[GDXII] PF2e 05-01: Intro - Year of Unfettered Exploration (P1) (Inactive)

Game Master UncleFroggy

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Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
◆◇↺ | Spell Templates
Professor Bun Bun, Q. T. E. wrote:

"Ridiculouth. The anthwer ith clearly a kangaroo. They bend down on all fourth to forage in the morning, thtand on two legth to leap around at midday, and plathe their tail on the ground at night to lean back and retht."

[dice=bardic lore]1d20+8

The stuffed scholar grins smugly. He leans over and whispers to Cirri. "A human? Really? How did you come up with thuch a thilly anthwer, Thirri?"

I'd been drinking coffee while reading this and I was very fortunate indeed not to snort it out my nose!

Envoy's Alliance

F Orc PFS# 266667-2010 HP 34/34 | AC 19 | Saves 7/8/4 | Female Orc Fighter (Level 2) Hero Point 1 | Perception +6 |◆◇◈↺ |

"I'm Lorch. Hmm, what have I been doing? I guess I was just in the frozen north searching for an orb. Down here now, wherever this is." Lorch looks puzzled by this turn of events.

Horizon Hunters

open | NG male (he/him) hillock halfling (Song'o) magus (starlit span) 4 | ◆◇↺ | AC 21 (22) | HP 42/42 | P+8, F+9, R+10, W+10 | Explore: | NV, NH, 30' | Hero (1/3) | Focus (1/1) | Spells 1st MM [ ] SG [ ] 2nd MI [ ] DV [ ] | Active Conditions: marinading (1/3)

"Bechamel Mornay, I'm just here for the food ..."

Envoy's Alliance

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Stuffed Poppet | Bard 4 | ◆◇↺ | HP 42/42| AC 18 (19)| F +7 R +9 W +9 | Perception +9 |Spells 1st 3/3, 2nd 2/3 Focus 2/2 | Hero 2/3 | Speed 25ft | Cold resistance 2 Fire Weakness 2 | Active Conditions:

Professor Bun Bun fruitlessly attempts to adjust his cap before clearing his throat and speaking. "Pleathed to make your acquaintanthe. I am Profeththor Bun Bun, Q.T.E. I've been thpending the latht few weekth inthtructing thtudentth at Dacilane Academy. After a bit of a kerfuffle involving a prank war at the thchool I dethided to take a thabbatical and rethume my adventuring activitieth."

Kromrock Crushmaster wrote:
I am Kromrock Crushmaster, from the dwarfs from Alkenstar. Recently I had to inventory a pile of treasure for the Society. But what would you say about talking about this with some drinks?

The professor gives the dwarf an concerned look before leaning closer and whispering."You keep bringing up drinkth. Are you thertain you don't have a bit of a problem?"

Bechamel Mornay wrote:
"Bechamel Mornay, I'm just here for the food ..."

The plush professor smiles and pats his cotton-filled belly. "No food for me thank you. I'm thuffed." He chuckles quietly at his joke.

Grand Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Femalish Poppet (Unicorn) - Wishborn Arcanist - 4 | hp: 34/34 | AC:17 | F:7 R:6 W:9 | P:7 I:7 | HP:0/3 | GA | 124312-2017

Starlight just facehooves. I had enough of that from the Arclord thank you very much. Besides ... what does Q, T, E stand for? Quick to Educate?

Envoy's Alliance

M Stuffed Poppet | Bard 4 | ◆◇↺ | HP 42/42| AC 18 (19)| F +7 R +9 W +9 | Perception +9 |Spells 1st 3/3, 2nd 2/3 Focus 2/2 | Hero 2/3 | Speed 25ft | Cold resistance 2 Fire Weakness 2 | Active Conditions:

"Why, it stands for Quite Thoroughly Educated of course?"

