GM Whiterose |

Hello all,
I'm looking for five players (15 point buy) to save Korvosa with me. So, to that end let me give you some of the ground rules:
• Races: All standard races from the Pathfinder Core Rulebook will be allowed. Any other PC race will be considered on a case by case basis.
• Classes: All classes from any Paizo publication will be allowed as well as any archetype for those classes. Classes may be of the Original or the Unchained version except for the Summoner, which must be the Unchained version of the class.
• Alignment: Characters can be of any Good or Neutral alignment. No evil alignments will be allowed.
• Abilities: Characters will be based on the Standard Fantasy (15 point) buy, found in the PFRPG Core Rulebook on page 16. No ability can be raised higher than 18 (prior to racial modifiers). Only one ability may be lowered below 10 and that ability cannot be lowered below 8 (prior to racial modifiers).
• Skills: We will be using the background skills system
• Feats: Any feat from any Paizo publication will be acceptable.
• Traits: Character's will start with two traits, one of which MUST be from the Crimson Throne’s Player's Guide blog or the Hardcover edition.
• Hit Points: Characters will start out with Maximum hit points for their class at 1st level. Thereafter characters will either roll for their hit points, or accept 1/2 their class hit dice, whichever is greater.
• Starting Gold: Characters will either roll for their starting gold, or accept the average for their class, whichever is greater.
• Character Death: While I will not go out of my way to kill anyone I do fight my creatures intelligently so some times things happen. To that end a character is not considered dead until his hit points reach a negative score equal to or greater than his Constitution score plus his level.
• Posting Rate: I know some GM's like a posting rate of at least once a day, fortunately I'm not like most GM's. I understand that RL gets in the way and you can't always post every single day. As long as the story continues to flow I'm good with whatever rate you can muster. That being said any radio silence of more than a week (unless otherwise pre-arranged) will cause me to send a PM to see if everything is okay. Continued silence after that may cause me to boot you from the game and seek a replacement player.
Recruitment will be open until 6:00 p.m. (CDT) on Saturday March 18th.
I think I've covered pretty much everything but if you have any questions post them here or PM me and I'll respond as quickly as I can.
Thank you and good luck.

Dragoncat |

Dotting with a rogue in mind!
How would you feel about the Deadly Courtesan rogue archetype? The idea I have would basically be a half-elven entertainer/spy/poisoner from elsewhere who recently arrived in Korvosa and made the mistake of trusting Gaedren Lamm.
The Deadly Courtesan rogue archetype is normally limited to vishkanyas, but I don't see why it shouldn't be made available to other PC races.
Rogue GP: 4d10 ⇒ (10, 4, 8, 8) = 30 x 10 = 300 gp!

Johawn the Adventurer |

Dotting for interest.
Likely going with a fighter.
Or more likely a Cleric. I'm rather intrigued by the idea of an acolyte of either Abadar or Sarenrae with the 'Framed (Drop Out)' campaign trait. Innocent, but still separated from the official church, now acting alone with the populace or attempting to join the Korvosan Guard to try and do some good.

GM Whiterose |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Apologies everyone, I thought I had linked the blog post with the updated Player's Guide in my original post but it looks like I didn't. So here's the link:
Curse of the Crimson Throne Player's Guide

Tawni |

THIS Swashbuckler keeps trying to start this AP . . .. Time to resepc him, then!
Droppng to a 15 point buy. Hmmm. I'll probably also drop the archetype (or find another), as Inspired Blade wants 3 strong attributes.
Roll for gold or take average, whichever is better? Okay . . ..
Multiply by 10: 5d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 2, 6, 6) = 22
220GP is better than the 175GP average, so it looks like I can revisit the gear while I'm at it!

The Lobster |

GM, two questions, the first are you allowing drawbacks? And second, would you allow Shoanti Tattoo to also give access to the totem spear?

GM Whiterose |

GM, two questions, the first are you allowing drawbacks? And second, would you allow Shoanti Tattoo to also give access to the totem spear?
No, no drawbacks. I find very few players ever roleplay them. As for the totem spear I'd allow it as a replacement for the Shoanti Bolas proficiency from the Shoanti Tattoo.

