencies) including those granted by any classes the angel possesses as bonus feats if the vessel satisfies the feat's prerequisites (if any). This includes those that grant bonuses to saves, but does not include feats that improve physical ability scores (Str, Dex, and Con) or hit points (such as Toughness). Languages: An angelic vessel can speak all of the languages known by both the base creature and angel and gains the truespeech ability. Special Qualities: An angelic vessel gains the following. Angelic Inhabitation (Su)
Type: Humanoid (good, human) Race: Human Alignment: Neutral Good Classes: Swashbuckler (Rostland Bravo) 5 / Devoted Muse 3 Abilities: Str 8 (-1), Dex 17+2[race]+2[enhancement]+2[boon]+1[level 4]+1[level 8] (+7), Con 14 (+2), Int 13 (+1), Wis 10+5[15 from template]* (+2), Cha 18+2[race] (+5) HP: 74 (7d10[10+6+2+10+7+7+7+9]+16) AC: 31** (+4 armor, +7 Dex, +5 deflection, +5 dodge; Dueling Cloak Adept: +1 dodge when feinting, Mobility: +4 dodge vs attacks of opportunity when moving)
Initiative: +8* (+7 Dex, +1 item; *swashbuckler initiative: +2 with 1+ panache) Move: 30' (light armor) Fortitude +4* (+4 sacred vs poison/petrification, from template)
Damage Reduction: 5/evil
BAB: +8 Weapons:
Race: Dual Talent, Eye for Talent [boon], +5 skill (swashbuckler) Traits: Birthmark (+2 vs charm/compulsion), Dueling Cloak Adept (+2 feint, +1 dodge AC when feinting), Inner Beauty (+4 Bluff/Craft/Diplomacy/Perform 1/day), Memorable [boon] (Diplomacy and Intimidate last 1.5x as long, fear and mind-affecting effects at least 2r duration last +1r), Pride (drawback), Sword Scion (+1 attack and CMB with Aldori dueling sword) Swashbuckler (Rostland Bravo) 5: deeds (Opportune Parry and Riposte: spend 1 panache and opportunity to parry, with 1+ panache can immediate action attack; Vengeful Heart: samurai's resolve [1+level/2]/day), panache (CHA), swashbuckler finesse (gain Weapon Focus with Aldori dueling sword, use Cha instead of Int for combat feat prereqs); charmed life 3/day (immediate action add +3 CHA to save before roll); deeds (Hilt Hammer: half damage from Precise Strike instead of precision damage; Inevitable Victory: spend 1 panache for Dazzling Display with Aldori dueling sword; Precise Strike: 1+ panache add level to damage, swift spend 1 panache to double precise strike damage on next attack; Swashbuckler Initiative: 1+ panache +2 Initiative), nimble (+1 dodge); swashbuckler weapon training +1 (Improved Critical) Devoted Muse 3: artful defense +3, deeds (Derring-Do: 1 panache to add exploding 1d6 to athletic abilities; Dodging Panache: immediate action 1 panache to move 5' and +4 CHA dodge), panache; artistic flourish (Distracted), deeds (Dodging Dance: 1 panache to move half speed as move, can evade opportunity attacks with Acrobatics, can make opportunity attacks if they miss; Sweeping Wind Feint: 1 panache to feint as swift), harmonious strike (Circling Strike, Deadly Strike); deeds (Kip-Up: can stand from prone as move with 1 panache, or as swift for 1 panache), feinting feat Feats: Slashing Grace [heavy blades] (level 1), Weapon Focus* [heavy blades] (swashbuckler 1), Weapon Proficiency* [heavy blades] (swashbuckler 1); Dazzling Display* (swashbuckler 3), Deft Maneuvers (level 3); Combat Reflexes* (swashbuckler 4); Dodge (level 5); Leadership (level 7); Iron Will* (from template); Greater Feint* (Devoted Muse 3) Skills: Acrobatics 3+10**, Bluff 8+11**, Climb 1+2**, Diplomacy 3+11**, Escape Artist 3+10**, Intimidate 7+11, Knowledge (history) 3+10* (+5 competence from template), Knowledge (local) 3+5, Knowledge (nobility) 5+5, Knowledge (religion) 1+10* (+3 from template, +5 competence from template), Perception 8+5* (+2 template), Perform (dance) 5+16* (+5 competence from template), Ride 1+10**, Sense Motive 8+7** (+2 template), Sleight of Hand 3+10*, Swim 1+2**; ACP -1 Languages: Common, Draconic, Hallit; Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, speak with animals, truespeech Spell-like Abilities (from template): gallant inspiration 1/day, remove fear 3/day Equipment: acid flasks (x10, 100 gp), bedroll (.1 gp), belt of incredible dexterity +2 (4,000 gp), belt pouch (worn: 1 gp), blanket (.5 gp), canteen (2 gp), circlet of persuasion (4,500 gp), cold iron dueling sword (in pack: 40 gp), +1 dueling sword ("Kindness," in scabbard: 2,320 gp), dusty rose prism ioun stone (cracked, 500 gp), handy haversack (2,000 gp), masterwork tool (feinting ribbons, 50 gp), mess kit (.2 gp), noble's outfit (worn: 75 gp), oil of dazzling blade (x4, 200 gp), signet ring (5 gp), silver holy symbol (Shelyn: 25 gp), +1 studded leather armor (worn: 1,175 gp), torches (x20, .2 gp), trail rations (x12, 6 gp), traveler's outfit (free); 600 gp Kingdom roles:
At least at first, I think Zsófia would be the best fit for Marshal. She could also make a good Councilor, but she'd prefer to wait until after she's gotten her barony more established so that she can start spending less time away from the capital. Grand Diplomat is a narrow possibility, but I think she's more likely than others to stir up trouble with their neighbors if she were serving that role. Chizzlall Ironshaper (Zsófia's cohort)