Envoy's Alliance

Druid 4 (Stone Druid) / HP 54/54, Perc +12, AC 20 (+2 shield), Fort +10 Ref +9 Will +12 / Active conditions: Darkvision, Steadying stone, Toughness, Resist neg 1, regen 1 HP/min

The dwarf replies to Bun Bun: What? You would also consider like the others that a doctor shouldn't drink so much? I'm a good one you know, the best one in my back-alley. I always tear the wound open before to close it properly.

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates

With all the pleasantries completed, you and Taiwalei enter the portal. You follow a series of five pointing statues to arrive at the entrance of the hedge maze that is the Maze of the Open Road. Across a vast paved garden courtyard is the two-story stone manor that serves as the Woodsedge Lodge. When you first arrive, Taiwalei exclaims in awe and spends a few seconds taking in the sights.

"This place really is like the rumor says. Vast distance covered but with a few minutes of walking!" Taiwalei pulls three slips of paper from within his sash. "I managed to collect the routes for three different lodges before I arrived in Absalom, namely Heidmarch Manor in Varisia, Nexus House in... Nex, and Starrise Spire all the way in Mendev. I can’t decide which I want to visit first, so how about you take your pick?"

To navigate the Maze of the Open Road:
You spend 10 minutes following instructions given to you to locate a specific location or portal in the Maze of the Open Road. You can either make a Survival check or Scouting Lore check to sense direction. You can also use the skills below depending on which lodge you'd like to visit.

Heidmarch Manor - Society/Athletics
Nexus House - Arcana/Acrobatics
Starrise Spire - Religion/Stealth

Grand Archive

Femalish Poppet (Unicorn) - Wishborn Arcanist - 4 | hp: 34/34 | AC:17 | F:7 R:6 W:9 | P:7 I:7 | HP:0/3 | GA | 124312-2017

In that case, I could add Q,T.E.B.M.T.L. to my name as well. Starlight replies. But that sounds rather presumptuous

On the question of where to go. Well, I believe I could get us to Nex
arcana: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

Verdant Wheel

PFS# 133608-2008 | ♥️ 32 | AC 18 | Saves 10/8/4 | Female Strix Undine Kineticist (Level 2) ☘️ 1 | Class DC 18 | Perception +4 |◆◇◈↺ | Kinetic Aura □ |

Cirri mostly focuses on drawing a map... only to realize the distances don't make sense. No guiding star, no central landmass, distance and speed aren't correlated.

So she instead sticks to landmarks, like the pointing statues. She adds other landmarks and features of note. Rumors that the maze changes shape means it's better to be redundant.

Cirri wonders if the Professor is stuffed with cotton, bird feathers, or wool. But it may be uncouth to ask someone about the consistency of their guts. So she keeps quiet until Taiwalei mentions the lodges he'd like to visit.

"I've never been to Nex before. I don't get the magical stuff, but if we're trying to navigate through the air I've got that down pat!"

Acrobatics, Level Bump: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 5 + 1 = 26
"Whee!" Cirri finds a good updraft to catch herself upon and gets a fantastic view of the road from above. "I think that's Nex over there..."

Horizon Hunters

open | NG male (he/him) hillock halfling (Song'o) magus (starlit span) 4 | ◆◇↺ | AC 21 (22) | HP 42/42 | P+8, F+9, R+10, W+10 | Explore: | NV, NH, 30' | Hero (1/3) | Focus (1/1) | Spells 1st MM [ ] SG [ ] 2nd MI [ ] DV [ ] | Active Conditions: marinading (1/3)

"Off to Nexus House, then!"

Scouting Lore: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates

What's BMTL supposed to mean??

The portal deposits you at the entryway of a lodge. Directly opposite the main door on the wall is the coat of arms of the lodge. It is red with an orange band and bears four lotuses and a book, which you recognize as the coat of arms of Nexus house. You also notice that it is quiet... too quiet... You begin to suspect something is wrong.

DC 18 Perception:

You notice faint tracks left behind by four different shoe-wearing Medium humanoid creatures, all of which head toward the northern-most doorway.

Crit Success

You notice that while three of the tracks indicate that the people who left them were sneaking, one set of tracks walks haphazardly over the others.