The Lobster |

The Lobster wrote:GM, two questions, the first are you allowing drawbacks? And second, would you allow Shoanti Tattoo to also give access to the totem spear?No, no drawbacks. I find very few players ever roleplay them. As for the totem spear I'd allow it as a replacement for the Shoanti Bolas proficiency from the Shoanti Tattoo.
Funnily half of why I ask is for the roleplay element; I don't know who this person is yet and a drawback and an extra trait would help me find more of the backstory. My two longest running characters on the boards were both heavily defined by their drawback too, but I understand it absolutely as a valid concern
Thanks for the leeway in editing the trait, much appreciated

Torilgrey |

Gold: 5d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 1, 2, 4) = 12
Odver Trask
Human (Chelaxian) slayer 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 53)
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +4
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee kukri +3 (1d4+5/18-20) or
. . ranseur +3 (2d4+7/×3) or
. . spiked gauntlet +3 (1d4+5)
Ranged shortbow +3 (1d6/×3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with ranseur)
Special Attacks studied target +1 (1st, move action)
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Phalanx Formation, Power Attack
Traits good folk (any city), missing son or daughter
Skills Acrobatics +3 (-1 to jump), Bluff +0 (+2 with creatures whose attitude is friendly or helpful), Craft (armor) +2, Craft (weapons) +2, Diplomacy +0 (+2 with creatures whose attitude is friendly or helpful), Disable Device +0, Disguise +0 (+2 with creatures whose attitude is friendly or helpful), Intimidate +4 (+6 with creatures whose attitude is friendly or helpful), Knowledge (local) +4, Perception +4, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +3
Languages Common
SQ track +1
Combat Gear oil; Other Gear studded leather, arrows (20), kukri, ranseur, shortbow, spiked gauntlet, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, chalk (3), charcoal, fishhook, flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), mess kit[UE], parchment (3), pot, sewing needle, thieves' tools, thread (50 ft.), tindertwig, torch (10), trail rations (5), twine (50')[APG], waterskin, 1 gp, 1 sp, 5 cp
Special Abilities
Phalanx Formation Allies don't provide soft cover to opponents when wielding a reach weapon.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Studied Target +1 (move action, 1 at a time) (Ex) Study foe as a Move action, gain +1 to att/dam & some skills vs. them.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to Survival checks made to track.
Odver looked down in disgust at the man in the alleyway. Dammit Tomas, let's go home... good boy.. and then sauntered down the alleyway toward the ramshackle dwelling where once Odver, Lissa, and young Jamis all lived. But that was a long time ago...
Odver had been looking for Lamm for four years, since his son disappeared from right in front of his smithy. Rumors had filtered to the smith through the city, and the Watch was sympathetic, but couldn’t commit to help another down-on-their luck Korvosan living on the edge of poverty with another missing kid. Jamis was a fun young man, and his father’s world. Tomas knew that, since Jamis had picked him from the litter when he was born, and cared for him every day for a year. But Tomas couldn’t stop the men who took Jamis, and Odver was busy with a client to listen to his son’s dog barking.
Four years Odver had been looking for Gaedran Lamm, searching the city, high and low. For the first month, he’d contented to let the Guard do its work, then one month became two, and then three, and the smith lost his temper. Doing so cost him his smithy, the only other thing he had in his life after the boy’s mother, Lissa, had passed away from one of the many diseases which ravaged the slums of Korvosa.
For four years Odver and Tomas set out each day, learning the city’s mean streets. From the Shingles to the docks, he prowled; sometimes appearing from nowhere to rescue a wealthy patron, or interrupt a mugging. And people were always happy for help, Odver didn’t hide behind a mask like Blackjack did, he was just a man, looking for his kid. He always felt a step behind in locating his child, in finding Jamis. But each day he still went and waited at the local Korvosan Guard’s station nearest him, waiting for word of his missing son. The Sergeant, Raxor, took to meeting him in the alleyway and sharing a pipe with Odver, and would tell Odver of the developments from the night before, but never any information on Jamis, or any clue as to where his son had gone.
Odver wasn’t young any longer, and checking with the guards meant less time prowling the morgues and beerstalls listening for rumors of missing kids in the city – just go right to the source he said, and check with the Watch. Of course, the Watch couldn’t do anything, they suspected, but had no real power in the slums where Lamm hid himself from the law. So each day Odver hunted, Tomas by his side...

