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I am here!
(And still in the process of putting everything in my Character Sheet together)

Game Master S |
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I thought we started today, not the 10th. Work has been SOOOOO insane. (short version, I'm an admin at one of the top schools in the country, and we're moving to a new building this year.... a building which is under construction and getting in the way of opening school. The pressure is INTENSE, and I worked all Labor Day (US) to get going.)
The good news is, once this game starts, hell or highwater we'll be done.

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The gameday starts today I didn't see a different start date for the special.

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the link for the tactical map is doing that thing where it links back to the page you're on.
Also wooot! Lets battle a bulwark!

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I am ready.
Let's Battle for a Bulwark!

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My internet at home is down (of course the month where I'm on parental leave...) and my phone doesn't work well either... so my post rate is far slower than usual and what I would like.
My apologies for any delay I'm causing.

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My internet at home is down (of course the month where I'm on parental leave...) and my phone doesn't work well either... so my post rate is far slower than usual and what I would like.
My apologies for any delay I'm causing.
There's someone behind you so you're not late yet! :)
(or that was my theory at work anyway...)Bigrin said they're out: they didn't remember signing up and will be AFK for 2 weeks.

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Two beatstick Mystic/Soldiers. one mystic. One intuitive biohacker. that's more wisdom score than I've ever seen on a table. or two tables...
We don't seem to have anyone trained in computers, and Beady's +11 engineering seems to be our highest. Does anyone have or can pick up a techie intern Ally? (I have more than enough ACP to buy a second one but I don't think my follower can swap majors since they've technically rolled)
Or we can totally hack the computer the old fashioned way. With axes!

Game Master S |

Okay, thanks for the heads up! I'll inactivate you.

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I have more than enough AcP to buy one but it wouldn't be the most helpful for me given that I'm good at two out of the three skills the tech hireling has. But if we want one with us I'm more than willing to take one.
Also just fine playing the hack open the datapad with weapons option too though. Whichever.

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Bought an Elite Tech Support Hireling
Have +12 Computers/Engineering/Physical Science
Had 675 AcP, might as well spend some on this!

BigNorseWolf |

Do the starfinders have a medical tent or something set up? I'd like to buy the Remove Affliction boon once we head back to base. (assuming the bat things don't eat us)
Spellcasting Service: Remove AfflictionSpellcasting Service: Remove Affliction (Slotless Boon; Limited-Use): When purchased, this boon is immediately consumed to provide the benefits of a successful remove affliction spell. This boon can only be purchased at a Starfinder lodge or, at a GM's discretion, in an area where the Starfinder Society would be likely to have contacts willing to perform this service.

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What kind of action is it to plant the explosives?
If the bat WANTS to hold onto it while we're hitting the detonator...

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I have a remove affliction, lesser if needed.
thanks but that gets rid of shaken, sickened, or staggered. The penalties imposed by diseases are (annoyingly uncategorized) so the only thing that gets rid of them is the level 3 remove affliction or more bedrest than we're likely to see for a few days.

Game Master S |

Planting the charges is a full round action, but with a DC 24 Computers or Enginenering check, you can do it in a standard action. There is time to rest and spend RP, but not shopping.

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Is the bomb portable to a large dragon with a 22 strength or does it look built in/bolted onto the barracks? beady is contemplating just picking it up and running for the end zone depending on how the round goes...

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Should Eselar be on the go list or are terrible aweful things going to happen at the starts of the rounds?
Or we're just getting the standard operating procedure down for when the bomb explodes... :)

Game Master S |

Eselar can go. Once that timer hits single digits though.... I'll have to be strict!

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Peet shot and hit a 25 for 10 piercing
Charva said they would have someone bot them but I haven't seen them swing by.

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Yes, Charva's player is a friend of mine, and he told me to go ahead and bot him for a little bit this coming week, I will go ahead and do so as soon as I'm out of my class here.

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he told me to go ahead and bot him for a little bit this coming week
DOh. facepalm. Well there's what a one on a spot check looks like...

GM Numbat |
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Hey folks, your friendly House GM here.
I only became aware that last evening that there was a need for a backup GM for the last few days for your game. My apologies for the breakdown in communication. I believe GM S is back so should be posting today.
If there is further delay, we will have a backup GM fill in for you.

Game Master S |

Shoot! I am TERRIBLY soprry. I thought I had reached out. UGH! This is an utter failure on my part. I'm back, here and ready.

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I think the timer went
Round 1: 30 seconds
Eselar: Whaps green for 24
Charva: Throws a fear spell the Flesh and blood gritohs resist (which hurts them)
Hostiles: Shoot shoot slam slam
Urtica: makes eslar spikey
Peet: Shoots Pink for 10
Beady: Gets his horn stuck in the door.
Round 2: 24 seconds
Eselar: Swings twice
Charva: misses with skipshot pistol
Hostiles: Hostiles: Shoot shoot slam slam
Urtica: TBD
Peet: Whaps pink for 10 fire with opening volley
Beady: Double misses.

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The dicebot might be broken because I was going to bot Charva doing two perception checks and those were all both natural 20s when I previewed them too...
So I think it's just rolling only 20s for some reason.

Game Master S |
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Then get those posts in before they fix it!

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After the bats eat us this round can we group the party initiative or does something bigger come out of the dark to eat us on the round count?

Game Master S |

We can group after this... And that's true even if something is going to come eat you...

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Thank you GM! Much appreciated! Sorry I was away so much, Wedding/Honeymoon does that haha but appreciate you all sticking with it!
Shall we roll the Day Jobs?

Game Master S |

Don't apologize for something so awesome! You can roll them here if you'd like. I also trust you on your own sheet (meaning if you don't roll one I'll leave it blank, not a 0.) I'm doing them this morning and will have them out around noon.

Game Master S |

CHRONICLES ARE HERE! Let me know if you need anything changed.

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Thanks for running! That was cool :)
Eselar talks with the survivors to help them recover phsychicaly from what they gone through.
Day Job (Pr of Psychology): 1d20 + 9 + 1 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 9 + 1 + 4 = 25

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Perfect thank you!!