The Map link at the top of the page is also active now.

Envoy's Alliance

F Orc PFS# 266667-2010 HP 34/34 | AC 19 | Saves 7/8/4 | Female Orc Fighter (Level 2) Hero Point 1 | Perception +6 |◆◇◈↺ |

"Be on guard, something is wrong here," Lorch says, taking out her pick and necksplitter.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

Envoy's Alliance

Druid 4 (Stone Druid) / HP 54/54, Perc +12, AC 20 (+2 shield), Fort +10 Ref +9 Will +12 / Active conditions: Darkvision, Steadying stone, Toughness, Resist neg 1, regen 1 HP/min

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

Are you sure there is something wrong?

Horizon Hunters

open | NG male (he/him) hillock halfling (Song'o) magus (starlit span) 4 | ◆◇↺ | AC 21 (22) | HP 42/42 | P+8, F+9, R+10, W+10 | Explore: | NV, NH, 30' | Hero (1/3) | Focus (1/1) | Spells 1st MM [ ] SG [ ] 2nd MI [ ] DV [ ] | Active Conditions: marinading (1/3)

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

"Look! Faint tracks left behind by four different shoe-wearing Medium humanoid creatures, all of which head toward the northern-most doorway! But perhaps someone can take an even closer look."

There is a Crit Success possibility that Bechamel didn't make.

Envoy's Alliance

M Stuffed Poppet | Bard 4 | ◆◇↺ | HP 42/42| AC 18 (19)| F +7 R +9 W +9 | Perception +9 |Spells 1st 3/3, 2nd 2/3 Focus 2/2 | Hero 2/3 | Speed 25ft | Cold resistance 2 Fire Weakness 2 | Active Conditions:
Starlight Sparkle wrote:
In that case, I could add Q,T.E.B.M.T.L. to my name as well. Starlight replies. But that sounds rather presumptuous

"Hmm...'Quite Thoroughly Educated But Mostly Taldan Literature'? Well there'th nothing wrong with a liberal artth education of courthe but it doeth theem rather pretentiouth to add the extra alphabet thoup at the end."

perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

"It's very very quiet. I wonder if they're planning a thurprise party for our friend Taiwalei. There are thome trackth headed through thith door." The stuffed rabbit hops over and indicates the northernmost door before opening it and peeking inside. "Perhapth we thhould follow the trackth?"

survival-track: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Verdant Wheel

PFS# 133608-2008 | ♥️ 32 | AC 18 | Saves 10/8/4 | Female Strix Undine Kineticist (Level 2) ☘️ 1 | Class DC 18 | Perception +4 |◆◇◈↺ | Kinetic Aura □ |

Cirri hums to herself until they reach the lodge.

Perception, Level Bump: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 5 + 1 = 12

Cirri frowns. Parent would be disappointed the humans noticed before she did.

She Channels her Aura, and air bubbles rise about her. She clutches her staff and falls quiet.

Avoid Notice is my exploration activity. Stealth +6.

Grand Archive

Femalish Poppet (Unicorn) - Wishborn Arcanist - 4 | hp: 34/34 | AC:17 | F:7 R:6 W:9 | P:7 I:7 | HP:0/3 | GA | 124312-2017

It's Quite Thoroughly Educated But More To Learn Starlight replies.

perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

She follows the Professor towards the door.

Envoy's Alliance

F Orc PFS# 266667-2010 HP 34/34 | AC 19 | Saves 7/8/4 | Female Orc Fighter (Level 2) Hero Point 1 | Perception +6 |◆◇◈↺ |

"You should probably stay behind us, Taiwalei," Lorch says as she moves to the door. "Someone check if it's trapped before I open it, please," she whispers.