Trinity Vladu |

Here is the submission for Nightfiend. Support Bard (Arcane healer) 1. Let me know if anything needs to be changed. Good luck to everyone.
As a Child
Between the wind and the heavy rain, the inclement weather had taken its toll on a nearby circus caravan. Heavy rainfall was not uncommon for Korvosa this time of year. Over the last three days, the mud on the road had gotten to the point where the caravan couldn’t travel any farther. In anticipation of the poor weather, the caravan leaders made preparations to camp for the night. The cadence of rain, being blown up against the side of the wagons, sounded like a miniature percussion serenade. Three days of repetitive rain, with no crescendo, no forte, nothing but a continuous tapping rhythm, which only gave way to the occasional crackle of thunder.
In the back of one of the older wagons, a young girl sat, curled up in a warm blanket. Huddled close to one of the few lanterns still lit in the camp, the young girl waited patiently for her father’s return. The old lantern provided only a small amount of light, in an otherwise pitch-black night. Occasionally the wind would produce a deep howl, as if to let her know that she wasn’t alone. On those occasions the lantern would move just enough to cause the nearby shadows to look as if they had taken on a life of their own. The lightening, the shadows, even the thunder didn’t seem to worry the young girl more than the mental images of what her father might be up to.
Trinity’s father had been gone for three nights, which was much longer than she was used to. She hated the loneliness that seemed to always visit in his absence. Her young body quivered with every thought of his return. The storm finally came cascading down, with a crack of thunder that sounded like a tree being ripped apart.
Trinity watched as her father’s silhouette staggered through the rain. With every ounce of her heart, she wanted to run to his aid. She loved him and feared him in the same breath. She yearned for his return, even though she knew what it meant. He was her only connection in the world, her only friend, and her only family.
As he approached the old wagon, the light from the lantern finally revealed the truth of the night. He was dripping wet, from head to toe. His dusky old clothes were torn in multiple places, and he was covered in blood. His hand trembled as he dropped a small, curved blade into a puddle at his feet. The young girl, sickened with the thought of what her father had done, turned and bolted for the security of her warm bed. Curled up in the bed’s embrace, Trinity cried endlessly, knowing her father had once again claimed the life of an innocent young girl.
The caravan traveled throughout the southern parts of Varisia and into Ustalav. It specialized in the unusual and hard to explain. Trinity’s father was an animal handler, who supervised most of the performing animals in the caravan. People remember him as being one of the best animal trainers in Varisia. History paints a much darker picture of the man’s private life.
Trinity spent most of her childhood watching the one person she loved, destroy endless lives. Her father preyed upon young girls between the ages of thirteen and sixteen. She never witnessed him in the act, but she always knew when it happened. It usually didn’t take more than a day, before she heard people talking about her father’s horrific deeds. The darkness followed them from town to town as her father continued to indulge his dark appetite.
When Trinity turned twelve, she decided that she couldn’t stand by while her father killed any young girls. She decided to tell someone about his afterhours activities. It was a hard decision for a young girl to make. It was even harder to watch, as the Hell Knights brought his reign of terror to an end.
After the Arrest
The rain had taken its toll on the streets of Korvosa. Trinity hoped the foul weather would postpone her father’s execution, but the city’s watch showed no sign of wear from the rain. She prayed for mercy on his soul while the order’s headsman placed a large wicker basket in front of a thick beheading block. The look in her father’s eyes displayed panic while two men escorted him over to the blood-stained block and then forced him to kneel before it. The headsman waited patiently for the proclamation that would signify the official beginning of the execution. Her father struggled against the two men as they forced his head down onto the block and then strapping him to it. He pleaded helplessly for his life but found no mercy from the crowd that had gathered. Trinity’s lips tightened as the court arbiters proclaimed her father to be fairly judged and sentenced to death. Trinity tried to close her eyes but couldn’t look away. The headsman stood next to her father and then glared at the crowd for