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As you all make sure that Selan is all right, Taiwalei returns with guards he rescued. "I've informed the Grand Lodge of what was going on and that the other lodges have also been checked on and secured. Elemental portals you say?! Let's go!"
Cirri also expresses interest in searching for the wisps. At this, Selan brightens. She heads off and gladly goes and speaks with the trees (in Muan, the elemental language of wood) and obtains the instructions for three portals.
To find the land of growth and decay
Ignore the spring but not the fray
Choose the spring if you seek summer
But step back if you’ve gone three steps further
Step back from the growth and the harvest
Winter awaits in the opposite forest
Caution, mortals! To not fall and drown.
You must remember, do not look down!
"Do be careful! Also please don't take the trees' instructions at at face value, as they do like to see people get lost sometimes. I'm heading back to Woodsedge Lodge to rest."
Following the instructions provided by Selan, you and Taiwalei set off in search of the elemental portals.
MAP has been updated.
The trees of the hedge maze are 15 feet tall and too dense to move through. They can be climbed up to 10 feet before the branches become too weak to hold your weight. Even if you manage to fly up or otherwise gain a birds-eye view, the dense trees obscure which paths connect to each other and which are dead ends. (In short - go through the maze! :))
The main pathway of the hedge maze is a circular path that ultimately comes back to the starting point. Following the path, you come to a pond. This small artificial pond gives a calm and peaceful aura and is the perfect place to rest in. The water is clear, easily letting the viewer see what is at the bottom of the pond.
Looking into the pond, you see a rucksack tied to a stone has sunk to the bottom of the pool 10 feet below.
You retrieve the rucksack and it contains a Minor Sturdy Shield.

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Correction. The loot you found from the last robber:
2 Lesser Potions of Retaliation + 26gp. I forgot this is High Tier

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"Thanks Selan! We'll return soon! I have so many questions!" Cirri waves goodbye.
Cirri mulls over the information. "Sounds like the four common seasons. Especially in more temperate climates. Honestly I'm used to rainy and not rainy season."
Watching the pond of water, Cirri dives in, no questions asked. Her wings fold neatly around her and she kicks down to the bottom.
Cirri is amphibious and has a 10 foot swim speed.
Once she's out, she pulls out the sack and removes a >Minor Sturdy Shield<. "Oh! I've heard about these shields. It's a steel shield, but it's much stronger and more resilient than most."
"Anyone good with shields? Like instinctively blocking with them?"

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Bechamel has a tasty snack of nuts and berries when people who brave the waters return.

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I forgot to ask - which way? South or East (or let the dice decide?)

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Cirri is careful not to shake the water off of her wings. It's rude when people don't expect to be wet,
To find the land of growth and decay
Ignore the spring but not the fray
"A puzzle... hmmm... I wonder which way is the spring."
Cirri scans for basic signs of growth, newly sprouted plants, and will choose which one is less populated.
Nature +5 to Recall Knowledge, if that helps.
If Cirri can't figure out which way makes more sense, she'll choose randomly.
Even is South: 1d2 ⇒ 1
"Or we could try East, I guess."

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There are two portals you need to find within the Maze of the Open Road. Only one player can make each check:
DC 18 Arcana/Nature OR
DC 18 Acrobatics/Athletics; there is a penalty for a crit fail, however so choose wisely.

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Cirri has +3 Nature and +5 Acrobatics (Add +1 for the Level Bump.) If Cirri is leading, she will make an Acrobatics check. Otherwise she will try to Aid.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 5 + 1 = 10
EDIT: Updating my roll per GM's instructions.

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Acrobatics +10 or Nature +9

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"Oh, don't worry about the water." Cirri takes Starlight's offer. "I'm trying not to splash water all over everyone. My wings are slicked with oil, so the water drips right off. And honestly I'm always soaked!"

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"Thankth for going into the pool to get that bag Thirri. I would have done it mythelf, but it taketh forever for my thtuffing to dry. Pluth I thmell funny when I get wet."
Arcana +8 and Acrobatics +5

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The curse of the water kineticist Starlight says. Soaking wet and dripping without due care and attention. Mind you, I've heard some Pathfinders really enjoy being wet
She looks over at Bun Bun. One of these days, I need to figure out how big a Life Bubble is and can us poppets fit inside one.

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The curse of the water kineticist Starlight says. Soaking wet and dripping without due care and attention. Mind you, I've heard some Pathfinders really enjoy being wet
She looks over at Bun Bun. One of these days, I need to figure out how big a Life Bubble is and can us poppets fit inside one.
"Not a bad idea. Ath for the oddballth that actually enjoy the water? Well any group ith bound to have a few crackpotth that are a few thandwicheth short of a picnic."
The professor looks guiltily at Cirri. "Erm... no offenthe, Thirri. You clearly have plenty of thandwicheth."