Envoy's Alliance

Druid 4 (Stone Druid) / HP 54/54, Perc +12, AC 20 (+2 shield), Fort +10 Ref +9 Will +12 / Active conditions: Darkvision, Steadying stone, Toughness, Resist neg 1, regen 1 HP/min

I can try to have a look.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

Envoy's Alliance

F Orc PFS# 266667-2010 HP 34/34 | AC 19 | Saves 7/8/4 | Female Orc Fighter (Level 2) Hero Point 1 | Perception +6 |◆◇◈↺ |

((I forgot this isn't 1e and that anyone can somewhat reliably look for traps)) Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

Grand Archive

Femalish Poppet (Unicorn) - Wishborn Arcanist - 4 | hp: 34/34 | AC:17 | F:7 R:6 W:9 | P:7 I:7 | HP:0/3 | GA | 124312-2017

If it's dark in there, Starlight will light up her horn.

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates

Bun Bun opens the door and peeks inside. He sees the corridor and not much else. You do, however, hear a banging noise coming from the right side of the hallway. But from where Bun Bun is, you're not really seeing much

What's everyone else doing?

Lighting is normal light.

Grand Archive

Femalish Poppet (Unicorn) - Wishborn Arcanist - 4 | hp: 34/34 | AC:17 | F:7 R:6 W:9 | P:7 I:7 | HP:0/3 | GA | 124312-2017

Starlight follows Bun Bun over to the door. Her ears twitch when the banging noise occurs.

We should investigate that

Envoy's Alliance

Druid 4 (Stone Druid) / HP 54/54, Perc +12, AC 20 (+2 shield), Fort +10 Ref +9 Will +12 / Active conditions: Darkvision, Steadying stone, Toughness, Resist neg 1, regen 1 HP/min

Okay, concludes the dwarf. And he moves stealthily to the opposite side of the door to peek on the hall.

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates

As Kromrock tiptoes out into the hallway, you all hear a shout.

"OY! Is someone there?! Show yerself!"

Envoy's Alliance

Druid 4 (Stone Druid) / HP 54/54, Perc +12, AC 20 (+2 shield), Fort +10 Ref +9 Will +12 / Active conditions: Darkvision, Steadying stone, Toughness, Resist neg 1, regen 1 HP/min

Did I see something during the move?

Verdant Wheel

PFS# 133608-2008 | ♥️ 32 | AC 18 | Saves 10/8/4 | Female Strix Undine Kineticist (Level 2) ☘️ 1 | Class DC 18 | Perception +4 |◆◇◈↺ | Kinetic Aura □ |

"Uh... hi! I'm Cirri." Cirri's parents are both diplomats (or at least technically.) So if there's a chance at making a friend, Cirri will dispel her aura and just wave.

"Uh... who are you? And why is the lodge so empty?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 + 1 = 21

Envoy's Alliance

F Orc PFS# 266667-2010 HP 34/34 | AC 19 | Saves 7/8/4 | Female Orc Fighter (Level 2) Hero Point 1 | Perception +6 |◆◇◈↺ |

With Cirri announcing us, Lorch says "We should both reveal ourselves simultaneously. We are in the hallway, please join us."

Envoy's Alliance

M Stuffed Poppet | Bard 4 | ◆◇↺ | HP 42/42| AC 18 (19)| F +7 R +9 W +9 | Perception +9 |Spells 1st 3/3, 2nd 2/3 Focus 2/2 | Hero 2/3 | Speed 25ft | Cold resistance 2 Fire Weakness 2 | Active Conditions:

"Wait! Won't that thpoil Taiwalei'th thurprithe party?"

Envoy's Alliance

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Stuffed Poppet | Bard 4 | ◆◇↺ | HP 42/42| AC 18 (19)| F +7 R +9 W +9 | Perception +9 |Spells 1st 3/3, 2nd 2/3 Focus 2/2 | Hero 2/3 | Speed 25ft | Cold resistance 2 Fire Weakness 2 | Active Conditions:

Deciding to take matters into his own hands and save the surprise party, Professor Bun Bun throws the door wife open and leaps through. "Thurprithe!" He smiles broadly and waves his arms in the air.

I'm unable to move my token at the moment. Would someone move PBB through the door please?