effect. With his powerful arms, he raised the executioners axe high into the air. With every ounce of force, he could muster, he brought the axe’s blade down with lethal force. The blow was precise, which severed the lower part of her father’s neck and a portion of his left shoulder. Eventually the executioner removed his axe from the block, which allowed her father’s head to roll forward and into the wicker basket. Trinity watched, with tear-filled eyes, as her father’s body began to spasm. His lifeless body struggled agents the finality of death. She watched, as his blood slowly mix with the heavy rain that ran down the stage and into the street. She stood paralyzed, staring at the wicker basket, as the crowed slowly dissipated. Soon she found herself standing alone, soaked to the bone, with nothing but a dark memory of what once was her life.
Hungry and alone, the daughter of a killer found little sympathy from the people of Korvosa. After hours of wandering the city’s streets, Trinity was approached by man named Gaedren Lamm, who offered her comfort and a place to call home. Unfortunately, his compassion came at a price. Before she knew it, she found herself among many other children who had also been adopted by Mr. Lamm for one purpose. To serve in his organized crime syndicate. The children were taught how to steal and kill in his behalf. They were instructed on how to lie in a way that would entice sympathy from adults, and how to frame innocent people for their misdeeds. Although she did her best to keep up, it didn’t take long before Trinity grew weary of the deeds. She felt like Mr. Lamm’s organization would take her down a path so dark that it might end the same way her fathers did. Having sever doubts about her current circumstances, she planned to seek help, but found herself a bit too late.
Gaedren had known for quite some time that Trinity had reservations about performing his assignments and had made arrangement for her to disappear. After a brutal attack, her body was discarded along one of the city’s trash sights. Fortunately, Trinity survived the attack and was later found by a priest of Sarenrae.
Embraced by the church, she spent the remainder of her youth learning about Sarenrae and following the god’s path. She found solace and forgiveness within the morals of those who embraced the church’s teachings. Set on a new path of redemption, Trinity became an unbreakable beacon of light and an unshakable voice for good. Set with a new perspective, the murder’s daughter set out to repave her path by righting many of the wrong’s she had witnessed in her childhood.
Because of her history, Trinity has become slightly ridged when dealing with anyone who tends to travel in the gray areas of life. That being said, she tends to see the best in people, giving most new acquaintances the benefit of the doubt. Her somewhat naive perspective has ended in disappointment on more than one occasion, yet she insists on embracing a positive point of view.
Trinity no longer cowers from the judgment of others who see her as a reflection of her father’s deeds. She wears Sarenrae’s holy symbol proudly and is turned off by anyone who is unwilling to at least consider the importance of her god. She is steadfast in her conviction and believes that she needs to live up to a higher expectation of morality in order to offset her father’s deeds.
Commoners generally see Trinity as an emotionally strong women with little time for play or jokes. Although she presents this image, Trinity still sees herself as the frightened little girl curled up in her bed waiting for her father’s return. Her ambitions include furthering her belief, finding out who her mother is, and bringing those that have strayed from the church back into the fold. In addition, she intends to someday bring Gaedren Lamm to justice.
Trinity is a 5’9” tall Varisian women with long curly black hair. She has blue eyes and is fair skinned. When not armed, she wears a traveler’s outfit which includes a cloak, wide brim black hat, and a blue scarf. When geared, she wears studded armor. Generally, she carries a rapier on her left hip next to a curled-up scorpion whip.

GM Whiterose |

Here you go!
Camris, the trait Dockside Avenger, while it is a trait for Curse of the Crimson Throne, it is from Varisia: Birthplace of Legends and not from the Hardcover edition. Please limit your choices to those available from that book.
Also, I am not running with the EitR feat taxes.
Cwethan Owner - Gator Games & Hobby |

Hi GM, I'm planning on applying with Cova, a Half-Orc frontliner of Shoanti descent (though raised outside of any Quah in Korvosa).
Before I get too far into any crunch I wanted to confirm my reading of the Fast Healer feat. Would that apply to magically gained Fast Healing (i.e. Infernal Healing or a Spelleating Bloodrager.