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Acrobatics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
Very tempted to see what happens on a Crit Fail, but out of respect for my fellow players, I'll reroll that.
Acrobatics, Hero Point Reroll: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23
Bechamel guides the team through the maze, singing to himself as they meander through.
♫ Open Road, take me home
To the place where I belong
West Vidrian, mountain momma
Take me home, Open Road ♫
Suddenly, he realizes that their destination isn't the Songo'o villages, and abruptly turns around and leads them in a different direction.

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"Well, everyone needs water in one way or another. Don't want to die of thirst." Cirri giggles. "Wait, maybe you don't need water?" she has a million questions about their digestive system but thinks better of herself to not talk about it.
Cirri hums along with Bechamel's beat. "Um... are we supposed to climb on that?"
Not that she would have done much better.

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"I know a great recipe for liver," adds Bechamel, without having fully paid attention to the conversation.

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It's almost too much fun to continue the adventure with you folks...
Even is East: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Moving south, you notice a rift in the path. It appears to be a strange waterfall—or water-rise, rather—that is approximately 5 feet tall. The water here is seemingly never-ending.
When you first enter the area, a strong gale threatens to push you to look down or up.
Each PC must make a DC 18 Acrobatics/Athletics check. Failing this check requires you to decide if you're looking down or up.

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"That's not how water works..." Cirri looks at the stream. "But it's fun to try!" Cirri raises her own aura of bubbles and moves up to the waterfall.
Acrobatics with Level Bump: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 5 + 1 = 9
Cirri looks straight up as she fights her instincts to spread her wings and catch the wind.

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The dwarf looks at the waterfall doubtfully.
Mmhh should we go? Really? It would be easier in an alefall instead of a waterfall.
But he goes to follow Cirri.
If a strix can make it, a dwarf can also. does he think.
Acrobatics:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

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Bechamel is an Expert in Acrobatics, so others can Follow the Expert if +2+Level is better than their modifier.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
His expertise is subtle. Unrecognizable, even.
Bechamel looks down.

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"Well now what have we here? Thith ith quite interethting." Professor Bun Bun hops up to take a closer look.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
"Oh my goodnethth. It really ith quite windy ithn't it?"

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Lorch, Professor Bun Bun and Kromrock manage to keep their feet. Starlight safely watches the show from outside.
Cirri is yanked off her feet by the wind and pulled into the air. Bechamel looks down and is immediately pulled into the water.
Bludgeoning, DC 18 Reflex to Grab an Edge: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 4) = 8
If you have abilities or spells to prevent damage from falling (e.g. Feather Fall, Cat Fall), you can disregard the damage

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"Whee!" The wind carries Cirri like a sweet summer breeze.
Reflex Save: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 7 + 1 = 10
Okay, NOW she spreads her dark gray wings. It's pretty fun.
>Nestling Fall< prevents damage from falling as long as Cirri can act.
Once the wind dies down, Cirri glides down to the surface. "That was fun! I kind of want to do it again, but I know we're busy..."
She looks down. "Bechamel?" Cirri prepares to dive after him. Swim Speed 10 and Amphibious.

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Bechamel Ref: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
Bechamel manages to not belly flop into the water as the party is returned to the maze.
Not sure if his earlier post got eaten
You have another opportunity to Navigate the Maze:
DC 18 Arcana/Nature/Acrobatics/Athletics
Where to now? East (from the pool) or South?

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Cirri lets the breeze slowly carry her down. "Ugh, it's so hard to fly on my own! I need the wind to blow just right, and my shoulders get tired so easily and ugh!"
"Let's go East."

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Due to the proximity of the planes, the area leading up to the currently inactive portals of the Planes of Earth and Fire have merged into one stony and fiery path whose rocks give off considerable heat. Runes pulsing with light litter the surfaces of the stones. Occasionally, flames flicker from the carved symbols.
You can enter and search the area if you wish, though I'd probably expect panicked screams from Starlight and Professor Bun Bun right about now... :)

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It's possible my post got eaten but it's also possible I only previewed it and not posted. I've been having trouble with the site lagging recently. Thanks for the bot.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
Bechamel will pull out his cookware and see if it's literally hot enough to fry an egg. Vote investigate!

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Cirri starts sweating. "Huh. Reminds me of summer at the beach. The cool breeze blowing, the summer sun shining on you, the water lapping at your feet... uh, and lots of sand."
Totally ready to investigate. Nature +3+1 (from the level bump.)

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You easily avoid the fires and search the rocky area. You find small loose agates fragments on the floor, worth about 20 gp, and a Dragon Turtle Scale.
Heading back into the maze, you venture south. Kromrock and Professor Bun Bun find another place where the planes converge.
With their recent return, the Planes of Metal and Wood ended up exerting their forces in the same spatial niche, resulting in fractal trees in a state of decay manifesting near the fused and unstable portals to the planes.