Grand Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Femalish Poppet (Unicorn) - Wishborn Arcanist - 4 | hp: 34/34 | AC:17 | F:7 R:6 W:9 | P:7 I:7 | HP:0/3 | GA | 124312-2017

Starlight facehoofs.

Envoy's Alliance

M Stuffed Poppet | Bard 4 | ◆◇↺ | HP 42/42| AC 18 (19)| F +7 R +9 W +9 | Perception +9 |Spells 1st 3/3, 2nd 2/3 Focus 2/2 | Hero 2/3 | Speed 25ft | Cold resistance 2 Fire Weakness 2 | Active Conditions:

The Professor's smile falters a bit as he turns to Starlight. "What?"

Envoy's Alliance

F Orc PFS# 266667-2010 HP 34/34 | AC 19 | Saves 7/8/4 | Female Orc Fighter (Level 2) Hero Point 1 | Perception +6 |◆◇◈↺ |

"This is indeed a surprise."

Grand Archive

Femalish Poppet (Unicorn) - Wishborn Arcanist - 4 | hp: 34/34 | AC:17 | F:7 R:6 W:9 | P:7 I:7 | HP:0/3 | GA | 124312-2017

Nothing ... we got a job to do

AHOY! We're Pathfinders. Explore, Report, Co-operate. Who's there?

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates

Kromrock, no, you didn't see anyone when you moved across the corridor.

Professor Bun Bun yells as he steps into the corridor. He is joined by the others.

Starlight heads past the door and turns right into a large room. This large exhibition room is lined with 3-foot-tall shelves. A center display stands on a 1-foot-tall platform. On the far end of the room is a set of stairs that goes up three feet to an elevated corridor, which is fenced off by 2-foot tall guard rails. At a glance, most items on exhibit are tastefully expensive. Three rough looking men appear to be in the room. They do not appear to be friendly.


Cirri Merryweather, Avoid Notice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Starlight Sparkle, Detect Magic: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
Bechamel Mornay, Avoid Notice: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Kromrock Crushmaster, Search: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Professor Bun Bun, Q.T.E., Search: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
Lorch, Defend: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Red Init: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
White Init: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Blue Init: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Yellow Init: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15

Round: 1
Tactical Map
Those with ** may go

**Professor Bun Bun, Q.T.E. - AC 18, 42/42
**Lorch - AC 19, 34/34
**Kromrock Crushmaster - AC 18 (20 w/shield), 30/30
**Starlight Sparkle - AC 16, 27/27
Bechamel Mornay - AC 20 (21 w/shield), 33/33
Cirri Merryweather - AC 17, 20/20

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.
open | NG male (he/him) hillock halfling (Song'o) magus (starlit span) 4 | ◆◇↺ | AC 21 (22) | HP 42/42 | P+8, F+9, R+10, W+10 | Explore: | NV, NH, 30' | Hero (1/3) | Focus (1/1) | Spells 1st MM [ ] SG [ ] 2nd MI [ ] DV [ ] | Active Conditions: marinading (1/3)

Bechamel heard people complaining about the deserted house and he thought people wanted dessert, so he's rummaging through his backpack for a jar of sugarcane juice he knows he packed.

Envoy's Alliance

F Orc PFS# 266667-2010 HP 34/34 | AC 19 | Saves 7/8/4 | Female Orc Fighter (Level 2) Hero Point 1 | Perception +6 |◆◇◈↺ |

((I moved myself to the hallway to start, since I said we were in there))

◆◆Lorch Sudden Charges through Starlight to Blue and swings with the Pick: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26 for Piercing Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10 or Critical P Damage: 2d10 + 4 ⇒ (6, 8) + 4 = 18

◆ She goes for a follow-up swing with her Necksplitter: 1d20 + 10 - 5 ⇒ (2) + 10 - 5 = 7 for Slashing Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates

Lorch charges Blue and buries her pick in his chest, killing him instantly.

You can have the last action back.