Solicitor |

I'm thinking of a conjurer wizard who attended the Acadamae. He ultimately got caught by one of life's tidal waves and swept away into a bad place before graduating. The 'Framed - Dropout' trait will fit like a glove.
The specialization isn't set in stone but it fits the Acadamae. Perhaps an illusionist might be fun, but, illusions are often tricky when it comes to the rules (RAW, RAI, what the DM thinks is possible, what the player thinks he can do with them) and I honestly don't want any of that :)

Yelena Stanescu |

Yelena is a Cartomancer Witch who heavily relies on her Harrow deck, (a heirloom from her grandmother), both in and out of combat. There's a good chance I will eventually take her into the Harrower Prestige Class. She'll be focused primarily on buffing/debuffing rather than direct damage.
The exact build and a longer backstory are in the profile. Please let me know if you have any questions/concerns!
When Olivia died in an unfortunate accident, Adrian decided to settle down in Korvosa rather than stay with the caravan that reminded him of his loss. At first Yelena chose to continue traveling with her grandmother. However when Tereza also died, Yelena decided it was time to settle down and cling to the family she had left. Her father, new stepmother Titia, and half-brother Victor all welcomed her with open arms. For years she lived a simple but comfortable life, helping her parents run their small shop during the day while performing readings in the local tavern at night.
Then Victor disappeared. At ten years old he’d been trusted to run a quick errand down to the market. He never came back. The guard shrugged their shoulders and said people vanished every day in Korvosa; with no leads there was nothing they could do. As the weeks passed Yelena frantically performed reading after reading in the hopes of learning where her brother had gone. While she received no concrete answers, the cards reassured her that Victor was still alive.
The latest rumors on the street have led her to Gaedren Lamm. A despicable man known for kidnapping children, there’s a chance Victor is now one of “Lamm’s Lambs.” Unfortunately he’s a difficult man to pin down. Still, Yelena refuses to give up hope. She will find Lamm, and by extension Victor.
She’s read it in the cards.

GM Whiterose |

Hi GM, I'm planning on applying with Cova, a Half-Orc frontliner of Shoanti descent (though raised outside of any Quah in Korvosa).
Before I get too far into any crunch I wanted to confirm my reading of the Fast Healer feat. Would that apply to magically gained Fast Healing (i.e. Infernal Healing or a Spelleating Bloodrager.
I would say yes to both those things. As as far as Infernal Healing goes you would receive the bonus hit points on the first round of the spell.

Yelena Stanescu |

I completely forgot that we could roll for gold. Do the dice gods bless me?
Starting Gold: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 1) = 4 Nope, sticking with the average!
Also, question for the GM. The Harrower prestige class requires 5 ranks in Perform (Any). Would you consider 5 ranks in Profession (Fortuneteller) as a substitute? Yelena takes her readings very seriously so that makes more sense to me than Perform.

GM Whiterose |

I completely forgot that we could roll for gold. Do the dice gods bless me?
[dice=Starting Gold]3d6 Nope, sticking with the average!
Also, question for the GM. The Harrower prestige class requires 5 ranks in Perform (Any). Would you consider 5 ranks in Profession (Fortuneteller) as a substitute? Yelena takes her readings very seriously so that makes more sense to me than Perform.
I would prefer to keep it as Perform (my Harrower used Perform (oratory)).

SqueezeMeNow |
How did I miss this recruitment for the better part of a week? Looking at recruitment you are loaded with frontliners, skillful classes, and divine. Guess that means I should try my hand at an arcane caster. Hmmmm.
I have a few ideas swimming about for an arcanist. May as well roll the dice for starting gold.
Gold roll x 10: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 5) = 8
Well, that beats the average. Off to a cracking start.
I'm thinking a lucky b&~@##*@ artist of an arcanist. Taking tricks from human racial feats, and stolen sorcerer/wizard features to give him bonuses to rolls or replace rolls.