However, as Lorch turns from Blue's falling corpse, she notices a fourth bandit by the doorway!

Round: 1
Tactical Map
Those with ** may go

**Professor Bun Bun, Q.T.E. - AC 18, 42/42
**Lorch - AC 19, 34/34 (1 action)
**Kromrock Crushmaster - AC 18 (20 w/shield), 30/30
**Starlight Sparkle - AC 16, 27/27
Bechamel Mornay - AC 20 (21 w/shield), 33/33
Cirri Merryweather - AC 17, 20/20

Envoy's Alliance

F Orc PFS# 266667-2010 HP 34/34 | AC 19 | Saves 7/8/4 | Female Orc Fighter (Level 2) Hero Point 1 | Perception +6 |◆◇◈↺ |

Lorch moves to red, saying "There's another one over here" ◆Stride

Envoy's Alliance

Druid 4 (Stone Druid) / HP 54/54, Perc +12, AC 20 (+2 shield), Fort +10 Ref +9 Will +12 / Active conditions: Darkvision, Steadying stone, Toughness, Resist neg 1, regen 1 HP/min

The dwarf moves inside the room and fires towards the yellow one.

+1 Jezail: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 7

Then he raises his shield (AC 20).

Envoy's Alliance

M Stuffed Poppet | Bard 4 | ◆◇↺ | HP 42/42| AC 18 (19)| F +7 R +9 W +9 | Perception +9 |Spells 1st 3/3, 2nd 2/3 Focus 2/2 | Hero 2/3 | Speed 25ft | Cold resistance 2 Fire Weakness 2 | Active Conditions:

"What'th going on? Ith thomthing wrong with the party?"

Professor Bun Bun hops into the room and is astonished by the carnage wrought by his fellow pathfinders.

"Oh dear, oh dear. The party ith ruined. Although..." He pauses for a moment while he reassesses the situation. "Thethe people don't theem to be pathfinderth at all. They jutht theem to be ugly brutish thugth. That one even thmellth bad." He points to a nearby attacker and wrinkles his nose.

diplomacy. Bon mot vs yellow: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26

He goes on to give a lecture about criminal protection rackets in Cheliax following Aroden's failure to manifest in 4606 A.R.

performance, lingering composition: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13

◆ stride, ◆ bon mot, ◇ lingering composition, ◆ inspire courage

Envoy's Alliance

M Stuffed Poppet | Bard 4 | ◆◇↺ | HP 42/42| AC 18 (19)| F +7 R +9 W +9 | Perception +9 |Spells 1st 3/3, 2nd 2/3 Focus 2/2 | Hero 2/3 | Speed 25ft | Cold resistance 2 Fire Weakness 2 | Active Conditions:

Everyone has +1 to hit and +1 to damage due to inspire courage.

Would someone please move PBB's token into the room? His speed is 25

Grand Archive

Femalish Poppet (Unicorn) - Wishborn Arcanist - 4 | hp: 34/34 | AC:17 | F:7 R:6 W:9 | P:7 I:7 | HP:0/3 | GA | 124312-2017

Starlight moves close to Lorch, lights up her horn and sends a burst of electricity to Red.
electric arc: 2d4 + 4 ⇒ (2, 3) + 4 = 9 DC 19 basic reflex

Done Professor

Envoy's Alliance

M Stuffed Poppet | Bard 4 | ◆◇↺ | HP 42/42| AC 18 (19)| F +7 R +9 W +9 | Perception +9 |Spells 1st 3/3, 2nd 2/3 Focus 2/2 | Hero 2/3 | Speed 25ft | Cold resistance 2 Fire Weakness 2 | Active Conditions:
Starlight Sparkle wrote:

Starlight moves close to Lorch, lights up her horn and sends a burst of electricity to Red.

[dice=electric arc]2d4+4 DC 19 basic reflex

Done Professor

Thanks. You can get a second target with that electric arc if you want. Yellow and pink are both in range.

Grand Archive

Femalish Poppet (Unicorn) - Wishborn Arcanist - 4 | hp: 34/34 | AC:17 | F:7 R:6 W:9 | P:7 I:7 | HP:0/3 | GA | 124312-2017

Oh ... I hadn't noticed. Yellow then. Thanks.

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates

Kromrock moves into the room and shoots Yellow. But his shot misses Yellow and puts a hole in the wall.

GM Dice:

YRef: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Ref: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

Starlight sends lightning at Red and Yellow. Neither manage to get out of the way in time and get zapped. Professor Bun Bun launches a quip at Yellow and leaves the man spluttering in anger, distracting him. Nonetheless, Yellow pulls out a knife, advances into the flank with Red and stabs Lorch.

Dagger vs Lorch AC 19, FF: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Piercing, Sneak: 1d4 + 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + (1) + 2 = 5

Red pulls out a club and attempts to brain Lorch with it.

Club vs Lorch AC 19, FF: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Club vs Lorch AC 19, FF, MAP: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
Bludgeoning, Sneak: 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (2, 5) + 7 = 14

Pink pulls out his dagger and advances on Starlight.

Dagger vs Starlight AC 16: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Piercing + Sneak, Crit: 1d4 + 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + (1) + 2 = 7 Doubled to 14

"Aren't ye adorable. I'll make sure ta pull all yer stuffin' out!"

Round: 1-2
Tactical Map
Active Conditions: Inspire Courage (1/1)
Those with ** may go

**Professor Bun Bun, Q.T.E. - AC 18, 42/42
**Lorch - AC 19, 15/34
**Kromrock Crushmaster - AC 18 (20 w/shield), 30/30 (AC 20)
**Starlight Sparkle - AC 16, 13/27
Red (-9)
Yellow (-9)

**Bechamel Mornay - AC 20 (21 w/shield), 33/33
**Cirri Merryweather - AC 17, 20/20

Envoy's Alliance

F Orc PFS# 266667-2010 HP 34/34 | AC 19 | Saves 7/8/4 | Female Orc Fighter (Level 2) Hero Point 1 | Perception +6 |◆◇◈↺ |

Nvm I found it.

Envoy's Alliance

F Orc PFS# 266667-2010 HP 34/34 | AC 19 | Saves 7/8/4 | Female Orc Fighter (Level 2) Hero Point 1 | Perception +6 |◆◇◈↺ |

Lorch takes a ◆Step out of being flanked and tries to deal with Red ◆◆Double Slice Pick: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14 Pick Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8 Pick Critical damage: 2d10 + 4 ⇒ (4, 8) + 4 = 16 Necksplitter: 1d20 + 10 - 2 ⇒ (5) + 10 - 2 = 13 Slashing: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Verdant Wheel

PFS# 133608-2008 | ♥️ 32 | AC 18 | Saves 10/8/4 | Female Strix Undine Kineticist (Level 2) ☘️ 1 | Class DC 18 | Perception +4 |◆◇◈↺ | Kinetic Aura □ |

Cirri realizes her attempts at diplomacy have backfired.

Or as her father likes to say, diplomacy finally got spicy. She can't get a clear shot from here, so it's time for action. She sighs.

With her staff in her hands, she Strides into the room to get a closer look. "Wow, y'all really quick to choose violence, huh?" She shrugs as an aura of air bubbles form around her, turning her staff into a watery tool. She sets her sights against the Pink-clad foe.

>Weapon Infusion< to grant my melee elemental blast 10 feet of reach.
Water Blast, Level Bump, Inspire Courage: 1d20 + 7 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 7 + 1 + 1 = 19
Damage: 1d8 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 2 + 1 = 6

Water Blast, Level Bump, Inspire Courage: 1d20 + 7 + 1 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (8) + 7 + 1 + 1 - 5 = 12
Damage: 1d8 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 2 + 1 = 9

◆ Stride
◆ Channel Elements (comes with a free 1 action Impulse)
◇ Elemental Blast vs Pink
◆ Elemental Blast vs Pink

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