Cwethan Owner - Gator Games & Hobby |

Cwethan wrote:I would say yes to both those things. As as far as Infernal Healing goes you would receive the bonus hit points on the first round of the spell.Hi GM, I'm planning on applying with Cova, a Half-Orc frontliner of Shoanti descent (though raised outside of any Quah in Korvosa).
Before I get too far into any crunch I wanted to confirm my reading of the Fast Healer feat. Would that apply to magically gained Fast Healing (i.e. Infernal Healing or a Spelleating Bloodrager.
But despite her mother's wishes, over time Cova grew tired of waiting for a return that in all likelihood would never happen. She found a life for herself in service to the Korvosan Guard, and new purpose in protecting her community. She found love, and what she hoped would be happiness. It was certainly passion.
And then everything seemed to curdle.
Rowan, her beloved, had a temper that matched Cova's own, and they were equally used to tempestuous arguments when the two of them disagreed. But those arguments were coming more and more frequently, and Rowan's retreat into Shiver and other intoxicants was just another source of their arguments with Cova.
After a particularly bad fight, Cova had stormed out, throwing herself into her work and to late nights with the other guards.
When she came home a week later, Rowan was dead.
Cova's furies have only grown since then; it only took a few Incidents for her to be dismissed from the Guard, but that rage still needed an outlet. She still tries to help her community, to protect them from the predators and leeches who dwell in their midst, though now she does so with a bared blade instead of a padded truncheon, and a murderous stare instead of a badge. Recently though, a name has made its way to her ears, whispered by empties and her friends in the guard who are tired of the hogslop left in the wake of the Shiver trade.
Gaedren Lamm.
She's coming.
Half Orc Arcane Bloodrager (Primalist, Spell-Eater)
Str 18
Dex 10
Con 14
Int 8
Wis 10
Cha 12
HP 13/13
AC 14 (+4 armor)
CMD 15 (+1 BAB, +4 Str)
Fort +6 (+2 Base, +2 Con, +2 Luck)
Ref +2 (+2 Luck)
Will +4 (+2 Luck. +2 Familiar)
Speed 30'
Initiative 0
BAB +1
CMB +5
Greataxe +5 d12+6 x3
Sling +1 d4+4
Club +5 d6+6
Climb +6 (1 rank, +3 class, +4 Str, -2 ACP)
Intimidate +5 (1 rank, +3 class, +1 Cha)
Knowledge (Local) +6 (1 rank, +3 class, -1 Int, +2 Racial, +1 Trait)
Perception +4 (1 rank, +3 class)
Languages: Shoanti, Taldane
Special Abilities:
Favored Class Bloodrager +1hp
Skilled: As a second-generation half-orc, Cova favors her human heritage more than her orc heritage. She gains 1 additional skill rank per level.
Orc Blood: Cova counts as both a human and an orc.
Sacred Tattoo: Cova's skin is decorated with a plethora of tattoos, piercings, and ritual scarification, sacred markings to her and her people. She gains a +1 luck bonus on saving throws.
Shaman's Apprentice: Only the most stalwart survive the years of harsh treatment that an apprenticeship to a shaman entails. Cova possesses Endurance as a bonus feat.
Bloodrage 6 rounds/day
Bloodline Familiar: Cova has a hedgehog protector familiar in lieu of her 1st level bloodline power
Spells Cova casts that target her familiar are treated as having a caster level 2 levels higher than her actual caster level.
Endurance: Harsh conditions or long exertions do not easily tire Cova.
She gains a +4 bonus on the following checks and saves: Swim checks made to resist nonlethal damage from exhaustion; Constitution checks made to continue running; Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march; Constitution checks made to hold her breath; Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst; Fortitude saves made to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments; and Fortitude saves made to resist damage from suffocation.
Cova may sleep in light or medium armor without becoming fatigued.
Diehard: Cova is especially hard to kill. Not only do her wounds automatically stabilize when grievously injured, but she can remain conscious and continue to act even at death's door.
When her hit point total is below 0, but Cova is not dead, she automatically stabilizes. She may choose to act as if she were disabled, rather than dying. She must make this decision as soon as she is reduced to negative hit points.
Fate's Favored: The fates watch over Cova. Whenever she is under the effect of a luck bonus of any kind, that bonus increases by 1.
Addicted Friend: Cova's research into the drug scene and local politics has given her a respectable education in street knowledge. She gains a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (local) checks, and Knowledge (local) is a class skill for you.
Gear: Greataxe, Leather Lamellar, Club, Sling (10 bullets), Bloodrager's Kit 15gp 5sp.
Her Familiar
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +1
AC 19, touch 17, flat-footed 16 (+3 Dex, +2 natural, +4 size)
hp 6 (1d8)
Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1
Unarmed +8
Speed 20 ft.
Space 1 ft., Reach 0 ft.
Str 1, Dex 16, Con 6, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 7
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 5 (9 vs. trip)
Feats Athletic, Bodyguard, Combat Reflexes
Skills Climb +9, Intimidate -1, Knowledge (Local) -1, Perception +5, Stealth +19, Swim +9
Special Abilities:
Empathic Link (Su): Cova has an empathic link with Anvyi to a 1 mile distance. She can communicate empathically with the familiar, but cannot see through his eyes. Because of the link's limited nature, only general emotions can be shared. The master has the same connection to an item or place that his familiar does.
Loyal Bodyguard (Ex): Anvyi gains Bodyguard and Combat Reflexes as bonus feats. If he is sharing Cova’s square, he can use Bodyguard to aid another to improve her AC even if he doesn’t threaten the attacking foe, though he still needs line of effect to its master and the attacker.
Share Spells: Cova may cast a spell with a target of “You” on her familiar (as a touch spell) instead of on herself, even if the spells do not normally affect creatures of the familiar's type (magical beast).
Spiny Defense (Ex) As a move action, a hedgehog can roll itself up into a spiny ball. While rolled up, it gains a +1 enhancement bonus to its existing natural armor, and any creature attempting to grapple the hedgehog takes 1d3 damage on making a grapple check. While rolled up, a hedgehog cannot take any action other than leaving this state. The hedgehog can leave this state as a move action.
Starting Gold?: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 3) = 6 105 it is. Yeesh - that's actually low enough I'll have trouble getting a falchion at level one. Greataxe it is!

hustonj |
What I currently see as applicants.
Characters alphabetic by name, accounts alphabetic by primary handle:
Submissions (9 so far?):
Usmo - Kal Cordin - N M Human Arcanist (Occultist) - Drug Addict: Personal Addiction
Camris - Sgt. Dolph Drakus - LN M Humna Fighter (Phalanx Soldier) - Framed: Family Honor
Cwethan - Cova Farseeker - ? F Half-Orc Arcane Bloodrager (Primalist; Spell-Eater) - Drug Addict: Addicted Friend
Stormraven - Hei-Wa - LN M Tian-Dan Unchained Monk - Framed: Family Honor - planned multiclass w/ Unchained Rogue
Ever-anon - Yelena Stanescu - CG F human Witch (Cartomancer) - Love Lost: Missing Sibling
hustonj - Tawni - NG M Varisian Swashbuckler (Base) - Betrayed: Reformed Criminal
Torilgrey - Odver Trask - CG M Chelaxian Slayer (Base?) - Love Lost: Missing Son
Nightfiend - Trinity Vladu - NG F Human Bard (Arcane Healer) - Betrayed: Reformed Criminal
Dots (12):
Archpaladin Zousha - Warpriest
Cwethan - "frontliner"
Daynen - u Barbarian - Love Lost
Dragoncat - Rogue?
Fluidsynchronicity - Spiritualist?
Hack Anslash - Fighter
The Lobster - Inquisitor - Personal Addiction
Mokeygod - ?
Smiles-a-lot- Investigator?
Solicitor - Conjurtaion Wizard?
SqueezeMeNow - Arcanist?
TClegg1024 - ?